Cuban Linx 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2006 For anyone who wants to read the pre-TSM Clusterfuck Battle Royals, here they are. Firstly, Pimp Daddy Sarp's original Clusterfuck match. = = = = = IGNWF Clusterf*ck Match 1. Sacred 2. Axis 3. Cyclone Comet 4. Bobby Riley 5. Red Hurricane 6. The G.O.A.T. 7. Grimedogg 8. Madrac 9. Mr. Galatea 10. Curry Man 11. NTD 12. Divefire 13. Chris Wilson 14. Dan Vigilante 15. Chris Storm 16. Angelous 17. Molock 18. Pimp Daddy Sarp 19. Mercury 20. Stubby "Pots" McWeed Curry: And now, we are ready for the huge Clusterf*ck match!!! Unprecedented in IGNWF history, this 20 man elimination Battle Royal will undoubtedly be amazing! The elite of the IGNWF Superstars are in the Clusterf*ck, including Stubby “Potts” McWeed, Mercury, Pimp Daddy Sarp, Mr. Galatea, and others! Not to mention, yours truly and my broadcast partner NTD over here! NTD: Yes! Tonight I make my one time only return to the IGNWF! But wait, what happens if I win? Curry: You won’t win. NTD: But.. Curry: You won’t win! NTD: Oh shut up! What number did you draw? Curry: I am not telling you! You’ll find out, damn it. Stop being so damn annoying. NTD: Annoying? Curry: Yes, now shut up and get back on topic. NTD: Okay, on a related note, the Clusterf*ck will see the IGNWF debut of three former wrestlers for the JL… Sacred, Axis, and Cyclone Comet. Winning the Clusterf*ck would be a great way for any of these three men to make a big splash immediately! Curry: To say the least! Needless to say, stars may be born tonight, right now! Let’s get down to Funyon for the introductions of the first two competitors! [The crowd is wild with anticipation after a great night of action! On cue, Funyon stands up and makes his way into the ring, and the place goes ballistic! Funyon grabs the mic and gets on with the introductions…] Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready for the Clusterf*ck match! (HUGE POP!) The rules of the match are as follows: 20 men have entered the match. Two wrestlers will start off in the ring, and every 2 minutes thereafter, another Superstar will enter the ring! This will continue until all 20 men have entered into the match. You are eliminated if you are tossed over the top rope and both feet or both hands touch the ground. The last person left standing at the end will be declared the winner, and will be given a title shot at the IGNWF’s Febuary PPV! Now we are ready to find out the wrestler who drew number 1… ["Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit plays to boos from the crowd. The stadium goes black instead for a blue glow and Sacred comes out as Pyros shoot off beside him on the entranceway. He walks down to the ring and stands on the apron facing the crowd and then he raises his arm up as pyros shoot off in the ringposts] Funyon:…from Adelaide, Australia, weighing in tonight at 223 pounds…fresh from the IGNJL…SACRED!!!! [sacred walks around impatiently in the ring, a bit nervous in his first IGNWF PPV appearance. Suddenly, Linkin Park’s One Step Closer fills the arena and Axis appears on the entrance way! Axis eyes his partner in the ring as he makes his way down, and climbs in the ring.] Funyon:…and the competitor who drew number 2, also making his IGNWF debut, also from Adelaide, Australia, he comes in weighing 290 pounds…AXIS!!!! Curry: Whoa! Sacred and Axis, both good friends, are here to start us off! NTD: It should be interesting to see if they fight it out or wait for the next entrant to gang up on him! Curry: They sure as hell better fight! They need to not worry about friendship and make a big impact in their debut! First impressions are lasting ones… [sacred and Axis stare at each other for a few seconds, and then Axis simply says, “Let’s show em what we can do, Sacred.” Sacred nods and the two lock up! The Clusterf*ck is underway! Neither man gets the advantage in the lock-up, so they break it, circle a little bit, and Axis goes to punch Sacred, but Sacred blocks and tries to punch Axis! Axis counters, grabing Sacred’s arm mid-punch and pulling it towards him, locking up Sacred’s arm and head! Axis hits and Head and Arm Tazzplex! Sacred staggers to his feet and is met with a boot by Axis! Axis continues the punishment, whipping Sacred into the ropes and going for a clothesline, but Sacred ducks the clothesline, and bounces back with a beautiful flying forearm! Now Sacred goes to work on Axis, dropping two quick elbows on him, then picking him up, boot to the stomach, DDT!] Curry: What an early exchange by these two young stars! They are really showing why they belong in the IGNWF! NTD: That’s for sure…and look at the clock! We are about ready for the next competitor to enter the ring! Crowd (in unison with the clock): 4…3…2…1… [bUZZZZ! and then a heroic theme strikes up, something majestic with a lot of brass and sounding vaguely like the theme from "Superman", and CYCLOOOOOOOONNNNEE COMET!!! makes his way to the ring to join his JL friends!] Curry: It’s CYCLOOOOOOOONNNNNNEE COMET!!! making his IGNWF debut! All 3 Junior Leaguers are in the ring now! NTD: Wow, I wonder if someone set it up so that the new guys would have to enter first? Curry: An interesting possibility, to make them really have to work if they have any chance to win. [Comet runs into the ring, where Sacred has been beating on Axis and pulls him off! Sacred and Comet begin exchanging blows, and Comet whips Sacred into the ropes, Clothesline ducked, another Clothesline ducked, Sacred bounces back again, Comet drops down, Sacred comes back with a beautiful Spinning Wheel kick, but Comet ducks that too, and Sacred crashes into the ground as the crowd goes crazy! At this point, Axis has gotten to his feet, and he grabs Comet from behind, German Suplex! Comet is down, but Sacred is getting up, and Axis stands there waiting for him to get to his feet. Sacred slowly stands and turns around, and is met by an Axis boot to the stomach! Sacred doubles over, and Axis grabs his head and lifts him in the air, going for an Implant DDT! But as he tries to complete the move, COMET GRABS AXIS BY THE HEAD, AND NAILS A REVERSE DDT ON AXIS AS AXIS HOLDS ONTO SACRED, HITTING HIM WITH THE IMPLANT DDT! THE CROWD IS IN AWE AT THE AMAZING SCENE!] Curry: OH MY GOD! THAT WAS INCREDIBLE! What would you call that? A Stacked DDT or something? NTD: I’ve never seen anything like that before! As Axis hit the Implant DDT on Sacred, Comet hit a reverse DDT on Axis at the same time! Curry: And the crowd here loves it! What a show being put on by the newest members of the IGNWF! RX is tearing it up! [Comet stands over his fallen comrades in the ring and looks at the clock, which now reads 5!] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZZ! Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” comes on over the speakers, and Bobby Riley appears to a huge cheer and charges into the ring!] Curry: It’s Bobby Riley! He’s going after Comet! [Comet meets Riley in the ring and the two start punching each other! Riley and Comet lock up, and Riley whips Comet into the ropes. Comet comes bouncing back, and counters Riley’s attempt at a clothesline with a Floatover Armdrag! Riley gets right back up and goes for Comet, but he is attacked by a recovered Axis from behind! Riley turns and begins exchanging blows with Axis, eventually picking him up and going to eliminate him! But Comet low blows Riley, and Axis falls safely to the mat, still in the match! Meanwhile, Comet grabs Riley from behind and hits a Straightjacket Suplex!] Curry: Comet hits his amazing Straightjacket Suplex on Riley! RX is teaming up against Riley! NTD: It really isn’t looking good for Riley. He better hope the next entrant is a friendly face! [sacred is back up by this point, and all three members of RX go to work on Riley, kicking him repeatedly on the ground! Riley tries to fight back, but to little avail, as Comet picks him up, whips him into the ropes, and HITS RILEY WITH A JUMPING CALF KICK, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, SACRED TAKES OUT THE LOWER HALF OF RILEY’S BODY WITH A SWEEP KICK FROM BEHIND! Riley’s body bends in a sickening way as he crumples to the mat! The clock is winding down! Will the next wrestler be Riley’s friend or foe?] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZZ! :"Springtime",a Chinese orchestral piece,plays soothingly over the PA. It gives way to "Hurricane's Theme", and Red Hurricane comes charging out of the gates!] Curry: It’s Red Hurricane! Maybe he will help Riley! [Hurricane rushes into the ring and and beats RX around the ring, as Riley crawls to a corner to recover! Hurricane knocks Axis and Sacred down, and grabs Comet, lifts him over his shoulder, and drops to his knees in a Thunder Fire Powerbomb! Comet writhes on the ground in pain, as the other four wrestlers in the ring pair off. Riley and Axis begin trading blows, while Hurricane takes on Sacred! Riley grabs Axis and hits him with a nice Belly-to-Belly Suplex! Axis gets back up and staggers around the ropes, and Riley follows up with a Clothesline, and Axis goes flying over the top rope! Axis has been eliminated by Riley!] NTD: There goes Axis, the first to be eliminated! He would have been better off had he stayed on the ground after that suplex! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>AXIS<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 0:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 7:03 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Bobby Riley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Riley now goes after Comet, still down after the attack from Hurricane. Hurricane and Sacred are duking it out, and Sacred is getting the better of it, hitting Hurricane with a vicious Brainbuster! Riley waits for Comet to get to his feet, and from behind, he grabs Comet and hits him with the Ultimate Takedown! Sacred runs over to attack to Riley, but Riley quickly rises to his feet, and Back-Body Drops Sacred over the top rope! Riley has eliminated Sacred!] Curry: Another member of RX gone at the hands of Riley! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>SACRED<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 0:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 7:42 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Bobby Riley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Riley is in the ring arguing with Sacred, as Comet comes charging at him from behind with a knee lift to the back, sending Riley over the top rope as well!] Curry: And there goes Riley! NTD: Comet is getting some revenge for his friends! Riley made a mistake by arguing with Sacred after he already eliminated him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>BOBBY RILEY<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 4:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 7:53 ELIMINATIONS: Axis, Sacred ELIMINATED BY: Cyclone Comet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Comet and Red Hurricane are the only two left in the ring.] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZZ! Eminem's "Kill You" comes on over the speakers, and a deep voice says, "The Greatest Of All Time" as GOAT comes charging down to the ring!] Curry: Here comes GOAT! GOAT is the 6th entrant into the Clusterf*ck! [GOAT and Hurricane immediately work together, double-teaming Comet. They start off by sending Comet into the ropes, and hitting a nice double back body drop. Next, Hurricane climbs to the top rope as GOAT lifts Comet over his head in a Gorilla Press. Suddenly, Hurricane comes flying off the top, just as GOAT turns the the press into a Michinoku Driver, and the two of them hit a Spike Hammer of Wrath! Comet lies on the ground twitching as both GOAT and Hurricane celebrate together! Out of nowhere, though, GOAT NAILS Hurricane with a vicious Superkick! Hurricane drops like a ton of bricks! GOAT grabs Hurricane and goes to eliminate him, but Hurricane manages to hold on to the ropes!] Curry: GOAT is trying to eliminate Hurricane, but he is holding on to the ropes! NTD: He has almost got him! Oh wait, now Comet has somehow managed to get up! Comet is helping GOAT eliminate Hurricane! But Hurricane is holding on somehow! [GOAT and Comet are both working as hard as the can, but Hurricane has a deathgrip on the ropes! The clock is counting down! Who is next? Will they help Hurricane get out of this predicament?] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!! “Whatever it Takes” by POD blares across the speakers and Grimedogg makes his way out.] NTD: And here comes Grimedogg, running towards the ring! [Grimedogg runs into the ring and crashes into the pile of wrestlers! GOAT goes flying over the top and crashes to the floor! Hurricane lands on the apron and rolls safely back into the ring! Comet flies over the top rope, but holds onto the rope and powers himself back into the ring!] Curry: Grimedogg knocks into everyone! GOAT has been eliminated! NTD: Hurricane and Comet, somehow, they saved themselves from elimination! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>GOAT<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 8:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 10:10 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Grimedogg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Grimedogg picks up Hurricane and begins beating him about the ring. Comet joins him, as more double teaming ensues. Comet climbs to the top rope while Grimedogg whips Hurricane into the ropes. Grimedogg hits the Grimesinator! At the same time, Comet comes flying off the top with the FALLING STAR BOMB!! Hurricane is done! Comet picks Hurricane up and tosses him over the top rope, Hurricane is eliminated.] Curry: What a combo! Comet hits a beautiful Falling Star Bomb to follow up Grimedogg’s Grimesinator! NTD: Cyclone Comet has been extremely impressive tonight! I think he is gonna make quite a splash in the IGNWF Curry: Well, he was the IGNJL Champion. NTD: So true. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>RED HURRICANE<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 6:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 11:03 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Cyclone Comet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Comet and Grimedogg go at it in the ring now. The two lock up, and Comet gets the advantage, leaping in the air and taking Grimedogg down with a head scissors. Comet goes for the Split-leg Sit-out Legdrop, but Grimedogg moves out of the way! Grimedogg gets up and lets out a yell, “GRIMEDOGG IS CLUSTERF*CKABLE!!!!” and waits for Comet to stand. Comet staggers to his feet, turns around, and gets hit with the Final Fantasy! Grimedogg picks Comet up and goes to toss him out of the ring! Comet grabs hold of the ropes on the way out, though, and Grimedogg can’t get him over!] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!! Rob Zombie’s “Superbeast” kicks up across the Skydome and Madrac busts out of the curtain, charges straight to the ring, and attacks Grimedogg, effectively saving Comet from elimination.] Curry: Madrac is 8th in the Clusterf*ck! He is going after Grimedogg! NTD: Madrac is looking to represent Prime Evil as he kicks the sh!t out of Die Hard’s Grimedogg! [Madrac grabs Grimedogg off of Comet and begins Knife Edge Chopping him! Comet, battered and beaten by this point, crawls over to the corner and sits there while Madrac and Grimedogg go at it! Madrac chops Grimedogg into the corner, and begins driving his shoulder into Grimey’s midsection. After a few more shots, Madrac pulls him away from the corner, steps behind him, and nails him with a beautiful DRAGON SUPLEX INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! Grimedogg’s head snaps forward on impact and he slumps to the ground! Madrac continues the punishment, stomping away at Grimedogg while he struggles to defend himself!] Curry: Madrac comes out like a ball of fire and is just DESTROYING Grimedogg! And we are ready for another competitor…here he comes…. Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!! “Antipop” by Primus blares over the speakers and Mr. Galatea appears on the entryway. He slowly makes his way to the ring, jawing with the fans on the way down. He rips off his new “Intense Admirer” T-Shirt and hops into the ring, and goes straight for the injured Grimedogg!] Curry: Grimedogg has a lot of enemies in the ring right now! Die Hard’s only friends are themselves! NTD: And the Corporation’s Mr. Galatea is certainly going to try to be as unfriendly as possible! Curry: That wasn’t funny. Shut up. [Mr. Galatea joins Madrac in stomping away on Grimedogg. Grimedogg rolls under the bottom rope to get out of the way, and staggers around on the floor. Madrac rolls under the ropes after him and charges at him! Grimedogg sidesteps and hits a Drop Toe-Hold on Madrac, and Madrac’s face crashes into the guardrail! Madrac is busted wide open! In the ring, Mr. Galatea has turned his attention to Comet, who has been recovering all this time, watching everyone else beat each other up. Galatea goes to punch Comet, Comet ducks, grabs Mr. G’s arm, and hits a Reverse Head-and-Arm Suplex! The crowd pops wildly at Comet, who, despite his heel-hood, has been putting on a Superstar performance! And the countdown begins yet again…] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [suddenly, at the announce table, Curry Man stands up, rips off his tuxedo, revealing his wrestling garb!] Curry: Curry sez yer on yer own NTD! NTD: CURRY MAN IS ENTERING THE CLUSTERF*CK!! [Curry grabs a microphone, and addresses the crowd for a second…] Curry: I’M HOT!! I’M SPICY!! AND I AM GONNA WIN THE CLUSTERF*CK!!! [The crowd pops wildly as the retired Superstar leaps into the ring! Grimedogg is still recovering outside the ring, as is Madrac. Mr. G is lying on the ground trying to catch his breath, and only Comet is standing! Curry charges at Comet, Comet drops down, Curry leaps over him and bounces off the ropes, and comes back, Comet puts his head down, and Curry stops, grabs him, lifts him over his head, and hits an APOCALYPSE BOMB!!] NTD: What a move by Curry! Way to go! [Curry celebrates as Mr. G gets to his feet! Curry is running around the ring like a madman, yelping and screaming about being hot and spicy! Mr. G goes to attack, when out of nowhere, THE ELK FALLS FROM THE RAFTERS AND LANDS ON TOP OF MR. G! Mr. G falls back to the ground, and Curry turns around…and stares right into the Elk’s eyes! Curry screams in terror and runs away from the Elk, and the Elk chases him in hot pursuit! Curry isn’t fast enough, and the Elk spears him from behind! A ringside fan tosses a chair into the ring! The Elk sees the chair and sets it up in the ring! Curry is writhing on the ground! The Elk runs off the chair and hits a Triple Jump Moonsault on Curry Man!] NTD: What the hell is The Elk doing here?? [The Elk lifts Curry to his feet, sets him up against the ropes, grabs the chair, tosses it to Curry, Curry catches it, but the ELK OUT OF NOWHERE HITS THE VAN ELKINATOR WITH THE CHAIR! CURRY GOES FLYING OVER THE TOP ROPE!!] NTD: Oh no! Curry!! [Curry slowly crawls back over to the announce table…] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>CURRY MAN<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 16:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 17:51 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: The Elk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!! “Amityville” by Eminem blares over the speakers and NTD stands up at the announce table! The other announcer is entering the Clusterf*ck! NTD rips off his pants and goes to enter the ring…but suddenly, he looks down and realizes that he forget to wear his Pokemon tighty whiteys as well! In a disgusting view, NTD is completely naked from the waist down…WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ALL ABOUT?? I MEAN COME ON, I KNOW I AM ONLY TELLING THE STORY OF THE MATCH, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NTD, WEAR SOME DAMN PANTS!! Anyway, NTD face flushes red, as the other wrestlers in the match, all of them now standing and staring in disbelief, shake their heads. The crowd is silent except for occasional comments like “Daddy, why is it so small?” and “Christ, if I was NTD, after seeing this, I would ALWAYS wear pants.” Well, long story short, NTD pulls his pants back up, rushes bravely into the ring, The Elk spears him, NTD staggers backwards back over the ropes, and the whole NTD debacle is finally over. At this point, a harness is lowered from the rafters, and the Elk, his work done, exits to huge cheers back to the rafters!] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>NTD<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 18:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 18:25 ELIMINATIONS: Well, he eliminated any chance of anybody who saw that wanting to have sex ever again, male or female. He eliminated millions of young children’s innocence. They are now corrupted for life. Thank you NTD, for making us all worse people. Luckily though, he didn’t eliminate any wrestler in the match. ELIMINATED BY: The Elk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Curry staggers back to the announce table, as does an embarassed NTD, and the match returns to some semblance of order.] Curry: Damn elk. NTD: Damn pants. Curry: I am not even going to say a damn thing. NTD: Good. [Grimedogg and Madrac both enter back into the ring, as Comet and Mr. G return to fighting with each other. Grimedogg and Madrac lock up, and Grimedogg gets the advantage and tries to whip Madrac into the ropes, Madrac reverses it, Grimedogg comes bouncing back, and Madrac grabs him on the way back and hits a Triple H Facebuster! Mr. G is getting the best of Comet and he also goes to whip him in, but Comet reverses it, drops down, back up, Comet goes for a clothesline, but Mr. G counters with a Yellowknife DDT! Mr. G picks up Comet and throws him over the top rope! But, Comet once again grabs hold of the top rope on the way over and drops to the apron, and rolls back in!] Curry: Comet avoids elimination AGAIN! NTD: What a showing here tonight by Cyclone Comet! Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!! “Time to Burn” by Storm blares over the speakers, and Divefire rushes out of the gates! Divefire jumps into the ring and joins Mr. G, as they both continue to work over the resilient Cyclone Comet. Meanwhile, Madrac and Grimedogg have been going back and forth by the ropes. Suddenly, Grimedogg boots Madrac in the stomach, grabs him, and hits THE DOGG BONE ON MADRAC!! Grimedogg picks Madrac up and leans him against the ropes. Grimedogg charges at the stunned Madrac and knocks him over the top rope! Madrac has been eliminated!] Curry: There goes Madrac! NTD: GRIMEDOGG IS HARDCORE!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>MADRAC<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 12:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 21:02 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Grimedogg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Madrac is pissed outside the ring! He jumps back up to the ring apron and grabs Grimedogg, who had turned his back to celebrate! Madrac pulls Grimedogg over the top rope and out of the Clusterf*ck!] Curry: Madrac returns the favor! NTD: Can he do that? Curry: The ref is letting it slide! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>GRIMEDOGG<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 10:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 21:13 ELIMINATIONS: GOAT, Madrac ELIMINATED BY: The already eliminated Madrac ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Madrac and Grimedogg fight all the way to the back! Meanwhile, in the ring, Mr. G and Divefire are teaming up against Cyclone Comet! Divefire takes Comet down with the Turn & Burn, and Galatea follows up with the Manatoba Liontamer! Comet screams out in pain as Galatea pulls back farther and farther on his legs! Divefire increases the pain, laying kicks into Comet’s midsection! There is nowhere for Comet to go! Mr. G increases the pressure even more! Divefire continues the punishment, grabbing the chair that the Elk left in the ring, and DRIVING it into Comet’s ribcage! Comet’s screams of pain become more and more agonizing as the seconds go by! Another chairshot by Divefire! Mr. G shows no signs of letting go of the hold!] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!!! “Hell’s Bells” by AC/DC blares through the speakers, and Chris Wilson appears on the walkway! Wilson charges into the ring and makes a beeline for Divefire!] Curry: The Corporation is teaming up against Comet! Comet is in dire trouble! But here comes former Corp member Chris Wilson! Wilson is going after Divefire! But, Mr. G is still holding on to the Liontamer! NTD: This is disgusting! Comet is in horrible shape! [Wilson grabs Divefire and takes him down with a Double-Arm DDT! Divefire staggers back to his feet and Wilson proceeds to beat him around the ring! Wilson goes to whip Divefire into the turnbuckle, but Divefire reverses it, sends Wilson in, and follows up with a beautiful Handspring Elbow! Comet’s screams by this point in the Liontamer are tapering off as he begins losing conciousness! Mr. G rears back even farther! Comet’s face is turning purple as the consciousness begins to escape him! Divefire remains in control of Wilson, taking him down with an array of Fire Punches and Fire Kicks! Divefire takes a break from beating on Wilson, and goes back to the still trapped Comet, climbing to the top rope, and hitting a beautiful 360 Dropkick to Comet’s ribs! Comet is completely unconscious!] Curry: The Corporation is dominating! Somebody needs to get in there before Mr. G ends Comet’s career! Somebody needs to pulls Galatea off of Comet!] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!! “Breathe” by Prodigy blares over the speakers and Dan Vigilante runs out to help his already dominating Corporate brethren!] NTD: Oh no! More Corporate muscle! Wilson and Comet are in trouble! [Divefire goes back to work on Wilson, but Wilson manages to counter with a low blow! He grabs the doubled-over Divefire and nails him with a Gut-wrench Powerbomb! Danny V runs to attack Wilson, but Wilson sidesteps and arm drags him to the mat! Danny gets back up, but Wilson is waiting with a picture perfect Superkick! Danny drops to the mat! Wilson now goes after Galatea, clotheslining him off of Comet, finally! Galatea staggers back to his feet, and Wilson charges at him one more time, delivering another Clothesline! Galatea falls backwards over the top rope! He lands on the apron and tries to roll back in, but Wilson delivers a kick to Galatea, and Mr. G falls to the ground, eliminated! The crowd is going crazy at the amazing action in the ring!] Curry: Finally, somebody saves Comet! Wilson is cleaning house of the Corporation! Mr. Galatea has been eliminated! NTD: What a burst of energy by Wilson! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>MR. GALATEA<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 14:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 25:30 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Chris Wilson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Wilson walks right by the unconscious Comet and goes back to work on the Corp! But now, DVD gets the advantage, as Divefire attacks Wilson from behind after he was going for Danny! Divefire takes Wilson down with a Bulldog, Danny picks him up, whips him into the ropes, and hits the Hard Justice! The clock is winding down! Will the next person help or hurt Wilson?] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!! “Southtown” by POD comes on over the speakers and Chris Storm comes flying out of the gates! Help for Wilson!] Curry: Here comes the Big Bad Booty Daddy! NTD: He is a welcome sight for Wilson! [storm immediately goes for Divefire, he goes to punch him, Divefire turns and blocks the punch, goes for the Fire Kicks, Storm catches Divefire’s leg and hits the Dragon Screw! Storm jumps on top of Divefire and begins punching away at him! Danny pulls him off, but Storm gives Danny a knee to the balls! Danny crumples to the mat and Storm goes about kicking the sh!t out of him! By this time, amazingly, Comet is starting to stir! Wilson goes over to to Divefire and starts kicking his ass as well! Die Hard is looking good now! The Corp is in trouble! The clock is counting down! Who’s next????] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!! “Shanghai” by Prosper blares over the speakers, and Prime Evil’s Angelous rushes down to the ring!] Curry: Prime Evil is now represented in the ring, along with Die Hard and The Corp! [Angelous goes straight for Die Hard’s/RX’s Comet, who is still in bad shape from the 5 tortuous minutes he spent in the Liontamer! Angelous grabs Comet, and Chokeslams him to Hell!! He picks up Comet and tosses him over the ropes! AGAIN, COMET HOLDS ON TO THE TOP ROPE AND ROLLS BACK IN THE RING BEFORE HIS FEET HIT THE GROUND TO HUGE POP FROM THE RESPECTFUL CROWD!!] NTD: What the hell is it gonna take to put Cyclone Comet out! AMAZING!! [Angelous can’t believe what he is seeing! He goes to grab Comet, but Comet takes him down with a Float-Over Arm Drag! Comet goes over to Angelous’ legs and locks on the Comet’s Tail! Angelous lets out a yell and taps wildly! Comet has been absolutely incredible tonight! He increases the pressure! Here comes the clock!] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZ!!!! Korn’s “Dead Bodies Everywhere” comes across the speakers, and Angelous’s partner Molock rushes down to the ring!] Curry: More Prime Evil! The ring is filling up! Wilson and Divefire are still trading moves back and forth, as are Storm and Danny V! Comet has Angelous in the Comet’s Tail, and here comes Molock! [Molock immediately attacks Comet, breaking up the Comet’s Tail! Molock punches Comet around the ring, meanwhile, Divefire has Wilson dangerously close to elimination! Comet takes Molock down with a drop toe hold, and goes over to where Divefire is attacking Comet’s stablemate! Comet dumps Divefire over the top rope, but Wilson follows as well! Comet has eliminated two more Superstars! Wilson looks up in disbelief at Comet, who simply shakes his head and says, “ It had to be done…I have to win!”] Curry: CYCLONE COMET!!! CYCLONE COMET HAS ELIMINATED TWO MORE SUPERSTARS!! NTD: WOW!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>DIVEFIRE<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 20:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 31:02 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Cyclone Comet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>CHRIS WILSON<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 22:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 31:03 ELIMINATIONS: Mr. Galatea ELIMINATED BY: Cyclone Comet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [The match continues! Danny V goes right after Comet for eliminating his partner! Molock is also going after Comet! Comet is caught in the corner, and the recovered Angelous joins in the beating! Chris Storm tries to pull them off of Comet, but he is quickly turned upon and beaten down himself! Here comes the clock!] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [“I Just Wanna Love U” by Jay-Z blares over the speakers, and the crowd goes crazy as Pimp Daddy Sarp appears with Jennifer following close behind! PDS charges to the ring and prepares to go off on the horde of heels in the ring!] Curry: It’s Pimp Daddy Sarp! NTD: He is a house of fire! [PDS immediately goes after the Corporation’s Danny V! He pulls him off of Comet and beats him about the ring! PDS boots Danny in the stomach, grabs him, and hits a Cradle Piledriver! PDS picks Danny up, and tosses him over the top rope, just like that!] Curry: Wow! PDS is going crazy in their! Danny V is history! NTD: Was that a poem? Curry: No. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>DAN VIGILANTE<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 24:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 32:34 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: PDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [PDS next turns his attention to Chris Storm, as Prime Evil continues to work over Comet. PDS quickly knees Storm in the midsection, and puts him between his legs! He signals for the Agony of Defeat! However, when he lifts Storm up, Storm counters it with a Hurracanrana! Storm holds on top of PDS and starts beating away at PDS’ face! Meanwhile, Molock climbs to the top rope, while Angelous belts Comet with The Chaos Drop! Molock then comes flying off the top with a Top Rope Back Elbow Drop on Comet! Angelous picks Comet up and walks over to the ropes to eliminate him! BUT COMET GRABS THE ROPES AS ANGELOUS CARRIES HIM, THE ROPES BEND DOWN, AND ANGELOUS GOES TUMBLING OVER THE TOP, WHILE COMET LANDS ON THE APRON! COMET ROLLS BACK IN, AVOIDING ELIMINATION…AGAIN!!! And Angelous is gone!] NTD: Oh my God, Comet is an Iron Man! Curry: Another elimination narrowly avoided by Comet…and Angelous is history! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>ANGELOUS<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 28:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 33:46 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Cyclone Comet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Molock immediately begins beating down Comet again, and goes for a Tiger Suplex! But Comet mule kicks Molock in the nuts! Comet circles around behind Molock…AND HITS THE CYCLOTRON!!! Comet picks Molock up and dumps him over the top rope!!] Curry: What can we say about Comet!! He’s been in there for almost 32 minutes, and he has absorbed so much punishment, but he is still eliminating people! He is incredible! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>MOLOCK<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 30:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 33:57 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: Cyclone Comet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crowd: 3…2….1! [bUZZZ!!! "Are....are YOU READY?!?!" and Mercury erupts out of the gates! He rushes down to the ring and pulls Chris Storm off of Pimp Daddy Sarp!] Curry: Here comes Mercury! He’s number 19!! One more to go, and we know it’s gonna be Stubby now! NTD: Storm is in a lot of trouble! Comet has collapsed to the mat, exhausted, and Phoenix Uprising is ganging up on BBBD! [Mercury grabs Storm, and whips him into the ropes! PDS grabs Storm on the rebound, and drops him in a Side Suplex, while Mercury grabs Storm’s head on the way down, as PU hits a Side Suplex, Reverse DDT combo! PDS leaves Mercury to work on Storm, as PDS goes after Comet! Comet is in horrible shape by this point, and PDS stomps away at him for a while. PDS picks Comet up and whips him into the ropes, and LEVELS him with a Clothesline! He then picks Comet up and goes for a Cradle Tombstone! But Comet somehow wraps his legs around PDS’s head, and takes him down with a Flying Head Scissors! Comet collapses to the mat again, too hurt to continue! Meanwhile, Mercury has Storm set up for the Black Out! He hits it! Storm is twitching on the mat! The clock is winding down! Here comes Stubby!] Crowd: 4…3…2…1! [bUZZZZ!! As Stubby’s music hits, he runs down to the ring, looking to kick some ass. However, right after he hits the ring, another set of music starts playing….”If you ever take a trip down to Knox County, Ohio…” And a slightly modified version of the Big Boss Man’s old music kicks up..”You’ll be servin HARD TIME!!!” Suddenly, out from the back, the Large Cop Man appears! He has a microphone as the action in the ring has all but stopped to observe this strange sequence of events!] Large Cop Man: Stubby McWeed, you little punk, listen up punk. You been runnin from me long enough punk! You gonna be servin HARD TIME, PUNK! Cuz you gonna take a trip to Knox County Ohio, and like the song says, if you ever take a trip down to Knox County, Ohio, you gonna be servin hard time punk! Get over here punk! Curry: It’s the Large Cop Man, the former prison guard from Knox County Ohio! He is chasing Stubby! Oh my God, Stubby leaps over the ropes to get out of the ring! He eliminated himself! He is running from the Large Cop Man! Let’s get some cameras backstage! [The cameras follow Stubby as he runs from the LCM! He rushes into his locker room and locks the door! But then the lights in the locker room go off, screaming is heard, and some ruckus, and when the lights come back on, THE MIDGET PHOENIX UPRISING IS STANDING OVER STUBBY’S FALLEN BODY! Chew marks are all over his body! Midget Rane is biting Stubby in the nuts, while Midget Mercury is gnawing on a leg! The Large Cop Man breaks down the door and screams, “YOU GONNA SERVE HARD TIME PUNK!” LCM opens Stubby’s locker, and ounces upon ounces of weed falls out! “This is a capital offense punk! You comin with me! You gonna serve hard time!” Stubby, barely concious, responds, “Anything…maan….just….get….these….damn….gnawing….midgets….off? 0;..of……”] Curry: OH MY GOD!! THE MIDGET PU AND LCM ARE TAKING STUBBY IN!!! [back in the locker room, Stubby, bleeding from numerous areas from the midgets, is cuffed with his head down.] LCM: Do you know your rights punk? You have the right to remain silent…anything you say, can, and will be used against you in a court of law… Stubby: Sure…maan…but please, get these midgets away from me! LCM: Punk, do you have any last words before I put you away for good punk, before you serve HARD TIME??? Stubby: Mothernature hates midgets, maan…. [LCM shoves Stubby out the door, but before he can, Midget PDS jumps on Stubby’s back, and as a going-away present, places his Midget Kickass Sunglasses on Stubby’s face. The scene goes back to the ring, and Stubby is going to serve HARD TIME!] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>STUBBY<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 36:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 36:10 ELIMINATIONS: Himself ELIMINATED BY: Himself ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Curry: I have no comment NTD: I have no pants. Curry: Back to the match… [back in the ring, the action picks up again, with PDS and Cyclone Comet fighting, and Mercury and Chris Storm going at it as well! One of these four men will be the winner! PDS and Mercury switch off, and now PDS attacks Storm, with Mercury working over a severely weakened Cyclone Comet! PDS goes to whip Storm in, but Storm reverses, and puts his head down, PDS stops, grabs Storm, lifts him up, and HITS THE AGONY OF DEFEAT!! Storm is finished! PDS picks up Storm, and tosses him over the top, three men are left!] NTD: There goes Storm! Curry: Comet is in even more trouble now! PU are double teaming him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>CHRIS STORM<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 26:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 37:05 ELIMINATIONS: none ELIMINATED BY: PDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [back in the ring, PDS and Mercury are having their way with Comet! Comet can’t cover up! They keep kicking and punching him mercilessly as he tries to defend himself, to no avail! PDS picks him up and fires him into the ropes, and hits a nice dropkick! Mercury then picks Comet up, and hits the PERMANENT MIDNIGHT! Comet lies motionless on the canvas! Mercury picks him up and tries to dump him over the ropes, but Comet is resisting! PDS comes over to help, and Comet still manages to hold on somehow!] Curry: How the hell is Comet holding on? [Finally, after about 30 seconds of struggling, Comet falls over the top rope and to the apron! He tries to roll back in, but Mercury swiftly kicks him in the head, and Comet finally falls the ground, as the crowd stands and gives him a standing ovation for his perfomance! What a job by Cyclone Comet, the most impressive man in the Clusterf*ck!] Curry: Comet is finally gone! But what a performance by this, and mark my words, future WORLD CHAMPION!! NTD: I would have to agree! He came in 3rd and lasted all the way to the end! He is a true Superstar! What a debut for Cyclone Comet! But now it’s the two friends, PDS and Mercury…ONE OF THEM WILL WIN THIS MATCH!!!] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>CYCLONE COMET<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 2:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 39:08 ELIMINATED: Bobby Riley, Red Hurricane, Divefire, Chris Wilson, Angelous, Molock ELIMINATED BY: Mercury ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Mercury and PDS stare each other down in the ring for a few moments of extreme tension! Suddenly, PDS rears back and strikes his friend! Mercury returns the favor, and the crowd pops as the two favorites duke it out for supremacy! Mercury whips PDS into the ropes and takes him down with a Tilt a Whirl Flapjack! PDS is hurt! Mercury takes PDS up to the top rope, and HITS THE ECLIPSE!!! Mercury is in complete control! Outside the ring, Jennifer, PDS’s valet for the night, begins distracting the referee! Mercury picks PDS up and tosses him over the ropes and to the floor! MERCURY WINS!!!! Or does he?] Curry: MERCURY IS THE WINNER!! NTD: THE REF NEVER SAW PDS’s FEET TOUCH THE GROUND!! PDS IS CRAWLING BACK INTO THE RING!! [PDS walks up behind Mercury and stands there for a moment. Mercury is celebrating by the ropes, thinking he is the winner! PDS grabs Mercury from behind and dumps him over the top rope! Jennifer lets the ref go! The ref sees Mercury on the floor and calls for the bell! PDS WINS!!] Funyon: The winner of the Clusterf*ck, to receive a shot at the Champion at the next PPV….PIMP DADDY SARP!!!!! Curry: WHAT THE HELL KIND OF WAY TO WIN IS THAT, PDS!! NTD: The crowd is stunned! Jennifer, a ringside fan, has helped PDS cheat his friend out of a victory! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>MERCURY<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 34:00 TIME ELIMINATED: 41:05 ELIMINATED: Cyclone Comet ELIMINATED BY: PDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>>>PDS<<<<< TIME ENTERED: 32:00 TIME ELIMINATED: WINNER ELIMINATIONS: Mercury, Chris Storm, Dan Vigilante ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [back in the ring, Mercury jumps up and climbs back in the ring and begins jawing with PDS! PDS has a look of shock on his face! Mercury is pissed, screaming at PDS! Mercury grabs a microphone, and PDS is tossed one as well…] Merc: PDS! What the hell are you doing? I won! I eliminated you! You and that whore over there cheated me out of my victory! PDS: Listen, you bitch, don’t you ever call Jennifer a whore. She hates being called that! [Just then, Jennifer comes up from behind Mercury and delivers a low blow! PDS grabs Mercury and lifts him in the air! He drops down and hits THE AGONY OF DEFEAT! The crowd is booing loudly, in shock at the actions of Pimp Daddy Sarp! PDS grabs a chair, sets it on the ground, picks Mercury back up, and hits another AGONY OF DEFEAT ON THE CHAIR!! Mercury is lying on the ground in a puddle of blood as PDS basks in the chorus of boos! He grabs the microphone again and begins to speak!] PDS: RANE!! RANE!! Get your ass out here, right now, or I swear to God, I will kill Mercury! If you want to save him, bring your ass to the ring, NOW!!! [Rane and Outcast walk out to the top of the ramp, a look of shock on their faces..] Rane: What are you thinking, PDS? What’s wrong with you? PDS: I’ll tell you what is wrong with me Rane…quite simply, YOU! I am through with Phoenix Uprising! Rane, for 4 months, I have lived in your shadow! Never once did you ever give me a chance to prove that I am simply better than you Rane! You held me back, held me down so I wouldn’t become a threat to your title! Well, no more! I am through with you, with Phoenix Uprising, with everything! IT IS MY DAMN TURN TO SHINE!!! YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE SPOTLIGHT LONG ENOUGH!! NOW GET DOWN TO THIS RING RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD, MERCURY IS FINISHED!!! Rane: What the hell are you talking about? Calm down! PDS: You have 3 seconds to get down here! 1…2… Rane: WAIT!!! PDS: 3!!!! [Jennifer picks Mercury up, and PDS grabs the chair, winds up, AND CLOCKS MERCURY ACROSS THE FACE WITH IT!!! Mercury slumps back to the ground, in a pool of blood, as the crowd goes silent…] Curry: Oh my God…. PDS: Rane. Get in here, or Mercury gets it again. Do you hear me? GET IN HERE!!! [Rane and Outcast both rush towards the ring!] PDS: ONLY YOU RANE!! OUTCAST GET THE HELL AWAY!! THIS DOESN’T INVOLVE YOU! [Rane charges into the ring, and before he can even stand back up, PDS WHACKS him across the back with the chair!! Rane falls to the ground! PDS picks Rane up, and hits him with The Agony of Defeat!! Outcast can’t take it anymore, and he rushes into the ring, only to be met by a chair to the back of the head! With the fallen members of PU lying around him, in a sickening scene, he places Rane’s head in between the chair! Then PDS climbs to the second rope, and comes flying off, LANDS FEET FIRST ON THE CHAIR, PILLMANIZING RANE’S HEAD!!! THIS IS DISGUSTING!!!] Curry: Folks, we apologize for this…oh my God… NTD: Rane, Mercury and Outcast need serious medical attention! [PDS stands alone in the ring with Jennifer as the two embrace and kiss passionately! The two of them wink at each other and exit to a chorus of boos!] Curry: Was Jennifer in on this the whole time? Who is she? Was she really just a fan? It doesn’t seem like it to me… NTD: What are PDS’s reasons for his actions? Somebody is going to have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow on IGNite…. [The scene closes with PDS and Jennifer standing by the exit looking back at the fallen members of Phoenix Uprising with an evil smile on his face] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cuban Linx 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2006 And now, Mark Stevens' 2002 Clusterfuck match. = = = = = As the mess from the last match is cleaned up, the image of the arena fades out to a public service announcement.... A promo runs showing some of the insane bumps the WFers have taken since the very first scoop slam. People are flying off cages, crashing through tables, smashing into concrete, nailing each other with baseball bats and ring bells, all to the tune of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy". There is a somber, quiet voice over... VO: Some people call these men and women the best entertainers in the world. Flying without wings, daring the fates... but we just call them crazy. I mean, come on! Look at this stuff? And you are thinking about trying this at home? Think again... A nasty series of close-ups showing the brutal wounds received in the last year or so slides by. Every one of them is gushing blood; and every one looks like a pit-bull has ripped off skin. The biggest stars in the fed are shown unable to stand, getting stitches and being treated for burns. It looks like a scene from ER... VO: But if you do try this... send us a tape. We've found some of our best talents that way... The promo fades to the tumultuous applause from the thousands in the arena!! Lights are flashing and suddenly, "Tonight the Stars Revolt" kicks up!! The shot changes to Curry Man and NTD sitting dressed in tuxes (well, above the waist anyway) behind the battered and often broken announcer's table. Curry: Welcome back to a sold-out MCI Center in the nation's capitol!! The fans are fired up for the biggest single match of the year, Clusterf**k!! NTD: And what a line up entered this year!! There is a ton of gold being represented in that ring tonight, both former and current!! Curry: What you say is indeed true! Now, we all know who has been entered, sixteen of the biggest stars in the industry, and we know that El Luchadore Magnifico will have the obvious advantage by entering last. But the order has just been determined in the back by a random drawing. NTD: What Curry is trying to say is that we have even less of an idea than usual about what is going to happen tonight! But buckle up and get the VCR ready to go, 'cause this will be a match you are going to want to have on tape for years to come!! The camera cuts to Funyon as he enters the ring and raises a mic to his lips... Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for Clusterf**k 2002!! (Huge pop from the fans!!) Elimination can only occur after being thrown over the top rope, then both feet touching the floor! A wrestler cannot eliminate themselves!! The match will start with the first four wrestlers in the ring, then a new wrestler will enter the match every two minutes until all sixteen have netered the match. At that time, when all but three men have been eliminated, the format will change to a triple threat match for the Number One Contendership to the IGNWF World Heavyweight Title!! The crowd cheers, both hating and appreciating the massive buildup. Finally, the lights fade down to black. Instantly and simultaneously, the chorus of "We're In This Together" by Nine Inch Nails BLARES and the lights strobe the stage!! X steps out from the curtains! Funyon: In the Number One position, weighing in at 211 pounds and hailing from Washington D.C. (massive hometown pop for X), he is the current Intercontinental-Television Champion, X X walks down with the strobe, then climbs up onto the apron and pushes himself backwards, flipping over the ropes. Then, the strobe stops, leaving the arena in darkness, and golden sparks shoot from the ring posts and descend, showering him and illuminating him in an eerie amber glow. When it stops and the lights go back to normal, X stands there, ready to face his opponent. Curry: Ouch! This will be a brutal match for the first person out! NTD: Indeed Curry, X has a long way to go before this one is over... The lights go down in the arena again, as 'For You' by Staind kicks up, signalling the arrival of Stryke. Blue and silver fireworks blast up from each side of the entranceway, as Stryke comes through the entrance to loud cheers from the crowd. Stryke walks down the ramp and stops at the end, raising his right arm into the air. Funyon: On his way to the ring, making his IGNWF debut... he weighs in at 240 pounds and hails from Sydney, Australia... he is STRYKE!!! The fans cheer loudly as Stryke lowers his hand, causing a large blue flame to erupt from the center of the stage. He then enters the ring, and climbs the far turnbuckles, raising his arm on each one. As he gets on the second turnbuckle, he takes of his sunglasses and tosses them into the crowd, giving one fan a souvenier that they'll never forget. He then takes a seat on top of the turnbuckle, waiting for his opponents. X glares at him from the opposite corner but doesn't start anything, wanting to conserve his strength. Curry: And what a match to make your debut in NTD!! The fans are loving this! NTD: They are cheering for a JLer? What is the world coming to? Curry: Who's next out? The lights begin to lose their luster and fade down to black, and then back up to a bright, deep blue as "Stay Awake" by Dishwalla begins to rumble throughout the arena. The IGNtron shows watermark images of some of Mercury's best matches overlaid onto a shadowy figure of Mercury leaning his back against a brick wall. 'Staring at the wall because you know it understands' 'And boy you wonder about everything that could have been' 'It's getting later all the time but you're still wide awake' 'And boy you wonder, if you'll ever sleep again' Funyon: Making his way to the ring.... hailing from Los Angeles, California and weighing in at 225 pounds.... MERCURY!!! As the song goes into the chorus, the blue lighting begins to pulsate a bit, slowly fading down to an almost black, and then back up to the original color. It speeds up gradually, getting faster and faster until the last time, the entire front of the stage is illuminated in a white wall of flares. As the wall dies, the music stops and the lights go completely black for a moment...only to burst back on with Mercury standing triumphantly in the center of the entrance stage. The music kicks back up where it left off at the same time as the lights come back, and Mercury slowly descends upon the entrance ramp to a decidedly mixed reaction from the crowd. He dives into the ring once he gets to the bottom and stands up in the middle of the ring, smirking as he looks into the faces of the nameless people amongst the crowd. The lights come back on and the music fades out as he stretches a bit, getting ready for the match. He moves to an open corner and waits to see who comes out last to start the match... NTD: Wow! There are quite a few big names in this match to get started! I was sure X and Merc would have higher spot!! Curry: Nothing to do about it now NTD! Although I have to say, if there is anybody who can win this thing from the opening position, I'd have to say X and his unorthodox ring style!! As "Americana" by The Offspring hits the speakers, the majority of lights go off, and other lights come on, casting a deep blue glow over the stage, ramp, and ring. Curry: Its Rane!! By God Rane!!!! NTD: This match just changed face again Curry! Rane in at the beginning makes everybody change their strategy!! Smoke begins enveloping the entrance area until a thick cloud surrounds the entire stage. A few seconds later, Rane walks through the cloud of smoke, then heads directly to the ring. Funyon: And in the number four position, weighing in at 377 pounds and hailing from Philadelphia... RANE!!! He slides in under the bottom rope, and gets to his feet. The crowd is going nuts!! Looking out over the crowd, he raises his arms as white pyros shoot high into the air from each corner... then the fight is on!! Funyon barely clears the ring before the three other men descend on Rane!!! The bell rings... ** Ding, ding, ding ** Curry: And Clusterf**k 2002 is underway!!! NTD: Curry, I have to say that this is my favorite match of the year!! Anything can happen!! In the ring, Rane has been lifted off his feet and the combined might of X, Stryke and Mercury are trying to push him over the top rope!! But the huge former champ has other ideas and starts swinging wildly, just trying to connect with someone! Merc ducks and lets go... X hangs onto his grip on Rane's shoulder, but poor Stryke takes the brunt of the swing right upside the head!! The JL star staggers back, holding the side of his head, a stunned look on his face! Merc sees him stumble, and moves in for the kill!! He pulls Stryke into a front facelock and drops back, nailing a DDT!! Meanwhile, Rane has set his sights on X and is swinging away, trying to connect one of the crushing, armor-piercing blows that he is famous for!! But X is too fast for him! He is ducking under, rolling away from and avoiding everything Rane is throwing at him!! Meanwhile, Marc has control of Stryke, and is laying in a few softening up blows, backing the JLer up against the ropes!! Marc steps back, and winds up for a cloithesline trying to take the newcomer out of the match in the early going!! But Stryke sees it coming, ducks under, wraps him arm across Merc's chest and throws himself forward!! Wham!! Curry: Nice reversal by Stryke!! NTD: I'll tell you... say all you want about the JL being a minor league, but most of the boys and girls down there can bring it!! Curry: Bring what? NTD: What? Curry: You said they could bring it. I asked you what "it" was. NTD: Oh... umm... ability? Curry: Nice try... Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, X has taken a more proactive approach to the big man, using Rane's momentum against him and landing several quick, stinging blows. Rane appears not to notice, but is slowing down quite a bit. X is getting a little more cocky about it, trying to go on offense instead of fighting a defensive battle. He gets inside Rane's range, daring the big man to hit him! X snaps a fast kick to Rane's midsection that briefly stuns the big man, then follows up with a flurry of right and left hands that stagger the Goliath back into a corner!! X doesn't let up, using all of his speed to pummel Rane and keep the former champ off balance!! Curry: This is a long match! X needs to conserve some energy! NTD: But all of the conserved energy in the world doesn't mean a thing if Rane throws you out of the match in the first two minutes!! Curry: Speaking of which... The crowd counts down the final three seconds until a huge air horn goes off... "Anarchy in the U.K" by the Sex Pistols starts to play!!! Curry: It's Rotten!!! Johnny Rotten!!! Rotten hits the ring just as Stryke is pulling Merc up and trying top lift him over the ropes!! Rotten drops to one knee and lands a shoulder in the back of Stryke's knee, causing him to fall! Merc hits the mat next to him! Stryke is looking for the assailant, but Rotten has other priorities!! He immediately pops back to his feet and charges towards Rane and X!! X still has the advantage, but Rane has managed to push his way out of the corner!! Rotten steps right behind X, throws his arms around the Bastard's neck locking in a choke hold!! Rane takes the opportunity to send a hard kick into X's stomach that blasts all the air out of him!! Rotten then lifts up and drops him down on his back, nailing the Rotten Urangue!! Rotten is back to his feet in an instant, but Rane sees only a victim to be destroyed!! He reaches out with both hands and grabs Rotten by the throat and lifts him high in the air, sp[ins him around and plants him on the mat with a nasty November Rane!!! On the other side of the ring, Merc has used Rotten's distraction to get the advantage over Stryke. He pulls him off the mat, then grabs Stryke's right hand, twisting it into a hammerlock. He continues the twist while holding the lock in place, putting Stryke in a hammerlock front facelock underneath his left arm. He then pulls up on the hammerlocked arm, simultaneously throwing himself backwards, driving the opponent's head into a crushing DDT!! NTD: The Pipedream!! Ouch!! Curry: And now the only two men standing are Rane and Mercury!! Both men get to their feet at about the same time, with every intention of starting the eliminations!! But then they see each other! The crowd starts to pop, expecting to see a massive brawl erupt between two of the WF's legendary stars!! They approach each other as the other three men start to recover their bearings around the periphery of the ring!! They meet in the center of the ring, standing toe to toe!! The crowd is just going nuts now!! Curry: NTD, this is a classic confrontation!! These two have been around for a long time!! These two have won multiple belts and set the standard for competition in the IGNWF!! NTD: That's right, and in the biggest match of the year, it looks like they are set to destroy each other!! Rane starts the verbal assault, tearing into Mercury!! Merc doesn't respond, preferring to stare right into Rane's eyes!! The bigger man increases his tirade, and punctuates his remarks with little pushes to Merc's chest!! Around them, the other three are just starting to get to their knees. All of them are looking at what is about to happen, and all of them decide they don't want any part of that, instead wanting to pick up the pieces after it is over!! Merc responds to the push by pushing back. Rane is getting red in the face now! Merc starts the fight by swinging hard and connecting with Rane's face!!! Rane rears back and returns the blow!! Merc blocks it and punches again!! Rane is a little stunned and Mercury continues to punish him, but the big man will not go down!! On the edge of the ring, Rotten and X have locked up, each of them trying to get the advantage!! Stryke watches the proceedings with interest, but is trying to keep a low profile as some of the greatest WFers of all time slug it out around him!!! Then the air horn hits again!!! "Dope Hat" by Marilyn Manson blares over the speakers as Jay Dawg charges out of the back and into the ring, a kendo stick in his hand!! Curry: And Jay Dawg pulled position number 6!! NTD: It looks like he wants a little insurance in this match, by way of a big stick!! Curry: I can't say as I blame him!! JD dives into the ring, but is met with a series of stomps from Stryke!! The kendo stick flies out of his hand and skitters across the ring, coming to rest right by Rotten and X! X sees it and sends a fast kick into Rotten's gut, breaking the lockup!! With a fast move, X places his foot under the kendo stick and kick it up to his hand!! Once there, he delivers a brutal shot to the top of Rotten's head that staggers him back!! In the center of the ring, Mercury throws himself back into the ropes to get a little momentum to hopefully knock Rane off his feet!! But the big ring veteran catches Merc's arm, spins him around and into a full nelson!!! Meanwhile, Stryke is all over Jay Dawg, who has yet to get to his feet!! Finally, Stryke pulls JD to his feet and lays in with a nasty chop to the chest!! (Whoo!!) Another!! (Whoo!) One more!! (Whoo!!) Stryke winds up for another, but JD throws up an arm in desperation to block it, and succeeds!! JD follows up with a big headbutt that staggers Stryke back!! In the center of the ring, Rane pulls Merc off his feet, then powers him down into the mat!!! Rane stands tall in the center of the ring, looking for another victim!! Curry: I'm not sure Rane is interested in eliminating anybody NTD!! It looks like he is just here to maim and destroy!! NTD: And he is so good at it!!! In the far corner, Rotten is on the mat, trying to protect himself from the series of strikes by X with the kendo stick!! X sends in a last, brutal overhead strike and seems satisfied with the destruction he caused! He drops the kendo stick to his side and pulls Rotten up by the hair, then tries to lift him up and over the top rope!! Rotten has enough wits left to hang on for dear life to that top rope!! On the other side of the ring, JD takes a moment to shake his head and orient himself after the brutal gangland destruction he suffered at the hands of Stryke! But the JL superstar isn't out of it yet!! He is crouched a few feet from JD, winding up ris right leg!! JD focuses on Stryke and starts to move towards him!! But just as he starts to move, Stryke unleashes a massive superkick that catches JD right under the jaw!! He flips back over the top rope and lands hard on the outside, one hand immediately checking to see if his jaw is still located where it is supposed to be!! Curry: That's it!! The first elimination!! Stryke, the rookie, eliminates Jay Dawg with the Heatseeker Superkick!! ************ Jay Dawg Entered: 6th Left: 1st Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: Stryke Left in Ring: X, Stryke, Mercury, Rane, Johnny Rotten ************ Stryke is standing at the ropes looking pretty winded and watching Jay Dawg walk slowly up the ramp to the back. He is laughing just a little, but stops suddenly when two huge hands grab his legs and lift him up, flipping him over the top rope!! He lands on his feet outside in a ready position, then realizes what that means! He curses to himself and looks back at the ring to see the monstrous Rane standing where he used to be!! ************ Stryke Entered: 2nd Left: 2nd Eliminated: Jay Dawg Eliminated by: Rane Left in the ring: X, Mercury, Rane, Johnny Rotten ************ Curry: And Stryke is gone! But NTD, you have to admit, that was a pretty good showing for his first shot at the WF!! NTD: Indeed it was Curry! I expect good things from this kid! Mercury is getting to his feet on one side of the ring while X is still struggling to get Rotten over. Rane stomps over towards them, tready to lift the both of them out in one fell swoop, but Merc runs at the behemoth and strikes fast and hard with a spinning heel kick that catches Rane in between steps and topples him!! In the corner, Rotten appears to have had enough of this "tossing me out" crap. He locks his legs around the rope and starts a brutal offensive series aimed at X's head and shoulders!! The fans are counting down to the next entrant as Merc pounds away at Rane's face with a series of closed fists and Rotten manages to get X to let go, and drops to the mat. Curry: Who is the next man in the match? NTD: I'm hoping for Neilsen!!! Curry: We'll see in two... one... ::Air Horn Blast:: Demonic Refusal" by Testament hits the speakers!! The crowd lets loose with a torrent of boos!!! Curry: It's no man at all!! It's The Mistress!!!! NTD: This could be fun!!! The Mistress, whip in her right hand runs down the ramp and dives into the ring!! A quick snap of the whip and it wraps around Mercury's neck!! She flicks her wrist and drags him off Rane, who appears to be nearly out of it in the center of the ring!! Mistress Sarah uses the whip to reel in Mercury, who fights it every inch of the way!! Across the ring, X and Rotten both see the newcomer and Rane in the center of the ring!! Rotten moves in towards Rane as X goes after Sarah!! He charges across the ring and spears he right into next week!! As she falls she lets go of the whip and Mercury immediately starts to unwrap it from his throat!! Meanwhile, Rotten picks up the discarded kendo stick and goes to work on Rane, who is just starting to get to his hands and knees! Rotten just opens up on Rane with a fast and brutal series of shots that drop the big man right back to the mat!! Rotten doesn't let up though, focusing his attack on the shoulders and ribs of the former champ!! NTD: Rotten is letting Rane have it Curry!! This is vintage Rotten right now, taking every advantage he can get from any situation!! Curry: True enough NTD! But look at Mercury!! He is in a bad way right now!! That extended choking from The Mistress' whip took a lot out of him!! Near Mercury, X is pulling Sarah to her feet. He takes a step back from her and sends a lightning fast kick to her temple that drops her to her knees, dazed from the concussion of the blast!! X starts his dancing, almost hypnotic Capoeira footwork, measuring up The Mistress for another shot!! She shakes her head and lunges to her feet, narrowly avoiding an X kick!! She charges into him, driving them both into the near corner!! She starts punching X, then steps back, and charges in!! X steps aside and lets he shoot between the middle and top ropes, right into the steel post!! In the center of the ring, Rotten is slowing down on the kendo stick attacks, looking to make more of an impact! He steps back, letting the ever-durable Rane start to push his way to his knees again, then Rotten steps behind him and winds up!! With a huge backswing, Rotten brings his foot up hard into Rane's crotch!! The big man falls forward onto his face!! Rotten lets out a triumphant yell and grabs a handful of hair to pull Rane up to his feet!! ::Air Horn Blast:: Curry: Another two minutes is up!! Who's next? "Scum of the Earth" by Rob Zombie begins to play!! Another chorus of boos floods the arena floor as the Nuclear One himself, Fallout charges down to the ring!! NTD: Look out world, here comes the Light-Heavyweight Champion!! He has really been on a tear lately hasn't he Curry!! Curry: Right... except for losing the Hardcore-Gamer's Belt and the Tag Belt, he has been invincible... NTD: Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your voice? Curry: Nah.... Fallout makes it to the ring and dives in... heading straight for Rotten!!! He tackles him hard and both men begin to brawl around the ring, throwing fast punches with a real hatred!! On the other side of the ring, Sarah slumps to the mat, he left hand holding her right shoulder!! X, a little winded from the fast action so far, takes a second to rest against the ropes! But that is just the opening Mercury was looking for!! He charges across the ring and throws a hard clothesline at X's face!! But the Bastard sees it just in time!! He throws himself back and over the top rope!! Mercury catches just a little of X with the clotheline, but manages to throw on the brakes, keeping himself from flying out over the top rope!! X wants him gone though and follows through with his flip, catching Mercury wiith both feet, nailing him on the back of the head and dragging him over the top!! Merc collapses hard to the mat outside the ring as X uses his hold on the top rope to flip himself back up, over and into the ring!!! Curry: My God, what a maneuver by X!!! NTD: That has to be one of the most spectacular eliminations I have ever seen!! ************ Mercury Entered: 3rd Left: 3rd Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: X Left in Ring: X, Rane, Johnny Rotten, The Mistress, Fallout ************ In the ring, Fallout and Rotten have managed to make it to their feet, but are still brawling away!!! It is intense! Both men have the other by the hair and using their other hands to wail away on their opponent's face and head!! Fallout pushes Rotten up against the ropes, and really starts to pound away, trying to tip him up and over!! IN the background, Rane is finally getting to his feet!! Fallout rears back as far as he can and sends a headbutt in at Rotten!! Rotten returns the favor!! There is blood everywhere as both men's noses start to gush!! A kick by Rotten ensures that Fallout lets go for just a second! But that is enough as Rotten steps around Fallout and tries to lock in a choke hold on him!! But Fallout is too fgresh and too fast!! He grabs Rotten's arm spins, coming face-to-face with Rotten!! On instinct, Fallout pulls Rotten into a front facelock, steps to the side to get a little clear of the ropes, then jumps back, planting Rotten's face into the mat with the Meltdown!!!! NTD: Meltdown on Rotten!!! Meltdown on Rotten!!! Curry: That will be hard to come back from!! Rane is on his feet now, as is X. The Mistress is still nursing a hurt shoulder and trying to regain some feeling in it before re-entering the fray! Fallout peels Rotten off the mat and hurls him at the ropes!! Rotten flips up and over, landing on his back outside the ring!! Fallout is jubilant for a moment before Rane grabns him by the back of the neck... lifts him up... and chokeslams him face-first out of the ring!!! NTD: Damn!!! What a display of power by the big man!! Curry: Two eliminations in less that five seconds!!! ************ Johnny Rotten Entered: 5th Left: 4th Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: Fallout Left in the Ring: X, Rane, The Mistress, Fallout ************ ************ Fallout Entered: 8th Left: 5th Eliminated: Johnny Rotten Eliminated by: Rane Left in Ring: X, Rane, The Mistress ************ Rane is obviously hurt as he slumps against the ropes. X sees this and runs at the ropes across the ring from Rane, bouncing off and rocketing towards the monster!! Finally, taking a deep breath, Rane stands up straight and turns around... right into a massive missile dropkick from X!!!! Rane falls back against the ropes as X hits the mat!! Rane is almost over, but his incredible bulk and low center of gravity keep him in the ring!! On the outside, Rotten is leaving the ringside area, but Fallout sees Rane's predicament and decides to get a little revenge!! He hops up onto the ring apron, grabs Rane's arms and jumps back off the apron, pulling Rane backwards!! In the ring, X grabs a foot in each hand and pushes with all his strength!! Rane tries to fight it off, but between them, Fallout and X have him out of the ring!! NTD: Rane is out!! Rane is out!!! Curry: The big man has been eliminated!!! ************ Rane Entered: 4th Left 6th Eliminated: Stryke, Fallout Eliminated by: X Left in the ring: X, The Mistress ************ X gets to his feet and staggers back... right into the waiting arms of Mistress Sarah!!! She grabs his arm and spins, putting X into an armlock and doubling him over!! The crowd is starting to countdown to the next entrant... She brings her leg up and around in a big axe kick right across the neck of X and driving him hard into the mat!!! Curry: The Refusal!!! The Mistress just planted X with the Rufusal!! ::Air Horn Blast:: NTD: And time is up!! Here comes the next wrestler!!! ::Crack:: Born Bad by the Gone Jackals hits the arena and the crowd, for the first time in a while, greets the newcomer with a huge cheer!! Curry: It's "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens!!! NTD: This isn't good for the Mistress!! The last time these two were in a ring together, they tore each other apart!! Stevens got the win, but Sarah choked him out after the match!! Grand Slam makes his appearance, running down to the ring!! Inside, Sarah looks like she has seen a ghost!! Without a shirt it is easy to see the welts from the brutal whip shots she delivered to Grand Slam last week are just starting to fade!! He jumps to the ring apron and steps over the tope rope, his eyes staring holes through The Mistress!! She backs off a little, leaving X near the ropes and flat on his face. Grand Slam doesn't give her a chance to beg off though and goes on the offensive right away!! He lays into Sarah with a wicked knife-edge chop!! Curry: Can I get a Whoo!! from the congregation!!! Another!! (Whoo!!) One more for good measure!! (Whoo!!) Sarah is backed into a corner and slumped over in pain! Grand Slam grabs one arm and powers her across the ring! She blasts back first into the opposite turnbuckles and hangs there like a scarecrow! Grand Slam stalks across the ring to the cheers of the fans!! He pulls Sarah out of the corner and into a front facelock, throws her arm over the back of his neck, grabs and handful of tights and throws her up and over with a devastating snap suplex!! Sarah hits the mat and lays there, obviously stunned by the ferocity of the attack! Grand Slam surveys the situation. X is still getting to his feet, Sarah is nearly out in the center of the ring and he's got another 45 seconds or so before the next person comes in. With a smile, he raises his right arm in the air and spins it around!! Curry: That's the signal for the Walk-Off!! He's going to try and put Sarah out of it right now!! NTD: That's a dumb move Curry Man!! He should just pick her up and eliminate her!! The fans go nuts for the signal and start to cheer like banshees!! Grand Slam pulls Sarah off the mat and into a standing head-scissors, hooks both arms, takes a deep breath... then falls over stunned by a shot from the kendo stick!! NTD: X hit Grand Slam with the kendo stick to stop the Walk-Off!! Now that is strategy!! Curry: What kind of strategy is that? One less person in the ring is one person closer to the end of the match!! NTD: That's true, but X has been in there a while, and he has taken a lot of damage! He needs to keep the fresher guys like Grand Slam distracted by someone else as long as he can so he can get a few breaths!! All three of them are down in the ring! X is recovering the fastest, pulling himself up by the ring ropes. Sarah is starting to come around in the center of the ring while Grand Slam is still on the mat, both hands wrapped around his head and his feet kicking from the pain of the nasty shot to the head!! The crowd starts the countdown!! X makes it to his feet, starts towards Grand Slam... ::Air Horn Blast:: "Let the bodies hit the floor... " "Let the bodies hit the floor..." "Let the bodies hit the floor..." "Let the bodies hit the..." Suddenly, two symbols crash and the voice shouts, "Flooooooooooooooooorrrrr!" The crowd erupts as Sacred appears on the entrance ramp and jogs down to the ring!! X sees who is coming and lets out an audible sigh, then starts to dance around, getting ready for a fight!! NTD: I guess X was hoping for someone else Curry!! Curry: I don't care who your friends are NTD; in this match, everybody is equal!! Besides, the last person I want to see in this match is the reigning US Champion!! He has been on a roll lately that is unparalleled in the history of the league!! Sacred steps into the ring and faces off with X!! The Bastard looks tired and it shows in his Capoeira steps. They are slower than normal, more deliberate. Sacred eyes him carefully, then steps in to grab X!! But the ICTV Champion is on the ball, and steps away from Sacred's arms! Fast kick to the ribcage, another kick to the throat and an open handed strike to the side of the head leaves Sacred a little dazed!! X bounces a round a little, waiting... Sacred swings, trying to nail X in the head, but The Bastard drops to the mat, and scissor sweeps Sacred right off his feet!! Elsewhere in the ring, Grand Slam has pulled himself to his feet and is standing unsteadily in the corner. There is a small cut above his right eye that is seeping just a little blood. The Mistress is also back to her feet, but in the corner across from Grand Slam. She is eyeing him warily, trying to keep track of all three men in the ring. NTD: Look at that!! Grand Slam is busted wide open!! Curry: You've got to be kidding! I've had worse cuts shaving! Without thinking, totally on automatic pilot, X pops to his feet, scissors Sacred's left arm, claps once and falls back!! Scared lets out a loud scream as X locks in the Floorgasm!!! The crowd is booing!! Grand Slam sees what is happening and moves towards sacred and X!! Sarah takes a stuttering step to intercept!! X pops back to his feet!! The Mistress grabs up her whip again!! Grand Slam grabs X from behind in a waist lock, shakes him a little to unwrap X's foot from Sacred's arm, then powers him up and over with a big-time German Suplex!!! X crashes into the mat!! Grand Slam pops back to his feet, alert and ready, but The Mistress attacks from behind, lashing him with the whip from four feet away!! The Heavy Hitter arches his back and falls to his knees, one hand immediately trying to find the source of the pain and eliminate it! Sacred is still on the mat cradling his left arm and shoulder! X is collapsed in a heap across the ring!! The crowd starts to countdown to the next entrance!! Sarah winds up her whip and takes another shot at Grand Slam, this time catching him on the back of the right shoulder and splitting the skin a little!! ::Air Horn Blast:: The speakers erupt with the roar of a lion followed by Guns and Roses "Welcome to the Jungle." The crowd isn't sure how to react, so they settle on a loud cheer for the returning Neilsen of the Jungle!! He rockets down to the ring, looking like a black and blue guided missile!! NTD: Yes!! This is a great time for Neilsen to come into the match!! Everybody has been beaten up a little and his style is so perfect for taking advantage of that!! Curry: One problem with that!! We still have another five entrants to go, including the rest of the Midnight Carnival and the leader of the Clan, Thoth!! NTD: Bah!! That means nothing to the MotherF**kin' King of MY Jungle!! Curry: Yikes... and you were doing so well... In the ring, X has rolled to the ropes nearest the announcer's table and hooked an arm over the bottom rope. He is out of breath and sweating profusely, showing the brutal contest he has been in since the start!! Sarah has closed with Grand Slam and is using the whip to choke Grand Slam, trying to cut off his oxygen supply!! Sacred is trying hard to get to his feet, his left arm is hanging limply from the shoulder! Neilsen slides into the ring and pops to his feet, looking for a kill!! He sets his sights on the only one standing, The Mistress!! She is intent on choking out Grand Slam, and never sees the Jungle King sneak around behind her! He sends a nasty shot into the back of her head that causes her to stagger forward and drop the whip! He grabs her arm and spins her around! Kick to the stomach! He pulls her into a front facelock, lets out a roar, twists her head around onto his shoulder and drops to his rear, nailing the Neilsen McTwist!! Sarah drops to the mat like a rag doll!! Meanwhile, Grand Slam pushes himself to his feet, staggering away from the choke and trying to find a chance to catch a breath!! Sacred is finally back to his feet and shaking his head, trying to clear away the cobwebs when Grand Slam bumps into him from behind!! Sacred doesn't hesitate, sending a hard elbow into Grand Slam's stomach, doubling the big man over!! Sacred grabs him over the left arm and pulls the Heavy Hitter into a front facelock!! Sacred jumps a little in the air and kicks his legs, falling forward and driving Grand Slam into the mat face first!! Both men hit the mat hard, Sacred immediately clutching at his shoulder again!! NTD: I'm not sure that Cruel Fate was such a good idea Curry!! That took a lot out of Sacred as well as dropping Grand Slam for a few minutes!! Curry: I don't think Sacred thought about it NTD!! I think that was totally on instinct! This match is so chaotic and so brutal that you almost have to go on autopilot and let your years and years of training take over!! Sacred pulls himself painfully to his feet. The Mistress and Grand Slam are both down on opposite sides of the ring! X is still clinging to the bottom rope catching his breath. He looks a ton better now, his breathing is slower and looks more aware of his surroundings! Neilsen is on his feet and reaching fro Sarah's limp body, trying to pull her up to eliminate her, but he steps back and nearly trips over one of X's legs!! In a rage, he turns and starts to lay the boot in, pounding away on a prone X!! Across the ring, Sacred pulls his aching body to its feet and sees Neilsen across the ring right at the ropes!! He walks across the ring and puts an arm between Neilsen's legs and lifts, catching the Jungle King by surprise and flipping him over the top rope!! X thes the opportunity to get the heck out of dodge, rolling out of the ring under the bottom rope! But, with cat-like grace, Neilsen grabs the top rope and twists in the air, landing on the ring apron!! With a snake-like strike, he lances out his right arm and drives the fingers into Sacred's left shoulder!! The Scared One lets out a yell of pain!! Neilsen pulls on the top rope and rolls into the ring across Sacred's back, landing behind him!! Sacred starts to turn, only to get caust with a fast superkick from Neilsen that sends him back first against the ropes!! The crowd is starting to countdown to the next WF Superstar!! Neilsen jumps in the air and sends a brutal spinning heel kick right into Sacred's throat!! With a groan, the Sacred One flips over the top rope and falls to the ground outside!!! Curry: Neilsen just eliminated the US Champion!! Sacred is gone!! ************ Sacred Entered: 10th Left: 7th Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: Neilsen of the Jungle Left in the ring: X, The Mistress, Grand Slam, Neilsen of the Jungle ************ ::Air Horn Blast:: The PA System comes alive with a growling sound from a dog, then two barks. "I had to hussle, my back to the wall, ashy knuckles" --- Record's Scratching --- The crowd just goes nuts with heel heat as Perfect Bo steps out from behind the curtain and starts the long, slow walk to the ring. In the ring, Neilsen sees him coming and gets set for a bull rush! Sarah pulls herself up in the corner, shaking her head like it is full of whipped cream. Outside, Sacred departs the ringside area with a scowl and X is digging around under the ring for something! Back in the ring, Grand Slam pushes himself up in the corner by the entrance ramp!! Bo steps into the ring, eyes locked on Neilsen, rage seething in his eyes. The Jungle King is ready for anything, and is calling Bo out!! Enraged, the Perfect One starts to stride forward, but Grand Slam leaps out of the corner and tackles Bo from behind!!! Neilsen starts to laugh until Sarah drops to a knee behind him and brings her arm up, delivering the aptly named Women's Wile!! Clutching himself, Neilsen drops to the mat as a ticked off Mistress goes to work on Neilsen!! Outside the ring, X seems to have found what he was looking for! He gets back to his feet and drags an ice shovel out from under the ring!! He dives into the ring, dragging the shovel behind him!! On the other side of the ring, Grand Slam has Bo in the corner and is stomping a mudhole in him and walking it dry!! The crowd is going nuts as he pulls Bo back to his feet and lays in a hard chop!! (Whoo!!) X sees this and makes a bee line for Grand Slam, wielding the shovel over his head like an axe!!! Grand Slam rears back for another shot, but Bo just got to this party, and it ain't time to leave yet!! He grabs Grand Slam by the throat with two huge and and spins around, sending the Heavy Hitter into the corner instead!! But X can't pull up in time and delivers a hard shot to Bo's back with the flat side of the shovel!! Bo arches his back and staggers out of the corner!! X looks upset, and focuses his rage on Grand Slam!! NTD: Uh-Oh!! Bo is not going to be happy about that!!! Curry: Is Bo ever happy about anything? NTD: True, but this is the worst thing in the world to Bo!! This is betrayal!! On the other side of the ring, Sarah pulls Neilsen up to his feet by the hair. She swings with a hard right, connecting to his temple!! She winds up gain, but the Jungle King blocks it and sends in a strike of his own!! She staggers back a bit, but doesn't fall!! Neilsen swings again, but it is Sarah's turn to block!! She pulls Neilsen into her elbow, dazing him momentarily!! Then, she pushes him away, axes her leg up and hooking Neilsen around the neck with her leg, presses her foot against his chest, then sits down. Neilsen bounces a little when he hits the mat then lies still!! Sarah takes a second to recover, then pulls the Jungle King off the mat!! Curry: This is getting out of control NTD!! There is a lot of history between some of the people on that ring and it will get out of hand real fast!! NTD: But this is Clusterf**k!! Every man or woman for themselves!! Friends and enemies are a moot point Curry!! On the other side of the ring, X turns the blade of the shovel so the sharp edge is down, the swings down hard at Grand Slam!! As the assembled crowd gasps in horror, Grand Slam barely avoids death by dropping down to a sitting position!! The shovel nails the tope turnbuckle, splitting it wide open!!! Nearby, Bo is getting his bearings. With an evil sneer, he sets his sights on X!! He takes a step, then lashes out with a hard right hook that catches The Bastard right in the face!! X falls straight back, dropping the ice shovel to the mat where it sits for a second until Bo kicks it out of the ring!! Grand Slam sees Bo going after X and decides that there are bigger fish to fry!! He starts across the ring after The Mistress!!! The Mistress has pulled Neilsen to his feet and whipped him into the corner!! Once there, she sends a series of lightning-quick kicks and punches into his chest and stomach, keeping the King of the MotherF**kin' Jungle pacified for a second or two!! The crowd is yelling out 7... 6... 5... The Mistress climbs to the top rope, pulling Neilsen up to the second rope!! She gets him in a front facelock... ::Air Horn Blast:: The words "So says the Clan" are whispered through the arena. The crowd lets loose another torrent of boos and jeers as At The Drive In's "Enfilade" begins to play!! NTD: Things are about to get real interesting, 'cause here comes Thoth!!! The leader of the clan, sans the black robes, steps out onto the stage. Taking his time and walking with purpose, he strides down to the ring... Curry: Thoth looks as determined as I have ever seen him NTD!! NTD: And why not? This match is important to Thoth!! This is a great stepping stone to the main event and a chance at Thugg's belt!! Curry: True enough! And don't forget Ladies and Gentlemen, the World Title Match is coming up right after Clusterf**k!! HVT defends his title against the Suicide King!! Sarah is about to jump forward and bury Neilsen when Grand Slam runs into the ropes!! The Mistress loses her footing and starts to fall, but lets go of Neilsen and uses her hands to catch herself! She ends up in a sitting position on the top rope! Neilsen fall forward, planting himself face-first into the mat!! Grand Slam steps up to the top rope, pulls Sarah up in front of him and into a Full Nelson!! NTD: Oh No!! He wouldn't!! Grand Slam and The Mistress are standing on the top rope, unsteady by solid!! With a deep breath, Grand Slam pulls Sarah up and throws her down with the Grand Slam Face-first Full Nelson Slam!!! She rockets out of the ring and nails the steel ring steps face first!! She flops limply to the ground and lays there, eyes closed and a trickle of blood coming from her mouth!! ************ The Mistress Entered: 7th Left: 8th Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens Left in the ring: X, Grand Slam, Neilsen of the Jungle, Perfect Bo, Thoth ************ Grand Slam looks quickly behind him and sees Neilsen still on the mat! With a shout out to the fans, Grand Slam jumps backwards off the top rope, flipping once in the air and landing a devastating moonsault... on nothing!! Neilsen rolled out of the way just in time!! Curry: What a gamble by the Heavy Hitter!! NTD: I can't believe what he did to The Mistress!! Curry, I'll be right back... (sound of a set of headphones being dropped) Curry: I don't think Grand Slam saw what happened to Sarah!! His focus went immediately back to the match!! I don't think he saw The Mistress impact the stairs like that!! While all of that was happening, Bo pulls X to his feet and into a standing head-scissors! He grabs X by the waist and flips him up to sit on his shoulders. But just as he is about to drive him down, Thoth dives into the ring and kicks Bo right in the kidney!! With a heave, Bo finishes the Powerbomb, but at only about half-strength! X hits the mat hard and skids to a stop in the corner!! Thoth steps to Bo's side and sends a fast kick to Bo's stomach, doubling him over!! Quickly, the Cannite has Bo set up for a pumphandle slam, but at the top he lets Bo fall over his shoulder, and falls back to the mat himself, completeing the innovative Pumphandle Suplex!! Thoth rolls back to his feet and looks around the ring. In his corner, Bo and X are recovering and in the other, Neilsen is pushing himself to his feet and looking at Grand Slam like a tiger looks at an injured antelope. Thoth pulls Bo to his feet and into a front facelock. But Bo isn't ready to give up yet!! He grabs Thoth around the waist and flips him over, nailing a powerful Northern Lights Suplex!!! Both men hit the mat hard and don't move!! X is on his feet again and looking at the two big men on the mat in front of him! He turns and hops up to the top rope. Thoth is starting to push his way up! X is readying himself for a leap... but Bobby Riley comes charging down the ramp, flies up the steps and pushes X off the top rope and into the ring!!! Immediately refs come flying out of the woodwork to keep Riley out of the ring!! On the other side, outside of the ring, NTD, pantless as always but wearing a very fashionable pair of black sequined boxers, is hovering over Sarah and calling for EMTs!! Finally, they appear from backstage carrying a backboard and neck brace!! NTD makes sure they have the situation under control and heads back to the announce table! In the ring, Neilsen is on his feet and pulling Grand Slam up! Once to his feet, Neilsen pulls him in close and wraps his arm across Grand Slam's chest, looking for the Book-End, but the Heavy Hitter has other plans!! He gets his arm free and wraps them around Neilsen's waist!! With a stomp of his foot, he sends the Jungle King over his head with a belly-to-belly suplex!! Neilsen hits the ring ropes and falls straight down, landing on his neck and back!! Grand Slam collapses to the mat, gasping for breath!! Curry: This match is taking a lot out of all the competitors!! NTD: Well, this is a long and brutal match with very few chances to rest!! ::Air Horn Blast:: NTD: Gee, I wonder who this is... "Eye of the Tiger" echoes around the arena!! The refs let Riley go and he climbs into the ring! He goes right after X, pounding the ICTV Champ's head into the mat over and over!! Thoth is on his feet. He stomps down hard on Bo's head several times, pulls him off the mat, hooks both arms and drops him back with a hard double-arm DDT!! Thoth gets back to his feet and pulls Bo up! He winds up, pushing Bo away before bringing him back hard, trying to get him out of the ring, but as he pushes the Thug, his elbow connects with Riley's arm, jostling his grip enough to let Bo go!! The Perfect One doesn't look a gift horse in the mouth and runs across the ring!! Thoth is ticked and, without resetting his feet, snaps a roundhouse kick that collides with Bobby Riley's head!! X sees an opportunity and clotheslines Riley right out of the ring!! Riley hits the ground hard and is pissed!!! He tries to climb back into the ring, going after Thoth, but those same refs are there to restrain him!! ************ Bobby Riley Entered: 14th Left: 9th Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: X Left in the ring: X, Grand Slam, Neilsen of the Jungle, Perfect Bo, Thoth ************ Bobby Riley slowly goes backstage, but he stares daggers at Thoth the whole time!! Thoth turns his attention to a battered and tired X! X tries to get his legs and feet moving, but they are like lead now!! Thoth smiles and starts to close!! On the other side of the ring, Neilsen rolls out under the bottom rope and staggers towards the announcer's table!! Bo sees his old nemesis Grand Slam pushing himself up! Bo takes advantage and sends a brutal right hook into Grand Slam's temple that staggers the Heavy Hitter!! Looking across the ring, Bo sees Thoth grab X and whip him hard across the ring!! Bounce back, Thoth charges across the ring, catches X's arm and nails a falling arm drag that leaves both men down just off the center of the ring!! Bo sees the opening and whips Grand Slam all the way across the ring and into the opposite turnbuckles!! The Heavy Hitter goes in hard chest first!! He staggers back, both hands holding his sternum!! Bo charges across the ring after him, nailing an avalanche into the corner!! The impact cauises the already split top turnbuckle to come off, exposing the metal linkage beneath!! With a sadistic smile, Bo sees the metal and grabs a handful of Grand Slam's hair!! Outside the ring , Neilsen walks over to Curry and NTD's table. He reaches out and grabs NTD's water bottle, sucking down most of it in one long drink!! NTD: Hey, you jerk, that's... Curry: Umm, that may have been the wrong thing to say. NTD: umm... all yours now... Neilsen of my... err... the Jungle... Curry: Uh-Oh.... Neilsen hears everything NTD says, calmly finishes drinking the water, then starts nailing NTD over the head with the empty container!! NTD reacts like he is being shot, even though it is just a flimsy plastic bottle!! Finally, NTD falls off his chair and Neilsen grabs Curry's water. The Lord of the Jungle turns his attention back to the ring as he enjoys a refreshing drink of cold water! In the ring, Thoth is back on his feet and kicking the living crap out of X!! The Bastards appears to have nothing left in the tank and is just rolling on the mat!! Meanwhile, Bo pul;ls Grand Slam's head back and slams it hard into the exposed turnbuckle!! He pulls it back and slams it again!! Again, again!! He pulls Grand Slam's head back and shows the crowd the effects of his attack!! Grand Slam is bleeding from a huge cut over his eye, and the blood is flowing freely down his face!! The crowd is starting to chant along with the countdown clock on the IGNTron... 5... 4... 3... Not too far away, Thoth bends over to pick X up, but The Bastard has one trick left in his book!! He throws his legs up and scissors Thoth's neck, trying to pull him over to the mat! But the Clan Leader is just too fresh and pulls X off the mat, then spins around until X is hanging over the top rope!! He drops X on the rope, grabs his legs and flips him out of the ring!!! Curry: X has finally been eliminated!! What a show by The Bastard!! NTD, I don't think anybody gave X a chance in this match, but he proved a lot of things to a lot of people!!! NTD: urkffggg... Curry: Sorry, my partner is still suffering the effects of that attack by Neilsen... sheesh... ************ X Entered: 1st Left: 10th Eliminated: Rane, Bobby Riley Eliminated by: Thoth Left in the ring: Grand Slam, Neilsen, Perfect Bo, Thoth ************ ::Air Horn Blast:: Curry: Well, we know who this will be!! Since El Luchadore Magnifico won the 16th spot in a match last week, this can only be... "Battleflag" by the Lo-Fidelity All-Stars blasts around the arena as Edwin MacPhisto makes his appearance to a huge roar from the crowd!!! Curry: The Crown Prince of Flash and Panache himself!!!! NTD: My head hurts... He charges down the ring, a baseball bat in his hand!! When he nears the ring, he yells out "Mark!!!" Bo looks over at the entering wrestler and sees him toss the baseball bat to Mark Stevens, who catches it in his right hand!! Edwin slides in under the bottom rope and goes right after Thoth!!! In the corner, Bo has a brief "Oh Crap" moment before Grand Slam brings the baseball bat upside his thug head!! Bo steps away, but the Heavy Hitter is on fire!! He sends bat shot after bat shot into Bo's head and midsection!! He turns his attack to drive Bo sideways into the ropes!! Bo is bleeding from the nose and mouth and he appears to be all but out of it!! Outside, Neilsen finishes Curry's water and slides back into the ring, picking up the discarded kendo stick as he goes!! Edwin spears Thoth right out of his boots as the Clannite turns around from depositing X on the outside!! Edwin is on top of Thoth blasting away with rights and lefts!!! On the other side of the ring, Grand Slam has Bo right where he wants him!! He takes a step back, winds up and swings for the fences!! He connects right to the side of Bo's head, flipping him up and over the top rope!!! Grand Slam has no time to celebrate however, as Neilsen clips him from behind with the kendo stick, dropping the Heavy Hitter to his knees!! ************ Perfect Bo Entered: 12th Left: 12th Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens Left in the ring: Grand Slam, Neilsen, Thoth, Edwin MacPhisto ************ NTD: This could be bad for everyone else!! The tag champs are in the ring together, and in about 45 seconds, their partner El Luchadore Magnifico will be joining them!! Curry: Welcome back to the land of the living NTD. Any other thoughts? NTD: Yeah, its "the pain". Curry: What? NTD: From the beginning of the match, you asked me what "it" was? Curry: OK, now I am really confused... NTD: I said the JLers could really bring it, and you asked what it was. It is the pain. The JLers can really bring the pain. Curry: Oh my God, no more bumps for you.... Neilsen takes a step back and lets Grand Slam get to his feet, baseball bat still in hand!! He gestures to him with the Kendo stick, then swings hard at the Heavy Hitter's face!! Grand Slam blocks with the barrel of the bat, twists his wrists and brings the bat in at Neilsen's head! Neilsen ducks back and swings low at Grand Slam's legs!! Grand Slam swings down hard, knocking the kendo stick aside!! Neilsen rolls away and pops back to his feet!! Grand Slam closes fast, feints at the head of Neilsen then drops to one knee and tries to take the Jungle King's legs out from under him!! Neilsen flips forward over a crouched Grand Slam and swings down right at Grand Slam's back!! But Stevens lets his bat continue the swing, bringing his arms up and knocking Neilsen's blow away from his back!! Grand Slam pushes himself to his feet and turns to face the Jungle King who drops the kendo stick and smiles at the bigger man!! NTD: What the hell is this? A fencing tournament? Get back to wrestling you clods!! The crowd, captivated by this fast weapons prowess, lets out a huge cheer!! Grand Slam, his face covered in blood, glances around at the crowd... and Neilsen makes him pay for it with a fast kick to the crotch!! Curry: That was totally uncalled for!! Meanwhile, Edwin pulls Thoth to his feet and goes for the "Cocktail O'Shame" with a fast slap to the right side of the Clannites' face, a fast swipe at the left, then he winds up, looking for the final humiliating strike to end Thoth's chances, but the Clan Leader steps aside and shoots his hand out fast, catching MacPhisto in the throat right under his chin!! Edwin doesn't give up though!! he drops to one knee, wiggles his hips a little, sticks out his tongue at his opponent and delivers The World's Most Irritating Palm Strike right to the jumblies of Thoth!!! NTD: Good grief! Haven't we seen enough scrotum smashings today?? This is ridiculous!! Curry: And if it happened to Edwin? NTD: I would cheer, but that is different! In the other corner of the ring, Neilsen pulls Grand Slam up into the corner and starts sending punch after punch into the Heavy Hitter's head, trying to open the cut up more!! Curry: Well, here we go!! Time is up and now the last man puts in an appearance!! ::Air Horn Blast:: A Mexican voice shouts out, "UNO! DOS! TRES! CUATRO!". From there, "Mission Trip to Mexico" by Bunch of Believers is blasted through the PA!! El Luchadore Magnifico charges down to the ring!!! He jumps to the ring apron and flips over the top rope, landing right beside Neilsen!! ELM pulls the jungle King off his stablemate and starts firing punch after punch into the Jungle King's skull!! Curry: The newest member of the Midnight Carnival is here, and he is en fuego!!!! On the other side of the ring, Edwin is struggling to maintain an offense against Thoth!! Backed into a corner, the Clan Leader is fighting like a caged animal!! Edwin keeps trying to grab a handful of hair, or an arm, but Thoth won't let him!! Finally, Edwin resorts to a fast sweep of the leg which staggers Thoth long enough for Edwin to get him out of the corner and whip him across the ring into the ropes!! Bounce back, Edwin is looking for the Spinebuster, but Thoth suprises him by jumping in the air and nailing Edwin across the face with a high leg clothesline!! Both men hit the mat hard, but Thoth sees his opportunity to put away the Mac Daddy!! He pushes himself painfully to his feet and drags Edwin up!! After a couple of softening up blows, Thoth lifts Edwin off the mat, turns him around... WHAM!!! NTD: The Riot of the Blood!!!! That is the end of Edwin for now!! Curry: I have a feeling you may be right NTD!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cuban Linx 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2006 Thoth pulls Edwin off the mat. MacPhisto can hardly stand!! Thoth winds him up and hurls him at the ropes, one hand on the back of Edwin;s neck to guide him up, over, and out!! Edwin drops to the mat and the ref outside signals the elimination!! Thoth drops to the mat to catch his breath after his encounter with the Carnival's Leader!! ************ Edwin MacPhisto Entered: 15th Left: 11th Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: Thoth Left in the ring: Grand Slam, Neilsen, Thoth, El Luchadore Magnifico ************ Curry: One more man to go, and this match changes format into a no-DQ Triple Threat match!! The winner of the pinfall there will become the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Title!! NTD: And every man in that ring right now would give his eye teeth to win this match!!! Everybody wants a shot at the title!! ELM sees what is happening to Edwin across the ring and tries to get there, but Neilsen grabs his foot and trips him!! ELM spins around and pops to his feet!! Grand Slam is on the mat near the turnbuckles almost out of it!! He is still bleeding badly and his face is the proverbial crimson mask!! ELM pulls Neilsen to his feet and blasts him with a series of knife-edge chops that elicit Whoos from the crowd!! Neilsen is sagging against the turnbuckles now, almost on empty!! ELM sees that Neilsen is ripe for the picking and decides that now is the time!! He pulls Neilsen out of the corner, spins him around and hooks him for the backslide!! On the other side of the ring, Thoth is on his feet!! ELM turns again and runs up the turnbuckles, starts to flip over, but Neilsen throws all of his weight to the side, trying to make ELM go over the rope!! Thoth charges across the ring as Neilsen lets ELM drop right to the top rope!! But the Luchadore is fresh, and manages to land on his feet, on the top rope!! He starts to flip again, but Thoth barrels into Neilsen, causing the Jungle King to lurch back into the ropes and ELM to fall off the rope and to the outside, nearly dragging Neilsen with him, but the Jungle King is caught between Thoth and the ropes and is going nowhere!! The ref makes the signal and ELM lets loose with a long string of curses in Spanish!! ************ El Luchadore Magnifico Entered: 16th Left: 13th Eliminated: Nobody Eliminated by: Neilsen of the Jungle Left in the ring: Grand Slam, Neilsen of the Jungle, Thoth ************ Curry: Here we go boys and girls!! From here on out, this is a triple threat match!! NTD: Don't forget though, that this is no-DQ!!! Thoth is in the best shape, relatively speaking, and pulls Neilsen into the center of the ring!! He pushes the Jungle King into a kneeling position, then runs at the ropes!! Bounce back, Thoth drives a hard knee into the back of Neilsen's head!! Neilsen is flattened on the mat!! Grand Slam pulls himself to his feet in the corner. His hair in front is matted to his head by blood, and the camera catches a spot on the mat where the Heavy Hitter left a huge puddle of blood!! A ref dives into the ring, ready to adjudicate any falls just as Thoth drops on top of Neilsen... 1... 2... 3NO!! Kickout by Neilsen!! Thoth pushes himself painfully to his feet, pulling Neilsen up with him! Irish Whip and Neilsen flies into the ropes, bounce back, Neilsen ducks under a clothesline, throws on the brakes, spins around and catches Thoth right in the gut with a hard toe kick that bends him over!! Front facelock by Neilsen, twist, stunner... WHAM!! Thoth hits the mat hard!!! NTD: Neilsen McTwist!!! Its all over!!! Its all over!!! Curry: He's going for the cover!! Neilsen drops on top of Thoth, hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3NO!!! Grand Slam dives in and makes the save with a fast stomp to Neilsen's head!! Neilsen rolls to his feet as Grand Slam turns around!! Thoth has just enough left to roll out of the ring!! Neilsen and Grand Slam start exchanging right and left hands!!! Curry: It's a brawl now!! There is nothing scientific about this now!!! NTD: It looks like Grand Scam and Neilsen are trying to kill each other!! Outside the ring, Thoth is slowly recovering, shaking his head and trying to stand!! He is on his feet and trying to get in the ring when a figure streaks down the entrance ramp and tackles him right off the apron!!! NTD: What is this?? This isn't right!! Curry: Its Bobby Riley!! He was ticked at the way Thoth helped eliminate him and wants some payback!!! NTD: Stupid no-DQ matches!!! In the ring, Neilsen gets the advantage!! He grabs Grand Slam's arm and whips him across the ring!! Bounce back, toe kick by Neilsen doubles the Heavy Hitter over!! Neilsen pulls Grand Slam into a front facelock, twists... but just as he is about to drop Grand Slam for the stunner, the Heavy Hitter pushes Neilseon off and into the ropes!!! Outside, Thoth is extricating himself from Riley and trying to get into the ring!!! Inside, Neilsen bounces back, hard kick from Grand Slam rioght in Neilsen;s breadbasket!! The Jungle King is doubled over!! Grand Slam grabs him and pulls him into a standing head-scissors!! He raises his right arm and signals for the Walk-Off!! Outside, Thoth is on the ring apron, but Bobby Rilry isn't finished yet! He grabs The Mistress' whip from where it landed outside the ring and uses it to grab Thoth's legs!! With a quick jerk, Riley causes the Clannite to fall straight down and crack his jaw on the ring apron!!! In the ring, Grand Slam hooks both Neilsen's arms jumps in the air... WHAM!!! Curry: Walk-Off!!! Walk-Off!!! Walk-Off!!! NTD: This might be it!!!! Grand Slam slowly flips Neilsen over, hooks the leg... Thoth tries once again to crawl into the ring, but Riley has too good a grip on him!!! 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!! The ref immediately raises Grand Slam's hand and the crowd spontaneously combusts!!! The arena is quaking as Funyon grabs a mic!!! Funyon: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of Clusterf**k 2002 and number one contender to the IGNWF World Heavyweight Title, "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens!!!!!!! Born Bad hits the PA just as Grand Slam collapses to the mat next to Neilsen. The ref is signaling for medical personnel! Outside, Riley, satisfied with his work, walks up the ramp backwards, looking back at the ring. Edwin and ELM rush past him, on their way to the ring to congratulate their partner!!! Curry: What a match!!! Everybody came out here and gave 150% and the fans loved every minute of it!! NTD: I don't like the ending, but, as always, I love the match!! Curry: Ladies and Gentlemen, why don't you take a look at the history between our two warriors for the World Title tonight while we get things cleaned up around here!! Just before the camera cuts to the promo, it focuses on the bloody face of the winner. He is just barely awake and taking a drink of water from a bottle offered to him by ELM. Edwin says something to him, and the Heavy Hitter manages a weak smile, before closing his eyes... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites