Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted September 24, 2005 COLE Folks up next, live from Fenway Park at Dirty Deeds 2005, we're going to see the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles defended inside the confines of a 15 foot high steel cage! CABOOSE It was just a few weeks ago that the wild card tandem of Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez, put together by GM Calvin Szechstein to show the unity The Originals have maintained with certain Upstarts, captured the belts in a classic TLC match that many are touting as the Match of the Year. COACH I'd vouch for that. COLE It was also GM Szechstein that made this contest, wanting Zack and Leon to prove themselves to be fighting champions by taking on two men waiting on their moment in the sun. The tandem of Thunderkid and Reject have been craving this shot, and tonight they get it . Let's go to the ring. DING! DING! DING! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, set for one fall, is a STEEEEEEEEL CAAAAAAAAGE MATCH FOR THE OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES! The crowd roars, but are soon overpowered by the sound of "God of Thunder" by KISS. BUFFER Introducing first ,the a combined weight of 465 pounds, first, from Green Bay, WI, this is THUNDERKID! His tag team partner, hailing from New York City, REEEEEEEEEEEEJECT! The two superstars walk down the aisle and step through the door of the cage, glaring menacingly at the crowd. These are two men who know they are not fan favorites tonight but could care less, as what they want are the gold straps, not the acceptance of the fans. Speaking of fan acceptance, the throbbing of bass chords replaces the KISS classic, as "Getting Away With Murder" fills the Boston air. CABOOSE Here come the champeens! Malibu leads the way, coming out of the back with the OAOAST World Tag Team title belt strapped around his waist. Rodez jogs slightly behind him, throwing an arm up to the crowd before running up and jumping onto his partner's back and throwing another arm up! Malibu turns and looks at Rodez, having not expected the enthusiasm from his partner, but together they play to the crowd as they make their way to the ring. COLE Looks like these two have their fair share of supporters tonight. CABOOSE I'm sure Malibu's got some hometown folk here as well! BUFFER Approaching the ring at this time, they are the OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM a combined weight of four hundred, twenty eight pounds, first, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, he is "Silky Smooth" LEON ROOOOODEZ! His tag team partner, from Providence, Rhode Island, he is known as the OAOAST Franchise, ZAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAALIBUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! COLE They've got a big test ahead of them. They're not the most experienced duo on our roster, but alone they've been two of the greatest superstars in their own rights. A curveball was thrown to them in the form of the steel cage, which is a "regulator" so to speak to keep any Originals or Upstarts from getting involved. COACH Not to mention bring in some extra buys. CABOOSE Huh? COACH Hey, I read my newsletters! DING! DING! DING! With the bell rung, all Zack and Rodez have to do now is get into the cage. Which is easier said than done with the challengers guarding the doorway. Thunderkid kicks out at Zack and Rodez as they try to get in, while Reject reaches out and grabs the door, closing it on the champions. The challengers hold the door shut while Rodez tries to re-group for the champions, but a frustrated Zack is too busy trying to re-open the door that he doesn't hear his partner. A brief tussle ensues, before finally Thunderkid releases the door...only to kick it back, sending it flying back into Zack's face!! Zack crashes past Rodez to the floor, distracting The Silky Smooth One and allowing Reject to drag him into the cage! COLE Look at's two on one here!! CABOOSE Great strategy from the challenger, you have to admit that Michael. Tag team wrestling's always been about isolating your opponent and believe me, Leon Rodez is competely isolated while he's alone in this Cage. As he's dragged into the cage, Rodez manages to push Reject away, but Thunderkid fires a boot up into the chest as he tries to get in. Quickly TK pulls Rodez the rest of the way in and slams the door, ordering the referee to lock it. Zack is still on the floor, but the referee locks it anyway as the match is underway. Meanwhile, Reject and TK put the boots to Rodez in the cage. Backed up in the corner, Rodez tries to cover up but the stomps and the straight kicks keep coming and he finds himself under barrage. Rodez falls to his knees under the onslaught. But Reject quickly pulls him back up, whipping him out of the corner and across the ring. Hurtling towards the opposite turnbuckles, Rodez plants his hands on the top rope and lifts himself up and over the charging Reject...only to fall right in front of Thunderkid, who wipes him out with a clothesline to the back of the head! Reject then follows up with some more stomps, TK joining in, beating down Rodez as boos rain down on the challengers. "LET'S GO ZACK!" "LET'S GO ZACK!" "LET'S GO ZACK!" The crowd start to will Zack to get up and in the match, but he remains laid out on the arena floor, blood trickling from a wound on his forehead. That allows the challenger all the time in the world to pull Rodez to his feet. TK holds Rodez by the hair for a Reject kick, then pins his arms behind his back for another. TK then whips Rodez around, pulling him into a short-arm clothesline. COLE This doesn't look good. Zack's locked out of the cage and he's already busted open! TK and Reject could win the title without Zack even getting in the cage! Together, the challengers slowly pull Rodez to his feet. Desperately Rodez starts to pepper Reject in the gut with right hands from his knees, but TK lays in with clubbing forearms to the back to weaken him down. He and Reject then pull Rodez to his feet, each taking him behind the head and charging across the ring... *CHING!* ...and HURLING Rodez face-first into the wall of the cage!! Rodez bounces back off the cage and falls to his hands and knees, the challenger stalking over him. Looking to each other, Reject gives TK the nod and they pull Rodez up again. And taking Rodez by the head, they charge across the opposite side... *CHING!* ...sending him into the opposite side of the cage!! CABOOSE These guys aren't wasting any time in doing their damage. Rodez falls flat on his face in the centre of the ring as TK and Reject discuss what they're going to do next. Whatever their plans were though, they soon change as they see the referee on the outside of the cage hurriedly trying to unlock the door for a groggy but awake Zack Malibu. The cage door opens and Zack tries to crawl in. But Reject rushes across the ring, baseball sliding across and knocking Zack back out to the floor. Reject then orders the door locked again, while TK bides his time choking Rodez with the flat of his boot. "WE WANT ZACK!" "WE WANT ZACK!" "WE WANT ZACK!" "WE WANT ZACK!" COACH I think these people want Zack guys! CABOOSE Suh-wish. Thunderkid continues to choke away on The Silky Smooth One, until Reject brushes him aside to drop a legdrop across the throat. On the outside, Zack tries to pull himself up once more. Something which Thunderkid sees and decides he wants no part of, making a pin on Rodez as he tries to end the match... 1... 2... Kickout. TK drags Rodez back to his feet, sending him into the ropes. As he bounces off the ropes, the back of Rodez's head whiplashes over and crashes into the cage wall, causing him to stumble slowly back. So TK changes tactic, booting Rodez in the gut before hitting the side ropes and executing a swinging neckbreaker. Reject keeps a watch on Zack, content to let his partner continue his dominance. Backing into the corner, TK climbs to the middle rope and waits for Rodez to climb back to his feet. Slowly Rodez does, lumbering around and taking a leaping right hand directly between the eyes. Head snapping back, Rodez collapses backwards, TK cradling his leg instantly with a pin... 1... 2... Kickout. COLE The challengers are trying to get this match over with as quickly as possible here, before Zack can get a chance to get in. Because once he does, the odds are even and Zack is no stranger to this kind of environment. CABOOSE No doubt. He's been in Cage Matches, he's been in War Games...and right now, he's probably pissed off that he's busted open. I don't blame Thunderkid and Reject for not wanting him in there now. Pulling Rodez to his feet again, TK slams a knee into the gut of Rodez...and a second, before applying a front facelock. He then shoots the arm over the back, dropping to one knee with a modified facebuster that leaves Rodez on all fours, dazed. TK then hits the ropes and drives a basement dropkick to the side of Leon's head. Climbing back up, TK takes a quick glance over and sees Reject busy holding the door shut, trying to prevent the referee from unlocking it as Zack is up again and trying to get in. The incompetent referee isn't doing him any favours though. So Zack takes matters into his own hands, storming past the ref and climbing the cage, to a big pop from the crowd! COLE Here we go! Here comes Zack! *CHING!* But Zack doesn't make it far up the cage wall, as Reject dropkicks the cage causing Zack to lose his grip and crash back to the arena floor. CABOOSE Yeah...and there goes Zack. Zack clambers back up and starts to look around for another way in, unable to see one but trying determinedly. Again he begins to climb the cage from the outside. But again, Reject stops him, shaking the cage violently until Zack falls back to earth. But all this is distracting Reject from what's going on behind him...Leon Rodez fighting back on Thunderkid! Rodez fires away with right hand after right hand, backing TK up a couple of steps before charging him with a clothesli...NO! Thunderkid ducks, turning on his heels just as Rodez charges again. Stooping low, TK lifts up Rodez for a slam. Rodez floats over the back though, landing behind TK and yanking him down by the head, right into the knees with a Lungblower!! A quivering TK rolls away holding his ribs, as finally Reject sees what's going down and abandons Zack, charging Rodez with right hands. Rodez retaliates and the two are exchanging right hands now, allowing Zack to rush back over and get the referee to unlock the cage door!! The ref isn't exactly quick on the draw though, which allows Reject time to catch Rodez in the eyes, then duck low and charge Rodez spine first into the turnbuckles. Rodez slumps to a crouched position, as Reject quickly turns back towards Zack... *WHAM!* "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...WHO'S IN THE CAGE AND EXPLODES ON REJECT WITH A SPEAR!!!! COLE Aw damn, Zack's in the cage and business has picked up bah gawd! Stumbling away from Reject, Zack scrambles over to TK and pulls him up. An irish whip sends TK across the ring and back into a standing dropkick, catching the challenger right on the BUTT of the jaw. Zack then goes over to Rodez, checking he's okay. And he seems to be, hugging a rather bemused Zack like an long lost friend. Rodez then brushes past Zack to go after TK, nailing him with a right hand. And a second. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!!" ...and a knifedge chop. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!!" ...a second. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!!" ...three chops, rocking Thunderkid... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOO!!" ...before Zack lays in with one himself. TK stands sucking wind as Zack and Leon quickly discuss strategy, Zack picking TK up in his arms as if going for a Spinebuster. But instead of that, Zack holds TK in place while Rodez rushes past into the ropes. Back he comes, hitting the opposite ropes, before slowing down in time to rock TK with a devestating Hart Attack...EYEPOKE!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH OHMAHGAWD~! COLE Feel the Devesta-SHUN~! As Thunderkid blindly fumbles at his face, Zack drops him with an inverted atomic drop before looking at his partner in despair. Rodez is pretty pleased with the move himself though. So Zack shrugs, grabbing Rodez's arm and pulling him in for a double clothesline! Down goes TK, but the champs continue their hand holding and nail Reject with a double clothesline too! The challengers both lay downed on the mat, as Zack checks his forehead...which isn't too badly cut, the blood not flowing at the moment...while Rodez fires up the crowd. CABOOSE For a makeshift team, these two aren't entirely terrible. COLE Trust me folks, coming from 'Boose, this is a compliment. CABOOSE It's the best they'll ever get too. Both challengers get up at the same time, so the champions approach, and pair off. Zack takes Reject, while Rodez takes Thunderkid, and then send them across the ring, into the ropes. Leon and Zack spring off their feet, each man catching his respective opponent with a dropkick to the chin. The champions get up and immediately pull their stunned foes off the canvas, and then lead them towards the wall of the cage, as Thunderkid gets hurled into one side of the steel while his partner is sent sailing into it just across the ring! Thunderkid falls to the canvas, while the impact has Reject hobbling, and he staggers around right into Zack, who takes his wrist, wrenches his arm, and then pulls him in, planting him with a quick inverted atomic drop! Malibu then drops his head and hooks the waist, completing the chain with a Northern Lights Suplex, as the crowd counts along with the referee's count. ONE! TWO! NO! After Reject's kickout, Zack immediately rolls to his feet, only to see his partner whipping Thunderkid in his direction! Malibu immediately spins to the side and grabs Thunderkid, lifting him up horizontally before dropping him on the canvas with a crushing sideslam! As soon as he makes impact, Rodez bounds for the side ropes, rebounding towards his fallen foe while Malibu rises up and hops over Thunderkid, then tucks his head to back bodydrop his own partner Rodez and have him squash TK with a somersault splash! COLE Whatamanuever! Assisted somersault splash by the tag team champions, who are doing their best to prove they can hang with the more experienced OAOAST duos! Rodez hooks a leg, and once again the champions have the challengers in a pinning predicament! ONE! TWO! NO! Thunderkid rolls a shoulder, so Rodez simply brings him up to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Coming off, TK is caught with a double hiptoss, but Malibu and Rodez don't take him all the way to the mat, instead catching his legs with their free arms...AND LAUNCH HIM ONTO A RECOVERING REJECT! CABOOSE Tossed like a lawn dart into his own partner! The crowd roars as the challengers roll across the canvas, both smarting from the dart-toss manuever. Leon and Zack look to each other and nod, then approach their foes again. Looking to keep their momentum, the champs pair off with their foes again, but as Leon brings TK up to his feet, he's met with a thumb to the eye, then taken by the head and hurled headfirst into the cage wall! This is all unknown to Malibu, who has backed Reject in the corner, and perches himself on the middle rope, and starts pounding away! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! S-NO! Thunderkid comes over and pulls Malibu down to the canvas, but Zack lands on his feet, knocking TK away with a back elbow, but it distracts him enough for Reject to power out of the corner and rattle him with an STO! The challengers then start putting the boots to Malibu and work him over, as Leon staggers to his feet, blood now tricking from his forehead! He sees his partner getting doubled up on and rushes over, spinning Reject around and nailing him with right hands, but Reject cuts him off with a well placed knee, then whips him into the corner. Reject charges in, but Leon springs up and plants both of his feet into Reject's chest, driving him back, then hops up on the second rope and leaps onto Reject's shoulders, sending him flying after a huracanrana! COACH Look at Leon go like a one man show! CABOOSE The challengers have done a good job of working Zack over, I'll give them credit, but Leon is definitely keeping his team alive. Rodez gets to his feet, and Thunderkid moves away from Zack and attack, driving Leon back into the ropes after several forearms. He sends Leon across the ring, but Rodez reverses in mid move and sends Thunderkid to the ropes...but misses his dropkick attempt, as TK clung to the top rope! Thunderkid then grabs Leon's legs and catapults him towards the cage wall...but SOMEHOW Leon manages to catch the wall, and starts climbing up it! COLE Leon Rodez is racing to the top of the cage, and I don't think that's what Thunderkid had intended! TK scrambles up after Rodez, while the crowd roars at the sight of the two men moving towards the top of the huge metal structure. CABOOSE Now these two both know it's not an "escape rules" match...Calvin said he wanted a winner by pinfall or submission, not by running away. COLE True, but what TK may not realize is he's being led away from his partner, and Leon has broken this match down into a standard two on two fight once again. By taking TK away from his partner, there's no room for a double team situation. Leon makes it to the top of the cage first, and draps his leg over the side, resting himself atop the cage. As TK climbs, Rodez grabs him and starts punching at the bridge of his nose, then takes his head and rams it into the cage wall! TK is dazed, but he clings to the cage for dear life, not wanting to take the fall off the wall. Down on the canvas Reject has gotten back to his feet, and looms over Zack Malibu, but as he reaches down for the popular prep, Zack nips up, and in one swift motion scissors Reject's head, snapping him over with a huracanrana out of the nip up~! The crowd pops as Reject scrambles to his feet, only to get blasted with a roaring elbow that staggers him, and then a discus clothesline that puts him back on his back! Reject rolls away from Malibu, trying to escape the punishment, and Zack actually lets him, as he spies Thunderkid pawing at Rodez, trying to yank and/or shove him off the top of the cage! Zack goes to the wall of the cage and jumps up, trying to snatch TK's ankle, but it's out of reach...SO MALIBU STARTS CLIMBING THE CAGE WALL! Rodez and TK continue dueling, until Zack manages to grab TK's ankle and jumps back down to the canvas, using gravity against TK to pull him down... ...RIGHT ONTO THE TOP ROPE CROTCH FIRST~! CABOOSE *sigh* If only one day someone would do that to Coachman. COACH Wha!? CABOOSE Oh c'mon, you make me feel dirty just by sitting next to you the way you fawn over everything with girl parts. Thunderkid clings to the rope in pain, until Zack pulls him down to the canvas. He positions TK near the center of the ring, in the perfect spot for a high impact move. Malibu looks up, and the crowd comes to their feet as Leon Rodez makes the 450 motion with his hands, and starts pushing himself up to a standing position ON THE TOP OF THE CAGE! COLE Is he...I mean no way, not from the top of the cage! Holding the cage wall, Leon gets both his feet on the metallic ledge, but as he pushes up slowly, a recovering Reject pounces Malibu, shoving him into the cage wall...AND IT KNOCKS LEON OFF BALANCE! CABOOSE HOLY SHIT! COACH I thought only fans could say that? Leon manages to grip the top of the cage on his way down, and he's dangling from the cage wall! He tries to pull himself up, knowing that a fall from that height down to the ground could prove deadly! Meanwhile in the ring, a groggy Malibu is pulled into a standing headscissors, and Reject hoists him up, hanging him upside down before stepping over the arms of the former World Champion...CONNECTING WITH PITCH BLACK~! CABOOSE It's over! Rodez can't help, and Zack just got hit with that devestating finisher! Reject covers, looking very pleased with himself as he hears the referee's hand hit the canvas. ONE! TWO! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENO! NO! COLE ZACK MALIBU KICKED OUT OF PITCH BLACK! CABOOSE I take it back! The Fenway fans roar, as Malibu rolled his shoulder at the last second! Furious, Reject gets up and stomps away at Malibu, then drops to his knees and tears at Zacks's face, pounding his head into the canvas as well. He lifts Malibu up again, and tries for a second Pitch Black, but as he goes to lift Zack the tag champion shifts his weight, dropping back down to the canvas! He manages to counter, lifting Reject up over his shoulders, and when Thunderkid comes running to help, Malibu spins to crack him with the feet of his own partner! Thunderkid rolls away, but Reject manages to slide off Zack's shoulders and land behind him, snaring him in an inverted facelock, but Zack spins out of it and shoves Reject back! Reject, infuriated with the resilience of the tag champion, storms towards Malibu again...but out of NOWHERE Zack cracks him with the SCHOOL'S OUT before collapsing himself! COLE We've got the challengers down, one champion down, and the other hanging on for dear life! Rodez struggles, and after a few moments finally is able to get his arms over the top of the cage. He manages to drag himself up to the top, and when he does he pushes up so that his feet are resting on the thin metal rod. Looking down in the ring, Leon surveys the damage, and sees everyone sprawled out on the canvas. For the second time he begins to come up to his feet while on the cage, and the next sight you see is one for the ages as LEON RODEZ HITS HIS PATENTED 450 SPLASH OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE DOWN ONTO REJECT~!~!~!~! COACH DIZZAMN! COLE BECAUSE THE LADY LOVES FROM THE TOP OF A STEEL CAGE! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! Rodez bounces off Reject and rolls around on the canvas, his ribs smarting from the impact of the splash. The Fenway crowd is on their feet, unanimously cheering the fan favorite's daredevil tactic. COLE He hit it, but he's got to make the cover! It's up to Leon! A groggy Rodez crawls over slowly, still favoring the ribs with one arm, while draping the other one across the unconscious Reject. ONE! TWO! THREE! DING! DING! DING! CABOOSE They did it! The new champions have retained their titles here tonight at Dirty Deeds! "Jungle Boogie" starts playing, as the referee helps Leon to his feet and raises his hand, signifying victory. Malibu, bloody and still shaken, rises up to his feet and comes over, and together the champions have their hands raised to the delight of the crowd. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen your winners, and STILL OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, ZAAAAAAACK MALIBU AND LEON ROOOOOOOOOOODEZ! COLE Some were surprised to see them win the titles in the first place, others are surprised that they managed to keep them tonight, but there is no doubt that Leon Rodez and Zack Malibu are slowly becoming one of the most cohesive units in the OAOAST! After having their hands raises, Malibu extends a hand to his partner, only to have Leon swat it away and give him a big hug, probably thankful that his life was spared from taking that fall. Malibu just shrugs and congratulates his partner, and as they exit the cage the champions are handed their title belts, which they raise proudly as the Bostonians cheer them on. COLE General Manager Calvin Szechstein said he wanted action and some additions to the highlight reel tonight, and that match definitely delivered. The OAOAST World Tag Team Championship stays around the waists of Malibu and Rodez, but can the OAOAST World Title stay around Hoff's waist after the challenge of Peter Knight? We'll find out, as Dirty Deeds continues! 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Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted September 25, 2005 All this needs are the intro's. I'm off to dinner, but I'll be back in a while. KC, if you see this before I'm back, if you wanna tack them on that's cool, otherwise I'll finish it when I get in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted September 26, 2005 All set gang. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites