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Guest Vitamin X


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Guest Vitamin X

This has to be, without a doubt, one of the worst movies, be it TV or on the big screen, I've ever seen in my life. This is truly awful people.


Watch the wreck that it is now on CBS (this is two-parter as well!). We're talking awful special FX, random slow-mo camera play, awful cliche'd lines... and it's got Gina Gershon, Randy Quaid, and Shannon Doherty in it.

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Guest Vitamin X

Watching these kinds of movies give me a tremendous amount of hope as a film major. I'm learning what NOT to do.


I mean, this is just like, so awful it's great. We're talking comical trailer park stereotypes, and then- A TORNADO HITS. It lifts up a car and drops it on a "General Store/Cafe" (marked on an old west-style lookin' building with yellow paint) and the whole thing EXPLODES IN A GIANT FIREBALL.

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I dug Category 6 despite its awfulness, so I'm looking forward to watching this.


I TiVoed the first part tonight, and I'm doing the same next week. Then I can just get adequately stoned and watch both parts in the same night.

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Guest Vitamin X

Oh god. So there was a reporter LIVE from "Hurricane Eduardo" which was a "DEFINITE CATEGORY 5!" who was talking about how bad it was in Miami, and then got blown off the screen with an audible WHOOSH~! sound.

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Guest Smues

There was a category six? I have every intention of watching this pile of crap when it comes on tonight. Is it worse so far than 10.5?

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Guest Vitamin X

I don't know how bad 10.5 was, but this one has a religious Armaggedon tone to it as well. It's retardedly liberal and retardedly religiously conservative at the same time, a feat I have never seen accomplished.


I don't know how much of an idiot the director/screenwriter feels his audience is, because this doesn't just appeal to the lowest common denominator, it appeals to a negative common denominator. I mean, you have to be braindead to appreciate this as thought-provoking at all.



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Can't we just get to some of that untimely destruction? That's all anyone's watching this for.


I've only been watching since 10:00... has Gina Gershon had sex with anyone yet? If not, that might be some kind of record for her characters.

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Guest Vitamin X

Okay, looking it up on imdb.com just to see who would write this piece of shit, it's actually FOUR writers. The most famous movie between them? KAZAAM!

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Guest Vitamin X



Next week, two hurricanes collide over Washington D.C. as superstorms rage all over the planet destroying various historical landmarks!

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I was flipping back and forth between this and Family Guy. Well, while Family Guy had commercials, I watched the Category 7. Wow, I hate it! It didn't have this movie feel. I was DYING OF LAUGHTER during the decimation of France! Two football or soccer players causing random trouble, and then they are stuck on the Eiffel Tower. And while the storm is destroying things in France, you see the mimes getting thrown around. LOL2005


And then, they get scientific about it, and then I stopped watching.

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It wasn't even scientific. It was a bunch of writers who grabbed a science textbook, looked up weather, and threw together words from the chapter to make it sound like it made sense. Thermal columns? What the fuck!

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I hate films like this. It makes people scared and go crazy and "look at things from a different light" for no reason. I wanna watch it though. I fell asleep on that movie about gas prices.

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Guest Smues

Five minutes into this thing and I think it gives 10.5 a run for its money. The clown face crashing through the window was great, so was the quick cut to Washington D.C.

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Guest Smues

Oh my god. The guy falling to his death on Mount Rushmore looked horrible. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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I just wish someone had told them that the whole "move the camera around so it looks like you're there" effect they use in EVERY SINGLE SHOW these days doesn't work with movies.

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Guest Vitamin X

My favorite part was the reporter getting blown away on TV, complete with the WHOOSH sound effect.

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