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Velocity Report *spoilers*

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WWE Velocty


Josh Matthews interviews William Regal. Regal has his evil sinister music and Lord Steven Regal cloak back. Recap of what happened with Scotty and the Mexicools. Regal says to never trust anyone with blonde hair and a black moustache. Regal says he’s going back to his old, rouge self. Full of venom and hate. Starts to put out an open challenge when…


Scotty runs in and Regal beats on him til Scotty turns the tide goes for the Worm. Regal dodges and retreats. Josh says it’s far from over between these two.



Nunzio (w/ Big Vito) Chance Thompson


Nunzio says that Chance has passion to wrestle so he needs to fight Big Vito first.


Big Vito beats the daylights out of Chance with chops, punches and throwing chance into the ringpost. Running elbow, 2 count. Massive double jump splash from Vito. Armbar by Vito. Chance comes back, straight into a superkick by Vito. Huge Impaler DDT from Vito and that gets the 3.


Nunzio grabs the mic and tells Vito to pick him up. Nunzio says that he will give him a shot at the title next week. Then a low kick and Nunzio says the match will be now, and pins for the 3. * for the squash, Vito looked pretty impressive.



Recap of Rey Mysterio vs. Eddy Guerrero



Ken Kennedy vs. George Pervis


Ken grabs the mic. And says the announcer needs to say it like he means it. Then does the announcements.


Jobber squash to the max. Abdominal stretch to body scissors. George makes the comeback with jobber offence. Backbreakers to his Samoan roll to Senton. For the 3. ½*


He then announces himself the winner.



Recap of Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit



Hardcore Holly vs. Steven Richards


Hardcore’s left arm is taped up. Steven starts on top of Hardcore, Holly back with chops, Steven with three bodyslams and kicks to the back. Steven works the back. Powerslam when Holly fights back. Steven works on the back some more. Holly goes for the dropkick, but his back delays him. They do some great sequences with the Alabama Slam and Holly hits it after fighting and fighting for it.


**3/4 really good selling, got into it at the end.

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Guest Ransome
Josh Matthews interviews William Regal. Regal has his evil sinister music and Lord Steven Regal cloak back. Recap of what happened with Scotty and the Mexicools. Regal says to never trust anyone with blonde hair and a black moustache. Regal says he’s going back to his old, rouge self. Full of venom and hate. Starts to put out an open challenge when…


Scotty runs in and Regal beats on him til Scotty turns the tide goes for the Worm. Regal dodges and retreats. Josh says it’s far from over between these two.


I watched the show also. Regal is back to his old 2002 generic heel music. This whole segment was based around a forgettable SD segment and seems to be leading to only a future Velocity match - is there really any great need to establish storyline reasons for Velocity matches? Especially since we know most of their audience is watching for match quality either as opposed to the weak SD-esque reasons for feuds (eg, 'You spilled coffee on me so I'm gonna kick your ass').


Ken Kennedy looks more like Heidenreich than Billy Idol (as suggested by the idiotic announcer), and his brief pre-match promo was weak. They called him a new debuting superstar, was he in OVW or anything at all?

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Josh Matthews interviews William Regal. Regal has his evil sinister music and Lord Steven Regal cloak back. Recap of what happened with Scotty and the Mexicools. Regal says to never trust anyone with blonde hair and a black moustache. Regal says he’s going back to his old, rouge self. Full of venom and hate. Starts to put out an open challenge when…


Scotty runs in and Regal beats on him til Scotty turns the tide goes for the Worm. Regal dodges and retreats. Josh says it’s far from over between these two.


I watched the show also. Regal is back to his old 2002 generic heel music. This whole segment was based around a forgettable SD segment and seems to be leading to only a future Velocity match - is there really any great need to establish storyline reasons for Velocity matches? Especially since we know most of their audience is watching for match quality either as opposed to the weak SD-esque reasons for feuds (eg, 'You spilled coffee on me so I'm gonna kick your ass').


Ken Kennedy looks more like Heidenreich than Billy Idol (as suggested by the idiotic announcer), and his brief pre-match promo was weak. They called him a new debuting superstar, was he in OVW or anything at all?



I don't mind them doing some small storyline stuff on Velocity. Hell, as long as they do SOMETHING to enhance the show so it doesn't become a recap show with garnish.

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Guest Fook

The thing with Regal's turn is that they could have easily done more.


In my scenario, Regal comes out and talks about how much he loves this business and always had. When he started out as a teen nobody gave him a chance, but he earned his opponents' and the fans' respect.


Nowadays though, he sees the business he loves being tarnished by retards, thugs, and dancing fools like Scotty. He's always felt that as long as he kept doing what he loved, it didn't matter that people didn't respect wrestling anymore. He's even lowered and humiliated himself for the business by doing things like taking care of a retard or kissing Vince's ass.


But now he sees those sacrifices were for naught as the business he loves continues to get sillier and sillier and wrestlers like him get no respect. That's why he turned, to get rid of these ridiculous people who jump around like morons and have no class or respect for the business.


I would even take this further and have Regal join JBL's cabinet as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Have him say that he's watched JBL and it's obvious that he has the same passion and respect for the business that Regal does.

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The thing with Regal's turn is that they could have easily done more.


In my scenario, Regal comes out and talks about how much he loves this business and always had.  When he started out as a teen nobody gave him a chance, but he earned his opponents' and the fans' respect. 


Nowadays though, he sees the business he loves being tarnished by retards, thugs, and dancing fools like Scotty.  He's always felt that as long as he kept doing what he loved, it didn't matter that people didn't respect wrestling anymore.  He's even lowered and humiliated himself for the business by doing things like taking care of a retard or kissing Vince's ass.


But now he sees those sacrifices were for naught as the business he loves continues to get sillier and sillier and wrestlers like him get no respect.  That's why he turned, to get rid of these ridiculous people who jump around like morons and have no class or respect for the business.


I would even take this further and have Regal join JBL's cabinet as Minister of Foreign Affairs.  Have him say that he's watched JBL and it's obvious that he has the same passion and respect for the business that Regal does.


This is an idea that I could get behind. Regal would be a cool addition for the Cabinet. Plus we could see less of OJ then.

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