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King Cucaracha


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Once again, AFTER THE CREDITS k thanx bye.





OAOAST Productions, Proudly Presents...




Ladies and gentlemen, live from Grand Rapids, Michigan...IT'S THE LOVE SHACK!! And, heeeeeerrreee is your host... LLEEEEEEOOOOONN RRRRROOOOODDEEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!


Piped in cheers and applause fire up as Leon Rodez walks onto his lavish set (read: a desk, a lamp, a sign saying 'HAIL MICHIGAN' and a cheap looking beach towel of the New York skyline hanging over, what presumably, is a blank and cheap wall. Rodez acknowledges the cheers from...well, from the P.A sat off camera...as he walks around his desk and lounges in to his seat. That cheap, talk-show host smile is plastered on his face as he shuffles some notes, for seemingly no reason as he then places them in a drawer on the front of the desk.



Hello OAOAST fans and welcome to Grand Rapids. Welcome too to The Love Shack, the show so good, it got a second week! Which, for all intents and purposes, is longer than most of Hoff's title reigns. Wocka wocka wocka! But...seriously, it's been a emotional night on HeldDOWN~! tonight with everything that's happened. Already tonight, we've seen Drek Stone cry his wickle heart out and take his ball home because he didn't want to contribute to the OAOAST. Irony is, he was supposed to be leading 'The Upstarts', when he has more problems putting over the youngsters than anyone it seems. I beat Drek not long ago, now he's pissed and leaves. Co-incidence? I think not. And of course, we have Hoff. The almighty Hoff. 'The Future', as he would proclaim 28 times in each droning, boring, inconsiquental promo he ever made. You know, I always thought it was Some Guy who idolised Shawn Michaels...I never thought it'd be Hoff who lost his smile.


Rodez suddenly perks up.



But, we couldn't end the show on a downer. We had to end it on a high note. So, put away the tissues, wipe away the tears and settle in for another wild and wacky adventure on the award winning Love Shack!


*DISCLAIMER*: Any awards won by the Love Shack or claimed to have been awarded to the Love Shack are purely ficitional and should be regarded as such.



Alright, now it's time to bring on my guest. Obviously, if you saw The Shack last week, you'll know that I had one of the OAOAST's long serving Originals on the show, in Zack Malibu. So, in the interest of fairness, this week we're bringing on a new, rising superstar. Infact, we're bringing on a newly promoted wrestler from the OAOVW. Cute name, eh? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Shack...JAMIE O'HARA!


Cue piped in rapturous applause, as the young - and, quite frankly a little scrawny - Jamie O'Hara walks onto the set. Rodez stands for his guest and offers a handshake. O'Hara takes a sidewards glance at Rodez and decides to be courteous, shaking Rodez's hand. The handshake takes longer than he expected though, as Rodez goes through a convulted set of motions, including THE SNAP AND SPRINKLE~! for his gangsta guest.



Yeah, yeah, what's crackilating playa?


O'Hara gives Rodez a curious glance, as The Tag Champion ends his weird and long-winded special handshake and seemingly snaps out of his gangsta trance.



Jamie, take a seat. Welcome to The Shack .



Whassup rudeboy?



...Uh, yeah. So, you're just set to be promoted up from OAOVW and I've been doing some research on you, what with being a respected fake talkshow host and all...and I must say, you're pretty fly. Well, for a white guy. How do you think you'll fit in in the OAOAST?



I tell you this, I ain't comin' for fun, I'm comin' to be number one. I ain't some muscled up roid-freak, but I ain't scared of nobody or nothin'. You ever spent a night on the streets? I have. You ever had to fight to the death for food? I have. The streets of New York ain't shit on Birmingham, England, biznitch! It's gangsta paradise. Big bizness goin' down. You gotta get down for yours, you dig? Lemme ask you, Mr Michigan boy...you ever had to Curbstomp a bitch?


For some reason, Rodez has to muse it over.



I can't say that I have, no.



Fuck man, dat's some daily shit in Birmingham. Why'dyou think dey call me the Birmingham Bad Boy?



Because you used to be in a tag team called the Birmingham Bad Boyz but you weren't all that good so you got demoted to OAOVW and your partner left so now you're a 'boy' singular rather than 'boyz' plural?





Yeah...but also, coz I'm feared an' revered in B-Town, bitch!



O-Okaaay. *strains to read cue-card* And now..it's time for..a new feature on..The Love...Shack. It's time for Jade's One Question.



#And now it's time for#





After the less than expensive intro, Jade Rodez appears on set holding a handheld microphone...which, doesn't seem to be on. But then again, she's standing under a boom-mic-thingy, so who's to know?



Oh man, I feel like Jerry Jarrett here.



Hardly. At least Jeff gets more than a 5 minute cameo.



I thought we agreed on 2 minutes.






Okay sis, you got one question, use it wisely



Right...Hi Jamie.



Whassup ho.


Jade stops and folds her arms.



Cute. Okay, so anyway, you like to think or yourself as a 'hardnut'. Like this guy I knew at school, who came in one day and said he killed somebody who tried to knick his cellphone, but it turned out he just dropped his phone in the toilet and the dead body was just a pidgeon carcass. And even then, he didn't kill it, he just poked it with a stick and that's true because Beckie told me she was there, even though Ashley said she was with Kaleigh, which she wasn't because Kaleigh was having it off with Bradley behind a cow-shed...



Is...is it just me, or is this not going anywhere.



Sorry...uh, where was I?



The question?



Oh yeah...What was it like to get beat up by Charles Robinson?


Pissed, O'Hara stands up and gets in Jade's face, prompting Leon out of his chair to interject himself.



Yo, step off cous'.



I suggest you get out of my sister's face.



Whatch'u gonna do cous', huh? You wanna go?



You know, you should take a look around kid. This is the Love Shack. This is mah house! I built this house! Figuratively, obviously, I'm no builder. But I am a wrestler and if you wanna 'go', then we'll 'go' in the ring. Next week. Unless, one half of the Tag Team Champions is too much of a step up from referees and James Blonde all of a sudden?


Despite backing off, a sour look remains on O'Hara face as he glares at Rodez and nods his head...






That's right, OAOAST HeldDOWN~!, next week, Leon Rodez taking on Jamie O'Hara one on one. My nizzle. Also on the show, we expect to get some confirmation on the OAOAST Heavyweight Title situation as well as a whole, whole lot more. Or maybe not. Depends on how busy we all are. Plus, no doubt some other people who don't do shit for the company will 'shoot' and take their balls and go home. Hey, maybe Drek'll bitch again. You don't want to miss that. *rolls eyes* That's OAOAST HeldDOWN~!, from Montreal...


Rodez pauses...





...and smiles.



I smell a screwjob.

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