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Marcus Vick gone from Va. Tech

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How would Marcus Vick do in the Arena League?


McPherson completed 209 of 352 passes (59.4 percent) for 2,965 yards, 56 touchdowns and only five interceptions in 14 games. He also scored 18 times on 59 carries for 257 yards (4.4 avg.).


However, McPherson was always an accurate QB. It would be a great place for him to go to improve his accuracy and prove himself ready for the NFL. But Marcus won't lower himself to something like this. Marcus would struggle because of lack of accuracy for awhile and his arm strength would hurt him since you have to throw bullets. Lobs don't work very well in that league at ALL.



Marcus has no problem with accuracy. He has a good touch and good accuracy, just the arm strength isn't there. And yes, he would be eaten alive in the Arena League.


Yes, on weak passes. But when he tried to fire the ball at the speed needed for Arena league, it went all over the fucking place. On lobs, I think he'd be fine. On the straight bullet throws? Doubt it.

I still think he's worth a fifth or sixth round pick but any higher and I'd question the sanity of the guy making the pick. He can go one of two ways. He can be a Maurice or he can be a great player. His attitude makes me question what kind of player he'll become. Right now, I'm leaning towards a Maurice. Unless his brother slaps him around a bit and tells him he'll cut him off if he doesn't stop fucking up.

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Guest Leelee

The bigger thing is that running is nonexistant in Arena Football. Joe Hamilton starts for some team, and he led the league in QB rushing with like 100 yards.


I think Mexico Jr. would be better off trying the CFL.

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I didn't think you had to have as strong of an arm in the arena league as you did in the NFL b/c the field was so much smaller.

The difference with the Arena League is that you have to be able to get the ball to the recievers really fast, and right on the mark so that the reciever doesn't fly over those board things.


Ah. I never watch Arena League football. It doesn't seem as entertaining. Are they as good of football players as they are in the NFL? I hear they're all smaller.

The guys are pretty fast, but they are REALLY undersized.

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Would it be really hard to be a running QB in Arena b/c the field is so much smaller so you'll get caught easier?


And the guys in that league are really fast. I mean extremely fast. Size isn't important there, at all.


I think Mexico Jr. would be better off trying the CFL.


I hear there is a flag football league in Va.

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It's not that you can't run. It's that when you play 8 on 8, passing is so easy that there's no point running. If you can score rushing TDs on 5 out of 9 possessions and set up a FG on two more, you'll lose 52-41.

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Guest Leelee

Yes, there's basically nowhere to run. It's possible... but, without the option of running outside, it's tough. That's why most RB's are basically big bruising FB's for only short-yardage situations.


Take back my other comment... Bishop led the league with about 500 yards rushing. So, I guess it is possible.


But, still, the running game is basically nothing in Arena Football. It's all quick passes... which IMO, gets rather boring.

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He can go one of two ways. He can be a Maurice or he can be a great player. His attitude makes me question what kind of player he'll become. Right now, I'm leaning towards a Maurice. Unless his brother slaps him around a bit and tells him he'll cut him off if he doesn't stop fucking up.


See thats my thing, I don't see how anyone can see Maurice in this kid yet. Maurice lied to the cops to try and get some money from his stolen car, broke what has been said to be 12 NCAA rules, sued the NFL to get around the punishment, threw his school under the bus in what alot of people say were blatant lies about how they got him there, came into combines horribly out of shape, still got drafted, then was still out of shape months later, THEN robbed some people in the back of a resturant.


Vick partied with high school girls when he was a freshman and got a speeding ticket. I'm sorry but they aren't in the same area when it comes to fucking up in my eyes. If he does something Clarett level stupid, then I will be right there with you, but really, a couple of minor fuckups doesn't put the kid one step away from prison in my eyes.

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I mean honestly, why do we have to hold every athlete to an unrealistic standard. I bet a lot of people on this board have had a joint every now and then, and given drinks to 16 year olds (not fucked them, just given them drinks), and got speeding tickets, and done all the other minor things that Marcus Vick got busted for.

We aren't on scholarship at a public university and serving as one of its most visible faces. I don't hold athletes to any higher standard than I hold anyone else. Scholarship athletes? Yes. That's a fantastic opportunity and someone who fucks it up so regularly doesn't deserve it.

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I mean honestly, why do we have to hold every athlete to an unrealistic standard. I bet a lot of people on this board have had a joint every now and then, and given drinks to 16 year olds (not fucked them, just given them drinks), and got speeding tickets, and done all the other minor things that Marcus Vick got busted for.

We aren't on scholarship at a public university and serving as one of its most visible faces. I don't hold athletes to any higher standard than I hold anyone else. Scholarship athletes? Yes. That's a fantastic opportunity and someone who fucks it up so regularly doesn't deserve it.

While I do agree with you, the fact that universities make millions of free dollars off the athletes takes the edge off the argument. Yeah, the university gives them a great opportunity, but their reasoning behind it is purely financial, and what they get back is a hell of a lot more than what they gave up.

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While I do agree with you, the fact that universities make millions of free dollars off the athletes takes the edge off the argument. Yeah, the university gives them a great opportunity, but their reasoning behind it is purely financial, and what they get back is a hell of a lot more than what they gave up.

You can say that about college in general, though. Still, that doesn't give players carte blanche to fuck up.

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While I do agree with you, the fact that universities make millions of free dollars off the athletes takes the edge off the argument. Yeah, the university gives them a great opportunity, but their reasoning behind it is purely financial, and what they get back is a hell of a lot more than what they gave up.

You can say that about college in general, though. Still, that doesn't give players carte blanche to fuck up.


Oh no doubt, it doesn't, but college athletes are fully aware that the school needs them to secure that bowl game or that tournament bid as much as they need the university for a education or exposure to the bigs. That knowledge, I believe has led to alot of the problems that athletes get into today. Virginia Tech just took a major step towards taking that thought out of the heads of their student athletes, but unfortunately there are just far more schools that are handcuffing their coaches and staff because put those bowl bids first...and second....and third...


There is just WAY to much money at stake.

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I mean honestly, why do we have to hold every athlete to an unrealistic standard. I bet a lot of people on this board have had a joint every now and then, and given drinks to 16 year olds (not fucked them, just given them drinks), and got speeding tickets, and done all the other minor things that Marcus Vick got busted for.

We aren't on scholarship at a public university and serving as one of its most visible faces. I don't hold athletes to any higher standard than I hold anyone else. Scholarship athletes? Yes. That's a fantastic opportunity and someone who fucks it up so regularly doesn't deserve it.



Do you realize what a bad argument you're making here? You're basically saying that Marcus Vick should make sure to avoid all the pitfalls that a normal college student would fall into out of gratitude to the Virginia Polytechnic Institute for giving him such a great opportunity to get an athletic scholarship. The thing is that this opportunity is nothing to Marcus Vick. He's not going to use the degree he gets from Virginia Tech, he's going to play professional football. Now if you were talking about the backup long-snapper who was going to be the first person from his family to graduate, and would get to pursue his dream of being an engineer due to his football, then I could see your point. But Marcus Vick? Hells no.


He and the university are in a use-use relationship. He uses Va. Tech to showcase his football skills so that he can get a job in the NFL, and Va. Tech uses him to sell tickets and win games. Also, Vick knows that at this point, he's going to the NFL regardless of whether he plays another down for the Hokies or not. Now, is this really a situation where Vick can't stand to fuck up such a "fantastic opportunity"? Of course not.


The university's reached a point where the benefits of keeping Vick to sell tickets and win games outweigh the PR costs, so the two have parted ways. Period. End of story. Making it into some battle of good and evil where selfish, lazy Marcus Vick flushed away the best thing to ever come into his life is just downright silly.

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I never intended to imply that the chance to go to college for free and get an education was Vick's "fantastic opportunity."


He uses Va. Tech to showcase his football skills so that he can get a job in the NFL


That's the fantastic opportunity. He no longer deserves it. Of course Virginia Tech makes money off its athletes. It's just that, as you said, he no longer fits the profile of a person who gets to be the one off whom the school is profiting.

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Something I saw floating around the web, makes me believe that VT is turning into FSU/Miami:


Hokie Heroes – a brief review.


Jimmy Kibble – while serving as an assistant coach at Osbourn Park High (his alma mater) he was investigated after allegedly having sexually explicit internet conversations with minors. It was subsequently found that the 3-time All-Big East punter had also been having sex with two 16-year-old girls at the school. He later pled guilty to four counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.


Derrius Monroe - originally suspended “indefinitely" after he was indicted on cocaine distribution charges. As part of a plea bargain, the charges were dropped and Monroe was placed on two years' probation in exchange for testimony against the distribution ring's alleged leader, Hokie football player Manny Clemente. Monroe was then reinstated to the team…


Manny Clemente- was charged with being the trafficker who brought the cocaine into Blacksburg from New York.


Marcus Vick- You guys know the story here. The younger brother of Atlanta Falcons star Michael Vick was convicted in May on three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor after he and two teammates gave alcohol to 14- and 15-year-old girls at their apartment and took pictures of them stripping. On the plus side, Vick was actually acquitted of a charge of having sex with one of the underage gals. It looked like he might just have to sit out a few games until his arrest on charges of reckless driving and marijuana possession after cops pulled him over doing 86 mph. Vick conveniently sat out a season when he was slated as the backup, but returned to the team in time for spring practice so that he could assume the starting QB role.


Mike Imoh- Gave vodka to 14 and 15 year old girls. Got them undressed, took pictures while the girls lap-danced. Convicted on three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Also sentenced to jail time and fined. Sat out three games to start last year then returned to starter’s role in time for WVU game.


Brandon Pace- Maybe not dangerous, but certainly criminally dumb. His activities landed him on a few Web sites, including badjocks.com, where he led the site’s “Who did something stupid today?” section. A link was posted to an online photo album, which took viewers to webshots.com, a site that allows users to post their digital pictures in a slideshow format for their friends to view. Pace posted several pictures, many of them showing him consuming alcohol. Walk-on Jesse Allen, Tech’s backup fullback, is also seen drinking in some of the pictures.

Frank Beamer is aware of the photos and has talked to Pace. Said Beamer, “I think it’s a privacy issue between his family, Brandon and this football team. That’s about all I’ve got to say about it”


DJ Walton- Walton played on special teams in 2002 before he was convicted for driving under the influence twice and dismissed from the team. Walton returned to school in January 2004 with a renewed enthusiasm and focused on changing his behavior, according to a story written April 24, 2004, in the Potomac News. Beamer allowed DJ to return to the football team in ‘04, when he played in two games, making eight tackles.


The 22-year-old defensive back was again dismissed from the team his senior season after being charged with four counts of robbery, four counts of possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, four counts of abduction and one count of possessing marijuana in connection with an armed robbery in Prince William County.


Todd Nolen- Virginia Tech WR recruit was arrested on one count of felony maiming and one week later he was arrested and charged with felony attempted robbery. The arrests stem from Nolan's alleged attempt to rob a fellow high school student of seven baggies of marijuana. Nolen was cited for punching the student and fracturing his jaw, while another choked him and attacked him with a knife. Nolen suffered a cut to the face during the incident. Nolen is still listed as a VT recruit. Currently at prep school, VT officials refuse to comment on his status with their program.


Charles Steger- "The best thing for everyone is for the ACC to remain at nine teams and for the Big East to remain as it is. I think there needs to be a moral approach to this whole thing. I don't think people can be out there just wrecking a conference. . . . At some point, you've got to have a moral concern about what you're doing.''


Jim Weaver- "Absolutely, the Big East is the best place for us. This is where we want to be."


Jim Druckenmiller- charged once with malicious wounding while at Tech. Later returned to campus and was accused of rape by a tech coed. Druck was acquitted, largely because the victims blood alcohol level was estimated at 0.30 (very near fatal levels) when the alleged incident took place and she was understandably fuzzy on the details.


Antonio Banks - Charged with Assault and Battery in December of ’95.


Tony Morrison- Charged with petty larceny, destruction of property, public intoxication, and possession of fake driver's license … all AFTER he had been suspended from VT for 2 semesters for “unspecified behaviors” and then allowed to re-enroll and rejoin the football team, just in time for the season opener.

Following these charges, Morrison was suspended for the Sugar Bowl, but was seen in the stands during the game.


``He's a very good person and comes from a great family,'' Frank Beamer said. ``Like some young people, he made a mistake and he understands every day he needs to do things to make his life successful.”

``I'm hoping he'll be back in the program. I've talked to him about what I expect, and that's between he and I.''


Morrison and reserve receiver James Crawford - who was also suspended after being arrested in a separate incident (see below) - were remembered by teammates in New Orleans thanks to defensive end Cornell Brown. Brown wore the two players' jersey numbers taped over the ``VT'' logo on his helmet in practice.


James Crawford- Defraud of a garage, leaving scene of accident, convicted of disorderly conduct. Suspended for Sugar Bowl and later linked again with Antonio Morrison’s exploits (below)


After the season ‘95 ended, a VT coed came forward with a claim that she had been raped and sodomized by Antonio Morrison and James Crawford in ‘94, that she had reported it to university authorities, and that they had tried to protect the players.


Christy Brzonkala was allegedly raped after she and her friend Hope Handley came to Morrison's suite in Cochrane athletic dormitory, which was on the same hall as Handley's suite. Wagner said Morrison raped Brzonkala after Handley and Crawford left the room. Crawford re-entered the room and raped Brzonkala while Morrison held her down, Wagner said. There may have been another football player in the room or just outside of the room during the alleged assault. Handley never returned.

Brzonkala, a six-foot-one varsity softball player and former fashion model, did not bring federal charges against the defendants until she had exhausted other measures. Brzonkala had overdosed on prescription drugs and alcohol in October 1994 after suffering from depression and exhibiting signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.


In the spring of 1995, Brzonkala brought charges against Morrison and Crawford before a confidential university disciplinary committee.

Crawford was found not guilty after All-American Hokie football player Cornell Brown said he was with Crawford in another room at the time of the alleged rape. Two committees suspended Morrison for a year after finding him guilty of sexual assault.


In June 1995, Tech Dean of Students Katherine Goree upheld Morrison's motion for an appeal. He was subsequently allowed to re-enroll in time for the football season.


After college proceedings failed to punish Morrison and Crawford, Christy Brzonkala filed suit under the Violence Against Women Act. The case reached the Supreme Court as United States v. Morrison. Brzonkala also sued Virginia Tech for allegedly protecting the football players and attempting to dissuade her from pursuing her case. Virginia Tech eventually settled for $75,000 a relatively small sum that did not in itself seriously affect the university financially; however, the case damaged Virginia Tech's reputation and raised a firestorm of controversy over Virginia Tech's handling of sexual crimes.


Cornell Brown- Cornell Brown was found guilty of misdemeanor assault for his part in the Blacksburg Brawl. Like those found guilty before him, Cornell was sentenced to 30 days in jail, with all but two suspended. (that means if he behaves himself on the first day, they let him go, with time off for good behavior).


When Brown was charged and suspended one game (vs. ECU) for his role in The Brawl. Later that season, Cornell showed up for the Orange Bowl bid press conference dressed in a ski mask with no mouth hole, which was his way of letting the press know that his famous silence towards the media would continue.


Once he arrived at the Orange Bowl, he taped over the VT logo on his helmet with the numbers of suspended players, just as he had done at the Sugar Bowl the year before. And during a halftime ceremony at a Tech basketball game in which the 1996 Big East Champion Hokies were honored, Cornell stayed in the stands and did not go down on the basketball court.


Tyron Edmond - was the first Tech football player to be convicted in the Blacksburg Brawl trials (nine Football players were accused of assaulting a track athlete and his friend) Edmond was convicted of assault and battery and was given 30 days in jail, with all but two suspended. No further discipline was issued from the university or team.


Sean Sullivan- TE , another player in the “Blacksburg Brawl. Sullivan was found guilty on one of two assault charges (not guilty of assaulting Tech track athlete Hilliard Sumner, but guilty of assaulting Sumner's friend Jonathon Nelson


Nat Williams- DT charged with assault in connection with The Brawl.


Michael Hawkes- charged with assault in connection with The Brawl.

Angelo Harrison- Harrison was charged with felony malicious wounding for his role in the Blacksburg Brawl, he was accused of beating track athlete Hilliard Sumner with a cane, breaking Sumner's collar bone in the process.


Brian Edmonds- pled no-contest to a charge of disorderly conduct in connection with the Blacksburg Brawl. Brian plea-bargained the charge down to disorderly conduct from its original assault and battery.

Edmonds also was accused, along with James Crawford (remember him?), of raping a female student in their apartment in 1996. Both were indicted on rape and attempted sodomy charges. Each conceded that the prosecution had enough evidence to convict them of attempted aggravated sexual battery, but did not admit guilt. Each received a one-year suspended sentence.


Kenny Harrell- hokie hoopster kicked out of school for firing a gun on campus.


Michael Vick- APRIL 5, 2005--Claiming that Michael Vick gave her herpes, a Georgia woman is suing the star NFL quarterback for negligence and battery. According to the below lawsuit, Sonya Elliot, a 26-year-old health care worker, was infected with the sexually transmitted disease in April 2003 after an unprotected encounter with Vick at the athlete's Duluth, Georgia home. Elliott alleges that after testing positive for Herpes Simplex 2, she confronted the Atlanta Falcons star, 24, about her condition. "I've got something to tell you. I've got it," Vick admitted to her, according to Elliott's State Court complaint, which alleges that Vick then told her that "he had not known how to tell her about his condition, and that it was not something that he liked to talk about." Elliott's complaint also contends that Vick "apologized profusely" for not telling her he was infected with the STD. Elliot's lawsuit alleges that Vick has used the name "Ron Mexico" and, in a related court filing, her lawyers are seeking Vick's admission that he used the "Mexico" alias--and perhaps other fake names--"for the purpose of herpes testing and/or treatment." In her lawsuit, which does not specify monetary damages, Elliott states that she met Vick at a Virginia Beach nightclub in May 2001 and, shortly thereafter, began a close personal relationship with the football star (though the couple did not have sex until late-2002). Last December, Vick, the top overall pick in the 2001 National Football League draft, signed a ten-year, $130 million contract with the Falcons, the richest deal in league history. (17 pages)


Theodore Miller- arrested in connection with a gun-brandishing incident that occurred on Virginia Tech's campus this year. Miller is accused of being the passenger who pointed a pellet gun at a Virginia Tech student from the window of Brandon Flowers' SUV, and Miller has been charged with brandishing a firearm, a misdemeanor.


Brandon Flowers- see Theo Miller.


Rolan Roberts- suspended from Virginia Tech for a year by the university's Judicial Review Board. The charges he was "convicted" of by the board are assault and sexual misconduct. Arising from the same incident, fellow basketball player Dennis Mims (more below) was convicted of assault.


Roberts was suspended from Tech for the 2000-2001 academic school year, while Mims was placed on "deferred suspension," which still left him eligible to attend school and play basketball. The two players were convicted as a result of a charge by a female Tech student, who says the two players raped her.


Dennis Mims- Mims was later suspended indefinitely…. TWICE (attaboy Dennis!) …once for "violating a team rule on class attendance"…. And again Tech forward after an episode during practice in which Mims "blew up" at Coach Ricky Stokes…or possibly for a locker room incident after a game vs. Dayton. (???)


Brad Baylor- DT charged with felony abduction in a case involving a UVa student who claimed that Baylor held him captive and forced him to drink alcohol to unconsciousness.


Pedro Edison- TE, was charged by the Blacksburg police with three misdemeanors, including resisting arrest, breaking the windshield in a private vehicle near his apartment, and shattering a window in a police car. The incident started with a call to the Blacksburg police, who responded to University Terrace just before midnight when a caller said a man had used his foot to shatter a car windshield. Witnesses identified Edison, whom police said had to be subdued with pepper spray. Edison was placed in the back seat of a marked police car. Within minutes, police say he kicked out a back window.


Earlier in the year, Edison had pled guilty to a misdemeanor reckless driving charge resulting from a vehicular accident in Augusta County in 1996. Edison was driving friends home from a party when he wrecked his car, resulting in the death of one of the passengers. Edison passed a breathalyzer test at the scene and was not charged with driving while intoxicated. He had simply been driving too fast, admitting to police that he traveled 55 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone. Facing a felony involuntary manslaughter charge, Edison plea-bargained the charge to reckless driving. Edison is scheduled to serve a jail sentence at the conclusion of the academic semester for that offense.


Corey Moore- DE, Lombardi winner - Corey Moore of the Buffalo Bills was charged with aggravated assault after a fight in which he hit a man with a beer bottle. A few weeks after his arrest, Moore was shot in the leg by an unidentified man. Moore told authorities a man walked up to his vehicle as he waited for a red light to change and shot through an open window. It was not clear if the fight and shooting are related.


Andre Kendrick- Kendrick was suspended but was later reinstated to the team Hokie football team. Later charged with marijuana possession.


Marcus Parker- convicted of shoplifting from a Blacksburg grocery store. Suspended for four games to start the season, he was called back into duty when starting RB Brian Edmonds was left in Blacksburg as the team traveled to a game with Nebraska. Edmonds had been suspended for his arrest on rape and attempted sodomy charges.

Parker finished his college career a hokie and was drafted by the Bengals.


George DelRicco- George Del Ricco was having a party at his Terrace View apartment to celebrate his free-agent signing when the third-floor balcony of Del Ricco's apartment, which was loaded with approximately 20 people and a keg full of beer in a trash can full of ice, collapsed onto the balcony below. Unfortunately, the party was also going on at the second floor level as well, with people on that balcony, too. Both balconies then collapsed and fell to the ground.

Three people were hospitalized.


Jesus Rodriguez- charged with grand larceny and three counts of misdemeanor petit larceny after stealing at least $3,000 in jewelry and other items from six fellow Virginia Tech students. The victims include Tech basketball player Shawn Browne, who had a $2,000 necklace stolen from his locker, Jesus’ next door neighbors (hundreds of dollars in bracelets and necklaces), and the inhabitants of two dorm rooms in Cochran Hall (a watch and $475 in compact discs).


Walter Ford – in ‘97 was convicted in a shoplifting scheme in which he "purchased" nearly $200 worth of stuff from the Tech bookstore for 22 cents. Ford committed this crime shortly after the Blacksburg Brawl story broke, and shortly after Frank Beamer had said, "The next player who screws up is history."


Frank Beamer dismissed Walter Ford and stated that he would not be reinstated to the team.

The cashier who "sold" him the merchandise was convicted in the case, and in Ford's original trial in December, he pled innocent but was found guilty. Ford alleged that other football team members had shoplifted as well.


Ford was dismissed from the team in October, and reinstated by Coach Beamer for spring practice "on a conditional basis."


He missed the Hokie Spring game though, as the game date inconveniently conflicted with his jail term. He rejoined the team after being released.


Like cabbageboy had said after the Gator Bowl, they're like Miami without the rings.

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Geez, that is an impresive set of hooligans V-Tech has. Bet the police have had to hire extra cops the last several years to keep up with them.

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Geez, that is an impresive set of hooligans V-Tech has. Bet the police have had to hire extra cops the last several years to keep up with them.

But don't you think that if you did that for most of the big programs colleges, you would have similar results when it comes to getting in trouble?


Not saying V-Tech wouldn't be hanging with the worst of them from that list, but seriously, ITS COLLEGE. the stupid to smart ratio around them is 10:1.

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Geez, that is an impresive set of hooligans V-Tech has. Bet the police have had to hire extra cops the last several years to keep up with them.

But don't you think that if you did that for most of the big programs colleges, you would have similar results when it comes to getting in trouble?


Not saying V-Tech wouldn't be hanging with the worst of them from that list, but seriously, ITS COLLEGE. the stupid to smart ratio around them is 10:1.


I know that Miami and V Tech were rivals in the Big East but I didn't think they would want to emulate them this much. In all seriousness, many of the college athletes are spoiled brats who think they deserve to be treated better. I agree that if we did a check of schools such as Colorado, FSU, and Nebraska we would more then likely find similar results. However, this is one time I would like to be proven wrong on this.

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according to Boston Sports Radio WEEI, Marcus Vick was just arrested in Virginia.


edit: arrested for 3 counts of brandishing a firearm.

Edited by FFMS

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Turns out it just happened last night.



SUFFOLK -- Former Virginia Tech quarterback Marcus Vick has been charged with three counts of brandishing a firearm at a Suffolk McDonald's restaurant Sunday night.


Vick, 21, turned himself in at the Suffolk magistrate's office where warrants were executed, according to Suffolk police.


At 9:04 p.m. Sunday night, police received a call from the mother of a 17-year-old male reporting that Vick had pointed a weapon at her son and two others during an altercation in the parking lot of the McDonald's at 6201 Townpoint Road in Suffolk.


Police responded, interviewed witnesses and secured the three misdemeanor warrants. A $10,000 bond was set.


Brandishing a firearm is a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to twelve months in jail and a $2,500 fine


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Guest Princess Leena
I hope they put him behind bars. Not because I hate the guy and wanna see him in prison but because a 6-12month prison stint might actually scare the guy straight.


I second that.

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OK, Marcus Vick's getting a lot harder to defend now.


Got caught smoking weed? No biggie. Got caught giving underage girls alcohol? Bad luck. It happens. Stomped a defensive player's leg? Heat of the moment; probably didn't mean to hurt the guy. Got caught speeding with a suspended license? Just a driving infraction, nothing serious.


Pulled a gun on some 17 year olds at a McDonalds, just because he's badass Marcus Vick and he can shoot whoever he wants? That's just fucking dumb. I mean, why would you do that? Are you really that insecure that you need to feel tough by pulling a gun on high school kids? I'm turning in my Marcus Vick apologist card.

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All he needs to do now is show up to the combine out of shape and hold a press conference after running for 10 minutes and he'll be right on track.


Maybe in VA, pulling a gun is boys will be boys?

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All he needs to do now is show up to the combine out of shape and hold a press conference after running for 10 minutes and he'll be right on track.


Maybe in VA, pulling a gun is boys will be boys?


Carrying a gun to virtually any establishment in Virginia is A-OK. Actually pointing it at people is over the line though.

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