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Lt. Al Giardello

Canadian fans who have the Score...

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As I type this message right now, David Meltzer is on the sports channel The Score, talking about Eddie Guerrero's death. Just thought I'd let you Canadian fans know, so you can watch it.

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Guest nWoCHRISnWo

I only caught the tail end of the interview, from what I remember:


-Made sure to say that now *EVERY* wrestler is on steroids

-Isn't too sure why the deaths are a bigger problem now than before because it's actually a slightly easier schedule now for wrestlers

-Thinks the deaths are more a result of painkillers than steroids

-Said "I said it several times before, and I doubt it'll happen, but just maybe this will open someone's eyes and something is done about this, but I doubt it" or something like that, in reference to all the young wrestling deaths

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I only caught the tail end of the interview, from what I remember:


-Said "I said it several times before, and I doubt it'll happen, but just maybe this will open someone's eyes and something is done about this, but I doubt it" or something like that, in reference to all the young wrestling deaths

It won't. Nothing will be done. We all know what causes this endless parade of death, but nothing will be done to stop it, because the people who could do something to stop it either don't care or don't believe the causes.

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Wrestlers are expendable because the amount the WWE pays when a wrestler dies is... well... just about 0. Meanwhile, the losses from a vastly reduced schedule and using smaller wrestlers, would -in their minds- cost them millions and millions and millions.

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Wrestlers are expendable because the amount the WWE pays when a wrestler dies is... well... just about 0.  Meanwhile, the losses from a vastly reduced schedule and using smaller wrestlers, would -in their minds- cost them millions and millions and millions.

Something else for people to not care about. A wrestler dies, and his family, if it's a name, gets a tribute show and words of comfort. Anyone else, and they might get a graphic before Raw, but that's about it. Though, even Crash Holly wasn't acknowleged until three months after he died. Once that's over, however, it's back to the assembly line to churn out the next statistic waiting to happen.

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Guest *KNK*

Here's something that is drastically under-looked about these deaths...


Eddy(as far as we know was related to drugs/steroids)


Curt Hening

Davey Boy Smith

Louie Spicolli

and maybe others that I can't think of right now...


What's a common theme between those? Besides being good wrestlers in the case of 4/5 of that list...They weren't "big". I mean Naturally big. Pillman, Davey and Eddie were all under 6' and weren't naturally wide.


Specifically Davey and Eddie who were so completely roided despite having all the natural talent in the world...It's those types that are dropping like flies.


Not the roid monkeys like Steiner or Hogan or even the biggest roid advocate of his time and biggest influence for those two guys, Superstar Graham.


It's the smaller bodied guys who are forced to pump themselfs with so much steroids to get an edge on the competition that they become more prone to injury (also because they have to perform at a higher level), they get addicted to painkillers and other substances.


It's fucking baffling how Shawn Michaels, whom isn't big by any stretch of the imagination was allowed to get by with being "small" and it was turned into a postitive for Shawn, while Eddy, Benoit, Mysterio and a host of others are forced to pump themselfs.


We will be seeing more deaths along the way and we'll always think it's going to be the Batista's, Lex Luger's and Buff Bagwell's of the world...but it won't be.


It'll be those smaller sized workers who put their body into such an overdrive, the body shut down.

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Guest *KNK*
Shawn was on as much drugs as anybody, so he certainly didn't get by or was allowed anything.  Though, Shawn did have a talent for sucking up...


No, I mean they didn't make Shawn get "bigger". Of course Shawn was coked up everynight and hopped up on every drug possible.


I'm just pointing out the bullshit that Vince McMahon would push this one small size guy who kept his natural frame but the other small workers were usually, quietly influenced to juice.

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