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Chuck Woolery


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Pa-pow pa-pow. (x2!)





(Fade into Calvin's office, where Crystal and Calvin are seemingly having a stareoff...)



I guess you're pretty proud of yourself, huh Crystal?



Well, I do love it when a plan goes off without a hitch, so yes, I'm quite happy with myself Mr. GM. An Original, with a belt, has a bum knee and is ripe for the pickings for the Upstarts. What isn't there to be happy about?



Let's get one thing straight here, Crystal: I don't care much for this "Civil War" that's going on -- but it's making me money, so I'm happy. I don't care that you guys have one-upped the Originals -- but people are watching, and I'm making money. But you know what I do care about, Crystal? My X-Champion, my extremely popular X-Champion, is out with an injury, and now I'm losing money.


CRYSTAL (cutting in not-very-nicely)

Oh please, Peter Knight not wrestling is losing you money? Hell, put anyone in his place and the money is doubled.



Funny you say that, because it seems to me that Peter is a whole lot more popular than you, and when he's on the TV screen, he pops the ratings. Not to mention the merchandise sales, his work with my good friends at the Coca-Cola Company -- Crystal, I'm planning on retiring a few years, and this is going to be the guy that pays for my house and yacht in Miami, and I'm not going to have you running around with your buddy Gunner ruining that.



If I'm not getting you any money GM, why don't you just fire me? I'm sure any other wrestling company in the world would love me.



Believe me, I'd love to. But after what you did last week, I simply can't. OAOAST fans all over the world want to see Peter Knight kick your scrawny ass for last week, and I'm going to give the fans what they want. So at AngleSlam, it's Peter Knight vs. Crystal for the X-Title.


(Calvin pauses for the cheap pop from the fans. He winks at the camera, and Crystal moves to say something, but Calvin puts up a hand and grins.)



Oh, and I think I'm going to ban Gunner from ringside.


(If looks could kill, Calvin would have been dead a decade ago with the look Crystal is giving. Quickly though, her face contorts into a sneer.)



You do that Calvin, but don't come bitching to me when your "extremely popular" ex-champion can't stand because I crippled him! That is, if he can even limp his way to AngleSlam.




The camera shifts to the office of the NEW General Manager of HeldDOWN, Calvin Szechstein, as he talks on his cell phone.



Yes, yes, of course we can look into that…


A knock at the door. A bothered look comes over Calvin's face.



Come in.


In comes Belial, oddly not in his robe, but in his wrestling gear. Calvin looks at him, trying to place a face to the name, and getting annoyed when he doesn't.



(into his phone) Hold on, I've got another call... (he puts his hand over the receiver; to Belial) Can I help you?



I’m Belial.



... I've never heard of you.



Seriously? I’m part of Satan’s Foot Soldiers.



Never heard of them either. Look, I am a very busy man, are you even a wrestler?



Yes, sir.



Okay, that's good... so what is it that you want, Mr. Bellwether?



It’s Belial, sir. Look, the fact that you don’t know me is the problem. I, like every other wrestler in the company, want to be famous. To do that, I need to be on TV. I need a match tonight.


Calvin is flipping through his papers.



Well, you're not in any of my papers... but hey, I'm feeling generous tonight. I've got this stud in OAOVW, Samuel Jackson. Nice kid, sponsors love him. You can have him, I'll watch how you do, and then, hey, we'll see what happens. Okay?



Thank you, sir.



Yeah, uh, you're welcome, now get the hell out of my office. I'm trying to get rich over here.


Belial walks out, looking disappointed about how he was essentially dismissed. Calvin puts the phone back to his ear.



Augustus? You still there? ... Oh, yeah, that was my mother...

Edited by Chuck Woolery

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