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Superfly Snuka

What they should do with Joe and Jarrett following Turning Point.

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Does anyone really expect Jarrett to put over Joe in the future? Not to break up the cozy JJ tolerance, but Joe's gonna look like shit the same way AJ always has when facing him.

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It'd keep Joe as the kingpin of the X-Division. They want to rematch the Unbreakable three-way at a future PPV, so I'd use that to have Daniels beat Styles for the belt so Joe loses it but does not get beaten himself. That way, they can extend Joe's unbeaten streak because he'll need to beat a bunch of people to get his title back from Daniels.


As for what do with Jarrett, I'd like to do anything that keeps him out of the world title picture, but he's got a death grip on the belt, in that it'll be the death of TNA for him to never let go of it, so you're fucked in that regard. Best thing to do is some sort of storyline that involves as many potential breakout stars as possible and hope like hell that Jarrett doesn’t kill them off and one of them gets over enough that TNA has no choice but to push them ahead of Jarrett. But that last part isn’t happening with Jarrett making the final call on everything now.

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