King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted September 22, 2005 Without anyone to interview, poor Josh Matthews is doing nothing of any note. Although, argueably, that's nothing new. Walking through the hallways with his hands in his pockets, whistling to himself absent mindedly, Matthews turns a corner and sees two figures in the distance. Valerie and Constance, The Minnesota Angels, are both hunched over a brown paper envelope and peering in at it's contents. And, ever the snooper, Matthews decides this is his chance to do some reporting. MATTHEWS Valerie...Constance! Frantically, The Angels scramble whatever they were holding behind their backs, envelope and all. Matthews looks suspicious, but Constance continues to sheild her possessions, while Valerie glares at the nosey Matthews. MATTHEWS Is this a bad time? VALERIE Yeah, it is actually. MATTHEWS ...oh well. I wanted to talk to you about Dirty Deeds and your co-number one contendership to the Women's Championship, but maybe before we get to that, you'll tell us what you're holding behind your backs. VALERIE Uhm... CONSTANCE! The Angels sneer at Matthews, who's still trying to catch a sneaky peek. VALERIE What we have is none of your business. For all you know, this could be something intimate and personal. MATTHEWS Even better! CONSTANCE Ugh! You want to talk to us about Dirty Deeds? Well, I know what you're going to ask us already. Can we get along? Are we going to start attacking each other? How will we decide who's going to actually win the Women's Title from that redneck hick Ashley Street? Guess what Josh...that's none of your business! Just like our personal property is none of your business. So how about you run along and interview 'little' old Ashley. Ask her what it's like to know somebody's out to see her career ended, permanently! VALERIE Or what it's like to be brought up in a trailer park! The Angels laugh and exchange a high-five, as Matthews rolls his eyes at the cheapshot. Before suddenly realising all eyes are on him. Neither of the two Angels seem in a good mood or indeed in a talkative mood, so Matthews nervously turns on his heels and scuttles off. Valerie and Constance watch on, waiting until Josh is out of sight and the coast is clear (apart from the camera of course...which is invisible. Yeah. Invisible. That'll do.) Once it is, Constance brings the envelope back from behind her...while Valerie brings a large handful of money out from behind hers, beaming from ear to ear. VALERIE I can't believe we're actually getting PAID by this benefactor to beat up trailer trash! Heck, I'd do it for free! CONSTANCE Totally. Pity we don't know who she is. VALERIE And just think...if this is what we're getting now... Valerie takes another handful of cash out of the envelope, which still looks pretty full despite the bills taken out of it. VALERIE ...think of what we're gonna get as a win bonuses! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites