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1PW No Turning Back Results

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From www.WrestleMag.com:


Day 1:

- Jerry Lynn pinned Petey Williams after a cradle piledriver.


- Spud beat Elix Skipper after a roll-up. After the match, Spud was attacked by both Abyss and Sterling James Keenan, who destroyed him before cutting a promo.


- Masato Tanaka vs Steve Corino went to a no-contest. Southern Justice (Hamrick & Smothers) and Al Snow & The Blue Meanie came to the ring, and a tag team match was announced, which ended up seeing Southern Justice beat Al Snow & The Blue Meanie. Tanaka and Corino brawled all the way to the back.


- Jeff Jarrett beat Bret Hart's mystery wrestler, who turned out to be Harry Smith.


- It was announced that Christian Cage will be appearing at 1PW's 'All or Nothing' shows in March.


- Low-Ki beat Jody Fleisch and Jonny Storm in a triple threat match. Homicide was at ringside in the corner of Low-Ki (A torn AC injury has kept Homicide off the card. As we reported last month, he was refusing to undergo surgery and was confident he'd be able to wrestle tonight and tomorrow).


- 1PW announced that March's double header will also feature Scorpio and Rhino.


- Sterling James Keenan pinned Ulf Herman after a roll-up following a low blow.


- Darren Burridge beat Doug Williams.


- AJ Styles won a Fatal Four-Way match with Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and Charlie Haas after pinning Haas following the Styles Clash.


- Abyss beat Sabu via pinfall after hitting the Black Hole Slam onto a load of thumbtacks.


- Attendance was close to the 1,600 capacity of The Dome.

Day 2:

Steve Corino b Charlie Haas due to interference from Chris Hamrick and Tracy Smothers


Harry Smith b Doug Williams


Al Snow & Blue Meanie b Smothers & Hamrick. Due to the pre-match stipulation, Smothers & Hamrick had to wear dresses


Joey Fleisch won four-way over Jerry Lynn, Jonny Storm and Petey Williams


Abyss & Sterling James Keenan b Sabu & Ulf Hermann in a hardcore match


Christopher Daniels won three-way over Low Ki and Elix Skipper to advance in their title tournament


Samoa Joe b Masato Tanaka-COR in a short match


Tanaka b Corino in an ECW rules match


A.J. Styles b Jeff Jarrett in a non-title match taped for Impact.

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I really wanted to go to those shows, but those results make it seem just sort of eh. I'm glad I didn't fork out the money as my overdraft is quickly sky rocketing, damn expensive university. Would have liked to have seen Joe live again however.


Might try and make it to the next show as I've always been a big Rhino fan.

Did anyone from this board attend the last show at the Coventry Skydome? That was a hell of experience, Kobashi live and in person. I've got a bunch of pictures from that show actually that I should post at some point in the not too distant future.

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Im amazed that Doug Williams did the job two nights in a row. I figured he was a pretty big star in the UK.

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Guest Evolution

Craziest news about this promotion:


They flew in Bryce Remsberg, alone, to referee.

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It would most likely be correct to say that the show cost a hell of a lot to put on, however British fans pretty much eat up these supershows. I really do expect them not to have made any money from the show but I can't see them losing too much either as I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to continue to promote these kind of shows if it wasn't financially viable.

Edited by G_Money

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Guest Doombiscuit

I was at the second night of No Turning Back and had to say that it was pretty disappointing. The first three matches ranged from blah to awful (tracy smothers needs to reitre) but things picked up a lot with the four way -Williams' Canadian Destroyer is amazing to see live! AJ, Daniels, Ki and Skipper all looked great and the tag team brawl was fun too. Hell even JJ was entertaining!


Unfortunately the card had two real big problems. Firslty Bret Hart acted like a real shit. I couldn't afford to go to the fan conference and have no idea what he did on the first night but on the second he clearly didn't want to be there. He plugged his DVD for two mins then left, saying it was great to see all his fans. It wasn't great to see him phoning in a "promo", and I thought his "love" of us came across as pretty disingenuous. I can't say it was Bret being there that made me part with the £20 it cost to get in (and I was in the cheap seats) but I bet some people did, and they must have been pissed.


The second problem was the Joe match. Him and Tanaka had some of the best exchanges I've ever seen live for about 6mins before they did a really lame countout finish. The fans were pissed and it looked like they'd build to a restart but it never happened. I don't know if Joe was injured but even if he was they could've protected him in a better way than this. People were mad for Joe and I felt really short changed. The replacement ECW match seemed to make people happy (some even chanted "this is awesome") and the action was good, but after having already booked a hardcore match earlier on the card it wasn't what I wanted to see.


All in all the card was okay but after the really bright start that was Twist of Fate I feel 1PW dropped the ball. If they ain't careful they'll get a reputation for not delivering what's promised. Considering how starved we UK (especially Northern UK) fans are of wrestling action this would be a real shame.

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