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Guest Frank_Nabbit

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

stevedonnachie20022001: I remember when Kurt Angle kicked HHH's ass at the 2001 Royal Rumble. Angle walked in WWE champion and he walked out WWE Champion.

HHH The Game: but he took world heavy weight title

HHH The Game: its better than wwe champ

HHH The Game: 10 time champ

SoMeOnE_mIgHt_CaRe: I mean...yeah stop blowing your mic.

stevedonnachie20022001: WWE Championship is worth more. The World Title is the WCW title. Just named differently

stevedonnachie20022001: Its called WWE. Not WCW

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Dusty Rhodes was signed by the WWE and is joining the SD! creative team

a_23married_slutwife: « c2c?

stevedonnachie20022001: Kurt Angle has held more titles then HHH. Hell Angle won the WWE title in his rookie year. HHH did not

salmakhan_420 joined the room

bakeryboy101: Angle sux

HHH The Game: no but there is better demand for World heavy weight title

biglazybastard: he sucks, he sucks (sing along)

bakeryboy101: and he still manages to suck

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: HHH is a 10 time world champ.... Angle's got what 3 or 4?

stevedonnachie20022001: Just ask Eugene and Shelton Benjamen

bakeryboy101: HHH is a ten time cheat!

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Its all a work fellas

stevedonnachie20022001: HHH is only a 10 time world champion because his wife writes him into the storyline to win.

~Myou Mitsukai~: no one else is better to carry the belt that's why he kept on holding it

bakeryboy101: agree

stevedonnachie20022001: And because hes drunk with power


~Myou Mitsukai~: he has the personality to carry the belt

HHH The Game: i m not cricizing about kurt

stevedonnachie20022001: And unlike HHH, Kurt Angle can beat HBK at a wrestlemania

biglazybastard: of a gorilla

bakeryboy101: he hs the wife to carry the belt


HHH The Game: he is only olympic gold medalist in wwe history and best athlete

Kinky_Babe: anyone gonna see summer slam?

~Myou Mitsukai~: but triple h was already a champion way before he married steph

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Akeem beat Shawn Micheals at WM also...wow....

HHH The Game: and later on

bakeryboy101: he also fucked chyna, so he loses points for that

HHH The Game: HHH was champ

stevedonnachie20022001: Burt. That was a tag match. The one Angle won was 1 on 1. And he didn't just beat HBK. He made HBK tap out

stevedonnachie20022001: And besides. HBK wasn't a legend at Wrestlemania 5

biglazybastard: hhh was good til he got with steph

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Its a work....

Smurfy: him and chyna was enegaged

~Myou Mitsukai~: were

bakeryboy101: way lost points

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Kurt could be jobbed out tomorrow if need be....ditto HHH

~Myou Mitsukai~: lol triple h became more competetive


Hey Now! (sportsfanatic55555) joined the room

Hey Now!: WWE is boring these days. Chris Masters and Gene Snitsky have no talent. Take away there muscells and we could do there job. Eugene who acts like a retard? Viscera walking around trying to be a pimp? Midgets? Val Venis having the same storyline for 5 years or so? WWE is suppose to be the number one company and there turning into the number one joke. It's not even entertaining anymore. It's to predictable. Something need's to change. I don't get why fans say TNA sucks. I would rather see AJ styles, Rhino, Raven, Chris Saban, Sabu, Etc over Chris Masters, Eugene, Viscera, and Gene Snitsky any day!!!!!!!

stevedonnachie20022001: Besides. You don't see Kurt Angle taking time off affter getting his ass handed to him in a hell in a cell match like HHH has been doing.

bakeryboy101: Cozhe is too chicken shit to be in Hell in a Cell

DomRep10562: i think kurt can take out any1 in wwe


Kinky_Babe: no i meant shawn

Hey Now!: TNA is coming and WWE is going to come down to earth.

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: SteveD - you do understand wrestling is fake right?


stevedonnachie20022001: Bakery. Kurt Angle is the only man to beat 5 other men in a hell in a cell match. He walked in WWE champ,he beat Austin,Rock,HHH,Taker and Rakishi in that match and walked out Champ. And he didn't need help to do it.

Master Pain: I got the feeling back in my face if thats what your old ass asked

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Angle beat HHH in a Hell in a Cell in December of 2000

SoMeOnE_mIgHt_CaRe: Bit.

yankem_is_kane joined the room

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: More better?

HHH The Game: fear of pedigree

biglazybastard: yeah but every one in the cell knocked them selves out to give angle the win

~Myou Mitsukai~: i was talking about when wcw was in its glory

~Master Pain: why you telling me to shut up? I didnt correct your grammar this time...I actually have to understand what youre saying to correct it

bakeryboy101: WCW had glory?

DomRep10562: wcw!!

HHH The Game: PEDIGREE is the most dangerous finisher

HHH The Game: in WWE

Master Pain: again with the lame insults

bakeryboy101: in your dreams

bakeryboy101: TOMBSTONE

~Myou Mitsukai~: vince is more focused at his work when he has a competetion

HHH The Game: RKO is better than TOMBSTONE

biglazybastard: jack hammer

bakeryboy101: RKO is fake stunner

Master Pain: my everything is way better than your anything

biglazybastard: rko is a rip off of the stone cold stunner

Kinky_Babe: NOT!

stevedonnachie20022001: And besides. At least Kurt Angle didn't lose to JR on Raw like HHH did a few months ago

~Myou Mitsukai~: no it's a lame overrated version of the diamond cutter

KeVin DraVen: the SCS is not even close to the RKO

Master Pain: she say oh please?

bakeryboy101: he would lose to michael cole

KeVin DraVen: the RKO is a a rip off of

KeVin DraVen: the diamond cutter

DomRep10562: Cena has da most bullshit finisher

KeVin DraVen: and the Bubba Cutter

~Myou Mitsukai~: rko is class, austin is redneck


Smurfy: rko is a diamond cutter

ghettofabbolus left the room

Owl (boulderbird) joined the room

~Myou Mitsukai~: i said that first kevin

HHH The Game: RKO

HHH The Game: is the best

HHH The Game: finisher

bakeryboy101: randy is cocky

KeVin DraVen: you forgot the bubba cutter

Master Pain: Dave's on something, and whatever it is, I want some

KeVin DraVen: lol

DomRep10562: i agree wit smurfyu

yankem_is_kane: good to see nothins changed in here

HHH The Game: and pedigreee is better than every finisher

KeVin DraVen: Blame glenna for that yankem

bakeryboy101: and u have a one tracked mind, what do u blow HHH?

KeVin DraVen:

~Myou Mitsukai~: wtf kevin

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Sstevedonnachie20022001---You realize wrestling is fake right? Thats wins and losses are ultimately meaningless?

stevedonnachie20022001: The only wrestler Kurt Angle would have a tough time with if he were still wrestling is Bret Hart. That would be a the match that would show wrestling fans the way wrestling should be

Owl: so any wrestlers in here?

DomRep10562: bret made up wit vince. so wusup?

biglazybastard: put angle in the ring with shamrock then we will see who the better wrestler is

burt_reynolds_superstar2000: Shamrock has lost a few shoot fights recently

stevedonnachie20022001: Heck I would rather see Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart then watch John Cena vs JBL in a punching and kicking contest.

boulderbird left the room

ShamefulDestruction: lol

KeVin DraVen: Ive seen you before you need more

stevedonnachie20022001: Bret Hart didn't make up with Vince. Bret was there to promote his new DVD coming out. he wants nothing to do with the WWE.

stevedonnachie20022001: I'll tell ya what, Vince has got real probloms. He allows UPN to do away with the Hassen character because of pressure,but when Owen Hart falls to his death he kept his pay per view going and he has allowed the whole Edge/Lita/Matt Hardy thing to become a storyline. Shows ya why this guy will do anything for money. Even if it involves the personal lives of wrestlers

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Guest clockworkraven
HHH The Game: PEDIGREE is the most dangerous finisher

HHH The Game: in WWE

HHH The Game: RKO

HHH The Game: is the best

HHH The Game: finisher

HHH The Game: and pedigreee is better than every finisher


I could say something about continuity and Creative, but I can't think of how to put it.

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