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Who is the greatest Tag Team

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Animal pins Billy Gunn after a powerslam. Doomsday Device on Gordy for the win.


Twist of Fate on Scott Hall for the pin. Yodelling Legdrop/Swanton Bomb combo on Sweet Stan for the upset win.

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Outlaws v. Road Warriors v. Miracle Violence Connection

The Road Warriors squash the Outlaws to begin (doomsday device on Gunn). The Warriors eventually defeat MVC after a Animal powerslam on Gordy.


Outsiders v. Midnight Express vs Hardy Boys.

The Outsiders throw around both teams like rag dolls, but the MX and Hardys decide on combining their efforts to eliminate the Outsiders - Swanton on Hall wins the first fall. Lane uses the ropes to pin Jeff and win the match.


Steiners v. Brainbusters v. Eliminators.

Match keeps at a long, but steady pace until Kronus and Rick Steiner are tagged in. Kronus gets CREAMED by Rick - the Steiners go to town on him and finish with a Steinerline. Saturn goes low on Rick after the bell, Total Elimination on Rick, while leaves a distracted Scott prone to a Arn/Tully beatdown and a spike piledriver to finish.

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Road Warriors > Outlaws > MVC


Outsiders > Hardy's > Midnight Express


Steiners > Brainbusters > Eliminators

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Ok, sorry bout the delay. Couple good preliminaries, and the final eight are set, drawn at random. Voting for the opening 8 will close at Midnite Wednesday.





Hollywood Blonds

Dudley Boys




Road Warriors



Midnite Express



Bulldogs, Dudleys, Road Warriors, Harts

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Slow down, hoss; I passed sixteen a long time ago and, given a choice between the Steiners and the Busters, I'm picking the Busters. I feel as though Tully and Arn were just as good a team as Rick and Scott, and they didn't have to work stiff in order to get over. Besides, I personally give more weight to the fact that the Busters wrestled in both the WWF and NWA during the peak of their tag team depth, whereas, by the time the Steiners got to the WWF, the tag division was beginning the process of dying a slow death.

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Yeah, you might want to check who's doing the voting before making blanket comments like that. I've been watching wrestling since before a 16-year old would have been born, and I'm saying Arn and Tully were a better team.

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In no way was I bashing Tully (my favorite NWA Star ever) and Arn. But for a "greatest 16" to be established without The Steiners is just silly.


And your comment about "by the time the Steiners got to the WWF, the division was lesser"...


In 1992, we had awful workrate teams:


- Natural Disasters (fat guys)

- Nasty Boys (brawlers)

- Beverly Brothers (heatless, Zzzz...)

- Legion of Doom (quite boring, but really didn't work 92 all that match)

- Money Inc (they'd BECOME great, but were doing the stall/countout gimmick)

- Bushwackers (c'mon...)


By 1993, we got:


- Steiners (bringing the workrate)

- Money, Inc (putting on better matches including awesome cage match w/ Steiners)

- Heavenly Bodies (worked good/great matches with Steiners)

- Headshrinkers (work in progress, but fresh)

- Quebecers (while not workrate machines, had mega heat)


I'd say 93 > 92, simply based on better matches without 400 lb fat guys, sloppy brawlers, or power hosses.

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It goes without saying that 93 > 92 in the WWF, and perhaps "beginning to die" was an exaggeration, but there's no question in my mind that 88-89 was >>>> 93:




Hart Foundation




Powers of Pain


That's not even counting the "main event" tag teams of the Mega Powers and the Twin Towers, not to mention probably a half-dozen other teams that got TV time.

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In no way was I bashing Tully (my favorite NWA Star ever) and Arn.  But for a "greatest 16" to be established without The Steiners is just silly.


Well, this was a random drawing, so while I'd put them there over the Blonds and Funks, I'd still put the Brainbusters over them, who could be considered, based on a tag team formula, the greatest tag team ever.


As for the tourney:




Road Warriors

Hart Foundation

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Guest Rrrsh
In no way was I bashing Tully (my favorite NWA Star ever) and Arn.  But for a "greatest 16" to be established without The Steiners is just silly.



We are down to 8 Teams now dude. Steiners made the orginal tourney, but they didnt make the Top 8 in a random drawing. Its the way she goes.

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In no way was I bashing Tully (my favorite NWA Star ever) and Arn.  But for a "greatest 16" to be established without The Steiners is just silly.



We are down to 8 Teams now dude. Steiners made the orginal tourney, but they didnt make the Top 8 in a random drawing. Its the way she goes.


He's right. The Steiners were in the top 24 based on picks submitted, but lost a 3 way dance to the Brainbusters. The eliminators were also involved.



Hollywood Blonds


Road Warriors

Hart Foundation



Your final four picks are due by Sunday at midnite.


Blonds, Warriors.

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Damn! Busters/Blonds could have easily been the final round! This is a hard choice for me, but I'll go with the Busters; as much as I enjoyed the Blonds, I always preferred Austin and Pillman as singles wrestlers. Tully and Arn may or may not have been as charismatic, but they told a story in the ring like few teams that I've ever seen.


Harts/Warriors is a little easier for me to call; the Road Warriors were, perhaps, the greatest big man team of all time, but I always marked for the way that the Harts could go "AC/DC" on you, with Hart's wrestling, and Neidhart's power game. They had great tandem moves, and excellent chemistry. Plus, I used to mark out like a little kid to see Neidhart hit a dropkick after the hot tag.






Hart Foundation

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