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Zack Malibu

The Usual Suspects vs. GPX-WWE match.

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Per usual, I'll post all my updates here. KC, if you have any downtime and get any work done on it, just make sure to update here ASAP so we don't write similar portions both at the same time.



Up next we've got another contest that is a major portion of the OAOAST Civil War. Since the inception of the Upstarts group, both Scotty Static and Johnny Jackson of the GPX have been figuredheads of the movement. They were Drek Stone's backup during his reign as the head of the group, and when all the dirty laundry was aired several weeks ago revealing their to be another man pulling the strings of the OAOAST's younger talent, it was Scotty Static and Johnny Jax who stepped up as the spokepeople for the Upstarts until Stephen Joseph, in an effort to get revege for being undermined by his peers, slid into the role.



Now tonight, the former tag team champions, men who blew the roof off the arena just under a year ago with their efforts, have decided to rewrite their teams history. They've stated that the GPX of the past is dead and buried, and that the path they've chosen now will establish them permanently as a team to be reckoned with and take them to greater heights, and they plan on doing it at the expense of a team no one thought could co-exist as well as they have.



The World Tag Team Champions, dubbed The Usual Suspects, are two men who did not see eye to eye until recently. Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez certainly had their problems, especially during Zack's days with The Thrillogy. However, Rodez stepped up for The Originals when offered a spot with The Upstarts, stating that he'd rather stand up for the company rather than bring it down. This has made him one of the focal points of the war, but it also brought him tag team gold when Calvin Szechstein forced he and Zack Malibu into the TLC match as a wild card team, only for them to win.



The Civil War has taken many twists and turns the last few weeks, but tonight, if the GPX can take the titles back, and if Stephen Joseph can walk away with our company's World Title, the odds will sway heavily into the favor of The Upstarts.




The bell sounds, drawing attention to center ring, where Michael Buffer prepares to introduce the next contest.



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a special two out of three falls match for the OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES!


"In a world full posers..."


The familiar introduction to O-Town's "Make Her Say" comes over the speakers, and the fans start to boo vociferously as the lights dim. Despite the upbeat, peppy nature of the song, Scotty Static and Johnny Jax come down the rampway looking angered and focused, as they perhaps more than anyone in their group feel slighted by the OAOAST veterans.



Coming down the ramp at this time, they weigh in at a combined weight of four hundred, eight pounds, they are Johnny Jax and Scotty Static, the GLOBAL PARTY EXCHANGE!!!


Scotty and Johnny enter the ring, with Static standing up on the middle rope and posing (think Justin Credible) while Johnny climbs the turnbuckles and jawjacks with several of the nearby fans.



We could be looking at new tag team champions here!


O-Town fades out, and is suddenly replaced by a familiar song, yet an unfamiliar theme.



What the...is this the champs?



I know this song, and let me tell you, it'd be pretty appropriate if it is our champions.


"Beverly Hills" by Weezer plays on the soundsystem, and the fans assume it's the champs, but the sight of the dynamic duo, with Candie standing in the middle with her hands on her hips, pretty much cements the fact.



A team name, a shared theme song...and yet Johnny and Scotty are still telling us that the Originals and the Upstarts can't get along?



Their opponents, they are the reigning and defending OAOAST Tag Team Champions of the WORLD...Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez...THE USUAL SUSPECTS~!


Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez walk down the aisle, with Malibu's girlfriend Candie close behind. As the champions make their way down the ramp, the GPX stand in the ready position, eager to get their hands on their rivals. Scotty Static and Johnny Jax stare their opponents down during their entrance, and perhaps not satisfied with the time it's taking, wave their opponents on and call them out, daring them to come get some. This doesn't go unnoticed by Zack and Leon, and the Usual Suspects turn to each other and shrug before passing their belts to Candie and charging full speed towards the ring!



Here we go, getting right down to it!


Malibu and Rodez slingshot in over the top rope, and immediately come face to face with their foes, as the GPX pounces! Malibu blocks a right hand by Johnny Jax and starts firing off some right hands of his own, while Rodez catches Static's leg on a kneelift attempt and plants him with an inverted atomic drop! Together, the Usual Suspects send the GPX to the ropes and hit stereo monkey flips as Scotty and Johnny rebound! The GPX both crash-land on the canvas, but roll to their feet soon after, just in time to face the oncoming charge by the champs! The GPX brace for impact, but the champions psyche them out, sliding themselves out of the ring! It's a move that leaves the GPX stunned, and Zack and Leon reach under the bottom rope and pull the GPX down to the canvas and out to the floor before sliding back into the ring themselves. In the ring, Leon rests on all fours near the ropes, as Malibu hits the far side and comes off, springboarding off the back of his partner and diving over the ropes with a flip plancha onto both members of the Global Party Exchange! As soon as Zack hits, Rodez springs into action himself, darting towards the corner and running up the ropes before moonsaulting onto the pile of humanity below him!



Did we even hear a bell ring yet?



I don't think so.



You can ring my belllllll, ring my bell...



Oh, I'll ring your bell alright.


The crowd roars as Malibu and Rodez pick themselves up and roll into the ring. Malibu goes to the ropes and motions for Candie to hand him both of the tag titles, and he passes one over to Leon. Together, The Usual Suspects each take a corner and climb to the top, proudly displaying their championship gold for all to see, while the GPX fume down at ringside!



OK, Nick Patrick, maybe now is a good time to ring the bell!


Michael Cole's voice certainly does carry, as seconds later Patrick waves for the bell to be rung, and the match to be started officially. Zack and Leon hand their belts to Patrick, and he raises them both up high to remind the world that this match is being fought with those titles at stake. Patrick then hands the belts down to Michael Buffer at ringside, and the GPX step up onto the apron, ready to start things.



Fans, keep in mind this match is being fought under two out of three falls rules, which means that one team needs to score two victories in order to secure a win.



It's tough enough to defeat either one of these teams once on any given day, but to do it twice in one night? We could be in for a lot of action.



I'm pretty much counting on it.



Same here, my main man Mikey Cole.


Scotty Static steps into the ring for his team, ready to start, while Rodez offers to start for the Suspects. The two men come to center ring, and Scotty shows off, slapping his chest and getting in Leon's face before shoving the Silky Smooth superstar back. Leon chuckles, and then shoves back, drawing Scotty's ire. Static tries to catch Leon with a slap, but it's Leon who catches Scotty, more specifically by the wrist. He drops to his knees and takes Static over with a fireman's carry, and then when both get to their feet, strikes him with a pair of chops! Scotty gets backed into the ropes, and Leon shoots him off, but Scotty turns it around in mid-swing, sending Leon towards them. Rodez comes off and leapfrogs his foe on the rebound, then spins Scotty to face him, and yanks his legs out from under him before jumping on top for a cover!




Scotty quickly shoves Rodez off, and while Leon gets right back to his feet, Scotty stays on the ground, yanking Leon's legs out from under him, and then HE jumps on top for the pin!




Leon shoves off just as easily as Scotty did, and when he comes up, he's caught in a side headlock by Static. Rodez pushes Scotty off, sending him into the ropes. Leon drops to his stomach, allowing Scotty to hop over him, and then springs up with a monkey flip attempt on the rebound...but Scotty pushes Leon's legs off! Rodez lands with both feet on the canvas and dares Scotty to come at him, which Static does. Rodez ducks the Yakuza Kick attempt, rolling under it and leaping up to the middle rope, then twists his body as he springs off, catching Static with a DDT...NO! Scotty stops himself from being drilled with the move, and clubs Rodez twice in the kidney, then shoves him towards the ropes! Leon bounces right back, and Scotty catches him with a sleeper, but Leon quickly twists himself out of it, nailing Scotty in the ribs with a pair of elbows before spinning around and taking Scotty off his feet, planting him with a quick back suplex! Leon quickly gets up and heads for the ropes, but as he hits the far side, Johnny Jax leans over the ropes and snares Leon's head, forcing him down to the cavnas!



He caught him on that one!



Zack and Leon know what they're in for tonight. Johnny and Scotty said just a few weeks ago on HeldDOWN~! they were going to change what they once stood for, and it's tactics like that that will rewrite their history for them!


Leon gets up, only slightly dazed, but he's knocked to the mat again thanks to a spinning wheel kick by Scotty! Static decides to tag in his partner rather than try for a pin, and together the GPX send Leon to the ropes. Scotty moves in front of Johnny and drops his head, and when Leon leapfrogs over him Jax charges forward and catches him in midair, powerslamming him to the canvas!



Bootyful double teamwork there!




T-Shoulder up!


Rodez breaks free of the pin attempt rather easily, although he's jarred from being slammed hard to the canvas. Jax brings him up and then slams him back down to the canvas, and then rakes the laces of his boot across the eyes of Rodez! Referee Nick Patrick catches Johnny in the act and scolds him, but Jax waves him off before taking Leon up to his feet again. He stuns the champion with a pair of chops, then applies an arm wrench. Rodez reels for a moment, thinking of his next move, and then manages to counter, trapping Jax in an arm wrench. Rodez then bends the arm behind Johnny's back, applying a hammerlock, but Jax reaches back and grabs Leon's head, and snapmares him over his shoulder! Johnny hits the ropes, but as he does Leon kips up, then leaps up to the middle rope and springboards backwards, drilling Johnny with a springboard back elbow as he rebounds! Jax rolls out of the ring, while Leon rolls to his feet, and the GPX take refuge at ringside!



They can't stand the heat, so the GPX are getting out of the kitchen!



And I'M cliche?



I have the charisma to pull such quips off.


Scotty and Johnny stand at ringside irate, and Scotty pounds the apron and turns away from his partner in frustration. The crowd begins to get on the GPX for their cowardice, and the ensuing chant is not exactly music to their ears.








Angry, Johnny rolls into the ring and charges Leon Rodez, who steps out of the way. Johnny runs the ropes and gets caught with a hiptoss on the rebound, but when Leon follows up with a dropkick, it's knocked away! Johnny delivers a boot to the gut as Leon comes off the canvas, and then pulls him into a headscissors and lifts him for a powerbomb...but Leon rolls over Johnny's back with a sunset flip! Patrick dives to the canvas to count the fall, but before he can, Johnny floats over backwards and comes to his feet, then blasts Leon with a basement dropkick! He then drags Leon across the canvas by his ankles, giving him a bad case of fricition burn, and brings him to the GPX corner, where he tags in Static. Scotty steps in and together the GPX each grab an ankle and roll Leon backwards, up to his feet, then DRILL him with a double team STO, and Static covers quickly!






After the kickout, Scotty brings him up and stuns him with a few forearms, then sends him into the ropes...but when Leon rebounds, he swings around Scotty with a spinning headscissors, landing on his feet and snapping Scotty to the canvas with a quick Russian legsweep! Rodez then goes and tags in Zack, and Malibu moves up the ropes, as Leon picks Static up and stuns him with an inverted atomic drop, leaving him prone for Malibu, who leaps into the ring with a flying clothesline that wipes Scotty out! Static rolls to the side, and Jax charges in illegally, going right for Zack, but Malibu ducks and Jax finds himself backdropped over the ropes and out onto the raised rampway! Rodez comes in, but before he does anything, Zack asks him for help in bringing Static to the ropes, and together the tag champs send Scotty in, catching him on the rebound with a double hiptoss, but they catch his legs and swing him through the air, then LAUNCH him over the ropes and onto his own partner!



The Usual Suspects have cleared the ring of the Global Party Exchange once again, and the rest of The Upstarts must be fuming backstage!


Patrick orders Rodez out to the apron, but Malibu takes control of the situation, springboarding off the top rope out to the ramp as the GPX get up...but his dive is caught by Scotty and Johnny! Together, the GPX press Malibu over their heads and throw him like a javelin back into the ring, and the former World Champion falls face first to the canvas!



I bet that made some people in the back very happy!


Scotty gets back into the ring, reaching down and pulling an aching Malibu to his feet. He strikes Zack with a pair of chops and then gives him a knee to the stomach before wrenching his arm and firing off another chop. Scotty then snapmares Zack over and drops down, applying a headlock. Malibu tries to wriggle free but can't, but he is able to get to his feet, although Scotty won't let go of the hold. Zack turns to his side and fires elbows into the bread basket of Static, trying to break the hold...but it's Scotty who breaks it of his own will, yanking Zack by the head back to the canvas! Scotty then runs the ropes and comes off with a well placed kneedrop that drills Zack, and he covers to try and capture the first fall of the contest.






Malibu kicks out, but as he rises to his feet Static traps him in a rear waistlock, but Zack drops down onto his BUTT and kicks up, nailing Scotty just under the chin! Malibu kips up, and Scotty comes off the canvas, but he's driven back by the flurry of right hands from Malibu, and then sent across the ring...NO! Scotty reverses the whip, sending Zack in and back bodydropping Zack...ONTO HIS FEET! Malibu quickly makes the tag to Rodez and turns around to see Scotty coming, and shoots for the legs, taking them out from under him. He then lifts Scotty up by his legs and starts spinning around and around, making himself and his foe dizzy, before he swings Scotty right into Leon's grasp, and Rodez hooks the head and drops Static with an inverted DDT out of the giant swing!








After the kickout, Rodez brings Scotty up to a seated position, then delivers a quick dropkick to the back of his neck. Scotty falls back to the canvas, and when he does Rodez runs to the ropes and leaps off, springboarding off the middle rope and turning his body so that he lands with a legdrop across Static's throat! He covers again, watching on as Nick Patrick hits the canvas.








Rodez brings Scotty up and traps him in a headlock, but after a momentary struggle, Scotty shoves him off and into the ropes, then drops his head...and Leon puts on the brakes and reapplies the side headlock! Scotty struggles again, trying to move towards his corner, but Leon keeps him anchored...until Scotty tries a back suplex to get out of it! Leon lands on his feet, however, and spins Scotty around...but Static is ready, and strikes with a kick to the gut, then rattles Leon with a facecrusher, drilling his face into his knee! Scotty takes the wounded Rodez and holds him by the head, then throws him into GPX territory, trapping him in the corner as he tags in Jax.



The champions have done a good job of keeping the momentum going here in the first fall, but the challengers are coming back, as they've got Leon trapped in their turf!


Scotty delivers a hard shoulderblock to the exposed ribs before he exits, and it keels Leon over. Jax locks on a front facelock and lifts Rodez off his feet, placing him on the top turnbuckle. He moves up the ropes as well, but when he grabs Leon he's met with rapid, clubbing blows to his side, as Rodez fights to prevent from being taken down to the mat. He shoves Johnny off as a last ditch attempt, then tries to balance himself on the top rope...but Static knocks his feet out from under him, and Rodez winds up crotched! This gives Johnny enough time to recover, and he pulls Leon off the ropes and lifts him for a suplex...only to drop him ribs first across the top rope!



He took the wind right out of him, and...ooh, he just smacked his face on the apron!


Caboose's call comes from Jax dropkicking Leon in the knee, knocking the fan favorite off balance and to the floor, but smashing his jaw on the apron in the process! Rodez is in a fog on the floor, crawling on all fours, and Jax goes out to continue the assault. He picks Leon up off the floor and then takes him by the head, hurling him into the guardrail backfirst. He then toys with Rodez, slapping him across the face before applying a front facelock, then dropping Silky Smooth on the floor with a snap suplex!



Johnny Jax with the attacks!



So what, Crystal takes off, and you're a GPX groupie now?



Playa please, I'm just simply rooting for the right team.



Says WHO?


Jax scoops Leon off the floor and rolls him into the ring, smirking at referee Nick Patrick who doesn't appreciate the outside assault. Johnny steps into the ring and tags in Static, and then applies an abdominal stretch to Leon, leaving him wide open for a roundhouse kick from Static! Johnny then breaks the hold and shoves Leon towards Scotty, and Static scoops Leon up on his shoulders and then presses him up over his head and down onto his knee with a gutbuster! Leon rolls onto his back, clutching his ribcage, while Scotty backs into the ropes and comes off with a senton drop onto Rodez, dropping his body weight onto the already hurt ribs! Static gets up, and then charges the Suspects corner, nailing Zack with a cheap shot! Zack lunges over the ropes and tries to get Scotty but can't, and Patrick comes over to stand in his path. With Zack playing distraction, Scotty calls Johnny into the ring, and together they send Leon into the ropes and catch him coming off, hitting a double flapjack! Patrick turns around and Scotty rolls out of the ring, playing like he had made a tag, leaving Jax to take over on Rodez!



They're crafty...



They're damn sneaks, but they're making it work in their favor.


Rodez comes up, and he's yanked by the arm and sent towards the ropes, but Leon manages to counter in mid-whip and pull Jax towards him, then carry him over with a Northern Lights Suplex!




T-NO! Jax bridges, and pushes up while still clutching onto Rodez. He swings around, holding Leon in a standing headscissors and lifts...but Leon drops out of his arms and to his feet, then grabs Johnny and delivers a headbutt! Jax backs away, holding his nose, while Leon turns to make the tag! He moves towards his corner, but Jax comes up from behind and grabs him by the waist, and hurls him overhead...but Leon lands on his feet, then waits for Jax to turn around...and NAILS him with a huracanarana! Jax lay stunned on the canvas, while Leon starts crawling towads his corner...but Jax recovers quickly and snags Leon by the ankle, pulling him away from Zack and then dropping an elbow across the back of his neck! Jax then puts the boots to Leon, and then charges Zack and knocks him off the apron, startling the prep!



Jax is getting desperate, he knows Rodez is close so he's trying to prevent the tag by any means necessary.


Johnny leads Leon to his feet, and clubs him over the back with forearm shots, then wraps his arms around Leon and applies a bearhug, squeezing the life out of Leon and crushing his sore ribs!



Jax going old school here, focusing on the injured area and wearing Leon down, keeping him at bay while Malibu anticipates a tag.


Johnny squeezes hard, squishing Leon's ribs as he blocks him from getting to his corner. Rodez tries to push forward, but can barely move an inch, as every time he struggles, Johnny applies more pressure. Finally, Leon boxes Johnny's ears, and while it doesn't release the hold, it stuns the former fan favorite enough for Leon to try it a second time! Jax shakes it off, still squeezing the bearhug, but then breaks the hold on his own and slams Leon down, then hops up onto the middle rope and springboards back with a Vader style splash onto Leon!








Jax gets right up as soon as he sees his opponent kickout, and steps over him, springboarding up onto the middle rope and leaping backwards with another splash...but this time Leon is ready for it and gets his knees up!



Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, broken ribs!



I dunno Mikey, that really didn't flow.



Eh, I tried.


Jax rolls away, while Leon rolls onto his stomach and starts moving on all fours towards his corner...





Great, here we go.



You obviously need some sugar, because you're way too bitter these days. Sexual frustration has caught up with you.


Malibu comes in the ring, and Jax leaves his feet as soon as he stands, as Malibu blasts him with a running lariat! Johnny gets up, but then Zack plants him with an inverted atomic drop and runs the ropes...and gets kicked in the back by Static! Malibu staggers forward, then turns around and NAILS Static with a right hand that knocks him off the apron and down to the floor, but when he turns to Jax he gets kicked, and then tied up in a pumphandle...JOHNNY'S LOOKING FOR THE BEAT DROP! He lifts, but Zack floats over his back, and then grabs him by the head, applying a sleeper...AND DROPS HIM WITH THE TRENDSETTER!









These men are certainly giving it their all in the first fall!



C'mon Coach, where's your "poet but you didn't know it" line?



Shut up.


Zack picks Johnny up and whips him to the corner, then follows up with a corner lariat! Johnny is crushed against the turnbuckles and stays there, so Zack backs up and then runs across the ring again, this time delivering a diving corner splash that crushes Johnny for a second time! He brings Johnny out of the corner, but as he does Johnny takes Zack's legs out from under him, and catapults him over, right into the corner...NO! Zack uses the momentum to jump onto the middle rope, but Static is back on the apron and takes Zack by the head, leaping down to the floor and smashing Zack's head into the top turnbuckle! Zack falls off the roeps and staggers back, right into Johnny's waiting arms, as he hooks Malibu and lifts him up onto his shoulder before drilling his head into the canvas with the BEAT DROP~!



His head bounced off the mat like a superball!











Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the first fall, THE GLOBAL PARTY EXCHANGE!



The GPX are victorious in the first fall, and now the champs have to come back with two victories in a row to retain the titles!



The pressure is certainly on now.


Patrick orders Johnny to the GPX corner, while Zack rolls on the canvas to over by the ropes. Candie checks in on her man, asking if he's OK, but he's only slightly responsive, as the Beat Drop knocked him for a loop. Leon, still smarting from the attack he suffered in the first fall, enters the ring and waves the GPX on, nominating himself to continue for his team in the second fall. The bell sounds as Jax comes forward, and the two tie up, with Leon gaining the advantage. He holds Jax down with a headlock, then spins around and takes Johnny to the mat with a drop toehold. He rolls Johnny over and goes for the legs, attempting to trap Johnny in one of numerous possible submissions, but Jax kicks Leon away, deflecting his attempts at trapping him. Both men get up and move toward each other, and Johnny takes Leon down by the legs, and tries to keep hold, but Leon kicks him away, just as Johnny did moments earlier. Once again they get back to their feet, and Johnny unleashes a brutal chop to the chest, one that cracks the skin of Leon's pectoral region. Rodez staggers back, then finds himself nailed with a pair of elbows before being sent to the ropes...but he reverses, pulling Johnny towards him and then tossing him overhead with a belly to belly suplex!



Great counter by Rodez, and it sent Johnny heading for higher ground!


Jax escapes the ring, as the GPX continue to bail during key moments of their opponents comeback to sway the momentum. Rodez isn't having it however, sliding under the bottom rope with a baseball slide and nailing Johnny in the side of the head! He rolls back into the ring, and prepares to springboard to the outside, but Static runs across the apron and pushes Leon back to the mat, saving his partner!




Static celebrates, turning and posing to the crowd, but he should be paying attention to Rodez, who is up on his feet. Leon spins Scotty around and tries to suplex him in, but Static reverses, pulling Leon up and dropping him on the apron! Both men fight on the apron, teetering, as they trade chops with one another, until finally Rodez gets the advantage and dumps Scotty into the ring! Furious, Static gets up and moves towards his foe, but gets rocked with an elbow, and then a shoulderblock! Rodez then slingshots in over Scotty's back and runs the ropes, allowing Zack to make a blind tag that Patrick catches...and then springboards off Scotty's back with a twisting crossbody block to the floor, crashing down onto Johnny Jackson!



AMAZING move by Leon Rodez, taking out Johnny Jax on the floor!


Malibu is now the legal man, and as Static looks out to the floor to see what just happened, Zack sneaks up behind him and spins him around, striking Scotty with right hands before stepping back and then running forward, dumping him over the ropes with a lariat!



He's gotten rid of that pest Static, now the Suspects just have to get Johnny back in the ring and keep working him over like they have, and they'll tie this contest up!


Out on the floor, Rodez has Johnny by the head, and then takes Static and brings him up, and delivers a double noggin knocker to the GPX! Both stagger away, but Leon follows Johnny and shoves him onto the apron and pushes him into the ring, where Zack waits for him. Malibu pulls Johnny up and hits a snap suplex, but the popular prep rolls through with the move, keeping Johnny's head trapped and sitting down, locking him in a front guillotine choke!



Zack with the submission applied!


Malibu applies pressure, wrenching his arm around the neck of the larger member of the GPX, trying to put him to sleep. Jax clubs at Zack's shoulders, trying to get him to break the hold, but Malibu isn't budging. He keeps the hold locked on tight, but Jax continues to flail his arms, showing that he's not out yet. Malibu then chooses to push up to his feet with Jax trapped, and delivers two knees to his chest while he's trapped in the hold, and then scoops Johnny up onto his shoulders and looks out to the crowd with a gleam in his eye before he starts spinning himself around...


...and around...


...and around...







Zack's got Johnny up in the airplane spin! Look at him go!



We've seen him do this before, and it's certainly effective!



I'm getting dizzy.


Malibu rotates round and round, spinning like a top in the center of the ring before dumping Johnny to the canvas after what seems like a hundred revolutions, and collapses himself! The crowd roars with approval as both men are down, applauding Zack's efforts to wear out the motivated, supposedly scorned former party animals.



Jax is looking up at the lights, but so is Zack, as he dizzied himself, and now it's a game of who can get to his feet first.


Patrick does the standing ten count, because if neither man gets to his feet in time, the second fall is going to be ruled a draw. Rodez and Static both look on, silently praying that it's their partner who makes the first recovery.










Zack starts to slide himself near the ropes, but he's not off the canvas. Meanwhile, Johnny has his eyes opened, but he's only seeing stars.






Jax sits up and holds his head, moving it ever so slightly as he's still dazed by being spun around.




Jax starts to come up to his feet, while Zack reaches up and grips the ropes, pulling himself up by grabbing onto each strand, until he's up on both feet.



They've both made it to their feet, and now will they tag out, or will they continue to battle on their own?


Zack gets up, but doesn't know where he is at first. Same with Johnny, as he stands up but nearly falls back down again. He staggers back, just as Malibu turns, and Zack rushes forward once he spies Johnny, and picks him up off the canvas and throws him up over his shoulders, dropping him with the ANGLE SLAM~!



THE ANGLE SLAM~! A move made famous by the very namesake of this company!


Zack hits the move perfectly, and has the fans leaping out of their seats upon using it, but he's too dazed to make a pin immediately afterwards. After a few moments, he rolls over and crawls onto Jax's upper body, then hooks a leg, hoping to gain victory in the second fall of the Usual Suspects tag team title defense!











Static drags Zack off of his partner by the leg, then starts putting the boots to him, despite Patrick's objections. Static works Zack over, and when Patrick goes to back him up and get him out to the apron, he knocks the hands of the official away!



Watch it their sport, you get DQ'd and this match is still tied up!


Patrick has no luck with Scotty, but Leon Rodez decides to take matters into his own hands, coming into the ring and taking Scotty by the head and ramming him into the turnbuckle, then leads him by the head and swings around, hurling him over the ropes and out onto the ramp...but Scotty stays on his feet. Acting instinctively, he drives his shoulder through the ropes and nails Leon in the ribs, which drops Leon to all fours in pain, as he cluctches at the beaten and bruised body part. Scotty snickers, and then grips the top rope, preparing to launch himself into the air with a springboard, but as he springboards off the top rope Malibu races across the ring and spring off of Leon's back, going airborne himself...








I gotta give props to that, I mean DAYUM!








Both men are down on the rampway, aching from the move, as they landed hard. Leon Rodez gets up and winces, but then sees his partner out on the ramp, and goes to the outside to see if Zack is OK. He leans over his partner and checks on him, but all of a sudden finds himself blasted in the side of the head with a running knee by Johnny Jax, who exits the ring to put all four men out on the ramp! He picks up Malibu and throws him back into the ring, then checks on Static and helps him to his feet. The GPX go to enter the ring, and Jax turns and sees Rodez starting to come to, so he runs up and floors him with a forearm across the back!



Both the GPX now have gotten Zack in the ring and isolated him, as Leon is licking his wounds on the rampway!


In the ring, Scotty and Johnny don't listen to Patrick's orders, and lift Zack up, carrying him to the turnbuckles and then dropping him with a snake eyes across the top! Malibu crumbles to the canvas, but Scotty takes hold of him, then motions for Johnny to go to the top. Johnny obliges, and Static takes Zack and readies him for a powerbomb, but once he lifts Zack onto his shoulders Malibu counters with a huracanrana!



He escaped Scotty's grasp, but watch out for Johnny up...OOOH!


Malibu slowly rises up, but seeing Jackson balancing himself on the top, he lunges forward and crotches him on the top rope!




Malibu climbs the ropes, and pulls Johnny out of the crotched position and up onto his shoulders, but as he does Static gets up and runs over...only for Zack to kick him square in the face! Static turns away holding his jaw, and when he moves towards the corner again, Zack blasts him with another kick to the face that drops him like a sack of potatoes!



He's knocked Scotty for a loop, but what's he gonna...wait, what?!


Zack rests on the ropes, with Johnny on his shoulders in preparation for the Honor Roll, but now Leon has made his way over and taps Zack on the back, then starts climbing the turnbuckles. Leon takes a moment to make sure he has good footing, and then steps ONTO JOHNNY'S BACK, who is up on Malibu's shoulders...







Leon pounds on the canvas with one arm as he favors his ribs, which cannot feel good after splashing Static! Scotty rolls out to the apron, and with the space being cleared, Malibu leaps off the ropes with the HONOR ROLL~! somersault Samoan drop on Johnny Jax!



What a massacre! All four men are down, and I'll be damned if I would believe this stuff if I hadn't seen it here firsthand!


Malibu takes a deep breath after hitting the movel, and simply rolls over, draping his arm across Johnny's chest.



He could have him here, because Static isn't around to save him!











HE GOT HIM! The Usual Suspects have tied this contest up!



Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the second fall, THE USUAL SUSPECTS! The match is now tied at one fall apiece!


The crowd roars, but the champs aren't able to relish the moment, as they're boht worn and torn. Malibu breathes a sigh of relief, then rolls off of Johnny and stares at the ceiling, finally getting some rest.



We are in the third fall now, and that means it has come down to the wire. If you thought you've seen effort so far folks, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet.


Leon drags Zack over to their corner before dropping down and seating himself against the turnbuckles. Nick Patrick tends to a groggy Johnny Jax, while Scotty Static, seeing that he was unable to save his partner from the pinfall, flips out at ringside!



What's the matter, Scotty, finally realize you can't win this one?



You biased son of a bitch!





Static goes over to Sofa Central and starts flipping out, pounding on the desk and sending papers flying everywhere, then waves a finger in the face of Michael Cole and Caboose, sparing Coach the humiliation. Scotty paces ringside, sore and angry, but then goes over to Michael Buffer and steals one of the tag team titles!



Hey, what's he doing there?


Scotty conceals the title as best he can, and circles ringside, waiting for the right moment. He rolls into the ring as Johnny Jax keeps Nick Patrick busy by pretending to be unable to get up, and pulls on Patrick for support...but it's merely a distraction as Scotty slides into the ring and creeps up behind Zack, who is just getting to his feet...and when Malibu turns, he's BLASTED ACROSS THE FOREHEAD WITH A BELT SHOT!



NO! Sonuva...


Rodez sees what just happens and gives chase, but Scotty quickly rolls out of the ring and to the floor, with Leon following right behind. Static disposes of the evidence, tossing the belt back into Michael Buffer's lap, before entering the ring again. Leon continues to follow, and Scotty backs out of the ring onto the rampway, and Nick Patrick gets in Leon's way, trying to keep order as he doesn't know what happened.



Nick Patrick has no clue what Scotty Static just did, and look at the blood pouring from the forehead of Zack Malibu!


Leon stops his chase and kneels down to tend to Zack, holding his head up and watching as the blood flows out of Zack's head and covers his forearms. Leon lays Zack down and rolls him over to the apron, but as he comes back up to his feet, Jax comes from behind and shoves him hard, chest-first, into the corner! Leon turns around, and Johnny takes him into gutwrench position, lifting him up across his shoulder like a Canadian backbreaker, then flips him downward across his knee with a modified gutbuster! Jax then hops over Rodez' body and slingshots onto the top rope and floats backwards with a split legged moonsault!









Another kickout, but there's no telling how much more he can stand, especially with Zack in no condition to tag in.


Jax pulls Leon up and sends him to the ropes, but follows him in and delivers a knee, then drags him back towards the center of the ring and yanks backwards on his head, slamming him to the canvas! Jax then drops down and starts pounding away, ramming his fists into Leon's temple before pulling him up and sending him into the GPX corner. Static makes the tag, and together the GPX start putting the boots to Leon's ribs, stomping him down in the corner. Jax exits the ring once Patrick reaches the five count, but Static keeps on Leon, holding him by the head and pummelling him just as Johnny did moments ago before driving his boot into the throat of the reigning tag champ!



They've got Leon across the ring from his partner where they're free to work him over, and all while Zack is still down and bloodied on the apron!


Scotty drives the sole of his boot into the throat, but Patrick calls him off, warning him of such actions. Scotty backs off, then rushes forward and drives his knee into the side of Leon's head! Scotty then drags Leon out of the corner by his legs and then turns him over, trapping him in a Boston Crab!



This is going to put a strain on both the lower back and the ribcage, and could easily help the Global Party Exchange become tag team champions yet again!


Leon squirms, but cannot fight as much as he needs to to break given his weakened state. Static yanks back on the legs, putting the strain on even moreso. Leon continues to fight, ignoring Patrick completely and instead focusing on trying to reach the ropes to call for a break. He starts sliding, forcing Scotty to have to backstep just to keep the hold applied, but as he inches closer, Jax hops off the apron and stands at ringside, smiling at Leon as he pulls the bottom rope back and out of range!



He's just taunting him now, look at this!


Jax mockingly waves Rodez on while still holding the rope back...until he's caught by Patrick! Nick Patrick shouts at Jax, who quickly releases the ropes and pleads his innocence! Sensing that Leon is going to be able to get the break, Scotty releases the hold and pulls Leon up, then rams his knee into the small of his back. He hooks Leon in an inverted facelock and lifts, but in mid-move Leon counters the reverse suplex with a reverse DDT, spiking Scotty's head on the canvas!



Brilliant counter by Leon, using the momentum from Static's attempt to nail him with a move of his own!









Listen to this crowd, rallying behind the champions!


Rodez rolls onto his stomach and looks towards his corner, locking eyes with his partner. Zack, who has been kneeling on the apron slumped against the ropes, starts to come up to his feet, which pops the crowd huge! As the blood stains his face, Malibu comes up to a full standing position, and sticks his arm out for the tag! Candie calls to him and asks how he is, but he reassures her he's fine, as he stands in wait of Leon's tag.



Zack is forcing himself to be there for Leon, but will the Usual Suspects be able to mount an offensive attack that will lead them to the win?



I don't think he's in any condition to finish this contest. The GPX are gonna take it, baybee! He's lost too much blood!


Leon crawls, looking for his corner, while Static comes up holding his head. He turns to see Leon moving across the mat, and runs and delivers a basement dropkick to the side of Leon's head, then gets up and nails Zack, knocking him off balance! He then pulls Leon up and tugs on his arm, pulling him for a short arm clothesline...but Leon ducks under it and comes up behind Static...BLASTING HIM WITH A LUNGBLOWER~!



He wiped him out with that Lungblower, and now Leon needs to get to his corner!






Rodez sits up and then turns, stretching his arm out towards his corner. Malibu, his face a crimson mask, stretches himself over the ropes, and both men try desperately to connect with the tag. Static isn't going to be able to get up in time, and Nick Patrick is making sure that Jax stays put, as Rodez gets closer and closer...






Zack steps into the ring, causing Jax to rush in illegally and cut him off...but Zack grabs him and drops him with a MAIN EVENT SPINEBUSTER~! Zack backs away, but winds up snagged by Static, as he's snapped with a Russian...NO! Zack elbows Scotty in the face and then spins around, dropping Scotty with a downward spiral with one swift motion! He rolls Scotty onto his back and hooks the leg, and this could be it!









Close call right there!


Malibu stays focused, pulling Scotty up and using a powerb-NO! Static falls through, landing on his feet just inches in front of Zack, and takes a swing...but Malibu dodges the haymaker and grabs a full nelson, then spikes Scotty with a full nelson slam! Zack spins around, just in time to see Jax coming at him, and he scoops Johnny up...and slams him onto his own partner!



He just scoop slammed Johnny Jax ONTO Scotty Static!


Jax rolls off of Static, and both GPX are hurting now, as Malibu circles the ring to the delight of the crowd. He paces himself, and waits for the GPX to get up ,then charges and blasts them with a double clothesline! Malibu is on edge now, waving them on to get to their feet, and starts peppering BOTH of them with jabs, fighting both Johnny and Scotty at the same time! After striking Scotty with a right hand, Malibu is jabbed in the eye by Johnny's thumb, and together the GPX send Zack to the ropes, ready for a double clothesline of their own...but Malibu swats his arm down and breaks their arms apart, nailing Johnny with a back elbow to stagger him and then kicking Scotty in the stomach, and grabbing him by the head. He leaps off the mat and swings himself around, planting both feet into Jax's chest and knocking him down again before coming down to the canvas with Scotty's head tucked under his arm, drilling him with a swinging DDT!









Dammit, Jackson broke it up in the nick of time!


Scotty breaks up the pin, and still will not leave the ring...so Rodez springs into action, diving from the top rope and into the ring with a huge crossbody!



It's breaking down big time!


All four men are up on their feet and battling, and the Suspects take their respective GPX foes into opposite corners and hammer away; Malibu with punches and Leon with knife edge chops. Leon then backs away as Malibu launches Scotty across the ring, causing him to smash into Jax with an involuntary corner splash! He stumbles backwards, and then walks right into the waiting arms of Malibu, who hoists him up as Leon runs the ropes, and together the Suspects nail Static with a double team HART ATTACK~!



Leaping clothesline knocks Scotty out of the bearhug and to the canvas! The champs are going for the pin!








Jax gets up, pleased with himself...only to be BLASTED with a YAKUZA KICK from Leon that knocks him out through the ropes! Jax catches himself from falling, and starts to stand again using the ropes as a support, but Rodez notices and charges towards the corner, running up the ropes and then leaping to the outside, TAKING JOHNNY OFF THE APRON AND TO THE FLOOR WITH A FLYING HURACANRANA~!






I don't think EITHER of them are going to be getting up, which means it's down to Zack and Static!


Both men are weary as they get to their feet, with Zack looking the worse for wear thanks to the earlier beltshot that split his forehead open. Scotty rocks him with a right hand, but Zack fires back. The two trade blows until Scotty catches Zack with a good shot to the bridge of the nose, knocking him against the ropes. Static pulls him up and sends him in, but Zack clings to the top rope and won't go. Scotty hits him with three chops to the chest that daze the popular superstar, and then pulls again, sending Zack into the far side...REVERSED...but Scotty hangs on instead of rebounding, and a rana attempt by Zack causes the preppy one to fall flat on his back hard!



Ugh, that couldn't have felt good! Static was able to avoid the attempt there, and now can capitalize and possibly bring home the gold to the Upstarts!


Scotty watches on as Zack pushes up to his feet, nearly falling over in the process...but it's Scotty who catches him, as he grabs a rear waistlock and...NO! Zack starts fighting back, elbowing away to break as fast as he can, and then spins around, and plants Scotty with a German Suplex! He keeps it held, and rolls through with the move, lifting him up again and dropping him with another German! Malibu rolls through again, and by this point the fans are counting along, as Zack hits a THIRD German Suplex! He rolls through again, hitting a FOURTH one, but as he rolls through to his feet for the fifth attempt, Scotty elbows out of it, then spins around with a discus clothesline...DUCKED, and the arm is hooked...AND HE'S THROWN ONTO HIS HEAD WITH A HALF NELSON SUPLEX BY ZACK MALIBU~!






See, and THAT'S the kinda guy you stick up for?


Malibu falls to both knees, while Static lays with his face buried in the canvas. Both men have exhausted all their efforts trying to one-up the other tonight. Their partners are down at ringside, and there is not much fight left in either of them. Malibu tilts his head, the blood dripping down onto the mat and staining it, while Scotty slowly lifts his head off the mat, favoring his neck. He sees Malibu worn down and hurting, and he slowly rises to his feet. Scotty inches closer, still holding his head with one hand...








Zack played possum!


Scotty goes down like he's been shot, and Zack hooks a leg for insurrance, just to make sure this is it.











Ladies and gentlemen here are your winners, and STILL the OAOAST WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...THE USUAL SUSSSSSSPECTSSSSSS!


"Beverly Hills" hits as Zack rolls off the body of Static, and is tended to quickly by both Nick Patrick and Candie. Rodez gets up moments later, himself hurting from this exhausting contest, and he rolls into the ring to regroup with his partner and his ladyfriend. Patrick and Candie both help Zack up, and together they raise the arm of the man who got the pinfall. Leon then comes over and makes sure that Zack is still coherent, and with Patrick still holding onto Zack's hand, Zack and Candie each take one of Leon's hands and raise his arms up high, as this victory is just as much his.



What a matchup, definitely one for the ages, and one that The Upstarts feel they could do without. The Usual Suspects earn a hard fought victory two falls to one here tonight at World Without End, although I've got to say, there doesn't appear to be an end in sight just yet for this Civil War.



That ain't the last they'll see of the GPX, belie' dat!



When did you become an informant? Taking lessons from Russo now?


Candie holds the belts for her guys, and then passes them along when they all exit the ring. The three of them walk up the ramp, the two grapplers relishing in their victory despite their beaten states. Together they turn and raise the belts up over their heads, getting another loud pop from all of their fans, before heading to the back.



The tag team champions retain, but we know for a fact we'll have a new World Champion tonight. Fans, there is a lot more to be seen at World Without End, and we've got more for you right now!

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I've PM'd KC to wrap this up, as I'm going out to dinner. If it's not possible for him to finish, or if it's not done by the time I get back, I'll wind things down so it's on time.

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