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HD: NNMX promo

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Ugh, wasn't feeling it with this one. But's it respectable.


[i][b]RIGHT NOW[/b],
C’mon, it’s everything
Catch a magic moment, do it
Right here and now
It means everything[/i]



The cameras pan around a sea of heads before SWOOPING~! to the men of Sofa Central. 

I can't believe it. Only 30 days until AngleMania V, baby! 

Neither can I. Because that's the night Alfdogg brings the OAOAST Championship back home. 

Oh, please. 

One of the big matches we'll see at AngleMania V, Sunday night, April 2nd, is for the OAOAST World Tag Team Titles. The 2006 Anderson Cup champions, the Heavenly Rockers, will get their shot at the gold and their arch-rivals, the New New Midnight Express. Let's hear these pre-recorded comments from the tag team champs.

We cut to Sarcastic Simon and Narcissistic Ned in front of a OAOAST banner, smirking and clutching the tag titles closely to their chests.

(acting confused)
Lookie here! Hey, Ned! What's that thing on your shoulder?

(Ned looks down at the belt confused. He studies it a good twenty seconds before coming up empty handed)

I don't know, brother Singleton! It looks..it looks..it looks like a tag team title belt!

But that's impossible! How could we have the tag team titles? It doesn't make sense! I...I...I  don't understand! Weren't we suppose to lose these things to Chicks Over Dicks in LaLa land? 

Everyone said we were! What's going on, Simon?!

(The men break out into uproarious laughter)

Oh, man. We're too much. One man's crap is another man's treasure! And two women's sorrow is two dude's joy! Krista may still be passed out face down in a ditch, but I know Ned and I are still riding the wave of euphoria, because we're still the World tag team champions. Once again the naysayers, the odds makers, the haters, and the experts all thought they knew what was gonna happen. It was supposed to be over for Simon and Ned. One more short reign in a career full of them! Even The Govenator, Arnold, was ready to invite the not so lovely ladies up to Sacramento for an honoring ceromony! Hey, Arnold, if ya got the invitaions lying around, send them to me, we need to chat because I've got some socially revolutionary concepts that will shook America's political foundations. But to get this back on track, Chicks Over Dicks got bitch slapped by two pricks with dicks! They were the people's choice to win, but this wasn't an award show, and like the spokesmen for the repressed voices of south central L.A., the SCM, have said in the past -- don't believe the hype! :lol:

After 3 weeks of rigorous training for our match, which included 5 mile jogs down Santa Monica beach starting at 6 in the morning and countless hours watching video tape, some of it wrestling, Simon and I finally get a much deserved night off. Every tag team title defense is an important one, but there was something extra special about this one. Like the Neddy Bear finally got into the sweetest honey pot there is. But you know what they say about all work and no play. Work was Sunday night, when I once again came on top of Krista, but play comes next week when I gave the surprise of a lifetime to one special person in my life. You see, because of Krista's constant attempts to drive a dragger through my heart, she's caused me to neglect many important things in my life such as surfing, tanning, Bill Murrary movies,tanning some more, weight lifiting, staring at myself in the mirrror, tanning again and so on and so forth. But the biggest of them all, she's caused me to neglect the special little lady in my life, the ONLY woman I deeply care about. So next week, I vow to finally be the man in my little princess' life. And there's nothing Krista can do about it. 

That brings us to AngleMania and the Heavenly Rockers. The contracts have been signed, sealed and delivered. All we wait for now is Sunday night, April 2nd, Trump Plaza, AngleMania V. The feud between the Heavenly Rockers and the New New Midnight Express has spanned over the last year and a half. And no matter how many times we break Synth's arm, or we crush Logan's heart, they still keeping coming and coming. Not anymore. We're on the final track on our little CD. Our concert is at it's finale. We started this war in December 2004, we end it April 2nd, 2006. 

Oh, and by the way, good luck on your match next week, Synth and Logan. You don't know how crush we'd be if you didn't make it to AngleMania. 


Edited by Tony149

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