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What the news does not show...

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An email I got today... no further comments from me...


FWIW, a google search reveals this to be a real person and contact info. I forwarded it to snopes.com to see if they can verify if it's real or if someone is out for the doctor.






What the news does not show...


I thought I might inform the few friends I have on my recent traumatic

experience. I am going to tell it straight, blunt, raw, and I don't give

a damn. Long read, I know but please do read!!!


I went to volunteer on Saturday at the George R. Brown (Houston) convention

for two reasons.


A: I wanted to help people to get a warm fuzzy.


B: Curiosity.




I've been watching the news lately and have seen scenes that have made me

want to vomit. And no, it wasn't dead bodies, the city under water, or the

sludge everywhere. It was PEOPLE"S BEHAVIOR. The people on T.V. (99% being

Black) where DEMANDING help. They were not asking nicely but demanding as if

society owed these people something. Well the honest truth is WE DON'T.

Help should be asked for in a kind manner and then appreciated. This is not

what the press (FOX in particular) was showing, what I was seeing was a

group of people who are yelling, demanding, looting, killing, raping, and

SHOOTING back at the demanded help!!!!! So I'm thinking this can't possibly

be true can it???? So I decide to submit to the DEMAND for help out of

SHOCK. I couldn't believe this to be true of the majority of the people who

are the weakest of society. So I went to volunteer and help folks out and

see the truth. So I will tell the following story and you decide:



I arrived at the astrodome only to find out that there are too many

volunteers and that volunteers where needed at the George R. Brown

Convention Center. As I was walking up to the Convention Center I noticed a

line of cars that wrapped around blocks filled with donations. These where

ordinary Houstonians coming with truckloads and trunks full of water,

diapers, clothes, blankets, food, all types of good stuff. And lots of it

was NEW. I felt that warm fuzzy while helping unload these vehicles of these

wonderful human beings. I then went inside the building and noticed

approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of clothes, shoes, jackets, toys and all types

of goodies all organized and ready for the people in need. I signed up,

received a name badge and was on my merry way excited to be useful.



I toured the place to get familiar with my surrounding; the entire place is

probably around 2 million sq. ft. I noticed rows as far as the eye can see

of mattresses, not cots, BLOW UP MATTRESSES!!! All of which had nice pillows

and plenty of blankets. 2 to 3 bottles of water lay on every bed. These full

size to queen size beds, by the way, where comfortable, I laid on one to see

for myself. I went to look at the medical area. I couldn't believe what my

eyes were seeing!!! A makeshift hospital created in 24 hours!!! It was

unbelievable, they even had a pharmacy. I also noticed that they created

showers, which would also have hot water. I went upstairs to the third floor

to find a HUGE cafeteria created in under 24 hours! Rows of tables, chairs

and food everywhere - enough to feed an army! I'm not talking about crap

food either. They had Jason's deli food, apples, oranges, coke, diet coke,

lemonade, orange juice, cookies, all types of chips and sandwiches. All the

beverages b

y the way were put on ice and chilled!!!! In a matter of about 24 hours or

less an entire mini-city was erected by volunteers for the poor evacuees.

This was not your rundown crap

shelter, it was BUM HEAVEN.


So that was the layout: great food, comfy beds, clean showers, free medical

help. By the way there was a library, and a theatre room I forgot to

mention. Great stuff right????


Well here is what happened on my journey -


I started by handing out COLD water bottles to evacuees as they got off the

bus. Many would take them and only 20% or less said thank you. Lots of them

would shake their heads and ask for sodas! So this went on for about 20-30

minutes until I was sick of being an unappreciated servant. I figured

certainly these folks would appreciate some food!!! So I went upstairs to

serve these beloved evacuees some GOOD food that I wish I could have at the



The following statements are graphic, truthful, and discuss



Evacuees came slowly to receive this mountain of food that is worth serving

to a king! I tell them that we have 2 types of great deli sandwiches to

choose from - ham and turkey. Many look at the food in disgust and DEMAND

burgers, pizza, and even McDonalds!!!! Jason's deli is better than

McDonalds!!!! Only 1 out of ten people who took something would say "thank

you" the rest took items as if it was their God give right to be served

without a shred of appreciation!!! They would ask for Beer and liquor. They

complained that we didn't have good enough food. They refused food and

laughed at us. They treated us volunteers as if we where SLAVES. No, not all

of them of course, but 70% did!!!!!! 20% where appreciative, 10% took the

food without any comment and the other 70% had some disgusting comment to

say. Some had the nerve to laugh at us. And when I snapped back at them for

being mean, they would curse at me!!! Needless to say I was in utter shock.

They would eat their food and

leave their mess on the table. Some would pick up their stuff but most

would leave it for the volunteers to pick up. I left that real quick to go

down and help set up some more beds. I saw many young ladies carrying

mattresses and I helped for a while. Then I realized that.there where

hundreds of able bodied young men who could help!! I asked a group of young

evacuees in their teens and early twenties to help.

I got cursed at for asking them to help!!! One said "We just lost our

fucking homes and you want us to work!!" The next said "Ya Cracker, you got

a home, we don't" I looked at them in disbelief. Here are women walking by

carrying THEIR BEDS and they can't lift a finger and help themselves!!




I waved them off and turned away and was laughed at and more "white boy

jokes" where made at me. I felt no need to waste my breath on a bunch of

pitiful losers. I went to a nearby restroom where I noticed a man shaving. I

used the restroom, washed my hands and saw this man throw his razor towards

the trash can...he missed. He walked out leaving his disgusting razor on the

floor for some other "cracker" to pick up. Even the little >kids where

demanding. I saw only ONE white family and only TWO Hispanic families. The

rest where blacks. 20% to 30% decent blacks. and 70% LOSERS!!!!!


I would call them N****S, but the actual definition of a n****r is one who

is ignorant. These people were not ignorant..they where ARROGANT ASSHOLES.

The majority of which are thugs and lifetime lazy ass welfare recipients. We

are inviting the lowest of the low to Houston. And like idiots we are

serving the people who will soon steal our cars, rape, murder, and destroy

our city while stealing from our pockets on a daily basis through the

welfare checks they take. We will fund our own destruction.


By "US" I don't mean a specific race, I mean the people who work hard, work

smart, have values and morals. Only people who want to help themselves

should be helped, the others should be allowed to destroy themselves. I do

not want to work hard, give the government close to half the money I earn so

they can in turn give it to a bunch of losers.


I don't believe in being poor for life. My family immigrated here. We came

here poor, and now thank God, and due to HARD WORK we are doing fine. If

immigrants, who come here, don't know the language can work and become


continue to reward these losers then we will soon destroy our great country.

I just witnessed selfish, arrogant, unappreciative behavior by the very

people who need help the most. Now these same people who cursed me, refused

my cities generosity, who refuse to help themselves are DEMANDING handouts

on their own terms!!!!!!! They prance around as if they are owed something,

and when they do receive a handout, they say it's not good enough! Well you

know what..these types of people can go to hell for all I care!


--Richard L.John ston, M.D.

University of Mississippi Medical Center

3805 Crane Blvd.

Jackson,MS 39216

601-981-3896 (home)

601-573-0472 (cell)

601-984-0214 (pager)




Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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This article is bullshit.


For a medical doctor, there seems to be an unusually high amount of poor writing mechanics and dreadful spelling. The man graduated from medical school. That requires some fundamental understanding of how to write.


I've been watching the news lately and have seen scenes that have made me

want to vomit. And no, it wasn't dead bodies, the city under water, or the

sludge everywhere. It was PEOPLE"S BEHAVIOR.


This makes no sense. The guy was at the Astrodome. In Texas. Does he thinks they brought the corpses with them from New Orleans?



They had Jason's deli food, apples, oranges, coke, diet coke,

lemonade, orange juice, cookies, all types of chips and sandwiches. All the

beverages b

y the way were put on ice and chilled!!!! In a matter of about 24 hours or

less an entire mini-city was erected by volunteers for the poor evacuees.

This was not your rundown crap

shelter, it was BUM HEAVEN.


Let me point out this guy doesn't seem to understand this was after they'd had to put up with hellish conditions for 6 days in New Orleans.


And, WTF? "BUM HEAVEN"? As if these people were Great Depression-era migrants hopping box cars to travel west. Was he surprised they didn't carry sticks with hankchiefs tied to the end to hold their few possessions?


The people on T.V. (99% being

Black) where DEMANDING help. They were not asking nicely but demanding as if

society owed these people something. Well the honest truth is WE DON'T.

Help should be asked for in a kind manner and then appreciated.


"I'm sorry...I know you lost your home, your family, and your possessions, but I absolutely refuse to give you any food or water until you say 'please' and 'thank you.'"


What a dick.

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An email I got today... no further comments from me...


FWIW, a google search reveals this to be a real person and contact info. I forwarded it to snopes.com to see if they can verify if it's real or if someone is out for the doctor. I just did a Google search of my own, and got 1 result:




I just did a Google search of my own on "Richard L.Johnston" and "University of Mississippi Medical Center", and got 1 result:



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This guy lives on an ivory tower and half of his post seems to be complaining about how poor people should feel honored to breathe oxygen because they're otherwise such a drag on society. These people are TOTALLY going to destroy Houston (which is pretty hard to make worse than it already is) because they don't know what Jason's Deli is better than McDonalds.


While he may being treated rather unkindly, it's from people who have lost everything, and I think if he lost EVERYTHING, especially since a person of his statue has so much more than most, he would very upset, too.


I would not be supried if this isn't one of those peoples who believe that the poor are "just lazy."

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Based on this guy's writing, I would say he came into the situation with a chip on his shoulder and was probably a dick. And goddam, Y2J is right, you'd think you would learn to write at least somewhat coherently in the 20ish years of school it takes to become a doctor.

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They certainly don't develop penmanship! HAHAHA


Anyway I think you're right in that he came into it looking for something like this. I don't know if I'd call any of these shelters "Bum Heaven," though. That sounds more like a British strip club.

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