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the Soulcalibur III thread

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I forgot about 66A+B, that was one of the first moves I started using.


I played some of the regulars at the arcade tonight and was really into Xianghua, I think she may end up being my main. I should have started playing this years ago. But what's up with the lack of command throws?

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Arcade SC2 X is such a bitch, heh. You can destroy almost everyone with just 22B, 3B, 3A, AAB and throws. Her 22B in the arcade is just stupid, definitately the best move in the game.


I wish there were more command throws too, and I wish there was an A+B throw break. The throw game right now is really simple compared to VF or Tekken.

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Arcade SC2 X is such a bitch, heh.  You can destroy almost everyone with just 22B, 3B, 3A, AAB and throws.  Her 22B in the arcade is just stupid, definitately the best move in the game.



I've been reading about that. Didn't know they changed 22B on console.





You could probably make that guy. Both hands would have to look the same though.

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Yeah, they changed it to make it so it only launches on close hit. In the arcade it could hit all the way out on the very tip and still launch. It's still excellent on console, just not as perfect.


In SC3 it seems like they changed it back, heh. But the input is 2nB or 8nB now, which makes it a whole lot harder to buffer.

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Last night I did better then I have any right to be doing at this point with 3AK, 3B, 22/88B, AAB, BB, 66A+B, 3B+K, 2+A+B and 9K.



Besides mixing up B and throws what should I be doing with her A+K spin?



Is 1B, FC 3B really her best option for juggles? I constantly screw it up by either doing while rising B or the low feint on accident.



Does she have much use for Soul Charge?


What's the deal with the sword twirling crap like 44B+K? Someone at the arcade told me it auto GIs but I've NEVER got it to work.



I wish her 3rd costume in SC2 PS2 was in arcade. Heh, I care more about 2 on PS2 then 3. I don't want to practice something in 3, go to the arcade and find out it doesn't apply to 2. No arcade 3 is stupid. SC3 arcade in a T5 style cabinet with the PSX ports and card readers would be awesome. Our SC2 is in such a crappy old cabinet.

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Last night I did better then I have any right to be doing at this point with 3AK, 3B, 22/88B, AAB, BB, 66A+B, 3B+K, 2+A+B and 9K.


Yeah, that's most of her good stuff, but also try 1A, 2K, wrA+B, 6B+K (cancellable, really good for spacing) and 66K (or 66KB~G).


Besides mixing up B and throws what should I be doing with her A+K spin?


Mix up whether you do one or two spins, and sometimes go into wrA+B (which is just a really good low in general) or 2K. That's about it.


Is 1B, FC 3B really her best option for juggles? I constantly screw it up by either doing while rising B or the low feint on accident.


1B, fc 3B only works after 22B. After 3B, all you get is 1B, wrK. But yeah, it's easily the best option if you can get it. Not just in terms of damage, but also in terms of perfect oki.


Does she have much use for Soul Charge?


Not really. 3A+B is SC guard crush level 2, but that's not really very useful. In the home version of SC2, her 214B+G throw leaves her in level 2 SC, which lets you throw out 3A+B for a fast guard crush, but that's not in the arcade, so her 214B+G is just useless in the arcade.


What's the deal with the sword twirling crap like 44B+K? Someone at the arcade told me it auto GIs but I've NEVER got it to work.


It sucks, heh. It probably does auto-GI, but it's so unreliable it's never even worth trying.



I wish her 3rd costume in SC2 PS2 was in arcade. Heh, I care more about 2 on PS2 then 3. I don't want to practice something in 3, go to the arcade and find out it doesn't apply to 2. No arcade 3 is stupid. SC3 arcade in a T5 style cabinet with the PSX ports and card readers would be awesome.


Agreed on all counts. I understand that SC isn't popular in Asia, but you'd think the American popularity would justify an arcade release. You know all American arcade operators would want it after they made a fortune on SC2 with conquest.

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Ok thanks for all the info.


Conquest is really popular here. There's some who would rather play it instead of versus, which I just don't get. I do wish something like it was in T5 because it's good for when no one is around. T5's one player is horrible on arcade, you can't even win enough gold to buy something.

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So what do you think of these glitches? I was able to cancel Mitsurugi's 88B after like, 5 minutes in training mode. Seems pretty bad.

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I'm taking Blitz: The League, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, and some older games to trade in atGameRush tonight toward a PS2. After SD vs Raw 2006 and Guitar Hero, this is the game I want the most. SC1 was my all time favorite 3D fighter, and I grew to enjoy part 2 as well, although not as much.


I wonder if I can create decent facsimiles of my favorite InuYasha characters on SCIII?

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I think G2 (I guess that's what they're calling it, the post-GI one) is going to be really hard for people to use well. I don't think it's going to change the game all that much in the short run. It creates a different post-GI mindgame; I can't tell if that's going to be good or bad. But you're never going to see the stuff in some of those videos Tragic made, like the guy getting GI-ed doing it so fast he ends up with advantage.


I think the variable cancel glitch on moves like Mitsu's 22B could end up being really bad for the game. Mitsu's 22B is just insanely good now; it does over 100 damage on hit and you can probably cancel it to make it plus frames on block. And that's just one move. Who knows what all people will eventually find. Otoh, it does look really obvious, so if it ends up being too bad, you could theoretically ban it.


I dunno, I don't think things are too bad yet, but it's so early. If people keep finding glitches at this rate, it'll be really bad in a few months.

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It's kind of hard to take all the doom and gloom seriously since the fighting community are such drama queens. Seriously...EVERYTHING is hyped as breaking the game. Remember the talk of banning T5 Heihachi?

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Yep. The reaction to 22~1 was funny, and it didn't even end up making Hei top tier.


The drama queens are freaking out over G2 to a ridiculous degree, declaring the game dead just based on a couple videos Tragic posted. So stupid. Yes, because obviously people will immediately begin buffering G225 after every single move they do.


I went to a tourney with fairly strong players last Saturday and no one used any of the glitches, heh. If it ends up hurting the game, it's going to take awhile at the very least.

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My favorited was when Kuma's "JF" Salmon Hunter was found in T4. Everyone flipping out. Because you know Kuma is dangerously close to being so broken.

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VC backthrow cancels are really funny.


This game may not live long as a tourney game, but it should at least produce some hilariously awesome glitchy combo videos.

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I haven't even played more than 20 games in two player SC3. Everyone I know thinks of it as a neat novelty for home but is still into SC2 arcade....which I am now obsessed with. Some of those old threads at SC.com have been very useful.


T5 DR soon...

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