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Zack Malibu

Zack Promo, via Satellite, for HD.

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Welcome back fans, to this week's edition of HeldDOWN~! Right now we're going to break from the in-ring action for a few minutes, because we have a special guest on hand. Joining us live from Tokyo, Japan, where he is set to defend the HI-YAH Heavyweight Championship this weekend, is the one and only ZACK MALIBU!


The imagery on the Angletron draws a pop from the crowd, as Malibu is seated in a comfy-looking chair, clad in a dark grey button down shirt with the HI-YAH Title neatly positioned on a table next to him.



Michael, 'Boose, how are you guys?



We're good Zack, how is it over there in...



Excuse me, one second, Cole. Malibu, Jonathan Coachman here. Now don't you think that you made a small error just now by not greeting me along with my colleagues?






He's got you there.



Zack, nevermind him. We're glad you're with us tonight, because we want to be clued in as to how it's going on the HI-YAH tour.



Oh, things couldn't be better, Michael. I'm getting quite a workout making the rounds with HI-YAH. A few of our guys, James Blonde, Faqu, Foshi, they're all here on the tour too. We're doing what we do best, and I don't think any of the Japanese fans are going home unhappy.



You mentioned James Blonde and Faqu, we know that you were recently paired up with them on the tour?



Yeah, HI-YAH booked us in a six man tag earlier in the tour, and we worked pretty well together. I've been on both sides of the ring with those two, and they have really stepped up their game. Big things are in store for them, mark my words.



We also understand that you're...one second Zack, I'm getting word in the headset...really? OK, can we do a split screen? OK...OK Zack, Zack are you still there?



Still here, Michael.



Zack, and folks watching at home, joining us now, and Zack let us know if you can hear him, is OAOAST Corporate rep "Cowboy" Bill Watts! "Cowboy", always good to have you on HeldDOWN~!


*The screen splits, and now the veteran Watts appears on the broadcast, speaking to us from his office*



Guys, I hear you loud and clear. Zack?



I hear you, Cowboy. Why do I get the feeling I'm about to have some type of surprise sprung on me?



Haha, well don't get too conceited, Zack, because it's not just a surprise for you. However, given your location right now, it's somewhat appropriate. It'll save the company some money as far as long distance bills.






What was that, Coachman?



Uh, I bought a pair of cheap skates, y'know, for...ice...hockey.



That was the worst coverup in the history of life. Now, back to the matter at hand. I have an announcement to make concerning both the OAOAST and HI-YAH, and it pertains to our upcoming extravaganza, Anglemania V.



Sounds like a blockbuster announcement, Cowboy!



You're not far off from the truth, Michael. Now how this involves you, Zack, is because this match is a first for the company. We know that Axel made sure that you filled the HI-YAH dates in an effort to push you away from the Anglemania scene. However, winning the HI-YAH belt was one of the best things you could have done to cement a spot at the biggest show of the year. The officials at HI-YAH, along with myself and several other OAOAST staff, have decided that at Anglemania V, superstars from both promotions will take part in a match that we've dubbed "Two For The Money"!



OK, Watts, it's got my attention, but you've gotta go into detail for me.



Yes, and for us too!



Well, that's easy enough. "Two For The Money" is going to be a match contest for not just one, but two prizes. Not only will Zack have to defend his HI-YAH Heavyweight Title in that match, but on the line as well will be a contract, valid for one year, that the winner of "Two For The Money" can use at anytime to challenge the OAOAST World Champion, whomever it may be, wherever it may be!



WOW! Zack, what do you think about that?



You know me, Michael, I love a good challenge. Who else is in the match?



Well, you'll be joined not only by five other men in that contest Zack, but by as many ladders as possible, because both of those prizes will be hanging above the ring!



A six-man ladder match, for a title shot AND the HI-YAH Championship? The company has really outdone themselves this time!



Don't give all the credit to us, Caboose, because our friends at HI-YAH had just as much to do with it. As for participants, you know my credo, Zack...I try to stay out of affairs as much as possible and not show much, if any, bias. So joining you in this match will be several of the so-called Upstarts, notably Johnny Jax, Scotty Static, and Jamie O'Hara!



Upstarts represent! The greatest tag team in the world and the hottest rookie on the scene? Who else you got, Billy-boy?



What did you call me?



I mean, uh, Mr. Watts, sir.



Well, the other two men were actually previously mentioned by Zack earlier in his interview...we feel that both James Blonde and Faqu have established themselves as viable commodities to both companies, and seeing as how they're most recent OAOAST match saw them defeat the Global Party Exchange, we feel it's only fair to include them in the contest as well!



Sounds fair to me!



Zack, it's a daunting task, and I hope you're up for the challenge. Six men, an exciting blend of styles, and the unpredicability of the stipulation, it's just another piece of the Anglemania puzzle that could make this years installment the best ever.



No doubt about it.



Truly an unexpected, yet an amazing announcement! Zack, Cowboy, we thanks you both for joining us tonight, and Zack, we look forward to seeing you back around in time for Anglemania!



Likewise, Michael.



Good luck, Zack. You do us proud over there, you hear?



Will do, sir!



Goodnight, gentlemen!


*the feed cuts, and the Angletron goes back to simply flashing the OAOAST logo*



What an announcement...what a match in store for Anglemania! First time ever "Two For The Money", with Zack's championship and a shot at the OAOAST World Title as the prize!



This is, I mean...no one ran this by us! No one asked if it was OK to put Peter Knight's championship reign in jeopardy! I mean...



Last time I checked, Watts doesn't need to run anything by you, Axel, Peter Knight, or anybody else on the active roster. That's why these decisions get passed down. As for your friend Knight, well, let's just say that if Alfdogg doesn't unseat him come the 2nd of April, he could find himself sixteen pounds lighter after one of those six guys gets their chance to challenge him. Just think Coach, it might even be one of your boys doing it!



Oooooh this is not good, not good...



Folks, while Coach fights off the urge to vomit on our desk, we're gonna go to a commercial to spare you the visual, and bring you a word from our sponsors!

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