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Cats found mutilated near bellingham

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Cats found mutilated near Bellingham



By Pat McReynolds, KING 5 News


SEATTLE – Someone is mutilating cats in Bellingham and may strike again. Authorities want pet owners to be on alert for possible trouble.


The Whatcom Humane Society usually tries to free cats from their confines, but now they are asking people to keep their cats indoors and away from a sick criminal.


“It’s scary, because you worry about what this person is capable of doing,” said Penny Cistaro, Whatcom Humane Society.


Four cats have been found mutilated.  

In the span of one week, four cats were found in the Fairhaven section of Bellingham. They had been carefully disemboweled and then ditched.


Where the cats were found is not a desolate area. It led investigators to believe whoever the culprit is in this case must have intended for these cats to be found.


“We know that it’s done somewhere else and the cat is being left, because it’s a very clean site,” said Cistaro.


Only one of the cat’s owners has come forward.


Because these pets tend to stray far from home, investigators have having trouble pinpointing leads.


Animal mutilation is often a precursor to a more serious crime, but investigators warn it is too early to more sinister conclusions.


“There is methodology to what’s going on, but it shouldn’t leap to another level automatically and make assumptions,” said Lt. Dac Jamison, Bellingham Police.


The Whatcom Humane Society is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Anyone with information about the cat mutilations is asked to call 360-733-2080 or 911.


I would just have to say if I saw this person doing this shit... or if he/she did it to one of my cats I would have a hard time not beating the shit out of the person.  If it were my cat I caught them doing it to it would be really hard not to cripple the person for life.

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Beat the shit out of him? I'd disembowel him too and strangle him with his own entrails. Sick piece of worthless shit.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
I'd disembowel him too and strangle him with his own entrails. Sick piece of worthless shit.

Irony, right?

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Guest J*ingus

Or poetic justice.  Another worrisome point to ponder: lots of serial killers started out mutilating animals before they moved on to humans.

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Guest One Bad Apple

The sad thing is that if they don't think he's a potential threat to human beings, he probably won't get much of a punishment.  When they catch up to this piece of garbage, hopefully they'll find out he still wets the bed and likes to start fires.


And if you think that's awful, click here and look how dogs are treated in some parts of the world.


Other countries are the reason I don't do much traveling.


But it's comforting to know that there's at least some people in those places that aren't monsters.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

This is exactly why I keep my three "kids" indoors. The only time I let them out is when I go get the mail, water the plants or take out the trash, and even then they are always within my line of sight while they romp in the grass.


If ANYBODY would lay a finger on them, it would be on like Donkey Kong. After I immobilize said perp I'd then cut them open and pour salt in the wounds as he/she slowly bleeds to death.


Hey, I'm a protective dad. What can I say?

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Guest J*ingus
After I immobilize said perp I'd then cut them open and pour salt in the wounds as he/she slowly bleeds to death.


Hey, I'm a protective dad. What can I say?

Wow.  I would've settled for beating the shit out of them and then having them arrested.

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Guest Some Guy

It might be a Satanic group who's doing this shit.  I think those crazy bastards like to "sacrifice" small animals to Satan.  My cat died a few years back, but was attacked by a dog once and the dog very nearly lost his life for that, if he had taken one step closer to my dad the dog would have would have suffered a braken cranium and then a broken back by being hit with the metal bat my dad was holding, I think a human would have gotten the same treatment.  We don't like it when things fuck with our pets!

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Guest DragonflyKid
muzanisa Posted on May 26 2002,12:04


Nice to see so many vegetarians on the board.


LOL, I think it's funny when "animal lovers" condemn the death of cats and dogs yet evey other animal is worthy of being needlessly slaughtered. I have dogs and am not saying it's wrong to care for your pets I just find it hypocritical when one gets offended and says that it is wrong to kill and maybe eat cats and dogs yet slitting the throat or shooting all other animals is okay.


How about hunters who kill for pleasure, now thats real civilized. They shoot a deer or other animal and most of the time a hit will not kill instantly but rather the animal will bleed to death and suffer. These hunting shows are on television yet showing a nipple or saying fuck is "uncivilized" and "obsene" and not allowed.


Pain is pain, dogs, cats, monkeys, cows, pigs, humans all share the same potential for physical pain.


:0 Self-righteous people make me laugh. I laugh at everybody. :0

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Guest DrTom

"It might be a Satanic group who's doing this shit.  I think those crazy bastards like to "sacrifice" small animals to Satan."


I don't think those groups are nearly as prominent as the yellow press has led people to believe.  There's probably an isolated incident or two on record, with the rest of the cases commonly attributed to Satanists being the work of God-fearing people who happen to be severely fucked in the head.

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Guest DrTom

"If ANYBODY would lay a finger on them, it would be on like Donkey Kong. After I immobilize said perp I'd then cut them open and pour salt in the wounds as he/she slowly bleeds to death."


I went postal on a dog who got in the yard and attacked my dog when he was a puppy.  With a baseball bat in each hand, I went off the porch swinging.  I clipped him once, but he dashed up the yard.  I threw one of the bats for the top of the fence; when he jumped it, the bat nailed it right as he cleared it.  He landed in the alley in a heap and had to limp home.  My dog was scared, but unharmed.


I knew who owned the dog, so I paid him a visit the next day.  I informed him of what happened, and he got all in my face about hurting his dog.  Never mind that he had been careless enough to let his dog out and it had ended up in my yard.  So I informed him that if I saw either of his dogs in my yard again, I would kindly return them to him with the gracious addition of a few ounces of lead, and that if he didn't like it, he could try to do something about it.


Within a week, he had a new fence put around his backyard.

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Guest Vyce

LOL, I think it's funny when "animal lovers" condemn the death of cats and dogs yet evey other animal is worthy of being needlessly slaughtered. I have dogs and am not saying it's wrong to care for your pets I just find it hypocritical when one gets offended and says that it is wrong to kill and maybe eat cats and dogs yet slitting the throat or shooting all other animals is okay.


I'm not a supporter of killing dogs & cats, because in our culture they're very useful as pets.  But how about this - I'm not above killing and eating dogs & cats.  I'm not above killing ANY animal.  It's all based upon sociology anyway.  I love my dog, but if I was dying of starvation, and I need a terrier burger to nourish me, the pooch is dead.  Even if he is like a child to me.


How about hunters who kill for pleasure, now thats real civilized. They shoot a deer or other animal and most of the time a hit will not kill instantly but rather the animal will bleed to death and suffer. These hunting shows are on television yet showing a nipple or saying fuck is "uncivilized" and "obsene" and not allowed.


If they just kill for pleasure, than that is a waste.  If they're killing for population control or for food, than I see NO problem in that whatsoever.  People have sent death threats to guys like Ted Nugent because the guy likes to hunt.  He's guilty of one thing - being a redneck.  I could care less if he wants to kill Bambi for a nice meal of venison.  Note to environmentalist animal lovers:  If you send Ted Nugent or people like him death threats, I hope you get Full Blown AIDS. You deserve worse.


Pain is pain, dogs, cats, monkeys, cows, pigs, humans all share the same potential for physical pain.


Yes, but do realize that some of us don't equate animals on the same level as humans.  Naturally, we should always show compassion to the animal kingdom, but we are ourselves above it.  Or so I believe.

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I would like to say that doing what this guy did isn't the same as killing a cow for food.  I personally wouldn't hunt unless I was gonna eat it and I think MOST hunters are that same way. When I go fishing I usually throw back most of it because I'm not a huge fish fan and take back one or two for my cats.   THIS is not the same as hunting in any way.  THIS IS MUTILATION.

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Guest DragonflyKid
MrRant Posted on May 27 2002,02:15


I would like to say that doing what this guy did isn't the same as killing a cow for food.  I personally wouldn't hunt unless I was gonna eat it and I think MOST hunters are that same way. When I go fishing I usually throw back most of it because I'm not a huge fish fan and take back one or two for my cats.   THIS is not the same as hunting in any way.  THIS IS MUTILATION.


It is the same as hunting on some level, in both instances the hunter or mutilater derives enjoyment by killing. Hunting is bloodsport, most of the time it isn't done out of necessity but out of pleasure-seeking. But that isn't the point I was trying to make, I not against hunting in any way. I was merely noting the lack of subjectivity and rationale displayed when people are offended and condemn the practice of killing certain animals while allowing or promoting the slaughter of other animals in a supposed civilized world.


You can look at the rash of school shooting that happened a few years ago and notice that many of the shooters were also hunters. There is a desensitizing affect involved in killing fellow mammals which bleed like we do, video games and movies were blamed alot but hunting can set something off in an already disturbed mind.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"LOL, I think it's funny when "animal lovers" condemn the death of cats and dogs yet evey other animal is worthy of being needlessly slaughtered."


1) I'm not condemning the death of cats and dogs -- I'm simply saying what would happen if someone decided to mess with MY three kids.


2) I can't stand hunting, and I don't understand the big deal in shooting a plant-eating animal and mounting it on your wall. Go after a bear with a butterknife or something, then I'll be impressed with your hunting skills.

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Guest DragonflyKid
1) I'm not condemning the death of cats and dogs -- I'm simply saying what would happen if someone decided to mess with MY three kids.


2) I can't stand hunting, and I don't understand the big deal in shooting a plant-eating animal and mounting it on your wall. Go after a bear with a butterknife or something, then I'll be impressed with your hunting skills.



I wasn't talking about those who wish the safety of their own pets as I've stated that I have dogs, I was talking about certain people who will call themselves animal lovers yet have no problem putting out a mousetrap, poisoning gophers, hunting for sport and such. If someone is a dogs and cat lover that is fine and that person should say they are a dog and cat lover but not an animal lover, alot of "animal lovers" still hate or are apathetic towards vermin or game animals and still eat the flesh of animals.


Goldberg for one is a stated "animal lover" but that only seems to include cats and dogs because he is not a vegitarian. People speak as if the death of cats and dogs at pounds is horrible yet billions of cows, sheep and chickens are slaugtered each year without outcry from these same "animal lovers".

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Guest Some Guy

So one can't love animals and not be a vegetarian?


Me personally i love to eat animals, and don't wish any harm on those that I don't wish to eat, unless they attack me or my family.  Eating meat is a very important aspect of one's diet adn not eating meat is not healthful (no matter what they tell you).

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Guest dreamer420
I'd disembowel him too and strangle him with his own entrails. Sick piece of worthless shit.

Irony, right?

god i hope so

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Guest DragonflyKid
So one can't love animals and not be a vegetarian?


Me personally i love to eat animals, and don't wish any harm on those that I don't wish to eat, unless they attack me or my family.  Eating meat is a very important aspect of one's diet adn not eating meat is not healthful (no matter what they tell you).


I was merely pointing out the difference of loving animals and loving certain species of animals. If someone is going to call themselves a true animal lover then they should respect the lives of all animals, if you love dogs and cats then state so but don't disingenuously claim to be an animal lover because I doubt many like and will tolerate vermin and vermin are animals, and many don't care if livestock is slaughtered and livestock are animals. If I were to slit the throat of a cute bunny people will most likely condemn the action, if I slit the throat of a rat most people will likely applaud the action.


I love dogs for companionship and love listening and watching birds, but I'm indifferent to most animal species and hate certain types and seek their eradication, I also love eating animal flesh so I wouldn't consider myself an animal lover. Most people feel the same way as I do, those who do and still call themselves animal lovers are full of it IMO.

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I think what the big thing here is that there is a guy going around and mutilating cats.  I would feel the same way if the guy was doing this to horses, cows, or even rabbits.  


I don't believe in hunting for fun, there is nothing fun about it to me personally but I would definetly kill a animal for food if thats what I need to do.  But there is something definetly wrong with someone going around that could possibily take YOUR cat and do this to them.


I think most of us here would probably hurt the guy pretty badly if this person did it to an animal you had loved for years.  I know I would.

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Guest DragonflyKid
I think most of us here would probably hurt the guy pretty badly if this person did it to an animal you had loved for years.  I know I would.


Most of us would want to hurt the guy if he did it to an animal that we loved but whereas the mutilater would in all likelihood get a slap on the wrist hurting the guy would mean jail time.


There is a big difference in killing and causing suffering to get off and just eating meat, I just strayed from the topic.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I think the most worrying thing about this thread is not how one (mentally ill) guy is mutilating cats but how quick you all are to want to do violence to him...

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Don't you dare bring up the "mentally ill" bullshit. I don't give a good goddamn if he's doing this because his mom forgot his 13th birthday or his dad raped him when he was a kid. I don't even care if he's genuinely retarded. There is no excuse for torturing living things for pleasure. None. This criminal is a subhuman piece of filth and deserves death.

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Guest muzanisa

Yeah because everything subhuman deserves death.

Especially those cat animals.

Can't stand those motherfuckers.

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Guest DragonflyKid
muzanisa Posted on May 29 2002,10:11


Yeah because everything subhuman deserves death.

Especially those cat animals.

Can't stand those motherfuckers.


People shouldn't be letting their cats out anyway, being a bird lover it's known that cats are great hunters and will hunt all small animals. I live out in the country and there are strays here, last year I was always delighted when I found a nest with baby birds in it but that quickly turned to anger when all the nests kept being attacked and the babies eaten by cats. Well after hunting down this one cat in particular I can say there have been no nest attacks that I know of this year. For every cat that that was mutilated dozens of non-pernicious animals were also killed by that cat due to the owners negligence.


BTW this thread reminds me of Gummo which is a hilarious movie involving boys who shoot cats.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
This criminal is a subhuman piece of filth and deserves death.


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Guest DrTom

"I think the most worrying thing about this thread is not how one (mentally ill) guy is mutilating cats but how quick you all are to want to do violence to him..."



What kind of response were you expecting to something like this?  Criminals use "mental illness" as a way to rationalize their behavior, and liberal suckers are more than willing to help them out in that respect.


Do you know the person who's been doing this?  Do you know for a fact that he's "mentally ill?"  What alleged mental illness does he have?  Or are you just making a silly, unsupported, blanket claim about the case, and sighing because you got called on it?

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