Vasarian_Brandy 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2006 (This promo was to be done before Storm. However, due to circumstances beyond my control, it never got done until now.) ----- Once I slammed the door to the workout room, my emotions took off in 20 different directions. Walking down the halls of the Cow Palace, Sarah’s words were on repeat in my head. “Chris, the anger you keep inside won’t help Lara’s legacy.” “Give it another chance, Chris. For Lara’s sake.” I grumbled to myself as I found the way by rote to the locker room. What the Hell did she know about Lara? How -dare- she -presume- she knew of Lara... Or my anger... Or the lingering memories that haunted my nights, that were fresh because of this return to the ring... I growled in frustration, and suddenly the world was red as I took aim on a nearby locker. As opposed to trying to find something to pour my rage into, I took what was in hand, and heaved it at the locker... Much to my disappointment, however, the locker survived the towel’s assault intact, and the towel laid crumpled... Not broken... On the floor. My rattled and addled mind tried to register for a moment how the locker door wasn’t completely caved in from the attack of the towel... But then I snapped back to reality. I found myself shaking my head, laughing faintly at my own impetuousness. The sheer level of ridiculousness of it all. The ringing of a phone nearby caught my attention. My phone. The bubbles of annoyance came back as I rifled through my workout bag, and grabbed the phone... But the annoyance evaporated as I saw the Caller ID info. I took a breath, and flipped open the Razr. “Hey James.” “That wasna a bad match, Chris... Nay bad at all. It’s a damn shame th’ opposition had t’ use your own gear against ya.” I chuckled a little bit. “Yeah... I knew that stick would get its ‘kick-ass’ back... Just didn’t think it’d be my own ass it’d kick.” “Aye, laddie. But ya an’ your partner seemed t’ take a shine t’ each other.” I winced hard, thinking about the exchange in the weight room. “It could’ve been better.” “I know, laddie, I know.” I could tell by the tone of his voice that he sincerely -knew- what I was feeling... I hated that about him sometimes. But I also liked it as well. It made James McPatrick a very good friend of mine. “But we’ll talk about it in Seattle... I’ll be at th’ show.” I managed a faint, but sincere smile. “You better watch it, old man... Those young bucks in the crowd could be vicious.” This pulled a laugh from the other end of the line. “Bah! Let them youngins’ try anythin’... I’ll show them where ya got th’ slick moves ya have! Show them I know ya better than ya know yourself!” I laughed for a moment, but the meaning of his words rang clear. “Alright... I’ll catch you after Storm.” “Stay safe, Chris.” “Yeah, you too.” I flipped the phone closed, and took a breath. I know that Sarah wasn’t trying to take Lara’s place... But she -was-. I vowed never to do a tag match after Lara died, but was forced into it with the briefly-lived “Team ANGER~!”... But this... This was different. The only woman I ever wanted to tag with was Lara. The only woman I ever wanted in my life in -any- aspect. Now, I find myself in this situation. I realize that, yes, business is business, but... This is personal. I sighed to myself, and grabbed up my bags. I needed to get ready for the travel up to Seattle. This could wait for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites