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Stephen Joseph

NYE Spectacular Match and AC match

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First Posting : NYE Match

Second Posting AC Match




There are times when a man is tested, and his true character revealed

Knight collapses to his knees as the fans scream displeasure. Popick brings Knight to the corner and applies a full nelson – then jumps off and round and delivers FINALITY!

Cover! Hebner recovers quickly and gets in position for the count.



No! No!


Stephen Joseph, a World Champion who swore to take all on comers.  His greatest challenge lay not before him, but in his past.  The man he pinned to win this coveted title.

Imposing look up at the big man, Peter Knight

Tonight, the OAOAST will find out just what kind of men Stephen Joseph and Peter Knight really are...


Josh Matthews here standing by with Peter Knight.  Peter, any thoughts on your upcoming title match?

Peter Knight, clad in his wrestling gear, adjusts an armband while looking down, sideways, reflectively.  He face contorts into a grimace, and then a smile.  He chuckles and looks at Josh through the corner of his eye.

Josh, after tonight, I'm going to be the World Heavyweight Champion.  The "Face" on this promotion is going to change, for the better, for 2006.

And with that, Peter Knight walks away from Josh Matthews.

Over to Jesse Ventura, with Stephen Joseph


Stephen Joseph is standing next to Jesse Ventura, with THA PUERTO RICAN standing behind him.  They're obviously on the other side of the arena from Matthews

Stephen, same question

2005 is the MY year.  I am not.... NOT. LOSING. Peter Knight, you are going to have to MURDER me to get this belt off of my waist.  Jesse, I am a champion, a proud champion, a fighting champion, and by any means necessary, I will remain...champion.  Peter Knight, you don't know what you have to sacrifice to be World Champion.  You've forgotten the face of your father, of your fans, of your tag team partner.

::Stephen pauses, and adds one last thing::

And Axel, I swear, by my life and my love of it, if you so dare as to interfere in this match, and try to screw me again, I can, and I will, make your tenure as Commissioner a living hell.  To me, you would be worse than ... Zack Malibu.  Don't fuck with me Axel.  I didn't become the OAOAST's most hated man for not knowing how to play backstage.

Tha Puerto Rican grabs the microphone

Fuck with Popick?  You fuck with me too! And all the LC!  Fuck Us?  Fuck YOU!



Fans, we are minutes away from what may be the most anticipated rematch of 2005.  Stephen Joseph, OAOAST Champion

A Champion of Champions!

will face Peter Knight in a rematch of their ClimaXxX bought.  That match ended in a disqualification when now Commissoner Axel attacked Stephen Joseph

I don't like losing Calvin as a General Manager, I thought he did a stand up job, but I love Axel's approach to dealing with Stephen Joseph.

Let's bring it down to the ring




Ladies and Gentleman, your MAIN EVENT!  This contest is fought with a 30 minute time limit, and is for the O-A-O-A-S-T World HeavyWeight Championship.

Introducing first, the CHALLENGER, weighing in at TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE POUNDS, from FALL RIVER, Masssachusetts, he is renowned as one of the greatest wrestlers to have never held a World Title, and the master of the Knightmare....PEEETTERRR KNIGHT!

::The crowd stands up and cheers for Peter Knight, who runs out of the entrance ramp and is FIRED UP!  He's out there before his music hit, screaming and slapping his chest with fire and passion.  A fan holds out a sign "Stephen Joseph's Worst KnightMare!"::


CUE: The flashing blue lights of doom!

Peter Knight steps out gingerly from behind the curtain, his face a seething ocean of rage and anger, and he's not reacing to anything the crowd is saying, but to what he's thinking inside.  This is his last chance.   He ignores requests for high fives, cheers, jeers, but he does pose for the crowd at the bottom of the ramp. He walks determined, straight into the ring. He slides in and begins to run the ropes, all business. Staring at the ref, Peter stops and has a few words, but nothing to serious, as the referee checks his knee and arm pads.

Knight is certainly a different demeanor than last time.

He's hungry Cole, very hungry


Cue: It Ain't Over For Me

Fans, let me tell you.  By order of the OAOAST Corporate Office, BOTH locker rooms have had security placed at their entrances to ensure no outside interference in this match!

That's great news!

But what if they just wanted to watch? Take Notes?

As if.

Whatever, Loser.

Shut the fuck up and let me listen to the crowding booing the man I hate more than Regis Philbin!

The crowd rains down its boos and jeers upon the self proclaimed, yet no one will argue with,  Most Hated Man in the OAOAST. Tha Puerto Rican heads out first, but waits for Stephen Joseph, who hands Puerto the OAOAST belt.

Tha Puerto Rican



Stephen Joseph walks down the ramp with Puerto in tow, holding the World Championship aloft like Stephen is a boxer, or something.  Anyways, I guess its pretty obvious that Stephen's found a way to get some backup support!

Stephen Joseph rolls into the ring and compeltely ignores Peter Knight.  He hands Michael Buffer a card.

And Introducing Stephen Joseph's manager for the evening, THA PUERTO RICAN~!

That's so smart.  Axel didn't ban manager's from ringside!

Stephen Joseph hangs out in his corner, leaning against the ropes as Puerto stays on the ring apron, talking strategy with his career consultant.  The two meet fists, and Puerto jumps off the ring apron, and watches from the outside.




And we're underway in this title fight.

Look at POPICK! prance up there.  I'd kick his ass...

Didn't he kick your ass a few weeks ago!  Go Popick!

I thought he didn't like being called that.

Stephen Joseph walks right up to meet Peter Knight in the middle of the ring.  Its now very obvious Stephen is giving up height and weight to the big man, but then again, Stephen has THA PUERTO RICAN in his corner.  Peter kinda sorta ended things with his friend Parka a while back, so well, no body wants to help him out.  Knight draws towards Stephen in a proud walk of sorts, anything looks proud when you're as big as Knight.

Stephen extends his hand, saying "May the best man win".  Peter Knight sizes the hand up for a moment, and then looks at Stephen.  The crowd's booing the gesture, and Knight returns the crowd's sentiments with a spit in the general direction of Popick's outstreched arm.

"Yeah, guess there's only one man here" Stephen says as he paces in place.  "Okay then, lets' go Chumba Wumba."  Stephen puts up his dukes and backs away a step, motioning for Knight to close in, start fighting.

Knight stares blankly.  One can imagine he can't hear the crowd screaming "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" but he does.  He's just thinking.  Knight steps forward, and Stephen darts a right punch that hits flush with Knight's cheek.

Knight doesn't flinch, and catches Stephen's arm on the rebound.  " OH SHIT!" Stephen audibly screams as Knight pulls him in.  He tries to duck, but Knight's arm is just too mammothly HYOGE, and Peter sends the Upstart to the mat with a thundering clothesline.

The crowd roars in approval.  Knight bends to pick Stephen up, but Stephen responds with a leg scissors, falling the giant to the canvas.  The crowd boos, but Stephen floats over, all business, and sinches in a side headlock on Peter's left shoulder, putting his weight against the crevice of the giant's armpit, keeping the leverage.

Peter struggles in pain.  Stephen Joseph has studied all of his life on this one side of the human body in an effort to make his finisher more lethal, and more deadly.  This locks hurts people, and Knight is struggling.  With a flash of insight, Knight realizes he can pull Stephen's hair with his free right hand, and he does, shifting the weight in such a way that reduces the leverage, and Knight gets up to one knee!

Knight resorting to tactics normally reserved for Stephen Joseph

It's a title match, you gotta expect everything

SJ yells at the ref "DO SOMETHING AWWWWWOOWWW!!!"  and the ref warns Knight to release the hair.  Peter does, and SJ stands back up and drops down with the elbow.  It misses as the crowd ooohhs, Knight rolled out of the way.  Knight stands up while SJ clutches his elbow mutter "FUCK FUCK FUCK", and Knight goes for an elbow.  Stephen's not there though, and even so, he was playing possum, as Knight misses with his left elbow.  The arm hits the mat, and Stephen is back on it with a kick to his left shoulderblade, and then the elbow drop connects.

The crowd chants "KNIGHT KNIGHT KNIGHT!" as Stephen stands up, applauding himself and pointing at the fallen big man.  "You chant for this?  He ain't shit!"  Stephen runs to the ropes, bouncing off of them with an eye for a legdrop.  Knight has gotten to one knee, and lunges at the last second, catching Stephen in a tackle of sorts, and Knight lands on top.


"GwwawAAHHHHH" says Stephen as the big man's weight takes away his air.  Knight in the mount position, and he pulls Stephen's head up, glancing at the crowd who screams in delight.  He delivers a punch, and another one.  Follow along.





Knight looks around, and headbutts Stephen down!


Knight with a series of punches to Stephen Joseph

I'm loving it

I'm not worried

Knight stands up and applauds himself, looking at Tha Puerto Rican.  "Pissant crony" Knight says, and that draws Puerto to jump up to the ring apron.  Puerto jaws with Knight, and Knight jaws back, as the referee tells PR to get down!

Puerto does so, but only after he sees Stephen Joseph hit the greatest equalizer known to man, the NUTCRACKER, on Peter Knight, who goes crosseyed.  The ref didn't see it, but Stephen takes advantage, positioning himself behind a tear-eyed Knight, Stephen's head under Knight's left shoulderblade, and he lifts the big man up with a big stalling 1, 2, 3 second side suplex!

Stephen slides over and on top of Knight for the first cover of the night!   The referee turns around and quickly falls to the mat.  And a 1, and a 2 KICKOUT! or rather a pushout with authority, as Knight lofts Stephen Joseph up a foot or so and to the side.  Stephen lands like a frog, or a cat,  and spins around on his left leg with a thrust kick that's caught by Knight's right hand.  Knight stand up holding SJ's leg prone, SJ hopping like a retarded kid in a 2 partner sack race (with no partner).  Stephen spins down with an Enziguri!, but Knight grabs his left foot.  Quickly changing position, Knight sends Stephen up and over with a WheelBarrow Suplex. 

Knight covers as the crowd roars...1!  and a 2!  and Stephen Joseph puts his foot on the ropes to break up the pin attempt.  Smart thinking by the champion, because kickout out takes alot more energy than the ole foot on the ropes bit.  Knight, a bit perturbed, kicks Popick whil he's down in the right shoulder, and then picks him up by his hair!

"OWWW OWW GAWD DAMMIT OWWW!"  screams Stephen Joseph " FUDGE NUT RIPPLE!" he screams when Knight slaps a knife edge chop with his big left hand across SJ's steps.  Knight positions himself again, and pulls Stephen Joseph forward and across the ring to the other turnbuckle on the other side with a big Irish Whip.  Stephen hits with his back, and dodges a big boot from Knight as a follow up.  Peter crotches himself on the turnbuckle ropes!

Stephen Joseph slaps the chest of Knight once, then gets an idea.  "Hey, turnbuckles work better exposed, dontcha think?" and the Champion goes to work immediately on untying the turnbuckle pad, which comes off quickly...almost too quickly...nahhh. SJ throws the turnbuckle into the crowd, who fight for the souvenir.

Knight, meanwhile, has untangled himself from the ropes and is standing on the ring apron.  Stephen darts in two quick punches to the abdomen, and the enters into a suplex position with Knight.  He's giving up like 70 pounds and 4 inches, this is impossible!  Stephen tries to suplex Knight back into the ring, but only gets him up 3 or so inches.  Knight grunts and blocks the suplex, and returns the favor, but pulling SJ over the ropes and down to the ring floor, SJ Thudding hard into the mat outside as Knight lands more gently on his shoulder!  The crowd roars in approval as Stephen thrashes about "GREAT GOOGGLY MOOGLY THAT SMARTS!"

He twerks and twitches on the outside, and Knight stands up shaking his right leg that he kinda sorta but not really too hard landed on.  He points to the ring steps, and when the opportunity presents itself, throws SJ into them.  THUD! CLANG! "MotherFucker!"  You get the point, and SJ did too, with a red welt on his forehead.  The ref warns Knight to bring it back into the ring, so Knight does get in the ring, and hangs back in a turnbuckle corner, just smiling and waiting...This match is his.

SJ very shakidly gets himself back into the ring, and Knight applauds in mockage.  About this time, a visitor steps out onto the stage and places a chair solidly down at the top of the ramp.  The crowd gasps as its the NU OAOAST General Manager Axel, come to check on his most favorite person's title defense.  Or, as Cole would say, prevent outside interference.

Knight goes to pick up SJ while Tha Puerto Rican goes to stand at the bottom of the ramp, staring at Axel.  Knight slams Popicks head into the turnbuckle not once, not twice, not thrice, but fourthethit.  Stephen's eyes glass over and he stumbles back.  Knight whips Stephen Joseph 180 and places his head between Knight's mammoth's legs.

Whirly SitOut PowerBOMB from Knight to Stephen Joseph, planting him firmly in the middle of the ring with a sickening thud.  Tha Puerto Rico turns and looks, and Axel applauds.  Knight quickly covers Stephen Joseph, grasping at his right leg and begging the ref to count quickly.

1!  The crowd buzzes

2!  SJ doesn't stir!

2.9 and SJ gets a shoulder up!  As he does, he moves his head to the side, and coughs out some blood.  Internal bleeding, or he bit his tongue, either way, it is INTERNAL, from that powerbomb.   Knight slaps the mat in disgust, but smiles.  He lifts a pretty much deadweight SJ back onto his feet, and then quickly rams Stephen Joseph into the turnbuckle closest to them.  Knight pulls SJ on top of the turnbuckle, and scales it himself, placing SJ's head again beneath his legs.  Stephen tries now to fight it, but one whack on his back quiets him.  The crowd shushes as it sense imminent doom for the current champion.  Knight picks him up....and powerbombs Stephen Joseph to the outside, onto the ring floor!  That's gotta be a 10 foot drop, and SJ lands with no protection, his left arm making a sickening thud! and a snap, crackle, and pop!

SJ screams in pain as Tha Puerto Rican runs over.  The ref slides under the ring ropes and goes to check on Stephen Joseph.  Stephen's screaming "MY ARM MY ARM! OH LILY!" and it appears that his arm is broken, below the elbow, I guess that's the femur bone.  Stephen screams at Puerto to pick him up, and Puerto does, but not before the referee goes over to talk an unknown suited OAOAST official.  The ref turns around and brings his arm around...

And then....

Stephen catches the arm with his right hand.  "I AM NOT QUITTING!, he says while Puerto Rico makes a shocked expression.  The ref shrugs his shoulders as if to say "Okay, your life, not mine" but then dodges out of the way as Peter Knight steamrolls both SJ and Puerto down to the mat.  His left arm useless, Knight picks up Stephen Joseph and rolls him into the ring.

He covers, and this could be over quickly.  Axel stands up.




NO! Stephen gets his right shoulder just milliseconds before the ref's hands hit the ground.  A reply shows above that it was literally 1 inch, 1 inch from being over.  The crowd moans, and Peter Knight can't believe it. Without any disregard to Stephen Joseph's health, he picks him up onto his shoulderblades, and comes down hard ...


Peter Knight has hit the nightmare.  Axel stands up and applauds! The crowd roars.  Puerto can't believe it!  Knight slides down with the cover, over the right shoulder!



Here comes the arm!

Stephen's got nowhere to go!  

3!  NO!  Stephen kicks the arm of the OAOAST referee, and hits the referee in the head as well!  He goes limp!  What a counter!

Peter Knight just cannot believe it.  The crowd can't.  Axel can't either.  He storms down to the ring, and Tha Puerto Rican cuts him off, buying Stephen Joseph some time so what, his arm can heal?  Puerto and Axel jaw on the outside, and Peter Knight stands over the referee on the inside.  Joseph stirs, the crowd goes nuts, and Peter turns around, and Stephen Joseph hits THE GREAT EQUALIZER AGAIN!  Knight crumples to one knee, and Joseph slides out of the ring clutching his arm.  He goes over to the announce table, and with his good arm, kicks open the first aid kit.  Searching with his feet, Joseph finds the first thing he's looking for, a shot of painkiller!  He jabs it into his left shoulder, wincing, but the job gets done.  He next gets some gauze and pulls his left arm across his chest, making a modified shoulder sling as Peter Knight recovers.  

SJ must have been a boy scout to know first aid like that.

Joseph finishes up and comes back into the ring, with Knight standing up and turning around on the far side.  "You gotta KILL ME KNIGHT!"  Joseph screams as he runs towards the big man, placing a nice thrust kick to Peter's chest, sending Peter into the turnbuckle.  Joseph wails away with his good right hand, pounding Knight down to the ground.

And Axel has had enough.  He shoves Tha Puerto Rican away, and PR shoves him right back.  Axel thinks about it, and backs away, which allows Puerto to look at the action in the ring...

Stephen Joseph as lifted Peter Knight back up with his one good arm to a standing position in the corner.  Dragging him by his hair, SJ walks out with Knight about two steps, and then lifts him onto his back, in a massive feat of strength.  Stephen then walks back and places Peter Knight on the turnbuckle, sitting, facing the ring.

Joseph scales the turnbuckle.  Hurricanrana?  No.  Stephen Joseph wraps his one good arm around PK's neck with a half-full nelson, and then lets out a big sigh.  The crowd stands up, not believing Stephen Joseph is going to try it, let alone hit...Joseph pulls and jumps/falls backwards, Pulling Knight over in a rolling motion, knees hitting the mat right before Knight's head splats on the canvas.

The crowd gasps, and instinctively, without regard for the man that they hate, break into a "HOLY SHIT!" chant  for the one-armed Synchronicity Driver.  And Cheers!  Stephen Joseph looks around, and then falls onto Peter Knight.

The Crowd Chants along





Stephen Joseph looks around, and the ref is STILL OUT.  Then he turns towards the entrance, and he gives Tha Puerto Rican a thumbs open, which transforms into an "OH SHIT" mouth that Puerto doesn't register...until the pain of a steel chair enters the 24/7 Champ's head.  Axel went and had gotten a folding chair from a fan, and HOLY SHIT, was that?  But its too quick to register who handed him the chair, as he's dragged off by security.

Axel stares over a fallen Puerto Rico into the ring where Stephen Joseph stands.  Stephen Joseph stares back, and begs Axel to come into the ring.  Axel thinks for a moment, and then rushes into the ring, steel chair still in hand "What? YOUR boy is interfering in this match!  I'm here to be unbiased!  Stephen Joseph jaws right back "YOU?!  You backstabbing no good sanctimonious sob of a bitch"  Axel stares back and tosses the chair down on the mat.  "C'mon, I'll be the referee!"

"YOU!! FUCK NO!" And Stephen Joseph pushes Axel back.  Axel rebounds from the ring ropes and pushes Stephen Joseph, who bounces back...and into a recovering Peter Knight.

KNIGHTMARE!  Peter Knight reaches down and instinctively hits his finisher!  He collapses into a cover, pulling up SJ's left shoulder.  Axel quickly drops down for the count... 1, 2 , NO KICKOUT!  The count was a rather fast one too.  Knight slaps the mat in disgust, as SJ rolls onto his chest in pain.

Knight spies the chair.  He picks it up, and goes towards Stephen Joseph, murder in his eyes.  He brings the chair back, and brings it down, NO! Axel rips the chair away!  He starts yelling at Knight "You can't use a chair!"  Knight turns around and says "Oh yeah, why not!"  Axel stares back, nostrils flaring, eyes fuming, two men who hate Stephen Joseph now locked nose to nose with each other.  Stephen Joseph is recovering, standing up.  Axel sees this, and pushes Knight to the side, and BLASTS Stephen Joseph with a chair shot, unprotected, to the head.  Joseph goes limp.  Axel points to the fallen champion as a hush comes over the crowd."Because I wanted to do that, and now You're going to finish him!"  Axel tosses the chair onto the mat as Knight picks up the deadweight that is Stephen Joseph.  Looking at where the chair is, Knight positions himself next to it and then points to the crowd.

YES! DO IT!!  

Peter Knight drops down, KNIGHTMARE onto the steel chair!  The sound of skull hitting metal reverberates through the arena as Joseph is sent to LaLa Land.

My God, oh my God!!  Stephen Joseph may have a serious concussion here.

Knight comes over , and nonchalantly puts one foot on SJ broken arm which is slung to his chest.  Axel, HeldDown General Manger, drops down.  Normally the crowd would pick up the count, but they are still in shocked silence as Axel slaps the mat.







CABOOSE (in full Bobby Heenan at the '92 Rumble mode)

As [i]Oh Hell Yeah[/i] blasts over the PA, Axel retrieves the title belt and hands it to the new champion, who presses it to his chest and drops to his knees as Michael Buffer makes it official.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner, and NUUUU OAOAST World Heavyweight CHAMPION, Peeeetteerr KNIGHT!

The crowd response is muted, at best, though some cheer loudly.  Most of the crowd continues to stare in shock as paramedics rush down to the ring, as its very obvious to well, everyone, that Stephen Joseph is very badly injured.


But WHY?  Why would Knight choose to win like this?  Why would Axel interfere like this?

Axel decided to use his new powers the best way he can and finally get the belt off that undeserving wanker.  Peter Knight was the lucky man to benefit from it.

Well, this is great! I don't have to praise Stephen Joseph's bullshit anymore!

What's that supposed to mean?


Knight looks into the title belt and smiles back at his reflection, his three year journey finally ended with his dream coming true.  Axel slaps him on the shoulder, smiling broadly himself as he looks over at the fallen former champion, lip readers see the words "Tough luck, mate" escape his lips as he turns back and raises the arm of the new champion.

I had a feeling that we were going to kick off 2006 with a bang tonight, but it seems we also kicked off a new era in the OAOAST with Axel becoming the new HeldDOWN General Manager and Peter Knight winning the World Title.  We certainly should have more on both these developments on our regular Thursday time, so until then, for Caboose and Coach, I'm Michael Cole.  Happy New Year, everyone!

Knight hits the turnbuckles and raises the belt in the air to a blinding wave of flashbulbs as EMTs load both Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph on stretchers and wheel them out of the arena.  Knight doesn't notice it because he is firmly on Cloud Nine at this point, a dream realized.

Peter Knight.  New OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion.

Edited by KingPK

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Just did a slight edit to change 'NU OAOAST Commissioner' to 'NU OAOAST General Manager'. Hope you don't mind.

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