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Storm Comments

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Clearly this fed still needs three Toxxic promos per show.

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Well, my match lost. However, the match that won had the exact same result. So, I might as well have won. Except then I still would have lost.



*head explodes*

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SWF Storm


Cedar Point Amusement Park

Cedar Point, Ohio.




--> Previously, on the Crimson Skull Show…

Crimson Skull is on a mission to kill Cyclone Comet. But…how? Well, the answer to that question lies with in a certain Tom-Flesher-loving-announcer...or so we think.


--> So wait…you mean to tell me…ELM doesn’t wear a mask?

ELM cuts a very good heel promo that not only insults Danny Williams, but also the way Danny Williams is. If he stopped listening to the fans like ELM, he’d be better off. This sneak attack on ELM by Danny was cheap, but ELM loves it. He thinks he is finally getting underneath the skin of Danny. This draws out the guy who knocked Mike Tyson out (wait, that’s not funny anymore) and we get a match set up. When and Where? I do not know (pssst…Genesis!).


--> Ward vs. Walters…It’s on!

Actually, it’s not. Oh well.


--> Tonight…on a very special episode of Landon’s Creek

Cortez does an interview? This is a first. Anyway, he’s angry with Landon for being an asshole. Aren’t we all? Landon needs to stop acting like a 14-year-old pubescent boy and get over that someone who wasn’t even his girlfriend ends up with Cortez. But, if that happened, we wouldn’t have this feud. Landon shows up on the SmarkTron and tells Cortez he is getting some rest time and that thinks will pick up later. Good promo that retold the story of Cortez/Landon.


--> Jenkins…Zyon…Pretzler…Hawke…Flesher…Let’s Dance!

Someone comment on my match, damn it. It was my first tag match in close to three months and actually won against another written match. I must have done SOMETHING right with it.

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Well being brand spanking new (I walked through that door over there just a moment ago) I must say Storm was a good read, just hope I can put in a quality effort.


And just call me a Crimson Skull mark :headbang:


Look forward to actually being on a show soon :D

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