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HD: Sooners interview

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Got this out of the way early so I can have more time to write the LSGS-SCM match. No mention of anything other than the Heavenly Rockers.


[b][color=#FF0000]N[/color][color=#FFCC33]R[/color][color=#33CC00]G[/color] power drinks and supplements present... 

[color=#3366FF]OAOAST BACKTRACK[/color][/b]

[quote][b][color=#009900]ZERO HOUR[/color]
Courtesy: OAOAST Home Entertainment[/b]

The roar of the crowd still buzzing in the background as Logan and Frank slowly get up to their feet and begin throwing haymakers, with Mann getting the best of his bigger and stronger opponent. But Frank reverses his Irish whip, sending Logan running to the ropes where he uses the top rope as a springboard to nail Frank with a reverse crossbody...but Frank catches him and counters with a vertical suplex into a sit-out tombstone piledriver/Steiner Screwdriver/Owen Driver '97, a/k/a 69 DRIVER!!!



Arn Anderson brushes Frank aside and immediately attends to Logan, as does Synth who sees his partner/best friend lying motionless in the ring. Frank keeps trying to pin Logan, just to have Anderson keep pushing him back. Frankie enters the ring to see what's going on. Arn orders both Synth and Frankie out of the ring as EMTs begin making their way from the back. The screen cuts to a wideshot as Frank leans over to share a brief conversation...AND GETS ROLLED UP!





The fans aren't sure what to think at first, then ERUPT as Arn raises the hands of Logan and Synth. Frank gets rough with Arn, backing him into the corner and cussing him out as the Heavenly Rockers embrace. Frankie restrains his brother while getting his words in as well. The Sooner Bruisers leave the area in disgust.

What the hell just happened?!

Loga Mann was playing possum! He suckered in Frank.

What kind of a dirty tatic is that? Pretending your seriously injured just to get the 1-2-3?


The Heavenly Rockers hold up the trophy one last time as "Heart-Shaped Box" cues up.

The winners of the 2006 Anderson Cup, the HEAVENLY RRRRROOOOOOOCKERRRRRRSSSSSS!

The SOONER BRUISERS return and shove the Heavenly Rockers to the ground before SMASHING the trophy in righteous indignation, SHATTERING it into a thousand pieces. Security storm the ring to keep the peace, the crowd showing the Sooners with boos as they're escorted backstage, leaving the Heavenly Rockers standing over the scattered pieces of their trophy in the ring.

Poor sportsmanship on the part of the Sooner Bruisers. I know how badly they wanted to win the Anderson Cup and the shot at the tag titles at AngleMania, but their behavior tonight is uncalled for.[/quote]

That has been [color=#3333FF][b]OAOAST BACKTRACK[/b][/color], presented by...

[color=#FF0000]N[/color][color=#FFCC33]R[/color][color=#33CC00]G[/color]: "Our tag team might not be winners, but our power drinks and supplements are!"

Backstage with Hall of Famer "MEAN" GENE OKERLUND and the SOONER BRUISERS. 

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what went down the last time the Heavenly Rockers and Sooner Bruisers were in the ring together, and together they will be again Sunday night, April 30th, at Living Angleously. That's when the Heavenly Rockers will put their newly won tag team titles on the line against the two men by my side, the men they defeated to win the 2006 Anderson Cup; I'm talking about the "Man of Tomorrow" and the "Pyscho Gremlin", Frank and Frankie Frankensteiner... the Sooner Bruisers. 

Defeated us? They didn't defeat nobody, Gene! Everybody who saw the Anderson Cup Finals know who really won that night. We beat Synth and Logan from pillar-to-post. The video don't lie. You saw what happened when Logan Mann tried to get cute with his flippy-floppy offense, he got caught by the largest arms in the world, the 25" anacondas, and was spiked into the mat with the move ever woman cherishes and every man dreads, the 69 Driver. That ticket to AngleMania was being reserved in the names of me and my brother when Logan pulled the greatest prank of all-time, pretending to have suffered a serious neck injury so he could buy himself time to pick his beaten ass up and continue to fight. Bravo. It worked. You sucked everyone right into your story and cleared your path to the tag titles at AngleMania. That was Oscar-winning bullshit! Logan and Synth, you were no match for our power, but you damn sure took our glory. Well, boys, we're finally gettin' our shot at the gold. The shot we should've had at AngleMania. The night OUR hands should've been raised. Congratulations on winning those belts. Enjoy them while you can. Because after our match at Living Angelously, you'll be the ones congratulating US on winning the titles. 

You know, Gene, there's a song out there that goes "reunited and it feels so good." 

I've heard of it. We all have. 

Well, that's the story of the Heavenly Rockers and the Sooner Bruisers. Reunited. But it won't feel so good for Synth and Logan after we get done suplexing them around the ring and take home the belts. Ow, ow, ow, OWWWWWWW! 

You'll get your chance on the 30th of this month. But later tonight you'll be involved in a big eight-man tag along with the new World Heavyweight Champion Alfdogg and Thunderkid as you 4 take on Team Heyross, Brock Ausstin and Reject. 

It will be an honor to team with the World Champion and TK, two men we have a great deal of respect for. Team Heyross, [i]Brock[/i], Reject, you boys better watch out because we'll gonna cause some bruising!

I must say, gentlemen, I just can't help but feel the animosity between yourselves and the Heavenly Rockers. I know both camps claim there's no friction, but I think I speak for everyone when I say there's obviously some bad feelings. 

Just because you and Dr. Phil have similar hairstyles doesn't mean you can get us to spill our guts like some plus-sized woman. We go into every match with the same intensity. Friend OR foe. It makes no difference to us. All you gotta know is, we're coming to take what should already be ours...the World tag team championship.

Thank you very much, gentlemen. Our time is up. Again, fans, the Sooner Bruisers will meet the Heavenly Rockers for the World tag team championship at Living Angleously, April 30th and live only on pay-per-view. I gotta tell you, being around Big Frank scares the hell outta me. You never know when the big fella might go off. Anyway, that does it from here. The action continues...

Edited by Tony149

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