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Work/Job Reference's/2 Weeks Notice

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A friend of mine was telling me the other day that he ended up quitting his job after he had a fight with his boss about something or other. Apparently said boss wasn't too pleased on his decision to walk right then and there as opposed to giving the customary 2 weeks notice. (I actually agree with his boss here, but whatever.) Before my friend could exit, the boss told him that if he was smart he would forget he ever worked there, and to not put his boss's name as a working reference In the event he ever wanted to work elsewhere again. I always thought It was Illegal to badmouth former employess to possible future employers? I realize that they don't have to say anything good about you, but they can't say anything bad, either. Now I have some people telling me that If he was stupid enough to list his former place of employment as well as his former boss who told him what would happen to him if he did, then It would be perfectly allright. Does anybody know for sure? :huh:

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I was told years ago that bosses can't bad mouth their former employees, but if you give factual evidence to prove your point, I can't see how you can get into trouble. For example, some putz at my old job put me down as a reference and I got a call from some chick about him. There was no fucking way I was going to say anything nice about him, so I told her that he would come in late and miss training meeting that were mandatory to attend and that he fell asleep on the job several times. I didn't say anything "bad" about him but you can't ignore someone with his eyes closed and ready to fall out of his chair...

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I actually had this conversation the other day with my grandmother.


While you can't technically say anything negative anout and applicant, you can imply it and discourage his/her non-hiring.


Like on that Seinfeld where George has to get fired from the Yankess to become the Mets' scout, if that helps.


Interestingly, it's against the law officially in Ontario to ask an applicant if they have a criminal record or not.

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I was told years ago that bosses can't bad mouth their former employees, but if you give factual evidence to prove your point, I can't see how you can get into trouble. For example, some putz at my old job put me down as a reference and I got a call from some chick about him. There was no fucking way I was going to say anything nice about him, so I told her that he would come in late and miss training meeting that were mandatory to attend and that he fell asleep on the job several times. I didn't say anything "bad" about him but you can't ignore someone with his eyes closed and ready to fall out of his chair...



We had 3 people where I work quit and failed to give 2 weeks notice over the course of 6 months. Since my place of employment Is 24/7, this ended up screwing over a lot of other people. When I was talking with a co-worker about the situation, I told them I hope our boss would tell their possible future employers that they failed to give proper 2 weeks notice If they would call. The coworker told me that would be badmouthing a former employee to a perspective future employer. I said how the hell could that be considered badmouthing when It actually happened and could be proven? That Isn't and opinion, It's a fact. Still some people Insist that something like this would be Illegal. Whatever.

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A friend of mine gave their two week's notice, and then used all their sick days so they didn't have to work during that time. I thought it was brilliant.

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At my job whenever you give your 2 weeks notice, all of your sick days and vacation/personal time Is wiped away. If you call In sick or whatever during that time period, you simply don't get paid for that day(s). Yeah, my job sucks.

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