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At the earliest, we're looking at The Ides of March 2K6. That's just speculative at this point, and it hinges greatly on how much of an impact the 360 makes.

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We all know that the 360 is going to make a huge splash, right? Even though I doubt I am going to buy a first-gen ps3, anything to have it come out sooner is fine by me.

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I'm pretty sure Nintendo is aiming for a global Revolution release in March '06 as well.


Actually, I believe Nintendo's going for a Winter 2006 release. Satoru Iwata stated that there should be stuff playable for the Revolution at E3 2006, so I highly doubt March is their planned release date.


I read on IGN that Nintendo plans to announce a release date before their fiscal year ends (in March), so that might be where the confusion arose.

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Guest redmenace

Atari 2600- Combat

Sega Genesis - Sonic

Nintendo NES - Pro Wrestling (Lizard Man ruled!)

PS1 - Syphon Filter (I still load it up onto my PS2 and play it now and again)


Xbox - Halo (pretty much why everyone else got it!)

PC (or, why I upgraded my PC to play games lately) - Warhammer 40k, Dawn of War and FEAR

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Guest redmenace

RE: Nintendo


I'm hoping they show something this E3. While I think PS3 and 360 will be tough to beat, I'd like to see what Nintendo does with the controller, and am just looking to hear something non-Ps3/360. I think it's info overload from Microsoft especially.

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Let's see...


We've got the incumbent leader in the console race: Sony. Not really promising or planning to deliver anything radically different. Have abused their power, staunchly conservative in their business models, and spends assloads of money.


X-Box--the most promising challenger has plans. Lots of plans. Tons of plans and promises and little to actually show for it so far, although a decent performance this past generation. Still rather conservative, but a few "forward-thinking" ideas, and at least is trying to move beyond the status quo.


Then there's the long shot...an old face that used to have more influence, and is now offering radical changes that sound pretty good on paper, but are unproven in practice. Likely they'll be drowned out by the hype of the bigger two leaders, and all of their good ideas will be engulfed at some point by the other platforms.


At this point I'm leaning towards, but not committed to, the Giant DoucheBox.

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Xbox Live turned out really well. Also Xbox in general should be considered a success. In one generation they managed to build a big name brand and did as well as Gamecube which was from the biggest name in gaming.


Sony has had a lot of big plans that went no where too. PS2 was originally supposed to be a "set top box" that would be like the hub of your living room, you could download movies and games and all this other nonsense. It ended up being just a game console.

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The PS3 isn't going to be a game console, it's going to be a SUPERCOMPUTER with UNLIMITED ENTERTAINMENT POTENTIAL. It just happens to play games.


It'll probably play UMD movies and PSP games as well, but Sony doesn't want to kill off the sales of the PSP before economies of scale kicks in on making those damn things.

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Anyone who thinks that any of these consoles are going to be anything more than what they are deserves to be misled, despite slick advertising. They are there for games, with them *maybe* being a second DVD player, which shortens the life of the console. Perhaps a bell here and a whistle there, but come on.

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As for the games that made me buy my system:


Genesis - Sonic 2 and 3

Game Gear - It was color, and I was a huge Sega fanboy back in the day.

Sega CD - Sonic CD obviously. It's one of the best Sonic games ever.

32X - Yeah, I got suckered in. Chaotix was the only saving grace.

Saturn - Virtua Fighter 2

Playstation - Final Fantasy 7

Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

Playstation 2 - FFX and GTA3. It also helps that stuff like Katamari Damacy came out for the PS2.

SNES - All the good games I missed out by buying a Genesis, and having a hard copy is so much better than an emulator. FF3, Earthbound, Super Mario World...

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