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Given that the top 3 has to be Austin/McMahon, Hogan/Andre and Bret/Austin, I'd definitely say that Austin/Rock deserves to be in the top 10, knocking out Austin/Michaels.


I'd probably also put Savage/Warrior in and knock Bret/HBK down to 11 or 12, but that's just personal preference.


And I still think leaving Hogan/Perfect off the list entirely was a huge oversight. No one my age who watched wrestling in the late 80s will ever forget Perfect smashing Hogan's belt to pieces on Saturday Night's Main Event. Or the Genius beating Hogan, for that matter.

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No one my age who watched wrestling in the late 80s will ever forget Perfect smashing Hogan's belt to pieces on Saturday Night's Main Event. Or the Genius beating Hogan, for that matter.


I remember that. Shit, I feel old.

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For the record,this is my favorite feud and will be the most detailed.I will give the reason why this isn't #1 at the end.


The feud that got things turned around for the wwf and got them back on the right track.After wm12,bret took 8 months off and contemplated leaving the wwf.During that time,steve austin ditched the ringmaster gimmick along with his manager and became stone cold steve austin.He won the 96 kotr where the austin 3:16 phrase originated.After kotr,he began taking shots at bret hart.He was going to be the next star and bret was the legend who went home.This slowly built over the summer.At the mind games ppv,there was an awesome in ring interview with austin,pilman and owen.Austin talked about how bret was afraid to come back and fight him.Then we got a classic exchange.


Pilman:"Are you saying bret hart is a chicken ? "


Austin: "Bret Hart doesn't even qualify as being a chicken.He's the slimy substance that comes out the south end of a chicken.Let me make it clear.If you put the letter s in front of hitman,you have my exact opinion of bret hart."


Bret returned the day after the october ppv.He accepted austins challenge and the match was made for survivor series at msg.In the month leading up to survivor series,austin became more and more unpredictable.On an episode of superstars,he was interviewed by then best friend brian pilman.Pilman got a little too excited over bret and austin attacked him.Austin put a chair around pilmans already injured ankle and snapped his ankle.While that was a great austin moment,it was nothing compared to what happened a few weeks later.Pilman was going to be interviewed from his house to talk about what happened with austin.To prove a point to bret that he meant business,austin decided to go to pilmans house to interupt the interview.Pilman was ready for austin because he was armed with a handgun.This was major stuff and was considered to be way over the top for wwf programming.


Have you noticed I mentioned a lot about austin and very little about bret.All of that gave austin momentum heading into survivor series and he began to get a cult following.


On to the match.It was a true classic which I ranked #4 and could have even been ranked higher.Not much brawling but an awesome technical match.It was suppose to be bret's big return where he would decisivly defeat his opponent.It didn't work out that way.The match was layed out for austin to be brets equal.Even though bret won,it didn't give a clear cut picture of who was the better man.On top of that,the msg crowd which is known for cheering the heels,cheered on austin.


Bret was still a very popular babyface going into the rumble but his role model image got a little boring with some of the audience.Meanwhile,austin continued to gain momentum heading into the rumble.Austin drew #5 and came out to a pretty good reaction which proved that his scattered cheers in msg was not an isolated incident.He steamroled through the rumble eliminating several guys and the cheers got louder with each elimination.Austin cleared the ring until bret entered leaving them the only two in the ring during the match.With only a few people left in the match,bret eliminated austin.However,the refs were breaking up a fight and didn't see it.Austin snuck back in the ring and eliminated bret and won the rumble.


The next night bret complained about austin costing him a shot at the title so bret gives a speech saying that he quits the wwf.If the reactions toward the two were mixed before,they were even more mixed reactions now.


What I love about the feud to this point is this.Bret was the squeaky clean babyface.Austin was the badass heel.Austin would interfere in all of brets matches and cost him important matches.Despite those things,alot of people cheered the heel austin anyway.The fans would boo brets complaining about austins interference.All of brets complaints were valid but the crowd didn't want to hear it.Bret grew increasingly frustrated over this but there was nothing he could do.


After bret quit over the rumble match,a 4 corners match was made for #1 contender for the next ppv to make him happy.Because hbk forfeited the title before the ppv,the match would be to crown a new champ.Bret won the match and the title.Problem was he had to defend it the next night against sid.He lost the belt to sid so his reign only lasted 24hrs.


The match was made for wm and it was an i quit match.Austin claimed he didn't know any submissions but he would beat the hell out of bret until he quit.(we know that is bs about not knowing submissions but it went with his character).Then a week before wm is when things really changed.Bret got a title rematch with sid in a cage.During the match,there was constant interference from austin and undertaker.Undertaker slammed the cage door on bret and sid won the match.After the match,vince went into the ring to interview bret who had been "screwed" out of another title match.We got this awesome exchange.


Vince:Bret,you must be frustrated over what has just happened.


Bret shoves vince down and gives this rant.


"Frustrated isn't a goddamn word for it.This is bullshit.You've screwed me.Everybody's screwed me.And nobody does a goddamn thing about it.Nobody in the building cares.Nobody in the dressing room cares.So much goddamn injustice around here,I've had it up to here.Everybody keeps turning the blind eye.You keep turning the blind eye.I've got that gorilla monsoon.He turns the blind eye.Everybody in that goddamn dressing room knows that I'm the best there is.the best there was and the best there ever will be.And if you don't like it tough shit."


A huge brawl started between bret/austin/sid/taker to end the show.


So then came wm.The match is one of the most universally loved matches out there.My personal favorite.Not just from the wwf but my favorite wrestling match period.The crowd seemed split 50/50 at the start.Half way through the match,austin was busted open and was gushing blood.The crowd really started leaning austins way then.Bret put on the sharpshooter and austin was in the hold for several minutes.We get the classic shot of austin wearing the crimson mask.He doesn't quit but he passes out and bret wins the match.


Afterwards,bret starts to attack austin and shamrock throws him off which gets a huge pop from the crowd.Bret leaves to boos and garbage being thrown at him.Austin leaves limping and dripping blood with the crowd chanting his name.

That imo was the greatest double turn of all time.


The next night,bret cuts the best promo of his life talking about how america turned their backs on him.Another match was signed for the two at the next ppv.During that time,austin challenges bret to a street fight on raw.Bret says he's finished with austin.Austin replies by saying "You'll have to kill me to be finished with me."How true those words were.Bret accepts the challenge for the street fight and when it's over he is taken out in an ambulance.Not so fast because austin gets rid of the driver and beats up bret while being strapped to the bed in another classic moment.The rematch at the ppv was a pretty good match even though it gets no credit for obvious reasons.Austin would continue to feud with the reunited hart foundation for the rest of the year.


After all of that explanation,you may be wondering why this isn't my #1.There were two wrestling boom periods.Not counting hogan/piper which was a year too early to be included,there were two feuds that defined those periods.The historical signifigance alone is enough for them to be ahead of bret austin imo.

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The fact that Austin/Rock doesn't crack the Top 10(It's for sure Top 5 on my list, even maybe #1) doesn't make me take this list seriously.


The fued was the biggest money maker in WWE history. They've never had a bad match with each other either.


Not that I deny the absolute greatness of Austin/Rock, but how exactly do you figure their feud was the biggest money maker in WWE history? In terms of total money, it was Austin-McMahon. For one match, it was HHH-Batista.


Didn't Austin/Rock WM17 make more money then HHH-Batista?

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The fact that Austin/Rock doesn't crack the Top 10(It's for sure Top 5 on my list, even maybe #1) doesn't make me take this list seriously.


The fued was the biggest money maker in WWE history. They've never had a bad match with each other either.


Not that I deny the absolute greatness of Austin/Rock, but how exactly do you figure their feud was the biggest money maker in WWE history? In terms of total money, it was Austin-McMahon. For one match, it was HHH-Batista.


Didn't Austin/Rock WM17 make more money then HHH-Batista?


Austin/Rock had the largest live gate I believe, but HHH-Batista shattered the gross PPV numbers. They did over a million buys at $50 a pop. There was a good discussion over at Wrestling Classics on this that I will try to dig up, but even adjusted for inflation WM 21 did unreal numbers, mostly because of the inclusion of the international buys.

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The fact that Austin/Rock doesn't crack the Top 10(It's for sure Top 5 on my list, even maybe #1) doesn't make me take this list seriously.


The fued was the biggest money maker in WWE history. They've never had a bad match with each other either.


Not that I deny the absolute greatness of Austin/Rock, but how exactly do you figure their feud was the biggest money maker in WWE history? In terms of total money, it was Austin-McMahon. For one match, it was HHH-Batista.


Didn't Austin/Rock WM17 make more money then HHH-Batista?


Austin/Rock had the largest live gate I believe, but HHH-Batista shattered the gross PPV numbers. They did over a million buys at $50 a pop. There was a good discussion over at Wrestling Classics on this that I will try to dig up, but even adjusted for inflation WM 21 did unreal numbers, mostly because of the inclusion of the international buys.


Honestly though, the reason why HHH-Batista did good numbers was because it had an amazing undercard with dream matches at the time. Orton/Taker, HBK/Angle never happend before, every smark was dying to see the HBK/Angle match. Rey Mysterio/Guerrero and MITB match also attrached alot of smark fans too.

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WM 17 had an undercard roughly a million times better than WM 21.


The main event always gets credit for the strength or lack of buys. That may not be the fairest assesment, but it is really hard to delineate why people buy certain PPVs. It's easiest to say that PPVs are sold on the strength of the main event.

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WM 17 had an undercard roughly a million times better than WM 21.


TLC, Angle/Benoit, and HHH/Undertaker were the only attrachable matches, and TLC already happend twice(Well once but really the triple threat ladder match is part of that series). The rest of the undercard were filler matches.


WM21 had Angle/HBK, Orton/Taker, Mysterio/Guerrero, Money in the Bank, and Cena/JBL.

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It also had McMahon-McMahon and the Gimmick Battle Royal. I'm sorry but I highly doubt that many people looked at WM 21 and said they had to order because it had Orton-Taker or MitB.


I highly doubt many people looked at WM17 and said they had to order it for McMahon/McMahon, Gimmick Battle Royal, HHH/Taker etc.


Orton/Taker and MITB were big reasons why it was bought, without those matches I doubt that the buyrate would be as high.


Your arguement is foolish.

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WM17 did a little over 1 million buys(domestically).


WMXX did a little under 1 million buys(domestically).


WM21 did about 650K buys(domestically) but started charging countries around the world to show the PPV(which was free for the most part) and made the number skyrocket up to well past 1 million buys.


But this is like comparing The Eagle's Greatest Hits album(largest selling album ever, domestically 26+ million) vs Thriller(58 million world wide) and stating whats the bigger selling CD.


Uh, Triple H wrestling Taker is MUCH bigger than Orton wrestling Taker. And MITB is a shell of TLC II. Biggest two draws in the MITB match were Jericho and Benoit, yet both weren't drawing much in 2005, yet TLC II had the Hardyz who had a Roman sized legion of fans. McMahon vs McMahon is a much bigger match than JBL vs Cena. With respect of WM21, Angle vs HBK was a big aid, but HHH vs Big Dave was THE money match of the year. No other match all year could really compare to how big that match was....sans HBK vs Hogan.

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Well all this bickering back and forth about the undercard is useless, because I was right in that Rock/Austin WM17 drew more then Batista/HHH WM21.

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Well all this bickering back and forth about the undercard is useless, because I was right in that Rock/Austin WM17 drew more then Batista/HHH WM21.


You're right that its pointless to argue about the undercards, but you are still wrong about the bigger draw. HHH-Batista at WM 21 is the single largest grossing event in wrestling history.

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But this is like comparing The Eagle's Greatest Hits album(largest selling album ever, domestically 29+ million) vs Thriller(27 million domestically and 58 million world wide) and stating whats the bigger selling CD.


Terrific comparison. Edited a little bit for more accuracy.


Uh, Triple H wrestling Taker is MUCH bigger than Orton wrestling Taker. And MITB is a shell of TLC II. Biggest two draws in the MITB match were Jericho and Benoit, yet both weren't drawing much in 2005, yet TLC II had the Hardyz who had a Roman sized legion of fans. McMahon vs McMahon is a much bigger match than JBL vs Cena. With respect of WM21, Angle vs HBK was a big aid, but HHH vs Big Dave was THE money match of the year. No other match all year could really compare to how big that match was....sans HBK vs Hogan



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It drew a crowd that was unheard of at the time.It was the peak of the 80s wrestling boom period.Hogan drew money with everyone he was put against in the 80s but this was much more special.Hogan and Andre teamed up a bunch of times against members of the heenan family and andre was hogans best friend at the time.In janruary 87,hogan was presented a trophy for being champion for 3 years.(3 yrs is nothing compared to other reigns but this is hogan).Andre was there with hogan on pipers pit when he was accepting the trophy.Andre then walked off the set.Andre appeared on a future segment of pipers pit with new manager bobby heenan,the man he and hogan had been feuding with forever.He was there to challenge hogan for the belt.The story was that andre was never given a title shot and another story was created that he was undefeated for 15 years with no title shot.Hogan didn't want to fight andre so andre ripped hogans shirt off and walked off.On another episode of pipers pit,hogan finally accepted the challenge and the match was made for wrestlemania 3.


While wm3 had a very good undercard,this match drew a record setting crowd on its own.Whether it is 93 thousand or 78 thousand I don't know.All I will say is that its one of the most impressive wrestling crowds ever.


As for the match,it was not good or even an average match.It doesn't matter either.The fans went nuts for everything.Andre had lots of garbage thrown at him during his entrance.Hogan was met with an insane pop.They did the best they could in the ring considering hogans limited workrate and andres health.When hogan slammed andre at the end it got one of the loudest pops you will ever see.


The feud took a break since andre couldn't work many matches by that point and why rush into a rematch when you could build it up and draw more money.They built to the first ever survivor series ppv which was a 5 on 5 elimination match with hogan and andre as the captains.The focus was that they hadn't been in the same ring since wrestlemania.The ppv drew a huge buyrate just off of that.The match was nothing special and they were only in the ring together for a minute or two but it did its job.Hogan was counted out and andre won the match.


They built to the first ever main event show in febuary 88.It had one of the biggest angles of all time on that show.Now I must go on a side story to explain the angle at the main event.


In the summer and fall of 87,they ran vignettes of the million dollar man ted dibiase.Then dibiase would pick people out of the crowd and offer them money if they could do certain things.The best was that he would pay a kid if he could dribble a basketball 10 times.The kid tried but couldn't do it."We didn't get to 10 now did we" is what dibiase told the kid.These segments quickly made dibiase one of the top 3 heels in the company with andre and htm.Dibiase then cut a promo saying he was going to buy the world title from hogan and gave his famous catchphrase "everybody's got a price for the million dollar man".Hogan obviously declined to sell dibiase the belt so dibiase alligned himself with andre.Andre promised dibiase that he would win the belt from hogan and then hand it over to dibiase.


Now onto the match at the main event.They hyped this show to death.Anyone who was around back then would likely agree that this show had the feeling of a major ppv. wrestled a few minutes of a bad match.Then andre pinned hogan with help from the ref dave hebner.Hogan got his shoulder up but the ref counted to 3 anyway and awarded andre the title.If that sounds suspicious it is.Dibiase hired a look a like ref for the match.So there were twin refferees.Imo its still one of the best angles the wwf has ever done.


Andre kept his word and gave the world title to dibiase.President jack tunney decided that you can't do that and that andre forfeited the title.The title would be held up and there would be a tournament at wrestlemania 4.Hogan and andre would recieve byes and meet in the second round.


Another bad match at wm4 but this feud wasn't about workrate.Both guys got disqualified and eliminated from the tournament in their match.Hogan would help savage win the belt in the finals against dibiase.


Then they built to a tag match at the first ever summerslam.It would be the megapowers against the megabucks.Another ppv that got a large buyrate because of hogan/andre.Hogan/savage won the tag match when special ref jesse ventura counted 3.


That was pretty much the end of the feud.After all of that you would think it was my #1.Its close but imo,there is one better.

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Three small points:


- Andre walked off the Piper's Pit where he received a trophy commemorating his 15-year undefeated streak. That was the week after Hogan received his trophy. Andre was at that Pit as well, where he made the cryptic comment, "Three years to be a champion...it's a long time."


- Hogan accepted Andre's challenge on the same Pit where they had the confrontation, immediately after Andre left.


- You forgot to mention that the reason the kid didn't get to 15 dribbling the basketball was because DiBiase kicked the ball away at 14. Man, I loved DiBiase.

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I cheated and looked at the video package on the wm3 dvd.I was only 4 years old when wm3 took place and it was when I first started watching wrestling.That is the reason I made some errors there and why my memory of hogan/orndorff is foggy at best.Strange thing though is that I have a pretty good memory of the angle to the main event which was only a year later.

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Yeah, I can see how the video package doesn't really tell the whole story. I went and looked at it again myself.


Biggest tipoff is when Hogan accepted the challenge, he wasn't wearing the crucifix.

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This is possibly the most important feud of them all.When you think about the attitude era,you think about austin/mcmahan.They may be self parodys now but in 1998 they gave us some of the best tv of all time.


Nobody ever really liked vince and just wanted a reason to boo him.I'm unsure of the exact timeline of this but it got interesting after austin broke his neck in his match against owen hart.Austin was the popular rebel through all of 97 going against what the wwf wanted and behind it all was vince.I remember on an episode of raw,austin was ranting about bret hart just before wm13 and we got this exchange.


Vince: "Why hasn't president monsoon done something with you"


Austin: "Why don't you do something about me.We all know your the one really pulling the strings here"


Vince:"Why are you so bitter ?"


Austin:"You treat me like a dog and you expect me to smile.You remind me of a jackass."


It wasn't made public at that time but on several occasions austin would mention how vince was the real person in charge of the wwf.


Ok,back to austins injury.With austin unable to wrestle,he was forced to forfeit the ic belt and the tag belts.He gave up the belts and gave sgt slaughter a stunner for it.Then on 9/22/97,Austin attacked owen in the ring.The cops ran in to arrest him since owen filed a restraining order.Vince got in the ring and called them off.Vince tried to reason with austin,saying that the wwf was trying to protect austin from getting injured again.Of course austin knew they were just looking out for themselves but appeared like he was going to listen and wait until he was cleared to wrestle.Austin said he appreciated that the wwf cared about his health.Then he gave vince his first stone cold stunner.


Fast forward to the night after the dx ppv.Vince ordered austin to defend his ic title against the rock.Austin refused and said if vince didn't like it he could fire him.Funny moment as the rock quickly agreed and thought he should be fired also.Vince decided to strip austin of the ic title and give it to the rock.


Fast forward again to the night after the royal rumble.Austin won the rumble and would face hbk at wm14.Vince had a big announcement about the match.He brought out mike tyson but before he could announce anything austin interrupted.We got the great austin/tyson confrontation which seemed to ruin vince's plans for wm.This pissed vince off royally.Then tyson joined dx and austin questioned if there was a conspiracy against him.So a few weeks before wm,vince was asked if he wanted austin to win the title.Vince's response was "OH HELL NOOOO."


Austin did win the belt at wm and vince decided to give him a brand new belt the next night,hoping austin would settle down and me more of a corporate champ.Funny bit where vince tells austin that he loves him.Austin laughed and said that he loves vince too.Then austin said he was going to do things his way and if vince didn't like it then too bad.Then we got this exchange.


Vince: "Well,we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way."


Austin: "That's a very important decision.Can you tell me what the easy way and what the hard way is."


Vince: "It's simple.The easy way is to adapt and be a model champion.The hard way,you are going to do it my way anyhow.You will be forced to do it.That's the hard way.And we don't even want to go there."


Austin: "Like I said,That's an extremely important decision.Give me about 30 seconds to think it over."


Austin decided to stun vince again and do things the hard way.Vince had him arrested and put in jail.The next week,vince introduced the new stone cold.He came out in a suit and tie.Austin said he knew he couldn't compete with vince and that he would now do things the easy way.Then he had a security guard take his picture.Then he told vince to get the film developed because he would never dress like that again and threw the clothes in the crowd.


The next week may have been the most important.Austin called vince out to the ring and while I'm paraphrasing,this is how the conversation went.


Austin: "I was wondering who my next opponent is since you haven't told me yet.


Vince: "I haven't made up my mind yet.You'll know soon."


Austin: "I can see by the way that you look at me vince,you don't like anything about me.You can't stand the fact that I like to drink a few beers.You can't stand the fact that I use colorful language.To you a proper wwf champ is someone with an ivy league education.It's someone that has a silver spoon in their mouth.It sounds to me like you want someone not just like yourself,but it sounds to me like you want to be the wwf champion.Is that right ?"


Vince: "Where are you going with this ?


Austin: You always talk about what a model wwf champ should be.Everytime you lay out a description it fits you to a tee.Do you want to be the wwf champion or not ?Let me make it more clear,we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way.


Vince: Why don't you tell me what the easy way and what the hard way is.What's your definition ?


Austin: The easy way is for you to hand pick a wwf official and fight me for the title.I'm giving you a chance to win it all.The truth is I can prabably beat you with one arm tied behind my back.If you don't want to do it the easy way,certainly we can do things the hard way.


Vince: What's the hard way mr. austin ?


Austin: The hard way is for me to handpick a wwf cameraman,go back to your office and beat your ass anyway.I'm going to give you 30 minutes to make a decision.I'm not going nowhere and if you think your going somewhere your wrong because your limo driver's been beat up and you have 4 flat tires.


Austin then turned to the philly crowd and said "If you want to see austin and mcmahan give me a hell yea".To say the crowd went nuts is an understatement.This is also the night wwf won the monday night ratings after losing 80+ weeks in a row.


Vince came out later and accepted the challenge.We got brisco/patterson giving him pointers on how to win.Then it came time for the match.Vince told austin to tie one hand behind his back since that's what he said.Austin agreed.Before the match could start,dude love interrupted to calm everyone down.The week before,cactus jack quit the wwf over the fans cheering for austin after a cactus/funk loss.So it was no more cactus and back to dude love. Vince slapped dude for getting involved and instead of attacking vince he attacked austin.


The match was made between austin/dude for unforgiven.The match was pretty good but not something to go out of your way for.The important thing was at the end,vince was accidentally knocked out from a chairshot.Then on raw,foley threw his dude love clothes in the garbage saying he wasn't going to embarass himself again by dancing on stage with strippers.Vince talked him out of it and made him fight terry funk in a street fight.It was a good match for tv but pretty weak overall.Austin ran in at the end after being on commentary for the match.It was announced that dude love would get a rematch at over the edge.This time there would be guest ring announcer pat patterson.A guest time keeper gerald brisco.And most of all guest refferee vince mcmahan.


The match was very good.We got the most hilarious intros from patterson except for introducing austin because he's a bum.The match has been copied from a million times.First vince changed the rules mid match by saying there was no countouts,then no dqs,then falls count anywhere.Vince was knocked out at the end so austin took his hand and counted 3.


Since foley got 2 shots and failed,vince named kane #1 contender for kotr and said it would be a first blood match.Kane won the belt at kotr.The next night vince decided to present kane with the belt.Austin drove a stamboni to the ring and attacked everyone.He got a rematch for later in the night and won the belt back.


Then for the rest of the summer they built to austin/taker for summerslam.Vince kept saying that undertaker and kane were back together though ut kept denying it.Austin won the match at summerslam.On a later episode of raw,vince called taker/kane a couple of pussies and when they went after him he made the match for breakdown where austin would defend against both of them.They both pinned austin at the same time.Then vince said at the following ppv austin would be special ref between the taker/kane title match and that he would fire austin if he didn't count 3 for someone.Austin knocked both guys out during the match and counted 3 for himself.After the match,vince told austin that he didn't count 3 for one of the wrestlers in the match.He then fired austin on the spot.This may or may not be when we got this classic line.


Austin:You don't have the balls to fire stone cold.


Vince: Balls,I have balls the size of grapefruits !


The next night vince decided to throw a party with austin gone.He had the entire roster in the ring to address them.He gave them this speech.


"I hope none of you ever cross the boss.Because none of you are as big as vince mcmahan.All of the austin 3:16 t shirts and other merchandise is selling like hotcakes.Austin 3:16 is now a collector's item.There's going to be a new shirt that says Mcmahan 3:16.And McMahan 3:16 says,I've got the brass to fire your ass."


Austin showed up to the arena armed with a gun.It led to a pretty funny episode with austin holding vince hostage all night.At the end he rolled vince out to the ring in his wheelchair.Of course it was only a toy gun but it was still pretty good tv for the time.Then austin showed vince to the audience and said that they should make a new t shirt saying "McMahan 3:16 says I just pissed my pants".Austin then put a letter in vince's pocket and gave him a stunner.


The next week we find out that letter said that austin had been reinstated by vince's son shane.Austin would compete at survivor series in the title tournament.Somewhere along the way I forgot to add the episode where austin posed as a nurse and attacked vince in the hospital.


Now onto survivor series.Austin is wrestling mankid in the semi finals.Mankind is who vince wants to win the tourny.During the match,vince jumps out of his wheelchair and knocks out the ref.Shane comes in to take over after vince made him a ref weeks prior.Shane flips off austin and refuses to count 3.Then after interference,shane counts austins shoulders and mankind advances to face the rock in the finals.In the finals,we get the previous ss finish when rock puts mankind in the sharpshooter and vince orders the timekeeper to ring the bell and awards rock the title.So it was one huge swerve against austin and mankind and the rock would be vinc'e corporate champ joining the corporation.


Fast forward to the rumble.Vince pulled austins number and austin just happened to get #1.Hbk decided because of this that vince would be #2.Vince put a bounty on austin saying that anyone who could eliminate him would get $100,000.Of course it came down to austin and vince at the end after the worst rumble ever.The rock interfered which allowed vince to win the rumble.


I might be wrong but I think this is how raw went the next night.Vince decided he wasn't going to take his wm title match.Shawn michaels said that since vince forfeited his shot it would go to the runner up which was austin.They then made a match for valentine's day massacre between austin/vince in a cage.The match was actually pretty fun and vince took a huge bump off the cage during the match.At the end,the big show debut and threw austin threw the cage,allowing him to win the match.


That set the main event for wm15 between austin and the rock.The match was decent but nothing compared to the wm17 match.Austin won the belt and had a 15 minute celebration in the ring afterward.I am going to stop it here because while the austin/vince story continued,it got very silly and made no sense.


Overall you can't go wrong with this feudIt was the best imo.Can I get some feedback on what you liked the most about the list and what you hated the most.No more lists for a little while.I will eventually do something though.

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Guest messiahtype

I wouldn't put Bret/Shawn in the top 10 (maybe not even top 20), let alone the top 5. There really wasn't ever much of an onscreen feud at any point in their history.


Let's look:


- They did the Survivor Series 1992 match without any real buildup.


- The WMXII match was face/face, and they were kept apart for the most part until the match.


- They were supposed to do the KOTR 1997 match until Shawn got "injured" again.


- And in late 1997, Shawn was the ref in Bret's 5th title win, but he was paired with Undertaker until the big Survivor Series 97 showdown.


Sure, there was lots of behind-the-scenes stuff going on, but not much that the fans could get into as far as a feud.


Hogan/Orndorff deserved a much better writeup, too, given that Orndorff was Hogan's beiggest feud in terms of money drawn.


As much as I was disliking the list so far, I have to say Bret/Shawn deserves to be top 5 just for that segment where Bret called Shawn down to the ring for seemingly no reason at all, completely ripped him apart for 20 minutes, and then it just went off the air without any retribution from Shawn. That was insane. (And who can blame Shawn for being pissed off at something like that?) Every time they got together, you could tell they despised each other. And they got together a whole bunch of times. They feuded on and off for pretty much the entire year of 1997.


There was that segment I mentioned,


all of the January-February promos and build up between the two,


the promo where Bret turned heel against US fans, Shawn came out to tell Bret to get the fuck over himself, and Bret attacked Shawn's hurt leg from behind


the promo in Canada where Shawn announced he would be the special referee and if he didn't call the match right down the middle, he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the US again. So he would have to move to Canada and live next door to Bret. This also brought us one of the most classic lines of all time, "Bret, buddy, pal of mine, if you can't trust Shawn Michaels, who can ya trust?!!"


all of the buildup in October and November for Survivor Series. I'm sure there's some more I'm forgetting about.


I would put Bret/Shawn as #2 behind Bret/Austin.


no retribution for shawn? isnt that when he superkicked bret out of the wheelchair??

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I wouldn't put Bret/Shawn in the top 10 (maybe not even top 20), let alone the top 5. There really wasn't ever much of an onscreen feud at any point in their history.


Let's look:


- They did the Survivor Series 1992 match without any real buildup.


- The WMXII match was face/face, and they were kept apart for the most part until the match.


- They were supposed to do the KOTR 1997 match until Shawn got "injured" again.


- And in late 1997, Shawn was the ref in Bret's 5th title win, but he was paired with Undertaker until the big Survivor Series 97 showdown.


Sure, there was lots of behind-the-scenes stuff going on, but not much that the fans could get into as far as a feud.


Hogan/Orndorff deserved a much better writeup, too, given that Orndorff was Hogan's beiggest feud in terms of money drawn.


As much as I was disliking the list so far, I have to say Bret/Shawn deserves to be top 5 just for that segment where Bret called Shawn down to the ring for seemingly no reason at all, completely ripped him apart for 20 minutes, and then it just went off the air without any retribution from Shawn. That was insane. (And who can blame Shawn for being pissed off at something like that?) Every time they got together, you could tell they despised each other. And they got together a whole bunch of times. They feuded on and off for pretty much the entire year of 1997.


There was that segment I mentioned,


all of the January-February promos and build up between the two,


the promo where Bret turned heel against US fans, Shawn came out to tell Bret to get the fuck over himself, and Bret attacked Shawn's hurt leg from behind


the promo in Canada where Shawn announced he would be the special referee and if he didn't call the match right down the middle, he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the US again. So he would have to move to Canada and live next door to Bret. This also brought us one of the most classic lines of all time, "Bret, buddy, pal of mine, if you can't trust Shawn Michaels, who can ya trust?!!"


all of the buildup in October and November for Survivor Series. I'm sure there's some more I'm forgetting about.


I would put Bret/Shawn as #2 behind Bret/Austin.


no retribution for shawn? isnt that when he superkicked bret out of the wheelchair??


He did, but it didn't happen on the air. The show ended with Bret bitching him out. This led to Shawn being mad and giving the "Sunny Days" promo, which led to the real life fight between the two.

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Guest messiahtype

I wouldn't put Bret/Shawn in the top 10 (maybe not even top 20), let alone the top 5. There really wasn't ever much of an onscreen feud at any point in their history.


Let's look:


- They did the Survivor Series 1992 match without any real buildup.


- The WMXII match was face/face, and they were kept apart for the most part until the match.


- They were supposed to do the KOTR 1997 match until Shawn got "injured" again.


- And in late 1997, Shawn was the ref in Bret's 5th title win, but he was paired with Undertaker until the big Survivor Series 97 showdown.


Sure, there was lots of behind-the-scenes stuff going on, but not much that the fans could get into as far as a feud.


Hogan/Orndorff deserved a much better writeup, too, given that Orndorff was Hogan's beiggest feud in terms of money drawn.


As much as I was disliking the list so far, I have to say Bret/Shawn deserves to be top 5 just for that segment where Bret called Shawn down to the ring for seemingly no reason at all, completely ripped him apart for 20 minutes, and then it just went off the air without any retribution from Shawn. That was insane. (And who can blame Shawn for being pissed off at something like that?) Every time they got together, you could tell they despised each other. And they got together a whole bunch of times. They feuded on and off for pretty much the entire year of 1997.


There was that segment I mentioned,


all of the January-February promos and build up between the two,


the promo where Bret turned heel against US fans, Shawn came out to tell Bret to get the fuck over himself, and Bret attacked Shawn's hurt leg from behind


the promo in Canada where Shawn announced he would be the special referee and if he didn't call the match right down the middle, he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the US again. So he would have to move to Canada and live next door to Bret. This also brought us one of the most classic lines of all time, "Bret, buddy, pal of mine, if you can't trust Shawn Michaels, who can ya trust?!!"


all of the buildup in October and November for Survivor Series. I'm sure there's some more I'm forgetting about.


I would put Bret/Shawn as #2 behind Bret/Austin.


no retribution for shawn? isnt that when he superkicked bret out of the wheelchair??


He did, but it didn't happen on the air. The show ended with Bret bitching him out. This led to Shawn being mad and giving the "Sunny Days" promo, which led to the real life fight between the two.


thtnks i never knew that. i always thought the kck happened on air. i must have seen it on one of the raw replay shows..

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I wouldn't put Bret/Shawn in the top 10 (maybe not even top 20), let alone the top 5. There really wasn't ever much of an onscreen feud at any point in their history.


Let's look:


- They did the Survivor Series 1992 match without any real buildup.


- The WMXII match was face/face, and they were kept apart for the most part until the match.


- They were supposed to do the KOTR 1997 match until Shawn got "injured" again.


- And in late 1997, Shawn was the ref in Bret's 5th title win, but he was paired with Undertaker until the big Survivor Series 97 showdown.


Sure, there was lots of behind-the-scenes stuff going on, but not much that the fans could get into as far as a feud.


Hogan/Orndorff deserved a much better writeup, too, given that Orndorff was Hogan's beiggest feud in terms of money drawn.


As much as I was disliking the list so far, I have to say Bret/Shawn deserves to be top 5 just for that segment where Bret called Shawn down to the ring for seemingly no reason at all, completely ripped him apart for 20 minutes, and then it just went off the air without any retribution from Shawn. That was insane. (And who can blame Shawn for being pissed off at something like that?) Every time they got together, you could tell they despised each other. And they got together a whole bunch of times. They feuded on and off for pretty much the entire year of 1997.


There was that segment I mentioned,


all of the January-February promos and build up between the two,


the promo where Bret turned heel against US fans, Shawn came out to tell Bret to get the fuck over himself, and Bret attacked Shawn's hurt leg from behind


the promo in Canada where Shawn announced he would be the special referee and if he didn't call the match right down the middle, he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the US again. So he would have to move to Canada and live next door to Bret. This also brought us one of the most classic lines of all time, "Bret, buddy, pal of mine, if you can't trust Shawn Michaels, who can ya trust?!!"


all of the buildup in October and November for Survivor Series. I'm sure there's some more I'm forgetting about.


I would put Bret/Shawn as #2 behind Bret/Austin.


no retribution for shawn? isnt that when he superkicked bret out of the wheelchair??


He did, but it didn't happen on the air. The show ended with Bret bitching him out. This led to Shawn being mad and giving the "Sunny Days" promo, which led to the real life fight between the two.


thtnks i never knew that. i always thought the kck happened on air. i must have seen it on one of the raw replay shows..

The show ended before the superkick but they showed it the next week.

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Guest messiahtype
What list would everyone like to see next ?


top 50 most influential moments in wrestling history.

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What list would everyone like to see next ?


top 50 most influential moments in wrestling history.



That is a tough project to do.I would like to do the top 50 wwf/e moments like the one poster started.The tough part about that is the ground rules.Would a mmoment mean a match,a part of a match,a certain angle or a certain tv segment ?A moment could really be anything.Lmk what you think.

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Guest messiahtype

What list would everyone like to see next ?


top 50 most influential moments in wrestling history.



That is a tough project to do.I would like to do the top 50 wwf/e moments like the one poster started.The tough part about that is the ground rules.Would a mmoment mean a match,a part of a match,a certain angle or a certain tv segment ?A moment could really be anything.Lmk what you think.


you should do them based on outside the ring moments. whether its promos, impromptu attacks, signings/defections. exlcudes offical matches tho. what do you think about my suggestion?

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