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Brodie/??? Segment

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(A shaky, home camera recorder cuts to a bar, which we see Brodie in there, making her way through the crowd. Of course, since most are OAOAST fans, they part to the side for her in case she feels like randomly killing them. The camera makes its way towards where Brodie is sitting at the bar and the person filming persumingly sits besides her.)



You got my money?


(The camera nods, and after a moment of shaking, a gloved hand produces a plain, white envelope. Brodie immediately opens it up, counts what's in it and gives an approving nod.)



Good doin' business with ya. Oh, and when everyone finds out who you are, they are goin' to freak.


(And with a final laugh, Brodie gets up and leave as the camera is suddenly turned off.)



Just disgusting!


(It seems that Ashley Street agrees with Cole's assessment, as the AngleTron shows her shaking her head in disgust.)



Ashley obviously feeling the disgust at her friend getting nearly life-threatening injuries for a mere $7500. Our hopes and prayers are with Jenny and her recovery.

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