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St. Gabe

Michael Jordon

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Michael Jordan

From Uncyclopedia

Michael Jordan is an incredibly good basketball player, but incredibly bad golf player, baseball player, and actor. He was the 11th United States President and is a country in the war-torn Middle East.


Michael Jordon, sometimes called Michael Jordan because it's easier to type, was a man of many words. One time, in London, I was having a Crumpet with him and watching the birds fly by. He began, "Sir, I do say, were it 100 years from now in the modern world and I would but be the best player of a game called basketball".


Jordan went through many nicknames in his career including 'the great one', 'the sultan of swat', and 'fatass.' He set the NFL season record for most missed extra points in a game, but was better known for being runner up in the first season of American Idol.


Jordan's career ended, when he was arrested and convicted for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson.

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