Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted March 23, 2006 When HeldDOWN~! returns, a graphic in the right hand corner of the screen reading "earlier in the week" let's us know that we haven't returned to live action. Instead we come back to JOSH MATTHEWS~!, who tells us why we're watching this days old footage. JOSH Welcome back fans. I know you're joining us on HeldDOWN, and this particular segment is being taped for the broadcast you're currently watching. We're on location at one of the OAOAST house show stops, and tonight we have two men who have taken the time out of their busy schedule to give us their feelings on their upcoming Anglemania match. With me now are Johnny Jax and Scotty Static, aka the Global Party Exchange, who are part of the first ever Two For The Money match. The HI-YAH Heavyweight Title will hang above the ring, along with a contract for a future OAOAST World Title shot, and the only way to get both of those prizes is by climbing a ladder. Scotty, Johnny, what do you think about your inclusion in this amazing match? *The camera pans back to show the GPX sitting in two of the arena seats. Jax is leaning forward and smirking, while Static is laying back with his hands behind his head and his feet propped up on the seat in front of him.* JAX What do we think...boy Josh, you're really hitting us with the hardball questions tonight, huh? What do you mean what do we think? We're in a match where the winner holds one title, and gets a shot at another. How could we not be grateful for something like that! STATIC Seriously, J. Math, everyone in this match has got to be happy about it to one extent or another, even the glory boy himself, Zack Malibu. JAX For real. STATIC Seriously, I mean, so what if it's his title on the line? He's gonna be in a marquee matchup, a first time ever one, one that's guaranteed to entertain and get the ratings police ready to cream in their skivvies, and do you know why? JOSH Because he's one of the best competitors the wrestling world has ever seen? *The GPX break down laughing. Jax is even feigning tears.* JAX Damn dog, what happened to unbiased journalism? STATIC Seriously! JAX Man, alright, you know what, forget Zack. Forget we ever mentioned him. Let's talk about two more people in that match. Let's talk about our old buddies James Blonde and Faqu. STATIC Faqu! I get it! I get it! JOSH James Blonde and Faqu, they've definitely molded themselves into a great tag team, with their biggest win to date coming at the expense of you two back last month at Zero Hour. STATIC Now hang on, Matthews, before you go down that road. Yeah, yeah they did beat us at Zero Hour, and then what? Where was the followup? There was none, because right after Zero Hour, off they went, back to Japan for HI-YAH. The GPX still haven't gotten their rematch from that. We lost that night, yeah, but let me tell you something...everyone has their day. One match does not make a man, or in this case, a team. Two guys with joke names that think because they went overseas and came back and can hit harder, or can be all "look at the fat man fly" makes them a force? Please. There is only one tag team that has been consistently great in this company, and they're the two men sitting with you right now. Blonde and Faqu, they're bottom of the barrell. They don't hold a candle to us, and at Anglemania in the Two For The Money match, we'll finally get our hands on them again. JOSH While that last part might be true, you've got to keep in mind that this isn't a tag team or group effort. In fact, Two For The Money could come down to the two of you on the same ladder, struggling to capture the prize. JAX And if it comes down to that, then let it. You think we're worried about giving each other competition? We're the best at what we do, but more than that, we're a family. Just like how our boy Jamie O'Hara is in that match too. You've got three Upstarts, three men ready and willing to risk life and limb to make sure that Zack Malibu doesn't get his moment in the sun, or that Blonde and Faqu get a win and get their egos inflated anymore than they already are. STATIC My man Johnny J hit the nail on the head, for real. We know that the OAOAST did it to try and put some cracks in The Upstarts. Set us all on the same path and see who breaks. Ain't gonna work, because all we're gonna do is take out your hero, and your flavor of the month tag team, and leave it to the GPX and Jamie O'Hara. Then we'll put on a show that the world will never forget, and whoever manages to have the magic moment and get to the top of the ladder first, then good for him, because all that means is that the belt is back where it belongs, around the waist of an Upstart, someone who deserves to have the spotlight put on them for once. JOSH It will be interesting to see if your prophecy comes true on April 2nd. The Two For The Money match is just another can't miss portion of Anglemania V. This is Josh Matthews signing off, and now let's get you back to live action, on HeldDOWN~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites