Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted October 6, 2005 This should tie things together nicely. If you don't feel it does, feel free to let me know and I can change it over the course of the next hour. COLE Fans, welcome back to a night that has been full of more plot twists than an M. Night Shamalayan movie. Tonight, the OAOAST has suffered a major blow, as our World Champion, or should I say FORMER World Champion, Hoff, showed up, ranted, and just left, giving up the title in the process! CABOOSE A true competitor, a true champion, no matter what his grievances, should never forfeit championship gold. This is not a business for the half-hearted to lead us, and what Hoff did tonight is an embarrassment to this company, to that championship, and to everyone past and present in the OAOAST. He spit on a legacy, and if I see that man on the street, I'll be sure to extend my hand to him...and use it to punch him dead in the face. COACH Dayum, 'Boose, yous is... CABOOSE Be lucky you're not on my bad side tonight. COACH OK. CABOOSE Yet. COLE Needless to say folks, I have to agree with Caboose here, and...well wait just a minute! The crowd roars as Zack Malibu, clad in bootcut jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt over a longsleeve T-shirt, hits the ring, accompanied by another OAOAST superstar, his partner in the Usual Suspects, fellow OAOAST World Tag Team Champion Leon Rodez. Together, the duo hits ringside much to the delight of the fans, but Malibu doesn't look to be in the mood to play to the crowd. He storms over to Michael Buffer and asks for the mic, then turns and nods to Leon. Both men enter the ring, and Malibu stands at center ring, with Leon standing right beside him and offering a slight slap on the back, as Malibu seems ready to explode right now. COLE He does NOT look happy. CABOOSE Can you blame him? Zack Malibu has given his life for this company, and to see the legacy walked on the way Drek Stone and Hoff have done tonight? Malibu takes a deep breath, while Leon Rodez backs up and stands against the ropes, letting his partner have his moment in the spotlight to get things off his chest. MALIBU The first thing I'd like to do is apologize to all you people filling the seats in this arena tonight, and to you people watching at home live, on videotape, tape delay, whatever. All of you, each and every one of you, deserve better for your dollar than what you've gotten here tonight from Drek Stone and Hoff. The crowd, appreciative of Zack's apology, applauds. MALIBU Not only do you people deserve better, but this company, it's employees, and most certainly the World Heavyweight Championship deserve better. Instead tonight, we were treated to the feelings of two bitter individuals, one of whom seems to piss and moan whenever the spotlight isn't shining down upon him, and the other who seems to be easily manuevered when the pressure is on. It seems that the FORMER, and I stress FORMER World Heavyweight Champion and the supposed leader of The Upstarts have decided to take the low road and duck out on the company. One started a war that he apparently feels he can't finish, and the other simply took his ball and went along for the ride. Well you know what, I say this now, with 100% conviction and truth in my voice, with God as my witness you will never, EVER see those two sons of bitches inside an OAOAST ring anywhere in this world EVER AGAIN! The crowd roars. MALIBU BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO LET TWO PEOPLE ATTEMPT TO RUIN THE WORK OF SO MANY OTHERS! I will be damned if Drek Stone, Hoff, The Upstarts, the GPX, whoever it may be, ruin a company built on not just my blood, sweat and tears, but the blood, sweat and tears of so many others. A man like Leon Rodez, my tag team partner, who doesn't have the so-called veteran status, but stands side by side with The Originals. A man who wants to not only better himself and his career, but his company. The company that EMPLOYS HIM. You hear that, Hoff? If you were a 9-5er, working in an office, would you walk in one day, clear out your desk, and proclaim to everyone that's at a desk or in a cubicle that you couldn't take it anymore? No, you wouldn't, but because it's live TV and the spotlight is on you for a few minutes, you decide to make waves, and you try to make a name for yourself on the way out, and that shows that you are nothing more than a selfish, ungrateful son of a bitch! There was a time where I took you under my wing...Calvin Szechstein and I saw a future for you, and tonight, you paid us back tenfold in a way we never expected. You slapped us both across the face with your actions. You left a bad taste in the mouth of everyone around you, and I hope those 15 minutes of fame were worth it, because by my watch it's been 14:59 and we're still all out for your blood, son. If I were you, I'd get back into the cave you've been in for the last few weeks, make sure you've got enough rations, enough wood for fire and heat, and be prepared to stay there for the rest of your life, because you will never be able to show your face in public again, and you will never, EVER...and Leon, and Caboose, and COle, and Coach, and Peter Knight, and Calvin Szechstein...basically Hoff, from everyone from myself down to the ring crew and road agents and camera men will back me up on this will NEVER be an OAOAST superstar again in your life! The crowd is worked up to a fever pitch, but Malibu is not done. The OAOAST World Tag Team Champion is in full-on Pissed Off Prep mode, and he raises the mic to speak once again. MALIBU Now, Drek Stone. Drek, Drek, Drek, Drek, Drek. Another man desperate for that fifteen minutes of fame, so desperate to become as big a star as he made himself out to be in his own mind. Drek, let me tell you something, you son... "Make Her Say" is cued up, and it cuts off Malibu in mid-sentence. The crowd immediately beings booing loudly, as Scotty Static and Johnny Jackson, Drek Stone's two main cohorts in recent months, come walking down the aisle. COLE We saw the GPX return last week after allowing themselves time to heal after that classic four team TLC match that saw The Usual Suspects capture the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles, and we knew they were in the building tonight. CABOOSE Yes, and unlike their "main man", they're actually STILL in the building. COLE Touche. Looking just as focused as their rivals, Static and Johnny hit the ring. The Usual Suspects stand their ground, but in an odd moment, Scotty Static very simply and calmly asks for the mic from Zack Malibu. Reluctantly, Zack hands it to him, and the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions brace themselves, ready for any potential swerves or attacks. COLE Maybe the GPX can shed some light on things now? STATIC Zack, listen. You just don't get it, do you. Why are you wasting your energy running down two guys who aren't here to hear you, and even if they were, aren't going to care. Instead of doing that, you should focus on the two guys who laid you out last week. The two guys who are ready to reclaim the belts that they made famous. I'm talking about me and the J to the J to the J, and... Malibu quickly swipes the mic back from Static, incensed. MALIBU If you don't have anything to say in defense of your friend, then I suggest you get the hell out of this ring right now, because right now, this isn't about our issue. Static, not happy with Malibu taking the mic from him, steals it right back. STATIC Oh but it does, Zack! See, if you had waited a moment or two, I would have gotten to that. Like I was saying, Hoff and Drek Stone, they're long gone, baby. They've ridden off into the sunset, never to be seen or heard from again, and all I can say is that the plan worked marvelously! COLE The plan? CABOOSE Huh? Malibu and Rodez look on, as Johnny Jax does some mock laughing while he stands behind Scotty Static. STATIC See Zack, the who basis, the whole foundation, the whole motivation we Upstarts have is that for too long, you and the rest of The Originals, or in the case of this turncoat here (points to Rodez) sympathizers, is that you hogged all the glory for yourselves. You turned this company into your own personal playground, and we were, and still very much are, out to even the odds. We believe in equality, and we told you that we were tired of being treated like jokes. Now tonight, before the whole world, the joke was on you and Dan Black and Tony Brannigan and Caboose and whoever else wants to take credit for being the "driving force" behind the OAOAST. Tonight, not only did you personally get made a fool of, but the lineage of the OAOAST World Title, the focal point and cornerstone of this company, got pretty much pissed on by Hoff, didn't it? As for Drek Stone, I know where you were going earlier when we showed up and needless to say, he's not the person you want, Zack. Drek Stone, leading us? Come on Zack, do you think we would have played that hand so soon? Drek Stone was not, never ever, the leader of The Upstarts. Me and Johnny, we were doing damage control, and so was Drek. Drek Stone was a ringer, Zack. Drek Stone was nothing more than a pawn in the game. The crowd is shocked, as are Zack, Leon, and Triple C. STATIC Makes you wonder now, doesn't it? Me and Johnny, we thought Drek was the mastermind ourselves, until he let us in on a little secret. See, someone else is out to get you, and is out to humiliate The Originals. Someone else feels scorned, and wants to take this company out of your grubby hands and re-establish it as the force it can be. All Drek Stone wanted in return was a chance to get his hands on you, and you made it easy for him by letting yourself get sucked into that feud this past summer. You let victory slip through your hands at Angleslam, and it was a sweet moment for Drek. He knew you were too proud to ignore him for too long, and once he got his win over you, that's why he took off and laid low. He got what he wanted. Now you've got to live your life knowing that he beat your ass and you'll never get a shot to prove it wasn't a fluke. COLE That bastard Drek...can you believe this, Caboose? CABOOSE Not at all. Seems like there's a third neck to wring as well, but whose? Malibu wants to reply, but Scotty won't give him the mic. Leon steps up, and so does Johnny, and it's a four man face-off. STATIC Easy killers, we've said our piece on the subject. Last week we spoke with action, this week we spoke with words. You know where we stand, the only thing is now, you don't know who is standing there with us, and it's going to eat you up inside, and make you easy prey for those belts...OUR belts. So you two, along with everyone else back there listening...if you think this war is over, you're just lying to yourself. The Civil War...Zack, just beginning! With that, Scotty Static throws the mic down and looks at Malibu, smirking happily...until it's knocked off his face with a right hand! Leon nails Johnny as well, and together The Usual Suspects start hammering on the GPX! Leon runs Johnny to the corner and rams his head into the top turnbuckle, then climbs up on the middle rope and starts punching away, while Malibu goes to whip Scotty to the ropes...reversed...NO! Scotty gets planted with an inverted atomic drop, and Malibu backs up, setting up for SCHOOL'S OUT...but Static drops down and rolls out of the ring, still favoring himself. Leon hops off the turnbuckles and lets Johnny drop to the mat, and Jax rolls out as well, regrouping with his partner at ringside, while the crowd goes wild for the tag champs! MALIBU You guys, you want your title shot, that's fine, you got it anywhere, anytime...but let me make one thing clear. I don't know whether I should trust in what you say or not, but if it's true, if there's a bigger picture we're not seeing, you tell the people behind it that the OAOAST isn't going to get any unwanted makeovers, because Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez, Dan Black, Tony Brannigan, Caboose, Peter Knight...we dare you to try, because if and when you do, you'll be another footnote in company history, just like the two cowards earlier tonight! Malibu throws the mic down, and the crowd roars in approval of his statements. The GPX shout idle threats from the aisleway, but the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions stand tall in the ring, offering to continue the brawl if the GPX really wants it. Instead, the boy-bandesque duo retreat up the ramp, drawing more boos from a crowd that once would have been quick to cheer them. COLE The night of shocking revelations continues, and I for one do not know what else to expect. Fans, you don't want to miss one minute of HeldDOWN~! tonight, so don't turn that channel! We'll be back after this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites