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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

I Adore Milky

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

What substance is this thing called love, that moves and brightly cheers,

Which without invite enters in this my lowly heart? And steers

The course of life anew, a fresh unknowing path; brings every day

A pure and fresh awakening, the hoped future bright and gay?


Can any know from whence love comes or why and how control

The filled with wonder raging soul that is within? And in turmoil

Doth love grasp the spirit and doubts the mind leaps. Shall love endure

And abideth forever, in friendship birthed, its foundations ever sure?


Would love be love if it could be measured, its substance known,

Its course predicted and presence ever assured? And shown

In all transparency its depth and breath and life, its appearance

Expected, its style the same, or seen as everyday its presence?


Nay, love hath no bounds, will not be bound, revealeth not from whence

It comes, nor how long its welcome be; love wills not. And sense

I try to understand its every uttered sigh, nor know its depths,

Passion, trust, fears and hopes, nor measure its varied steps.


But love doth require one thing to ensure its presence, grow

In grace and strength, to brighten life and heart. And show

Its joy and happiness, lest it wither, weaken, grow stale and cold,

A memory tinged with sadness among the memories told.


Love must be fed, nurtured as the living spirit which it is,

With kindness, care, keeping no lists of wrongs done it. And is

Greater still to give it care, time and patience. Peace, goodness,

Charity, devotion, friendship and faith, these things doth it bless.



This man's pen speaks the mysteries of love, ponders its source,

Its plan and purpose, its hopes and dreams. And fears its course,

I admit this not, what path it take within me. But I know

In control is the Author of Love, the divine purpose to show.


I sent my prayers to skies above, in hopes this love within me birthed

May grow and ever remain within and nurtured grow. And cursed

I my fears with confident faith in love's eternal Parent, for in my

Openness of heart, the answers to my questions poured from the sky.


Love is open, self-sacrificing, not selfish, revealing itself in every way

It never hides in fear of loss, nor holds tight in hopes of gain. And say

I also love is not boastful or proud, but forgiving and serving. Love is

And love remains when hearts are freely open, his to mine, mine to his.


Openness, truth and honesty is love's best and greatest nourishment,

Revealed to me through the precious gift love has bestowed. And sent

Was he, kind and caring, loving me, oh, I know not why. Learning,

Through openness and honesty, I return his love, my heart ever singing.

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Would it be so much that when people posted song lyrics, they attached a little midi file with them, so we know the tune to what we are reading? I'm not "hip" with this younger generation

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