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Desperate Housewives Season 2 thread

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Pretty solid episode, nothing too special but it served its purpose to follow from last season. The funeral scene however had me in tears, and the open casket shoots down my idea of Rex still being alive since his death in season 1 was pretty shady.


Also was that corpse they showed at the morgue Justin?

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I have a feeling this thread won't get many responses. I live with 4 girls, so I have no choice but to catch bits and pieces. I have no idea what's going on, but I saw the last five minutes while waiting to watch Family Guy on DVR and I think it's freaky that those new neighbors have that guy chained up in their basement.

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I just watched the first episode of the new season, as I had to wait forever to download it since Family Guy and American Dad take precedent on Sunday nights.


Best part of the episode was the "Did I ask for your help?" line, which was just delightfully twisted, especially since she was crying her eyes out.

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I watched this show last year due to the milf collective and found the storyline fairly intriguing, but my interest apparently waned over the summer as I didn't feel the need to watch the premiere.


It also doesn't help that it runs against the MacFarlane Hour

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I've sat in on episodes while my wife watched it. I found the storylines to be fairly original but lord-help-me if I wasn't ready to jump through the TV and murder the actress playing the narrator. Imagine making a cherry pie, and then pouring kerosene all over it. That's what the narrator does to this show.


I've wanted to fuck Terri Hatcher for the last 12 years. I don't see than impulse going away any time soon.

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I hate that narrator's voice. Plus the fact that she always says "Gabrielle Solis". You don't need to say her last name every time!

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Last week's show confirmed two theories in my mind:


a) Nothing brings down an episode like a Felecity Huffman storyline.


b) Nothing saves an episode like Marcia Cross being an evil bitch. Her changing her dead husband's tie in the coffin was one of the most tasteless yet awesome things ever.


There is no way Huffman should've won the Emmy for this show. She has the worst, most painful to watch storylines on the show and while acted well brings nothing to the table. Marcia on the other hand is a goddess among women and will usually have one blowaway moment per show.

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The funny thing about the narrator is she's better looking than half of the other women (Seinfeld fans may remember her as "The Braless Wonder").


Huffman and Sheridan aren't that great to look at, at all.

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Felicity Huffman's character is there specifically for the stay-at-home mother crowd that makes up a good percentage of the show's audience. It's essentially an "empowering" role.


Personally I like most of Huffman's storylines. I can't fucking stand Nicollette Sheridan though.

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The funny thing about the narrator is she's better looking than half of the other women (Seinfeld fans may remember her as "The Braless Wonder").


Wasn't she in Starship Troopers?

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Yeah if memory serves she was a recruit with the rest of the 90210 crew. She wanted to serve a term so she could become a citizen and have kids or some shit like that. She got offed in her first fight.


This is of course if memory serves me right. Haven't seen it in a while.

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Yeah if memory serves she was a recruit with the rest of the 90210 crew.  She wanted to serve a term so she could become a citizen and have kids or some shit like that.  She got offed in her first fight.


This is of course if memory serves me right.  Haven't seen it in a while.




She was the Captain of the ship Denise Richards was serving on.

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Fun episode tonight, aside from the Susan-Edie crap, which looks to be this season's "fashion show" plotline of sorts.


The pharmacist passing the lie detector because he "lied to himself" was such a God damn cop out though.


Next week looks good. "Have you ever been with a woman?" "Go to your room!"

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Yeah the lied to himself thing didn't make any sense. The scenes with Carlos and Gabrielle were great though.


Also they seem to keeping a few people in that basement, because the hand that picked up the food in episode 1 was a white hand.

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Yeah if memory serves she was a recruit with the rest of the 90210 crew.  She wanted to serve a term so she could become a citizen and have kids or some shit like that.  She got offed in her first fight.


This is of course if memory serves me right.  Haven't seen it in a while.




She was the Captain of the ship Denise Richards was serving on.


Yeah I saw it was on TV and saw her and specifically meant to come and post my correction.

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Yeah if memory serves she was a recruit with the rest of the 90210 crew.  She wanted to serve a term so she could become a citizen and have kids or some shit like that.  She got offed in her first fight.


This is of course if memory serves me right.  Haven't seen it in a while.




She was the Captain of the ship Denise Richards was serving on.


Yeah I saw it was on TV and saw her and specifically meant to come and post my correction.


I love the priorities we have around here.

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Great episode tonight.  They did expose Marcia Cross' acting limitations during the scene where she freaked out though.

Yeah, the freakout was way over the top. But hell, it was nice to watch especially when you see the strand of hair fall out of place, I wonder if that was intentional for a symbolic effect.

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