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Guest RetroRob215

The one and only 5/27/02 raw thread

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Was the ladder supposed to slip out from under RVD like that?

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Guest Nevermortal

If Benoit comes in to hurt Austin and reform the Horsemen with them, I'll fahf

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Guest Will Scarlet

Nice way to end Raw.  It felt good to mark out for the first time in awhile.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

ahem...the IC title the week after seemingly winning the Undisputed title.


Color me unhappy.


Hella good match though.

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Guest Army Eye

What a great match!  Both guys took a huge beating.  Eddy was bleeding from the mouth, his arms were all cut up, and who knows what else.  RVD took some real sick bumps, including one which I don't know whether it was intentional.


This has to be RVD's best match in the WWF, unless I'm forgetting something.


I was pretty bummed that Eddy lost, but, if he's near the top of the card, allied with Benoit and feuding with Austin, it could be a blessing.

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Guest Sakura

It was predictable the second Ric said he had a welcoming party for Austin if he showed up. Still, the turn makes sense and the set up was good, so whatever.


The idea of Eddie vs. Austin at KOR and then Benoit vs. Austin at the next ppv makes me want to actually watch RAW again.

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Hey ... at least RVD got some good airtime and a good way to get over. w00t Raw is good two weeks in a row!

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Guest goodhelmet

i thought the damn ladder got in the way of a perfectly fine match.


and why can't some idiot fan interfere in the damn dreamer-taker segment. or Nash's segment. Fucking idiots



Still, putting the IC belt is doing nothing for RVD when he was fighting for the World title last week. WTF??

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Guest Flyboy
ahem...the IC title the week after seemingly winning the Undisputed title.


Color me unhappy.


Hella good match though.

Yeah... I was pretty unhappy, too.  -_-


Who does he have to feud with for the title?  Eddie is fueding with SCSA.  


Eh... great match, though.  Shows why they are two of the best on Raw.


I pray UT doesn't go into a fued with HHH...


Would it really hurt to have a Title Vs. Title Match at KotR between RVD Vs. UT?  Would it?  ;_;

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Ladder match thoughts!


Started great, with Eddie doing some good work to hammer away at RVD's leg with the ladder, chairshots, et cetera.  Would have been better if RVD had sold that in particularly, but he was selling the "I'm legally dead" pretty well throughout, so.  


Match was very spotty, though the 1st 5-6 minutes as well as the middle section after the commercial were really tight.  RVD doing every damn thing he could with the ladder, like the monkey flips, the Rolling Thunder--all pretty cool.  Spot of the night DEFINITELY goes to the slingshot sunset flip powerbomb off the ladder.  That was fricking amazing, though RVD dropkicking the ladder out was pretty nice too, especially from the bird's-eye-view cam.


Now, the WWE needs some stronger ladders.  They busted the first one up 2 minutes into the match, and RVD blowing the 5-Star off the second one almost killed him.  Would have been great to see the 5-Star hit, but I kinda liked that he blew it...in character, they played it off like RVD's daredevil aerobatics and all going too far and biting him in the ass.  Yeah, it's no tragic flaw, but it could been worse.


Eddy officially became my favorite wrestler when he clocked the shit out of that dumb-ass fan.  I loved him leaping off the ladder, the ref getting him in a nasty choke...and then Eddy punks him out!  Nice!  He had every right to, but it worked doubly well coming from Latino Heat.


Broken ladder = anticlimactic finish.  Oh well.


Good stuff for TV--too bad about cheap ladders ruining the fun.

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Guest Flyboy
and then Benoit vs. Austin at the next ppv makes me want to actually watch RAW again.



Not unless Austin or Benoit wins the Undisputed Title before that time, sweetheart.


I don't know how they are going to play this out... Benoit is Smackdown.  


Heh... I bet Benoit was thinking, "That's what you get when you fuck with a wolverine."  (talking about the awesome SD! match with Austin and Benoit a year ago)

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Guest Raven_Effect01

I found the Benoit turn predictable, but I think it makes sense(remember that Benoit was feuding with Austin before Benoit had to be out with a neck injury after King of the Ring '01 last year).  Other than that, I found the main-event awesome(possibly a MOTY candidate) and I'm liking the Benoit-Guerrero partnership.

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Guest goodolemr

That fan who ran in was a jerk.


Eddie and RVD are trying to put on a match that is dangerous by itself... that fan could have hurt Eddie and guess what? The entire angle for the night would have been busted.

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Guest TheDames7

RVD & IC title....my thoughts.


If you're going to have a face with the IC title, it might as well be the number 2 face in the company, seeing as how it should be the number 2 title on Raw.  


As for seemingly being "depushed" by "winning" the WWE title last week and then becoming IC champion, I think they want to build up the IC title.  By having it on a guy who could be world champion, it elevates the title, especially after having a match like that & being the main event.  As long as RVD can continue to have good matches like that, and the IC title is defended later on the card with credible opponents, it could work, but maybe thats just wishful thinking.



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Guest goodhelmet

We can only hope this leads to a unification of the IC and World title where RVD can drop the IC to someone on SD giving that show a much needed second title.

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Great Main Event abit sloppy as Rvd blew a couple spots but still awesome. Eddie is better than ever some real swank moves by him. Benoit looks to be in the best shape or his career. Austin , and Rvd Vs Eddie , and Benoit will rule once Benoit can wrestle. Nash in the midcard while Benoit in the Main Eventer how awesome is that? Hell trade the NWO for Benoit,  not like these Nwo clowns are feuding with anyone.

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Guest alfdogg

Damn I'm good.


I knew Benoit was turning the second he came in with that ticket.


And so much for RVD's title shot.


Fuck you, Vince.

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Guest Flyboy
We can only hope this leads to a unification of the IC and World title where RVD can drop the IC to someone on SD giving that show a much needed second title.

That's *exactly* what I was thinking...


Will the WWE do this?  Probably not.


I can wish and hope, though.

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Guest Risk

Hm.  Maybe they should trash the Undisputed title and use the IC as the #1 belt.  :)

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Guest Human Fly

That was the most successful fan run in ever. I thought it was part of the show at first.

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Guest Flyboy
That was the most successful fan run in ever. I thought it was part of the show at first.

Me too... I was like, "Who the fuck was THAT?"


Then I realized it was a fan, and laughed.  Felt very bad for Eddy, though.


Why did the guy dance afterwards?  No clue...


Guess he was a huge RVD fan.. and I thought *I* was.


Or maybe it was the Canadian beer... *shrugs*

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Man, you guys are pessimistic...


1- Best WWE match of the year (good)


2- We probably have a new 4 horsemen (good!)


3- RVD as the IC champ doesn't hold him back, but it elevates the title as, like Dames said, the no.2 face is holding it...kinda like the Warrior in 88-89... (GOOD!)

RVD has arrived in the main event now what else do you want!


4- Austin vs. Guerrero/Benoit feud AND don't count out RVD vs. Taker for the Undisputed Title (GOOD!!!)


Stop complaining! Be happy for once! If the WWE fucks it all up (continuing their year-long streak) come back and rant about it all you guys want.

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W O W!! Yeah I was disappointed that RVD didnt hit the five star from the ladder but WHO CARES!!! People cant complain and if your complaining now, your an idiot. Yeah so what he didnt hit the five star, and the ladder was destroyed but hey the match was AMAZING!!! How can you be disappointed in that?! The fan thing pissed me off though, the moron tried to ruin the match and night for everyone. Now I admit, Vince pisses me off a hell of a lot but I applaud him for this match and this show. Austin/Beniot/Guerraro/RVD fueds, oh thank heaven.

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