Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 If possible, can this be the first thing on the show? If not, put it early in the show after a commercial break. COLE We're not sure why The Upstarts are in the ring, all we know is that they came out en mass just a few moments ago, and not one of them, particularly Axel and the World Heavyweight Champion, Peter Knight! Axel. Knight. Static. Jax. Wright. Bohemoth. O'Hara. Baker. Baker. You get the idea. All of The Upstarts, minus Jonathan Coachman, who stays positioned at Sofa Central in order to give an Upstarts outlook on the action. All of them are gathered, partially confused and mostly frustrated about being asked to gather in the ring. After a few moments, the crowd murmuring becomes a larger reaction of cheers, as the old-timer, the legendary COWBOY BILL WATTS makes his way down the aisle unannounced! CABOOSE I don't think this is going to make The Upstarts any happier! Watts, who knows he'd be walking into a death trap if he entered the ring, receives a microphone from a staff member, and stands at the top of the aisle, leaving only the small ringside area between he and the group forged to "rejuvenate" the OAOAST. COACH What does this old fogey want? He still mad about the Home Office Invasion? CABOOSE Hey look, even not mad about what you did to Mario Logan, but you want to piss on the company, you pay the consequences. Axel stands by the ropes and shouts at Watts, who acts as if no threats are being hurled his way, and starts to speak. WATTS I know, I know, you're all wondering why you're in the ring, and that is because I wish to address you as a whole. I want all of The Upstarts within hearing distance when I say this, but this is mostly directed at YOU. Watts points a finger at the new General Manager, the man who revealed he was in people's ears and pulling strings all along...Axel. WATTS Now, in the interest of keeping things level and not acting on bias, it is not in my nature as a businessman to step in and simply strip you of power that I feel you do not deserve, Axel. I have always tried to stay in the background and let the roster work its issues out in the ring, verbally, in a parking lot, whatever. I'm from the old school, and back then we let our fists do the talking, and I like to invoke a little of that into the company talent. HOWEVER...lately you have been crossing a fine line, and last week was the straw that broke the camel's back. You want to piss on OAOAST banners? Fine. You want to make sure that Zack Malibu doesn't win the Lethal Rumble, or humiliate Ragdoll just weeks after his return? Fine. But last week you caused an international incident when your two prettyboys decided to slander our working partner, HI-YAH. It brought a lot of heat down on the company, but mostly, it brought heat down on YOU, Axel. Because YOU allowed your boys to get away with it without reprimand, nearly costing us a ton of money in potential international revenue, not to mention our talent exchange agreement. AXEL Oh come ON, Watts. Isn't this a stretch? SLANDER on a wrestling show? If HI-YAH can't take the opinions of Scotty and Jo... WATTS I wasn't finished. AXEL Neither was I! Do not interrupt me on MY show, old man? WATTS This may be "YOUR" show, but this time is still on the company dime, and as much as you hate it, it's that money that allows your checks to clear, so like it or not, you're gonna nut up and listen to me, boy. All of you will. You see, I did something that I didn't intend to do, but by patching things up with HI-YAH, I sorta saved your asses. Not something I'm too proud of...until a lightbulb went off over my head. See, HI-YAH agreed to let this offense slide, on the condition that the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title is defended and heavily promoted as such for the next pay per view, which means YOU, Mr. Wright, will have to put that belt on the line! Christian Wright looks around, then shrugs his shoulders, as The Upstarts chuckle around him. AXEL THAT is the big announcement? You wasted our time for that? To tell us that Christian Wright has to defend the HI-YAH Title at Zero Hour? Come ON, this company really stretching for special announcements? WATTS I'm not done yet. You see, Peter Knight doesn't have to defend his championship at Zero Hour. He's cleared, no questions asked. I know he wants to prepare for Anglemania, and if Alfdogg's recent accomplishments are any indication, he'll certainly need the training. However, the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title will be a marquee matchup at Zero Hour, so Christian Wright, you sir will be getting a nice main event payday for having to defend that belt. Wright smirks, and The Upstarts all pat him on the back, visibly pleased with the revelation that one of their own gets a chance to shine in the spotlight. AXEL Well, some good news from the company puppet for once. Thank you Bill, now if that will be all... WATTS I'm not done. Axel, incensed with his inability to show Watts to the door, lowers his mic and steps back, snarling. WATTS In an effort to mend fences, HI-YAH asked that they act as matchmakers for several matches for Zero Hour. The first being that Johnny Jax and Scotty Static, the GPX, would have to take on American HI-YAH representatives James Blonde and Faqu in a tag team contest. Upon hearing this, Scotty and Johnny do the old Scott Hall "ooooh!" taunt, acting scared about being booked against the duo. WATTS Good luck to you with that match. And now Mr. Wright, because you are the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion and this is the main event of a major pay per view broadcast, they searched high and low for the right opponent for you. Many names were tossed out, all worthy contenders and all international superstars, but ultimately they settled on one man. One man who they felt would give you a run for your money. One man that they felt could, in THEIR words, do a better job representing HI-YAH than YOU have been doing during your Upstart affiliation, and when that mans name was mentioned to me, all I could do was sit back and smile, and nod my head "yes", because the man that YOU will be defending the HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship against... CUE: "Getting Away With Murder", and the fans ROAR. WATTS ...ZACK MALIBU! As his anthem plays, Malibu walks down the aisle. Although he's clad in street clothes, that's good enough for a fight for the incensed Malibu, who was banned from the building last week due to Axel knowing he'd create a major backlash for Peter Knight's actions in causing him to lose the Lethal Rumble. Zack tries to get to the ring, but Bill Watts tells him to stay back, and is heard saying "I'll give you the mic, but that's all I'm gonna let you do right now." Grudingly, Zack takes the mic, while he's met with deadly gazes from The Upstarts, all of whom would behead him with a salad fork if they had the chance. MALIBU So, Christian, looks like we've got a date for Zero Hour, and I'm looking forward to it. First off, I wanna thank the HI-YAH representatives who elected me as challenger for their championship, and I hope I can do them proud when I kick those hundred dollar words right back down your throat. Although, you're not even my main focus tonight, Christian. It seems that because SOMEONE knew I'd be just a little pissed off about certain events at Anglepalooza. Did I walk out of there with my World Tag Team Title intact? No. Did I walk out of there with a Rumble victory and a one-way ticket to Anglemania V? No. I did, however, walk out of that building with more reason, more focus, and more vicious intent to end you all once and for all! I told you, time and time again, that I wasn't going to stop. You cost me the Rumble, Peter. You made sure my feet hit the floor, and that's fine, but the minute those feet hit the floor, you should have taken off running. You should have ran and ran and ran until your legs got tired, so tired that you had to crawl, and then when you got tired of crawling, you'd think you were far enough away, and you'd look over your shoulder just for that reassurance, and WHAM! Guess what? I'D STILL BE THERE. I AM ALWAYS GOING TO BE THERE. You people have made this more than business. This is more than that. You have abused the company that I love. You verbally and physically attack me, my peers, anyone who you feel is not up to the level. You have people like Ken Baker, and Josie, who violate a family bond and embarrass their own relative, their own flesh and blood, on television because for some reason Axel, or Knight, or any one of these guys made their distorted outlook on things look beneficial to you. You all claim to have a purpose, but what you really want is the spotlight for yourselves. Well, contrary to what you think, I don't care about spotlight. I care about this company, I care about the fans who support this company, I care about every god damn wrestler back there whether I like them personally or not, whether they're man or woman. I care about the road agents, the corporate suit as you'd call them. I care about the caterers, I care about Marty the camera man. That's the difference between all of you and me. I care, and when you care enough about something and you don't want to see anything negative happen to it, you fight for it. You bleed for it. You're willing to die for it and that...THAT is the mistake you have made by forging this revolution of yours. I'm not getting a title shot at Anglemania. I don't have gold around my waist right now. All I've got is that burning desire, that motivation to do what's right, and to end you once and for all, and that is why if I were you, I'd be scared. When you have nothing left to lose...that's when a man is his most deadly. Good luck surviving. With that, Zack throws down his mic, but he's dared by The Upstarts, Axel and Knight especially, to enter the ring. Wright stands at the back of the line, wisely, because if Zack had to run the gauntlet of Upstarts to get to his Zero Hour opponent, he'd be well softened up. Security sprints down the aisle to prevent an outburst of violence, and threats are tossed both ways as the picture fades out, and is quickly replaced by the first commercial during this break. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites