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Day of the Dead 2

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Went to Best Buy today and saw this on the rack surprisingly. I'm sure some of you are more aware of this, but I had no idea this was even greenlit ever. No Romero tie-in though from what I can see - can anyone supply any info on the story behind this movie? It seems to indicate by the back cover its a prequal AND sequal to DOTD, but not sure if that means the same characters from the original appear here or not. Can someone shed some light?

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stay away from it...it's all screwed up


Too late, I already bought the damn thing. Anything else worth mentioning about it, I guess my main thing is does it actually play into the first DOTD at all or is this a sequal that really isnt?

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Guest El Satanico

It claims to be some sort of Night sequel/Day prequel, but it's seperate from Romero's films

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Thats whats confusing, the claim its a sequal/prequal to DOTD, yet its not endorsed by Romero at all. There's got to be some tie-in here (at least character-timeline wise), or else I'm gonna be pretty pissed.


Watching this tonite, I'll definately post thoughts after....

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Guest El Satanico

a small studio called Taurus Entertainment owns the rights to the name, so they hacked together a movie to cash in.

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They also own Creepshow, 3 is coming out here soon. It doesn't look too bad. I will buy Day of the Dead 2 if only for the name.

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I'll buy it.. if only because I buy pretty much every zombie movie that I can get my hands on. Even the excruciatingly bad ones. :)


Well this is definately a bad one! I watched it last night and if not for the help of a few joints, I think I would have turned this off within the first 20 minutes. This had zero correlation to the original DOTD at all, and to call this a sequal or prequal is borderline absurd. The only example of any sort of tie-in to DOTD was a mention that "something happened in Florida" similar to the events in current time in the film.


I would suggest to just about everyone to avoid this film. It starts out ok with an outbreak in a hospital (this is the supposed "prequal" part) as there is some decent gore. It then goes to "present time" and some absolutely horrid exposition for a good hour or more with these characters now inside the same hospital (now a mental facility). Some of the god awfulest acting I've ever seen, plus they add really bad CGI to some scenes that dont even need it. From after the first 10 minutes of the film, there is no even suggestion hardly that this is a zombie movie as it moves so slow and shitty you would think you were watching a bad soap opera-ish drama or something. Near the end is when it starts picking up a little bit with some good makeup jobs on some of the zombies and in general some decent kills/gore, but it was too little too late. Can't put into words how horrible this was. Strongest recommendation to avoid this shitpile of a complete joke of a zombie movie, much less a sequal to DOTD. It gives the impression of a Cinemax sci-fi late night movie, with a horrible script, shit acting, really bad CGI that has no relevance to the film, etc.

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I find that I'm much more accepting of things like this in the horror genre. I also find, taking that into consideration, that I'm less likely to be upset about bad acting or cheese as it's part and parcel with this kind of thing.


Also, I don't mind too much that there is little reference to the first Day movie.. I mean, it doesn't take too much of a stretch of the imagination that this is just another group of peoples' stories who are dealing with the same kind of ourbreak in a different area of the country. *shrug*

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I'll buy it.. if only because I buy pretty much every zombie movie that I can get my hands on. Even the excruciatingly bad ones. :)


Pick up Zombiez?


Haven't heard of that one. Do tell? I should probably note that if a move isn't one that I NEED to own (Ie: Dawn, Land, Zombi 2, etc), then 9-times-out-of-10 I will rent it and copy it rather than pay $25 for the original. ;)

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I'll buy it.. if only because I buy pretty much every zombie movie that I can get my hands on. Even the excruciatingly bad ones. :)


Pick up Zombiez?


Haven't heard of that one. Do tell? I should probably note that if a move isn't one that I NEED to own (Ie: Dawn, Land, Zombi 2, etc), then 9-times-out-of-10 I will rent it and copy it rather than pay $25 for the original. ;)





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I find that I'm much more accepting of things like this in the horror genre. I also find, taking that into consideration, that I'm less likely to be upset about bad acting or cheese as it's part and parcel with this kind of thing.


Also, I don't mind too much that there is little reference to the first Day movie.. I mean, it doesn't take too much of a stretch of the imagination that this is just another group of peoples' stories who are dealing with the same kind of ourbreak in a different area of the country. *shrug*


I can totally accept bad acting/cheesy parts in horror as well but it just gets bad when it overtakes the expected goodness of typical horror, be it violence/gore/scares/general bloodshed/etc. When a movie has a quality first scene, then goes into almost an hour and half of nothing but this shit, then thats where I have to draw the line that I am very lenient on usually.


My thing was that there was really no reason for this to be be called DOTD 2 - felt like false advertising to me in a sense. Zombiez is as much as sequal to DOTD than this was, maybe even more when I think about it. I guess see for yourself is my best advice, although I can't really suggest sitting through this to see what I mean.

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EDIT: Okay, after watching it a second time I have to agree with you RedJed. Pile of shit is dead on the money. I'll still copy it but I'm just glad I rented this one first before blindly buying it. :lol:

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Yeah it was a total random purchase for sure......to be fair, I do have to give them some credit that the climax of the movie was pretty alright with all of the random gore but it just took forever to get there. But the ending fucking blew.

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Yeah it was a total random purchase for sure......to be fair, I do have to give them some credit that the climax of the movie was pretty alright with all of the random gore but it just took forever to get there. But the ending fucking blew.


I was just like.. waiting the entire film for zombies and none really showed up since the beginning until about 58 minutes into the movie.. and then they could talk.. what the heck? I mean, I can understand the people who originally caught the virus being able to talk, but that one orderly who got bit should've just been a mindless minion of the undead.


There were just a ton of continuity errors that I missed on the first viewing because I was mainly paying attention to the makeup effects, etc. I am going to listen to the commentary tonight and see if the director is humble, or full of herself. :P

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What did you think of that wonderful CGI of the virus? What the fucking hell where they thinking there?!!

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Zachary W. Snygg?? I checked out his amazing list of craptacular films...I simply can't wait for his next gem to come out...WolfDogg perhaps? Creature from the BLACK Lagoon maybe? Or maybe he'll treat us with a moden day horror classic like the Harlem Chainsawz Maassacre...-sigh-...I can dream can't I?

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