Tony149 0 Report post Posted August 18, 2005 Feel pretty good about the match. Rewrote the ending and aftermath, not as crisp as I would of liked, but it'll do as I still have to touchup the tag title match. That should be posted tomorrow afternoon/early evening. Don't you just love it when the writers leave comments in their match threads? Yeah. It makes me feel good too. * DING * DING * DING * DING * We return ringside with Michael Buffer standing on the ring steps by the cage door with a microphone. BUFFER This is the HeldDOWN~! main event of the evening. It is set for one fall and is sanction by the OAOAST Board of Directors and state athletic commission. When the bell rings your referee in charge is Nick Patrick. As agreed by both parties, the New New Midnight Express will leave the OAOAST if they lose tonight. Now let's meet the participants. CUE: "Chase" "BOOOOOOOOOO!" Jim Cornette, wearing a neck brace, leads the New New Midnight Express to the ring. Sarcastic Simon swats away a few hands reaching over the guardrail. The Midnights stop at the ring steps and have a brief chat with their manager as they remove their vests. BUFFER Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by their manager the legendary Jim Cornette. Weighing a combined 460 pounds, the two-time professional wrestling tag team champions of the world, "Sarcastic" Simon and the "Handsome Hustler" Ned Blanchard, the New New Midnight Ex-x-xpres-s-s-s-s! Simon and Ned scoope out their surroundings. Ned shaking the fence wall. VENTURA Look at what that floozy Holly-Wood did to poor James E., Cole. It pains me to see Jim Cornette walk around injured. COLE (sarcastically) Me too, Jess. Me, too. Back over to Michael Buffer. VENTURA Don't get smart with, Cole. BUFFER And their opponents. "YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The fans are sent into a frenzy as "G's & Soilders" hits. The trio pose at the top of the rampway. Synth and Logan back-to-back, with Holly pressed up against her boyfriend Logan. Pyro SHOOTS out behind them, the white puffs of smoke resembling clouds. BUFFER Accompanied to the ring by Arista Records publicist Holly-Wood. From Sin City, weighing 432 pounds, the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all-time... THE HEAVENLY R-R-ROCKERS! COLE The 3 stop to inspect the cage. 15 feet high. Cold, rusty steel. Cages are normally for criminals and terrorists. Tonight it will be for 4 men. Two of the top teams in the OAOAST. Both teams will come out battered and bruised, but only one will be able to walk out as winners. No escape. Pinfall or submission only. VENTURA The way it oughta be. Ned Blanchard, the Handsome Hustler, thrusts his pelvis in the direction of Holly. She yawns. Logan, however, simulates grating Ned's head into the cage. Synth hands his leather jacket and sunglasses to a female attendent ringside. Logan chooses to give his items to his girl. Holly puts them on, matching well with her leather pants and white top. COLE Holly looking hot as always. VENTURA Yeah. She looks like the Terminator with the sunglasses and leather jacket. Considering what she did to James E. last week, she has the emotions of an android as well. COLE I admit, in the past Holly wasn't exactly the most cheerful. One online writer described her as "perpetually bored and apathetic to the world around her." But since she's fallen in love with Logan, she's been more open with her feelings. She's mellowed somewhat, but she's still one tough cookie. VENTURA You make it sound so innocent. She DDT'd Cornette 3 times, Cole! COLE Hey, now, I don't condone what she did. But you know the saying -- "payback's a..." VENTURA I hope you remember that, Michael Cole. I don't know, Schiavone or Matthews spreading lies on television if somebody puts a stop to Holly's irrational behavior. Nick Patrick stands in the center of the ring, his legs spread and arms out to keep each team in their respective corners. Senior official Earl Hebner patrols the cage door. COLE As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, two referees have been assigned to this match -- Earl Hebner and Nick Patrick. Earl will roam on the outside, while Nick will serve as the referee inside. Another excellent decision by our new GM. VENTURA If there ever was a match that needed two referee's, this is probably it. The New New Midnight Express get some last-minute words from Jim Cornette. The Heavenly Rockers high five each other. Synth giving Logan and Holly a thumbs up sign. He'll start the match for his team, Sarcastic Simon for his. The other two men step out on the ring apron wide enough only for the wrestlers to stand on, not much room to lean back other than a couple of inches. Nick Patrick asks Synth and Simon if they're ready, they signal yes, and Nick calls for the bell. * DING DING * Synth and Simon circle around. The realization that they're trapped like animals, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, sinking in. Simon winces as Earl shuts the door behind him. He and Synth step forward to the center of the ring and lockup, Simon grabbing a side headlock and being fired off to the ropes. Shoulderblock takes Synth off his feet, Simon hitting the far side and going under a leapfrog, getting caught on the rebound with a hip toss. COLE Synth going for the quick pin! ONE... KICKOUT! COLE Side headlock takeover. One-- Simon rolls onto his side, keeping the shoulder from making contact with the mat. Synth wrenching the neck. The Heavenly Rockers strategy very apparent early on, Jess -- go for quick pins. VENTURA Not a bad strategy at all. The Heavenly Rockers don't have much to lose. They win and the New New Midnight Express are out of the OAOAST. Which is why I'm confused, Cole. Why would James E. agree to this match? There ain't nothing in it for him and his team. Lose and you're gone from the #1 promotion in the world. COLE Good question; one I tried asking James E. Cornette earlier in the day, but he declined comment. I'm not so sure he did agree to the match. It was Nar-- excuse me, he wants to be referred to as the "Handsome Hustler" Ned Blanchard now. It was Ned who said -- in the heat of the moment and while Jim Cornette was being looked over in the trainer's room, I might add -- they'd would leave the OAOAST if the Heavenly Rockers could beat them. VENTURA That's brilliant, Cole. COLE What is? VENTURA Cornette has the Midnights power of attorney, right? COLE Right. VENTURA That means if they happened to lose the match, James E. could aruge the match was signed without his consent and Ned was temporarily insane when he made the challenge. Hell, everybody pleads temporary insanity nowadays. COLE Temporary insanity may be the "in" thing, but Ned verbally agreed to the match. He certainly didn't look temporarily insane. VENTURA For all we know, he coulda been spaced out on painkillers after suffering through the Hollywood Groove. Still grounded on the mat in a headlock, Simon rolls Synth over onto his back for a two count. After he shifts his weight back, Simon rolls him back over for another two count. He gets back to a vertical base and sends Synth off to the ropes. Simon brought down with a shoulderblock, Synth quickly falling on top of him. ONE... TW-- KICKOUT! Singleton with a double-leg takedown into an attempt side headlock, Synth countering into a hammerlock. Simon gets back to his feet and takes Synth down with a drop toehold. He runs across the back of the Synthmeister and hits the ropes. Synth drops down, Simon skipping over and nailing the drummer of the Heavenly Rockers with a SWINGING NECKBREAKER as he lowers the head on the rebound. Scoope slam. The high-flier going up to the top. COLE NASA's favorite wrestler getting ready for take-off. Logan summons the destrucity of the Warrior as he begins SHAKING the ropes, to the displeasure of Ned Blanchard and Jim Cornette. Off-screen, the cameras pick up Holly quipping "there's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on." Ventura groans on commentary. Simon struggling to keep his footing. Logan's action gives his partner enough time to recover and connect with a couple of rights to the mid-section. He then SLAMS Singleton off the top! ONE... NO! COLE The Handsome Hustler with the save after some great teamwork from the Heavenly Rockers. VENTURA Teamwork?! You call that teamwork?! That was illegal double-teaming. You aren't allowed to shake the ropes while somebody is going up to the top. What if Simon had fallen and broken his neck? Would you be calling it "great teamwork"? COLE ... Simon slammed again, this time near the corner. Synth perches himself on the second turnbuckle, Ned coming over and grabbing Synth's leg to prevent him from coming off. Synth pounds Blanchard in the upper back with closed fists, Ned holding on like there's no tomorrow. Logan, from seemingly out of nowhere, jumps on Ned. The Handsome Hustler cowering in the corner, his hair being pulled by Mann. Nick Patrick physically restrains Logan. Jim Cornette taunting from outside. Synth re-positions himself on the second turnbuckle, ready to jump off until Ned rushes back over and shoves him. Synth hitting nothing but canvas. VENTURA Now [i]that's[/i] great teamwork, Cole. COLE You gotta be kiddin' me, Jess. What's the difference between what the Heavenly Rockers did compared to the New New Midnight Express? VENTURA The Midnights did it behind the referee's back, that's what! The New New Midnight Express. Ned taking over the reigns for his team. Synth shakes off the cobwebs and leapfrogs over an incoming Ned, snapping Blanchard over with a POWERSLAM as he comes back off the ropes. ONE... TW-- KICKOUT! Synth puts Ned in a headlock and takes him over to the corner, tagging in Logan! "YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" COLE Would you listen to this crowd? The crowd erupting as the two main players in this feud will be inside the ring together surround by a 15 foot high steel cage! They are amp to the max, Jesse. VENTURA The electricity in the air causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up, Michael Cole. And you know what I love about this? Ned ain't backing down one bit. The two standing tall in the middle of the ring. Words being exchanged. And I gotta believe, Cole, fists will be shortly. COLE Looks like we're gonna have a test of strength. VENTURA A move I was fond of in my day. Here's a question for you, Cole. Why does Logan wear a silver glove? COLE Fashion statement? I don't know, Jess. I'm not exactly the hippest guy in the world. VENTURA A lot of the guys he's hit with that left hook have gone down like a ton of bricks. It ain't for his music career, that's for sure. The last musican who wore a sparkling silver got -- he got in trouble with the law, you know. He wanted Billy rather than Billie Jean. Logan and Ned engage in a Grecko-Roman knucklelock. It doesn't last long, however, as Ned uses the left leg to kick away Logan's arm, following it right up with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK that misses its target -- Logan's head. Mann with an atomic drop near the ropes, Ned's momentum sending him stumbling head-first into the cage! Blanchard staggers around -- wicked LEFT HOOK! VENTURA Now we know why he wears the glove, don't we? Forgetting he's locked inside a cage, Ned falls through the ropes and hits nothing but steel. He gets up, holding the back of his head. He's about to hold more of it too, as Logan repeatedly rams him backwards into the cage. Mann pulls Ned's body over the top rope, his feet hung on the top. Blanchard dropped face-first onto the canvas, then stomped on both hands. Ned flapping his hands to rub off the pain. Blanchard whipped to the ropes and sent high into the air, nearly back dropped into the cage! Ned landing awkwardly on the back of his neck. He rolls onto his stomach. Mann off the far side with an ASAI MOONSAULT onto the back. He rolls him over for the cover, hooking the leg. ONE... TWO... TH-- NO! Logan takes Ned up for a suplex, but Blanchard floats over the top and connects with a sidekick sqaure to the jaw. Instead of going for the pin, Ned smartly tags in the fresher man. Simon covers Logan. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! COLE Mann rammed head-first into the top turnbuckle. So far the cage serving more as defensive weapon. VENTURA Yeah, I'm a bit surprise by that. I would've figured given the teams involved and the hatred they have for one another that the cage would be used more as an offensive weapon. I think as the match goes on, we'll see more of the cage used. Logan trapped in the corner. * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" Snapmare takeover, Singleton using the middle rope as a springboard to stomp Mann's chest. Logan's head placed underneath the bottom rope, which Simon steps down on to choke Mann. Nick Patrick starting his 5 count. As Singleton breaks on 4, Patrick gently brushes him back. Simon not having a problem obliging by the rules since Ned comes over and puts the boots to Logan. Nick Patrick having to cut Synth off as he goes to stop Ned. Tag made, Blanchard officially returning. His first act is to pick Logan off the ground and SPEAR him head-first into the cage! Ned hangs Logan's neck on the middle rope. He hits the ropes and rotates in mid-air, dropping the BUTT down on Mann. Ned stutter-struts across the ring, swiveling his hips for Holly. VENTURA She's practically drooling over the Handsome Hustler. "Oh, yeah. Come a little close, Neddy bear. I want to feel you. I want you to make me a women right here," she's saying. COLE She is not! Ned taunts Synth, begging him to come in. He goes to the well one too many times, crotching himself on the middle rope after trying to crash all the weight down on Mann. Ned bounces off the ropes, in obvious pain. Synth sticking his head through the ropes and clapping so Logan knows which corner to come to. Simultaneously, the Heavenly Rockers and New New Midnight Express make a tag. Simon charges the Heavenly Rockers' corner in hopes of catching Synth coming in, but it's Synth who catches Simon coming in. Kicking him in the jaw as he swings over the top, landing perfectly in the ring. Synth sees Ned sneaking up on him out of the corner of his eye, and hip tosses him over. Simon slammed to the mat. The crowd pops big when Ned gets thrown in the cage. Singleton from behind with a clubber forearm shot, followed by a stinging knife-edge chop. Synth backed against the ropes and whipped across the ring. The Synthmeister ducking under a clothesline and wiping out Sarcastic Simon with a spinning back elbow! The cover. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! Singleton RAKES the eyes. He tries ramming Synth in the cage, but Synth puts the hands up and blocks it. He stuns Simon with a quick gut shot and tries ramming him into the cage, but Simon falls down on his BUTT and crawls backwards to his corner. Ned helping his partner up, patting him on the back. Cornette voicing his support as well. The legal men are paired off in the corners, talking things over with their partners. It's like we're back at square one as Sarcastic Simon and Synth lockup under the hot ring lights. Some hot action already. Simon luring Synth into a false sense of security and then kicking him in the mid-section. Singleton with a few clubbering blows to the back, shoving Synth in the corner. Synth nailed with a right that echos throughout the arena. Speaking of echos throughout the arena... * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" Synth turns the tables, throwing Simon into the corner * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" Simon grabs his pecs, selling the chops in a cartoon-ish fashion. Head-first into the boot of Logan goes Simon. Armbar applied, Synth tagging in Logan, who takes over the armbar. Full armdrag and twist, Mann yanking down on the arm. Singleton counters with a drop toehold into a front facelock, but Logan shows his wrestling skills by countering out into a hammerlock. Mann drives the knee into the wrist. Simon sits-up and counters with snapmare, but Logan rolls through with him and keeps the hammerlock applied. Mann with an inverted front facelock, taking Simon up in the air in a reverse suplex position and ramming him stomach-first into the cage, then slamming him down with an inverted suplex! "E-C-- !" "T-N-- !" "O-A-O-- !" "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" COLE WOW! The cover. ONE... TWO... TH-- NO! Ned with the save. As he exits, Logan nails him from behind with dropkick, sending Ned crashing into the cage. VENTURA Aw, that's cheap, Cole. And they're supposed to be the good guys? Ha! Simon scooped up and slammed, tag made to Synth. SECOND ROPE ELBOW DROP! ONE... TWO... TH-- NO! Synth lifts up Simon and places him on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up to the top rope and places Simon in a front facelock. Singleton fighting back to avoid being superplexed from the top. After a series of rights to the mid-section, Simon drops Synth to the canvas with a gordbuster (straight down suplex) while remaining perched on the second rope. He jumps down, looking for a double stomp but instead finds a pair of boots to the face! Simon stumbles into the wrong corner, with his hand reaching out for the tag, and is drilled with a left hook from Logan! Synth hits the near side and comes down with a big splash, but Singleton puts the KNEES UP. Groggy, Simon hits Synth with a JAWBREAKER, then makes the tag to Ned. Blanchard comes in and stomping Synth. He picks him up and shoves him into the corner where he works over the body with a combination of martial arts blows and kicks. DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX out of the corner. ONE.. TWO... KICKOUT! Ned with another suplex, a vertical suplex. He sprints over to his corner and makes the tag, launching Singleton off the top for the ROCKET LAUNCHER! Big splash connects. ONE... TWO... TH-- Logan pulls Simon off. Ned comes in and shoves Logan, provoking Mann to go after him full well knowning the referee will be distracted trying to get him out of the ring, leaving the Midnights to double-team Synth. Irish whip. DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Mann exits, Patrick goes down to count. ONE... TWO... TH-- KICKOUT! Blanchard tagged back in. Following a couple of snapmare takeovers, Ned charges out of the corner and snaps Synth's neck forward ala the late "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig, and gets a two count. Synth whipped to the corner, Ned charging behind him and whalloping him in the corner with a clothesline, then into a front facelock. He takes Synth up for a suplex, but the Synthmeister rolls through and counters into a SMALL PACKAGE! ONE... TWO... NO! Ned quickly rises to his feet and levels Synth with a clothesline. Synth whipped to the Midnights corner. Ned viciously slapping Synth in the gut with the knuckles. He backs away following a warning to let Synth out of the corner. From the apron, Sarcastic Simon removes the STEEL CHAIN connected from Synth's belt to pocket and CHOKES him with it. Synth eye's buldging out as Simon pulls tightly on the chain. Logan steps in the ring but is cut off halfway by Nick Patrick. He and Holly lashing out at him. VENTURA What's he complain' about? It's no DQ. Besides, they brought the chains into the ring. Ned with one last right hand before tagging out. Simon wraps the chain around his hand and drills Synth right between the eyes. He picks him up and throws him head-first into the cage. The impact from the chain and getting thrown into the cage busting Synth wide-open. [b][color=red]Blood[/b][/color] begin to flow out of the cut and down the face. And like a shark smelling blood, Simon pounces on Synth, driving that fist covered in chain directly into the forehead. Synth kicks out and gets to his feet. Singleton decking him with another punch with the chain. Simon drops down and chokes Synth out with the chain, receiving a warning from Nick Patrick. Singelton responds, grinning: "It's no DQ, asshole!" VENTURA Ha! Just like opinions, we all have one. Isn't that right, Cole? Synth uses the ropes to pull himself up. Singelton sending him back down with a kneelift. Synth slowly gets up, determined to keep fighting. Simon out of the corner with a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! He goes up to the top. FLYING LEGDROP! ONE... TWO... TH-- NO, KICKOUT! "YEEEAAAAHHHH!" Blanchard and Cornette can't believe it. Simon citing a slow count. Patrick gestures the shoulder getting up. Speaking of getting up, Simon brings Synth back to his feet and rams him into the KNEE of the Handsome Hustler. Tag made, Simon hanging Synth on the top rope, holding onto his legs. Ned off the far side and drops a double-axehandle across the back. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! Blanchard with right jabs. He grabs Synth's by the back of the head, his comb down blonde hair now crimson red, and hurls him into the cage. Ned brings Synth to his knees and BITES his forehead, SPITING Synth's blood at Logan's feet. He tries lifting Synth up for a bodyslam, but his back gives out. Synth levels him with a clothesline! He takes a step towards his corner, but Ned takes him down with a drop toehold. He reaches back and tags Simon. VENTURA Very alert move by Ned. His back gave out, no doubt still feeling the effects of the Hollywood Groove from last week, yet he was smart enough to keep Synth from gettin' any closer to his corner Singleton off the second rope with a FLYING ELBOW, then clamps on a CAMEL CLUTCH! The blood oozing out of Synth's forehead like toothpaste out of its tube. Simon sticking the fingers inside the mouth and pulling back. Logan and Holly shouting words of encouragement to Synth from Saints Central. The OAOAST's hottest couple getting the crowd behind Synth. The adreanline begins running through his body. Synth rises up to his knees, grabbing both of Singleton's legs and lifting him up in the air and falling straight back. ELECTRIC CHAIR SLAM! Grimacing, Simon rolls over to his corner and makes the tag. Ned squats down and picks Synth off the canvas. Blanchard tries muscling Synth up, but can't. He tries softening the Synthmeister up with clubbering forearms to the back, but still can't lift him up. Synth with a double-leg takedown; positioning the feet underneath the shoulder blades of Ned and SLINGSHOTTING him into the CAGE! The Handsome Hustler's head smacks the cage, he staggers into a DOUBLE-ARM DDT! COLE It's over if Synth can roll over. Can he, though? Synth rolls onto his stomach and starts crawling to his corner. "SYNTH!" "SYNTH!" "SYNTH!" Ned just beginning to stir after landing on his head following the double-arm DDT. He sees Synth inches away from making the tag and jumps back to his feet. He and Simon lunge towards Synth...and...there's the tag! "YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Logan steps through the ropes, kicking Simon in the gut on the way in and hammering Ned with a double-axehandle to the head. He brings the Midnights together... ...DOUBLE NOGGINKNOCKER! Logan looks at the crowd, pumping his fists. He BIELS Ned into the cage by his hair! He scoopes Simon up on his right shoulder and SPEARS him in the cage. Mann turns his attention back to the Handsome Hustler, who's CLIMBING UP THE CAGE! COLE Would you look at this?! Logan follows him up. The Ned-man performing a tight-walk to keep away from his rival. He continuously checks back, seeing Logan closing in. As he turns around, he sees Synth standing on the top rope as well. The crowd erupting as the Heavenly Rockers have Ned trapped. VENTURA Ned's stuck between a rock and a hard place now. He could jump down to the mat, but knowing how the rock stars have it out for him, it may be safer for him to stay on the top rather than jumping off and having one of them morons trip him on the way down and causing him a serious injury Ned fakes a right to Synth and tries catching Logan by surprise with a spinning back kick, but Mann catches the foot and KICKS Ned low. Blanchard loses his balance and groins himself on the top rope. Logan leaps on Ned's shoulders and takes him over with a HURCANRANA! The cover. ONE... Sarcastic Simon coming over to break up the count. TWO... Synth CLOTHESLINES Singleton from the top! THREE -- NO, KICKOUT! COLE We've got all 4 men fighting in the ring! Punches flying everywhere. Both Midnights whipped to the ropes. Synth MILITARY PRESSES Simon and throws him against the cage, while Logan waistlocks Ned on the other side and falls back with him, Blanchard's face smashing into the cage in a stun gun/hot shot type maneuver. Cornette going ballistic outside, watching his team get dominated. Blanchard snaps his head back, his hair going from blonde to red in a matter of seconds. Logan shows no remorse for the man who has been a thorn on his side for the better part of the year. A sadistic look in his eye, Logan reaches over the top rope and pulls a [b][color=red]BLOODY[/b][/color] Ned back up, viciously ramming him face-first into the cage again, and again, and again, and again. The crowd roaring as Logan GRATES Ned's face into the cold, rusty steel! VENTURA It's madness, absolute madness out here, Michael Cole. I don't think the Heavenly Rockers care about winning, they just want to inflict pain on the New New Midnight Express. COLE That would certainly be understandable. Synth tries throwing Simon back into the cage, but he reverses and sends Synth into the cage. Simon with a clubbering shot to the back of Logan. He and Logan begin trading blows. Ned crawls over to the corner and grabs the CHAIN. Logan decks Simon with a left and turns around. * BAM * Blanchard drills him with the chain. Logan goes down, rolling onto his stomach and crawling to ropes nearby. He grabs the bottom rope, then the middle and finally the top to bring himself back to his feet...a [b][color=red]BLOODY MESS[/b][/color]! Holly covers her mouth in horror. Blood flowing out of Mann's head like it's an oil well. Simon nailing a DDT of all things on Synth! The Midnights fire Mann to the ropes. DOUBLE FLAP-- NO, Logan counters mid-air with a DROPKICK! He covers Ned. ONE... TWO... TH-- NO! He grabs both Midnights and throws them into the cage; Simon and Ned bouncing off the steel. Logan picks Blanchard up and sends him flying back into the cage! Ned's back getting scraped up as he slides down the cage. Logan pulls him back into the ring, signaling for the DDT, better known as PERCUSSION. But Ned drives Logan into the corner, ramming the shoulder into the mid-section. Simon comes over and the Midnights double-team Mann in the corner. They whip him to the far side, following him in. Synth, who's just getting up in the corner following the DDT, REPELS Logan into the air. Mann grabbing onto the cage and climbing all the way to the TOP of the cage with cat-like agility. MOONSAULT off the top of the cage onto the Midnights, Synth and [i]the referee[/i] below! COLE OH, MY! VENTURA Whoa! He wiped out everybody in the ring. COLE Everybody is down. The only people standing up, besides the fans, are Holly-Wood and Jim Cornette. Both of whom look on with great concern as their teams are out. The crowd murmers as two figures fastly approach the ring. Two men wearing LBJ (the former U.S. President) MASKS and carrying NIGHTSTICKS hop over the guardrail and try entering the ring, but Earl Hebner holds them off. The crowd cheering Earl on. VENTURA Good think we aren't in Canada. COLE What's going on here? The last time we saw guys wearing masks of ex-presidents, it was on that Diary Queen surveillance video. Maybe Jim Cornette was right. The New New Midnight Express weren't the ones who attacked the Heavenly Rockers in the parking lot. Whoever they are, though, they're somehow connected to J.C.E. I know it. Jim Cornette, neck brace and all, tears Earl a new one for not letting the LBJs in. The two trade shoves, resulting in Cornette hitting Earl with the RACKET! COLE Hey, come on. He's a damn referee. As Cornette unlocks the door for the masked men to enter, HOLLY-WOOD grabs him from behind. She spins Cornette around. * WHAMMY * Holly decks Cornette with a big right hand, much to the appreciation of the crowd. The Prince of Polyester flopping to the floor. VENTURA Awww, now what kind of a person attacks a man in a neck brace? COLE Have you seen what they've put Holly through this past year? They've beaten and demeaned her. VENTURA Sean Connery had it right when he said -- which the media totally took out of context -- you can only hit a woman if she's irrational. Holly's irrational. The masked men storm the ring and, not surprisingly, go straight for the Heavenly Rockers. One of the men hammering Logan upside the head with the nightstick, the other using the nightstick to clothesline Synth. Each LBJ grabs a rocker and launches them into the cage, stomping them afterwards. The crowd roars as Holly-Wood climbs all the way to the top of the cage. VENTURA No way. COLE Way! Holly off the top onto the masked men with a CROSS BODYBLOCK! "YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Holly gets up holding her stomach, she sucks it up and checks on Logan. Meanwhile, we have another commotion in the crowd. A WOMAN, the same woman who appeared at License to Pin, hurdles over the railing, wearing an Oakland Raiders jacket. Jim Cornette, from his back, tosses her the tennis racket. The crowd frantically trying to warn Holly, but she doesn't pick up on it and is nailed from behind with the RACKET. Whoever this woman is beats the hell out of Holly with the racket. The New New Midnight Express pick Logan up. One of the LBJs charges out of the corner, SPEARING Mann, while the other charges with a CLOTHESLINE. Ned picks Logan up, Simon picking up Synth. At the same time, they delivering crushing blows to the Heavenly Rockers. Blanchard with the SLINGSHOT SUPLEX, Simon with a DDT to add insult to injury! Ned pins Mann. The LBJs slamming Nick Patrick near the cover. Grimacing, Nick makes the count. ONE... TWO... COLE Don't let this be it. Please, no! THREE! * DING DING DING DING * "BOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE Noooooo! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match -- THE NEW NEW MIDNIGHT EXPRESS! Jim Cornette enters the ring. The woman pulls HANDCUFFS and WIRECUTTERS out of her jacket. COLE Now what?! Can we get some damn officials out here? The LBJs use the cutters to cut the cables that lift the cage up, thus preventing OAOAST officials from lifting the cage and clearing the ring. Security and officials rush out from the back, watching helplessly as the New New Midnight Express and LBJs beat the Heavenly Rockers with the nightsticks. The woman, while not exactly an amazon, but strong nonetheless, holds the door shut as officials trying entering. Blanchard hits another Slingshot Suplex for the hell of it. The 4 men handcuff Synth and Logan to the cage -- slapping them around. "When I can't get something I want, I'll be damned if I'll let somebody else have it," the camera picks up Ned saying. He tells the woman, who we don't even know the name of, "Yo, suger, show Logan here what happens to things I can't get it." COLE Come on! This is going too far. It's going way too far. VENTURA What did I tell you earlier, Cole? Do go whinin' when Holly gets put in her place. She's gettin' put in her place. The woman scoopes Holly up on her shoulder and drops her face-first on the top turnbuckle. SNAKE EYES. As Holly bounces off the turnbuckle, the woman hits the far side of the ring hard and CLOTHESLINES the hell out of Holly as she staggers back towards the center of the ring. COLE Logan yelling, kicking his feet at Ned, who laughs and slaps Logan. He and Synth only able to watch as this woman beats Holly like a stepchild. VENTURA And she isn't done yet. COLE Oh, no. What else? What more can these sick people do? Ned holds Holly up, Cornette handing the racket over to the woman. She pumpels Holly's ribcage with the racket. Ned requesting a piledriver. He ask, she delivers. PILEDRIVER! Cornette mockingly asking Holly "one more?" Referring to when Holly asked the crowd last week if she should give Cornette one more DDT. PILEDRIVER! COLE This is too much. Way too much. Will somebody in the back do their damn job and do something? This is enough, damnit! CORNETTE One more! One more! NED Do it again! Do it again! PILEDRIVER! Logan on the verge of tears as Holly's body lies contorted. The crowd littering the ring with anything that can be thrown. "To think, Mann, this all could've been avoided if she had said yes. Like Krista found out, nobody humiliates me. Nobody! But I couldn't have done this without the help of the dead presidents. Boys?" The LBJs remove their masks to reveal... ...THE SOUTH CENTRAL MILITIA! COLE MY GOD, THEY'RE BACK! Marcellus "One-Eye" Wallace and Vincent Santana a/k/a Vincent "Whitey" Ford -- the South Central Militia -- have returned, apparently under Jim Cornette Enterprises. These guys were shipped off to HI-YAH, where they really made a name for themselves, when OAOAST officials deemed them too out of control. Marcellus and Vincent take off the BANDANA'S from around their head and wrap them around the eyes of the Heavenly Rockers. Vincent produces a pack of CIGARETTES and pulls 2 out, handing one to Marcellus. They stick them in the Rockers' mouths, both of who spit them out as soon as there stuck in. The S.C.M. pull out their nightsticks and drilled the Heavenly Rockers in the head, knocking them out cold. The S.C.M. pick up the cigarette and light them up. Them, the Midnights and Cornette raising their arms in victory. "BOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE Screw you 4 heartless bastards! DAMN YOU! [B]© 2005 OAOAST Entertainment All Rights Reversed. [/B] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites