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Zack Malibu

Zack Malibu vs. Scotty Static

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As usual, I'll clue you in when it's done. Shouldn't be long.


"In a world fulll of posers, phonies, and pure wannabe's..."


Those ominous words mean only one thing...that the fans in the arena are being forced to listen to O-Town! On top of that, it means the arrival of two men who at one time were considered among the most popular stars in OAOAST history, but in recent months have shown that a little attitude and a lot of scheming can change that very quickly.



We're ready for action again here on HeldDOWN~! tonight, as the other half of the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions The Usual Suspects, the one and only Zack Malibu, will take on one of the charter members of the Upstarts contingent!



We're still not sure just who is leading the charge on that side of the fence, either. Last week was a wild week for all of us in the OAOAST, as we found out that Drek Stone was never the "mastermind" so to speak, but a ringer for the true kingpin of the Upstarts. Not only that, but whoever is pulling the strings of these men and women was able to convince Hoff, a man that many of us respect, to vacate the OAOAST World Title in an effort to destory the history and lineage of the belt, and embarrass the company publicly!



That did not sit well with General Manager Calvin Szechstein, and as part of the ongoing war with The Upstarts, tonight he's granted a singles match between the man who leads the charge for The Originals, Zack Malibu, and the man who voluntarily "spoke up" for The Upstarts last week, Scotty Static!


Speaking of Static, he and Johnny Jax have made it to ringside, their once pleasant demeanor replaced by cocky glares and even cockier smirks. The Global Party Exchange enter the ring and climb up on the ropes, posing for the fans despite the crowd hatred for them.



Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, accompanied by Johnny Jax, he hails from HOTLANTA, GA...weighing in tonight at one hundred, ninety two pounds, one half of the Global Party Exchange...SCOTTY STATIC!


The crowd boos even louder upon hearing the name of the hated heel, but it's of no great worry to Scotty, who pats his chest proudly before hopping down off the ropes and conversing with his partner.


The upbeat sounds of O-Town get replaced soon after by the throbbing of bass chords, and those chords segue into a wailing guitar riff, as the opening of "Getting Away With Murder" plays and works the crowd into ecstasy!



Listen to these fans!


Stepping out onto the ramp, with the OAOAST World Tag Team Championship strapped around his waist is "The Franchise" himself, pausing for a moment to survey the crowd reaction.



His opponent, from Providence, Rhode Island...weighing in at two hundred pounds, he is the OAOAST's very own Franchise...ZAAAAAACK MALIBU!


With the announcement of his name, Malibu races down to the ring, rolling under the bottom rope and sending the GPX packing, as he unstraps the tag belt and waves it around like a madman, hoping to clip one of the two young punks with a shot.



This is a warn that affects me on a personal level just as much as the other Originals, but nowhere near as much as that man.



Zack Malibu has done so much for this company in our three year plus history, to watch a group of talented grapplers want to destroy it only to rebuild it in their own design is not something he'll stand for.


Malibu poses for the fans, and hands over his tag belt to Buffer, who takes it with him to the timekeeper's table for safekeeping. Reluctantly, Static steps up on the apron and into the ring, all while Zack Malibu is burning a hole through him with his eyes.


The moment the bell sounds, Zack and Static rush each other and lock up in the center ring, with Static getting the early advantage by wrapping his arm around Zack's head and pulling him into a side headlock. Malibu quickly slides his head out and spins Static around, nailing him with two quick right hands before sending him into the ropes and leaping towards him on the rebound, planting his feet into his chest and tossing him over with a monkey flip...but Static lands on his feet! Scotty then bounces off the ropes as Malibu starts to come up, but seeing his foe coming towards him causes Zack to drop back to the canvas on his stomach, and force a charging Scotty to have to leap over him. Static bounces off the ropes again, but this time Zack catches him, tossing him through the middle and top rope like a javelin, right into Johnny Jax!



Malibu's out here alone, but he's just curbed a two on one situation in the early going by sending Scotty Static into his own partner, courtesy of an involuntary tope!


With the crowd cheering him on, Malibu braces himself, waiting for Scotty's recovery. As soon as he sees the cocky Upstart begin to rise, he goes into action, running the ropes to gain some momentum behind his charge before springing from the canvas and up over the top rope with a no hands flip plancha that sends his body crashing down onto Scotty Static!


The crowd roars as Malibu stands up and brushes himself off after the dive, then brings Static up and tosses him into the ring, leaving Jax to lay dazed at ringside. In the ring, Scotty crawls across the mat before coming up to his feet, and once he does he's struck down again, as Malibu springboards into the ring and levels Scotty with a flying lariat! Zack covers, but Nick Patrick's hand barely grazes the mat for the one count before Static kicks out. Zack gets to his feet and watches as Static comes up, and as he rises Malibu quickly snares him in a headlock.



We got off to a fast start, and now Zack is going to set the pace by keeping Static close and try to wear him down.


Malibu wrenches the head, while the former OAOAST World Tag Team Champion struggles in his grasp. Static manages to slide his head free, and he quickly hooks Malibu's leg and brings him down to the canvas, curling him up in a schoolboy!






Zack kicks out easily, just as Scotty did to him, but when Zack gets up, Scotty wraps an arm around his head and slaps a sleeperhold on the prep! Zack wriggles free, or at least tries to, as Scotty keeps a hold on Zack and keeps him in a side headlock. Zack shoves him off towards the ropes, but Scotty stops the momentum by dropping to one knee and keeps Zack held down by the headlock. He gets to his feet and continues to squeeze, while Malibu tries another counter, lifting Scotty up for a back suplex...but he floats over, and snatches Zack's head, putting them back in the same spot they were just a moment ago!



Static now maintaining control, trying to keep Zack grounded...


Malibu forces a break, pushing Scotty off towards the ropes, and drops to his stomach, again forcing Scotty to hop over him. When Scotty bounces off the far side, Malibu leapfrogs the charge, then lands and turns just in time to see Scotty bounce off yet again, and on this rebound he tucks his head, elevating...no! Static flips over the back of Malibu and quickly snaps off a Russian legsweep, then stands up and rakes the laces of his boot across Zack's eyes before delivering a vicious stomp to Malibu's forehead!



Typical GPX style, getting the advantage and rubbing it in.



Ain't nothin' wrong with no self-promotion! True playa style!


Malibu finds himself pulled to his feet by Scotty, and then blasted with a pair of forearm shots before taking a third blow under his chin, namely a European uppercut! Zack reels back, but then comes forward and blasts Scotty with his own European uppercut, and it staggers Static, who shakes it off and then fires back with a knife edge chop!






Malibu takes the shot across the chest, but cocks his arm back and fires one off, nailing Scotty!






Scotty fires back!




Zack cringes, but sucks it up and fires off another chop of his own!




Scotty does the same!




Malibu hits him again, and the chest of Scotty Static is now red and blistered! Static takes a deep breath, fighting through the discomfort to strike his opponent AGAIN!




Malibu takes the shot, and Scotty tries to one up him by chopping immediately after the last shot, but Zack throws his arms up, deflecting the blow! Static pulls back, his arm hurt after smashing into the elbows of Zack Malibu, and the preppy one takes Scotty by the arm and whips him into the corner, where he collides with the turnbuckles chest first! Scotty staggers back, and as he backs up near Malibu, Zack takes his arm back and swings for the fences, striking Scotty between the shoulder blades with a vicious chop to the back! Static reels, and Malibu quickly takes him by the waist and hoists him over with a German Suplex, following up with a bridge to keep the former tag team champion down for a pin!







A brutal exchange of chops, culminating with a hard German suplex, but Scotty Static escapes at the two count!


When the two grapplers get to their feet, Zack sneaks behind Static and hooks the waist again, but Scotty quickly fires an elbow back to break and hits the ropes, but Malibu goes airborne on the rebound, landing atop Scotty's shoulders for a hura...NO! Static throws Zack over and back to the canvas, but Malibu lands on his feet, heading for the ropes as he dodges a lariat, and comes back by scissoring his legs around the head of Static and spinning around and around before taking him to the canvas with a...NO! Scotty blocks the headscissors takedown by throwing Zack to the mat, and Malibu lands face first with a sick smack on the canvas! As he staggers to his feet, Static rushes up behind him and hops on his shoulders, then rolls his body downward and brings Malibu over with him!



Victory roll!








Suffice to say, the victory roll did not lead to what it's name implies!





As Malibu gets up, Static pulls him up over his shoulder, then hooks his legs and uses them to slingshots Zack back down to the mat, keeping them clenched and rolling him over into a Boston Crab upon impact! Static leans back like his name were Fat Joe, wrenching the legs upward to put pressure on Zack's lower back briefly before releasing the hold and then transitioning to a side headlock, using it to bring Zack to his feet before spinning around him and taking him to the mat with a rear waistlock takedown! Static gets up, but drops a quick elbow on the back of Zack's neck, then pulls back on both of Zack's arms with a full nelson hold, and rubs his face into the canvas!



I was about to give Scotty Static some credit for keeping Malibu guessing, and connecting with a series of wear down manuevers, but now he's exuding that typical cocky demeanor that the GPX have become accustomed to!


Malibu snarls, not pleased with having his face erased, but he's pulled up to his feet by Static, who keeps the full nelson applied. Malibu squirms, and is able to break free, spinning out and sending Scotty to the ropes, but when he catches him for a sideslam, Scotty flips over the shoulder of his opponent, and tries for a reverse DDT...NO! Malibu turns his body to face Static, but rather than a typical Northern Lights counter, he lifts Scotty off his feet and drops him over the top rope, onto the apron! Malibu then delivers a right hand to Static that stuns him, then rams his shoulder into Scotty's ribs to knock the wind out of him before racing up to the top rope and leaping towards the outside of the ring, taking Scotty off the apron and putting them both on the floor with a high risk huracanrana!






What a move! Zack Malibu just went from the top rope to the floor, bringing Scotty Static with him the hard way!


The crowd goes wild, starting up a "Zack" chant in celebration of the dangerous tactic. Johnny Jax, still smarting from having his partner tossed onto him in the opening minutes of the contest, rushes over to check on Scotty and help him to his feet before Zack can recover. Static seems to be on Dream Street, but Jax tells him he'll be OK, and rolls him back into the ring, as Patrick starts counting Malibu out.










Malibu starts to stir, and notices Johnny Jax near him. Knowing the underhanded techniques of Jax and Static, Malibu glares at him, daring him to strike...but it's all a distraction, as Static races across the ring and comes under the bottom rope with a baseball...NO! Malibu steps back at the last second, and yanks Scotty out of the ring by his ankles, and then delivers an overhead belly to belly suplex ON THE FLOOR!



That's one way to mount a comeback! Zack Malibu, after risking his own well-being with a top rope huracanrana to the floor, just dropped Scotty Static hard on the concrete with a belly to belly!



Call me crazy, but I don't think any Original is concerned about the well-being of the Upstarts, and vice versa.


Static groans in agony as Malibu takes a moment to himself, and then turns to Johnny Jax. Malibu simply glares at Static's partner, silently telling him to keep out of it. Jax backs away and mumbles under his breath, while Zack brings Scotty up and shoves him back into the ring.



Earlier tonight we saw the GPX, as well as newcomer Jamie O'Hara, take out Leon Rodez. Malibu knows what to expect from these two, and has to have eyes in the back of his head, especially with his partner still recovering backstage from being worked over.


Malibu steps through the ropes, entering the ring just as Scotty has risen to his feet. Static tries to shake his head free of foggy thoughts and get back on track, but finds himself trapped in a rear waistlock again. Panicking, Static breaks the grip and drops to his back, then kicks both his legs up and knocks Zack back to the canvas. The two men both pick themselves up at the same time and eye each other, and then tie up in the center of the ring, but it's short lived as Scotty delivers a boot to the gut, and follows up with a European uppercut that sends Zack stumbling back to the ropes! Scotty then whips him across the ring and drops his head...enabling Zack to react with a sunset flip as he rebounds towards him!






Scotty rolls to his feet, and Zack does the same, but Static quickly drops to his knees and swats Zack's legs out from under him, and pins!




It's a quick kickout for Zack, and as he gets to his knees he swipes Scotty's legs out from under him, and goes for a pin of his own!






Scotty takes a little longer to kick out thanks to the soreness racing through his back, but escapes defeat nonetheless. As he gets up, Zack grabs him in a side headlock, but finds himself sent to the ropes, and caught with a back elbow as he bounces back towards his foe! Zack stumbles away, holding his mouth, and it gives Scotty the opening he needs to hit the ropes and come back to nail Zack with a spinning wheel kick that takes the current OAOAST Tag Team Champion off his feet!



Ooooh, Scotty be kickin' it!



Hey Coach, what's the capitol of Thailand?



Uh, I, uh...









OK Cole, you and me know. That'll keep him off commentary for a bit.





Back in the ring, Scotty picks Zack up and drops him with a scoop slam, then stands over him and kicks a leg out, falling with a legdrop and catching Zack across the throat. With Zack stunned, Static races to the ropes and springs up to the middle rope, then the top rope, and floats backwards with a moonsault...but Zack rolls under it! Static manages to notice, and lands on his feet, but when he does Malibu kips up off the canvas and into a rana that yanks Scotty up and over! Malibu then kips up normal-style and hits the ropes at full speed to bounce back at Static and crack him with a YAKUZA KICK~! that sends him through the ropes and out to the apron!



Scotty Static takes another spill to the outside!


Static catches himself before he rolls to the floor, and slowly starts pulling himself up via the ropes...but Zack is waiting, and snares him in a front facelock, then suplexes him over...BUT JOHNNY JAX PULLS ZACK'S FOOT OUT FROM UNDER HIM, CAUSING SCOTTY TO LAND ATOP HIS RIVAL!



Damn it!






NO! Malibu is able to kick Jax away, and shoves Scotty off him at the last second!



CLOSE call there, as the numbers game is starting to overwhelm the Zack Attack!


Zack gets up, but is met with a boot to the stomach by Static, who then lifts him for a powerbomb...but Zack slides down his back, and reaches back, hooking his arms for a backslide!






Scotty rolls through, and as Zack comes up, he gets blasted with a kneelift from the Upstart that knocks him down! Scotty then goes towards the corner and climbs quickly up the ropes, but as he reaches the top Zack is already on his feet and moving towards him! Scotty tries to balance himself, but it's too late, as Malibu reaches up and pulls Scotty off the ropes and across his shoulders, carrying him to center ring, where he begins spinning around!






Zack Malibu, kickin' it old school!






Hey, at least my stupid pun was in some sort of context!


Malibu spins around and around with Static trapped over his shoulders. The fans watch on as Malibu continues to rotate, spinning faster and faster and faster and showing no signs of stopping!



I think...I mean, he's making me...I don't like being dizzy.



You puke in my lap and we're having words.


Around and around and around they go, as Malibu continues to spin. Each revolution causes the crowd to cheer even louder, and Jax snaps, jumping up on the apron to protest, but he's quickly ordered down by Nick Patrick. The spinning continues...and continues...and keeps going, and the crowd is at a fever pitch as Malibu completes a precise THIRTY revolutions, having spun himself silly, and he drops Static to the canvas before collapsing himself! The fans leap from their seats and begin cheering, as one of the oldest moves in wrestling just got taken to the extreme here on HeldDOWN~!



They went round and round like the teacups at Disneyland, but it dizzied Zack Malibu as much as Scotty Static!



You weren't looking so hot yourself for a moment there, Mikey.


Patrick surveys both men, and with them both down on the canvas, starts the standard ten count.












Static is the first to stir, rolling onto his side and grasping at air, trying to reach the ropes.






Malibu rolls onto his stomach, and slowly starts pushing off the canvas, while Scotty has reached the ropes, and is using them to get back to his feet.






Zack pushes himself up, his head rocking from side to side, while Scotty has gotten up with the aid of the ropes. Both men come up to their feet and in the case of Scotty, turn away from the ropes...


...and fall FLAT ON THEIR FACES!



They're still dizzy!



I'M still dizzy...I'm pretty sure they're still feeling it too!


Jax throws his hands over his head, fearful of his partner winding up on the losing end of this match, as Patrick begins another standing ten count!
















Both men start to push up, but they're moving slowly...




They're getting there...




They're up! In the nick of time, both men push up to their feet, and then trade off with punches!


A right hand from Zack!


A right hand from Static!


Rights and lefts. Haymakers and hook punches. The two men brawl with each other, doing their best to wear the other out. Zack manages to get a flurry of punches off consecutively, dazing Scotty greatly, until Scotty counters an Irish whip into a powerslam! Scotty rolls off Zack rather than stay on him for the pin, but it may be more out of weariness than anything intentional.



These two will meet again at the end of the month, with the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles on the line in a 2 out of 3 falls contest...and whoever wins tonight is going to have an edge going into that contest!


With Zack down, Scotty drags him closer to the corner, and then climbs up the ropes himself.



I wonder if this is a good idea considering his equilibrium may be off due to the airplane spin. This could be a crash and burn for Mr. Static!


Scotty climbs up the ropes, looking down to Jax and nodding, then looking up to the crowd before leaping up and twisting his body so that he lands back down on the top rope facing the inside of the ring, and he leaps a second time, this time flipping his body through the air...








Zack rolled under the move, but Scotty saw it coming, and did a tuck and roll as he hit the canvas, and quickly got up to his feet. He charges in the corner, but Malibu throws a boot up to drive him back, then comes barging out of the corner with SCHOOL'S OUT...but Scotty catches it! He throws the leg down and tackles Zack by the waist, pushing him backwards into the corner hard, and then lifts, seating him up on the top rope! Scotty catches his breath and then climbs up, going all the way to the top and setting Zack up for...something...we never know what...because Zack reaches through Scotty's legs and puts him across his shoulders before standing himself up on the middle rope and leaping off with Scotty in his grasp!





The Honor Roll! Malibu connected with the Honor Roll!



How did YOU know the name of that, but I didn't?



I uh...I just named it.



What? You just named it NOW?






Crap...I should try that sometime!


The crowd roars, but once again both men are laid out in the center of the ring. It's Zack who moves first, rolling over and then crawling to Static in an effort to put another one in the win column tonight.









Amazing! Scotty Static kicked out of The Honor Roll!



I think you just like saying it because you named it.



Saying what? Honor Roll?



I rest my case.


Sensing victory, Malibu pulls Static up by clenching the strands of Scotty's hair and leading him to his feet, then rocking him with a stiff right hand! Scotty hobbles away and leans on the ropes for support, but finds himself shot across the ring thanks to an Irish whip...and caught in a sleeperhold! Malibu traps the head of Static, but Scotty quickly spins out before he can be put to sleep or dropped with the Trendsetter, and drills Malibu with a quick backdrop suplex! Scotty then rolls away from Zack and out to the apron, taking a moment to rest. Johnny Jax comes running over to check on his partner, but Static puts a hand up and says he's OK, as he pulls himself to his feet, and then leaps into the air, springboarding off the top rope and curling up into a ball as he rotates himself 360...no, 450...NO...SIX HUNDRED THIRTY DEGREES BEFORE CRASHING DOWN ONTO ZACK MALIBU!









Jax slaps the apron in delight, jubilant with the connection of the 630 Senton, and he brags about it to the ringside fans, as Scotty Static rolls over and hooks a leg!











The crowd roars, and Jax is stunned, cursing himself for not seeing Malibu put his foot up, as he would have simply knocked it off! Static looks at Patrick in wide eyed shock, refusing to believe that that move didn't just earn him a three count. Patrick waves the two fingers in front of his face, and Static grabs them and stands up, grabbing Patrick by the collar and threatening him!



Get your hands off him!



I smell a DQ coming on.


Static can't believe it, and stomps up and down like a six year old having a temper tantrum. Angered, he moves in for the kill, picking Malibu up...BUT HE GETS CRADLED WITH A SMALL PACKAGE!









ANOTHER close call!


Scotty kicks out, and the near-fall just adds to his anger. Malibu comes up off the mat, and Scotty takes a wild swing, but Zack ducks it and grabs the waist, hitting a German Suplex, and rolling through, hitting a second! After impact, Malibu rolls again, lifting Scotty up and dropping him with a third German Suplex...But it doesn't end there, as he rolls through again, and connects with a fourth. Again, Zack refuses to let go, and drags the weary Static up to his feet before dropping him over his head with another German Suplex...AND THE CHAIN CONTINUES, as Malibu picks him up and drives the back of Scotty's head into the canvas with a sixth German suplex! He lifts him up for a seventh, but Scotty simply becomes dead weight and drops to the canvas and rolls out to the floor, where's he's tended to by Jax. Johnny helps Scotty to his feet, but Zack rolls out of the ring behind them, and hooks Scotty by the waist...AND HITS THE SEVENTH GERMAN SUPLEX OUT ON THE FLOOR!






THAT'S persistence!


Malibu gets up and pulls Scotty up, shoving him back in under the bottom rope, and giving the evil eye to Jax before returning to the ring. Malibu stays on the apron for a moment and takes a breath, then leaps into action, springboarding off the top rope with an elbowdrop that drives itself into the sternum of Scotty Static! Zack reaches back for a leg and hooks it, as Patrick dives down for the count...









HOW are these men taking this much punishment and staying around to inflict and absorb MORE of it?


Malibu, just as shocked about the kickout as Scotty was about Zack's escape earlier, brings Scotty up and holds him in a front facelock...but as Zack reaches down for the leg to prepare for a POP Drop, Scotty breaks free and wrenches Zack's arm, then fires back a kick that catches Zack in the ribs. Scotty then takes Zack and lifts him upside down, looking for a Cradle Piledriver...but Zack kicks and squirms and falls back to his feet and backdrops Scotty over...but Scotty keeps the legs cradled and pulls Zack over with a rollup!








Malibu escapes defeat again, and as the two get up he quickly tucks his arm under Scotty's and swings around his back, pulling back on the other arm...and brings him to the canvas with a Tiger Suplex!








Scotty rolls backwards, but lays still, facedown. Zack comes over and leads him to his feet, but Scotty reacts out of desperation, and goes to the eyes. Malibu staggers back and can't see Scotty charging, but opens his eyes at the last possible second and catches him with an arm across the chest...











I...I can't believe I'm going to say this, but this Static kid is not willing to stay down!



Zack is pulling out all the stops, as is Static. It's going to come down to whoever makes the first mistake!


Malibu gets up and looks out to the crowd before turning his attention back to Scotty. Zack waits on his rival, and when Scotty gets up, Malibu fires off SCHOOL'S OUT...NO! Scotty catches it, but when he throws the foot down, Malibu shoots for the waist and drives Scotty back into the corner! Once trapped, Malibu starts firing off chops rapidly, taking shot after shot after shot at the open chest of Static, as the crowd cheers his every move! Zack then takes Scotty out of the corner and sets up for a Tornado DDT, but as Malibu kicks off he gets dropped out to the apron by Scotty! With his adrenaline pumping, Malibu counters back, shoulderblocking Scotty through the ropes and then slingshotting in with a sunset flip...but Jax runs over and grabs Static's hands, pulling him down onto Zack's shoulders and holding on for leverage!



NO! Not like this!











Son of a bitch. All that effort, and they still resort to the sneakiness they've become synonymous with!


"Make Her Say" kicks up, but as Nick Patrick raises the hand of a groggy Scotty Static, Malibu gets up to one knee and looks on, displeased. Incensed, he spears Scotty out of his boots and starts wailing away, but it's within seconds that Jax is in the ring and delivering a boot to the back of Zack's head! Malibu clutches his head, but Johnny pulls him up, then pumphandles him...





DAMN IT! There's no need, you won!


With Malibu down, the GPX start putting the boots to him, until...





Wait...here comes Rodez!


Leon Rodez, jogging a bit slowly as he's still sore from the previous attack, slides into the ring...but finds himself pulled down to the mat and back out of the ring by someone out of camera range.



Who in the...why that's Jamie O'Hara!



Damn it! Damn it, Cole, too many people are buying into what the Upstarts are selling!


O'Hara kicks Leon in the stomach, doubling him over, then takes him by the head and runs up the side of the ring...kicking off and floating over Leon's back with a snap neckbreaker! In the ring, Jax continues to pound Malibu, while Scotty gets a soccer kick in for good measure, leaving Zack to cough and gasp for air.



These no good punks...they're not much younger than most of the stars on the roster, yet act like their the saviors of the company, and that the time of Zack Malibu, Dan Black, Tony Brannigan, and even you, Caboose, has passed.



We'll see about that.


With the crowd overpowering them with boos, the trio of Jax, Static and O'Hara stroll up the ramp. O'Hara does his little ghetto strut, telling the fans that "dat's what it's about!" as Static and Jax snicker to themselves. Together, the trio disappears behind the curtain, as the cameras take another look at the wounded Usual Suspects before going to break.

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