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Zack Malibu

Upstarts/Originals Promo

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It's done, but if anyone would like to elaborate/speak/etc. please do. I wrote this off and on from work so hopefully everything comes off well in the detail.



HeldDOWN~! takes the airwaves once again here on this Thursday night in October, but the usual explosive introduction is nowhere to be found tonight. Instead, the show opens with several wrestlers in the ring, and several others headed down to it. Leon Rodez and Peter Knight stand in the ring in neutral corners, while possibly the most celebrated tandem in OAOAST, Black T, come down the aisle. Dan Black looks like he'd rather be anywhere but there, but Tony Brannigan offers words of reassurance, and the duo enters the ring, exchanging stares with both Knight and Rodez.



Welcome to HeldDOWN~! ladies and gentlemen! Michael Cole here alongside my Triple C cohorts Caboose and "The Coach", Jonathan Coachman, ready to bring you another two hours of intense action that only the OAOAST can do.



Nevermind the action Cole, what I'd like to know is why these guys are all in the ring right now.



That's a good question. Black T, Peter Knight, and Leon Rodez are all members, if you want to call them that, of the group branded "The Originals" here in the OAOAST. While they're far from a cohesive unit, these men, along with Zack Malibu, have had their hands full with many of the OAOAST's newcomers and "fresher" stars, who have dubbed themselves The Upstarts.


The crowd rumblings turn to a healthy roar, as another superstar makes his way down the aisle. Dan Black turns to face the aisleway and see who it is, but the heavy cheers should have given it away, as the other half of the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, and the OAOAST's "Franchise", Zack Malibu hits ringside! Malibu circles the ring, clutching a mic, and goes over to Sofa Central, and motions for Caboose, who is sitting at the broadcast center.



Looks like Zack wants you to join them in the ring, 'boose!



Finally, some time to get a word in.



Don't count on it.



You ain't got the sack, playa! I might be afraid of many things, but Michael Cole is not on that list. Not even if you threatened to sodomize me.



So you're saying you'd ENJOY that?



Well...NO! NO! Dammit, why can't I ever win?


Caboose gets up from Sofa Central and walks over to Zack, shaking the hand of the man who has stood up for him more than any other in OAOAST history. Both men spring up onto the apron and enter the ring, and Malibu looks around to see who's in attendance before speaking.



I want to thank you all for coming out here tonight, and standing here in the ring with me. People in the crowd and at home, I know this isn't normally what you get when you watch the beginning of HeldDOWN~! so you might be a little surprised to see us all just walking out to the ring and standing here, but I assure you there is a reason for it. There is a very good reason why the six of us stand here today, and why across the world fans and former superstars are tuning in. I could look into one of these cameras right now and know that somehwere, I'm eye to eye with CWM, or Some Guy, or The Sole Survivor...I know what's gone on in this company as of late has caught the attention of the wrestling world, and not in a completely good way. The incidents that have taken place since this past summer, when an alliance of these self-proclaimed Upstarts began to form, have taken over this company. For months, we've seen The GPX run wild, attacking everyone and anyone including me. We've seen newcomers like Christian Wright, and just last week Jamie O'Hara, feed into the frenzy and become the new links in the Upstarts chain. We've found out that the man thought to be behind the whole thing, Drek Stone, was simply a decoy who sacrificed his own career to cover someone's tracks, gain a victory over me, and go home. Most importantly of all, we saw someone try to destroy the legacy of this company and the lineage of the most treasured title in wrestling, the OAOAST World Championship, again simply as a part of this campaign to shatter the foundation of this company. So tonight, I want the dirty laundry to be aired. You people at home, you know what we're fighting for. Each one of the men in this ring has a stake in this. Every man and woman in the back has a stake in this. YOU THE FANS have a stake in this. This turmoil, this war, it affects us all. It affects the four men right here who have fought for this company, albeit in our own ways, since 2002. It affects the man who shares the World Tag Team Titles with me, who did not give in to the pressure of his peers, and decided to stand up for the company rather than see it destroyed. It affects this man right here, who came so close to winning the World Title just last month, and there is no doubt in my mind he will get there again and represent this company proudly, unlike certain champions of the past. So, we want to know. We ALL want to know...what's driving you, Upstarts? What's motivating you, what's running through your minds when you spill our blood, when you trash this company, the company YOU work for, the company WE BUILT!? What is it that makes you think you can destroy a legacy? What makes you think you're so much better than us!?


Zack is entering psycho-rant mode, as he perhaps more than anyone has been greatly affected, physically and mentally, by the events of this Civil War. Zack circles the ring, as the rest of the Originals crew looks on, and suddenly, boos spread through the crowd.



Ask and ye shall recieve, Zack. Here comes the opposition!


Johnny Jax, and Scotty Static, the Global Party Exchange, lead the charge for a collection of athletes that includes Christian Wright, Bohemoth, newcomer Jamie O'Hara, and at the end of the line, the blackballed Original who has pledged to support The Upstarts and take out his fellow Originals, Stephen Joseph. The six men circle ringside and all enter, as The Originals back up and give them space, and once those six are in the ring, it's a silent staredown between the twelve superstars, as the crowd rumbles over the thoughts of this confrontation breaking down into a brawl. Cooler heads prevail, at least for now, as Stephen Joseph goes to the ropes and calls for a mic, which he hands to Scotty Static and stands aside.



For a guy who's supposed to be so smart, Zack, you've got a lot of questions. Well, today is your lucky day, because The Upstarts, we didn't come out here for a fight, don't worry. We came out here to put all the cards on the table. It's been long overdue, and now tonight, in front of the world, we're going to tell you exactly what you want to know, it just might not be what you want to hear.


Malibu and the rest of The Originals stand firm, as Static starts pacing in front of them.



Let's take a trip down memory lane, guys. Let's go allllll the way back to three years ago. In the summer of 2002, when this company started getting off the ground, at the time it was driven by stars like Anglesault, its namesake. Guys like Angle-Plex, Caboose, CWM, Alfdogg, all fought for supremacy at the top of the card. Also around that time, a few new superstars started dropping in. There was a guy who wore a mask and had a drunk, talking fish with him. Then there was a guy who came in managed to brainwash a onetime opponent into going from grunge to glamorous, and then they added this other kid as their towel boy, just for a little extra ego-feeding, but the three of them became very popular...so popular in fact that their THEME SONG was "Popular". I mean, as if the point needed to be driven home anymore!



Speaking of points, we're all waiting for you to get to it.



Don't interrupt me. This show could stand with out your ranting and raving at times.


Malibu snarls, as Static continues circling the ring and talking.



And those men, along with some others who have since come and gone, they managed to break through. They managed to shatter that "glass ceiling" as it's called by those "insiders" and become superstars in their own right. In fact, Caboose, you yourself have many times mentioned the Summer of 2002 and the feud you had with Zack as a time where the torch was passed...where you saw the effort and drive and determination in Zack's eyes, and because he held his own with you and nearly became the World Champion as a rookie, after being here just mere months, you knew that he deserved the spot that he now resides in, am I right?


Caboose, standing behind Zack, nods his head yes.



OK, now let's fast forward, keeping that incident in mind. It was Anglemania II. Zack Malibu vs. Anglesault for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title. Quite possibly the most anticipated match in OAOAST history, and it gave us all that warm feeling inside when Zack Malibu, held down by the tyrant Anglesault for months prior, overcame him in a five star classic, and captured the OAOAST World Title!


The crowd roars in rememberance of Malibu's first title win. Static's not done, however.



Now see, Zack, what I've just brought up, incidents I've just referred to, are what we're looking for. The Upstarts, we're waiting for you guys to step aside, to see what we have to offer and give up those precious spots. This company is in dire need of a facelift, and we're the ones who feel the need to do it by force, since it's not going to happen in a civil fashion. Instead, it has to happen with a Civil War. You see, Zack, and Dan, and Tony...when all the others got phased out...Evenflow, Sandman, Angle-Plex, even the head honcho himself, you guys got nice and settled at the top of the card. Sure, you brought name value to the table, but you were all more concerned with clinging to your glory rather than helping the company that made you famous in the first place! The post-Anglemania 2 brand split? Where did all the talent go? Why, it went to HeldDOWN~!, and why? Because Mr. Malibu over here decided to lure everyone to HIS brand to make HIM look good, like he was offering new talent a chance. Not only that, but he was determined to be on the winning end of things, so much so that he attempted to sabotage IntenseZone, a competitor yes but still a branch of the SAME COMPANY THAT YOU PRIDE YOURSELF ON SUPPORTING! Why, Zack? Why did you do it? Because you can't HANDLE the competition! Because every time someone comes close to kicking your ass and exposing you as the fraud you are, you pull whatever strings you need to do to spin it back around on them. Sly Sommers was close...damn close, but the minute he spoke out against you...BAM! Gone with the snap of a finger. Last year Zack, when you started losing your mind, it wasn't just because a girl was kicking your ass month after month on pay per view...it was simply because someone you viewed as weaker was doing it! You see, you never wanted to give any of this talent a fair chance, and the minute they came oh so close to disrupting the power structure, you guys found a way to overshadow them. This is why The Upstarts have formed, this is why what's happening is happening. I mean, let's think about this...for a group of people who say they'll never give up the ship, and will die for this company, you can't even get along with each other!


The Originals look around, and have no response, as it's the truth.



History lessons aside, because I could go on for days, there's more to it than that. There's more than just a case of professional jealous going on here. You see guys, Johnny and I, we've grown tired. The Global Party Exchange is sick of being a product, nothing more than a marketing tool for the corporate leeches to make money off of. Two guys put together by the office in an effort to capitalize on the squealing teenage girls and desperate housewives, and who knew we'd blow up like we did? Baby the GPX became the hottest tag team in wrestling, and we did it at the expense of you two over there (points to Tony and Dan). And that's the thing...we're sick of being products of the system. The names Scotty Static and Johnny Jax, we were branded with them by a suit, but we're not about to ditch them. Hell, we're household names now. We've got name vaule. We're keeping the name, but we're going to change what they stand for. What we're doing with The Upstarts is we're stopping people from conforming to the corporate way, to the OAOAST way. We refuse to let anyone become lost in the shuffle, to be mired in the midcard while the establishment reeks havoc on each other and keeps the spotlight on themselves. Why do you think guys like Christian Wright here, or Jamie O'Hara, who just showed up last week, have jumped on the Upstarts bandwagon? It's because they have a chance with us, a chance to become household names just like Scotty Static and Johnny Jax. The thing is, they don't have to make the mistakes we made. They don't have to follow the handbook. They don't have to "pay their dues" or be "humbled", oh no. They can make an impact right off the bat, because like it or not, we are the heirs to your thrones, and we are here to get your asses off those seats, because it is time for YOU to be showing US the respect we deserve! We bleed like you, we fight like you, but all you do is talk about how we don't respect you. Look around you. You don't respect YOURSELVES, so why should we? Why should...


Static starts getting worked up, but Stephen Joseph steps to the front and takes the mic.



Scotty...Scotty I'll take it from here.



I've been waiting to hear YOUR excuse.



Excuse? No no, Zack, no excuses here. Just reasons. Concrete reasons, reasons built in truth, as to why I'm on this side of the ring and not that one. You see, I've been with this company as long as you, as long as Dan, and Tony, and Caboose there. We've all been up and down the road together, sometimes on the same side, usually standing across from one another. But no one, not Tony, not Dan, not Caboose, no one, Zack, has drawn my ire the way you have. For YEARS now, you have always been the superhero, the poster boy. You've made things your cause when they had no right to be, just because it's in your nature, and that's fine. In the process though, you always overwhelmed yourself. Remember when you thought you broke my neck, Zack? Or when I brought the one man you once trusted more than anyone over to my side? How about you, Caboose...how about the time I pushed you out of the company, never to see you again...until YOU, Zack, YOU had to step in and bring him back. You painted the target on yourself, but alas, I never got the job done. Had I, it would have saved us this meeting here.


Stephen Joseph steps forward, and he and Malibu stand nearly nose to nose.



What I've done Zack is not just a business decision. It's a personal one as well. These young men behind me, they've got great potential. Something that people like Anglesault once saw in us. By standing side by side with you all would be wrong, because in truth, you're all becoming the thing you hate the most. You're all becoming what I once was. Self-absorbed, unable to let go. I, on the other hand, have seen the light. I am here this time not to relive past glories, but to redeem myself for the sins of the past. Stephen Joseph has been born again, born into something pure of heart and sound of mind. The men behind me, Scotty Static, Christian Wright, Jamie O'Hara and Johnny Jax, they needed a leader. Someone to show them that not all of this company's past should be pissed upon. Having me on their side, talking to them, advising them, it gives them an edge, physically and mentally. They realize that we Originals cannot be lumped together, because I, unlike you all, see what they have to offer. Seeing as how I was excommunicated from this little group long ago, did you think I would just sit on the sidelines without taking the opportunity for vengeance? I, unlike you, and the whole lot of you, want to see them succeed, and once we succeed as a unit and humble you and phase you out like you've done to us, then we can establish ourselves together or apart.



You are full of shit.






Excuses. Nothing but excuses, Popick. Business decision or personal decision, you know that deep down, your decision to lead these men is all about YOU! You people stand there and tell me that I'm a glory hog? That the six of us are holding you all back? Stephen, you're the biggest one there is! All this is is an alliance of convenience...you saw what happened with Hoff dumping the belt, you saw what happened with Drek Stone and the revelation that he's not the one behind this. You can't tell me that you'd be satisfied with filling the position knowing that ultimately, you're not the one pulling the strings of these guys!



Actually, Zack, I know full well what's going on. I've met the "man behind the mask" so to speak. The person behind The Upstarts, they've got an incredibly good reason for why they've assembled this team of talent. There is a very good reason why they've allowed me, despite my veteran status, to climb aboard the ship. Everything, my friend, has a reason, and a consequence. Now is the time for you to face the cold hard facts that the past, the history of this company, is going to catch up with you, so that the future can reign supreme. The Global Party Exchange, no more are they the bouncing babyfaces. Those versions of Scotty Static and Johnny Jax are ancient history, and will be forever forgotten as more of your blood is spilled. Christian Wright, Bohemoth, Jamie O'Hara...three rookies with the world ahead of them. To do it as the expense of one, or all of you, well it just makes victory that much sweeter. Myself...well, you can believe what I say, or what you want to believe. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Just keep in mind that no matter what you THINK the reason is, my reasoning for doing this is much better. It holds a deeper meaning. It holds redemption for me. For once, I will go down as a man who led the cause, not who crushed it. I won't have my name ruined, my legacy pissed on, my reputation tarnished anymore! Stephen Joseph is a new man, but I haven't forgotten my old tricks.


Stephen backs off, as Malibu stands there clutching the mic...until Leon Rodez takes it from him.



This is sad. Just sad. The only thing you guys are looking for is a quick fix. You know, just like Stephen came up with some of my fellow Originals, I came up the cards with some of you. Johnny, Scotty, you say you don't want to be products of the system, but all you are are puppets in someone else's war. You think that Stephen Joseph, or your oh so mysterious "leader" care about your career from this point on? Face it, you are all being exploited for someone else's gain, and win or lose, it's only going to hurt you.


Stephen Joseph shakes his head no, and assures The Upstarts that Rodez is lying. Peter Knight then motions for the microphone. He pauses to gather his thoughts before speaking.



You know, I might need something else explained to me. See, even though I've just heard you guys go on and on about why you are "fighting the power" and things like that, I really don't see the reason to puff out your chests and ramble on and on about "taking the spotlight" from guys like us. You know how I do things; I don't give a shit about words and talking about what I want to do, I just do it. You'll find that out later, big man (points to Bohemoth). If you want to be at the level that you dream, that you desire to be, do what I did: step up to the plate and take it!


Knight drops the mic as the arguement between The Originals and The Upstarts starts getting more heated. Joseph turns and raises a finger to quiet the Upstarts before ordering them out of the ring, turning his attention back to The Originals.



I've spared this from breaking down for now. Consider it a courtesy. However, the clock is ticking. With so little time left in the year, perhaps 2006 will be a fresh start for the OAOAST, one that you'll have me to thank for.


With those snide comments as his closing remarks, Stephen Joseph throws down his microphone and exits the ring, heading up the ramp with the five Upstarts. Zack Malibu stares at them as they exit, while Caboose looks incredibly angered by some of the comments tonight as he stands up on the middle ropes and calls out to the Upstarts.



A highly volatile situation if there ever was one! The Civil War is heating up, and for once, we've been able to explore the mindset behind the madness. It's going to be a wild night on HeldDOWN~! and we've only just begun, so stick with us, we'll be right back!

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