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Zack Malibu

Promoage and angleage for HeldDOWN~!

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We're back live with you tonight here with more HeldDOWN~! folks, fresh off of Anglemania V this past Sunday on PPV. It's an event that's been on everyone's lips since Sunday, and we've felt a lot of the ramifications here tonight amongst various roster members. However, one of the feel good stories of the night in addition to Alfdogg reclaiming his spot at the top of the mountain, was Zack Malibu's huge win in the first ever Two For The Money match.



Let the verbal fellation commence!



As if you wouldn't be doing the same thing if one of your boys had won that match?



To be fair, Coach, I thought that all six men put forth a hell of an effort in that match. We watched on as they endured such painful circumstances, and it was that effort that made that an Anglemania match to remember. It was at the end of that match though, that only Zack Malibu was left standing atop the ladder, holding not only his reclaimed HI-YAH title which was on the line in the contest, but an open opportunity to take on the OAOAST World Champion, whomever it is, at any point in the next twelve months!


The plucking of bass strings sets the tone for "Getting Away With Murder", and as the lights drop the fans rise, scrambling to their feet as the OAOAST's favorite son is set to appear live and in living color.



Zack Malibu is HERE!



Thank you, Captain Obvious.


Malibu is welcomed by a loud crowd pop as he appears onstage, with the HI-YAH Championship draped over his shoulder, and a pile of papers stapled together in another...no doubt the contract for an OAOAST World Title shot that he captured just days ago.



We should also note that none of the men involved in Two For The Money will be in action tonight, as all were given this week off as a healing period. Although no threatening injuries were suffered in that match, we know that James Blonde is in a sling as a result of the damage his right arm sustained, that Faqu had some bruised ribs, and...



...now how you not gonna mention what happened to poor Jamie O'Hara? Dude's been limping around for days because he got pushed off the top rope and landed with his little general on a ladder rung!



I wasn't finished!



You weren't gonna finish! Bottom line is, it sickens me to see other people putting effort like what you saw the GPX and Jamie O'Hara do Sunday night, and get no props, no respect for it, while THIS man's ass gets kissed on a daily basis!


Malibu steps up the stairs and into the ring, circling around and looking around to his numerous fans, all applauding his arrival. Malibu heads over to the side of the ring and requests a mic, taking a moment to address the crowd as the fans continue to chant his name.







What a response for this respected superstar!



After what he did the other night, he deserves every second of it!


Once the fans realize Zack would like to speak, they finally die down, and allow the preppy one to put his mic to use.



So, I'm guessing you all saw Anglemania V the other night, right?


*huge crowd pop*



Well, in that case, I'm guessing you noticed a few things. You probably noticed that the New, New Midnight Express are no more. You probably noticed that Leon Rodez, my ex-partner in The Usual Suspects, became a champion once again in a brutal ladder match. You probably noticed that Peter Knight LOST his Heavyweight Title in the main event, and that we have a NEW World Heavyweight Champion named ALFDOGG!


*huge crowd pop*



OK, well there's no need for a more descript recap, because I'm willing to bet you've taped it, read the results on the internet, and have the DVD on pre-order. But there is one last thing I'd like to refer to, and that's to what I'm holding in my hand right now...



That sonuva...He puts the MICROPHONE over, but he can't give credit to my boys!?



What do you mean put the microphone over? He's talking about the contract, you twit!



He's gonna put THAT over too?



...you don't quit, do you?



In my hand right now, is a contract. A contract I pulled off the back of this belt, my HI-YAH Championship Title, when I snapped it free from it's harness to win the first ever Two For The Money match. A match that quite frankly, had everything going against me. The numbers game. My belt on the line. The expected brutality and wear and tear. The OAOAST and HI-YAH put that match together to show good faith towards each other, to show that people like James Blonde and Faqu are on the same level as anyone else in the OAOAST currently. They did it to show that this belt, the one I'm holding, means as much as any championship anywhere in the world. They did it to...


It wouldn't be a wrestling show without PROMO INTERRUPTION~!



I believe the Latin term is Promo Interuptus.


(How the hell did Caboose respond to my description? Anyways...)


"Make Her Say" cuts off Zack's train of thought and silences him for a few moments, as Scotty Static, Johnny Jax, and Jamie O'Hara, not looking extremely pleased, head down the aisleway.



It never ends! Three sore losers are heading to the ring!



Maybe they've got something good to say. They've got just as much right to be out here addressing the world as Zack does!


O'Hara, Static and Jax all enter the ring, while Zack makes sure to keep on eye on all of them, ready in case they choose to pounce. Jax waves for a mic and has one tossed to him by a stagehand, then taps it to make sure it's on before handing it over to Scotty Static, the more talkative of the Global Party Exchange.



Now hang on, Malibu. We're not out here to rain on your parade. We're out here to give you your due. See, Anglemania wasn't just a victory for you that earned you your title back, and a contract to get an OAOAST World Title shot, oh no. It was a moral victory of sorts too, because after that match, as the three of us lay in the back moaning and groaning, hoping to heal and wondering what the hell is wrong with us that we were just diving off ladders and using that same cold hard steel to bust one another open, it hit us. See, some of us, like me, Johnny and Jamie, do what we do for the thrill. For the rush. The notoriety doesn't hurt either. That's why we do what we do. James Blonde and Faqu, they do what they do because they're out to prove something to the world. That the stereotype they fell into years ago will be null and void, and people will remember them as fighters. Last, but not least, we know why you do what you do, Zack. Right now, I'm talking to you free from the chains of any group affiliation, any war, any...any anything. I'm telling you, face to face right now, Malibu, that we know you do what you do because it's in your heart. It's in your blood, in your veins. You took this sport, this company of ours, and made it your life. We know that's why you're the one who came to the forefront of The Originals. We hurt the company, we hurt you. On the other hand, you look good, and the company looks good...well let me tell you people, speaking from personal experience, this man right here made this company look pretty damn good this past Sunday night.


The crowd roars as Scotty Static, oddly enough, has just given props to Zack Malibu for winning Two For The Money.



Sunday night, you won that match, but you have to call a spade a spade, Zack. Look at what we went through to get that gold belt that rests on your shoulder right now. Look at what we did to EACH OTHER, and we're boys, man...but look at what we did to try and get some glory, some more notoriety. That's what you don't understand, Zack. It's what you've never been able to come to terms with. You get all this glory, all this fame and fortune, and then when a group of us wants the same damn thing...we're the villains? We're the bad guys? Let me tell you something my man, you can paint us in any light you want. The fans can hate us for not staying soft. Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion and we're not gonna front and tell you you're wrong or right. Like the song says, hate it or love it. The reason we came out here, the reason we're in your face right now, is because we want something from you. One thing. Not a title shot. Not a match. Not a fight. There's one thing the three of us want from you, and that's for you to shake our hands, and give us some respect.


Malibu looks genuinely surprised at this turn of events. Many fans boo, sensing a trap on the part of the GPX and O'Hara, and are even more shocked when Static lowers his mic and extends his hand to Zack Malibu.



It's all we want, Zack. It's all we ever wanted. We want you to admit you respect us. Forget your hatred. Forget the Upstarts and the Originals and this war we've been waging. As a man, Zack, as a man, we want your respect!


Malibu, still perplexed, walks forward, and is now caught in a staredown with Static. The two look into each other's eyes and don't flinch. Jax and O'Hara remain still, not taking an opportunity they normally would to attack Malibu. Zack steps back and looks down at Static's hand, and in a scene unheard of since the GPX changed their attitude 12 months ago, he shakes his hand!



Well I'll be...



Damn! Now even I didn't know where this was gonna go!


Malibu then turns to Johnny Jax and does the same, shaking his hand, and finally Jamie O'Hara's, the young man who may have absorbed the most punishment of all this past Sunday night. The crowd cheers at the sportsmanship of the three normally loathed competitors, as Zack steps away from them.



DID YOU PEOPLE EVER THINK YOU'D SEE THE DAY? Haha, that's what I'm talking about. You wanna talk about your Anglemania moments, well we just created another HeldDOWN~! memory on live TV. The only thing is that, while we do respect you, Zack...we still don't like you.




In a flash, Malibu is nailed in the forehead with a microphone shot by Static, and as he stumbles around, O'Hara hits the ropes and connects with a jump spinning roundhouse that drills Zack in the chest! Down on the mat, Malibu has the boots put to him by the GPX and Jamie O'Hara, who just moments ago were seemingly turning over a new leaf!



Keep him down! Keep him down!


Static shouts commands into the mic as he and his cohorts continue to pound on Zack, who is struggling to get up.



You brought this upon yourself, Zack! It took us this long...now we're gonna make sure you CONTINUE to respect us!


The beating continues, until out of the back come Faqu, and James Blonde, complete with his arm in a sling! As the big Samoan comes through the ropes, Jax delivers a hard soccer kick to the ribs, knocking the wind out of the big man who is still reeling from Sunday night! As he ducks back out to the apron, Jax hits the ropes, and NAILS Faqu with a YAKUZA KICK~! that sends him careening down and into the guardrail! Meanwhile, O'Hara jumps on Blonde, but as James fights back with some wild left hands, Jax reaches from behind and rakes his eyes, enabling O'Hara to tear his sling off and start choking him out with it!



This is insanity! All that talk about respect...



This is how you earn it on the streets, playa! You don't get respect with words, you get it with action, and this is what the Global Party Exchange and Jamie O'Hara are showing us right now!


Blonde is kicked out of the ring, discarded for the very fact he dare interfere as the GPX and O'Hara use Malibu to send a message to the world. With Zack down, O'Hara and Jax each hold him down by either his arms or legs, as Static goes up to the top rope and leaps into the air, crashing down on Zack's exposed body with STATIC SHOCK~!, reeling from his own move as his body is still sore from Anglemania~!



Well I'll tell you one thing, they did nothing to earn MY respect here tonight!


With Zack laid out, Jamie O'Hara picks up the HI-YAH Title from the mat, and waves for Jax to pick Zack up. Malibu is yanked up onto his feet and shoved forward by Jax, as O'Hara charges and leaps into the air, cracking him across the head itwh his own title belt!





Malibu is officially laid out, as the booing grows throughout the crowd. O'Hara looks and sees the mic on the mat, and picks that up, taking his turn to address the crowd.



What you just saw...was the beginning of our rise. WE are the next mainstream superstars, and dat's on the REAL, yo! WE are going to be your poster boys. Your role models, icons, and champions. We respect this man laying here, we really do, but we've warned him to step aside. You don't wanna move on your own, g, well we're more than happy to give ya a push, you dig?


O'Hara, skinny street thug that he is, disposes of the mic by throwing it down on Zack's unconscious body. The triumphant trio raise their hands in salute before exiting the ring, as the scene fades with Zack laid out in the ring, and the crowd still shaken in disbelief of the actions of the GPX and O'Hara.

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