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Stephen Joseph

uh yeah, show today

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Guys, I apologize, but I am so very swamped at work right now, I dont have time to do my normal break and write that I get here.


We're busy around christmas...argh!


I think I'm covered anyways, but you know, if not, make up something.


Like Im doing a sickle cell fundraiser or something


or Im doing that chick on the metro today that was teh hawt.

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I figured you or Eski was going to do it, since you had that new guy you were going to introduce. Just tell me what you want done with him and what should happen with the finish and I'll write it, but it'll probably be late.

Edited by alfdogg

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I figured you or Eski was going to do it, since you had that new guy you were going to introduce. Just tell me what you want done with him and what should happen with the finish and I'll write it, but it'll probably be late.


Teddy should take the loss. Since I haven't gotten around to creating stats for the character, just rip-off the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase moveset for the time being. As for the finish, whatever you want is fine by me.

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