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Lethal Rumble match

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As we return live, EMTs have immobilized Stephen Joseph on a stretcher and are wheeling him out of the arena as Peter Knight and Axel remain on the stage, having moved over to a pair of comfy leather recliners that are situated just left of the entrance.  A couple of lovely models pour each man a glass of champagne and they toast PK's victory.  Knight then hands off his belt to the brunette and takes a seat while Axel sets the briefcase down next to his chair and also sits.  

Look at this; they nearly kill a guy and now they're acting like kings.

You know, I wonder if they'll let me join them up there?  

You sit your ass right here, Coach.

Well folks, the time is here!  The Road to AngleMania V officially begins right now.  Let's go up to our special guest announcer for this match, The Fink!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the Lethal Rumble MATCH!

*crowd pops*

Here are the rules.  In just a few moments, the participants who drew numbers 1 and 2 will begin the match, and every two minutes thereafter, another wrestler will enter the ring according to the number he drew.  In the Lethal Rumble, it is every man for himself.  Elimination occurs when a wrestler is thrown out over the top rope and BOTH FEET must hit the floor.  The one participant remaining after all 30 have entered will be declared the winner, and will receive an OAOAST World championship match at AngleMANIA!

*crowd pops*

[i]God of Thunder[/i] hits and Thunderkid comes through the curtain.

And here comes the #1 entry, Coach!

Introducing the participant who drew #1!  From Green Bay, Wisconsin...THUNDERKID!!!

Thunderkid steps through the curtain and Axel stands, pointing at him and slapping the briefcase, reminding him that there's something else on the line other than a title shot.

Thunderkid makes his way to the ring, he's had problems with his partner, Reject, as of late, Coach, however, they did manage to advance in the Anderson Cup tournament just ten days ago!

That's right, Cole, but Thunderkid won't have any partners in this one!

You know, I'm shocked that Axel didn't abuse his powers even further and made Zack go in as #1, just so 29 other guys have a little extra motivation to toss him out.

Thunderkid, a former North American champion, can earn a shot at the World title tonight, but he'll have the tallest mountain to climb in order to do so!

[i]Sweet Home Chicago[/i] hits.

Speaking of tall mountains...

Jumbo struts through the curtains as the lyrics start, giving high fives to the fans.  

And now, here is the #2 participant in the Lethal Rumble match!  From Chicago, Illinois...JUMBO!!!

So the biggest man in the match will have to start all the way from the beginning, Coach!


These two men know each other very well, of course TK involved in that huge rivalry with the now defunct Stevens/Heyross Incorporated!

TK and Jumbo trade blows, then Jumbo grabs a headlock.  TK pushes him off into the ropes, but Jumbo ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own!  Jumbo dances for the crowd, who responds positively.

Jumbo getting a nice reaction for that, and TK could be the first one out right here, Cole!

Jumbo has picked TK up in a slam position and set him on the top buckle in an elimination attempt!  However, TK goes to the eyes of the big guy, then sits up on the second rope and takes him down with a bulldog!

Nice move by TK, but he's got to pick him up and put him over the top!

Instead, TK waits on Jumbo to get to his feet, then whips him hard into the buckles!  Jumbo bounces back, and TK whips him into the opposite buckles, this time catching him coming out of the corner, scooping him up and giving him a BIG bodyslam!

TK scooping up all 440 pounds of Jumbo and slamming him to the canvas!

Great show of strength there by TK, but again, he's got to put him up and over!

TK delivers a stiff European uppercut, which sends Jumbo staggering back into the corner.  TK follows him in and drives a few shoulders, then goes for the legs.  He gets one up, but Jumbo delivers a forearm to the back as he goes for the second.  They trade blows some more, with TK getting the advantage, but as he comes off the ropes, he runs right into the BIG BOOT~! of Jumbo!  Jumbo regains his thoughts, then backs into the ropes and comes off with a big elbowdrop!

And here comes the count!  We're set to add a third man!












[i]What's the Difference[/i] hits and Reject sprints down the aisle!

It's Reject!!!  Reject got #3!!!

I don't believe this, Cole!  What luck of the draw for TK & Reject if they can co-exist!

Reject slides in and immediately begins laying kicks in to Jumbo, who had TK in trouble again on the ropes.  TK and Reject set up Jumbo and whip him into the ropes, but Jumbo ducks and comes back with a double clothesline!  Jumbo backs Reject into a corner and drives knees and shoulders in, then makes his way back to TK.  TK, however, comes up off his knees with a low blow!  Jumbo grabs his balls, then turns around, right into the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 from Reject!

Reject hits the EULOGY~!  This should end Jumbo's night if they can get him up!

Reject and TK pick up Jumbo off the mat, then pick him up in a double bodyslam and carry him to the ropes, where they dump him over the top and down to the floor!

And there goes Jumbo, the first man eliminated from the 2006 Lethal Rumble!

1st elimination: Jumbo
Entered: #2
Time of participation: 3:01
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Thunderkid, Reject
Left in ring: Thunderkid, Reject

Look, Cole!

Reject has grabbed TK from behind and has him on the ropes in an elimination attempt!  TK struggles, but goes to the eyes of his partner.  TK measures Reject, and delivers a bicycle kick as he turns around!  TK then picks up Reject in a PRESS SLAM~!, but Reject wiggles free and shoves TK off into the corner, then comes back with a windmill kick!  Reject follows up with a dropkick, but a hurricanrana attempt is blocked with a sitout powerbomb!

What a showing between these two tag team partners!

TK then slowly gets to his feet and sets Reject up on the ropes.

And the countdown to #4 is set to begin!

TK, hearing the count start, sets Reject down and they wait on the next participant.












[i]Word Up[/i] hits, and Nick Garner of the Triple Threat jogs towards the ring.

It's a member of the Triple Threat, Cole!

This is Nick, I'm being told...

Nick slides in and hits a quick dropkick on Reject, then ground pounds him for a couple seconds before TK picks him up.

Credit to Nick, he came right in on the offense against these guys!

TK holds Nick back and Reject delivers some straight kicks to the midsection.  TK then releases the grip and delivers a back suplex.

But he's in there against two guys who are going to work together as long as there's other people in the ring, tough luck of the draw for Nick Garner.

Reject follows TK's back suplex with ROLLING THUNDER~!  TK then pick up Nick in a hangman's hold.

Oh no, not this again...

Reject lays in a roundhouse kick to the midsection!  The crowd groans as Nick holds his ribs on the mat.

They're not done yet, Coach!

TK picks up Nick, and hooks him in a dragon sleeper.  He then lifts him up by the tights, onto Reject's shoulder, for the THUNDEROUS REJECTION~!!!!!11111  Nick is in trememdous agony, and TK and Reject finally pick him up and pitch him to the floor.

NOW they're done, Cole.

2nd elimination: Nick Garner
Entered: #4
Time of participation: 1:07
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Thunderkid, Reject
Left in ring: Thunderkid, Reject

As Reject plays to the crowd, TK grabs him from behind and pitches him to the apron!

And Reject was almost done right there, Coach!

Reject pulls himself back through the ropes, then walks over to TK and slaps the taste right out of his mouth!


TK stands there for a second, then delivers a BIG right hand, sending Reject down!  Reject reverses a whip to the corner, but as he charges, TK backdrops him to the apron!  Reject grabs the hair of TK and drops to his back on the apron, then rolls into the ring.  Reject goes for a standing spinkick, but TK ducks and catches the foot, then hooks Reject's leg to his face, locks his hands, and takes him over!

Wow, what a suplex THAT was!

And they're not stopping this time, Cole!












[i]Quiet[/i] by Smashing Pumpkins hits and the crowd goes CRAZY as "The Ice Heart" Dan Black runs to the ring!

It's Dan Black!

Here's a guy that could possibly contend with both TK and Reject!

Black slides into the ring, and meets Reject with a big clothesline!  TK catches a superkick as he gets to his feet!  Black then picks up TK and drives him with a BLACK BOMB~!

Looks like you may be right, Coach, and it looks like Reject is on his way out!

Dan has Reject on his shoulder trying to slam him out, as Reject desperately holds on to the ropes!  TK recovers in time to save his partner, then whips Dan into the ropes.  Dan, however, twists around and hits a DDT on TK!  Reject comes over and rakes the eyes of Black while he's still on the mat, then drops a snap legdrop!  TK and Reject pick up Black and give him a double suplex!  Reject plays to the crowd, getting a mixture of cheers and boos, and then they set Black up again, this time with their backs to the ropes.

Oh, they're going to try to take him out this time!

Black, however, is able to block, and as he comes down, shifts his weight and takes both men over with armdrags!

GREAT counter by Black right there!

Black then picks up TK and sets up the BLACKOUT~!!!!!11111, but TK shoves him off, right into a spinkick from Reject!  TK and Reject pick Black up and whip him hard into the corner, but Black comes out with a double clothesline!  All three men are down on the mat.  Black struggles to his feet first and works on Reject as the count starts.

#6 about to make his appearance!












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[i]Make Her Say[/i] by O-Town hits, and Scotty Static steps out onto the stage.  He gives a thumbs-up to Knight and Axel before he rushes to the ring!  


It's Scotty Static, one half of the Global Party Xchange!

Scotty slides into the ring and starts hammering on Dan Black, until TK grabs him and backs him into a corner.  Reject takes over on Black as TK hits a couple kicks to the midsection, but Scotty goes to the eyes and turns it around in the corner.  Scotty hits a short dropkick right to the abdomen of TK!  Scotty then wrenches the arm and climbs to the top rope.

I'm not sure how smart this move is on Scotty's part...

He completes it, however, walking across the top rope and executing a hurricanrana!  Scotty kips up, then runs to the ropes and comes off with a snap legdrop!  Scotty then lifts TK off the mat and sets him up on the ropes for elimination!

TK could be going right here, Coach!

Reject makes the save for his partner, however, and drops Scotty to the mat with a high kick to the head.  TK and Reject then focus once again on Dan Black, picking him up and attempting to dump him over as the crowd gets anxious!

And now Dan Black in trouble, Cole, one of the favorites in this match!

Suddenly, Scotty sneaks up and dumps ALL THREE guys over the top rope...but they all land on the apron!  Scotty doesn't realize this, and starts taunting the crowd.  When he turns around, he's in for a big surprise, as all three guys are staring him down!  Black hits a chop from Scotty's left side, then Reject drops him with an enziguri!  Black then picks up Scotty, and begins the Chimera suplex sequence, hitting a Dragon, German, and finishing with a Tiger suplex!

#7 about to make his way to the ring very shortly!












[i]G's and Soldiers[/i] hits, and out struts Logan "Usher" Mann!

And it's one half of the Heavenly Rockers, who this week in the Anderson Cup will meet Los Diablos de Fuego, who scored a MAJOR upset over the GPX several weeks ago!

And don't forget, TK and Reject both still out there, and there's a very good chance that those two teams could cross paths in that tournament!

Logan strides down the aisle and climbs into the ring slowly, and then not-so-slowly drops Reject with a BIG left hand!

And there's that left, right off the bat from Logan Mann!

Logan immediately picks Reject up onto his shoulders and sets him up in the corner, attempting to force him over!  Meanwhile, TK ducks a double clothesline from Black and Static and hits one of his own!

How about that?  One half of Black T and one half of the GPX attempting to work together right there, but TK came back on them with a big double clothesline!

TK pitches Scotty over the top rope, but he lands on the apron.  TK then rushes over to make the save on Reject, and the two then double team Logan in the corner.  TK picks up Logan in a side slam, and Reject comes off the ropes and gives him a legdrop as TK drops down!

Nice double team move there by TK & Reject, and if they keep working together like this and co-existing, they could be in there right up until the end!

Static and Black slug it out in another corner, with Black getting the better of the exchange (get it?  LOLZ), and giving him a double-arm DDT!   Black then goes over and grabs TK, giving him a German suplex!  He then goes for one of the Tiger variety, but TK blocks, then gets an arm free and twists around, countering and planting Black with a TOMBSTONE~!

GREAT counter there by TK!

Static then dropkicks TK as he's kneeling down, and then goes over to join Reject in a double suplex attempt on Logan Mann.  However, Logan is able to counter and plant BOTH guys with the PERCUSSION~!

Wow, he planted BOTH guys with the PERCUSSION~!

Alf just typed that in the PBP, you idiot.


Here's the countdown, Cole!












[i]Back in Black[/i] hits, and Bohemoth walks down the aisle in INTENSE~! fashion as Knight and Axel cheer on another Upstart entering the match.

Oh my, it's another big one, Bohemoth!  

Look at him take his time, he's in no hurry!  Everyone in the ring's been beaten down and they're all groggy right now, he's going to feast on this!

The big man climbs into the ring, and nearly BEHEADS Scotty with a Yakuza kick!  He then catches TK charging at him with a HUGE spinebuster!  Logan charges next, and gets caught in the EROTIC AWAKENING OF B-CATATONIC~!  Bohemoth yells out to the crowd INTENSELY~!, then picks up Logan and chucks him over the top to the floor!

And Logan Mann eliminated by the massive Bohemoth!

What did I tell you, Cole?  Bo's having a field day right now!  If Zack comes out soon, the bounty is as good as Bo's.

3rd elimination: Logan "Usher" Mann
Entered: #7
Time of participation: 2:42
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Bohemoth
Left in ring: Thunderkid, Reject, Dan Black, Scotty Static, Bohemoth

Bo then grabs Reject off the mat, and picks him up over head in a PRESS SLAM~!  He walks towards the ropes, but TK chop blocks him, and he falls down with Reject coming down on top!  Static hits a standing moonsault, and Black goes to the top rope, and comes off with a DIVING HEADBUTT~!  All four men start to celebrate, but TK & Reject go after Black and Static, respectively.

That was some nice teamwork by those four, but they can't give him too much time to recover now!

TK sets up the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!111 on Black, but Black blocks and drills him with the BLACKOUT~!!!!!11111

Black hits the Blackout!  TK is out of it on the mat!

Black gets up, and is hit with the SPIKED PUNCH~!!! from Scotty Static!  Static plays to the crowd, but Reject spins him around and hits the EULOGY~!!!!!11111  Reject is then sent into the ropes by Bo and hit with the EROTIC AWAKENING OF B-CATATONIC~!  Bo is the only man standing as the clock winds down...












[i]California Love[/i] hits and the crowd goes NUTS for The Parka, as he comes through and points the finger at Bo in the ring!

It's Parka!!!

And Bohemoth awaiting the man who took the HI-YAH championship from him a couple months ago!

Parka runs down and slides into the ring, ducking a clothesline and hitting a jumping leg lariat!  Parka then ground pounds Bo, then gets up and yells out to the crowd, which gives him a very warm response.  Bo hits a thrust to the throat of Parka, then whips him into the ropes.  Parka ducks a clothesline, floats over and hits a DDT!

The Parka on FIRE here against big Bohemoth!

Reject then begins trading blows with Parka, as TK takes over on Bo and Static and Black continue to slug it out.  Reject delivers a kick to Parka, and then joins TK in working Bo over.  Parka regains his senses and goes to Dan's aid, as they work over Scotty.  Parka then signals to TK and Reject, who set up Bo for a double atomic drop.  Parka and Black do the same to Static, and he and Bo collide into one another and fall to the mat!

Double atomic drops in stereo!

Wait, what are they setting up now?

TK and Reject stand across from one another, each with a hold of a leg of Bo and Scotty.  Parka holds the arms of Scotty while Black holds those of Bo, and TK and Reject drop to the mat and start rowing the boat!

Oh, it's the old rowboat move!  Listen to the crowd, they love it!

TK and Reject then release the move, and TK jumps Parka and starts choking him on the mat!  Reject has Dan Black on the ropes in trouble!  TK releases the choke on Parka and goes to help his partner!  Bo recovers and gives Black a shove, and Black falls over, but slides back in underneath the legs of TK and Reject!  Static chokes Black on the mat as TK gives Bo a savate kick, then he and Reject pick him up and drop him throat-first on the ropes!  Parka sneaks up on TK and tries to dump him as the count begins...












[i]Lose Yourself[/i] hits and Jamie O'Hara dashes towards the ring.

And here comes the Birmingham Bad Boy!  Upstars represent!

Jamie O'Hara, the #10 entry!  We're 1/3 of the way through the entrants!

O'Hara slides into the ring and jumps on Parka, saving TK indirectly.

No love lost between these two, Cole!

O'Hara backs Parka into the corner and starts laying in kicks as TK and Reject once again work Black over in the corner.  This time, however, Black begins to slug back at both men, and fights his way out of the corner.  Meanwhile, Bohemoth charges at Scotty Static, who drops down and Bo goes tumbling over him and to the floor!  On the stage, Axel leaps out of his seat, holding his head in his hands as Knight pounds his recliner with his fist.  

Bohemoth was just eliminated!  That was pure reflex on Scotty's part.

No way!

Yes, he's gone!

He was one of Axel's big guns against Zack, but he was eliminated by an Upstart!

4th elimination: Bohemoth
Entered: #8
Time of participation: 4:36
Eliminated: Logan "Usher" Mann
Eliminated by: Scotty Static
Left in ring: Thunderkid, Reject, Dan Black, Scotty Static, The Parka, Jamie O'Hara

Bohemoth stands and pounds the mat, looking up to Scotty for an explanation and gets a half-hearted apology from him.  Scotty points at himself and says "I got it".  Meanwhile, O'Hara pulls Parka out of the corner and gives him a vertical suplex!  O'Hara then goes to the top rope, and goes for a MOONSAULT~!  However, Parka rolls out of the way, and O'Hara finds nothing but canvas!  Dan Black picks up O'Hara on his shoulders and carries him over to the ropes, but O'Hara is able to get his hands on the ropes to stop himself from going over.  He then thumbs Black in the eyes before getting clotheslined to the mat by Parka.  Parka then starts chopping Black in the corner, then when he tries to whip him into the opposite corner, Black reverses and pulls Parka in for an overhead belly-to-belly!

No friends in this match, as you're seeing right now with two Originals, Dan Black and The Parka!

And as you saw moments ago with Bohemoth being eliminated by his fellow Upstart, Scotty Static!

TK and Reject grab O'Hara and hammer on him in the corner, then set him up, and hit the CATEGORY SIX~!!!111 on him!

O'Hara planted, and here's the countdown to #11!












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[i]Gasolina[/i] by Daddy Yankee ft. Lil' Jon and Pitbull plays and Colombian Heat makes his way to the ring.

Well, Colombian Heat was unsuccessful in his attempt to win the 24/7 title earlier tonight, but a chance at redemption and a World title shot await him in this match, perhaps.

Heat slides into the ring and begins to hammer away at TK.  Reject comes over and helps out his partner, and the two give Heat a double clothesline.  TK sets Reject up for the suplex-headscissor move...but Reject SWERVES~! TK, picking him up in the suplex instead and dropping him to the floor!

Wait a minute!

I love it, Cole!  Reject outsmarted his own partner!

5th elimination: Thunderkid
Entered: #1
Time of participation: 18:34
Eliminated: Jumbo (co), Nick Garner (co)
Eliminated by: Reject
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Scotty Static, The Parka, Jamie O'Hara, Colombian Heat

As TK and Reject argue with one another, Scotty Static slugs it out with Colombian Heat.  Static goes for a powerbomb, but Heat slides out ala Kidman.  Static reverses a whip, but Heat ducks a clothesline and then takes Static down with a flying headscissors!

The dissention continues, Cole!

And some fast and furious action between Colombian Heat and Scotty Static on the inside!

As Heat celebrates, however, Dan Black comes out of the corner and nails him with a superkick!

Jamie O'Hara goes after Reject, getting somes kicks in to the midsection.  Reject fires back, and eventually takes O'Hara down with a dropkick.  Black has Heat up on the ropes for elimination!  Heat struggles and manages to slide down the back of Black, then attempts to eliminate *him* as Static comes over to give him a hand.  However, Parka breaks up the attempt by ramming together the heads of Heat and Scotty.  Parka works over Static, but O'Hara comes over to help out his fellow Upstart.  Black and Reject work together, delivering a double suplex to Heat!  Parka hits a double clothesline on Static and O'Hara as the count begins...












[i]Know Your Role '99[/i] hits and boos quickly fill the arena as Tha Puerto Rican strides through the curtain.  He looks over to Axel and the briefcase as well, partly in anger because of what they did to SJ and partly because he wants the money but neither man acknowledges him.


PR's been 24/7 champ for a good stretch, but I know that he wants to finally go to the next level and win this thing.  

PR jogs to the ring and goes straight after the weakened Colombian Heat, hitting a Samoan drop and applauding himself as the crowd boos some more.

Yeah, that was great, PR!

PR then joins Jamie O'Hara in working over Parka, and they set him up in the corner, each man grabbing a leg and attempting to send him over the top!

Parka in big trouble right now at the hands of PR and Jamie O'Hara!

See ya.

Heat takes down Static with a big dropkick, then makes the save for Parka and begins brawling it out with Jamie O'Hara.  PR ducks a clothesline from Parka, and hits him with a Latin Slam!  PR then sneaks behind Dan Black and gives him a low blow, then sets up the CORPORATE TRIFECTA~!

Here it comes, Cole!

I love this move.

PR with a vertical suplex!  He rolls over, and hits a second!  He then raises Black up for a third, doing the "you can't see me" gesture, then slingshots him off the ropes and completes the move!  PR applauds himself afterwards.  Reject dropkicks PR right in the face as he sits on the mat!

Oh, no!

Well, Reject not impressed with that, obviously, as he goes to work on the 24/7 champion!

Reject hits a snap suplex on PR, then sets up the PITCH BLACK~!!!, but Jamie O'Hara comes flying across the ring and hits a BLOCKBUSTER~! on Reject!

Nice hangtime by O'Hara on that one!

Static and O'Hara go to work on Reject, as PR and Heat slug it out in the corner.  Heat gets the better of the exchange (which doesn't work like before, since PR isn't a member of the GPX, see), until PR goes to the throat and brings him out of the corner with a bulldog!

And we're set for lucky 13, Coach!












[i]Breathe[/i] by Fabolous hits and the Mad Cappa makes a mad dash (LOLZ) to the ring, hearing the cheers of the fans.

And it's Cappa!

Cappa slides in, ducks a clothesline from O'Hara and nails a spinning wheel kick!  Static attacks him from behind, but Cappa counters an Irish whip and boots Static in the gut, hitting him with the CAPPABOMB~!  As Cappa looks up from the position, everyone else is down and out of it, except for PR, who is staring him down from an opposite corner!

Look at the staredown here, Cole!

And the fans notice it too, Coach, listen to them get loud!

They better not forget about the other guys in the ring though.  One mistake could be the end of your night.

Cappa gets up and gets face-to-face with PR, which only serves to excite the crowd even more!  PR shoves Cappa back, to receive a shove in return!  PR throws the first punch, and the two are trading blows in the center of the ring!  Cappa gets the better of the exchange, and sends PR into the ropes, but puts his head down.  PR gives him a foot to the face, then sets him up for the CORPORATE NIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111  Cappa, however, backdrops out of it, and as PR approaches him again, Cappa hits BUST A CAP~!!!!!11111

Cappa hit it!  BUST A CAP!

Cappa grabs PR and tosses him over the top, but PR barely hangs on, and skins the cat back into the ring!  Cappa starts to grab Reject, but PR turns him around and delivers the CORPORATE NIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111

But PR comes right back, Cole, I love it!

As both Cappa and PR are out in the ring, Reject gets up and hits a snap legdrop on PR!  Static then picks up Heat and gives him a snap suplex, then hops to the second rope, climbs backwards to the top rope, and drops a leg!  Cappa recovers and grabs PR again, attempting elimination as the count starts...












The fans hear the sound of a cash register opening up. It is followed by Vitamin X saying "Come and take your Vitamin X."

Oh, yeah, here comes some help for PR!

[i]Bling Bling[/i] hits and VX very quickly runs down and slides into the ring, making the save on PR and lays in some kicks on Cappa.  PR and VX set up Cappa, picking him up in vertical suplex position and dropping him down forwards on his stomach!  VX then starts dancing around...

Uh oh, Cole!  VX is feeling it!

As Cappa gets to his feet, VX hits a right!  then a second right!  VX does the Shane 'O Mac Shuffle, then hits another big punch on Cappa, sending him to the mat!  VX then goes over and attacks Parka, who has Jamie O'Hara on the brink of elimination!

A lot of history as well between VX and The Parka, Coach!

VX and O'Hara attempt to dump Parka over the top backwards, but Dan Black nails VX and Parka is able to scoot back in.  Black hits a back suplex on VX as Reject picks his spots, and hits a BIG kick to the kidneys of PR!

Oh man, what a kick from Reject right there!

And we should point out, Reject was the third entrant into this match, in about a minute we're going to be halfway through the entrants!

Reject then pulls VX off the mat and gives him a suplex.

And right here you got the guy that's been in the longest of anyone battling it out with the guy who's the freshest!

Gotta give some credit as well to Dan Black and to Scotty Static, they're both close to the 20-minute mark themselves!

Having been in this match before, I know that those men must be feeling the fatigue, but they can't stop or let down their guard because, as more fresh men enter, they will go right for the ones that are weak.  Reject is smart picking his spots like he is right now.

Static and Black are doing battle in a corner, as Black presses his knee right into the face of Scotty.  O'Hara comes over and rakes the eyes of Black, then delivers a back suplex.  Cappa and Heat both approach O'Hara, and deliver a double atomic drop!  Black dumps Scotty, who once again lands on the apron!

Look at Scotty continue to hang in there!

PR delivers a low blow to Cappa as the count begins again.

Folks, we're at the halfway point of the Lethal Rumble match!  #15 about to make his way through the curtains!












[i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD hits and Rick Heyross comes through the curtain, waving Quentin Benjamin towards the ring and following behind.

And it's Quentin Benjamin, one half of Team Heyross and one *third* of the 6-man tag champs!

We've seen how he does in a team, but how he will fare alone with no help remains to be seen here.

Benjamin slides into the ring only to get met with big forearm shots from Colombian Heat!  Meanwhile, Cappa is on the receiving end of a CURBSTOMP~! from Jamie O'Hara!


Bnejamin is hit with a big clothesline from Heat, and set up for elimination at the ropes!

And Quentin Benjamin already in trouble, Coach!

I guess not well then.

However, Reject of all people makes the save!

How about that save, Cole?

And how about this double team?

Benjamin and Reject both hammer on Heat, then whip him into the ropes, and hit him with a double back elbow, sending him backwards over the top and to the floor!

And how about the elimination?  What a surprising turn of events that was, and Colombian Heat is headed for the showers!

6th elimination: Colombian Heat
Entered: #11
Time of participation: 8:27
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Reject, Quentin Benjamin
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Scotty Static, The Parka, Jamie O'Hara, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Vitamin X, Quentin Benjamin

So we're back down to nine men in there now.

Could be eight right here, Cole!  Jamie O'Hara in trouble!

Reject has O'Hara hanging precariously, but O'Hara manages to slide back in under the bottom.  Benjamin kicks away at an exhausted Dan Black on the mat.

There's another tag team showdown right there, Coach, Black T vs Team Heyross!

That's right, and one member of each team still to come yet, as WELL as Brock Ausstin, the third member of the 6-man tag champs!

Benjamin picks up Black and hangs him over the ropes, as Scotty Static comes over to help.  PR kneels down and reaches through the ropes, pulling on the head of Black.

Three guys now trying to get Dan Black out of there, but no!  He STILL slides back in through the ropes!

Black is a slippery bugger.  I'm picking him as my dark horse in this one.

Parka grabs PR and delivers a fisherman's buster!  Cappa delivers knees in the corner to Scotty Static, before VX rakes his eyes and delivers a snap suplex!  VX then climbs the top rope right above Scotty, and leaps off, hitting the LEAP OF FAITH~!

And Vitamin X with a big elbow to the heart of Cappa!

Reject gives PR a foot to the gut, then comes off the ropes with a swinging neckbreaker!  He then sets him up at the ropes, and runs to the ropes, coming back with ROLLING THUNDER~!  as the count starts...












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[i]Simply Ravishing[/i] hits and the crowd pops HUGE for Tony Brannigan as he makes his way to the ring!

And here comes T-Bod, Coach!  Bodies should fly now!

Tony rolls in and hits a big clothesline on Quentin Benjamin!  He then nails Scotty Static in the midsection, who had Dan Black laying on the top rope.  Black climbs down, and the two double up on Scotty, dropping him with a double elbow!  Tony then waits on him to get up, and gives him a THUMB TO THE EYE~!  Static grabs his eyes and walks right into the BLACKOUT~!!!!!11111 from Dan Black!  Static falls back again, right into the OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE~!!!!!11111  Black T scrapes Scotty Static off the mat and dispatches him to the floor!  Axel simply shakes his head in disgust on the stage.

YEAH!  Originals represent!

OH NO!  Why can't Tony pick on someone his own size?

Credit to Scotty, he took one hell of a beating for about 20 minutes, but he's gone!

7th elimination: Scotty Static
Entered: #6
Time of participation: 20:32
Eliminated: Bohemoth
Eliminated by: Dan Black, Tony Brannigan
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, The Parka, Jamie O'Hara, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Vitamin X, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Brannigan

Black and Brannigan then go to work on Quentin Benjamin, as Parka and VX do battle in a separate corner.  Parka lays in a couple stiff shots, but attempts a charge and VX gets the feet up, sending Parka to the mat!  VX then goes over and assists PR in his battle with Reject, as the two hit a double clothesline...and when PR celebrates, VX takes him down with a spinkick!

Aw c'mon, what was that???

No friends in this match, you saw that right there, Coach!

However, VX makes the same mistake made by PR, and Parka tosses him over the top and to the floor!

And Vitamin X has been eliminated!  He turned his back to preen to the crowd, just like his friend PR, and found himself on the floor!

Like I said, it only takes one mistake to end it all for you.

8th elimination: Vitamin X
Entered: #14
Time of participation: 5:16
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: The Parka
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, The Parka, Jamie O'Hara, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Brannigan

Reject attempts to lift Parka out as O'Hara makes a save for Quentin Benjamin by raking the eyes of both members of Black T.  PR and Cappa continue their war, slugging it out in a corner.  O'Hara delivers a back suplex to Tony, and then assists Reject in his attempt to dump Parka.

Parka in big trouble again, as we're set for another man!












[i]Slither[/i] by Velvet Rovolver hits, and Christian Wright jogs to ringside to the boos of the crowd.

It's another Upstart, the HI-YAH heavyweight champion, Christian Wright!

Wright slides in and starts stomping Tony on the mat as Parka manages to get himself out of trouble.  Parka crotches O'Hara on the top rope, and climbs up to go for a superplex!  However, O'Hara is able to counter and drop Parka crotch-first onto the top rope!  O'Hara and Parka both fall to the mat from their positions as Wright delivers a STUN GUN~! to Tony!  O'Hara beats Parka to his feet and clotheslines him over the top and to the floor!

Oh, and Parka is gone!

Tough break for Parka, Jamie O'Hara catches him with that clothesline, he's gone after a nice run of nearly 20 minutes!

9th elimination: The Parka
Entered: #9
Time of participation: 16:41
Eliminated: Vitamin X
Eliminated by: Jamie O'Hara
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Jamie O'Hara, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Brannigan, Christian Wright

Dan Black hammers on Christian Wright, making the save on his partner Tony Brannigan.  Reject chokes away at Quentin Benjamin on the mat with his boot, until PR kicks him in the back of the head, and then sets him up in the corner for elimination!

And again, Reject in trouble, Coach!

Well, he's managed to hang in there for half an hour now, but he could be going out right here!

Reject falls to the apron, and pulls himself back in as Cappa goes after PR once again.  Benjamin jumps on the back of Tony and puts on a sleeperhold as Tony is trying to dump out Wright.  Wright gets to his feet and sends blows to the bread basket of Tony, as Benjamin is able to get his feet to mat and keeps the sleeper on.  O'Hara and PR set up Cappa for elimination as Black and Reject kick away at each other.

Cappa in big trouble on the far side!

And look here, Cole!  The two guys who have been in there the longest hammering away on each other!

Absolutely, and we're ready for another competitor!












[i]Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat/Howling at the Moon[/i] hits and the crowd goes BALLISTIC.

And LISTEN to this crowd, #18, the Heartland champion, Alfdogg!

Well, he's one of the favorites in this thing, Cole, no doubt about it!

Alf walks out to the entryway, then takes off for the ring, sliding in and hammering away on Christian Wright, then delivering a snap suplex!  Alf clotheslines Jamie O'Hara to the mat, then hooks PR and delivers an overhead belly-to-belly!  T-Bone suplex for Benjamin, and a superkick to Cappa, then he grabs O'Hara and tosses him over the top to the floor!

Alf coming in on FIRE, and Jamie O'Hara is gone!

10th elimination: Jamie O'Hara
Entered: #10
Time of participation: 17:02
Eliminated: The Parka
Eliminated by: Alfdogg
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Brannigan, Christian Wright, Alfdogg

Alf then hooks the arms of PR, allowing Reject to lay in some kicks.  Benjamin lays in some kicks of his own from behind on Alf, then drops Alf with a sleeper drop!  Benjamin then assists PR in attacking Reject.

Nice move by Quentin Benjamin, really stopping Alf cold there!

Wright has Black set up on the ropes, when Tony taps him on the shoulder from behind.  Wright turns around and receives a thumb to each eye!  Alf hammers away on Cappa in the corner, then sets him up on the top rope!  Cappa goes to the eyes of Alf, however, and drops back inside.  Cappa then lifts Alf over the top, and tries to eliminate him!  

Alf could be gone here at the hands of Cappa, Coach!

The count is going as Reject gives a suplex to Benjamin, and makes the save on Alf.












[i]Word Up[/i] hits and Dick Garner runs to the ring.

And it's another Triple Threat member, this is Dick!

Dick attacks Cappa from behind, then takes him down and stomps him a few times before slapping him.

Cappa just got dickslapped, Cole!

Oh, how clever.  You're just full of LOL's!

Dick picks Cappa up, and grabs his leg, then picks him up and drops Cappa's knee on his own!  Dick briefly hooks a half crab on Cappa before he gets a kick in the head from Quentin Benjamin.  Benjamin picks up Dick and hooks him for a suplex.  Dick counters, however, and lifts Benjamin for a suplex of his own!  Benjamin is able to get his feet on the top rope, and pushes off and over the back of Dick, then delivers a German suplex, which causes Dick to roll all the way over onto his stomach!  Dan Black then drops to the mat and hooks him in the HEART OF ICE~!!!!!11111

NICE suplex by Benjamin, and there's the HEART OF ICE~! hooked on Dick!

He's just trying to squeeze it all right out of Dick!


Wright drops a knee on Black to break it up quickly, however.  Alf and Reject work over PR in a corner, and each grab a leg and try to lift him out!

And PR in trouble again, Coach!

Absolutely, Alf and Reject working together much like Reject was with TK earlier!  But Reject showed earlier, he'll dump Alf out if he has to!

PR manages to fight his way out, pushing Alf off with one foot, then using the leg to hook Reject in a headscissors, and squeeze until Reject releases him.  He then picks Reject up in a fireman's carry, and attempts to dump him, as Reject holds on to the top rope!  Cappa goes to the midsection and causes PR to drop Reject back into the ring.  Black holds Benjamin for Tony, but Benjamin slips free and Black gets clotheslined to the mat by his partner!  

Oh, he takes down his own partner right there!

Tony checks on Dan, but Benjamin grabs Tony and manages to take him overhead with a belly-to-belly!

Wow, that's a big man to take over right there, and we're about to be two-thirds of the way through the field!












[i]Frankenstein[/i] hits and the crowd starts barking as Frankie Frankensteiner walks through the curtains!

And it's the PSYCHO GREMLIN~!, Frankie Frankensteiner, #20!

Frankie barks back at the crowd, then runs to the ring and hits a big SOONERLINE~! on Quentin Benjamin!

And right away, the Sooners and Team Heyross going at it, they'll be doing battle this Thursday in the Anderson Cup!

That's right, Team Heyross is undefeated, and it's gonna stay that way, Cole!

Well, we'll find out this Thursday!

Frankie drives in right hands to Benjamin in the corner, as PR works over Tony and Dan slugs away at Christian Wright.  Alf drops Dick throat first on the top rope, as Cappa stomps Reject at the side of the ring.  Cappa then reaches over the top rope and grabs the bottom rope, giving him leverage as he presses his knee into the side of Reject's face.  Alf rakes the eyes of Cappa, then rams his head into the buckle.  Alf sets up Cappa for a slingshot, shooting him right into a thrust kick from Reject!  Alf then gets up and delivers a snap suplex to PR, then starts going to work on Tony!

Look at this matchup, Cole!

Alf gets in a couple right hands on Tony, then ducks Dan Black coming in and Tony eats a superkick!

And once again, Black T with a miscue!

Black goes and grabs Frankie from behind, then Tony grabs HIM from behind and floors him with a right hand!  Black gets up, shocked, and retaliates with a right of his own, and the two begin slugging it out!

And Black T going at it in the Lethal Rumble match, as we're about ready for another entrant!












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[i]Make Her Say[/i] hits and Johnny Jax runs to the ring.

And it's the other half of the Global Party Xchange, Johnny Jax!

Jax slides in and attacks Tony from behind, and Dick comes over to help out.

We've got 11 guys in the ring right now, Cole, that's the most we've had in at once!

And something's going to have to give here, especially with Reject and Dan Black, both of whom are approaching the 40-minute mark out there!

Frankie Frankensteiner is whipped into the ropes by Christian Wright, who attempts a leapfrog, but is caught in midair and powerslammed!  Frankie then sets him up on the ropes, but PR sneaks up from behind, dumping Frankie over Wright and onto the floor!

Oh, and something just gave right there, Coach!  Frankie eliminated!

11th elimination: Frankie Frankensteiner
Entered: #20
Time of participation: 2:37
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Tha Puerto Rican
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Branningan, Christian Wright, Alfdogg, Dick Garner, Johnny Jax

PR goes right back over to Cappa, as Alf and Reject slug it out in a corner!

Look here, it's Alf and Reject going at it!

Reject lifts Alf up in the corner and attempts elimination!  Alf squirms in the grip of Reject, and slides free, then grabs the left leg of Reject and tries to force him over the top!  Jax comes over and knees Alf in the back, then grabs Reject and gives him a suplex.  Jax then lifts Alf up and places him over the corner, attempting elimination, as Christian Wright delivers a samoan drop to Cappa in the center, but stays down out of exhaustion.  Alf goes to the eyes of Jax, then kicks him in the face, sending him down.  As Dick picks up Cappa and works him over, Alf eyes Wright still laying down in the ring, then looks out to the crowd, which starts to buzz.  Alf then stands up on the second rope before moving up to the top...


Alf setting up...

Alf flies and nails the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111 on Christian Wright!

FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH to the HI-YAH champion!

As Alf gets up, Tony grabs him and drops him with the RUDE AWAKENING~!!!

And Tony very alert, dropping Alf with his neckbreaker!

Reject lays in kicks to Quentin Benjamin, then sets him up and plants him with the PITCH BLACK~!!!111

High impact right there from Reject, and Quentin is hurting!

And here's the count, Cole!












[i]Frankenstein[/i] hits and The Man of Tommorrow, Frank Frankensteiner, walks down the aisle to the ring, flexing along the way.

And it's the other Frankensteiner, Frank!

And how about the timing, Cole?  His partner was just eliminated a minute ago!

Frank rolls into the ring, and goes right after PR, grabbing his arm and pulling him right into a clothesline!

And going right after the man responsible for the elimination of his partner!

Frank picks up PR in a PRESS SLAM~! and slams him down to the mat!  PR holds his back as Benjamin jumps Frank from behind.  Benjamin has a standing crossface hooked, but Frank is able to get his hands in and pull Benjamins' off.  He then drives an elbow to the gut, and sets Quentin up...driving him with a TIGER BOMB~!

What power shown by Frank Frankensteiner!

Frank stays on Benjamin as Black T double up on PR.  A big pile-up in one corner sees Wright and Cappa both laying on the top rope, with Cappa having a headscissor hooked on Wright as Jax attempts to force Cappa over with a front facelock.  Reject attempts to untie the legs of Wright from the ropes, as Alf and Dick Garner push in the middle, with Dick delivering a headbutt to Alf, sending him to the mat.

At the end of the night, Cole, there's only going to be one man standing in this ring, but look at how hard all these guys are going at it!

Absolutely, and the reason being that that one man is going to AngleMania to take on Peter Knight or whoever the champion may be!

There's other reasons too, Cole!  50,000 of them, to be exact!

Well, Zack Malibu still to come, as well as the other half of the tag team champs, Leon Rodez!

We've also yet to see the other two 6-man champions, Charlie Moss, as well as Brock Ausstin, who I gotta call the favorite at this point in time.

And of course Leon will be the very LAST man to enter this match, but here comes the 23rd man to enter in ten seconds!












[i]Getting Away With Murder[/i] hits, sending the crowd into an absolute frenzy, and Christian Wright waits in the ring as Zack Malibu walks through the curtain!  Immediately Axel jumps from his seat and opens the briefcase, displaying the money to every man in that ring while Knight stands and points at Zack, saying "There's your man!  There's the target!"

And HERE HE COMES, the man with the big bounty on his head!

And Christian waiting to claim it right now, look in there, Cole!

Oh boy, there's 11 guys in the ring and I think that music got all of their attentions.

Zack slides into the ring, and Christian pounces him immediately, but Zack fights back, knocking him down with a clothesline!  Zack circles the ring, then charges Jax and clotheslines him to the floor!


And the GPX is done for the night, Johnny Jax eliminated by Zack Malibu!

12th elimination: Johnny Jax
Entered: #21
Time of participation: 4:25
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Zack Malibu
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Branningan, Christian Wright, Alfdogg, Dick Garner, Frank Frankensteiner, Zack Malibu

Zack goes to work on Reject, chopping away at him in the corner, then grabbing him and pitching him over the top rope, but Reject is able to hang on by the skin of his teeth!

And look at Reject!  Zack Malibu comes in fresh and goes to work on him, but Reject still hanging in there!

It's been over 40 minutes now for the former X-division champion, Reject!  And Dan Black's not far behind, he came in two entries after!

Zack goes over and knocks PR to the mat with a high knee.

And PR taken down, he's got to be closing in on a half-hour himself, Coach, he came in #12!

That's right, say what you want about him, he's still out there fighting even after that heated match earlier with Colombian Heat!

Christian Wright hooks Frank Frankensteiner, and converts the CORKSCREW SUPLEX~!!!!!11111

OH, Frank dropped right on his head there by Christian Wright!

Meanwhile, Alf lifts Zack onto his shoulders and attempts to put him over the top!

Look here, Alf could be picking up the bounty right now, Cole!

PR goes to the gut of Alf, and then grabs Zack himself to attempt elimination!

COME ON PR!  Get that money!

Cappa sneaks up behind and tries to dump PR as well as Zack!  Zack is able to slide underneath the bottom as Cappa stays on PR.  When Zack gets up, however, Alf meets him with an overhead belly-to-belly!

Zack taken down there by Alf, and how about the Triple Threater, Cole?  Still hanging in there, and has Reject in trouble right now!

And we're about to add another man, this will be 12 in the ring when he gets here!












[i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD hits, and Charlie Moss jogs towards the ring, as Rick Heyross meets him in the aisle and offers words of encouragement.

It's Charlie Moss, Cole!

The second half of Team Heyross, his partner, Quentin Benjamin, still hanging in there!

Moss slides in and assists Benjamin as the two hammer away on Frank Frankensteiner, who is still recovering from the Corkscrew Suplex.  Moss holds Frank back as Quentin lays some kicks in, then releases and runs to the ropes, and Team Heyross hits the DOUBLE GOOZLE~!  Frank staggers to his feet slowly, and Moss and Benjamin charge at him and give him a double clothesline to the floor!

Frank is out, and that's a preview of this Thursday, Cole!  The Bruisers on their back at the hands of Team Heyross!

13th elimination: Frank Frankensteiner
Entered: #22
Time of participation: 4:29
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Quentin Benjamin, Charlie Moss
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Tha Puerto Rican, The Mad Cappa, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Branningan, Christian Wright, Alfdogg, Dick Garner, Zack Malibu, Charlie Moss

Charlie Moss works over Dan Black, and Quentin goes over and rakes the eyes of Tony.

And here we go again, Team Heyross battling it out with Black T!

Christian Wright has Zack Malibu on the corner!

And Christian Wright making a play for the bounty!

Dick Garner comes over to help Wright, then kicks Wright away and attempts to eliminate Zack himself.

Dick wants the whole bounty to himself, and could you imagine what this would mean to Dick Garner's career to eliminate Zack Malibu?

Zack manages to escape trouble, though, and takes down Dick with a Russian legsweep.  Alf and PR duke it out, while Reject chokes Cappa down in the corner.  PR goes to the eyes of Alf, then whips him into the ropes.  Alf ducks a clothesline, and he and PR clothesline each other!

Alf and PR go down in a heap in the center of the ring!

Cappa comes out of the corner and clotheslines Reject, then delivers THE FALL FROM GRACE~!  Quentin Benjamin then nails Cappa with a superkick!

Nice kick from Benjamin, and here's the count!












[i]Punishment[/i] by BIOHAZARD hits, and Brock Ausstin walks through the curtain.

Oh my God.

And I think the winner of the Lethal Rumble is making his way down the aisle, Cole!

Brock walks patiently down the aisle, and then hops onto the apron and climbs into the ring.  Brock measures Cappa, and DRILLS him with a clothesline!  He then picks Cappa back up off the mat, and sets him up for an F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111

And I think this is the end of Cappa!

Brock walks over to the ropes with Cappa, and sends him spinning through the air, and Cappa lands with a splat on the floor!


In more ways than one, I should say!

Get some medical attention out here for Cappa, please!

14th elimination: The Mad Cappa
Entered: #13
Time of participation: 24:34
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Brock Ausstin
Left in ring: Reject, Dan Black, Tha Puerto Rican, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Branningan, Christian Wright, Alfdogg, Dick Garner, Zack Malibu, Charlie Moss, Brock Ausstin

As EMTs run out to assist Cappa to the back, Brock hammers away on Reject.  Team Heyross teams up to deliver a double front Russian legsweep to Dan Black.  Team Heyross back off, as Dan tries to pull himself to his feet.  As he gets to his knees, Brock grabs him by the tights and tosses him over the top to the floor!

And Dan Black FINALLY eliminated!  A courageous effort, just over 40 minutes, but a fresh Brock Ausstin is just too much to fight off!

15th elimination: Dan Black
Entered: #5
Time of participation: 40:54
Eliminated: Scotty Static (co)
Eliminated by: Brock Ausstin
Left in ring: Reject, Tha Puerto Rican, Quentin Benjamin, Tony Branningan, Christian Wright, Alfdogg, Dick Garner, Zack Malibu, Charlie Moss, Brock Ausstin

As Dan gets to his feet on the outside, Team Heyross stands at the ropes and waves goodbye to him.  As this is going on, Tony charges in with a head full of steam and clotheslines both men over the top!  Charlie Moss goes to the floor, but Benjamin pushes off the floor, and pulls himself back up, hooking Tony's head with his legs!

Moss is gone, I think Benjamin touched as well, but I'm not sure if the referee saw it!

Yes, he did see it, you see him trying to wave Benjamin back there!  Quentin Benjamin is eliminated!

Christian Wright sneaks up and dumps Tony to the floor, and Benjamin falls with him!

Well, he's all the way down now, as is Tony!  Black T and Team Heyross are done!

16th elimination: Charlie Moss
Entered: #24
Time of participation: 3:01
Eliminated: Frank Frankensteiner (co)
Eliminated by: Tony Brannigan

17th elimination: Quentin Benjamin
Entered: #15
Time of participation: 21:01
Eliminated: Colombian Heat (co), Frank Frankensteiner (co), Tony Brannigan (co)
Eliminated by: Tony Brannigan

18th elimination: Tony Brannigan
Entered: #16
Time of participation: 19:15
Eliminated: Scotty Static (co), Charlie Moss, Quentin Benjamin
Eliminated by: Quentin Benjamin, Christian Wright
Left in ring: Reject, Tha Puerto Rican, Christian Wright, Alfdogg, Dick Garner, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin

Black T and Team Heyross start to brawl to the back, when Tony runs down to the middle of the aisleway and exposes the concrete!  He then hammers Charlie Moss and sets him up for a PILEDRIVER!

Oh no, not on the concrete!

Fortunately, Moss is able to backdrop out of the move, and the two teams continue their brawl through the curtains, as the camera focuses back in the ring to see Alfdogg staring down Brock Ausstin from opposite corners!

Brock's been waiting a long time for this, Cole!

And vice versa, listen to the crowd!

Alf charges out of the corner and nails Brock with a right hand, and the two begin exchanging blows!

And I can't believe it, Alf's getting the better of it!

Alf attempts a whip to the ropes, but Brock hangs on to the arm and pulls Alf in for an overhead belly-to-belly!

Great belly-to-belly by Brock Ausstin, and here's the count once again!












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[i]Evolution (The Grand Design)[/i] by Symphony X hits and Foshi makes his way to the ring.

And here comes Foshi, the former World tag team champion, the #26 entrant!

Foshi climbs to the apron, then to the top rope, and flies off with a BIG bodypress onto PR!

And Foshi FLYING into action right away!

Foshi goes to work on Christian Wright, as Brock hammers away on Zack in a corner.

Oh ho, I'm lovin' the sight of this, Cole!

Brock picks up Zack in a powerslam position and attempts to dump him as the crowd screams!  

And the bounty looks like it could go to Brock Ausstin!

Meanwhile, Christian Wright delivers the WRIGHT OFF~! to Foshi!  Reject delivers a kick to the midsection of Brock, causing him to drop Zack to the mat!

Now why would Reject save Zack?

Maybe he wants the bounty!

Wright waits on Foshi to get up and charges him for a clothesline, but Foshi ducks and backdrops Wright to the floor!


And Foshi has eliminated Christian Wright!

19th elimination: Christian Wright
Entered: #17
Time of participation: 18:42
Eliminated: Tony Brannigan (co)
Eliminated by: Foshi
Left in ring: Reject, Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Dick Garner, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin, Foshi

As Foshi celebrates his feat, Brock FLOORS him with a clothesline, and Foshi lands on his shoulders and head, flips over and ends up on his stomach!

What IMPACT by Brock Ausstin!

Alf lifts Dick Garner off the mat, as Reject runs off the ropes and delivers a Hart Attack clothesline!  Alf and Reject then pick Dick up off the mat and dump him to the outside!

And another member of the Triple Threat gone, courtesy of Alf and Reject!  Nice run by the newcomer!

20th elimination: Dick Garner
Entered: #19
Time of participation: 15:07
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Reject, Alfdogg
Left in ring: Reject, Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin, Foshi

Six men in the ring, and four to come, Cole!

So we're down to our top ten in the Lethal Rumble match!

Reject and Alf go over and double-team on Brock Ausstin, as PR hits a dropkick on Foshi, then picks Zack up out of the corner and attempts to eliminate him!  Meanwhile, Reject and Alf whip Brock into the ropes, but Brock bounces right back with a double clothesline!

And Brock Ausstin DOMINANT out there!  You may be right, Coach, this may be the man who goes to AngleMania!

Foshi nails PR, and then lifts Zack over the ropes himself!

And now, it's Foshi going for the bounty!  This would mean a lot to the resurgent career of Foshi to pull this off!

Zack gets himself out of trouble by going to the eyes, as the count begins again!












[i]Word Up[/i] hits and Rick Garner walks through the curtain, towards his brother Dick.

Hasn't he been eliminated twice already?

No, they're triplets, Coach.


Rick coming out #27, his brother Dick was just eliminated moments ago...and now Nick coming back out, what is this???

Nick runs towards his brothers and points towards the ring, and the three slide in simultaneously and go after Alf!

And the Triple Threat triple *teaming* Alf, who along with Reject just got rid of Dick!  Get Dick and Nick out of there, they've been eliminated!

Reject comes over and grabs Dick and pounds away!

And now Reject beating on Dick when he should be focusing on the men in the ring!


Rick holds Alf for a clothesline, but Alf gets free and Nick drills his brother!  Alf goes to work on Nick, and Alf and Reject whip Nick and Dick from the corners, and they collide with Rick, who is just getting up, in the center of the ring!

Big collision between the Triple Threat!

Alf tosses Dick to the floor, as Reject delivers a dropkick to Nick, sending him over the top to the floor, Harley Race-style!  Zack then charges Rick and clotheslines him to the floor!

And the Triple Threat is done for the night!

21st elimination: Rick Garner
Entered: #27
Time of participation: 0:57
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Zack Malibu
Left in ring: Reject, Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin, Foshi

Alf and Reject then both grab Zack and attempt to push him over the ropes!

And Zack in BIG trouble at the hands of Alf and Reject!

Foshi comes over and grabs Reject, as Brock drops PR to the mat with a big headbutt!

How about that matchup?

Aw, this doesn't bode well for my man PR!

Alf grabs Foshi off of Reject and drops him with a Northern Lights bomb!  Brock has PR in the air in a PRESS SLAM~! 

And now PR in big trouble here!

But Alf delivers a superkick to Brock, and PR falls down on top of him!  Alf then jumps on top of PR, and Reject runs over and lays over Alf!  Foshi leaps over, and Zack jumps right on top of the stack!

Look, it's a dogpile!

What are they doing?  There's no pins in this match!

Brock has his arms out, however, and digs his feet into the mat and pushes all of the men back off of him!

And Brock Ausstin, just powers right out of it!

Brock levels PR and Alf with clotheslines, then delivers a Tazz-plex to Zack as the count starts once again!












[i]Ashburn[/i] by Hikari hits and Otaku II runs to the ring, with Ayane following and giving support.

Great luck of the draw for Otaku, as he slides into the ring, a tremendous opportunity for him!

Otaku comes right in and takes Alf down with a big spinning flying headscissors, drawing oohs from the crowd!  goes right to work on PR, hammering away with rights on the mat.  Foshi works on Brock, who's down in the corner, as Reject kicks away at Zack in another corner.

And Reject still looking to pick up that bounty, as well as a title shot at AngleMania!

No doubt, I gotta give the devil his due, it's been over 50 minutes out there for Reject now, Cole!  We're definitely seeing who the strength is on that team!

On this night, at least, I would have to agree, but look at Zack fight back!

Reject and Zack slug it out in the corner, but Reject goes to eyes and Zack staggers to the middle.  Reject sets Zack up for the PITCH BLACK~!!!111 but Zack backdrops out of it!  Zack catches Reject and sets up the POP DROP~!!!!!11111 but Reject slides behind the back of Zack, and attempts the EULOGY~!!!!!11111, but Zack pushes Reject into the ropes.  Reject turns around to go at Zack...

...only to walk right into the SCHOOL'S OUT~!!!!!11111, sending Reject over the top and TO THE FLOOR!!!

And Reject, is FINALLY, out!  The School's Out kick from Zack ends Reject's night after 51 minutes in the ring!

22nd elimination: Reject
Entered: #3
Time of participation: 50:57
Eliminated: Jumbo (co), Nick Garner (co), Thunderkid, Colombian Heat (co), Dick Garner (co)
Eliminated by: Zack Malibu
Left in ring: Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin, Foshi, Otaku II

Reject stands up on the outside as Foshi and Otaku double team on Brock Ausstin, as Alf walks over and grabs PR, giving him a fisherman's buster!  As the officials try to usher Reject to the back, he stares up into the ring and then pushes Nick Patrick to the floor!  Reject then rolls back into the ring, spins Zack around, and delivers the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

WAIT A MINUTE!  What's Reject doing back in there?  Get him out of there!  What a poor display of sportsmanship by Reject!

Yeah, but sportsman are only involved in duck and pheasant hunting, Cole!  Where's he going now?

Reject hops over the top rope and grabs a chair from the timekeeper's table, but Jack Doan grabs onto it.  Reject yanks the chair, pulling Doan around and swinging him to the floor!  Reject then rolls into the ring as Zack is coming to, and CRACKS him over the head with it!!!

OH NO!!!  DAMN IT, get him out of there!

I love it, Cole!  Reject may be eliminated, but it looks like he may be going for a consolation prize here!

And oh God, Zack Malibu has been lacerated, thanks to that chairshot from Reject!  What a sore loser!

Reject sets up Zack for the PITCH BLACK~!!!111, but Nick Patrick grabs his legs to stop it, and Reject drops Zack and decks Patrick with a right hand!  He then pulls Charles Robinson in, and delivers the EULOGY~!!!!!11111

And now he's abusing referees!  What in the HELL has come over Reject???  I understand being frustrated because he's out, but get him out of there!












[i]G's and Soldiers[/i] hits, and Synth Esizer comes through the curtains!

And #29 is Synth of the Heavenly Rockers, and FINALLY we got Reject out of there!

Synth struts down the aisleway, then turns and starts doing the moonwalk.  He then raises his hands to the crowd...before Reject spins him around and delivers the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 on the exposed concrete!

Synth looking to avenge the elimination of his partner Logan...WAIT A MINUTE!  OH NO, that's exposed concrete!

[sarcastic voice]No shit, Sherlock, Alf just typed that in the play-by-play![/sarcastic voice]

Shut up, Coach, this is serious!  Reject has got no business out there!

Cole...Synth looks to be unconscious out there!  Remember, that concrete was exposed earlier during the brawl between Black T and Team Heyross!

Security runs out to confront Reject, as does his partner, Thunderkid, to talk him down.

And Thunderkid out here now, maybe he can talk some sense into Reject here.

TK talks to him for a few seconds, before starting towards the back.  Reject raises his hands at the entranceway and is showered with boos, to which he replies with the "up yours" gesture with his arms before walking into the back himself.

Reject finally out of here, listen to the boos follow him backstage!

The camera goes back to the ring as PR stomps away at Zack.

And look at Zack now, no way he's going to be able to survive this now after that REVOLTING display by Reject!

The camera pans back to the aisleway to show EMTs pulling a barely conscious Synth into a chair.

EMT's tending to Synth, we still don't know if he's going to be able to compete here...we've got six in the ring plus him, and we know we've got Leon Rodez, the luckiest draw of the night, here to come momentarily!

Brock traps Zack in a corner, and rakes his boot laces across Zack's bloodied forehead!  Otaku comes over and rakes his eyes, as Foshi and PR double up on Alf on the side of the ring.  

Alf being double-teamed here, and just moments ago, Brock Ausstin was raking his boot laces across the open wound of Zack Malibu!

Brock is now working over Otaku, picking him up and pulling him to the canvas by his tights in a MASSIVE powerbomb!

OH MY GOD.  Otaku could have a broken back here, Cole!

Brock flexes to the crowd, which greets him with boos.  The camera then pans over to show the EMTs guiding a dizzied Synth to the back.

And Synth being helped to the back, apparently he will NOT be able to compete here tonight, thanks of COURSE to Reject!  Forget fines, forget suspensions, this guy should be in JAIL!

23rd elimination: Synth Esizer
Entered: #29
Time of participation: N/A
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Deemed unable to compete after getting the Eulogy on the exposed concrete from Reject
Left in ring: Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin, Foshi, Otaku II
Easy, Cole!  We're getting ready to add our last man!












[i]Mama Said Knock You Out[/i] hits and Leon Rodez walks out of the curtains as the audience goes CRAZY.  Leon first stops to check on Synth, patting him on the stomach and then rushing to the ring.

No more numbers, Coach!  This is it!  One of these seven men will receive a World title match at AngleMania V!

Leon goes to work on PR, driving right hands in and delivering an inverted atomic drop, followed by a flying forearm!  Foshi gives Leon a boot to the midsection, then sets him up for a powerbomb!  He carries him over to the ropes...

Oh man, Leon could join the ranks of Bushwhacker Luke and the Warlord right here, Cole!

...but Leon takes him over the top and to the floor with a hurricanrana!

But no!  Nice counter, and Foshi is gone!

24th elimination: Foshi
Entered: #26
Time of partcipation: 8:30
Eliminated: Christian Wright
Eliminated by: Leon Rodez
Left in ring: Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin, Otaku II, Leon Rodez

Brock Ausstin stays on Otaku II, double underhooking him and holding him upwards, allowing the blood to rush to his head, before dropping him down on his knee!  Leon and Zack go to work on PR in a corner, as Brock lifts Otaku over his head and tosses him down to the floor at Ayane's feet!

And Otaku gone, we're down to five men!

Brock grabs the rope as Ayane looks up at him, and thrusts his pelvis at her, drawing a few cheers from the front row.


Come on, that's uncalled for!

25th elimination: Otaku II
Entered: #28
Time of participation: 4:48
Eliminated: None
Eliminated by: Brock Ausstin
Left in ring: Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Brock Ausstin, Leon Rodez

Alf dropkicks Brock in the back of the head, leaving him teetering over the top rope!  Alf tries desperately to get him the rest of the way over, but PR gets away from Zack and Leon and makes the save!

PR then circles the ring with Leon, and when Leon walks Alf's way, Alf grabs him and attempts to throw him over the top!

Leon in trouble at the hands of Alfdogg!  Could Leon go to AngleMania and get to the top of the mountain for the first time in his career?  Could Alfdogg, or Zack Malibu, become repeat offenders as OAOAST World champion?  Tha Puerto Rican, who has had such an excellent reign as the 24/7 champion, could he duplicate that with his first World reign, or Brock Ausstin, who has never in his career held a singles championship, could his first time come April 2nd?

Zack makes the save on his partner, and pulls Alf out to the middle of the ring.  Alf blocks a right hand and delivers a stiff European uppercut, taking Zack down.  He then takes Brock out with a superkick, then delivers one to Rick Heyross, who had jumped up on the apron!

Yeah, get him out of here!

As Zack struggles to his feet, Leon taunts PR, and as he comes at him, drop toe holds him onto the middle rope!

Oh, look at this!

Leon runs to one side, and comes back and leaps on PR!!!


Leon celebrates, but walks right into an F-STUNNER-5 from Brock Ausstin!

And an F-STUNNER-5 from Brock Ausstin!

Alf just...


Alf then climbs to the top rope from his corner!

Oh no, that may not be all!

Zack gets to his feet, and as Alf flies through the air towards Leon for the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111, he dives RIGHT INTO SCHOOL'S OUT~!!!!!11111 from Zack!!!


Alf is OUT of it, and could have a broken jaw here!

Wouldn't surprise me.

Brock then grabs Zack, and delivers another F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111

And Brock AGAIN, this time Zack the victim!

Rick Heyross is shown celebrating on the floor, holding his jaw.

And look who's left standing, Cole!

And he could well be standing with the championship of the world on the 2nd of April!

Brock scrapes Alf off the mat, and sets him up for an F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111  He carries him over to the ropes.

Oh, yes!  This is it for Alf!

Brock spins Alf in the air...but Alf manages to grab the right wrist of Brock, and holds onto him...PULLING HIM OVER THE TOP TO THE FLOOR!!!  Alf is left sitting on the apron, and quickly hooks the bottom rope with his left leg, and rolls back underneath!


WHAT A COUNTER by Alf!!!  And Brock Ausstin is gone, and we're down to the final four!

26th elimination: Brock Ausstin
Entered: #25
Time of participation: 13:07
Eliminated: The Mad Cappa, Dan Black, Otaku II
Eliminated by: Alfdogg
[b]FINAL FOUR: Tha Puerto Rican, Alfdogg, Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez[/b]


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I believe this is where PK takes over. :)


Any criticisms, ideas, stuff I forgot, etc. let me know so I can fix it before the show. Someone, whether it's KC or PK or whoever, will probably change the commentary and add Caboose in or whatever, what's there is just some bullet points, I guess. I just don't think I'd write a very good three-man announce team, that's why I've never written Caboose in.


And don't worry about figuring the time, I can add that in after you're done. The time I have at the bottom is to let me know where to pick up.

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Like Alf said, aside from the finish, all I'm going to add are a few little things with PK and Axel watching on the stage and add some lines from Caboose. KC can do any tweaks he wants but honestly, I don't think this match really needs THAT much alteration. Well done, Alf.

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Depending on whether Alf forwarded what I asked for and/or if I get a spurt on, I might jink a couple of bits in. Infact, having kept an eye on it as Alf posted, there's a couple of lines about the #30 Match I've got scheduled that I'll edit in. Other than that, as PK already said, big thumbs up to Alf.

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The Toronto fans stand as one, cheering the four men in the ring as Rodez confers with Zack.  Meanwhile, PR points to Alf, signaling that they should team up against Zack and Rodez.  Alf nods and motions for PR to make the first move, but when he walks by him Alf suddenly grabs him by the back of the neck and pitches him over the top rope.  Surprised by the double cross, PR barely gets his hands on the ropes to stop his momentum and lands on the apron, scooting back in under the middle rope with a shocked look at Alf.  Alf simply looks at him and says "I don't need help", but suddenly Zack grabs him and turns him around to deliver a right hand as Rodez jumps on PR and delivers some forearm shots to the face.  

Alf and PR might not want to work together, but Zack and Leon are used to it by now.  That could be a big advantage for both men.

Ah, I got it.  Leon's setting Zack up because HE wants the money!

It's called "being a good partner" Coach.  

Zack backs Alf into the ropes and goes to shoot him off, but Alf reverses it, sending Zack off the ropes and picking him up on the rebound, turning around and slamming Zack to the mat with a spinebuster.  Meanwhile, PR ducks a clothesline from Rodez and boots him in the gut, hooking his head and setting him up for the Corporate Nightmare.

Yes, here it comes!

But Rodez hooks his leg around PR's to block the first attempt.  PR tries again, but Rodez keeps his leg hooked.  PR delivers a few knees to Rodez's gut to weaken him, tightens his grip again, hooks Leon's tights.....and nails it!!

Corporate Nightmare!!!  That might be enough to put Rodez out!

PR stands and drinks in the boos before crossing his arms and sweeping them out to his sides in a Razor Ramon-esque "That's it!" gesture before picking Rodez up by the hair and pointing towards one side of the ring.  

PR's picking his side....and here he comes!

PR rushes towards the ropes to get momentum with his grip on Rodez's hair tight....but the sweat (and strategically placed hair gel stolen from Alix) in it makes it slick so PR loses his grip just enough for Rodez to put on the brakes and he drops to the mat, sending PR careening over the top rope, but he lands on the apron.


PR breathes a sigh of relief and pauses briefly on the apron to catch his breath.....but he doesn't see Rodez get to his feet and standing behind him, coiled like a snake, waiting for the right moment to strike.  This happens to be as PR begins to turn around and step back through the ropes.  PR sees something in his peripheral vision...but it is too late....


....as Rodez scores with superkick right in the mush, sending PR spinning into the apron and to the floor.


SUPERKICK by Rodez!!!!  Tha Puerto Rican is GONE!!!

We're down to three!  A valiant effort by PR though tonight.

27th elimination: Tha Puerto Rican
Entered: #12
Time of participation: 40:45
Eliminated: Frankie Frankensteiner
Eliminated by: Leon Rodez
Left in ring: Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez, Alfdogg

As Knight and Axel look on nervously on the stage, Rodez looks at the prone figure of PR on the floor and smirks.  

Waitaminute, Alf's got Zack in a precarious position here!  

He's inches from collecting!

On the other side of the ring, Alf comes up from behind Zack and scoops his legs up, attempting to push him over the top.  Zack holds the top rope tightly as his body teeters on it.  Axel and PK stand from their chairs and cheer Alf on.

But Zack still has one friend in the world as Rodez comes up from behind and delivers a few right hands to Alf, pulling him away so Zack can safely land on the apron and scoot back in.

I don't know what Rodez is thinking.  He's got a 1/3 shot at $100,000 AND a World Title match at Anglemania and he's STILL helping Zack!

Zack is his tag team partner, Coach.  Leon knows the CRAP that Axel has put Zack through with this bounty buisness and is just doing what tag team partners and FRIENDS do.  If Alf goes out, Leon still has a shot at winning this match and Zack wouldn't be angry if he did.

You don't know Zack that well, it sounds like.

But *I* DO Coach and every word that Cole says is true.

Rodez and Malibu share a nod and back Alf into the corner.  Leon fires off a chop, followed by one from Zack.  Another chop from Rodez is followed by another from Zack and this volley continues five more times, the Toronto crowd "WHOOOOOO"-ing all the way through.  Alf, his chest now the same color as Zack's forehead, drops to his knees to catch his breath.  On the ramp, Axel and Knight (now standing again) begin whispering to each other.

Hey, no fair!  There's no teamwork in the Rumble!

Zack and Leon want this match to come down to them fighting it out for a spot at Anglemania.

Zack grabs Alf by the hair and drags him to his feet, but Alf manages to rake him in the eyes to get him away and blocks a Rodez punch to deliver a few right hands of his own, rocking him back against the ropes and shooting him off, going for a clothesline but Rodez rolls under it and pops back to his feet, waiting for Alf to turn around so he can connect with a jab

A jab....

A jab....

A jab....

A jab...

A kiss blown to the crowd before Leon takes a step and smacks Alf in the back of the head with an enziguri.


Dammit, come on Alf!!

Suddenly, the crowd's attention is focused on the ramp as they spot Peter Knight walking down the aisle with the briefcase in his hand.  Knight glares at Rodez as he walks past him and over to a downed Alf.  He brings the briefcase right against Alf's nose and begins to yell at him, pointing at Zack as he does so.

Get him out of there!

He's simply reminding Alf what he's fighting for, guys.

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Ok, time to wrap this puppy up.


Rodez walks over, demanding to the referees that Knight be removed from ringside, but Knight holds up his hands, saying that he's not doing anything wrong and that Axel allowed him to be there.  The officials, knowing that they are in for a month of reffing dark matches if they disobey the GM, back off.  In the ring, Zack drags Alf up by the hair and yells at Rodez to stop screwing around before getting his eyes raked by Alf.  Leon, with a scowl at Knight, begins to turn back around, but PK reaches in and grabs his foot getting Rodez's attention again.  He challenges Rodez to come get him and takes a swipe at him from the floor, which misses by a mile, but makes Rodez livid and again distracts him from what's going on in the ring. 

Oh yeah, he's not doing anything wrong out there is he?

Dammit kid, ignore him!

Meanwhile, Alf begins a small rally on Zack, firing off right hands to the cut and backing him towards the ropes opposite of where Rodez stands.  Alf goes for an irish whip, but Zack reverses it and, seeing Rodez, sends Alf back against the same ropes.  He ducks down for a backdrop and pitches Alf into the air, but Alf manages somehow to land on his feet.  Zack tries a clothesline, but Alf rolls under it.  Zack tries another, but Alf steps aside and pushes him as he goes by, adding to Zack's momentum.....as he collides with Rodez, sending him toppling over the top and to the floor!  

28th elimination: Leon Rodez
Entered: #30
Time of participation: 7:22
Eliminated: Tha Puerto Rican
Eliminated by: Zack Malibu
Left in ring: Zack Malibu, Alfdogg

HA!  I [i]told[/i] you guys Zack doesn't care about Rodez!  He could have stopped himself, but he saw an opportunity that his ego couldn't pass up.

Regardless of that, we're down to two!  Either Zack Malibu or Alfdogg will be in the main event of AngleMania V!

Zack scowls and slaps the rope at the sight of Rodez on the floor, but he has little time to be pissed off, because suddenly Alf attempts to take an opportunity of his own and grabs Zack by the legs, lifting him up and over the top rope, but Zack manages to land on the apron and scoot back inside.  He quickly stands and locks eyes with Alf, the Toronto crowd now standing as one.  With Knight acting as cheerleader for Alf, the two men without a word walk to the center on the ring and begin trading punches!


Here we go!  Thirty have entered, twenty-eight are gone, which one of these two will be the last man standing?

Zack ends up winning the slugfest, peppering Alf with rights and knocking him to the canvas with a big left.  He quickly drags Alf back up and shoots him off the ropes.  He again whiffs on a clothesline, but this time he is ready with a backup move as he catches Alf on the rebound with a hiptoss.  Zack pops up and pounds his fist into his chest to the crowd's delight before stepping over to Knight and giving him the 'ol "Double Bird Salute" before dragging Alf back up by the hair and pulling him to the ropes, picking up his legs and draping him on the top rope.

C'mon Zack!

Zack pushes on Alf and one leg and arm fall over the rope.  Alf grabs the middle rope to keep his balance, but Zack continues to push with all his 200 pound might.

Alf is teetering!  That $100,000 may not be collected by anyone tonight!


Zack continues to push, getting the other leg over the top and then getting Alf's entire body over, but his grip on the middle and top ropes saves him from going out as his right leg dangles on the apron, mere feet from touching the floor.  Zack lays into him with boots to the chest and gut to try and loosen him, but Alf plants his right foot on the floor, which frees his right hand to fire off shots to Zack's cut which backs him off enough that Alf can pick his leg back up and scoot safely back in.

Alf knows that you need BOTH feet to touch the floor to be eliminated, so he took advantage of that and just managed to save his title hopes.

Whew!  I need a paper bag here.  Or a stiff drink.

Zack goes to pull Alf back up, but again Alf takes the advantage back with a stiff punch to the cut on Zack's forehead to knock him back and then follows up with a clothesline to take him down.  Alf sits on his knees to catch his breath.

Alf entered at #18 and has been in this match for just over 30 minutes.  He's mixed it up with everyone that has been in his way in this match and is now one elimination away from a chance at being World Champion again.

What about Zack?  He's been in for over 20 minutes himself and he's got a $100,000 bounty on his head!  Zack must be....WHOA!

As Cole and Caboose chat, Zack had elbowed out of a dragon suplex attempt by Alf and spun him around, kicking him in the gut and driving him to the mat with a POP Drop!

POP DROP!  Zack delivers one of his signature moves!  

Throw him out, Zack!

Knight pounds the mat with his fists, yelling encouragement to Alf as Zack gets wobbily to his feet, pulling Alf up along with him.  Zack holds Alf by the hair and points towards a side of the ring, nodding through the crimson mask he wears.

Here it comes!  Zack's ready to win this thing!


Zack charges towards the ropes, but as he does so, Alf grabs a hold of Zack's hair as well.  As they reach the ropes, both men have the same idea and both end up toppling over the top rope.  The crowd gasps at the thought of a tie, but Alf lands on the apron as Zack hangs onto the top rope, his legs dangling over the floor.  Suddenly, Knight rushes over to that side and drops the briefcase, grabbing Zack around the waist and leg and attempting to pull him free.  Officials rush to the scene to try and pull Knight off as Axel quickly rushes to ringside himself.


Goddamn wanker!  Get him off!

Axel reaches ringside and attempts to calm Knight down, telling him that this isn't the way he wants it to end.  The reasoning seems to work, as the referees manage to pull Knight away and back him off.  Axel follows behind, holding up his hand while stooping down to pick up the briefcase.  Zack, seeing that Knight is away, swings up his legs and begins to skin the cat to get back into the ring......


....but as he begins to swing his body back up, Axel takes the briefcase and smacks it against the back of Zack's head!!



Zack falls limp, teetering on the top rope as half his body (his legs) are in the ring and the other half hangs above the floor.  Alf, shaking the cobwebs from his head and oblivious to the assist from Axel, sees Zack in this precarious position and walks over.

Alf...he sees Zack teetering.

DO IT!!!

Damn that Axel!

Alf grabs Zack's feet and pushes them away, sending Zack over the top rope and splatting onto the floor.

Final Elimination: Zack Malibu
Entered: #23
Time of Participation: 22:56
Eliminated: Johnny Jax, Rick Garner, Reject, Leon Rodez
Eliminated by: Alfdogg

YESSS!!!!  Alf wins!!!


TEH WINNOR~!: Alfdogg
Entered: #18
Time of Participation: 31:21
Eliminated: Jamie O' Hara, Dick Garner, Brock Ausstin, Zack Malibu

Alf drops to his knees as [i]Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat/Howling at the Moon[/i] hits to a fairly mixed reaction and Jack Doan rushes into the ring to raise Alf's hand.

LLLLadies and gentlemen, the winner of the 2006 Lethal Rumble....AAAAAAALFDOGGGGGGGG!!!!!

Alf pumps his fist and catches his breath on the rope as Knight and Axel share a high-five over the fallen Zack Malibu.  They look into the ring and applaud the winner, with Axel raising the briefcase and pointing to Alf, telling him "It's yours!  You'll get this Thursday"

So Alfdogg is the big winner tonight as he is the man who will now advance to the main event of AngleMania V to face the World Heavyweight Champion, AND he's collected Axel's $100,000 bounty for being the one that eliminated Zack Malibu.

But you have to give a HUGE assist to Axel for that.  Zack had this thing won, dammit!

Is that his music playing right now?  Is that Zack in the ring getting his hand raised?  NO!  Zack LOST!  The Originals LOST!  The Upstarts reign baby, and there ain't a damn thing anyone can do about it.

Alf hits the turnbuckles and thrusts his hands into the air as Knight and Axel walk back up the ramp, satisfied that their plan went off without a hitch.

I'll tell you one thing, HeldDOWN this week will be very interesting.  Well, ladies and gentlemen, we hope you enjoyed the OAOAST's presentation of AnglePalooza 2006.  For Caboose and Coach, I'm Michael Cole, goodnight from Toronto!

Alf remains in the ring, celebrating his victory and his new #1 contendership.  He hits the turnbuckles again and poses for the crowd as we.....

[b]Fade to Black[/b]


Thank fucking GOD I didn't lose this when the board crapped out on me. If I had to write this all over again I was going to break things. Make any tweaks you wish.

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