Tony149 0 Report post Posted April 30, 2006 TV-14 L,V * DUN DUN DUN DUNNA, DUN DUN DUNNA * Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid shock and delight. THE OAOAST...WHAT THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD IS READING~! THE CHAMPION Alf stands straight on the top rope as the fans ready their cameras. Alf takes those last breaths before leaping for the FIVE.... STAR..... ALF...... SPLASH!!! *BAM* "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" CABOOSE HE HIT IT!! COLE HE GOT IT!!!! The impact knocks the wind out of Alf slightly and he grabs his ribs, gasping for the precious oxygen he needs to roll over and flop on top of Knight, making sure he hooks the leg as Hebner crawls over to make the count. ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! *DING DING* COLE YES!!! IT'S OVER!!! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!!! Hebner hands the belt off to Alfdogg and raises his hand to the crowd. Alf cradles the belt in his arms like a newborn before thrusting it into the air to a blinding sea of flashbulbs. BUFFER LLLLLadies and gentlemen, the winner of this contest.....and NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW One and Only Anglesault Thread Heavyweight Champion of the WOOOOOOOOORLLLLLLLLLLLD....AAAAAALFDOGGGGGGGGGG!!!! THE EX-CHAMPION * Rapid-fire clips of PK dominating and hitting his Knightmare finisher * THE CURRENT BIG THING * Another round of rapid-fire clips, this time focusing on Brock and his F-Stunner-5 * 3 MEN. 1 BELT. 1 CHAMPION. We fade out with a shot of Alf staring at his reflection in the OAOAST World Title belt...with the faces of Peter Knight and Brock Ausstin looming in the background. BOOM~! BOOM~! BOOM~! BOOM~! SCHIAVONE (Off-Screen) Living Angleously is live on the air! And they are hanging from the rafters here in Indianapolis. VENTURA (O.S.) That's just about the only thing that will ever hang in the rafters of Conseco Fieldhouse, because the Pacers sure aren't winning the NBA championship anytime soon. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Once the fireworks are done, we pan around Conseco Fieldhouse, fans pushing and shoving to get themselves and their mis-spelled signs on camera, before SWOOPING~! over to our hosts Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura in front of the huge Living Angleously logo shaped AngleTron. SCHIAVONE (CONT'D) Hi again, everyone. Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura once again your hosts for more exciting OAOAST action. We'll be joined momentarily by the men who will be calling the action. But first, Jesse, what a night we have in store for the fans. VENTURA And am I excited about tonight, Tony. 4 championship matches. A submission match. Two former partners settling their differences the old fashion way -- no holds barred. And the the championship of the world to be decided in a Triple Threat match. Alfdogg will defend his newly won World Title against the former champion Peter Knight and Brock Ausstin. But you know what I'm really excited about? The announcement of the new show you and I will host, Schiavone. SCHIAVONE We'll have more details on that later in the night. Now we send it over to the men who'll be calling the action down at Sofa Central, Triple C. Guys, take it away. COLE Thanks, Tony. It's always a pleasure to be working with you and Jesse. Joined by my broadcast partners, Johnathan Coachman and Caboose. Guys, not even a month removed from AngleMania V and two champions already find themselves trapped in a corner. I'm specifically referring to the Heavenly Rockers and the World Heavyweight Champion Alfdogg. CABOOSE That's what to be expected when you're a champion. You're the envy and target of every competitior. There may be more pressure on the Heavenly Rockers because they haven't held championship gold before, but I know for a fact they and Alfdogg aren't crying because everybody is gunning for them. What makes a great champion is knocking off every challenge that come your way. COACH Well I don't know about that, 'Boosey. My sources tell me the Heavenly Rockers and Alfie have been seen crying behind the scenes, wishing they had never won their respective titles. To them The Coach says, don't worry, fellas. You won't have to worry about the pressure of being champion much longer, because after tonight we'll have new World tag team and Heavyweight champions. CABOOSE I sure hope your "sources" are more exciting than the person who really was Deep Throat, Coach. COACH My sources are as good as anything you'd find in Washington, baby boy. COLE In that case, I feel sorry for you, Coach. Anyway, it's time to deliver what the fans came and paid to see -- great wrestling action. So let's toss it up to ring announcer Michael Buffer for our opening match! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted April 30, 2006 (edited) (Cut to the entranceway, as we see El Hiperbole de Internet, formerly Sean Bryant, running down to the ring, wearing a black and blue mask with grey horns, with a sleeveless black tight top and baggy blue pants. The outfit is covered by computer keyboard designs. "Het Ironische Wonder" Alex Bryant, wearing uneven black shorts with his name in green on the back, and El Claraboya, formerly Nate Tethers and wearing a red mask with black tassles on the back and green/red/blue/yellow squggily-striped tights, are already in the ring.) COLE Here, because we're nice people, we're giving you, the paying customer, a BONUS to the stuff you've already paid to see! This is going to be quite the dynamic bout, as four top X-Division athletes from across the globe, as El Hiperbole de Internet, which means "Hype of the Internet" in Spanish, will do battle with fellow XMLL luchadore El Claraboya, which means "The Skyline", as well as "The Ironic Wonder" Alex Bryant, who's spent the past year studying sambo stylings in Siberia, and the OAOAST's own... (Crazy J-pop dance music starts blaring, as the lights come down. Dance Dance Dragon does a cartwheel back handspring into a split coming out of the entrance! He runs down to the ring with a group of young Japanese girls dressed up in lime-green dragon costumes without the heads. They all stand in formation in center-ring, as a spotlight that makes the ring canvas look like one gigantic DDR pad shines down. The music picks up again, and they dance the night away...) COACH Dance Dance Dragon! He's by far the least experienced wrestler in this match and even in the OAOAST, as the other three had stints all at the same time in 2004 before leaving to study wrestling abroad. Dragon has the home-field advantage, but the other three have just about all of the other advantages... COLE True. Though they're currently feuding south of the border, I could see Claraboya & El Hiperbole de Internet forming a brief team to take out the other two. But then again, I could see them going right after each other with the familiarity comfort zone there. You also spoke of these guys leaving America to go study wrestling across the world. I mentioned Bryant's Siberian vacation, but the other two DROVE from Colorado to Mexico to learn lucha libre. I've been told that Hiperbole especially has, while keeping his dynamic high-flying skills, added a base of complicated chain-wrestling skills that you wouldn't have expected out of him before he left. COACH That's a good thing for the longevity of his career...I'm being told it's time to hook 'em up! ::BELL RINGS:: El Hiperbole starts off with El Claraboya. They start off quickly locking up with a collar-and-elbow, as Claraboya gets a go-behind into a waistlock takedown, slamming Hiperbole de Internet down without holding on. He reaches down to grab Hiperbole, but Hiperbole grabs onto the arm on the way up and gets a standning side wristlock. However, Claraboya escapes with a cartwheel turned into headscissors takeover. Hiperbole kips out of the headscissors, as they both come back up to their feet. Hiperbole grabs a headlock, but gets sent off to the ropes. Claraboya leapfrogs over Hiperbole on his way back. Hiperbole comes off of the ropes on the other side chest-first, stumbling back into a sunset cradle from Claraboya... ONE! Hiperbole de Internet rolls through and rolls Claraboya back up to his feet by the foot, rolling backwards. Hiperbole brings him over immediately with an armdrag, but then gets blocked on a hiptoss attempt. Claraboya smacks Hiperbole in the stomach, then rolls to his side, grabs Hiperbole's leg, and brings him down to the mat with a lucha carry takedown. Claraboya rolls over Hiperbole's body and comes off of the ropes...Hiperbole rolls over and brings him down with a drop toe hold. Hiperbole floats into a reverse bodyscissors that he is able to roll into a sunset cradle... ONE! Claraboya kicks out. Both come to their feet, and Hiperbole leaps to a wheelbarrow. Claraboya lifts Hiperbole up into an electric chair, but Hiperbole escapes with a palm strike to the face followed by a backwards dropkick into a front roll onto the mat! Claraboya falls back into Alex Bryant's corner, and Bryant tags himself in. Hiperbole leaps onto Claraboya for a monkeyflip, but Bryant leaps onto the top rope and brings Hiperbole over with a rolling backslide! ONE! TW.. El Hiperbole de Internet kicks out! Bryant grabs Hiperbole's arm and applies a wristlock, then puts his leg over the arm and rolls himself & Hiperbole forward. Alex then turns himself over into a lateral pres... ONE! Bryant grabs a hammerlock on the mat. Hiperbole rolls backwards in an escape attempt, so Bryant goes behind while keeping ahold of the arm and applies a reverse hammerlock, pulling Hiperbole to his feet with it. Alex turns Hiperbole around to where his head's between Alex's legs, and Bryant delivers a single-arm hammerlock suplex, floating right into a pin.. ONE! Bryant pulls El Hiperbole de Internet up and goes for a stalling vertical suplex. But, Hiperbole slips out and lands on his feet! Hiperbole springboards to the second rope and, right as Alex turns around, Hiperbole connects with a turnaround enziguri kick that sends Alex to the outside! Dance Dance Dragon runs into the ring! Bi paso sidestep by El Hiperbole de Internet, as DDD charges off of the ropes and runs into a backroll monkey flip by Hiperbole, but DDD gets flung far enough that he's able to land it into a handspring against the ropes, which he then uses to go for a moonsault onto Hiperbole! Hiperbole moves, but DDD lands on his feet! DDD goes for a lariat, but Hiperbole goes underneath the arm and flips over it...but gets caught in a bridging Northern Lights suplex! ONE! T... El Hiperbole de Internet kicks out! DDD grabs Hiperbole on the way up and delivers a stiff forearm to the back. DDD pulls Hiperbole over to the ropes, climbs up to the second rope, and tries to suplex Hiperbole from inside the ring to out of it! Hiperbole grabs onto the ropes to block the suplex, as El Claraboya comes from behind on the apron and forearms DDD in the back. Claraboya grabs DDD and attempts to go for a Razor's Edge to the floor! Dragon uses the momentum and flips to his feet on the floor, then leaps up and headbutts Claraboya in the stomach, causing him to bend over on the apron.. DDD turns around to rub his back, but that gives Hiperbole a perfect opening to springboard to the top rope, double stomp Claraboya's back, then flip into a version of the Dragonrana on Dragon! CROWD "FUCK-IN' SWEET! FUCK-IN' SWEET!" COLE I agree with the chant! Alex Bryant enters the ring during the chaotic aftermath to wait for all three on the floor to come to their feet. It takes a while, as that was quite the move! As they rise up, Bryant climbs to the top rope, with his back facing his opponents. They're finally all up in a daze and he goes for a moonsault plancha...but they all move and he lands stomach-first on the protective mats! Dance Dance Dragon and El Claraboya enter the ring and El Hiperbole de Internet, exhausted, goes to his corner. Bryant...just lays on the floor. DDD connects with a STIFF chop to Claraboya's chest, then sends him off with an Irish whip. DDD goes for a quesadora (tilt-a-whirl backbreaker), but Claraboya reverses in mid-move with a bulldog! He pulls DDD up and hits a vertical suplex, then bridges up and follows up with a snap neckbreaker. Cover... ONE! TWO! Dragon kicks out. Claraboya grabs a front facelock and drags him over to Hiperbole de Internet's corner, where he tags in the smallest man in the match. Claraboya lifts DDD up over his shoulder, as Hiperbole comes off the top rope with a flying knee, followed up by Claraboya dropping DDD with a shoulderbreaker. Hiperbole goes for the cover... ONE! TWO! DDD kicks out. Hiperbole pulls him up and sends him off with an Irish whip. Hiperbole comes off of the ropes on his end, then busts out a rolling kip-up into a dropkick to the gut! DDD's bent over, so Hiperbole climbs onto his back and tries for a moonsault to the back! But, DDD moves away and Hiperbole lands on his feet! DDD charges at Hiperbole with a clothesline, but Hiperbole drops down and kips up underneath the arm. DDD turns around, as Hiperbole's turned around and charges...he leaps onto Dragon's back crucifix-style and connects with a knee strike to the side of the head that sends DDD down! COLE Looks like Alex Bryant is finally back to his corner... Hiperbole drags DDD, who's face-first on the mat, back to El Claraboya's corner. El Hiperbole de Internet makes the tag. Claraboya slingshots himself over the top rope and connects with a corkscrew elbow drop to Dragon's back! Claraboya quickly drags Dragon towards the center of the ring again, then leaps to the top rope and nails an impressive Lionsault-style tumbleweed elbow drop! He goes for the cover! ONE! TWO! DDD kicks out! Claraboya goes for a powerbomb, but DDD somehow rolls out of the back end! Claraboya turns around, as DDD comes off of the ropes. Dragon goes for the flying headscissors, but attempts multiple rotations on it! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! However, Claraboya somehow gains control of Dragon and drops him down chest-first onto his knees! El Claraboya gets up and tags in Alex Bryant, still clutching his chest from that missed dive. Alex comes in and hits a snap suplex on Dragon, then floats through, hooks the near arm, wraps himself around the back, and brings Dragon over with a crucifix pin variation... ONE! TWO! Dragon kicks out! Alex pulls Dragon up and hits a butterfly backbreaker, then follows up with a kick to the seated spine. Bryant then comes off of the ropes and connects with a rolling shoulder senton followed by a Lionsault on the other end! Cover! One! TWO! Dragon kicks out again! Bryant lifts Dragon onto the top turnbuckle, then climbs up to the second rope. Alex goes for a superplex, but Dragon blocks. He then headbutts Alex in the ear, causing him to lose the hold. DDD grabs a double-underhook, but he cannot get Alex up. Bryant then is somehow able to power Dragon up...and backdrops him down to the mat! Dragon lands hard, as Alex turns around on the second rope, leaps off, and connects with a kneedrop! Cover! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Bryant gets frustrated, stomps on Dragon, then tags out to El Claraboya. Claraboya pulls Dragon up and delivers a front-face suplex drop onto his knee, leaving DDD bent over in mid-ring. Claraboya comes off of the ropes and delivers a brutal leapfrog-style double stomp to the back of Dragon, sending him down to the mat stomach-first! Claraboya comes off of the ropes again and delivers another double-stomp to the back! He then leaps up to the second rope and delivers a third! Cover! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Claraboya pulls Dance Dance Dragon up delivers a double-underhook gutbuster. He follows up by hooking the arms and hitting a pumphandle sit-out bomb into a pin.... ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Claraboya tries lifting DDD up, but it seems as if he's dead weight at this point. He eventually gets Dragon standing, then lifts him for a torture rack. El Claraboya holds him up for what seems like forever, then swings him around for a slam variation...but Dragon reverse in mid-move and hits a Flatliner! The crowd applauds, as Dragon feeds off of the adreniline and hops up to make the tag to Alex Bryant...but Bryant hops down off of the apron to avoid it! CROWD BOOOO! Dragon stays in the corner, pointing at Bryant for not taking the tag. That creates the distraction for Claraboya to come from behind with a flip press to Dragon's back! Dragon goes down to his knees, as Claraboya pulls him to mid-ring and sets up for a Tiger Bomb. Claraboya lifts....and Dragon slips out the back end! DDD lands on his feet, and both turn around to face each other. Dragon throws a kick, but Claraboya catches it. He then throws the leg up to flip Dragon in mid-air....but Dragon catches him in mid-air with a headscissors....HURRICANRANA CRADLE! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Dragon leaps up...but Claraboya grabs the leg and trips him! Dragon reaches out to El Hiperbole de Internet for the tag. Claraboya stands up holding the foot, as Dragon comes up to standing on one foot. He hops around, reaching out for a tag. El Claraboya gets a little too cocky holding the foot, mockingly "tickling" the bottom of it. Dragon takes advantage of this, leaps up, kicks backwards and knocks Claraboya down, then rolls forward in mid-air and makes the hot tag to El Hiperbole de Internet! El Claraboya gets to his feet, and runs right into a springboard single stomp to the top of the head! COACH HELLO! Hiperbole comes off of the ropes, as Claraboya stumbles to his feet. Hiperbole hooks the head while going under, and hits an Asai DDT version of a spinning neckbreaker! El Claraboya rolls to the outside. Alex Bryant comes into the ring and hooks Hiperbole for a side suplex. He lifts, but El Hiperbole gets his legs up and reverses with a flying headscissors! Bryant bounces up and runs into a 1.5-rotation spinning wheel kick! Hiperbole goes to the top rope, but El Claraboya climbs to to the apron and crotches Hiperbole. El Claraboya climbs to the top rope, then bends Hiperbole down and stands on his back. Claraboya faces the crowd and goes for a Tumbleweed on Bryant...but Alex moves and he hits nothing but canvas! COLE High-risk equals low reward! Bryant gets up, puts Claraboya on all fours, gets the La Magistral arm crank, then rolls backwards into a crucifix... ONE! TWO! El Hiperbole de Internet breaks it up with a top rope corkscrew senton! Hiperhole grabs Alex and whips him into a corner, then busts out a Tiger Wall Flip followed by a Superman shoulder charge to the gut. Hiperbole walks backward to mid-ring...and right into a Saito side suplex by El Claraboya RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! Claraboya gets up, as Alex Bryant charges him and connects with a Thesz Press-style reverse-direction Lungblower! Bryant's down on all fours, and out of nowhere, Dance Dance Dragon flies off of the top rope and scores PERFECT (top rope double stomp) to the head! DDD pulls Bryant up and tries to go for the Newbie Killer (Vertebreaker). But, El Claraboya pops up and kicks him in the stomach to break it up. El Claraboya hooks DDD in fisherman position, lifts him, and drives him down with a front spinebuster. COVER! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Claraboya pounds the mat with his fist, looking angry. He then pulls Alex Bryant up and signals for Bryant to help him. They pull Dragon up and hook him for a double Russian Legsweep. But, DDD elbows them both in the stomach repeatedly to escape. He then hooks both of their heads...DOUBLE DANCE DANCE DDT (Asai DDT), and Dragon lands it with a splash onto El Hiperbole de Internet! Cover on Hiperbole! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Bryant & Claraboya roll to the apron on opposite sides of the ring, as Dragon puills Hiperbole up in mid-ring. Dragon connects with a roundhouse kick to the left mid-section, then follows up with one to the right. DDD pumps up and goes for the head kick to complete the Combo, but Hiperbole ducks the kick. With DDD's back to him, Hiperbole leaps onto Dragon's shoulders and hits a HEADSCISSORS DRIVER~!~! (flying headscissors head-drop) The crowd goes NUTS! COVER! ONE! TWO! TH... El Claraboya leaps in to break it up! Hiperbole gets lifted for a suplex by Claraboya, but he blocks it with a knee strike to the head. El Hiperbole de Internet then comes off of the ropes and leaps onto Claraboya's back, then goes for a hurricanrana (ala AJ Styles)...but Claraboya reverses with a PILEDRIVER! COVER! ONE! TWO! Alex Bryant breaks it up! Claraboya and Bryant get to their feet and exchange chops in mid-ring. One after another, they get louder and louder! The chops keep getting stiffer, until Bryant stops the even momentum with a knee to the stomach. He hooks El Claraboya for a double-underhook suplex, then flips him up and turns it into a Side Effect! COVER! ONE! TWO! Dance Dance Dragon breaks it up! DDD tries pulling Alex up, but Bryant delivers a headbutt to the stomach. He then goes for a powerbomb, but DDD reverses by lifting Bryant up for an Alabamaslam and hitting it in the corner! Alex stumbles out and gets lifted into the Speed Modifier (airplane spin)! The rotations go 'round at dizzying speeds, as the crowd counts along... ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! El Hiperbole de Internet climbs slowly to the top rope... EIGHT! NINE! TEN! Hiperbole leaps off...double stomp onto the Speed Modifier into a senton on Claraboya! The crowd goes NUTS! COVER! ONE! TWO! DDD dumps Alex onto the pin to break it up! Dragon grabs Hiperbole and pulls him up. Dragon goes for the Newbie Killer, but Hiperbole connects with a mule kick to escape. Hiperbole comes off of the ropes and hits a flying headscissors into a single-arm bulldog! Dragon stumbles up to a knee immediately, as Hiperbole steps back, then charges forward and hits a Shining Double Stomp to the Head! COVER! ONE! TWO! Alex Bryant BARELY breaks it up! He forearms Hiperbole in the back of the head, then pulls him up, hooks the arms, and hits a straitjacket implant DDT! But, before he can go for the pin, El Claraboya crawls over and headbutts Bryant in the ear! Claraboya pulls Alex up, hooks him for a pumphandle, then lifts that into a fireman's carry Michinoku Driver! COVER! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Claraboya then climbs to the top rope. Dragon stumbles up to try and break it up, but gets kicked in the head hard enough to leave him dazed in the corner below. Out of NOWHERE, El Hiperbole de Internet pops up to the top rope and connects with a knee to Claraboya's stomach, causing him to bend over. Hiperbole climbs onto Claraboya's bent back, facing the crowd...REVERSE 450 FLIP ONTO ALEX BRYANT WITH A DROPKICK TO DRAGON'S BACK! COLE WHAT... COACH THE.... BOTH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK?!?!? COVER! ONE! TWO! THR-FROG SENTON BY CLARABOYA BREAKS IT UP! CROWD "NICE! NICE! NICE!" Claraboya gets up, holding his back, and immediately places Dance Dance Dragon onto the top turnbuckle, facing the crowd. El Claraboya climbs up top and sets up for a side superplex. However, Dragon catches Claraboya with a thumb to the throat to escape. Dragon re-positions himself and gets Claraboya hooked for a half-nelson superplex. He tries lifting, but Claraboya blocks. Then, El Hiperbole de Internet climbs up to the second rope and repeatedly gives chops to Dragon's back, stopping that suplex. Hiperbole climbs down to the apron, springboards up top...Sunset Bomb/Half-Nelson Superplex COMBO! COLE GEEZ! Alex Bryant comes to, to see this carnage on the mat. So, he grabs the nearest man, Hiperbole, and goes for the cover... ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Bryant pulls Hiperbole up and gives him a suplex-hook swinging neckbreaker, then chains that into a snap suplex into the corner! Alex pulls Hiperbole out of the corner and signals for his finisher. Alex goes up to the top rope, then leaps off...but Dragon dropkicks him out of the air before he can land Von KneeDouwn (double knees to gut)! Dragon pulls Alex up and tries hooking him for the Bemani Buster (Muscle Buster)! He gets the leg, but Alex keeps blocking and they're bent over. El Claraboya gets up and climbs up top....moonsault backsplash onto both men! But, Claraboya's still feeling the effects of that half-nelson superplex and isn't moving around too gingerly. All four men are down, and the crowd rises to their feet out of respect to applaud the action... COLE Amen! Amen! El Hiperbole de Internet somehow starts crawling around again, trying to gather himself together. He looks around at the crowd, then points to the sky. He then climbs out of the ring, goes under it...and pulls out a ladder! The crowd reacts loudly! COACH I believe he's probably allowed to use that to dive off of, but not hit anyone with. He slides the ladder into the ring and goes to the top rope. But, Dance Dance Dragon meets him at the corner and crotches him on the top rope. The referee scoots the ladder to the apron, as it looks like DDD is going to hook Hiperbole for a one-man Spanish Fly. El Claraboya gets up and climbs behind them. He hooks Dragon in a waistlock. All three men struggle, as Alex Bryant gets underneath El Claraboya and goes for a powebomb....TOWER OF DOOM SPOT! The crowd cheers again, as Alex Bryant turns over Dragon for a pin... ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Bryant then goes to El Hiperbole de Internet... ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Bryant then turns over El Claraboya... ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Bryant pops up to his feet out of the pure energy of his frustration, then leans on the ropes. Dance Dance Dragon comes to his feet, and Bryant charges at him with a Yakuza kick But, DDD ducks under it and tosses Alex into the corner upside-down with a head-and-leg suplex! Bryant rolls to the outside. Dragon gets up and grabs El Hiperbole's ladder, then sets it up near the ropes on the side that Alex is on. But, before he can do anything, El Hiperbole de Internet pops up and gives him a jumping enziguri kick to the back of the head! El Claraboya gets up and turns around Hiperbole, then kicks him in the stomach. He lifts Hiperbole for a slam, then twirls that into a suplex, but Hiperbole wiggles down and somehow turns it into a snap hurricanrana! CRADLE! ONE! TWO! Dragon breaks it up! He pulls Hiperbole up and goes for another Newbie Killer, but Hiperbole rolls out of it. DDD turns around, right into a reverse Lungblower! El Hiperbole kips up, then points at the ladder! The crowd erupts! Alex Bryant's starting to get up on the floor, as Hiperbole begins to climb the ladder. He goes up rung-by-rung, as Bryant comes to his feet, but still in a daze. Hiperbole gets to the very top, then turns his back to Alex & the audience. He leaps off....OH MY GOD... COLE Was that... COACH DOUBLE MOONSAULT! DOUBLE MOONSAULT! El Hiperbole de Internet nails the double moonsault ladder dive! Both men are spralled out on the floor, looking practically dead! The crowd is APESHIT! In the ring, El Claraboya's up and looking to climb to the top rope. But, Dance Dance Dragon gets up and crotches him on the turnbuckle. Dragon climbs up to the top rope, repositions Claraboya, lifts him up....TOP ROPE BEMANI BUSTER! COVER! ONE! TWO! THREE! BUFFER Your winner....DANCE DANCE DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAGOOOOOON! Dance Dance Dragon rolls out of the ring immediately, as a crazy-ass laser-light show takes over the darkened sky. He seems too worn down to dance, but he's surrounded to the back by the girls in dragon suits. COLE What a victory for Dance Dance Dragon! COACH Pretty sweet bonus, eh? COLE Totally! Let's head to some other segment... Edited April 30, 2006 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 (edited) COACH Alright, HI-YAH representin' up next! Uhm...I don't usually talk first. Somebody help me. COLE Well we saw two weeks ago on HeldDOWN~!, Wright and Bohemoth fail in their attempt to win the titles from The Love Doctors. They lost by disqualification after a misuce by Bohemoth, one of many in recent months, an outcome that infuriated The Moral Highground. OAOAST General Manager Axel wrangled another title shot for Wright and Bohemoth, but HI-YAH officials were unimpressed to say the least, as they were in the process of naming the unbeaten duo of D*LUX as number one contenders. So, a compromise has been met and tonight it will be a triple threat, tag team match for the titles. CABOOSE For once, you're on the money Mikey. Wright and Bohemoth have lost to the champs AND the other challengers in recent weeks, the only reason they're getting a shot tonight is Axel. The only reason. COACH And what's wrong with that? CABOOSE What's wrong is, they don't deserve the shot. They're on a losing streak and an embarrassing one at that. I don't think either one of them has won a match all year. COACH Untrue. Christian defended his HI-YAH World Title proudly in Japan and Bo's a former HI-YAH World Champion as well, which makes them perfect candidates for a HI-YAH Tag Title shot. CABOOSE And they had one, which they blew, remember? COLE Children, please. Let's get a match going if that's not too much trouble. "You need my love baby, oh so bad You're not the only one I've ever had And if I say I wanna set you free Don't you know you'll be in misery" They call me (Dr. Love) They call me Dr. Love (calling Dr. Love) I've got the cure you're thinkin' of (calling Dr. Love)" Indianapolis comes unglued as "Calling Dr. Love" by KISS hits and The HI-YAH World Tag Champions themselves, The Love Doctors, jig out and start to bust some collective moves on the entrance stage! Dr. Steven Pigley and Dr. Max Anderson remove of their coats and unstrap their shiny, elaborate titles to raise them over their heads for their fans. Pigley and Anderson then exchange a fist pump, before they groove on down the aisle. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following triple threat tag team contest is scheduled for one fall to a finish, sudden death and the Champions do not have to be pinned for the titles to change hands! Introducing first, hailing from Chicago, Illinois! At a total combined weight of four hundred, fifty six pounds... they are the reigning and defending HI-YAH WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... DR. STEVEN PIGLEY and DR. MAX ANDERSON... THE LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVEEEE DDOOOOOCCTTOOOORRRRRSSSSSSS!! COLE The Love Doctors returning to OAOAST PPV for the first time since World Without End in November and they recently passed the one year mark in their title reign, a tremendous achievement! CABOOSE It would be if they defended the belts, ever. Pigley and Anderson leap to adjacent sides of the ring and gyrate some more before leaping into the ring. Anderson proudly holds his HI-YAH tag strap in the air while Pigley runs the ropes, doing a quick tuck and roll to come up in a pose for the Love Doctor fans in attendance. COLE One fall to a finish here and we can expect chaos to ensue pretty quickly as a result. And Christian and Bohemoth will be happy to know, the Over The Top Disqualification rule is not in effect here tonight so there's no chance of any mishaps like two weeks ago. *BbBBBbBWbwWBhwahHaLlIiiBbbEErRrAATtTeeyYyOUUurRrMmmMmMiIInNnDddDd!!* The cheers of the crowd are cut into by the pulsating sounds of Disturbed's "Liberate" fire up through the P.A System and the first set of challengers make their grandious entrance. Head down, Christian Wright strides out and tears down his hood, stomping off down the aisle without so much as acknowledging his partner behind him. Bohemoth, watching Wright storming away to the ring, shakes his head and makes a solitary walk after him. BUFFER The opponents and first challengers. At a total combined weight of five hundred and seventeen pounds. Both former HI-YAH World Heavyweight Champions, they are the team of "THE METEROSEXUAL MONSTER" BOOOO - HHEEEMMOOOOTTHH!! And, his partner... "THE MORAL HIGHGROUND" CHHRRIIIISSSTTIIAAANN WWWRRRRIIIIGGHHHTT!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Christian Wright and Bohemoth made their debut one year ago at Living Anglelously under controversial circumstances, when they interfered in the Last Man Dancing Match for the X-Division Title, brutally attacking Leon Rodez and costing him the belt. Since then, a lot of water has gone under the bridge. Both won HI-YAH's top prize and Christian was voted the OAOAST's Rookie Of The Year for 2005. They made their AngleMania debut just last month. But they come into this match as the under-dogs due to their recent, unspectacular win-loss record. Wright is already in the ring and having to be held at bay by referee Billy Silverman as he attempts to get at The Docs. Jogging up the steps, Bohemoth joins his partner in the ring and squares up to Dr. Pigley, all hell fixing to break loose already. "JUST ONE ON ONE THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT BABY! JUST ONE ON ONE, THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT! JUST ONE ON ONE THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT BABY! JUST ONE ON ONE, THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT!" The tense scene in the ring is interrupted however, as the melodic stylings of A1's "First To Believe" play over the P.A and Indy goes nuts. Jade Rodez is first to emerge, skipping out through the entrance doors with a beaming smile on her pretty little face. Either side, "Showtime" Shayne Brave and "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant hit a triumphant pose of their manager, their washboard abs on show for all as their bright blue denim jackets flap wide open. Jade and team soak up the energy of the crowd for a few seconds before Jade points the way on to the ring. Shayne and Tyler exchange a high-five over Ms. Rodez's head, before following their manager's directions like a good little team. BUFFER And, the final challenging team! Being led towards the ring by their manager Ms. Jade a total combined weight of three hundred and ninety seven pounds. The team consisting of "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE BRAVE and "TREMENDOUS" TYLER BRYANT. Together, they are D*LLLLUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXX!!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE D*LUX are unbeaten in their OAOAST careers thus far, including Tyler Black's victory in the AngleMania pre-show battle royal. They're clearly the team to beat tonight. COACH Not that it matters who you beat. COLE Well, no, but they're the team to be concerned with certainly. COACH And not the team with the 280 plus pound monster with a point to prove and the 2005 Rookie Of The Year? COLE What about The Love Doctors? COACH Who? COLE Touché. In slide Tyler and Shayne, popping to their feet and deciding it's best not to help Jade into the ring, considering the looks on Bohemoth and Christian's faces in particular. So they instead retreat to the apron and to their corner, leaving The Docs to settle things with CW and Bo. Referee Silverman orders for one in and one out from each team, which Christian takes as his cue to order Bohemoth out. Bo sees himself in no position to argue and does just that, but leaves his partner to turn around and get thrown overhead with a double Japanese armdrag by the Doctors! *DINGDINGDING!* COACH Hey, that's not fair! One in, one out! CABOOSE They're Doctors, not mathematicians. Wright clambers back up as the Docs link hands and despite the protests from the referee, they charge through The Moral Highground with a double clothesline! And, as he comes back up, a second! Wright then stumbles forward into a double hiptoss before wisely rolling out of the ring, leaving the HI-YAH Champions standing tall in the ring. "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Fuming, Wright slaps Bohemoth on the calf and yells at him for not coming into help him out, until Bohemoth reminds him that he was told to stand on the apron. Meanwhile back in the ring, D*LUX take this opportunity to enter the ring and jump the Docs with successions of right hands. Shayne rocks Pigley while Tyler fires away on Anderson, the pop wanabees backing the Doctors up against the ropes and performing stereo irish whips. Back shoot Pigley and Anderson, ducking under stereo leapfrogs, going up and over stereo drop-downs and eating stereo standing dropkicks to the jaw! And because all boybands must move in stereo, Tyler and Shayne kip-up in unison to a rousing cheer from the Indianapolis natives. The Docs make a slightly less theatrical climb back to their feet and try to regroup, but D*LUX are right back on them with the right hands. It's breaking down in Indianapolis now, prompting Bohemoth to finally enter the ring and prepare to clean house. Before he can get involved though, Wright jumps to the apron and holds his partner back, giving him the 'time' hand signal. COLE Christian Wright trying to ensure cooler heads prevail, which might be a good idea amidst this chaos! COACH That's smarts, that is. CABOOSE That's ducking out of a fight more like. Tyler and Pigley now tussle on the ropes while in the centre of the ring, Shayne is firing away with a succession of jabs on Dr. Anderson. Breaking into a little solo dance routine, Shayne then comes swinging with a big, final right. However, Anderson avoids having to see any of his colleagues by ducking the punch and as Shayne turns back around, he lands a boot and whips "Showtime" towards the ropes. Before meeting the ropes, Shayne is on a collision course with Dr. Pigley. That is, until Pigley ducks, Tyler doing the same and inadvertantly backdropping his partner over the top rope. As Shayne lands on the apron, Pigley then swipes out at Tyler. Another duck by The Tremendous One... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...causes Pigley to chop Shayne, dropping him to the floor. Shayne lands on his feet but he doesn't stay there long, as Tyler now backdrops Pigley over the top, the good Doctor riding the momentum into a Pescado that wipes "Showtime" out! COLE Well, that didn't take long. As Pigley and Brave pull themselves up on the outside, inside their respective teammates look to do battle. Landing an elbow to put his opponent on the backfoot and hitting the opposite ropes, Anderson charges at Tyler. Stepping away from the ropes, Tyler athletically leapfrogs over Dr. Anderson...but Anderson ducks his head and uses his run to take out both his partner but also Shayne Brave with a topé con hilo! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Both Doctors taking flight early in this match and now, it looks like Tyler Bryant wants in on the action! Waiting for the trio on the floor to recover, Tyler hops from foot to foot, anxious to get in on the spot-fu scene. Dr. Anderson helps his colleague and tag partner back to his feet and that's Tyler cue to turn on his heels, rushing the ropes and...GETTING SPINEBUSTAAAHED~! BY BOHEMOTH!! COACH YES! YES! See, smarts! Smarts! Bohemoth pops right back up and flexes TEH GUNZ~!, leaving Christian Wright to scamper into the ring and capitalise with the pin... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE That wasn't too smart passing up the pin to pose though, was it? COACH Oh bitch bitch. If that were Pigley, you'd be throwing that pitcher of water over yourself to cool down. Christian chastises Bohemoth for his mistake and tells him to keep watch as he begins to put the boots to Tyler. First to climb to the apron is Dr. Pigley, but he's soon sent packing by a hard knee from Bohemoth. Dr. Anderson gets the same treatment (get it? treatment? God I'm awesome!) as Christian now hauls Tyler to his feet and, ignoring the jeering crowd, The Moral Highground applies a front facelock and sets up for a suplex. Fearing a Converting The Sinner, Jade frantically shouts for a counter. And a counter she gets, as Tyler goes up and over the suplex lift and barges CW into the ropes, snaring him back with an O'Connor roll... 1... 2... Kickout! The kickout sends "Tremendous" Tyler out through the ropes and to the floor, Jade rushing over to her man's side. Meanwhile, Wright pulls himself up in the ring and wheels Bohemoth around by the shoulder, getting right up in his partner's face for not paying attention and not breaking up the count. Bo legitimately points out that Christian told him to watch the outside, but CW is having none of it. COLE Looks like a little bit of trouble in paradise here! Bohemoth was just doing what he was told, but he's getting chewed out over it by his partner. COACH It's all about interpretation, Mikey. Bo ain't a robot, he doesn't have to do exactly what CDub says. CABOOSE But it was 'CDub' who made the mistake. COACH That's not the point. As the arguement continues to rage, unbeknownest to the challengers, the Champions are climbing back to the apron and now up towards the top rope on adjacent turnbuckles. Christian's rant finally comes to an end and both he and Bohemoth turn away from each other in disgust, turning around into dives from The Love Doctors. Pigley takes out CW with a soaring crossbody, but Anderson's attempt of the same move on Bohemoth ends with him being caught like a baby in the Meterosexual Monster's arms! Luckily though, before Bo can complete The Erotic Awakening Of B, a dropkick from Pigley topples the bigman and leaves Anderson on top for the pin... 1... 2... AUTHORITATIVE~! Kickout! Both the Docs come back to their feet and meet Bo on the rise with kicks, fending the bigman off while behind them Shayne Brave has rolled back in and gone on the attack on Wright. Tyler now rolls in too and both CW and Bo are being double teamed, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. COACH You can't tell me this is fair! Bohemoth fights to his feet despite the battering he's recieving, but The Docs don't let up and continue to rain in a succession of kicks across the body. Eventually Bohemoth manages to push them away though, setting up a double clothesline. However, The Docs duck and as Bo turns back to charge again, Pigley and Anderson execute drop-toe-holds, clipping Bohemoth's feet from underneath him and sending him sprawling out of the ring with an awkward shoulder-first landing on the apron. With Bohemoth gone, Pigley and Anderson then turn their attentions to Wright, who is backing off from the attentions of D*LUX. He ends up backing himself right into The Love Doctors though, Pigley spinning Wright around into an inverted atomic drop. Pigley keeps Wright draped over the knee as Dr. Anderson then hits the ropes and lands a dropkick on Wright, sending him right back towards D*LUX. COLE The Lovematic Grampa! Scooping Wright right back up, Shayne Brave then executes his own inverted atomic drop. Interests caught, Pigley and Anderson watch on as Tyler then hits the ropes...but unlike Anderson, Tyler nails a Yakuza Kick right to the jaw of CW. COLE And Opposites Attract, D*LUX's own personal love note to Paula Abdul! COACH Man, I've sent plenty of them in my day. Never so much as a reply. *sniff* As Wright rolls from the ring and attempts to re-adjust his facial features back into place, D*LUX and The Love Doctors now square off, the Champs unimpressed by the challenger's similiar patented double-team. The two fan favourite teams exchange a few words...before it all breaks down, Pigley and Brave slugging away at each other while Anderson and Bryant do the same beside them! Dr. Pigley and Dr. Anderson quickly gain the advantage and grab their opponents arms, looking for stereo irish whips, only for D*LUX to perform stereo spins to counter out. Tyler quickly drives Anderson down to the mat with an STO, but Shayne's attempt is blocked and countered with a Flatliner by Pigley. Medical pun optional. Stepping over their fallen opponents, Pigley and Tyler then meet and begin to exchange right hands, a tactic which Tyler is able to come out on top of. Pigley changes the tide by going to the quads with some sharp kicks, but Bryant shakes them off and shoves Pigley back a step, rocking him with a Dropsault... ...LANDING ON ANDERSON WITH THE 'SAULT... ...BUT TURNING PIGLEY INSIDE OUT FOR AN UNINTENTIONAL MOONSAULT ON BRAVE... COLE DOUBLE PIN! 1... 1... 2... 2... Kickout! KICKOUT! COLE Wow, what an exchange! We almost had a double pin right there! CABOOSE God knows how we'd have explained that one away. Tyler is the only man to come from his feet out of the four and he quickly rushes across the ring, catching Bohemoth with a baseball slide that deals with him for a little longer. "LET'S GO D - LUX!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LET'S GO D - LUX!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" "LET'S GO D - LUX!" "LOVE DOC - TORS!" With the crowd split down the middle, Tyler brings Dr. Pigley to his feet and sends him off into a corner with an irish whip. Tyler follows in but eats boot, Pigley able to block. Tyler stumbles back favouring his youthful good looks and Pigley pushes up to the middle rope, giving the twirly signal to the fans, waiting for Tyler to stumble back in. Predictably he does and Pigley then hooks the head, launching off and spiking Tyler with a Tornado DDT! Crawling over, Pigley then rolls Tyler onto his back and makes the cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Pigley pushes back up and begins to bring Tyler up with him, but Shayne catches him in the rear with a dropkick that dumps Dr. Pigley to the floor. Shayne has no time to celebrate however, as Anderson captures him from behind and takes Shayne over, folding him up with a Backdrop Suplex!! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE There's some of the Japanese influence from The Love Doctors! Rolling to his feet, Anderson now attempts to drop Tyler on his head as well. Tyler blocks the move though, raining down elbows to free himself from Dr. Anderson's grip before twisting out and planting Anderson face-first with a Fame-Asser! Bouncing off the mat, Anderson looks to be KOed as Tyler drapes himself over top with a pin... 1... 2... BROKEN UP BY CHRISTIAN WRIGHT! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Brushing off complaints from referee Silverman, Wright drags up Tyler and clubs him in the back a few times, weakening him up for a Saito Suplex! Off rolls Tyler as Wright now brings Dr. Anderson to his feet. Landing a few forearms, CW backs Anderson up against the ropes and sends him across to the other side, hooking him up under the armpits on his return and lifting him up for the Wright Off... ...but Anderson escapes CW's grip and counters, snaring Wright over with a Hurricanrana! Wright is sent spiralling right back out of the ring once more, but he's soon replaced by Bohemoth who slides into the ring and wipes out Dr. Anderson from behind with a Northern MURDERLINE~! BOHEMOTH YYYYYEEEEUUUUUUHHHHHHHHRRRRRR!!! COACH Yeah, dat's right! COLE Bohemoth is just so damn explosive! Roaring deeply, Bohemoth stalks over Anderson and waits for him to get back up. The bigman is near foaming at the mouth as he impatiently beckons Anderson on, scooping him up as he gets back to his feet...but Anderson goes up and over! A dropkick to the back sends Bohemoth stumbling forward and Max runs past Bo and into the ropes, shooting back with a spinning wheel kick. The blow doesn't knock Big Bo down, so Anderson hits the ropes again. However, this time his spinning kick is blocked and Bohemoth catches the Doc in his arms, adjusting him over the shoulder and DRIVING him south with a Running Powerslam! This time, Bo needs no further encouragement after his big move as he makes the cover... 1... 2... Shayne Brave springboards to the top... THR- ...AND BREAKS THE COUNT WITH A SPRINGBOARD DOUBLE STOMP TO THE SPINE OF BO!!!! COLE Well, that's one way to stop a pinfall! CABOOSE The spotty way. COLE Spotty or not, it was certainly effective. Bo gets up favouring his back and Tyler Bryant now rolls back into the ring, D*LUX giving each a nod before thrusting forward... *SMACK!* *SMACK!* ...with a Double Superkick, putting Bohemoth out to the floor! COLE Hit Me Baby One More Time! CABOOSE You seem far too comfortable saying those words. Far too comfortable. D*LUX are left standing now, but not for long as Dr. Steven Pigley springboards to the top rope and soars in with a double clothesline! Jade shrieks as both of her men are taken out by the flying Doctor and holds her head in her hands as Pigley then calls for the end, drawing a mixed reaction from the crowd. Choosing "Showtime" Shayne, Pigley drags the teeny-bopper up and scoops him up, leaving Shayne hanging ever-so briefly before spiking Brave DOWN with the Time Of Death (Michinoku Driver)!!! 1... 2... WRIGHT SAVES THE DAY!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Stomping Pigley down, Wright then turns to Tyler Bryant and attempts to mow him down with a Spear. Tyler leapfrogs the onrushing Moral Highground however, causing him to crash shoulder-first into the middle turnbuckle behind! COLE And there's another miscue by Christian Wright! COACH What are you, the botch police? Quit pointing out every little thing that goes wrong, just because you've got some sort of irrational problem with his superior intelligence! COLE Did Christian lend you his dictionary or something? COACH Fo'sheez. Tyler backs away from CW, but backs right into Max Anderson who clubs him from behind. Dropping to his knees, Tyler is favouring his neck, which is soon hurting even more as Anderson drags him to his feet by the hair. Stepping in front, a 3/4 facelock is applied by Dr. Anderson who looks to perform some vertebrea adjustment as he runs to the corner, scaling the ropes and floating over with a Shiranui... ...but gets caught going overhead, into a Fireman's Carry by Wright! Anderson releases Tyler and is pulled away by Wright, who suddenly tumbles forward with the Honor Roll, driving the Doctor into the canvas! Rolling through with the move, Wright then comes right back to his feet and holds his hands skywards in triumph... ...leaving himself wide open with the Floatover Jacknife Spear by Tyler Bryant! COLE THE MERRY TYLER GORE SHOW! 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE HE GOT HIM! WE'VE GOT NEW CHAMPIONS!!! COACH NO! He wasn't the legal man! CABOOSE We quit caring about that once the bell went, doofus. Rolling to the outside, Tyler is in euphoric disbelief as Silverman rolls out with him and raises his hand in victory! Jade is already gleefully retrieving the HI-YAH Tag Titles as "Showtime" Shayne runs over to Tyler and leaps into his partner's arms, the duo celebrating like they just made it through to the second stage of American Idol! Ironically, they failed at that because they sucked. But they're good wrestlers, hence the Tag Team Titles that are thrust into their arms by the delighted Ms. Rodez. BUFFER Your winners of this contest...and the NEEEWWW HI-YAH Promotions WORLD Tag Team Champions... D*LLLLLUUUUUUUUUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The triumphant trio take their celebration up the ramp, jumping up and down in delight as Tyler and Shayne still can't quite believe that they're holding Tag Team gold. Back in the ring, the four losers can't believe it either. The Love Doctors dejectedly collect themselves, their one year title reign over without even being pinned or made to submit. In the ring, Christian Wright clambers to his knees and holds his head in his hands COLE You might be looking your 2006 Rookie Of The Year right there in that ecstatic threesome! Tyler Bryant pinned the 2005 Rookie Of The Year and Christian Wright has got nobody to blame but himself! COACH It was the rules! The referee had no control, there was no legal man, it was four on two...this result shouldn't stand! COLE Well, it will. And so much for Axel's faith in Christian and Bohemoth, they lost again. Bohemoth slides back into the ring and stands over Christian, watching the celebrations up the aisle with a glaring look. All this youthful jubilation sickens the duo and so does the cheering Indianapolis crowd, CW standing himself up and screaming "SILENCE!", unable to get the fans to comply. Worried by his partner's reaction, Bohemoth goes over and tries to calm him down...but Christian SHOVES his partner away and storms out of the ring, hands clasped over his ears as he tries to block out the sickening mixture of cheers and A1. COLE I don't get why Christian's angry with Bohemoth...for once, it wasn't his fault. COACH It wasn't Christian's fault either! Shut up! Let's go to something else! Edited May 12, 2006 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 (edited) COLE Up next, ladies and gentlemen, Run for the Gold II. And if it's anything like the first Run for the Gold, we are in for something special. Having said that, a unique match like this requires the wit and wisdom of polar opposites. Let's go to them right now. Edited May 12, 2006 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 We leave Indianapolis and go all the way across the US of A to Los Angeles, Californ-i-a. Our image is that of Krista Isadora Duncan's front lawn, where crisp patterns of finely manicured greenery play out across a solid ground of pebbles, sand, and brick. The house in all it's splendor. Situated at the edge of estate behind a white ribbon and underneath a sign marked “FINISH” is the coveted 24/7 title. Sitting next to the finish line in two lawn chairs are our announcers for this unusual contest.... Terry Taylor! And Krista Isadora Duncan! TAYLOR Whew! It's Run For The Gold time! This match probably would've been on sooner, but well, Krista and I had a bit of a uh, well, a nooner. KRISTA LIES! You had a “nooner”. I had an inadvertent front row seat and that's the last time I allow you into my bedroom. Fixing the loose knob on my underwear drawer my ass. TAYLOR Well! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to land of the rich and famous, Beverly Hills, California! We are at the glamorous estate of Hollywood superstar, Krista Isadora Duncan, for the second annual Run for the Gold! This year it's the 24/7 title that is on the line! Krista, you look ravishing tonight. KRISTA I always look ravishing. When I was girl and I won Miss Teen California, they said I looked like a young Ava Gardner. TAYLOR I never knew you won Miss Teen California. KRISTA Oh sure, a few of the other girls met with unfortunate and bloody endings just days before the contest began, and sure the DA may have wanted to link the bloody ax the cops found in my room to the murders, but a jury of my peers found the weapon to be purely coincidental and acquitted me on all charges. TAYLOR (going pale) That story was a joke, right? KRISTA Maybe so, maybe no. The point is I've always been ravishing. Even as a fetus I was gorgeous. My sonogram could've been a Playboy Centerfold. A lot of people say I look like Charlize Theron. Wrong. Krista never imitates. Charlize stole her appearance from me. But I begrudge her nothing. If you're going to copy someone, make it the most gorgeous person in America. Me. I'm beautiful, I could get a priest to ditch his vow of celibacy with a wink of my eye. I could make an archbishop buy a lap dance. Krista pulls out a compact mirror and begins to admire herself. When she gets like this it's pretty much impossible to get her to focus on anything but herself so Terry takes over. TAYLOR Well, then! Fans, the rules of a Run For The Gold are easy to understand. Each wrestler starts off in the back yard, and will race to the rear entrance of Krista's mansion. Once inside the house, they have to make their way out into the front yard, and head to the finish line. The first person to cross the finish line is the 24/7 champion! Let's go to the backyard for the start of the contest! KRISTA (speaking to her reflection in baby talk) Aren't you just the cutest little thing? Yes you are! Yes you are! Mommy, loves you so much. Yes she does. Yes she does! We're given a birds eye view of Krista's spacious rear yard, showing us how much ground the wrestlers have to cover before they reach the house. Dutifully attending to Krista's golf course worthy lawn are a fleet of gardeners. Somehow these men remain oblivious to the fact that a wrestling match is about to occur in their work space, despite the presence of camera crews, referees, and half naked muscular men. Regardless of the lawn care workers questionable state of mind, the show must go on! Thus we throw it over to little Maya Olivia Myrick (Myrick being Krista's real last name), for the opening introductions. MAYA The following contest is a run for the gold for the two hundred forty seven title! Am I really on TV? Can I say hi to my friend Susan? Hi Susan, I'm on TV! KRISTA That's my girl! She's wonderful, isn't she, Terry? TERRY She's adorable, Krista, you should be proud. MAYA The first wrestler is from Venice Beach, California! Hey, I'm from California! We're from the same state! This man weighs two hundred twenty five pounds, and his name is Biff Atlas! My Aunt Clara lives in Venice Beach, do you know my Aunt Clara? Biff, dressed in a ludicrous straw hula skirt, and matching vine ankle bracelets, does an even more ludicrous hula dance, to no one's delight. MAYA The second wrestler is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida! He's two hundred and sixty seven pounds! His name is Flex Phillips. Hi, Flex, it's nice to meet you! Wearing his usual aqua colored wrestling trunks, Flex strikes a pose that's intended on being menacing, but couldn't intimidate a small child. And it doesn't, because Maya laughs at him. MAYA The third wrestler is my third favorite wrestler in the whole wide world, I have a poster of him hanging on my wall. He's also from California, like me, but he lives in Laguna Beach which is a couple miles down the road in Orange County. I told mommy I wanna go, but she says she doesn't want to drive on highway five traffic. Anyway he weighs one hundred and ninety pounds. He is Melvin Nerdly! Do you think we can hang out after your race is over, Melvin? Maybe we can go to the mall with my friend Susan! Melvin, sporting his usual white jeans with paint splotches, blows a kiss to Maya who goes absolutely gaga over the gesture. MAYA The fourth wrestler is also my third favorite wrestler, and he's from Laguna Beach also, but he wasn't on the TV show Laguna Beach, which I really like because I think Stephen is hot. But I think Marvin is hot also. Ooops, I just said his name. Sorry! Do you wanna go to the mall with me and Melvin, Marvin? You can be Susan's date and we can double date and go see a movie. But mommy says I'm not allowed to go out on a date until I'm forty five. Wearing the same outfit as his brother, Marvin Nerdly bows to his adoring fan, while Flex scoffs in the background. MAYA The next guy is from Grand Rapids which is in Michigan. And he's Jade's brother, and I like Jade, she's really funny and nice, and she sends me postcards from different places, and she's just awesome. Her brother's weight is two hundred and twenty eight pounds, and his name is the douche! KRISTA Oh lord, I see that she's been eavesdropping on my phone conversations again. Leon, outfitted in white tennis shoes and black workout pants, just holds his head down and sighs. Phillips sizes Leon up with a murderous glare, no doubt branding the babyface as the man who stands the greatest chance of challenging him for the 24/7 title. MAYA Finally it's my Auntie Alix! She's the champ! She's from LA just like me. Hi, Auntie Alix! Alix, in a grey t-shirt that reads I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND and a denim mini skirt, waves to little Maya. KRISTA Great job, Maya! Well done, sweetie! MAYA Auntie Alix, are you ready? Melvin, are you ready? Marvin, are you ready? Douche, are you ready? Other two guys, are you ready? Then on your mark....get set.....GO! BANG!!!! A nearby referee fires a pistol, commencing this unorthodox race. The warriors zoom towards the house, knowing that the object of their desires lies beyond that complex and in the front yard. Leon seems to move the fastest, and manages to create quite a bit of distance between himself and the pack. A sly smile slips onto his face as it's starting to look like regaining the 24/7 title might be a little easier then he thought. Unfortunately he's unable to leave his slow poke enemies in the dust because a gardener on a John Deere riding mower recklessly zip in front of him, nearly slicing his feet off! A quick moving Rodez narrowly escapes the catastrophic disaster. Although he's not one to get angry, Leon can certainly think of a few choice words to hurl at the bothersome fellow. KRISTA Pedro, you fool! He's not Kuta Kente! This isn't Roots! Don't chop his foot off! Get the weed wacker, and go for the throat, damn it! Patience all but depleted, Leon prepares to yell at the intrusive twit to move out of the way. But what winds up leaving his lips is a loud “Ooomph” as Flex Phillips floors him with a lariat to the back! Flex's ally, Biff, stops his own pursuit of the title long enough to see if his partner needs any assistance in obliterating the grounded Rodez. But Flex assures him that he has everything under his sinister control, and Biff trots away to attend to his own creepy business. TAYLOR Flex had his eye on Leon this whole time. Even before the race started he was sizing him up. I think he knows that Leon is his main competition. While Rodez writhes in anguish on the lush greenery, Flex roughly yanks the bewildered gardener off the mower in order to commandeer it for his own purposes. He ignores the grousing of the worker, and hops onto the vehicle's yellow seat while eying Leon with predatory intent. The engine purrs ominously, and it becomes readily apparent that Phillips is planning to use the mower's blades to turn poor Leon into silky smooth hamburger! TAYLOR Kris, he wouldn't! KRISTA Oh, yes he would. Now if there was a celebrity homicide in my backyard, would that increase or decrease my property value? Alix, sharply aware of Flex's aim, bravely darts across the lawn to aid Leon, who's fear seems to have rooted him in his spot. She springs into the air and lands perfectly on Flex's expansive back, taking the steroid charged meathead by surprise. As veins of anger erupt on her forehead, she tangles her arms around his thick neck, choking him out in revenge for trying to kill Leon. The sudden shock of having an extra one hundred and thirty pounds on his back, and a vice grip on his neck, saturates Flex with panic. This panic clouds his thought process and provokes him to slam on the accelerator in an unwise effort to ditch the bubbly redhead. The vehicle angrily careens forward like a bumper car, nearly reducing the workers, who are scarcely able to avoid it's chaotic path, to bits and pieces. The mower zooms past the fallen and frightened workers, and takes itself on a kamikaze trip towards the swimming pool. Leon's alarmed eyes watch in sheer horror as Alix and Flex fail miserably in their final effort to steer the green beast away from the blue lagoon. KRISTA Ah, the pool. A drunk Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers once did a cannonball off the roof of the cabana all the way to the pool. The pool wasn't filled with water at the time. Screams of horror spew from the lips of Alix and Flex as they dive over the edge of the pool, and into the chlorine filled abyss. A pillar of water erupts when the duo and their automobile plunge into the depths of the aquatic void. Their shouting is muffled thanks to the mass of water that invades their lungs. All traces of them, both audio and visual, disappear beneath the shimmering ocean. A bewildered fog seems to settle over Leon's glassy eyes. He looks around, not fully comprehending what just happened to his girlfriend or the man who was seeking to chop him into bits. KRISTA Oh no! Alix! Jesus Christ, Terry! Do you think she's okay?! TAYLOR I don't know, it looked like she kind of managed to dive off at the last second, and go into the pool on her own, unlike Flex Phillips... KRISTA Who the hell is Flex Phillips? Stop making things up and focus, man, focus! My poor Alix! Back on land, Marvin Nerdly is pursuing the crown prince of hair care, Biff Atlas, across the lawn. The Western Canadian quickly gains on the fleeing hair fetishist, his legs a blur of superhuman speed, hurling him after his adversary. Within seconds both wrestlers reach the entrance of the tennis court, where Marv makes sure to note the tennis ball machine resting behind the net. TAYLOR (looking around) Hey, what's that barking sound? KRISTA Oh, my puppy is flirting with my rabbit again. TAYLOR Doesn't he know that's a male rabbit? KRISTA Don't judge my puppy. Tapping hidden reserves of strength and speed, Marvin lunges forward and tackles Atlas. His arms grip tightly onto the bodybuilder and they topple into the entrance of the court, their combined momentum knocking the chain link door off it's hinges! KRISTA Ding ding ding ding dong! TAYLOR What are you doing? KRISTA I always thought that door should have a bell that goes off when you open it. And now it does. Ding ding ding dong! Unfortunately now the door is on the ground, rendering my bell sound effects obsolete. Locked in a mortal death grip, the pair go flying into the court, and nose dive onto the cement surface. The vicious landing violently separates the brawlers, and they roll away from each other before scrambling to their feet. The warriors face off in the center of the court, flaunting demonic fangs and clenched fists, eager to pound each other into submission. Marv feels a sudden pang of vulnerability as he watches his rival pick up a nearby tennis racket. “Fore!” Biff screams, unaware that you say “fore” in golf, not tennis. Regardless of his dimwitted comments, Atlas makes like Venus Williams and sends an overhand smash into Marvin's skull, ripping shockwaves of pain throughout his slender body. KRISTA Ah, the racket! TAYLOR Let me guess, signed by Pete Sampras and given to you as a birthday gift by Debbie Harry of Blondie. KRISTA Actually I found it in a dumpster in San Diego. And a dumpster is where I'll leave your battered and beaten body if you ever sass me like that again. Wu-Tang forever, Terry. Having now discarded the racket, Biff coils his hands around the Laguna Beach native's throat and casually chucks him over the net! Upon landing Marv finds himself rolling down the court, and the rough surface slices through his skin, opening tiny cuts on his arm. However he's able to halt his spiraling retreat and he springs to his feet, where he meets Biff, who's stepping over the net, with a frenzy of forearm smashes. Yet these rapid fire shots do little to damage Atlas, and with one mighty swing of his fist he sends Marvin plumetting to the ground. Now lying in a heap of baby oil, expensive jeans, and high lighted hair, The Marv painfully wonders if he's just been hit by a punch or a runaway train. Runaway train never coming back. Wrong way on a one way track. Seems like I should be getting somewhere. Somehow I'm neither here nor there. TAYLOR I could be wrong, but I have the feeling that NRG could be the next breakout team here in the OAOAST. KRISTA Are you for real? Do they actually pay you to spout these nuggets of utter stupidity? One of 'em just drove a lawn mower into my swimming pool, and the other is wearing a hula skirt that's two sizes too short on the same day he decided to free ball it. TAYLOR It's just a matter of opinion, Kris. KRISTA No, it's a matter of you smoking rocks. Are we going to have our next run for the gold when we visit you in rehab? Lord knows, I'll be headed there soon. Maybe we can be roommates. We can be the rehab version of Laverne and Shirley. (singing) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, schlimiel, schlimazel, hasenpfeffer, incorporated. We're gonna do it! Atlas reaches down, clamps his hand around Nerdly's throat, and drags him upwards. He extends the hunky grappler out, smiling ruefully while Marv's talons slash against the arm that holds him aloft. Suddenly a sharp pain rings around Biff's body, as a mysterious object crashes into his lower back. Atlas groans nosily as his back is struck three more times by the unidentified tools of destruction. The unexpected emergence of the weapons momentarily confuses Atlas. And the second of uncertainty causes his hold on Marv to loosen just enough to permit the Sk8r to worm his way free of the embrace. Marv lands perfectly on his Nike sneakers and shouts, “Dodge this!” right before he unloads on Biff with a superkick. Marv's shoe collides with a dumbfounded Biff full on, lifting him clear off his bare feet, and propelling him backwards. Fortunately the net manages to break Biff's fall, otherwise his tanned skin would've been shredded by the green cement surface. With Atlas out of the way, the camera is able to show us who and what saved Marvin from Biff's chokeslam. Marvin's savior is none other then his twin brother, Melvin, who's manning the tennis ball machine that rocketed yellow balls at Biff. “Thanks, dude!” Marvin hollers. Rather then simply say “no problem”, which would be the brotherly thing to do, Melvin responds by shooting a tennis ball at Marvin, nailing him square in the kneecap. “Owwwww!” A hobbling Marvin bellows, half out of pain, half out of shock. “What the hell do you think you're doing, eh? I'm your brother, you faggot!” “And how can I be sure of that?” Melvin remarks suspiciously, crouching behind his missile launcher like some kind of guerrilla solider. “I see no proof to verify your claim of brotherhood.” “What?! I look exactly like you, dickhead!” “How very convenient! But as long you're going after my 24/7 title, you ain't kin.” Discarding the last of his brotherly love, Melvin aims his ball shooter at a ranting and raving Marvin and cruelly fires away. The first shot impacts gruesomely into Marv's testicles, and his distressed howls crackle through the Californian skies. Showing little remorse, Melvin unleashes another volley, this time blasting his poor brother in the middle of the forehead, knocking the sense out of the twenty year old. Marvin timbers sideways, while his vibrant brown eyes dives into the back of his head. Melvin's blackened soul can generate little sympathy for his wounded sibling, and he simply guffaws at the misfortune's he's caused. TAYLOR Kris, Melvin really wants that 24/7 title. KRISTA He wants your heart. He wants to eat your children. Praise be to Allah! Hell Mel's moment of glory evaporates when he spots a suspicious figure atop the courtside umpire's chair, striking a “Christ in Rio” pose. Unwilling to bear this creature's flamboyant foolishness, Melvin demands that he come down and face him like a man before he (Melvin) decides to get into that West Coast Gangster shit. TAYLOR Who's up there, Kris? KRISTA It could be my tennis coach Lise. She's french! TAYLOR (snickering) I bet you really like servicing her....hehheheh... grass court, if you know what I mean. I bet you..heehhehe..would like to get that French open. Heheheheh! KRISTA Okay, time for you to die. While Krista proceeds to strangle the Rooster for his off color comments, the camera pans out to expose the mysterious intruder, revealing him to be none other then ...... The soul stealing King launches himself off the ten foot chair with a MEATNORMOUS diving clothesline! His forearm slashes through Melvin's finely sculpted chest, driving the Boi to the ground! The overwhelmed Nerdly tumbles backwards, before agilely springing to his feet. Refusing to be defeated by this meddlesome corporate pitchman, Melvin hastily scrambles to his trusty tennis ball machine. But before he can unload a flurry of projectiles at his foe, The BK King leaps into the sky, clears the near five foot machine, and slams an EGGNORMOUS dropkick into Melvin's cute face! Moaning in agony, Hell Mel dives backwards, and wonders what he's done to deserve being humiliated by a fast food mascot that ceased being popular and entertaining four months ago. KRISTA I can't believe I've whored myself out to crass consumerism and blatant attempts to manipulate the viewer's mind with disgusting product placement. I'm so ashamed of myself. I have a headache. TAYLOR Here, Krista. Try these. (Terry puts two Nuprin pills into Krista's hand.) KRISTA Nuprin. Little. Yellow. Different. Better. I mean, it's just a shame that my house has been sold out to fat cat marketing gimmicks from Madison Avenue. It's all about bowing to the almighty corporate dollar, and that's just really sad. It's like advertising his taken it's grip on all that we hold sacred, and I don't want any part of it. TAYLOR Krista, I'm kind of hungry. KRISTA (handing Terry a hamburger) Here, have this Junior Cheeseburger Deluxe from Wendys. Do what tastes right. Oh man, I'm stealing comedy routines from Wayne's World. The end of my gainful employment is near. Back on the court, The King is doing a celebratory cabbage patch dance above his vanquished adversary. However his busting of the proverbial move is cut short when a recovered Biff Atlas drives a forearm into the back his regal robe. The King reacts not with hurt or shock, but with incredulity, and he demands to know the identity of the fool who has interrupted his getting jiggy with it. He turns around for the answer, only to have his vision flooded with Biff's incoming fist! But the King responds with supernatural speed and swiftly blocks Biff's punch with his forearm. Atlas recoils, his own forearm vibrating from the tremendous impact. The King points a menacing finger at him, informing Atlas that his mortal soul will pay the price for his grave misdeeds. A now sobbing Biff passionately implores the royal pitchman to spare his meager life. But his pathetic whining falls on the King's deaf ears. And the bearded mascot lays down his own brand of charbroiled justice by sticking a CHEESENORMOUS fist into Biff's gut. The whopper (lol!) of a boot doubles Biffy over and leaves him weeping like a baby deprived of his pacifier. Once again Biff puts forward a desperate plea for mercy, offering a variety of sexual favors in exchange for a guarantee of safety. But The King answers these calls for leniency with a harsh roundhouse kick to the knee. Biff cries out in despair, and reaches down to attend to his knee. But this position makes him a sitting duck and The King is quick to exploit Biff's vulnerability, surging forward and pasting him with a big boot! A floored Atlas immediately curls into a fetal position, and jams his thumb into his mouth while he prays for his mommy to come rescue him from this perpetually grinning psychopath. KRISTA (no longer paying attention to the stupidity in her backyard) Hmmmm. I hope no one goes into the living room, I think there are mutant rats living in there now! I swear one of them asked me if I knew the lyrics to Subterranean Homesick Blues. The King has nary a second to celebrate his crushing of the OAOAST's worst wrestler due to the fact that a recovered Marvin Nerdly is swinging a tennis racket at his crown! The King successfully manages to duck just in time, leaving the racket to whoosh harmlessly above him. Unfortunately for The King the momentum of his avoidance carries him around 180 degrees into the waiting arms of Melvin Nerdly. Before The King can attempt to mount a suitable defense, Melvin pulverizes him with a Mel's Shocker! The King's body crunches hard against the pavement, eighty-sixing the c-list celeb's brief foray into the world of pro wrestling. TAYLOR The king has been dethroned. Thankful for the assistance and ready to let bygones be bygones, Marvin extends his hand to Mel and says, “Brothers?” Without hesitation, Melvin embraces Marv's hand and responds with a rousing proclamation of “Brothers!” Unfortunately the heart warming display is short lived, thanks to Melvin pulling a confused Marvin towards him, grabbing onto his waist and destroying him with the Mel's Shocker! Marvin responds with tortured groans that simply elicit a round of shameful giggles from Melvin. “Sorry, bro. But, that's my belt out front.” He remarks, dusting off his jeans and surveying the considerable carnage. Melvin leaves the broken husks of Biff, Marvin, and The King in his wake, as he scampers towards the mansion, assuming a gargantuan lead over the rest of the field. TAYLOR My, Krista, you have a very lovely garden. So many beautiful flowers and shrubbery. KRISTA Yes, but I keep my most precious plants inside. Out of the sight of roaming police helicopters.... Meanwhile at poolside, Leon is attending to his drenched girlfriend, who's shivering like a soaking wet puppy. Although he feels some sort of chivalrous urge to stay and assure her that everything will be okay, he can't help but fret over the fact that those wrestlers without girlfriends to weigh them down are closing in on his 24/7 title. With hints of impatience in his voice, he desperately tries to convince Ali that it would be wise for them to restart their aborted chase for the championship. However Alix, cocooned in a Mickey Mouse towel, seems positively spooked by the whole lawn mower incident and is steadfast in her refusal to budge. Unfortunately the decision to leave the poolside area is made for her, as former 24/7 champion Mackenzie DeCenzo comes from out of no where, to spear her out of Leon's arm and knock her into the pool! SPLASH! The women hit the crystal clear water with all the grace of a boulder dropped from a seventeen story building. The fresher, more spirited Mackenzie, pops up first, and promptly dedicates herself to the despicable task of trying to drown Alix. Spewing vulgarities like an utter madwoman, Mackie firmly presses her hand onto Alix's head, and submerges her entire body underneath the sparkling ocean. KRISTA If I had known we were going to see a T&A catfight in the pool, I would filled it with creamed corn and charged the neighborhood kids admission. TAYLOR Creamed corn? Not mud? KRISTA Do you have any idea how hard and how time consuming it is to clean mud stains off the surface of an Olympic sized swimming pool? And where am I supposed to get that much mud? Huh? TERRY Where would you get that much creamed corn? KRISTA Oh I have my ways... While Taylor ponders Krista's cryptic comments, Leon encounters a rather troubling decision. Either he can do the honorable thing and assist Alix but hurt his chances of reclaiming the 24/7 title, or he can leave Alix to fend for herself and selfishly resume his quest for the gold. Choices, choices, choices. Choices that he'll never get a chance to make, due to the fact that Flex Phillips smashes a sculpture of the Hindu elephant god Ganesh over his head! The OAOAST's number one babyface sinks to the tile flooring, and bellows in anguish, unable to cope with the massive amount of pain that's rushing through his skull. “Hello, Mister Rodez.” Flex begins, crushing the remnants of the statue with his boot. “I believe you and I have some unfinished business.” TAYLOR Krista, your statue! KRISTA No big deal, I stole it from Carmen Electra anyway. She stole Dave Navarro out from under my nose, I steal her mythical deity. Not an equal trade off, but at least the statue doesn't bear the shame of having been in a band with Perry Farrell. With shards of the statue resting in his finely gelled hair, Leon slowly rises, preparing to trade blows with the nutrition guru. However, Flex, now holding a wooden chair, has no intentions of participating in a simple slugfest. No, he wants to eliminate Le-Ro as quickly and as painfully as possible. Thus he throws his directly towards Leon's face. Fortunately, Rodez ducks beneath the swipe and avoids near decapitation. His breath comes in heavy and ragged spurts, as he watches the projectile sink into the shallow end of the pool. A second chair is thrown by Flex, and meets the same unproductive results as the first, except this time the chair collides with a tall oriental vase inside the cabana, exploding the antique item into fragments. TAYLOR Krista, your chairs! KRISTA Stolen from the lady across the street who seems morally opposed to letting her golden retriever do it's “business” any where that's not my front lawn. Most people wake up to a steaming pot of coffee. I wake up to a steaming piles of fly infested dog shit. Speaking of dog shit, it's Terry Taylor, everyone! Suddenly waves of fists dance across Phillips' face, thanks to Grand Rapids' favorite son. Flex swats at the incoming punches, trying to steer them clear with his meaty hands, but he's unsuccessful in this endeavor. Then his face is abruptly yanked forward and impacted perfectly with Leon's forearm! Phillip's thick neck snaps back and forth, over and over again, as he's mercilessly pounded by the handsome superstar. Ever the charismatic showman, Leon decides to get a little flashy, and winds up for a windmill punch. But the gestural nature of that attack affords Flex enough time to mount a counterattack. His two arms coil around Rodez' waist, ready to strike with a deadly belly to belly suplex. But Leon prevents the move from materializing by repeatedly whipping his head into Flex's face, drawing obscene amounts of blood from the brawler's pierced nostrils. Quite the pig headed one, a crimson masked Flex, refuses to capitulate on the belly to belly attempt and tries the hold one more time. But Leon's unending parade of heabutts makes the move roundly impossible, forcing Phillips to move onto Plan B. What's Plan B, Patty? Patty, will tell you what Plan B is, if you'd just sit down and be patient, you ass licking whores. Plan B consists of Flex using Leon's body as a battering ram, charging forward, and slamming the man into a pillar on the side of the cabana! The whole structure vibrates upon impact, providing a steady bass line to Leon's tortured screams. TAYLOR Oh! A solid attack by Phillips. KRISTA As solid as the white man's stranglehold on the senate. Despite his race, it's fairly obvious that Flex Phillips is a dupe of the white man's conspiracy to suppress the masses on behalf of the multinational fascist dictatorship. TAYLOR Agreed one hundred percent. Power to the people, my snow bunny sister. KRISTA You? You're nothing but the steel toe of the boot of the capitalist Nazi regime! Leon grimaces in profound pain, but it appears the worst is yet to come for the ex X-division champion. Flex latches onto his throat, and heaves him a good eight feet into the air. A screaming Leon clears the hut's railing, and suffers a brutal landing face first onto the cabana's dark wooden floor. Le-Ro is momentarily dazed by the jarring impact, and for a troubling moment he has extreme difficulty in remembering just who he is, what he's doing here, and why a six foot seven monster is threatening to knock him into Pacific Ocean. “Are you okay, Lee-Lee?” A genuinely concerned Alix shouts in the distance, ignoring the fact that Mackie is still trying to drown her to death. “Oh, I'm just peachy keen, darling!” Leon replies, pouring on the sarcasm. Surveying the scene, Flex Phillips smirks as the splashing and spluttering behind him continues. This is his chance. Leaving Leon behind to continue to collect his thought, Flex jogs off into the distance as he heads towards Krista's house. The house itself, naturally, seeing as he's already in her backyard. TAYLOR So it's Hell Mel and Flex Phillips soaring into early leads, with The Marv and Biff still out on the tennis court recovering, Leon hurting on the cabana and Alix trying to fight off Mackenzie in the pool. KRISTA At least someone's paying attention. TAYLOR Hey, it's my job. KRISTA Yeah but yours pays far less than mine, let's keep that in mind. Don't be getting too big for your britches, bitches, just because you've got an attention span to speak of. We now cut away from two women thrasing around in a pool and to Hell Mel, for some inane reason. Now in the dining room, Melvin seems confused, probably wondering what wrong turn he took to end up in the middle of a well-furnished jungle. Mel gets his bearings quickly though, probably wishing he had a map to find his way around this ridiculously large dwelling. Shuffling around the antique dining room table Mel gets to the door and prepares to explore some more of the less than humble abode, before five words halt his progress. "Hey, pissflaps, behind ya!" Melvin stops in confusion, wondering who's behind him and why they're using such a childish insult. The answers to those trying questions are Flex Phillips and because he's Flex Phillips. His distraction has worked well enough however, as Flex dares Melvin on and the Sk8ter Boi obliges him, sliding across the table like Daisy Duke more or may not have done (before my time) and coming at Flex with forearms. TAYLOR I'm impressed that Flex caught up to Mel so quick, it looked like Melvin was away and in the clear for a moment. KRISTA You haven't seen my state of the art, top of the range, rip-off merchant priced security system, have you? I'm impressed that Mel was smart enough to work out how to get through so quickly. It's like getting into the vault of Lloyd's of London sneaking into my house. Many a drunken night I've spent kicking my door in a futile attempt to prise it open. Like a crazed man, Mel slams his forearm across the dome of Flex Phillips, rocking him backwards, up against the sink. Still Mel is throwing those bones, seemingly unstoppable...until Flex reaches back and cocks his elbow, snapping one of the taps and causing a jet of ice cold water to shoot from the faucet. Mel is caught in the eye by the makeshift water feature and recoils, allowing Flex an opportunity to shoot forward with a firm knee to the gut. Luckily for Mel, Krista's dining room isn't well stocked, so there aren't any sharp, mutilating weapons for Flex to utilise. But Flex has his hands to use as weapons and he nails Mel with a hard right hand. Mel stumbles backwards and Flex quickly backtracks, opening up the door leading to the backyard. Grabbing Mel by the hair and seat of his pants and with the door wide open, Flex makes like Uncle Phil and hurls Mel right out the door!! "And STAY OUT!" cries Flex authoratively, little knowing that as soon as Mel comes to a plummeting fall on the patio, Leon Rodez is waiting as he charges through the door and clotheslines Phillips down! "Honey, I'm HO-OME!" cheers Leon as he steps over Flex's motionless body. KRISTA Gee, that was original. I knew I should have booby trapped that door to abruptly shut the moment this douche stepping through it. I'll never learn. Sigh! TAYLOR Heh, 'booby'. Declining the opportunity to advance through the house, Leon instead sets about bringing Flex to his feet. The mighty nutrition guru shoves Leon away and sends him up against the beech wood table, but Leon stops himself and as Flex runs in, Leon pushes up onto the balls of his hands and locks on a headscissors. Flex tries to fight it, but Leon makes Flex chow down on his thights (steady now) before swinging around and sending Phillips sprawling across the tiled floor with a hurricanrana! KRISTA So, anyway, what colour carpet do you think I should have in the living room once it gets all torn up and stuff? I'm thinking black, to cover the stains Maya and her friends cause and also to match my heart. TAYLOR I'm not really much of an interior designer, sorry. KRISTA You're not really much of a human being, but that hasn't stopped you from existing, has it? Pulling himself up, Leon favours his hip slightly but realises he has a belt to win. Unfortunately, footsteps from outside the back door halt him and fearing the worst, Leon turns around...relieved to see a besheveled Alix Maria Spezia in the doorway. "Honey, I'm HO-O..." "What happened to Mackenzie?" "Who?" "Nevermind. So, let's go find that belt, huh?" smiles Leon, not altogether too convincingly and probably plotting on a way to lose Alix before reaching the belt. But all the same, Alix and Leon join hands and walk happily off out of the dining room, leaving Flex to lick his wounds. KRISTA NO! DON'T TRUST HIM ALIX, WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU, REPEATEDLY AND ANGRILY! TAYLOR She can't hear you, Krista. KRISTA I know, but it's not her fault. She gets distracted very easily. TAYLOR No, I mean...oh, nevermind. Leaving the kitchen, Leon and Alix emerge in a hallway, but suddenly The Sliky Smooth One brings them to a stop. "Oh man, I need a whizz." groans Leon. "Must be all that water and your erect nipples." "I've been told I have that effect on people." Alix giggles in reply. "So, where's the bathroom at?" Alix points off to her right, where luckily there happens to be a downstairs bathroom. Breathing a sigh of relief, Leon heads in that direction...curiously, bringing Alix with him. I guess they're one of the those couples who do everything together, huh? Anyway, Leon and Alix abandon the hunt for the 24/7 Title briefly and walk down the long hallway in search of the first floor bathroom. Lucky that Alix knows her way around Krista's house well, otherwise Leon could be in bladder trouble. As it is, he reaches the bathroom safely and opens the door to reveal a typically lavish room. The taps and other appliances, apart from being crystal clean are also quite clearly expensive. A built in home entertainment system adorns one wall, just incase anyone's in it for the long haul. And of course, the main focal point, a large jacuzzi. Usually, however, it isn't filled with barbecue sauce. Rodez and Spezia stop, glance at each other in disbelief, then look back at Jivin' JR and three scantily clad ladies, all bathing within JR's spicy juice. "Oh good God." "RUN FOR THE GOLD! RUN FOR THE GOLD! Leon Rodez, Alix Maria Spezia! Wanna join the party? You wanna get covered in my sauce? BITCHES BE DIPPIN' BAH GAWD! RUN FOR THE GOLD! GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY, RUN FOR THE GOLD! It's hawt in here, bah gawd!" "Oh, good God." J.R's bitches laugh, as the barbecue sauce begins to bubble. "Did you turn the bubbles on, Jimmy?" "Nope." "Oh, good GOD." KRISTA I couldn't agree more. It's gonna take me forever to get those stains out of my beloved jacuzzi. Backing slowly away, Leon apparantly not longer feels the need to urinate as he leads Alix to the relative normality of the hallway. Leon wisely closes the door after him and after a quick shudder, he looks to erase that hideous vision from his memory. And he just about manages to clear his mind in time to see a walking wounded, limping Biff Atlas pass the hallway in search of the front door! Panicking, Leon jogs after Biff, Alix following on as thankfully we're back to the match at hand. TAYLOR You know, I always wondered what happened to Jivin' JR. KRISTA So YOU'RE the one! Figures. You fringe characters need to stick together I guess. Biff has little to no idea that he's being followed and as he makes his way through the maze of corridors and sub-corridors, the hapless haircare expert is already humming happily to himself. However, his lack of attention means he subsequently takes a wrong turning and strangely ends up in Krista's living room. Biff seems confused and appalled in one fair swoop, also a keen expert in hygiene. Picking up a copy of GQ Magazine from July 2003, Biff rests on what is presumably a sofa, moving an empty pizza box aside and sitting himself down for a brief rest. However, as soon as he sits down, he becomes a sitting target for Leon Rodez. Or rather, Alix Maria Spezia, Leon positioning himself with his back to Biff and launching Alix airborne for a bodysplash on Biff! KRISTA Oh, I'm so ashamed right now. I'm not a slob, really. God, I hope Entertainment Today aren't watching, not that they would. Before Maya came along, this room was my pride and joy. It was clean. It was neat. There were no creatures that I had to log onto the internet to identify crawling around the refuse. Did I ever tell you I hate Ned Blanchard? TAYLOR About four times on the plane ride over, twice before we came on air. KRISTA If something's not worth saying seven times, it's not worth saying at all. By the way Terry, you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck. TAYLOR Charming. Rolling around the filth, Alix and Biff scrap in what vaguely resembles a catfight. Leon is ready to step in and help his girl, but suddenly Flex Phillips has entered the room and wipes out Leon with a Northern Lariat! Flex flexs...only to get wiped out with a similarly unexpected strike, Marvin Nerdly sprinting into the room and dropkicking Flex in the spine, sending him sprawling across the sofa. If Flex wanted a mouthful of discarded pizza cheese and spilt Cherry 7UP, he's in luck. Otherwise, too bad. "Alright bitches, let's RAWK!" The Marv is now in the ascendancy, quite literally as he scales the back of the sofa. Alix, Biff, Flex and Leon all collect themselves and pull each other to their feet, scrapping away meekly as Marv climbs in front of them. The sofa is in danger of it's lucky that Hell Mel has decided to make this his time for a grandious entrance, diving on the trash covered sofa to hold it in place and allow Marvin to soar off, wiping out the other four combatants in the 'match' with a soaring crossbody! The fivesome end up in the heap of discarded toys and other remnants that cover Krista's carpet, leaving Hell Mel the only one standing. Marv is quickly getting to his feet however, so Mel clears a space and hops up onto the sofa. Stooping low, Mel jumps up and looks to gain a springboard off the sofa's seat. A tactic which worked much better when he was a 7 year old weakling. A a 20 year old stud, however, he only ends up causing a worrying noise as his foot crashes through the sofa and breaks the springs beneath him. Mel's leg is trapped in the sofa now and all the fidgeting in the world isn't going to free him from it's evil velour claws. KRISTA (annotating) New...sofa. Alright, that's awesome! Now, somebody break the TV, I could do with an expensive upgrade! I'm thinking 36 inches. And if you even THINK of making a joke about penis size Terry Taylor, I swear I'll get you thrown out of here. Melvin continues to struggle to free himself as The Marv emerges from the mess, clutching a copy of Burnout 360 in his hand and bouncing the plastic case off of his brother's head. A disgruntled 'OW!' is all he gets as reward however, Marvin charges. Unfortunately for him though, Mel ducks his head and manages to backdrop Marv over, causing him to be bent spine-first over the back of the sofa and then sprawl face-first into the finely decorated wall behind! TAYLOR Oh, MAN! That could be both of the Boiz out of the running after that! KRISTA Running? For what? Oh shit, yeah, this is a match. I almost forgot, what with nobody going after the belt and everyone preferring to instead wreck shit up in my living room to draw this debacle out. As Marv slumps up against the wall, his face mushed against the tasteful wallpaper, the duos of NRG and LeLix (cute name, huh?) begin to get back up. Alix doesn't last long as Flex almost decapitates her with a clothesline, while Biff swings out with a clothesline of his own on Leon, which misses and allows The Silky Smooth One to jab Biff with a Standing Ass Punch, causing Biff to stumble forward, wiping out a speaker system which topples on top of him for good measure! "This shit is bananas!" Leon then screams, retrieving a copy of one Gwen Stefani's debut solo album and skimming it like a frisbee towards Flex Phillips' head. Flex adeptly ducks however, causing the flimsy CD case to shatter into a family portait hung on the wall behind him, an 'Isadora Duncan' family portait that has become a makeshift dartboard where Ned Blanchard's sketched image stands. Flex stays stooped as he charges forward, looking to tackle Rodez backwards towards the backyard and the windows in it's path, but luckily Rodez manages to sidestep Phillips. Skidding to a halt before he goes hurtling through the glass, Flex thanks his lucky stars and the big man upstairs (although, ironically, there hasn't been a big man upstairs in this particular house for some time) and turns around in search of Rodez. Rodez is waiting on him though and he stabs Flex in the head with an Emmy statuette, ripping the flesh on Flex's forehead open in the process. KRISTA No, not my Emmy! TAYLOR Since when did you win an Emmy? KRISTA When I put in the highest bid for it on e-Bay, Sherlock! Scratch off the part of the nameplate that says "Ted Danson" and it's as good as mine. Who are you to doubt me? As Flex collapses with his hands pressed to his stinging forehead, Hell Mel has suddenly freed his leg from the sofa and celebrates his newfound freedom by scuttling on out of the living room, in search of 24/7 gold. Rodez spots Mel's getaway and tosses the Emmy haphazardly aside before chasing after Mel, the other four combatants remaining in various states of consciousness in the living room. Mel is clearly in the lead, running through the corridors with Leon hot on his heels. Both men's running begins to slow though, as Melvin is clearly lost. TAYLOR Mel and Leon, getting closer to the gold...or, at least, I think they are. Are they? KRISTA How should I know? TAYLOR Well it is your house. KRISTA But I haven't been paying attention, doofus. Keep up. "Do you even know where you're going!?!" shouts Rodez off into the distance, as Mel turns another corner, confronted by a home cinema. And by home cinema, I'm not talking a medium sized T.V and some fancy surround sound speakers, I'm talking a cinema screen and 20 fold-down cinema seats. "I guess not!" "Me neither. Maybe we should stop running and check the map then, eh?" "Map!?!" Mel screeches to a halt and goes into reverse, jogging backwards to where Leon now stands. "You were given a map?" "Well...not as such." *SMACK!* Down goes Melvin, felled by a Superkick and thwarted by his feeble mind! Looking a little guilty, Leon consoles himself in the fact that Mel would have done the same had the situation been different and prepares to go belt hunting again. Only, as he turns back around, he's confronted by the current Champion, Alix Maria Spezia, again arriving just in time to bring her boyfriend to a halt. "Hey Lee-Lee, I think we're getting closer, we just need to go down this hallway and... *SHRIIIIIIEEEEEEK!* Oh my God, what did you do to MEL!?!" Leon seems confused by Alix's sudden concern for the Sk8ter Boi, not to mention even more guilty than before. "He...he slipped. On...something." "Oh, that's okay then. So, we gonna get that belt or what?" Shrugging, Leon drops to one knees and drops into some imaginary starters blocks, perfectly willing to race his girlfriend to the belt. Alix takes her time in reading what's going on as she is prone to do, but eventually she too drops onto her marks, gets set and... ...Biff Atlas clatters through the OAOAST's most beloved couple with clotheslines! KRISTA That's what happens when you trust a man...another man clotheslines you in the back. Exactly what I've been telling my friends at my Women's Liberation meetings for years. Biff comes to a stop and once he's sure Alix and Leon are down, he stumbles on down the hallway and as Krista's obscenely expensive water fountain feature comes into view, he just KNOWS that he's close. He will get no closer for the moment though, as The Marv has recovered and has hold of Biff's leg, desperately halting his progress. Biff tries to shake Marvin up but fails to do so, so instead he slams his arm across the Boi's back and hauls him to his feet. Winding up, a cocky Biff tries to take Marv's head off...but Marv's head ducks, as well as the rest of his upper body, allowing Marvin to backdrop Biff overhead... *SPLASH!* ...and into the base of the water fountain with a less than comfortable landing! "AH! My coccyx!" weeps Biff. TAYLOR These six contestants are really putting themselves through it here, all in search of the 24/7 Championship. And this match has been every bit as gruelling as Run For The Gold 1 was! KRISTA At least this one didn't have David Hasselhoff involved. For no reason at all, David Hasselhoff walks by eating a baloney sandwich, as Flex Phillips finds his way into the hallway in time to club The Marv from behind, dropping him to his knees. Flex grabs Marv's finely groomed hair and pulls him straight back up though, looking to deal with Marvin once and for all as he aims to torpedo him through one of K.I.D's wall length aquariums! Up on the shoulder however, Marv begins to fight and his frantic elbows eventually help him to squirm from Flex's grip and land safely on his feet. Placing his hands on Flex's shoulders, Marvin then goes up and over with a leapfrog and backs himself up against the glass fish tank. "C'mon Mr Universe, let's see what you've got!" Flex is incensed to be called out by a Sk8ter Boi and charges with a Yakuza Kick, aiming it at Marv's skull. Marv weaves clear of the impact however, Flex's leg unable to do the same... *CRAAAAAASSSSSHHHH!!* ...AND IT SMASHES THROUGH THE GLASS, SENDING WATER AND FISHES FLOODING FORTH FROM WITHIN!! KRISTA Now that's an insurance claim! Somewhere, Aquaman is weeping...for many reasons, the destruction of his artful handiwork tonight probably low on his list of concerns. As the hallway rapidly begins to flood, Marv charges at Flex. Unfortunately his footwear doesn't provide much grip on the slippery surface beneath his feet and he loses his footing, long enough for Flex to regain his bearings and rock Marvin with a headbutt! Marv falls to his knees, soaking his fashionable jeans in the process. That proves the least of his worries however, as Flex reaches down beside his feet and grabs a flailing bright blue and yellow fish from the water, pulling Marv's head back and attempting to cram the creature down The Boi's throat!! TAYLOR UGH! Flex is trying forcefeed Marv that live fish! KRISTA What's the big deal, narrator? It's just like sushi. Unprocessed, scale covered, boney sushi. Marv declines this free meal with a swift backhand to the face of Flex, causing the fish to fall back to the safety of the water that floods the floor. Yes, I didn't kill it. Don't sue, hippy. Flex reels away holding his face as The Marv now has the front door in his sights and knows he's close. So with one last attempt to dry off his pants, Marv sprints forward and tries to dodge past Flex. Nothing doing though, as Flex catches him at the side and drives him down with a soggy STO! "Looks like Jadakiss is gonna get some more royalties, because THE CHAMP IS...HERE!" Flex confidently cries as he rises to his feet, little realising that Alix Maria Spezia has snuck into the lead! KRISTA Yes! C'mon Ali, if you get close enough to the finish line I can release the dogs on the other idiots! I've been teasing them especially! Singing off key...poking them with sticks...showing them a The Best Of The Red Rooster compilation DVD. TAYLOR Ouch. KRISTA I know. Worst twelve minutes of my life. Alix crawls through the front doors and finds herself in the Los Angeles open once more, breathing in the SoCal air gleefully as the finish line is mere feet away. A good few feet, but feet nonetheless. Alix clambers up to her feet and with the final stretch in sight, she turns around to check no-one is tailing her...which is an unwise move, as it allows Flex Phillips to catch up and throw a right hand that drops Alix down to one knee. "Hey, Flex, ahomosayswhat!" "What?" "Heh...he said what." Turning around, Flex suddenly finds himself rocked by a succession of right hands by The New-Age Love Machine, Leon Rodez! Rodez puts Flex on the backfoot and while Alix recovers beside this fight, Rodez stops and attempts another Superkick. Unlike Marv before him however, Flex is able to duck and catch Rodez as he spins around, booting him in the gut and setting up for a Powerbomb! TAYLOR Alix is up and the title is so, so close! KRISTA And Rodez is gonna get crushed too! This is too perfect! Alix now seems to have a clear route to the belt and Krista is up on her feet beside the finish line, beckoning Alix to come towards her. However, Alix's vision isn't locked solely on the belt. Turning away, Alix sprints across the front lawn and leaps over her boyfriend's back, snaring Flex by the head and twisting him around with a hurricanrana!! Flex and Alix clatter onto the firm lawn with a thud and neither is getting up, leaving Leon standing. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out what he's going to do next. Jogging clear, Rodez smiles from ear to ear, as he dives across the finish line, snapping it in two and securing himself the victory! Scrambling up to his feet, Rodez then collects the belt and avoids Krista's icy glare as he jogs off into the distance, already celebrating. TAYLOR Leon did it! Leon grabbed the belt! Somebody ring the bell! Krista quickly grabs up the bell and places it on Taylor's head. *DINGDINGDING!* TAYLOR OUCH! MAYA AndthewinnerisTheDouche! The Douch...erm, Leon Rodez continues to jog off into the distance, not stopping to look back as he reaches the road leading away from the house, jumping into a handily placed cab and speeding away and out of sight. Back at the house, Biff Atlas and The Sk8ter Boiz can only watch on despairingly as Rodez is now long gone and also, the new 24/7 Champion. Also watching on is Alix Maria Spezia, hanging her head at the scathing look Krista is giving her. TAYLOR Man, what an ending. It looked like Alix was seconds away from retaining her title, but she sacrificed herself to save her boyfriend...and in the end, her boyfriend took the belt. KRISTA Sacrifice Shmacrifice! Alix finally came to the realization I've been trying to force on her for weeks. Leon didn't care about her, all he cares about is the belt. You saw it right there. Alix lands on her ass and Leon just runs into the night...well, the evening anyway. TAYLOR You really think Leon is that selfish? KRISTA Don't know, don't care. I'm out of here Terry. You ain't gon' see me for dust. I've got some re-decorating to do, so take yourself off my property and take the rest of this circus with you. Peach out. Krista throws down her microphone and leaves the broadcast table to console Alix, as we swoop back to Indy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 COLE Up next at Living Angleously, we have perhaps the most intriguing contest of the night. The trio of Jamie O'Hara, and Scotty Static and Johnny Jax of the GPX, taking on Zack Malibu, and two mystery partners. COACH It ain't intriguing at all, Michael Cole. You think about it this way...if Malibu had anyone worthwhile backing him up, he'd have revealed it to the world right now to get some extra bank off the buyrates. CABOOSE He doesn't get a cut of the pay per view take, Coach. COACH Says you. COLE At any rate, O'Hara and the GPX having been making Malibu's life a living hell for nearly a year now, and now proclaim that they're going to use Malibu to gain street cred, by eradicating him from the wrestling industry! CABOOSE That's something that's easier said than done. Besides, we don't know who Zack has backing him up, whether it's some OAOAST stars past or present, some of his HI-YAH allies, or somebody brand new to the fold. COACH I'm tellin' you, there ain't nothing to worry about! Malibu ain't what he used to be. He's too predictable, too serious, too one-dimensional. You heard my boys the other night...Zack Malibu is a shell of what made him famous, and if anyone is leeching off the name "Zack Malibu" to stay credible, it's the man himself! What my boys are doing to him, what they're gonna do it's a mercy killing! "In a world full of posers, phonies, and pure wannabes..." The lights drop, and so does the mood of the fans, as their raucous buzzing turns to a sea of catcalls and jeers for one of the most unpopular trios to grace the squared circle. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, is SIX MAN tag team action! Introducing first, hailing from Hotlanta, GA, and the 313-Detroit, MI, they are the team of Scotty Static and Johnny Jax...the GLOBAL PARRRRTY EXCHAAAANGE! Their tag team partner, hailing from Birmingham, England, this is JAAAAAAMIE O'HARAAAAAA! Cocky and confident, the trio of instigators walk the ramp, with O'Hara the most animated of the three with his "I'll take you all on" attitude. Static and Jax converse with one another as Jamie gets all up in everyone's grill...including the camera man, and the viewers at home, who are dared to "get off yo' couches and come get it!" by the brash Britain. The trio steps into the ring and taunts the crowd, working the fans that they once gave a damn about, before Static swipes the mic from Michael Buffer. STATIC That will be all, Michael. You earned your check, now take a seat. Buffer, confused since he has the opponents to introduce, protests, but Static brushes him off. Seeing that it's falling on deaf ears, Buffer exits the ring, leaving Scotty with some mic time. STATIC Well, here we are. Living Angleously 2006, and we are LIVE! Now, there's been a LOT of talk about just who Zack Malibu's partners are going to be tonight. Who are these masked men that he has to thank for saving his ass the last few weeks? Who are these men who think that everyday is Halloween? Well folks, I've got news for you...if you've paid attention to professional wrestling over the years, mystery partners are never a good thing. If you will, direct your attention to the Angletron, please... COLE Oh lord, what now? The Angletron, which was flashing the logo of Living Angleously, now shows a picture of wrestling legend "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka. STATIC EXHIBIT A. This man, known the world over for diving off a cage, soaring through the air, and getting beaned in the head with a coconut, came in as a mystery partner in 1996 for a certain company, when he was about 10 years past his prime! I mean, would YOU take a 60 year old man dressed in leopard spandex seriously? Even Mick Jagger doesn't get that kind of love! The fans boo loudly at the mockery of the legendary superstar, as his image fades and is replaced with another. SAVIO VEGA~! STATIC Yeah, now believe me, I don't expect you guys to pop for THIS face. Plus, if he was gonna show up as ANYONE'S partner, letdown or not, it'd probably be for the Lightning Crew, ya know? So we can scratch him off the list. But the point remains, the mystery man in wrestling is always...ALWAYS... At this point, Jax puts his hand over the mic, and interjects. JAX Yo man, what about Hulk Hogan? He was the third man in the NWO! STATIC Wha...WHAT? Hogan? Please...he'd never play second fiddle to Malibu. He'd probably come in here as ask to punk us all three on one, and then have Jamie put over Brutus Beefcake! JAMIE I ain't puttin' over no Barber, yo. JAX OK, OK...what about Curt Hennig!? STATIC You mean Mr. Perfect? O'Hara slaps Jax's forearm, and Jax seems surprised. STATIC Dude, he passed away years ago! Even Malibu couldn't carry all that dead weight! "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" Jax and O'Hara make those "yeah, you're right" type of faces, as Static pleads his case. STATIC Well, know what, we don't need to guess, because it's time for show and tell! Malibu, you and whoever you got with you, get your asses out here now! Static makes the call, and just seconds later, Papa Roach's hit "Getting Away With Murder" starts pumping through the speakers, pumping up all the fans in attendance. After the slow, bass-heavy intro, the wailing guitars pave the way for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion to appear on the ramp, flanked by three men clad from head to toe in black, their faces still a mystery to the world. COLE Here comes the HI-YAH Heavyweight Champion, and he's got his friends with him! COACH He's got one too many with him! That third guy...ONE of those guys...have no business being out here! Malibu and company enter the ring, and the sight of the four men send the GPX and O'Hara back pedaling, although Static still has the mic. STATIC Whoa...whoa now. Let's get one thing clear...we signed on for this match, but not to take on Zack Malibu and The Executioners! COACH Haha! My man Scotty is on FIRE with the old school references tonight! STATIC Malibu, you want this match to happen, you get your boys to take off their masks right here and now, or it's NOT GONNA HAPPEN! The crowd boos, and Malibu protests the call, as Static just nods his head. STATIC You heard me. Either you let us know exactly what we're up against right now, or we WALK. That means no match, and that means YOU have to answer to Bill Watts or whoever calls you in the morning and blames you for the bait and switch. The little "man behind the mask" game has run it's course, it's been real, it's been cute, but it's all over now. Let's see who you got there, huh...whaddya got, Leon Rodez playing hero again... Static goes to tug on the mask of one of the men, only to have his hand knocked away, and have the man approach him, going nose to nose. STATIC You think you scare me? You think I'm afraid. Who's the one hiding behind a mask, huh? Who's afraid of what? Malibu calls his allies back, and takes a deep sigh, knowing full well he's been backed into a corner. He motions for the mic from Static. MALIBU You know, last Thursday night, you guys got real personal. You told me that I'm not what I once was. Not that I can't hang in the ring, or sell tickets, but that my character, my essence of being...all of my traits...were gone. That I was just another drone of the company, and that I fell into normalcy, and that I took the company down with it. That the days of beltshots and Hollywood invasions and stunt doubles and monsters and everything...EVERYTHING that made this company great, was gone. You told me that things got too serious, and too predictable. Well, I agree on one thing, that this tonight, is serious. However, I don't think you can call me predictable. Because you said the other night you wanted the old Zack back. You wanted the instigator, the ballbuster, the pain in the ass, the cocky, confident, antagonizing son of a bitch that I used to be, BACK. Well, ask and ye shall receive, because for tonight, I did just that. I thought outside of the box. I went to a place no one thought I'd go to for backup. I didn't look to the Originals. I didn't look on our roster. I didn't look to HI-YAH...I didn't do ANYTHING you'd think Zack Malibu would do. No, no, this isn't something that Zack Malibu the company man would do, but it's something that the old Zack Malibu would do to even a score, because he would go to any length to pull himself back up. So you want to know who your opponents are? Take a good long look at the faces that are going to haunt you long after tonight. TAKE THE MASKS OFF! Malibu makes the call, and two of the three men step forward, slowly pulling their masks back until they get them up over their forehead...then rip them back and lift their heads to reveal BRUCE BLANK AND BLOODSHED OF THE SMARKS WRESTLING FEDERATION! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" COLE What the...WHAT THE HELL!? CABOOSE That's Bruce Blank and Bloodshed, Cole! Those are two of the most dangerous men in wrestling today! COLE But they don't work for they? COACH NO! NO THEY DON'T! This must be a violation of some contract right? RIGHT? The crowd is ecstatic, as the two men, known the world over for their bloody wars with superstars of the SWF, have arrived in the OAOAST! Static, Jax, and O'Hara can't believe what they've gotten themselves into, as Static kicks the ropes and shouts to the crowd to shut up. COLE Listen to these fans, they can't believe it, but what a coup Zack Malibu has come up with! The GPX and O'Hara dealt him a hand, and he has trumped them with these...these wildcards! Blank and Bloodshed look their most intimidating, while Malibu plays to the crowd. MALIBU So there you go. You wanted the unthinkable, the unpredictable, the Zack Malibu who can scheme and scam with the best of 'em? He's BACK...and he's got some company with him! Now, if you're ready to do this thing... STATIC Whoa whoa WHOA there, Malibu. First off, don't get ahead of yourself. Think of this like a game of move doesn't win a game. Besides, if you want us to fight, we want ALL the masks off, you dig? So let's with it. Let's see who else you got...or did you blow your whole lo... Before Static can finish, the third masked man comes forward, right in his face, and yanks his mask off to reveal... THE URBAN LEGEND, TODD CORTEZ! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" CABOOSE I DON'T BELIEVE IT! COLE Neither do I! The Urban Legend, here in an OAOAST ring along with Bruce Blank and Bloodshed! Did you ever think you'd see the day!? Scotty Static obviously didn't, because he gulps and steps back, as his partners remain still. Cortez just smirks and then steps back, then turns around and high fives and embraces Malibu, while Blank snickers and Bloodshed stares. COLE I...I can't believe it! Zack Malibu has found three of the most notorious fighters in the world to back him up! Notice how I didn't say wrestlers...these men are FIGHTERS! CABOOSE If you asked me to write down ten names on a sheet of paper for who I thought was under those masks, none of these men would have made it. Malibu has truly thought outside the box on this one, and it's going to be hell for the GPX and O'Hara to pay! As the bell sounds, Malibu motions that he'll start things off, leaving Blank and Bloodshed to retreat to the apron, while Cortez takes a spot down on the ringside floor. COACH See, I don't like this. What business does this Cortez character have at ringside? Send him to the back! Despite Coach's protests, Cortez remains. With the crowd still buzzing from the revelation of Zack Malibu's newfound allies, Jamie O'Hara tells his partners he's "got this", and wants to be the first one to start off with Zack. COLE O'Hara wants to kick things off for his team, and these two men just had quite a clash for the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title along with Faqu just a week and a half ago on HeldDOWN~! Malibu braces for a lockup, but the brash O'Hara comes forward and shoves him back, then starts shouting him down about his partners. Malibu, never one to be intimidated, steps forward, but O'Hara doesn't back up, and instead slaps the taste out of his mouth! Malibu flinches from the slap, then comes back with one of his own, repaying the favor to the young thug! O'Hara comes back and nails Malibu with a forearm shot that sends him staggering back, then cracks him with two hard chops before racing to the ropes. He comes off, but surprises Malibu by sliding through his legs, then popping up behind him and grabbing a rear waistlock, running him to the ropes...but Malibu holds on to prevent from being taken over. O'Hara rolls backwards and pops up to his feet, charging Zack and managing to duck a clothesline attempt before hitting a dropk-no! Malibu swats him down, and then goes into a mount, pinning O'Hara to the mat while peppering him with right hands, as Jamie tries to shove Zack off! Malibu breaks on his own will, and brings Jamie up to his feet by his hair, causing the high-flyer to wince before striking him with a chop! O'Hara reels, and Malibu sends him to the ropes, catching him with a hiptoss on the rebound! He moves down for O'Hara, but Jamie kicks Zack back with both feet, then kips up as Zack rolls to his feet at the same time! The two foes now eye each other and begin circling each other again, as the crowd applauds loudly for their showcased hostility. CABOOSE They may be two of our most exciting superstars, and they may even respect each other, but the hatred between Zack Malibu and these three hooligans has never been more apparent. Immediately, the two move towards each other and lock up, with Malibu snaring him in a side headlock only to have O'Hara slip out easily. Zack then has to absorb three clubbing forearms that O'Hara uses to wear him down before pulling him back up to a vertical base and snapping him to the mat with a Russian legsweep. Now it's O'Hara who rolls over into a mount and starts hammering on Zack, stunning him with a quick succession of punches before leading him to his feet and then slapping him across the face yet again, this time being the hardest of all! O'Hara then delivers a kick to the stomach and sets him up for a suplex, but as he's lifted Malibu floats over, and grabs O'Hara for a back suplex...but he floats through that and takes Malibu down from behind with a double leg, then sits on his back and pulls his head back, then jams his fingers into Malibu's mouth and pulls back on his cheeks, looking to tear the skin off of the superstar's face! COACH Tear him up, J! Tear him up! Referee Charles Robinson protests the tactic, telling O'Hara he's got until the count of five to break. Jamie milks it for all it's worth before getting off of Zack's back, and then delivers a hard boot to the back of the head before moving towards his corner and tagging in Scotty Static to an ovation of boos and jeers. COLE Ref sees the tag, and now the spokesperson himself comes in as the legal man. Static steps into the ring, and as Malibu comes up, he gets snared in a rear waistlock and taken right back to the mat. Static then stands over him and paintbrushes across the back of his head numerous times, then stands and spits right at Bruce Blank before backing up and extending his arms, offering himself to the newcomer. Blank just chuckles, having seen it all before...but then spits right back at Static, catching the party animal right on the chest with a loogie! CABOOSE That's cute. Static is disgusted, but before he can react, he's spun around by Malibu, who unloads with a flurry of right hands, then a hard chop that knocks Static to the mat! Static gets picked right back up by Zack, who grabs him by the waist and hurls him overhead with a release Northern Lights suplex! Static bounces off the mat and quickly rolls to his feet, hurriedly picking himself up with the aid of the ropes...but a furious Malibu charges, and connects with a running lariat that sends both of them out to the floor below! COLE They've toppled out to the ringside area, but keep an eye on everyone else, because this is a point where things tend to break down... Malibu and Static both get up, and face to face again, they trade hard slaps before Malibu takes Scotty and sends him to the guardra...REVERSED! Malibu gets sent across the floor and slams hard into the metal barricade, leaving Static to roll back into the ring and recover. Acting dazed, Static uses Robinson to try and pull himself to his feet, and with Robinson preoccupied, Jamie O'Hara walks to the far side of the apron, then runs across it, leaping off and crashing down atop Malibu with a splash against the railing! "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" COACH Ha HA! Thatta boy, J! Blank bluntly questions "what the hell was that" to the official, who has no idea what just went on. Bloodshed remains silent, peering across the ring as O'Hara hops back up to his spot on the apron, leaving Malibu a crumpled mess on the floor. He slowly pushes up and crawls back to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope, but as he rises to his feet Static hits the ropes and knocks him over with a running kneelift. Malibu gets picked up off the mat by his foe and sent to the rival corner, crashing against the turnbuckles, but when Static races towards him, he runs right into a boot! Malibu then nails both O'Hara and Jax with a right hand, knocking them off their perch, then turns to see Static charging again! He sidesteps, and Static crashes chest first into the turnbuckles, only to be shoved back into them a second time, then pulled out and dropped on the mat with a German Suplex! CABOOSE Malibu's pent up frustration is certainly shining through in this match, and one can only wonder for now how much of that has passed onto his newfound allies. After releasing the suplex Zack quickly rolls over towards his corner and makes the tag to the big brawler, Bruce Blank, which draws a large pop from the crowd! COLE Looks like we're about to find out, 'Boose! Blank, who is chomping at the bit to get in the ring. The second the hands touch the big redneck steps into the ring and approaches Static, grinning at the self-appointed spokesperson of the "Hooligans" as Caboose would call them. COLE Scotty Static doesn't seem too happy about having to lock up with Bruce Blank! Bruce raises his arms and tries to lock up with Static but the smaller man deftly ducks under his arms and then lands a drop kick to Bruce’s back – a drop kick that has little effect on Bruce except for pushing him forward half a step. CABOOSE This guy is PURE power. Static barely budged him! COACH He's a big lug! You think that because he's all tall and burly and smilin' like Nicholson in The Shining that we should fear him? COLE YES! Bruce quickly turns around and with a grin invites Scotty Static to drop kick him once more while he spreads his arms out and gives his opponent a free shot. The arrogant smirk is quickly wiped off his face as Jamie O’Hara sneaks into the ring and dropkicks Bruce in the back before the referee can stop him. As the referee is distracted by Jamie Johnny enters the ring behind his back and doubles up with Static to dropkick Bruce square in the chest knocking the big man into the corner. COACH There you go!! Small and smart beats big and stupid every time. CABOOSE And you’re the foremost expert on stupid, Coach. Johnny Jax grabs Scotty by the wrist and then whips his smaller tag-team partner towards Bruce in the corner, speeding him up. Scotty leaps at Bruce but instead of striking the big man he finds himself backdropped OVER the turnbuckle pole to the ground... ONTO HIS FEET!! COACH See that? See? That’s TALENT damn it! Static can’t help but grin as he points to the side of his head showing just how smart he is, a grin that’s quickly wiped off his face when Todd Cortez grabs him by the waistband of his bands and spins him around, tossing him back into the ring under the bottom rope! COACH What did I say? Does anyone EVER listen to me? Cortez should not be out here, he’s just here to stick his nose into the match. Zack looks down at Cortez, having not expected the "Urban Legend" to get involved, while Cortez backs off when the referee accosts him. Once he's back in the ring, Static finds himself covered by Blank, who takes advantage of Todd's assist. ONE!! TWO!! FOOT TO THE BACK!! Jamie O'Hara rushes in, stomping on the back of the newcomers head to break up the pin attempt. Blank gets up, laughing to himself as O'Hara, brash as he is, shoves Blank and dares him to come at him! The referee quickly seperates the two, and pushes O'Hara back to his corner...leaving Blank open for a lowblow from Static! COACH Oh yeah!! Oh yeah that’s how you do it! Scotty bolts from the mat and towards the ropes, hooking Blank's head as he comes towards him off the rebound. He kicks off the canvas and jumps into the air, swinging around...but Blank clutches both of Scotty's legs and runs forward, driving him hard into the corner and pinning him against the buckles while he tags Zack Malibu back in! COLE Nice block by Blank, who brings Malibu back into the fray. Malibu comes back in and immediately goes to work on Scotty, striking him with a pair of left jabs before hopping up on the ropes and monkey flipping Static out of the corner...but Scotty, quick as a cat, lands on his feet again, and dives towards his corner, tagging in O'Hara! CABOOSE Static wanted to get the hell out of there! O'Hara slingshots up onto the top rope, and dives off as Malibu turns and approaches, coming down on the prep with a high crossbody block! O'Hara covers... ONE! ...but Malibu pushes him off at the count of one! Zack gets up and grabs a side headlock, but O'Hara pushes him towards the ropes and leaps onto his shoulders, snapping Zack over with a quick huracanrana! O'Hara gets up and then turns to Zack's corner, and nails both Blank and Bloodshed, stunning both! COLE These two...three if you count Cortez...but these guys are some of the most brutal, sadistic men in the wrestling world today...and Jamie O'Hara is BEGGING THEM to come at him? That's suicidal! COACH No fear, baby. We live on the edge! CABOOSE You live with your parents. O'Hara backs off, and Blank and Bloodshed turn to each other, then step into the ring and approach O'Hara. He steps back, rethinking his daring tactic...but now Malibu inches behind him and shoves him forward, right into a HYOOOOGE back bodydrop from both Blank and Bloodshed! Malibu then turns around and nails both Jax and Static, knocking them off the apron and to the floor, while Blank and Bloodshed hold O'Hara in the corner, each by an arm, and Malibu runs across the ring and leaps into the air, crashing into the British badass with a leaping corner splash! Blank and Bloodshed exit the ring and Malibu hurls O'Hara back to the mat, but the preppy one then tags in Bloodshed, who steps right back into the ring and drops an elbow on the fallen O'Hara before kneeling on the canvas and pulling him up into a rear chinlock. COLE Now we see the man, Alan Clark, known as Bloodshed due to his affinity for... COACH Blood? COLE Well, yes. CABOOSE It would seem that Bloodshed is trying to wear the speediest of the three out, but O'Hara is stubborn if not stupid. He won't allow himself to be taken out by these newcomers, no matter what their track record may say. Bloodshed cranks the head of O'Hara, but Jamie fights his way up, and lifts Bloodshed up for a back suplex...who floats through the attempt and lands on his feet! A clubbing forearm, and then many more, double O'Hara over as Bloodshed pounds on him, then whips him to the corner...REVERSED! O'Hara hurls Bloodshed forward into the corner, and he hits hard, sneering as he connects, and then morphing his face right back into the trademark sadistic grin of his. O'Hara charges, and leaps up, trying for a monkey flip, but Bloodshed shoves him down, kicks him in the stomach, then tries for a suplex...but O'Hara lands behind him! He spins Bloodshed around, but before he can try to follow up, Bloodshed rocks him with an inverted atomic drop, then takes him by the head and tosses him through the ropes, sending O'Hara splattering to the ringside floor! COLE Bloodshed simply throwing O'Hara to the floor with...waitaminute, look at Zack... O'Hara gets up, holding his head, and barely notices Malibu racing across the apron for his patented Apron Run...NO! Jamie jumps up and dropkicks his leg out from under him, sending Malibu falling face first on the apron! O'Hara then pulls Zack to the floor and rams his face into the apron, then simply presses it into the hard edge of the ring, mushing his face against the canvas...until Bloodshed delivers a baseball slide that sends O'Hara bouncing backwards and slamming into the guardrail! Bloodshed then runs to the far ropes for some momentum, but as he goes to bounce off them Johnny Jax pulls the ropes down, and Bloodshed goes SPLAT! on the floor below! With the referee busy trying to break up O'Hara and Malibu on the other side, the GPX hop off the apron and go to town on Bloodshed, doubling up on the newcomer before Static lifts him off his feet and then drops him...HARD...onto the guardail crotch-first! In the ring, Bruce Blank walks across the squared circle, but not without incident, as the referee sees him and now tries to block him from going after the GPX, much to his protest! That leaves Cortez, who has seen everything go down, to come around the corner and tackle Johnny Jax from behind and start crossfacing him, making the save for Bloodshed before Charles Robinson exits the ring AGAIN, this time to break up that melee! COACH The referee is losing control! See what Malibu's caused! Robinson shoves Cortez back, and Cortez openly protests his call. Static meanwhile, nods for Jax to go and help O'Hara out on the other side, while Scotty reaches over the railing for a steel chair. Jax hops into the ring and runs across, then leaps up onto the top rope for some springboard momentum...but finds himself shoved onto his back by Bruce Blank! CABOOSE The big man just stuffed Jax on his aerial attempt! The big redneck steps over the ropes and into the ring, plastering Jax with a right hand as he gets up and charges in. He picks Jax up and grabs him by the throat, not noticing that Jamie O'Hara, having sent Zack into the guardrail on the floor, has springboarded into the air, and lands on his back! O'Hara tries to apply a sleeperhold, but Blank squirms, trying to shake the high flyer off of him. He violently releases his grip on Jax shoving him towards the ropes...and just as Jax shakes the cobwebs loose Blank charges, delivering a hard lariat that sends Jax, Blank, AND O'Hara all over the top rope to the floor~! COLE Unbelievable! Bruce Blank just sacrificed himself to take out two members of the opposing team! Robinson stares on in shock as the match is breaking down before his very eyes, and the distraction provided by Blank's tactics keep Charles from noticing Scotty Static brandishing a chair at ringside, and bringing it across Bloodshed's back as he gets up... WHAM! ...but Bloodshed simply turns to Scotty Static, and SMILES! CABOOSE ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Bloodshed, not afraid of the chair, smiles gleefully as Scotty cocks the chair back, this time bringing it down across the crown of his head! WHACK! Bloodshed hobbles, nearly dropping to one knee, but stands right back up and approaches again...and this time Scotty winds up like a cleanup hitter and NAILS him across the side of the head with a shot that brings the pain loving superstar down to the floor! Scotty then disposes of the chair and rolls back into the ring, just as a weary Malibu is doing the same. COLE I don't fact I'm pretty sure Scotty and Zack weren't the legal men when everything got crazy, but the referee letting it go! With all their teammates indisposed, Scotty and Zack trade right hands, until Static gouges Zack's eyes, then pulls his head in close, and BITES it! Zack reels, and then gets sent into the ropes, where Scotty tries a hiptoss...BLOCKED...and Zack swings around with a backslide! ONE! TW...NO! Static rolls through, and grabs Zack as he's getting up, lifting him for a suplex but then dropping him stomach first across the top rope! Static backs up, and tugs on Robinson's shirt, but it's merely a distraction for a recovering O'Hara to climb up to the top rope and deliever a legdrop to the back of Zack's head as he dangles on the ropes, and falls back to the canvas after the move connects! Static then lets go of Robinson, and moves in for the kill, covering Zack's fallen body. ONE! TW...NO! BRUCE BLANK YANKS SCOTTY RIGHT OUT OF THE RING! Blank then takes Scotty by the head and swings him around, sending him headfirst into the ringpost, and Scotty bounces off of it like a beach ball! COACH YO, ROBINSON! YOU GOTTA STOP THIS! COLE This match is really breaking down, because it appears the newcomers are getting a bit of a hardcore itch... CABOOSE And if they scratch that itch, it's going to cost them the victory! With Scotty having been yanked out of the ring, O'Hara slingshots over the ropes and runs up behind Zack, grabbing him in a waistlock and pushing him towards the ropes, then rollling him up for the pin! Robinson counts, probably wanting to get this match over with as soon as possible before things get worse... ONE! TWO! ...but Malibu kicks O'Hara off, and the momentum sends him THROUGH THE ROPES, into a dive onto Blank! COACH YEAH J, YEAH! Once again, Malibu struggles to his feet in the ring, but this time he's knocked right back down, as Johnny Jax enters the ring after having been taken to the floor by Blank earlier, and hits him with a running YAKUZA KICK~! that actually causes Zack to twist in the air before landing hard on the canvas! Jax then starts putting the boots to Zack, and Static, a cut on his forehead opened because of the ringpost shot, slides back in, and now the Global Party Exchange are doubling up on their arch rival! COLE Blank has been wiped out by O'Hara, Bloodshed's out cold in front of us, and Cortez...well he's TRYING to get into the ring, but Robinson is doing his best to get him out of there! Cortez, the last hope, is the one man still fresh at the ringside area...but he's not in the match! The GPX continue to work over Zack, until the crowd begins to stir, because a certain someone at ringside is getting up. COACH How in the... CABOOSE BLOODSHED IS UP! Blood trickling down his face as he stands, it takes the form of a crimson mask, and all Bloodshed can do is grin as the camera's close in on his plasma plastered face. He reaches down and picks up the source of the wound, the chair from earlier, and darts back into the ring, coming towards both unsuspecting GPX members. COLE No...don't do it...don't do what I think you're gonna do! As soon as Johnny Jax turns to Bloodshed, he's a spray of Bloodshed's own blood into his eyes! CABOOSE He misted him with the blood! Static reaches for the chair, trying to grab it during the act of bloodmist, but Bloodshed pulls back, and instead brings it over his head and brings it down across Static's knocking him out cold and further opening the cut on his head! As Scotty falls to the canvas, Bloodshed brings the chair down on him again...and again...and AGAIN...tim and time again smashing the steel implement across any open body part he can connect with! Static tries to cove up, but he's further weakened with every shot, as the blood starts to fall from his forehead and stain the canvas. Like a shark, Bloodshed drops the chair and then targets the open wound, holding Static's head in one hand as he claws, then pounds on the wound with hard elbow shots, even digging it into the head of Static! COLE He is busted open badly, and Bloodshed...his hands...they're COVERED in blood! The crowd is roaring as Bloodshed beats on Static. Malibu, who hasn't turned around to see the sight yet, his SCHOOL'S OUT on a blood-blinded Johnny Jax, knocking him out through the ropes and to the floor. O'Hara climbs up on the apron, but before he can react, he's yanked off the apron, then hoisted up onto Blank's shoulders...and hurled into the guardrail with a powerbomb-like manuever! Blank steps on the apron just as Malibu turns to see what's going on...that being Scotty Static being pummelled into a bloody mess! COLE This isn't...I don't think this is what Zack wanted at all! COACH Yeah, RIGHT! Malibu makes a move towards Bloodshed, trying to pry him off of Static...but he gets shoved away for his troubles! The crowd "oohs" as Malibu gets right back up, and both he and Robinson take an arm and try to pry Bloodshed away, but to no avail! Finally, Blank and Cortez come over and forcefully lift Bloodshed up off of Static, and Blank backs him into the corner so that he can't dive for him again. Robinson looks disgusted as he looks down at all the blood, which is just oozing out of a gaping wound across Static's forehead...and then he goes to the ropes and motions for the bell, saying that the match is over! COLE What...that's it? CABOOSE The match is over! Robinson has thrown the match out! As soon as he calls for the bell, Robinson motions for EMT's to hit the ring, checking on Static, which Zack looms over him. Malibu then turns to the three men he brought in, nudging past Blank, and shoving Bloodshed back into the corner, asking "what the hell was that?" Blank goes to put a hand on Zack's shoulder, but Zack knocks it away, then again asks Bloodshed "what the hell was that?" This time, Blank spins Zack around, looking down into the popular superstars eyes, telling him "That's what YOU wanted. That's what we do. You knew that! You knew that!" COACH See, hear what Blank said? That IS what Zack wanted! CABOOSE I don't know...I mean, have they really pushed Zack that far? If this is what he wanted, he doesn't look to happy about it. Malibu, not flinching despite Blank's larger frame, looks up into his eyes and says that's not what he wanted, and then turns to exit the ring. Todd Cortez tries to stop Zack, but Malibu hesitates only momentarily before jumping to the floor and grabbing his HI-YAH Championship off the timekeepers table. He starts to head back to the dressing room, as more medical personnel hit the ring, and order the trio of newcomers out of the ring so that they can tend to Scotty Static. COLE We...we expected a melee, or a brawl, or quite frankly all hell to break loose. What happened here tonight...I mean...that was horrific! He would not stop beating on him. It was almost vampiric in nature, the thirst for blood that that man has! CABOOSE The name "Bloodshed" isn't just a tagline it would seem. Keep in mind though that it was the GPX, namely Scotty Static, who split HIS head open earlier in the contest. I fully believe in retribution, but these actions...I mean this was way over the line. The crowd, who has been stunned by the previous few minutes, remains at a hush as Jax and O'Hara, groggy as they are, come and check on Scotty Static. Meanwhile Blank, Bloodshed and Cortez exit the ring, with Blank looking quite happy despite the lack of victory, or the immediate tension he's facing with the very man he aided tonight. COLE We certainly pride our pay per view events on being a night to remember, but could be for all the wrong reasons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 ACROSS THE COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD... OAOAST SYNDICATED DEBUTS IN TWO WEEKS CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS FOR TIME & DATE We return to Tony and Jesse back on the stage. SCHIAVONE Syndicated should be a fun one, Jess. VENTURA Absolutely. Whenever "The Body's" around, fun follows. Speaking of fun, Tony, how about Race for the Gold II? Was that something or what? It looked like a night at your place following a couple of cold ones. SCHIAVONE (chuckles) I have a cold hard fact coming up for you, Jesse. Because up next is a match that was just made this past Thursday night on HeldDOWN~! As the fans who tuned in saw, Drek Stone went against his promised not to interfere in the affairs of Hoff and Dan Black, who will be meeting later tonight in a submission match, by attacking Tony Brannigan with a steel chair and thus injuring his ankle. Drek tried to take Tony out of the picture, thinking it would leave him and Hoff all alone to deal with Dan Black. Boy, was he wrong. VENTURA He was wrong, all right. Instead of demoralizing Black T, Drek Stone and Hoff fired them up. Black is coming into tonight as cold as ever, while Tony is about as pumped up as I've ever seen him. I still can't believe he challenged Drek Stone to a match despite, basically, only having one leg. That ankle ain't gonna heal up in 3 days, you know. SCHIAVONE And still to come -- two title matches and the big submission and no holds barred bouts. With that, it's time to go back to the head-buttin'! Woke Up This Morning Got Yourself A Gun Mama Always Said You’d Be The Chosen One "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE As Tony and Jesse talked about, our next match pits two rivals that have been battling for nearly two months: Drek Stone vs. Tony Brannigan COACH Oh, trust me, Cole. The bad blood goes way deeper than just two months. As has been established time and time again, Drek Stone did not like taking his sabbatical from the OAOAST and watching as Tony Brannigan received accolades for all the hard work Drek had done. For months, Drek had to sit and watch as Tony painted himself as the quintessential OAOAST superstar, responsible for all the success this federation has seen – when it was Drek that ultimately gave this organization that success in the first place! Drek decided to come back last month to do something about it, which he certainly did. CABOOSE Oh yeah, if you say so. Though it was Tony Brannigan and Dan Black that came out on top in the first confrontation against Drek Stone and Hoff at AngleMania V. Soon after the loss, Hoff put out the challenge to face Dan Black in a submission match that will occur later on tonight. Meanwhile, Drek Stone and Tony Brannigan continued to challenge each other through promos and interviews outside the ring. COLE And, of course, that all came to a climax last Thursday night. After a prank gone awry, Drek Stone took Tony Brannigan’s ankle out with a steel chair not once, but twice. Tony put out the challenge to face Drek here tonight, and Drek accepted. Tony wants to prove that a OAOAST loyalist will always come out on top against a treasonous villain, and Drek Stone wants to make sure that Tony Brannigan never crosses his path again. COACH The history speaks for itself, Cole. Twelve months ago at Living Anglelously 2005, Tony Brannigan came up short in his bid for the Heavyweight Title against Axel. Tonight, at Living Anglelously 2006, he will come short of proving his worth as a singles superstar in the OAOAST when Drek Stone breaks his ankle and forces him to spend a night in Indianapolis General Hospital. CABOOSE Or history will just repeat itself, and Tony Brannigan will give Drek Stone a spinebuster straight to hell just as he did last month at AngleMania V. COLE Only time will tell. Let’s get down to the ring. She Said: You’re one in a million You’ve got to burn to shine But you were born under a bad sign With a blue moon in your eyes As the pace of the song picks up, so do the jeers and catcalls as DREK STONE appears onstage. The former World Champion greets the hostile crowd with a smirk, seemingly drawing energy from their hate as he points to the select few fans vocally supporting him on his way to the ring. * DING DING DING * BUFFER Living Angleously continues with the following contest set for one fall. Introducing first, making his way to the ring... hailing from Brooklyn, New York and weighing in tonight at 220 pounds, the former Heavyweight Champion of the Woooooorld... DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREK STOOOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEEEE! Drek pounds his chest twice before raising one arm into the air, sending a shower of glittering red, white, and green fireworks up from each corner. COACH That's what I'm talkin' about right there. Drek Stone. It's gonna be a big night for D and Big Daddy H, Hoff, baby. First, Drek's gonna take care of Tony, then later tonight Hoff will make Dan Black tap out in the submission match. COLE That remains to be seen. Drek Stone coming in tonight with the clear advantage after injuring the ankle of Tony Brannigan this past Thursday night on HeldDOWN~! But if there's one thing we know about Tony Brannigan, is that behind the arrogance lies the heart of a champion. He is one of the men that helped build the foundation for what the OAOAST has become. CABOOSE And he never walked out on this company. COACH Now why did you have to go and bring that up, Caboose? Drek Stone is one of the many who were disenfranchised by the OAOAST. The man walked out of protest. And the last time I checked we still had this little something called the First Amendment in this country. "He's simply ravishing...OWWWWWWW!" The fans rise as one as TONY BRANNIGAN, in a dazzling red robe with countless rubies and rhinestones, struts out onto the stage. BUFFER And his opponent... from Hollywood, U.S.A., weighing 262 pounds... TONY BRANNIGAN! Drek Stone's eyes light up like a child's on Christmas morning as he sees Tony walk to the ring with a noticable limp. Brannigan pauses on the ramp as Stone blocks his entry into the ring so that he can mock him by hobbling around, simulating the aid of a cane, which draws a wry smile from the former World Champion. Drek becomes irate when referee Nick Patrick attempts to lure him away from the ropes so Tony can enter, causing him to shove Patrick aside. When Drek turns around he sees Tony Brannigan ready to go. Tony temporaily blinds Drek by THROWING his multi-thousand dollar ROBE in his face! COACH That robe is a lethal weapon! Nick Patrick oughta disqualify Tony. One of those rubies or rhinestones could've gotten in Drek's eyes. * DING DING DING * The bell is rung as Brannigan unleashes an offensive assault on the rogue superstar -- hitting, kicking and even biting Drek Stone! Drek finally gets the robe off his head but all that does is give him a clear view of Tony's right fist connecting with his jaw. Stone is sent hard into the far corner and nearly clotheslined out of his boots as Tony wallops him with a corner clothesline. Brannigan scoopes Stone off the canvas and fires him to the ropes. GORILLA PRESS SLAM! Tony follows up with a sucession of elbow smashes to the sternum, before shooting Drek back off to the ropes for a baaaaaack bodydrop. Stone pops up in a dazed, stumbling all around the ring and eventually to the outside with a running clothesline that sends him over the top to the arena floor! COLE Tony has overwhelmed Drek Stone from the start. COACH And that's exactly what it is -- a start. Tony follows Drek out to the floor, and drives his face into the STEEL STEPS. Drek wanders around ringside, double and triple-checking to see if his nose is still attached to his face, as Brannigan sneaks up behind him and RAKES the fingernails across the back again and again! Tony spins Drek around, hooks the head and suplexes him on the arena floor. Those "protective mats" doing little to ease Stone's pain. Nick Patrick orders Tony to bring the action inside the squared circle or face the possibility of countout or disqualification. Brannigan obliges, tossing Drek underneath the bottom rope as he himself climbs up on the apron and steps through the ropes...only to have Stone dive towards his right ankle, the one injured Thursday night. Brannigan does his damndest to fight Drek off, pummeling the back of his head with closed fists and stinging overhand chops to the back. Stone gives up his current approach in favor of another by pulling up on the middle rope and CROTCHING Tony! "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" CABOOSE A move that stands the test of time -- the low blow. COLE Oh, come on, ref. You had to see that. COACH Brannigan's Law, Mikey. Although we know there won't be much of Brannigan's Love later tonight, if you know what I mean. Scoope and a slam, beautifully executed. Stone leaps hiiiiiigh in the air and drops the knee down across the sternum over Tony Brannigan. Drek goes back to the ankle, but again Tony fights him off. Stone decides he needs to wear his opponent down some more before going for the ankle. He whips Tony to the corner and charges in, a boot to the face in his future, but Drek grabs the foot and brings Tony down to the mat as he slides outside. COLE Oh, no. Drek Stone is gonna shatter that ankle if he hits this. Arrogant as ever, Drek taunts ringside fans by holding Tony's ankle out towards them. Brannigan makes him pay for that as he kicks his ankle free and places Drek in a headscissors, reeling in a bugged-eye Drek Stone face-first into the RINGPOST! Tony pulls Stone up on the apron and su... No! Drek hits Tony with a palm strike on the way up and floats over the top, quickly turning Tony around and setting him up for the STONECUTTER. But Tony alertly shoves him off to the ropes, taking a shoulderblock as Drek comes back off the ropes. Brannigan rolls onto his stomach and allows Drek to go over the top as he returns from the near side. Trouble arises when Brannigan lands awkwardly on his ankle after leapfrogging Stone on the rebound. It isn't enough, however, to keep Tony down but it does cause him to mis-time his clothesline and get drilled in the face by a Drek Stone standing dropkick. CABOOSE Let's keep an eye out on Tony's ankle. His leg nearly buckled after the leapfrog. Very common to see wrestlers use a leapfrog to buy themselves time to think about their next move. I'd go as far to say a leapfrog is about as high-risk as coming off the top is. Both men up to their feet, and unloading with a series of European uppercuts is Drek Stone. Drek looks to whip Tony to the ropes, but it's reversed. Brannigan going along for the ride as he keeps ahold of Stone's wrist, driving the knee... Stone counters the attempted knee to the midsection with a school boy! ONE... TWO... NO! Stone gets a two count, but a pin wasn't his intent. Instead he tries to lock on an anklelock out of the school boy. Tony fights Drek's attempt to turn him over, kicking Stone atop the head with the heel of his boot. After numerous kicks to the head Tony finally frees himself from the clutches of Drek Stone. Drek shakes off the cobwebs and charges Brannigan, running right into a POWERSLAM! ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! When Tony gets up to his feet his legs are wrapped up by Drek Stone, who continuously tries to go after that injured ankle only to be peppered with forearm smashes. COACH Yo, D, I know you wanna attack the ankle but if it ain't workin' for you now try again later. Beat on our very own Mr. T for a bit, then go for the ankle. Drek takes the punishment like a man as he backs Tony into the corner and rams the shoulder repeatedly into the gut. His good fortune goes from gold to woe after he gets trapped in the corner following a missed roundhouse right. Brannigan rocks his opponent with rights and lefts, including a few kneelifts and forearms for good measure. Stone RAKES the eyes to breakup Tony's momentum. European uppercut. And another. Stone in complete control until he tries whipping Tony to the corner. Brannigan reverses midway through, sending Drek bouncing off the turnbuckles and clutching his sternum as he staggers back towards mid-ring where Tony awaits with a well-placed knee to the side of the head before going for the Rude Awakening. All eyes, including referee Nick Patrick, on the hands of Tony as he turns Drek's neck clockwise. Out of desperation Drek kicks his leg back and LOW BLOWS Brannigan! "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COLE Ugh! Not again. Drek Stone with another low blow. With Tony doubled over in pain, Drek hits the ropes and delivers a CHOP BLOCK across the right ankle of T-Bod. Tony crumples to the mat and holds his ankle immediately, but then quickly rolls out underneath the bottom rope to regain his composure outside the ring. COACH You see that? He makes one mistake and Drek Stone is on him like a shark! My man smells blood. Once his feet are on the arena floor, Tony hobbles a short distance up the ramp to get some feeling back in his right ankle. Grimacing quite noticeably, Tony limps several feet before turning his attention back towards the ring. Once he does so, Drek immediately turns and bounces off the far side of the ropes. He then dashes forward – -- jumps up – -- and, using no hands, LEAPS over the top rope -- -- COLLIDING INTO TONY BRANNIGAN WITH A SUICIDE PLANCHA! “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” The Indianapolis fans collectively gasp as Tony Brannigan and Drek Stone go crashing back down to the arena floor with Drek landing right on top of the tag team specialist. COLE WOW! What a plancha! COACH That was beautiful! Drek Stone will spare no expense to get the win over Tony Brannigan tonight! Clutching his ribs, Drek uses one hand to push himself off the floor and back up to his feet. He grabs a handful of Tony’s hair and lifts the big man back up to a standing position. Before Tony has any time to think, Drek drags him over towards the steel steps. He then picks Tony up for a bodyslam and drops him right near the stairs… …sending his right ankle SMASHING into the edge of the metal steps. *CRASH!* Once again, the crowd groans in unison as Tony Brannigan immediately screams – in a manly fashion, of course – and grabs at his ankle. Drek immediately swats T-Bod’s arms away from holding his leg. With Tony still laying on the arena floor, Drek lifts his opponent’s right leg up and drapes it across the steps. He then quickly climbs up to the apron. Once he gets close enough to Tony’s leg on the steps, Drek looks out at the crowd with a callous smile. He then picks his foot up and… *CRASH!* …angrily stomps Tony’s right ankle, banging Brannigan’s bone against the steel steps! “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” An anguished yell escapes Tony’s lips as Drek lifts his foot up again and… *CRASH!* …stomps Tony’s ankle against the steps once more. *CRASH!* And again. *CRASH!* And again. *CRASH!* And once more. Pleased with that fifth stomp, Drek takes this opportunity to hop on the middle turnbuckle and raise his arms to the crowd, waiting to receive their admiration. Instead, all he hears is boos in return. “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” See? COLE And it’s plain to see that the tables have turned in this matchup. Tony started the match out intelligently by using any means necessary to keep Drek away from his ankle. But now that Drek has exposed that weakness, Tony is in very serious trouble. CABOOSE But this is going to be Drek Stone’s downfall, and I said this back when I still supported him. Instead of continuing the attack, he is way too preoccupied with posing to the fans. You do not stop attacking a man as experienced as Tony Brannigan to taunt the crowd. You’re only asking for trouble. COACH Oh, they love it. And you love it too. Everybody loves it. It’s a love-fest here in Indianapolis, Indiana! Meanwhile, while Drek has been posing to the rabid Indy crowd and soaking in their appreciation, Tony has managed to crawl away from the steel steps and take his ankle away from such an exposing danger. Drek, angered to see Tony has escaped from the time being, quickly hops off the turnbuckle and back down to the arena floor. He starts stomping back towards Tony Brannigan but, once he gets close enough, Tony climbs to his feet and tries sliding into the ring as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, he just isn’t quick enough. Drek grabs a solid hold of his right ankle and extends it past the ring apron. He then steps back and drops a nasty elbow across the damaged bone, forcing Tony to yelp in pain once more. With Tony now down on his chest and his ankle hanging outside the ring, Drek picks his arm up and drops another elbow across the leg of Tony Brannigan! Drek keeps his grip of Tony’s ankle intact and begins dragging him towards the nearby corner post. COACH See, Caboose? Drek was able to pose AND stay on the attack! What a multi-tasker, I’m telling you! Once Drek thinks he’s close enough, he grabs Tony’s right ankle, pulls it back – and swings it forward, BANGING Tony’s ankle against the metal turnbuckle! “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” The crowd reacts in sympathy for Brannigan, but their sympathy can’t buy him a cup of coffee, let alone help him out of this problem. Drek grabs his leg again, pulls it back – and BANGS it against the corner post once again! He reaches back – smacks it against the turnbuckle post a third time! A fourth! A fifth! A sixth! COLE Drek Stone isn’t going to be satisfied until he actually hears Tony Brannigan’s ankle snap! COACH Well, Cole, he said it before. He wants to make sure Dan Black and Tony Brannigan get to ride together in an ambulance tonight. And, I’ll tell you, Drek is certainly carrying out his part of that promise. With Tony still suffering immensely, Drek grabs both his legs and pulls him closer towards the corner post. Still laying on his chest, Tony attempts to grab onto the bottom rope for some kind of leverage, but Drek is too quick for him. He gives Tony a final yank towards the post, finally properly straddling him against the corner, with his right leg and left leg hanging off opposite sides. CABOOSE I think I know what’s about to happen here. COACH Me too! COLE Well, I don’t! Somebody tell me! With Tony now incapacitated for the time being, all Drek needs to do is crank Brannigan’s right ankle, jump up, and fall to the arena floor – -- LOCKING TONY BRANNIGAN IN A CORNER-POST ANKLE LOCK! “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” The fans collectively gasp as Tony frantically tries to crawl away from the turnbuckle, but Drek Stone has the hold locked in too tight. With Plan A not working, Tony then tries to swing his arms towards the Italian Stallion, hoping he could force his opponent to release the hold. But Drek is too far away from Tony’s reach, making Plan B ineffective as well. Tony Brannigan’s pained screams echo throughout the arena as Drek continues to twist his ankle, desperate to hear the pop of Tony’s ankle bone separating from the rest of his body. Luckily, Plan C is about to come into fruition for Tony Brannigan as the referee begins quickly counting for Drek to release the hold. ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! Once the referee hits four, Drek Stone finally releases the hold. Tony Brannigan’s ankle hangs limply outside the ring as it is clear that massive damage has now been done. CABOOSE That corner-post ankelock is just so effective in so many ways. Besides the fact that Drek is twisting Tony’s ankle in a completely unnatural position, he adds a lot more pressure to the move by hanging his weight down towards the floor as well. As much as I criticize him, he certainly does know what he’s doing in the ring. Pleased to see Tony struggling to gain his composure, Drek rolls under the bottom rope and back into the ring. As the fans wonder exactly why Drek Stone wasn’t counted out of the match despite being out of the ring for quite some time – to tell you the truth, this intelligent narrator doesn’t know why either – Drek fires a stomp against the back of Tony’s head. Before Tony has a chance to breathe, Drek grabs a solid handful of his hair and tries pulling the big man back up to his feet. However, once he does so, Tony hits him with a big elbow to the ribs! The fans roar as Drek doubles over for a second, winded and completely surprised that Brannigan still has so much fight in him. CABOOSE You see that?! Tony Brannigan still has some fight left in him! Drek walks over to Tony again and gets another hard elbow to the chest! Once again, the fans pop. Drek recoils for a moment after the second blow, allowing Tony to gain some of his mental bearings back, but he’s not going to be deterred. With ferocity now, he charges towards the established tag-team superstar – -- and gets lifted HIGH in a gorilla-press slam position by Tony Brannigan! COACH Oh no! This is bad! COLE Where does he get this strength?! CABOOSE Look at his feet, Cole. While Tony’s left leg is solidly on the ground, he is keeping his right ankle slightly off the mat, making sure not to put any unnecessary pressure on it. He inches his way closer to the ropes. CABOOSE The power that Tony Brannigan has. Not any man can lift and hold Drek Stone over his head while only supporting himself on one leg! Drek Stone came into this match knowing about Tony’s overwhelming strength, and it seems he has fallen into that trap. The fans explode in cheers as Tony continues to hold Drek Stone high over his head, flashbulbs popping all around the arena. Once the fans have gotten their fill of watching Drek squirm in mid-air, Tony throws Drek Stone up… …and watches as the Italian Stallion plummets towards the mat. But instead of hitting the floor, Drek’s sternum bounces off the top rope! The momentum of the move springs Drek back to his feet. He spins around dizzily, leaving him easy prey for Tony to bring him down with a WICKED standing lariat! Drek and Tony instantly crumple to the mat as the crowd salutes Tony’s perseverance! CABOOSE And that’s exactly what Tony Brannigan needs to do in this matchup! Maximize his strengths. Minimize his weaknesses. Use his power to its highest advantage while minimizing the amount of movement he does in the ring. Tony didn’t need to run across the ring with that lariat to have it be effective. With Drek still down, Tony drapes an arm across the former Heavyweight Champion’s chest. The referee counts! ONNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEE~! TWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOO~! KICKOUT! Drek throws his shoulder up spiritedly, showing he’s not nearly ready to be counted out. COACH Of course, Caboose, the question needs to be asked. Running carries a lot of momentum and strength with it. Could that pinfall have gotten the three count if Tony DID run with that lariat? Realizing he needs to seize this opportunity to capitalize, Tony quickly grabs the top rope and pulls himself back up to a standing position. Putting weight tenderly on his right ankle, he grabs Drek by his neck and forces him back up. He then forces Stone into a front-facelock position and, picking his right ankle up off the mat in order to inadvertently cast any weight on it, picks Drek up over his head in a vertical suplex position! COLE Wow! Once again, there’s Tony Brannigan demonstrating his strength advantage. It’s not easy to lift a man up in a suplex position with the use of both legs, let alone one! CABOOSE As I said before, maximize your strengths. Minimize your weaknesses. Once again, flashbulbs pop throughout the building as Tony Brannigan continues to hold Drek Stone up in this stalling suplex, pleased to see Drek’s face beginning to turn bright red as the blood flows towards his head. Almost as if he’s mocking the Italian Stallion, Tony hops up and down on his left foot a couple of times – before FINALLY bringing Drek Stone down with a spine-tingling suplex! He immediately floats over for the cover. ONNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEE~! TWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOO~! SHOULDER UP! Once again, Drek Stone gets a shoulder up! CABOOSE Notice how, after every move, Tony Brannigan is trying to get the pinfall as quickly as possible. That’s his experience there. He knows he has to end this one as soon as possible if he wants to come out with the win. Meanwhile, there have been several points in the match where Drek could have feasibly gotten the pinfall, and he hasn’t done it. That just shows his inexperience, as good as he may be. That could spell the difference in the result. Taking a deep breath, Tony places a hand on Drek’s chest and uses his opponent’s body to push himself back up to his feet. He immediately falls against the ring ropes to prop himself up and let him regain some composure. Meanwhile, Drek has started stirring in the ring, warily moving up to his knees. Disappointed to see his enemy up so soon, Tony tries limping forward as quickly as possible to catch his opponent off-guard with a hard left kick. However, Drek Stone was already waiting. With surprising speed, he catches Tony’s left leg, meaning the big man now has to try to support himself on his tender right ankle. As Tony grimaces in pain, Drek rapidly spins Brannigan’s leg around, then falls and sweeps T-Bod’s ankle out from underneath him. Once Tony hits the mat in agony, Drek swiftly jumps up and comes down with a somersault senton on the ankle-bone of Tony Brannigan. “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” The fans respond with astonishment at Drek’s impressive speed as Tony is now back to helplessly clutching his ankle in the middle of the ring. COACH There we go. See, Boose? Just as you start counting out Drek Stone, he comes right back to surprise everyone in this building. Especially Tony Brannigan! Following the senton, Drek immediately pops back up to his feet. With a sly smile, he looks at the wounded body of Tony below him. Delighted at seeing Brannigan look so tortured, Drek moves over to the two-time tag champion and takes this opportunity to stand over the prone carcass of his opponent. Looking out at the crowd, who are only to eager to hurl their ire at the Italian Stallion, Drek holds both his arms out to different sides. He then clasps both hands behind the back of his head and begins gyrating his hips over the body of Tony Brannigan – the man who brought this taunt into the OAOAST. Many of the women in the crowd scream as Drek flexes his muscles and swivels in a clear attempt to disrespect the legend at his feet. COACH Oh, this is excellent. Simply ravishing! COLE Simply humiliating is what this is. Once he finishes dancing over Tony’s body, Drek then rubs a hand across his forehead and wipes the sweat from his brow onto Tony’s unconscious body. The fans groan at this disgusting display of arrogance as Drek laughs noticeably to himself. Yet without warning, Tony suddenly picks his head up and wraps his arm around Stone’s head. He then rolls him down to the mat with a fast small package! ONNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEE~! TWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOO~! THRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEE~! KICKOUT! Drek Stone just manages to muscle his way out of the pinning predicament! Both men immediately try to pick themselves up out of the move. However, with his Achilles heel, Tony is obviously the slower of the two. This allows Drek to slip behind him and give him a hard sweeping kick to the back of Tony’s right ankle, sending the big man right back down to the mat. COLE And we were only one millisecond away from seeing this match end! Drek Stone needs to stop with his arrogance and get down to business! With Brannigan back down clutching his ankle, Drek looks out at the crowd and arrogantly slaps his chest in a salute to all his Indianapolis supporters. He screams “THIS GOES OUT TO MY MAN HOFF!” with a slight grin before turning his attention back towards his opponent. CABOOSE Well, looks like he listened to you there, Cole. Tony tries crawling his way out of the ring, seeming to know what’s about to come next, but he just isn’t fast enough. Before he can slide underneath the bottom rope, Drek grabs a solid grip of his right ankle and pulls him in the center of the ring. He then begins twisting the ankle violently, sending the crowd into a frenzy. COLE ANKLELOCK! ANKLELOCK! COACH This is it! Tony should tap out NOW before the damage can be done! As Drek Stone tries frantically to lock in the anklelock, Tony realizes he needs to escape this situation immediately or tap out. There is no other alternative. Realizing he is much too far from the ropes, he knows there is only one thing left to do. Before Drek can fully wrench the hold in, Tony uses his chiseled biceps to pull himself up and somersault forward! Propelled by this momentum, Drek immediately releases the hold and goes charging towards the turnbuckle. The fans explode, thinking they’re about to see Drek go chest-first into the corner, but if Drek is anything, he’s quick-thinking. Before he can hit the post at full force, he jumps up on the middle turnbuckle instead, escaping a potentially dangerous dilemma. COACH Nice! What athleticism! Not knowing exactly what happened to his opponent, Tony jumps up to his feet, worried where Drek Stone may have landed. Sure enough, once Brannigan is up, Drek jumps off the middle turnbuckle with a double axehandle – but Tony catches him in mid-air in a bearhug position. He then tosses Drek Stone OVER HIS HEAD and halfway across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex! “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” The fans rise up with a rabid series of cheers as Drek’s body smacks against the mat in a nasty landing. With one hand resting on his spine, Drek immediately uses the middle rope to pull himself back up to his feet. The former Italian Champion is now taking deep breaths now, trying to get some oxygen back into his stunned lungs. Seeing Tony make his way back up to his feet now, Drek’s eyes widen and an outraged scowl crosses his face. CABOOSE I think Drek Stone is finally starting to realize that Tony Brannigan, regardless of a hurt ankle or not, is one of the toughest superstars to ever compete in this federation. Regardless of how much he is suffering, he just will not stay down! COACH Yeah? Well….neither will Drek! So, ha. COLE You got him. Before Tony has a full opportunity to regain his wits, Drek comes stomping forward and angrily kicks his ankle out from underneath him once again. Once Tony hits the mat, Drek immediately starts stomping Brannigan’s leg, ignoring the tortured yells of his hated opponent. Not pleased with just kicking his opponent, he also starts smacking forearms against T-Bod’s ankle, looking to further injure the leg any way he can. COLE Guys, I think Drek Stone may be losing it! COACH No, no. He’s just a little frustrated. My boy knows how to keep his cool, believe me. Realizing that this alone is not going to be enough to get the job done, Drek grabs a harsh hold of Tony’s right ankle and drags him violently towards a nearby turnbuckle. He drapes T-Bod’s right leg on the bottom rope and immediately begins climbing the turnbuckle with his back facing his opponent. COLE He may be going for that same split-legged moonsault across the ankle that we saw him pull out at AngleMania V against Tony Brannigan. COACH Of course. Why not? It worked for him then. It’s only logical that it would work for him now! Once Drek gets to the top rope, he gets distracted by the crowd for a second, who are collectively gazing upon him with disapproving eyes. This gives Tony Brannigan the chance to kick the referee standing nearby him with his left leg, sending the official hurtling towards the ropes! Once the referee hits the cables, the ropes shake violently enough to completely disrupt Drek’s footing. He loses his balance and… “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” …falls groin-first onto the top turnbuckle! COACH NO! That should be an immediate disqualification! CABOOSE Yeah, well, all’s fair in war. Tony Brannigan can bend the rules just as well as Drek Stone can, even if he might not show it off nearly as frequently. Drek looks up at the lights in anguish, taking in deep breaths to try and alleviate the sharp pain building in his stomach. Meanwhile, Tony has gingerly made his way onto his knees and back up to his feet. It is obvious that he is unwilling to give Drek Stone any time to regain the advantage in this matchup once again. Seeing that Drek’s back is still facing towards him, an aggressive smile crosses the face of Brannigan. Limping heavily towards his opponent, Tony stops once he gets close enough. He then turns around so that the two men are resting back-to-back against one another. Reaching his arms back, he grasps his hands around the neck of his opponent, trapping Drek Stone in a concrete grip. He then delicately hobbles away from the turnbuckle, pulling Drek off the top rope, tenaciously holding him in mid-air by his throat. As the two men continue to remain positioned back-to-back, Drek tries kicking his legs excitedly to escape from the choking position, but Tony will not be deterred. COLE Could we be seeing…?! COACH Oh God, no! Let’s hope not! But Coach’s prayers aren’t enough to help save Drek from this one. Powerless to do anything to stop this, Stone’s body goes limp as Tony drops down – -- AND SNAPS DREK’S NECK WITH A RUDE-AWAKENING NECKBREAKER! COACH NO!! COLE WHOA! Drek’s neck cracked with that one! As Drek crumples face-first to the mat, the fans begin frantically cheering as Tony warily sits on the mat, mopping some of the cool sweat from his damp forehead. He then turns and wipes the sweat towards his fallen opponent, sending the crowd into a frenzy. As fast he can, he crawls over to Drek and turns him over. The referee quickly makes the count! ONNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! TWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO~! THRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! NO!! SHOULDER UP!! COACH There you go! Ask what can keep Tony Brannigan down ALL YOU WANT! The real question of this matchup is exactly what Tony can do to keep Drek Stone down for a three count! And, I’ll tell you, the answer is absolutely nothing! Tony can not beat Drek Stone. Not tonight. Not ever! Although frustrated that Drek managed to kick out of that, Tony seems to be encouraged more than anything else. With startling speed, Tony rises back up to his feet and begins pouding his fists against his chest emphatically, sending the crowd into hysterics. COLE Here we go! Looks like Tony Brannigan is finally ready to put this one to sleep with the Out-of-Body Experience! With a defiant and eager expression on his face, Tony grabs a handful of Drek’s hair and forces his stunned opponent back up to a standing position. Clutching Stone’s arm powerfully, Tony gives Drek a HARD irish-whip into the ropes. Drek bounces off the cables and comes barreling back at a remarkable speed! Tony Brannigan gets ready for the SPINEBUSTERRRRRRR – -- BUT DREK STONE SLIDES UNDERNEATH TONY BRANNIGAN’S LEGS! COACH The athleticism shines once again! Immediately after gliding away from Tony’s attack, Drek pops right back up to his feet. But Tony, seeming to know his opponent was going to do that, looks to be just one step ahead. Once Drek turns around to face T-Bod once again… …TONY BRANNIGAN LIFTS DREK STONE UP HIGH IN THE AIR FOR THE SPINEBUSTER… …BUT HIS ANKLE CAVES FROM UNDERNEATH HIM! COACH YES! YES! Shades of AngleMania V! For just a moment, Tony’s grip weakens as he focuses his attention towards his poorly damaged ankle. That allows Drek – in mid-air – to grab Tony’s head… …swing around… …AND FALL WITH THE STONECUTTER!! NO!! By sheer strength alone, Tony keeps Drek from falling down to the mat with his finishing move! Instead, using his power, Tony keeps the former Italian Champion grounded on his feet! He then gives Drek a hard knee to the abdomen, forcing the Italian Stallion to double over and gasp for air! COLE Could this finally be it?! With his opponent wheezing desperately for air, Tony seizes the opportunity by slipping behind Drek so that the two are standing back-to-back once again. And, just as before, he forces Drek into position for a reverse neckbreaker. CABOOSE Drek Stone survived the first Rude Awakening. There’s no way he will be able to survive a second one. Trapped in a dangerous dilemma, only inches away from certain defeat, Drek lets his impulsiveness take over. He lifts his leg up, sways it forward, and then swings it back, giving Tony a hard kick against the back of his right ankle! With an anguished yell, Tony releases the hold and bends down to try and quickly massage his ankle. With the two men now still standing back-to-back, this gives Drek the chance to slickly take one step backwards, grabbing Tony Brannigan’s head in a front-facelock position along the way. COACH AND JUST LIKE THAT… With Drek now standing in front of Tony, holding his opponent in a front-facelock position, HE LIFTS THE BIG MAN UP – -- AND SPIKES HIM INTO THE MAT WITH THE STONECUTTER!! The Indianapolis crowd explodes in astonishment, amazed to see just how quickly the StoneCutter managed to come out of nowhere! With a satisfied grin, Drek swiftly turns Tony over and hooks the leg! ONNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!~! TWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!~! THRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!~! *DING! DING! DING!* A massive reaction of cheers and jeers – mostly jeers -- rises up from the Indianapolis crowd as “Woke Up This Morning” blasts over the loudspeakers to commemorate Drek Stone’s win. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by pinfall….DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREK STONNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEE~! With a superior smile, Drek Stone immediately rolls out of the ring and begins backing up the ramp. The referee chases after him so he could lift his arm up to the crowd, which receives another gigantic mixed reaction in return. COLE What a heart-breaker for Tony Brannigan. To fight so valiantly for the win and come up just a little bit short…it’s a damn shame. CABOOSE Agreed. He gave it everything he had. COACH Yeah, yeah. Sucks for him. Whatever. The real story here – the story we all need to be paying attention to now – is that Drek Stone is back! He came here tonight with one goal on his mind. To show that he was better than Tony Brannigan. And, my God, he certainly proved that here tonight! Meanwhile, in the ring, Tony Brannigan cradles his ankle tenderly, trying desperately to get the blood circulating back into his leg. The referee slides back into the ring to check on Tony’s condition and tries to help the big man up, but Tony simply shoves the referee off to the side, not wanting his help at all. Instead, Tony uses the top rope to lift himself back up, not concerned with the extent of the injury he may have suffered here tonight. Once he gets back up to his feet, the majority of the fans in Indianapolis rise to give him a standing ovation. “TO-NY!” “TO-NY!” “TO-NY!” COLE This is a great thing to see. The fans are showing their appreciation for Tony Brannigan – a man that came into this match knowing he was battling against the odds. Yet still, he took Drek Stone to his furthest limits, coming only a second away at certain points from getting the win. CABOOSE You want to say Drek Stone came here with a game plan tonight? Well, Tony Brannigan came out here with a game plan and carried it out masterfully. So he might have been hobbled with a bad ankle. He still used his strength to his utmost advantage while limiting his movement in the ring, keeping Drek off-balance for a good portion of the matchup. COACH Yes, but he didn’t get the win. That’s the point. He didn’t get the win and Drek Stone DID. Drek Stone moved one more notch up in the rankings by pinning this self-proclaimed legend tonight. Drek Stone has proved to all his critics that he’s back and better than ever. He has gotten revenge for his AngleMania V loss. And, most importantly, he has taken one step closer to the Heavyweight Championship while Tony Brannigan has taken one step back! This night could not have turned out any better for Drek Stone! As Tony waves out to the crowd, appreciative of their support, he looks out to the top of the ramp where Drek Stone is standing with a conceited and smug smile on his face. Rejoicing in the glow of his win tonight at Living Anglelously 2006, Drek Stone slaps his chest and extends his arms arrogantly, receiving another mixed reaction in return. Some fans appreciating the effort of this conceited and condescending superstar. Most fans jeering the egotistical behavior he has demonstrated both in this match and in his celebration afterwards. As Tony stares out at him in passionate rage, thinking that the only way Drek got this win tonight was by injuring him three nights ago, Drek is much too proud of his win to let Tony’s angry glares bring him down. Drek just stares at Tony happily as if to say “Tony, I was the better man tonight.” As if to say “Tony, I will always be the better man.” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 (edited) WATCH HELDDOWN~! THIS WEEK AND LEAVE FEEDBACK! A public service announcement brought to you by your friends at the OAOAST. Renegade hits and the arena fills with boos as the lights go out. The baseline hits, the spotlight comes on, and Reject walks through the curtains and towards the ring. COLE And it's time, this bitter feud between former tag team partners will reach its climax tonight! CABOOSE That's right, it's NO HOLDS BARRED! BUFFER The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and there will be NO HOLDS BARRED! Introducing first, from NEW YORK CITY, weighing in at 235 pounds...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!! Reject slides into the ring and gets ready. God of Thunder hits and Thunderkid gets a nice ovation as he makes his way to the ring. BUFFER His opponent, from Green Bay, WI, weighing in at 257 pounds...TTTTTTTHHHHHHUNDERKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!! COACH He looks confident now, but Reject's going to make him sorely regret throwing that NHB stipulation in that contract! TK slides into the ring and poses on the buckles, then walks to the center of the ring, as does Reject. They have a brief staredown, talking trash to one another, before coming to blows! *DING DING DING* TK wins the exchange, and drags Reject into a corner. TK delivers kicks to the midsection, then whips Reject across the ring. TK charges, but Reject moves out of the way. TK backs out, and Reject dropkicks him back into the corner. Reject then whips TK back across the ring, but TK comes out with a clothesline! COLE TK EXPLODING out of the corner! TK runs to the ropes, and hits another clothesline! A third takes Reject over the top and to the floor! COLE And TK looking great here in the early going! TK follows Reject to the floor, and whips him into the steel steps! CABOOSE Remember, no disqualifications in this match! COACH Yeah, I know. Just wait, this will eventually play right into the hands of Reject! TK rolls back into the ring. Reject tries to climb back in, but TK hits him with a baseball slide and sends him back to the floor! TK goes outside again, ramming Reject's head into the steps, then taking him around the ring and throwing him into the timekeeper's table. TK stops to play to the crowd, however, and as he moves back towards Reject, Reject blasts him over the head with the ring bell! COACH OH, what did I tell you? Now the tide has turned! COLE TK's bell was just rung, and the tide has indeed turned! Reject grabs a steel chair from ringside before sliding back into the ring. He sits on it in the corner and waits on TK. COLE And Reject VERY arrogant right here... CABOOSE I don't understand this, why's he allowing TK to catch his wind? TK gets to his feet, and Reject picks up the chair, challenging TK to get into the ring. He does, but not before grabbing a 2X4 from underneath the ring! COLE OK, NOW here he comes! TK holds the 2X4 baseball style, and swings as Reject swings the chair! After three swings, Reject drops the chair and shakes his hands off. TK waits for him to come around, and grabs the 2X4 with both hands, clotheslining him to the mat! Reject rolls to the outside, and TK follows him out with a plancha! COLE TK over the top rope onto Reject! TK hammers away with right hands, then tosses Reject back into the ring. Reject, however, gets a hold of the chair, and slams it across the back of TK as he slides in! COLE Steel chair to the back! Reject holds the chair up in the air, receiving boos from the crowd. He then picks up TK, delivering a snap suplex, and goes to the top with chair in hand. CABOOSE Uh oh, what's this gonna be? Reject comes off the top with a CHAIR LEGDROP, but TK rolls out of the way! TK grabs Reject, picking him up in a PRESS SLAM~! and tossing him all the way down to the floor! COACH Come on, someone's gonna get hurt doing that! COLE That's the risk you take signing for a match like this, Coach! COACH But how was he supposed to know? He just signed the contract, he wasn't told beforehand of any stipulations! That's not fair! CABOOSE Life's not fair, Coach! Reject should have read the fine print before signing! TK goes to the apron once again, and pulls out a stop sign! COACH Oh, no! TK picks the sign up overhead and brings it down on the head of Reject! Reject staggers backward and falls over the security wall into the crowd! TK follows, and Reject tries to escape! TK and Reject end up backstage, where TK catches up to Reject, hammering him on the back, and throwing him into a stack of beer kegs, which then fall onto Reject. CABOOSE I don't think Reject's ever been to a kegger like this! TK follows Reject over to the stack, and picks up a keg. As he raises it overhead, Reject gets his hands on one and tosses it at TK, hitting him in the abdomen! Reject then grabs the keg and rams TK in the back with it, before picking him up and taking him back out to the arena. Reject carries a keg along in one hand, and nails TK with it in the aisle, before going to the side of the ring, and pulling a LADDER out from underneath it, drawing a pop from the crowd! COLE And we're breaking out the heavy duty equipment now! Reject slides the ladder into the ring, then rolls TK inside. Reject hits a snap legdrop on TK, then picks him up for a suplex. CABOOSE Uh oh, could be a suplex on the ladder here! TK blocks, then blocks a second time. He then picks Reject up, turns around while still holding Reject, and drops him with a SUPLEX ON THE LADDER! COACH NO! COLE And Reject sent BACK-FIRST onto the ladder! TK then rolls to the outside, and reaches under the apron. He crawls halfway under the ring to grab something, before coming out with a BARBED-WIRE BASEBALL BAT~! The crowd goes CRAZY! COACH Oh, come on now! Get in there, ref! CABOOSE Everything's legal here, Coach! COACH Yeah, but surely you've got to draw a line with this, don't you? TK waits for Reject to get up, then takes a HOME RUN SWING, but Reject ducks and hits a low blow! Reject then rolls over and grabs the bat. COACH USE IT, REJECT! Everything's legal here! Reject delivers a shot to the gut with the bat, then uses it to trip TK down to his back! Reject then gets down on the mat and begins to rake the bat across the face of TK, opening a wound on his forehead! COLE And Reject literally cutting open the forehead of his former tag team partner with that baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire! Reject then picks up TK, and delivers a snap suplex onto the ladder! COLE And NOW, it's TK who's back meets the ladder! Reject runs to the ropes and goes for ROLLING THUNDER~!, but TK rolls out of the way and Reject lands on the ladder! TK then crawls over and grabs the bat, and Reject turns around to receive a shot in the face! CABOOSE Wow, right in the FACE! COLE And Reject is down and now *he's* bleeding! TK drops an elbow on Reject, then rolls out of the ring and throws the keg inside. TK the rolls back in and lays the bat between his legs, as the crowd IMMEDIATELY begins to groan in agony. COACH Oh no, I can't watch this one! TK picks up the keg, and DROPS IT ON THE BAT, causing Reject to roll around on the mat in agony! Several fans in the front row can be seen holding their nuts and groaning in agony. TK sets up the ladder, then rolls outside the ring and grabs a TABLE from underneath! TK pushes the table into the ring, then rolls in and sets it up. By this time, however, Reject has recovered, and drills TK in the back with the beer keg! COACH But Reject's back in it now! Reject then delivers a shot to the head, and TK rolls onto the table. Reject walks around to the other side, and slowly starts climbing the ladder. TK slowly rolls off the table, and follows Reject up on the table side. TK catches him at the top, and the two begin to exchange punches. COLE These two former partners, jousting for position on the top of this ladder! TK wins the slugfest, then sets up a suplex! Reject quickly fires punches to the midsection, then thumbs TK in the eye. Reject climbs up a couple rungs, then flips over, POWERBOMBING TK THROUGH THE TABLE! COLE And THROUGH THE TABLE goes TK! What a powerbomb by Reject, but he can't cover! Reject lays on the mat for a few seconds, then inches over and covers... 1... 2... NO!!! TK gets a shoulder up! CABOOSE Still fight left in TK! Reject picks up TK, and hits a fisherman's buster! He follows up with ROLLING THUNDER~! COACH And Reject's setting him up now! Cover... 1... 2... Shoulder up again!!! Reject rolls to the outside, and finds another item wrapped in barbed wire, this time a STEEL CHAIR~! COLE And more barbed wire coming into play! Reject raises the chair, and SLAMS it across the back of TK! COLE Imagine the PAIN that TK must have experienced right there! TK rolls on the mat, rolling over to a corner. Reject waits for him to get up, then charges with the chair...but has kicked back into his FACE by TK! TK then comes out of the corner, and drops an ELBOW onto the chair, which is lying on Reject's face! COACH This is horrible, you guys! TK then grabs the chair, as Reject begs off. The crowd starts to cheer loudly, as TK raises the chair in the air! Reject rolls out of the ring, and TK gives chase into the crowd! They run past the beer kegs again, then back through the entryway, where Reject trips and falls in the aisleway. He begs off of TK again, when suddenly, someone grabs the chair from TK! TK turns around, and receives a headshot from...THA PUERTO RICAN??? COACH MY MAN!!! COLE WHAT? What the HELL is PRL doing out here??? The crowd boos LOUDLY as PRL looks down on TK and smiles, before throwing the chair down and going backstage. CABOOSE What is going ON here? COLE I don't know, what motive would PRL have to ambush TK like that? Reject slowly gets to his feet and takes TK back to the ring. Reject makes an immediate cover... 1... 2... TK gets a foot on the rope! COACH Oh, what a cheap move! Reject pulls TK's leg off the ropes, and hooks it... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE Still hanging in there! CABOOSE Wow, look at the wreckage in the ring, Cole! Reject grabs the barbed-wire chair, and stands over TK. He taunts the crowd, drawing ENORMOUS boos. He then raises the chair overhead, but when he does, TK sits up and delivers a low blow! Reject falls backwards to the mat, and TK rolls over and grabs the chair. He waits for Reject to get up, then tosses the chair into his hands, before hitting a BICYCLE KICK~! COLE TK again kicking the chair right into the face of Reject! TK covers... 1... 2... NO!!! Reject gets a shoulder up! COLE And now it's Reject, showing tremendous intestinal fortitude! TK picks up Reject, and delivers a belly-to-belly overhead suplex! Cover... 1... 2... Kickout again!!! TK charges Reject for another bicycle kick, but Reject ducks, and drills TK with a spinkick! Reject leans on the ropes to catch his wind, then rolls to the outside, grabbing a stuffed pillowcase. CABOOSE I've got a feeling that that pillowcase isn't filled with feathers, Cole! COLE Yeah, we're not about to see your ordinary average pillowfight right here! Reject raises the pillowcase in the air, drawing boos, then rolls into the ring. He grabs a handful of THUMBTACKS out of the pillowcase, sprinkling them on the mat, as the crowd buzzes. COACH HERE WE GO! Reject then grabs a handful and throws them on TK on the mat, before dumping the rest of the pillowcase out on the mat. Reject picks up TK, then goes for a bodyslam. TK slips behind the back, and puts a foot to the gut, setting him up for a powerbomb! However, Reject blocks, and BACKDROPS HIM INTO THE TACKS! COLE OH, backdrop, and TK's back COVERED in those tacks! Reject carefully drops a knee to TK's sternum, then positions the ladder. COLE Oh, no. What's this going to be? Reject climbs the ladder, stopping to pose once again at the top. He then steps over, and goes for a LEGDROP, but TK moves, and Reject LANDS IN THE TACKS~! TRIPLE C Reject sits there for a second with a wide-eyed look on his face, then jumps up, hopping around, until TK grabs him. TK delivers a FALLAWAY SLAM to Reject, RIGHT INTO THE TACKS~! COLE And Reject AGAIN meets the tacks! TK then picks up Reject...and plants him with the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!11111 COLE THIS IS IT!!! TK falls back onto Reject... 1... 2... 3!!!!! NO!!! REJECT GETS A SHOULDER UP!!! COACH WHAT ABOUT THAT, COLE? COLE I can't believe it, Reject just kicked out of the Thunderbolt DDT, the signature move of Thunderkid! TK sits there for a second, questioning the referee, then reaches down to pick up Reject. Reject reaches over and grabs a handful of tacks, using them to rake the eyes of TK, before hitting the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 COLE And now Reject with HIS signature move, the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 Reject can't cover immediately, but finally pushes TK over and drapes an arm... 1... 2... 3!!!!! NO!!! TK gets a shoulder up! COACH Come ON, REF!!! COLE And TK with the kickout! Reject slowly gets up, then picks up TK and carries him over to the tacks. Reject picks up TK, and delivers the PITCH BLACK INTO THE TACKS~!!!!!11111 COACH WOW! That's GOT to be it, come on, cover, Reject! Reject does cover... 1... 2... 3...NO!!! TK AGAIN gets the shoulder up! COLE And AGAIN! Where do these two get the strength? Reject walks over and grabs the barbed-wire bat, and scales the ladder. TK slowly gets to his feet, and Reject comes off the ladder, nailing TK right in the face with the bat! CABOOSE WOW, right between the eyes! Reject tosses the bat aside, and covers... 1... 2... 3!!!!! *DING DING DING* COACH YEAH!!! Reject rolls off of TK and lays on the mat, as Renegade plays over the speakers. COLE And MERCIFULLY, this one is over! BUFFER The winner of the match...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!! COLE Ladies and gentlemen, whether you like these guys or not, these two men gave you everything they had in them! They gave their heart and their body, all to find out who the better man was! And in the end, it's that man right there, rolling out of the ring, Reject! Reject picks himself up off the floor and staggers back to the locker room as medics help keep him standing, and more medics rush around him to tend to the still unconscious Thunderkid. Reject stops at the front of the entrance to raise his arms and give a cocky grin, receiving a mixture of boos and appreciative applause. CABOOSE And Thunderkid just now starting to come to, Cole! The medics help TK up, and he receives a loud standing ovation from the crowd in Indianapolis as the medics help him to the back. COLE What an effort by TK, and what an effort by Reject, as well! CABOOSE I just can't do you top this one, Cole? Edited May 1, 2006 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 (edited) COLE If you thought our last match was brutal...heh...wait until you see the next 4 men in action. The World tag team titles are on the line, as we send it up to Michael Buffer. Though the HOWLS go up in the air as Edgar Winter's "Frankenstein" hits, the Sooner Bruisers receive a mixed reaction as they appear in front of the live crowd. As usual, the "Pyscho Gremlin" Frankie Frankensteiner sprints out onto the stage and circles around his "byte-cip" posing big brother, howling to the moon. BUFFER The following World tag team title match is set for one fall. Introducing first, the challengers...from Oklahoma, Oklahoma, weighing in at 525 pounds, the Man of Tomorrow and Pyscho Gremlin... the SOONER BRUUUUUUUUUISERRRRRRSSSSSSSS! COLE Each team's fanbase out in full force here tonight in Indianapolis. I think you'll see the same amount of tension in the stands as there was Thursday night on HeldDOWN~! between the Sooner Bruisers and Heavenly Rockers. CABOOSE The Sooners developed quite a reputation in Japan during their time in HI-YAH for their physcial style of wrestling, a style which made them famous in the Land of the Rising Sun and subsequently in North American via word of mouth and online media -- and also a style which the Heavenly Rockers have had problems with in the past due to the size and weight disadvantage they experience in most of their bouts. But to their credit, it shows you just how good they really are to overcome the odds. COACH Just like a fat guy can consume more beer than a skinny fella, the Man of Tomorrow and the Pyscho Gremlin can take a lot more punishment than Synth and Logan. They're gonna have to use their speed and quick tags throughout the match, because once they start getting suplexed around the ring, you can write April 30th as the date the Heavenly Rockers title reign came to an end. BUFFER And their opponents! The Man of Tomorrow is posing on the middle turnbuckle when the lights go out and... BOOM~! BOOM~! ...two green pyro missles BLAST out from the stage. BUFFER Hailing from Sin City in Las Vegas, Nevada, at a total combine weight of 430 pounds, the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all-time... the HEAVENLYYYYYY RRRRRROOOOOOOCKERRRRRRSSSSSSS! Cue the PCP induce lighting effects and Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped Box." The Heavenly Rockers are much more favorably received than their counterparts in the ring. Sporting the fan favorite Angel Wings and Halo attire, Synth and Logan make eye contact with the Sooners and let them know they are the champions by pointing to the belts around their waists. But not for long say the brother duo from Oklahoma. The Heavenly Rockers race down the ramp while unstrapping the tag titles, leaping onto separate turnbuckles to pose for the fans with their belts. COLE In their first title defense since winning the gold and vanishing the New New Midnight Express, the Heavenly Rockers are faced with the monumental task of having to control the power of the Sooner Bruisers. As we'ved talked about, Synth and Logan must use their speed to stay in the match, otherwise the Sooner Bruisers will make quick work of them. COACH Ahem. I believe The Coach already pointed that out. CABOOSE It's worth bearing again. Earl Hebner gains possession of the tag team titles and gives the Sooner Bruisers an up close and personal look at them before holding the belts up for all to see, then handing them over to ring announcer Michael Buffer. Last minute instructions are given, each party asked to place one man out on the apron. Following half-hearted fist pounds from both teams, "Wild Child" Logan Mann and the Man of Tomorrow exit. COACH Heh. Nobody buying that sorry excuse for sportsmanship. COLE It's no secret the Sooner Bruisers and Heavenly Rockers aren't exactly the best of friends. Their lifestyles in and out of the ring couldn't be any more different. But it's all about the tag team championship tonight. And we're off and running. * DING DING * Synth and Frankie waste no time locking up. The amatuer background of Frankie in full display early on as he easily goes behind Synth and places him in a rear waistlock looking for a takedown, but Synth blocks it by wrapping his left leg around Frankie's while trying to break the Pyscho Gremlin's grip around his waist. Wrestling aficionados in the crowd give the Synthmeister a nice round of applause as he counters into a hammerlock. Perhaps an even greater accomplishment is Synth keeping his head down and opening up his stance to prevent Frankie from reaching down and using a single-leg takedown. Things get testy when Big Frank, a/k/a the Man of Tomorrow, clobbers Synth from behind with that tree-trunk of a forearm, as Logan takes offense to the act. Earl Hebner promptly gets between both men, keeping the situation from escalating further than some pushing and shoving and foul language. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE The fans are loving this. They love the intensity shown from Logan and Big Frank. They wanna see them go at it. And honestly, so do I. CABOOSE I second that. COACH Me, too. "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!" After throwing his hands up like a French solider, the Man of Tomorrow brushes past Frankie and the referee to get in what can only be describe as a cheapshot on Logan as he returns to his corner, SOONER/CLOTHESLINING Mann from behind! COACH Uh-oh. Gasoline just got poured onto the fire, fellas. Synth is all up in Big Frank's mug for that act of unsportsmanship. Logan pulls himself up and shakes off the cobwebs, demanding a piece of Big Frank right now. Both men play to the crowd, pointing at them to gauge fan reaction. Of course they want to see Frank and Logan go at it, so the Man of Tomorrow and Wild Child ask for and receive the tag from their partners. "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COLE This is what we want to see. And here we go. Big Frank uses the same tatic his brother did to start the match, utilizing a go-behind waistlock out of a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Unfortunately for Logan, he doesn't experience the same sucess Synth did in getting out of the hold, taking a brutal RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX that folds him up like an accordion! "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" CABOOSE Sheer power. The self-proclaimed Man of Tomorrow drops to his knees and flaunts the 25" anacondas, kissing the peak of his biceps or "btye-cips" as he calls them. Logan smartly takes his time getting up, not wanting to rush into anything until he clears the cobwebs. He converses with Synth in the corner before circling around the ring and locking back up with Frank, placing him in a side headlock that lasts about as long it took to apply the hold as he's shot off to the ropes. Waiting for him with open arms is Frank, who is put back on the defensive when Logan slides between his legs and surprises him with an armdrag takeover. That isn't the only surprise Frank gets. When he returns to his feet Big Frank has to deal with both Heavenly Rockers. They stun the big man momentarily with a pair of kicks to the midsection, then fire him off to the ropes for a double hiptoss that is followed up by stereo elbow drops and kip-ups...INTO A SOONERLINE FROM THE PYSCHO GREMLIN THAT SENDS THEM INSIDE-OUT!!! "OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" COLE COACH DAYUM~! Big Frank capitalizes on the situation, sending Logan into the turnbuckle and pumpeling him to the mat with vicious forearm and knee strikes. He drapes Logan upright over his shoulder and tags Frankie, who comes off the top with an devastating ELBOW DROP that spikes Mann into the mat! ONE... TWO... TH-- KICKOUT! With his weight already on top of Logan, Frankie leans in closer and unloads with a series of hard forearm smashes to the side of Mann's face. Frankie brings Logan up to his feet and drills him with a couple of big right hands, whipping him to the ropes but sticking out that right arm for a Soonerline too soon, allowing Logan to wrap himself around Frankie's body for what looks like a crucifix but turns into a sunset flip. ONE... TW-- Not even enough for a two count, as Frankie is still too fresh. Logan perfectly times his next move, rolling Frankie through as he rolls back and hammers the Pyscho Gremlin as he gets up to his feet with a running dropkick square between the eyes. Mann uses the few precious seconds of free time he has with Frankie down to tag out. But it doesn't mean the end of his time in the ring. He and Synth open up the double-team playbook, leveling Frankie with diving back elbows and then with a nice little number that sees Logan backdrop Synth onto his opponent. ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! Frankie is brought back up in an armbar, the Heavenly Rockers now making it a priority to take away one of the Sooner Bruisers strongest weapons -- their arms. Bad arm = less suplexes and Soonerlines. Synth wrings the arm and tags Logan back in. Mann from the second turnbuckle with a double-axehandle onto the outstretched arm of the Pyscho Gremlin. Less howl and more yelp. Logan chops Frankie down to size by driving the point of the elbow across the arm, including the great execution of the ensuing armbar -- wide base, weight down on the body, etc. The Pyscho Gremlin returns to a vertical base, hammering the midsection of Mann with closed fists rather than elbows because his right arm is currently barred. Either way, Frankie gets himself out of a potentially bad situation. Like an escaped prisoner, Frankie makes the run for it, except he hits the ropes and comes right back to where he left. The result is something fans will remember for the rest of their lives, like you-can't-powerbomb-Kidman: you can't leapfrog Frankie. The Pyscho Gremlin drives Logan into the mat with a POWERSLAM! CABOOSE You'd think by now people would know that isn't likely to work on the Pyscho Gremlin. ONE... TWO... NO, KICKOUT! Frankie goes out for a rest, bringing Big Frank back in as the legal man. The Man of Tomorrow stiffs Logan with a knee to the ribs and numerous clubbering blows to the back before hitting the [EXPLETIVE DELETE] DOUBLE UNDERHOOK POWERBOMB! Big Frank pops up all jacked up, wanting to relive more of his roid rage with more high-impact moves. He scoopes Logan up and sends him off to the far side. TILT-A-WHIRL SLAM... ....COUNTERED INTO A SPINNING NECKBREAKER! COLE Oh, my! Logan landed on his feet and nailed Frank out of nowhere with that neckbreaker varation. Whatamaneuver! The momentum now back in his team's favor, Logan takes a risk that luckily pays off for him and Synth, connecting with a springboard legdrop. But Logan is unable to make the pin as the Man of Tomorrow hurls him up in the air and over the referee as soon as Logan makes the lateral press. A clear message to the Heavenly Rockers that it's going to take more than that to put away the Sooner Bruisers. Earl Hebner slaps his hands overhead to signal a tag has been made. Logan holds Big Frank up while Synth climbs up to the top and tumbles into the Man of Tomorrow with a somersault. The Synthmeister keeps the pace moving, slamming Frank near the corner and delivering an elbow drop from the second rope. ONE... TWO... TH-- SHOULDER UP! Synth tries his luck again from the top, but jumps right into the arms of Frank. The leader of the freakozoids spends too much time celebrating his feat of strength than taking care of business, which gives Logan plenty of time to leap onto the top rope and dropkick his own partner down onto him! COLE Oh, look at that. What team work! COACH I'd call it luck. ONE... TWO... THR-- NO! 17,000-plus gasp in unison after thinking the match was over. But it isn't, as Synth quickly finds out. Running high on adrealine Synth whips Frank towards his side of the ring, enabling Frankie to make the blind tag as his brother hits the ropes and ducks a spinning back elbow on the return. His momentum carrying him forward, Synth stumbles into the ropes but recovers fast enough to avoid a head-on collision with Frank, leapfrogging over the Man of Tomorrow...who puts the brakes on and flings the Pyscho Gremlin into the ring with a SLINGSHOT SHOULDERBLOCK that decks Synth on the recoil. COLE That's just 260 pounds cruising through the air, ladies and gentlemen. Only on Fri... Only in the OAOAST will you see that. ONE... TWO... THR-- KICKOUT! The match starts to heat up with the first suplex used by the Sooner Bruisers all night, a textbook belly-to-belly. Rather than go for the cover Frankie sends Synth into the ropes instead, scooping him up for what appears to be a powerslam before setting Synth's feet on the ground while in an inverted front facelock and hitting a reverse DDT. CABOOSE I haven't seen an inverted DDT done quite like that before. Apparently, Frankie wanted some of the blood to rush to Synth's head before dropping him. COLE That's why you're a former two-time World Heavyweight Champion, partner. You've been in the ring, so you know about the little things done in a match. Here's the cover! This may be it! ONE... TWO... Logan with a foot to the back of the head to breakup the fall. Big Frank doesn't like that and all hell breaks loose as he and Logan begin settling their differences with their fists! Earl Hebner does his best to separate the two but is no match for the much larger men. Finally, Frank has enough and shoves Earl into Logan, leaving Mann to deal with the OAOAST's senior offical while he and Frankie target on Synth. The Synthmeister is whipped hard into the corner, Big Frank charging in after him and eating a boot to the face for his trouble. But that's just the first obstacle for Synth, now having to deal with an incoming Pyscho Gremlin. He deals with him the same way he did with his brother, putting the boot up for him to run into. Hebner is still trying to get Logan out of the ring when both Sooners lunge towards Synth, nearly smacking into the turnbuckles as Synth narrowly misses their double Soonerline and runs up the turnbuckles in the far corner with the Sooners tailing, backflipping off the top and landing behind the Sooners who hit the turnbuckles before turning around and getting hit with a double DDT from Synth! "YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COLE At least we know who cashed in their 2-for-1 DDT coupon tonight. That gets the attention of both Earl Hebner and Logan Mann, who immediately steps out on the apron awaiting the tag he hopes follows suit. Chants of "LET'S GO SYNTH" fuel an exhausted Synth to claw and scratch his way to Logan, both Sooners down next to him but beginning to stir. Just when it seems like Synth is able to make the tag, the Sooners reach out and pull him back towards their part of the ring by his legs, dropping a pair of elbows to ensure he stays down until their liking. An exchange is made that makes Big Frank the legal man. The freak of high-tech nature and chemical substances fires Synth to the ropes and lifts him overhead, adding insult to injury by constantly bench pressing him with ease before slamming Synth to the mat. Prior to making the cover the Man of Tomorrow flexes his right bicep, kissing the peak and then dropping a big elbow across the chest of the Synthmeister. ONE... TWO... THREE-- NO! Logan again breaks up the pin, but unlike last time Frank keeps his emotions in check. Sorta. Instead of getting physcial, the Man of Tomorrow gets egotistical, dropping down and doing push-ups while degrading Synth, the Heavenly Rockers and their music. Frank really gets into the head of Logan by looking directly in his eyes, humping the canvas as he screams Holly-Wood's name. Earl Hebner meets Logan halfway inside the ring to keep him in his corner. It's right back to work for Frank and pain for Synth, who's takes another ride into the corner. Frank glances over at Logan and tells him this next move is for him. He rumbles but doesn't stumble to the corner...and gets popped in the face again by Synth's boot, both this time around! Jelly-legged is Frank as he walks away from Synth, only to have the Synthmeister seek him out, coming out of the corner and bringing the Big Bad Re-Booty Daddy down with a desperation neckbreaker! COLE Both men down. Neither in good enough position to make a tag. Like we've expected it's been a very physical contest. The Sooners have used their power to their advantage as have the Heavenly Rockers with their speed. But now it comes down to who wants it more. Both men needing to make the tag to their partners. CABOOSE Frankie and Logan ready to accept the tag. And I'm willing to bet Logan hopes the Man of Tomorrow isn't able to make his that way he can get his hands on him. COACH Frank is probably hopping Synth makes the tag so he can suplex Logan around the ring. "LET'S GO SYNTH!" *clap*clap*clap*clap*clap* "LET'S GO SYNTH!" *clap*clap*clap*clap*clap* "LET'S GO SYNTH!" *clap*clap*clap*clap*clap* Logan is itching to make the tag, nearly falling over the top rope because he's reaching out as far as he can without losing control of the tag rope. But it's Frank that is first to his feet. And what occurs next may be a first in pro wrestling, at least as far as tag matches go. Frank grabs Synth by the hair and tights and, believe it or not, actually pushes him into the direction of his corner so he can tag Logan. COLE, CABOOSE & COACH COACH I ain't never seen that done before. Too exhausted to reach up and tag out, Logan tags himself in. Frank steps away so Logan can enter in peace. Then rage war as the two let the bombs fly, the fans jumping out of their seats and cheering like crazy as Frank and Logan trade blows. * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" * BIG FOREARM SHOT * * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" * BIG FOREARM SHOT * * CHOP * * CHOP * "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Logan has Frank reeling as he sends him off to the ropes and knocks the big man off his feet with a spinning back elbow. Logan pops up channeling the spirit of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, holding the edge of his tights as he points to the top. Mann pretends like he's walking over to the corner and then does a U turn, decking Frankie with a big left hand that knocks him off the apron. Logan runs to the corner 100 mph, stepping out on the apron and nailing the Man of Tomorrow from the top with a DOUBLE-AXEHANDLE! ONE... TWO... THREE! "YEEEE-- OHHHHHHHHHH!" NO!! COACH Only two, fellas. Logan hits the ropes around the same time Frankie pulls himself up on the apron, and hammers Mann with a Soonerline. Logan falls forward and into the arms of the Man of Tomorrow. Big Frank front facelocks Mann and lifts him up for a dreaded 69 DRIVER...but Frank is kicked from behind in the leg by SYNTH, causing him to ease his grip and allow Logan to shift his weight back and counter with a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! ONE... TWO... THREE... NO!! * COLLECTIVE GASP * Frankie makes the save just in the nick of time. For that he and Synth go at it before being joined by Logan. 2-on-1, the Heavenly Rockers are able to dominate the Pyscho Gremlin with an array of double-team moves -- backdrop, clothesline, double dropkick. But perhaps their greatest feat will be if they connect with a patented Sooner Bruisers double-team attack: the top rope bulldog. COACH They're not gonna do what I think they are. Are they? COLE I believe so. They're gonna use the Sooner Bruisers own double-team move against them! Amazingly, the 220 pound Synth Esizer gets Frankie up on his shoulders as Logan scales the turnbuckles. Synth turns his back to Logan, giving him a clear shot...until Frankie begins peppering closed fists into the forehead of Synth, causing the Synthmeister to turn around as Logan leaps off... COLE ...AND GETS CAUGHTS IN MID-AIR WITH A BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!!! "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" "HOLY SHIT!" While the crowd expresses their amazement over the counter with a vulgar chant, Synth is shellshocked from what just happened. He just stands there along with Earl Hebner as Frankie lies on top of Logan. COACH 1, 2, 3. Why isn't Hebner counting? COLE Because Frankie isn't the legal man. COACH What difference does it make? I've seen the illegal man make the 1-2-3 plently of times. Besides, just a few days ago NBA officials gave Kobe Bryant a bucket and the foul after posterizing NBA MVP Steve Nash because it was one helluva nice play. Earl Hebner oughta give the Pyscho Gremlin the same courtesy. Still in awe, Synth doesn't see Big Frank sneak up behind and nail him with a stiff short-arm Soonerline that sends him to Frankie, who delivers an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that sends Synth rolling out of the ring after impact. Now it's time for the Sooners to hit their version of the top rope bulldog move, as Frank signals for baby brother to pick Logan up. Frankie hoists Logan up on electric chair escalator, which us mortals call shoulders, while Big Frank positions himself on the top. Living a childhood dream of being a loading truck, Frankie backs up into the loading dock area we call the corner. Inexplicably, the Man of Tomorrow wastes time calling ringside Heavenly Rockers loyalist bitches before hooking Mann's head. COACH Just hit it, Frank! Stop wasting--! TOP ROPE DDT! COACH (CONT'D) ...Never mind. COLE Talk about insult to injury. The Sooners are gonna win the titles using the Heavenly Rockers own personal maneuver, the DDT. ONE... TWO... THREE! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Synth breaks up pin! Frank sics the Pyscho Gremlin on Synth. Frankie tackles the Synthmeister and the two fight out to the floor, sending each other into any and everything nearby. Synth blocks Frankie's attempts to ram him into the ringpost, taking several headbutts to the back of the head in the process but still stands his ground. Synth drives an elbow to Frankie's midsection, but it only makes the Pyscho Gremlin angry, causing him to lunge forward...and SOONERLINE THE RINGPOST! Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice...err, inside the squared circle, Big Frank places Logan on the top turnbuckle. Paying no attention to what's going on outside, Frank casually climbs onto the middle and then top rope. The 270 pound Man of Tomorrow gingerly bounces on the top rope to get some spring before leaping up and wrapping his legs around Logan's neck as he proceeds to hit the FRANKENSTEINER... ...ON NOTHING BUT CANVAS! The camera cuts to Synth on the arena floor letting go of Logan's tights, which is what kept him from going down with Frank. Synth has little time to do anything else as he's wrapped up from behind and GERMAN SUPLEXED INTO THE GUARDRAIL just as Logan nails the Man of Tomorrow with a LEAPING DDT from the second turnbuckle!!! COLE, CABOOSE & COACH ONE... TWO... THREE! "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" * DING DING DING DING * BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the winners-- the winners and still tag team champions of the world... the HEAVENLY RRRRRROOOOOOOCKERRRRRRSSSSSSS! "Heart-Shaped Box" cues up as all 4 men remain down, the aftermath of the battle for the tag team championship. Two outside, two inside. The German suplex into the railing taking as much out of Frankie as it did Synth. Logan just starting to move around as Earl Hebner walks back to the center of the ring with the World tag team titles, lifting Logan's arm in victory as he hands over both title belts. Mann slowly rises to a knee and holds the belts up in mild celebration, selling the effects from the top rope DDT he took. As Logan walks towards the ropes to go and help Synth outside, his foot is grabbed by Frank who uses Mann to pull himself up. A look of disappointment on his face, Frank shares a few words before offering his hand to Logan. Mann is first a bit hesitant to accept Frank's hand, but does after the two develop a new found respect for each other after the grueling contest. "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COLE It took taking each other to the limit to bring the Sooner Bruisers and Heavenly Rockers together, but now they realize they are both great teams. Their styles may be different, but they both have that special trait few have -- the heart of a champ... Unprovoked, the Man of Tomorrow stiffs the hell out of Mann with a Soonerline! "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" COLE FRANK, YOU BASTARD! DAMN YOU! * DING DING DING DING DING * Frank throws Earl Hebner outside for trying to restrain him. With the referee out of the way, Frank puts the boots to Logan as fans are still stunned by the turn of events. Frankie rushes into the ring to help control his brother, still kicking at Logan as he's pulled back. COLE Thankfully, Frankie is here to put a stop to this. His big brother has snapped. That's the only way to put it. Frank has snapped. COACH I don't know. I mean, I think I heard Logan saw something about Frank's mama and... CABOOSE Don't give us that bull, Coachman. Big Frank shoves Frankie out of the way as he sees Synth coming back in, drilling him with a Soonerline! The crowd ERUPTS while Frankie struggles to control his brother. HOLLY-WOOD, publicist of the Heavenly Rockers and girlfriend of Logan Mann, dives into the ring to protect Logan and Synth. COLE Oh, my... Oh, my God. Surely, Frank wouldn't hurt a woman, right? COACH Of course not. He loves 'em. The Big Bad Re-Booty Daddy licks his chops as he checks Holly-Wood out, obviously liking what he's seeing. Holly is crotched down next to the Heavenly Rockers when a shadow comes over her. It's Frank standing right in front of her flexing his biceps, showing Holly what she could have compared to what she currently has. One who doesn't take shit from anyone, Holly SPITS at Frank's feet, sending the crowd into a frenzy and Frank into roid rage. Frank does the unthinkable by putting his hands on Holly, pulling her up by the hair and slamming her into the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex! COLE Nooooooo! CABOOSE Frankie, do something. Frankie is hysterical, getting up in his brother's face and going off on him for his actions. Frank comes right back at him, telling Frankie to do something about it if he has such a problem. Frankie holds Holly hand as he sees how badly she's hurt...AND DROPS AN ELBOW ON HER! COLE No! Not him too. What the hell is going on here? Have they both snapped? These guys are sore losers, a bunch of bullies. DAMN THEM! Physcially worn out, Logan uses whatever little strength he has left to lunge at the Sooners only to be taken down immediately and clubbed upside the head with his own tag title belt. The Sooner Bruisers stand over the bodies of the Heavenly Rockers and Holly-Wood, posing with the tag titles as officials storm the ring and escort them backstage. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE One of the most disgusting displays I have ever seen. Horrible. Just horrible. Ugh. I hope the Sooner Bruisers are dealt with harshly. Moving on, ladies and gentlemen. And we have to. No sense in glorifying the actions of the Sooner Bruisers. The submission match involving Hoff and Dan Black is coming up next. But first a word on our next pay-per-view event. Edited May 1, 2006 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 OAOAST PRESENTS... SCHOOL'S OUT MAY 28th LIVE! ONLY ON PAY-PER-VIEW! The arena goes dark. A now-familiar guitar riff eerily echoes throughout the arena. The fans boo as the bass kicks in, and the drums, and then... *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM~!* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the Submission Match! Introducing first, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in tonight at 275 pounds, he is the man known as the Future, the two-time OAOAST World Champion...the man we will never forget. HE...IS...HOFF!!!!!!! The fans jeer as Hoff makes his way down the aisle. Dressed in black tights with blue trim, Hoff looks at the fans with a sneer as he walks by. COLE Folks, the time for talking is over, thankfully. Now it's time for these two fantastic athletes to show us what they can do. CABOOSE And as far as I'm concerned, this couldn't have happened soon enough. Whatever you may think of Hoff, no one can deny how much he has run his mouth lately. COACH Well, he's got a lot to say, Caboose! CABOOSE I'm sure he does. Hoff climbs the ring steps and enters, climbing the ropes and posing. He takes off his "NEVER FORGET" T-shirt and throws it to the crowd, then flexes for the cameras. CABOOSE Yes, you're in good shape, good for you. COACH Aw, he's in GREAT shape! Get it right! Hoff climbs down from the corner as his theme song fades out. It's replaced by the heavy grunge strains of the Smashing Pumpkins, while black and white pyros shoot out from the top of the stage. Black smoke billows from the entrance, and the fans start to cheer! BUFFER And his opponent, from London, England. He weighs in tonight at 243 pounds. One-half of Black T, he is also known as the Ice Heart. Ladies and gentlemen, DAAAAAAAAAAN BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-AAAAAAAAAAACK!!!! The crowd goes wild as Black steps onto the ramp! IUn black and white tights, Black throws his trademark trenchcoat off on his way down the ring, walking with a prupose! He slides under the bottom rope and goes nose to nose with Hoff before the referee pulls them apart! COLE And Dan Black very much wants a piece of Hoff! CABOOSE And why shouldn't he? For weeks, Hoff has been running his mouth, and cheap-shotting Black! Now it's time for Black to get his revenge! The referee explains the rules to both competritors, although it's a formality as both men are deadly aware of the match's stipulations. COLE It's about pride. Folks, remember, this is a submission match. The only way to win is to get your opponent to tap out, pass out, or say the words "I quit." COACH And I guarantee you that Hoff will NOT be saying those words tonight. CABOOSE He won't need to say a word, Coach. But he will tap out. COLE We are set to go! The referee waves the men together, then calls for the bell. *ding ding ding* The crowd is still buzzing as the Future and the Ice Heart circle each other, looking their foe up and down. Hoff quickly changes direction, and Black strides the other way, keeping in line with the big man. Finally, both men stop, looking each other square in the eye. Hoff nods...and the two men come together, locking up in the middle of the ring to a HUGE pop! CABOOSE It's a game of intimidation, guys, but some times neither man will be intimidated. Collar-and-elbow tie up, and Black slips behind Hoff with a hammerlock! Hoff ducks through and reverses the hold into a hammerlock of his own, but Black immediately reverses the move again! Hoff grits his teeth as Black pulls up on Hoff's arm. Black ducks a back elbow attempt by Hoff, but the big man quickly counters out of the move with a drop toe hold! Black hits the mat, and Hoff GRABS THE ANKLE! COLE Oh, here we go! Hoff tries to get a hold of Black's ankle, but the Englishman wriggles onto his back and kicks free! Hoff stumbles back as Black rolls backwards, onto his knees, looking up at a grinning Hoff. The fans' feelings can be heard throughout the arena. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! COACH And Hoff wins the first battle. COLE Battle? What are you talking about? COACH Well now Dan Black KNOWS Hoff can catch him at any time! He's gotta be thrown off his game! COLE I think it'll take a little more than that to throw Dan Black off. Black gets to his feet, and Hoff waves him on. Black charges in, ducking under a grab attempt and going low. Dan grabs Hoff around the waist, spinning into a rear waistlock. Hoff grabs at the tightly-laced fingers of his rival, trying to tear them apart. Getting nowhere, he throws a back elbow, but it's ducked! Hoff tries the other arm, but Black dodges again and lifts Hoff up, dropping him HARD on his chest! COLE Nice takedown by Dan Black! The fans cheer as Dan floats over Hoff, applying a side headlock. Black wrenches in the hold, causing Hoff to kick his legs in pain. COLE Looked like Black might have tried for the Heart of Ice right there, but instead he chose to wear Hoff down! CABOOSE Dan Black isn't going to play Hoff's game. He's not going to try to end it in thr first three minutes. He's a wrestler, Cole. He's going to stick to his plan, working Hoff down the same way he does to all his opponents. Hoff inches up to his knees, with Black still holding onto his neck. Hoff gets to one foot, then climbs back up to a near-vertical base. A pair of elbows to the midsection rock Dan Black, but he keeps the headlock applied. Hoff hits the ropes and tries to throw Black off, but Black holds on! The fans cheer as the Englishman uses the momentum to take Hoff back down to the mat. COLE Dan Black is tenacious in there! CABOOSE He has a type of quiet intensity that is really quite intimidating. The referee checks if Hoff wants to submit, but gets no response as Hoff focuses on breaking free. COACH Hey, you wanna talk intensity, you gotta be talking about the big man! CABOOSE Roid rage doesn't count, wanker. Dan Black gets to his knees, still holding onto Hoff's neck. As Hoff lies on his stomach, Black lifts up his right leg and DRIVES the knee into Hoff's head! The crowd "ooooohs" as Black lets go of Hoff, the big man clutching at his head and neck. COLE What a sick move by Black! CABOOSE That's the type of thing you have to do in this style of match, Michael. Focus on one body part and go after it. Black yanks Hoff up by the hair and CHOPS him, sending the big man into the corner. Another hard knife-edge chop sends the crowd into a frenzy. One more, and Hoff is reeling. Dan grabs Hoff by the arm and whips him cross-corner, and Hoff hits the buckles chest-first, and HARD. The big man bounces out, and Black grabs him from behind, spins him around, and NAILS him with a knife-edge chop that sends the big man to the canvas. COLE Dan Black building some momentum here! Black stomps Hoff in the face, then kicks him over and onto his chest. Black looks down, and drops his leg across the back of Hoff's neck! As the crowd applauds, Black shifts his position and goes right back to the side headlock. COACH Hoff is doing a great job here, letting Dan Black build a false sense of security. COLE False sense of security?! He's dominating this matchup! COACH Well, we'll see about that! Black, however, stays in control with his side headlock. Hoff, though, fightsup to his feet, and ducks behind Black, picking him up and dropping him with a back suplex! The hold is broken as Black's body is jarred. The Brit rolls to the ropes while Hoff lies on the mat, breathing hard. COACH Ah, see? There we go. Just like that, Hoff turns the tables. COLE We'll see if he can capitalize... Hoff rolls onto his stomach, shaking his head while he climbs to his feet. Meanwhile, Black climbs to his feet with the aid of the ropes. The two men lock eyes, and Hoff storms toward Black -- but Black drives his knee into the gut! Hoff doubles over, turning away from his foe as the fans cheer! Black seizes the opportunity, grabbing Hoff from behind, grapevining, and snapping him down with a side Russian leg sweep! CABOOSE And right there again, we see Dan's tenacity. He's not going to be fazed by one suplex. COACH But the suplexes will start adding up, Caboose, and when they do-- CABOOSE Don't start about that. Dan Black is every bit as talented a grappler as Hoff. COLE Both men use a lot of suplexes in their arsenal, and those moves could be difference makers. Black rolls up to his feet, then grabs Hoff by the hair and pulls him to a seated position. Dan kneels behind the big man and grabs his neck and arm, applying a Dragon Sleeper! The fans cheer as Hoff flails, trying to escape. COLE Dragon Sleeper here, a big-time move by Dan Black! CABOOSE Yes, and what's nice about this move is that it wears down the head and the arm, as does the Heart of Ice crossface. The referee checks for a submission, but Hoff waves him off. The big man rolls onto his knees, getting up and backing into the strands. Hoff slips his arm free of Black's grasp and shoots the Ice Heart off the ropes! Black comes off, and Hoff catches him with a shoulder block, sending Dan to the mat! Hoff runs the ropes, leaping over Black as Black rolls onto his stomach. Black hops to his feet as Hoff hits the far side, and sends Hoff flying across the ring with a Japanese arm drag! Hoff skids to a stop near the corner as Black rolls to his feet, drawing an ovation from the capacity crowd! LET'S GO BLACK! LET'S GO BLACK! LET'S GO BLACK! COACH They say once you go Black, you NEVER go back. Holla! Hoff climbs to his knees, slapping the mat in frustration. COLE You've got to wonder how much of this is ring rust. Hoff has been outwrestled for essentially the entire match thus far. Hoff gets up, and it's Dan Black's turn to smile. The tag team legend grins tightly, causing Hoff's nostrils to flare. The big man stomps toward Black, and Black meets him, going to a collar-and-elbow tie up once more. Black again finds the upper hand, grabbing Hoff's arm and wrenching it with an arm wringer. Black doubles the big man over as he holds onto Hoff's wrist. Black releases his right hand, and lifts the arm into the air, driving an elbow down into the left shoulder joint of Hoff. COLE At every turn, Dan Black has stayed focused on the neck and shoulder of Hoff. CABOOSE Yes sir, if you're scoring this one on points, Black is way ahead. COACH You guys are jerks, you know that? Hoff falls to one knee, then picks himself up. With effort, the big man reverses the hold, twisting Black's arm sharply. Black doubles over, and Hoff transitions the move into a hammerock, then quickly grabs Black from the side and scoops him up, driving him across his knee with a pendulum backbreaker! COLE Nice reversal into the backbreaker by Hoff... COACH That's right. Credit where it's due. Hoff looks down at Black, who holds his back in pain. Hoff grins, sending a jeer through thr crowd. COLE Look at Hoff! He's so proud of his own handiwork! COACH Wouldn't you be? I mean, with all he's done in this business, he should always be proud. Hoff picks Dan up by his hair and hooks him around the neck, hoisting him up and dropping him with a vertical suplex. Black hits the canvas, arching his back as Hoff sits up. The big man rolls to his hands and knees, grabbing Black's hair and pulling Black up with himself. Hoff grabs Dan's head again, and this time, spikes him face-first with a DDT. COLE DDT there, planting Black face-first on the canvas! CABOOSE You know, thus far, Hoff hasn't shown much interest in Dan Black's ankle. COACH Well you just don't get it, do you, Caboose? Hoff doesn't need to focus all his attention on Dan Black's ankle. Hoff is so strong that he can snatch it up and break it at a moment's notice. Hoff rolls up to a vertical base, smiling out at the crowd. Indy greets him with a chorus of boos, but the big man waves it off. Hoff heads to the outside, sliding under the bottom rope and heading towards the timekeeper's table. COLE The referee not counting Hoff out because, in this match, there are no count-outs. COACH And there are no disqualifications, which I think Hoff is about to take advantage of! As Black starts to stir, Hoff throws the timekeeper out of his seat and grabs the chair he was sitting on. As the fans voice their dismay, Hoff folds the chair up and takes it in his arms, heading back to the ring. COLE To quote Jim Ross, that steel chair is "as legal as a headlock" in this one! Hoff puts a hand on the ring apron, then turns back, jawing with some especially vocal fans in the front row. The fans flip the big man off, and Hoff pouts his lip in a mocking gesture. Meanwhile, Black finds his feet. He spies Hoff being distracted...and runs the ropes. COACH Wait a minute, what's he gonna do? COLE Hoff better look out...! Black hits the far side just as Hoff waves the fans off. The big man turns just in time to see Dan Black FLYING between the first and second ropes....INTO THE STEEL CHAIR and into Hoff's FACE!! The steel bounces off of Hoff's goateed mug as Black crashes into him! Both men hit the ground as the chair goes flying. Hoff clutching his face, and Black holding his shoulder with an agonizing expression. HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! JOEY STYLES OH MY GOD! COLE What a move by Dan Black!! CABOOSE That's sacrifice right there. COLE Dan Black just took Hoff out before the big man could do any damage with that steel chair! Black, slowly, gets back to his feet as Hoff writhes in pain. COACH Well I was gonna say that it's a stupid move, that Black was hurting himself, but much to my disappointment, Black seems okay! COLE And the momentum has most definitely shifted in this match. Black grabs Hoff by the hair, pulling him back to his feet and rolling him into the ring. Blood trickles down the nose of the big man. The crowd is still cheering as Black rolls in, getting to his feet and stalking over to Hoff. Black sizes his man up, and drops a forearm on the bridge of the nose!! Hoff cries out in pain as Black gets back to a vertical base. Looking down, the Ice Heart screams for Hoff to "GET UP!!!" YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! COLE Dan Black is finally letting out the aggression built up over all these weeks! Hoff rolls onto his stomach, getting to one knee, and Black grabs him by the hair. Looking angry, Black leads Hoff all the way across the ring, to the far corner, and RAMS his face into the buckle! Hoff yells out in pain again as he stumbles back. Black grabs him again by the hair, yanks his hands from his face, and FLOORS him with a European uppercut!! Black stomps away at the face of Hoff as the crowd goes WILD!! COLE And these fans are loving every minute of this!! COACH These people are as big of morons as you, Mikey! Black puts boot after boot to Hoff's face, laying into the big man hard! After some twenty-odd stomps, Black drops to the mat and begins CHOKING Hoff!! COACH Oh, COME ON! What is this? CABOOSE It's REVENGE, you tosser! COLE Dan Black is letting it all out! Every cheap shot, every sneak attack, Hoff is paying for it now! The fans are cheering rabidly as Black chokes Hoff. Black finally stands up and lets out a primal roar, sending the crowd into a FRENZY!! COLE This is surreal! This is a side of Dan Black we haven't seen! CABOOSE Not in a long, long time, Michael. And I like it. Black, with a crazed look in his eye, yanks Hoff to his feet from behind. The Ice Heart grabs Hoff in a full nelson and flips him overhead with a DRAGON SUPLEX!! COLE Oh my! Black lets Hoff go, then pulls him up again from behind. Rear waistlock by Black, and he hits a GERMAN SUPLEX!! Hoff doubles over, falling sideways to the mat. Black gets to his feet, pounding the mat. As the fans cheer, Black grabs Hoff, yanking him up. Black hooks Hoff in a double chicken wing, and with a yell, throws him over with a TIGER SUPLEX!! COLE CHIMERA SUPLEX SEQUENCE. COACH This isn't good, this isn't good at all! Come on, Hoff! The fans give a standing O to the trademark sequence of suplexes as Black rolls to his feet. Hoff, meanwhile, lies motionless on the mat, near the ropes. Black looks at Hoff, shaking his head and mouthing the words "that's it." COLE Dan Black may be looking to end it here! Black grabs Hoff's arm, pulling him away from the ropes. He fals, hooking the arm in his legs and locking in the HEART OF ICE!!!! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! COLE HEART OF ICE! BLACK HAS IT LOCKED IN! COACH Oh, but look at Hoff! Hoff shoots to life, eyes wide as he flails, trying desparately to break the hold. The referee checks for a submission, then eyes Hoff's free right arm as it hovers above the mat. Black screams as he wrenches back on Hoff's neck, but Hoff is able to plant his free hand and push back, rolling through the move! He rolls over Black...but Black rolls with him, taking him over and BACK INTO THE HEART OF ICE!! The fans EXPLODE!! COLE BLACK HANGS ON!! Hoff pushes again, rolling through, and this time the big man rolls into the ropes, and THROUGH the ropes! Both men spill onto the arena floor, Hoff landing on top of Black. With an audible grunt, Black breaks the hold. COACH Now that was smart strategy, guys, even you have to give him that. CABOOSE Absolutely it was. Hoff knows that you can't get a submission outside of the ring. This isn't falls count anywhere. COACH Right! CABOOSE But it's really just delaying the inevitable. COACH Aw, what do you know? Hoff clutches at his neck, while Black favors his ribs. COLE A very smart move by Hoff any way you look at it, and for Dan Black, having a 275-pound man land on you cannot feel good! Both men take a moment to breathe before gingerly getting to their feet. Black beats Hoff by a hair, chopping him and sending him reeling. Black doubles over, holding his ribs, then heads in pursuit of Hoff, grabbing the back of his head and ramming it into the ringpost. Hoff falls back onto the arena floor as the fans cheer. CABOOSE Well, the good news is, Hoff's nose seems to have stopped bleeding. COACH Oh, very funny. Black picks Hoff up and rolls him into the ring, following him in and getting to his feet. Black pulls Hoff up again, but Hoff throws Black's arms off of him and grabs his midsection, charging and driving him into the corner! The fans jeer as Hoff drives his shoulder into Black's ribs, over and over and over again! COACH And now Hoff showing HIS tenacity! Hoff stands up, picking Black's head up by the chin. HOFF YOU WANNA @#$% WITH ME?! *SLAP* COACH WHOA! COLE Good thing we have that seven-second delay! Hoff grabs Black and whips him out of the corner, then puts on the brakes, throwing him back into the turnbuckles! Dan lands with a *THUD* and sinks into the corner, allowing Hoff to back up a step and charge at him, CRUSHING him with a clothesline!! Dan's head snaps back from the force of the blow, and then his body sinks down, leaning like dead weight in the corner. COACH Ah ha ha, now THIS is how we do it! This is how Hoff rolls. Hoff grabs Black by the arm, whipping Black into the far corner. Black hits hard, and Hoff comes barreling across the ring! Hoff leaps into the air, and crushes Black with a STINGER SPLASH! The fans jeer as a dazed Black stumbles forward, and Hoff grabs the back of his head and throws him face-first onto the mat. COLE One of the moves the fans used to love the most, now turning this crowd against Hoff. COACH Ah, but who cares! Hoff is back to life, boys! This is the guy we all knew we'd see tonight! The fans are irate, booing Hoff as he drags Black back to his feet. Hoff grabs Black around the waist, pops his hips and takes him overhead with a BEAUTIFUL belly-to-belly suplex! Hoff sits up after the move, looking satisfied. COLE Another trademark maneuver by Hoff... COACH And he's just getting started! Hoff rolls up to his feet, and stomps Black once across the face before pulling him up. As the fans jeer, Hoff grabs Black in a front face lock. Hoff hoists Black high overhead...but Black shifts his weight and lands behind Hoff! Black grabs Hoff from behind, but Hoff pulls a standing switch! Hoff tries to lift Black, but Black blocks it, hooking his ankle around Hoff's leg! Black now with a standing switch of his own, goes behind Hoff, lifts him...but Hoff rolls forward, landing behind Dan Black and grabbing his ankle and SLAPS ON THE ANKLELOCK!! The crowd goes into a frenzy as Hoff pulls Black into the cneter of the ring! COLE ANKLELOCK APPLIED!! COACH And TELL ME THERE'S NO HOFF FANS HERE!! COLE There may well be, but right now Dan Black could care less! The fans are buzzing, showing signs of dissent for the first time this evening as Hoff twists on Black's right ankle! Black turns and twists, trying to break loose, but Hoff keeps the hold applied! Finally, Black somersaults forward, through the move! Hoff goes flying into the ropes, and Black climbs to his feet, holding his ankle! Hoff gets up using the ropes, but Black is on him! CABOOSE Atta boy, Danny! COLE The toughness of Dan Black is amazing. Look at the way he stays on Hoff! Black grabs a rear waistlock, but Hoff throws a back elbow and Black lets go. Hoff turns and kicks his rival in the gut, doubling him over. The big man locks Black in a standing headscissors, hoisting him up for a POWERBOMB...but Black flips through the move, kicks out of Hoff's grasp, and lands on his feet! Black with a kick to the midsection, doubles Hoff over, grabs his neck and HITS THE BLACKOUT!! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! COLE BLACKOUT!! BLACKOUT ON HOFF!! COACH Yeah, but you can't make him tap out that way! The fans are going crazy as both men lie on the mat in obvious pain. Dan Black grabs at his ankle, while Hoff holds his neck in his hands. CABOOSE Well, you may not be able to get a man to submit to the Blackout, but it'll sure mess his neck up! COLE Both these men have taken an extreme amount of punishment this match. At this point, it may be a race to see who can get to his feet first! Black seems to be the first to get his strength back, rolling to his hands and knees. However, he stumbles as he tries to get up. Meanwhile, the fans boo as Hoff, ever so slowly, rolls to his hands and knees, shakes his head clear, and climbs back to his feet. COACH I knew it! I knew Hoff would prove tougher than Dan Black! CABOOSE That remains to be seen. Black climbs to one knee, then looks up as Hoff towers over him. With a nasty look and a snarl, Hoff grabs Black's hair and starts pummelling him! The fans cry out desparately as Hoff rains down shot after shot to Black's head. Finally Hoff lets go, looking at Black as he rocks back and forth on his knees, punch drunk. Hoff takes a step back, and with a scowl kicks Dan Black in the face. The air is sucked out of the crowd as Black collapses. Hoff looks down, breathing heavy...and smiles. COLE This is sick, this is absolutely sick. COACH It may not be who taps out, but who PASSES out! Ha! COLE Hoff has snapped, he has absolutely snapped. Look at the gleam in his eye! CABOOSE He's a son of a bitch, Cole, I've said it all along. Hoff looks out over the crowd, running his gaze slowly across the sea of humanity. The fans boo in full force, loathing Hoff for his actions. The former champion laughs to himself as he picks Black up, dragging him up off the canvas. Hoff pulls his fist back, and fires a straight shot to the face of Black! Black goes FLYING back, landing in the ropes and awkwardly falling to the canvas. COLE This is despicable. This isn't even a wrestling match anymore, it's a damn beating! COACH Well, Hoff said he was going to make sure Black would never forget! COLE At this rate, he'll be lucky if he remembers what happened tonight! Hoff pulls Black up, smiling all the while. He grabs Black again, and cocks his fist...but Black's eyes flare open and he plants a field-goal kick RIGHT BETWEEN THE GOALPOSTS!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! The crowd is shocked as Hoff falls to his knees, eyes rolled back in his head. Black looks down with fury and starts throwing punches like a hurricane! Blow after blow after blow after blow after blow after blow after blow!! Dan steps back -- *SMACK* -- and snaps a HUGE soccer kick across Hoff's chest! COLE My god, you could hear that throughout the arena! Hoff's mouth drops open and his eyes go wide as he slowly falls backwards and onto the mat. As he lands, Black pumps his fist, firing up this crowd!! COLE Dan Black has SPRUNG to life!! Black SCREAMS for Hoff to get up as the big man rolls back to his feet! Hoff gets to a vertical base, and Dan kicks him in the gut, hooking him for the PITCH BLACK! COLE Pitch Black-- no WAIT!! Black hooks the arms, but Hoff spins away, yanking his right arm free! He grabs Black's wrist, yanks the Englishman toward him, and FLOORS him with a short-arm clothesline!! The crowd boos as Hoff sinks to one knee! COACH Aww, yeah, now there we go! I knew that little flurry wouldn't last! COLE Well I hate to say it, but that may have been Dan Black's last gasp of life! He may be out! CABOOSE I wouldn't count him out yet! Hoff gets back to his feet, and looks down at Black...then over at the turnbuckle. COLE Oh, no. COACH Oh, yeah, baby! Here we go! Hoff walks to the corner, stepping onto the apron and climbing to the top. COLE We haven't seen this in months! COACH It's been far too long! The fans are again buzzing as Hoff stands up fully on the top rope. With a confident smirk, Hoff leaps...and HITS THE BIG ELBOW!!! COACH Never in my life have I seen a near-300 pound man fly through the air with that kind of grace. COLE A picture-perfect elbow drop delivered to the chest of Dan Black. Hoff gets to his feet, pacing around Dan Black's fallen form. With an evil grin, Hoff grabs the right ankle of Dan Black...then sets it back down. COLE Wait, wait a minute! What is he... CABOOSE What is Hoff doing? The big man waggles a finger, shaking his head. COACH Oh, he's not done just yet. COLE Why doesn't he end the match? He has Black laid out! COACH He's sending a message, Mikey, he's sending a message. Hoff pulls Black up by the hair, looking down at him before shooting him into the ropes. Black comes off, and Hoff catches him with a SPINE----NO!! Black hangs on and hooks Hoff's head, scoring with a DDT!!!! The crowd comes alive as Black spkies Hoff to the mat!! COACH COLE WHAT A COUNTER!! COACH NO!! COLE OH YEAH!! COACH NO!!! CABOOSE That's what Hoff gets! Come on, Danny!! The crowd cheers as Black coughs, trying to get air into his lungs. Meanwhile, Hoff cradles his head in his hands. COACH I'd be surprised if poor Hoff doesn't have a concussion. COLE And LOOK! Dan Black is getting to his feet! Racked in pain and limping, Black does climb to his feet! Looking down at Hoff, it's Dan's turn to climb to the top rope!! COLE Black looking to turn it around!! COACH Are you serious?! CABOOSE Do it, Dan! Black looks down, leaps...and drives his HEAD into the shoulder of Hoff!! COLE DIVING HEADBUTT BY DAN BLACK!! Black rolls away, clutching his head, as Hoff flops onto his back, grabbing his shoulder. Black find his feet, walks over to Hoff, and grabs his left arm! Black rolls him over and APPLIES THE-- NO!! Hoff breaks away and into the ropes! Hoff climbs up and elbows Black from behind! Black reels, and Hoff grabs him from behind, hooking his neck! The crowd goes INSANE as Hoff slashes his throat!! COACH YES!! COLE Hoff looking for the Future Shock!! Hoff lifts Black up, but Black floats over and lands behind Hoff!! Hoff turns around, bewildered, and Dan grabs his arm! Hoff tries to pull away, but Black stays on him!! Hoff hits one knee, and Black tries to hook Hoff's arm in between his legs!! COLE Can Black lock it in? Black tries, but Hoff fights it!! Hoff pulls his arm away, spins, and throws a BIG right hand to Black's skull! Another, and Black is reeling!! Hoff hits the ropes and chrages with a clothesline-- CAUGHT by Black, who wrenches Hoff to the mat and HOOKS THE HEART OF ICE!!!! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! COLE HEART OF ICE, LOCKED IN!!! COACH FIGHT IT!! CABOOSE COME ON DAN!!! COACH FIGHT IT!!!!!! Black SCREAMS as he pulls back on Hoff's neck!! Frantically the big man looks around before rolling through...Black KEEPS IT LOCKED!!! Hoff tries to reach the ropes...and BLACK ROLLS BACKWARDS!! The two men land in the center of the ring!! Black yanks back on Hoff's neck....and HOFF TAPS OUT!!!!!!!!! *ding ding ding ding ding* COACH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Black lets go of Hoff and rolls away, onto his knees. The Ice Heart looks up, smiling a genuine smile as sweat drips from his body. BUFFER The winner of the submission match....the Ice Heart...DAAAAAAAAAN BLLLLLLLL-AAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!! Black gets to his feet as the official raises his hand. The fans are ecstatic, cheering their lungs out as Dan stands victorious. COLE WHAT A MATCH. Dan Black gave everything he had to us tonight, and he beat one of the best. CABOOSE Yeah, and if there's anyone out there who doesn't think Dan Black is the real deal, you better take notice. Black looks down at Hoff, who is still lying in pain on the mat...and smiles, one of Hoff's smiles, arrogant, cocky, and satisfied. COLE And he earned that smile, guys. He earned the right to be a little cocky. CABOOSE Absolutely. COACH I can't believe this... As Quiet plays, Black hops out of the ring, landing on the floor below. The Ice Heart looks back at the ring, raising an arm in triumph. COLE Hoff told the world he could make Dan tap out. He told the world he was the better man, and for a while, it looked like that was the case. But Dan Black was able to gut it out. COACH Yeah, but you saw what I did, Mikey. Hoff had Black beat, and he chose to let him go. CABOOSE That was his mistake. COACH I'm just saying, if he had applied the anklelock then, what would have happened? COLE We may never know, but what we do know is this: Dan Black did everything he said he would. He beat Hoff, at his own game, and he proved he wasn't a fluke. Black takes one last, pleased look at the ring before disappearing behind the curtain. COLE Dan Black; victorious over Hoff at Living Angleously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 (edited) CABOOSE You're exhausted. COLE Of course I am. That was one helluva match. COACH But you know what's next? COLE The World Heavyweight Title match! With some thoughts on that, we go back to Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura. * SWOOP~! * SCHIAVONE I'm with Michael, Jesse, that was a heck of a match. VENTURA I thought you were with Lois. SCHIAVONE (sighs) You know what I mean. VENTURA Hey, up until last year we hadn't worked with each other in over 10 years. How am I supposed to know if you're still a married man? SCHIAVONE To think this is what I'm gonna have to put up with in a couple of weeks. Speaking of which, during our last match I was informed about the HUGE main event signed for Syndicated. It will be an AngleMania rematch, as Hoff and Drek Stone take on Black T...INSIDE A STEEL CAGE! "YEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" VENTURA Wow. What a match-up that's gonna be. I can't wait for that one. SCHIAVONE Well, fans, we've reached main event time. In a Triple Threat match, Alfdogg will defend his title against both Peter Knight and Brock Ausstin. Jesse, as a former wrestler, how dangerous is a Triple Threat match? VENTURA I wouldn't know, I never been in one. But if I had, I can immediately tell you a Triple Threat match is especially dangerous when the title is on the line because you don't have to get pinned to lose the belt. Alf has a lot of guts accepting the match, though. SCHIAVONE Who, if anybody, do you expect to benefit from the Triple Threat rules? VENTURA It's gotta be Brock. He's got the advantage on both guys because he knows Alf and Knight knows nothing about him. If I were Alf and Knight, I'd cut a deal to take out Brock. SCHIAVONE I'm sure you would. Sit back and enjoy, the main event is coming up next. COLE And it's now time, Coach! The championship of the World set to be defended in a triple threat match! It'll be two-time reigning champion Alfdogg, coming back home to defend against his two biggest rivals, the 300-pound Brock Ausstin, as well as the man he took the title from back at AngleMania, Peter Knight! Let's go up to Michael Buffer! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, this is the MAIN EVENT of Living Angleously! *crowd cheers* COACH This is it, Cole! BUFFER It is a triple threat match, for the OAOAST Heavyweight championship of the WORLD! ARE YOU READY? *crowd cheers* BUFFER Indianapolis, Indiana...ARE YOU RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY? *crowd cheers louder* BUFFER Then for the sellout crowd here at Conseco Fieldhouse, and the millions and millions watching around the world, there's only one thing left to say. Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Punishment by BIOHAZARD hits and the arena fills with boos as Rick Heyross leads out Brock Ausstin. CABOOSE Here comes the first challenger! COLE Brock Ausstin, the Heartland champion, looking to add another belt to his collection here tonight! COACH And who did he beat for that Heartland title? The man who packs the gold right now, Alfdogg! BUFFER Introducing the first challenger! He hails from Victoria, Minnesota, and weighs in at 305 pounds! Led to the ring by his manager, RICK HEYROSS...he is the reigning OAOAST Heartland champion...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! COLE That's exactly right, and Brock Ausstin hoping lightning can strike twice, and if it does, he'll be the champion of the World! Brock does the Happy Happy Hoss Dance~! in the ring, as Metalingus hits and the boos only intensify as Peter Knight comes through the curtains. BUFFER Challenger #2 hails from Fall River, Massachusetts, and weighs in at 265 pounds! And he is himself, a former Heavyweight champion of the WORLD! Ladies and gentlemen, PEEEEEEEETEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! COACH And PK's gonna show you guys, he's just takin' a little sabbatical, that's all! The belt's on loan right now, but PK has come to collect. PK and Brock stare each other down in the ring as the referee tries to separate them, as Magnum Opus: Father Padilla Meets the Perfect Gnat: Howling at the Moon hits. The Indy crowd EXPLODES as Alf walks through the curtain and raises the belt in the air. COLE And the homefield advantage making its prescence felt right away! BUFFER From Anderson, Indiana! *crowd cheers* BUFFER He weighs in at 240 pounds, he is the REIGNING and DEFENDING TWO-TIME Heavyweight champion of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD...ALFDOGG!!!!! Alf slides into the ring, hearing it from his home state people as he poses in the corners with the belt. He then steps down and hands his belt to the referee, who calls for the bell as all three men talk trash in the center of the ring. *DING DING DING* Alf takes the first shot at Brock Ausstin, followed by PK taking a shot at Alf. PK and Alf slug it out as Brock backs into a corner. PK goes to the eyes, then whips Alf into the ropes. Alf ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own! Brock then comes out of the corner and hammers Alf. CABOOSE Brock playing it smart, staying out of the way and picking his spots! Brock slams Alf to the mat, then goes to the ropes, but Alf rolls out of the way as Brock attempts a headbutt! PK then charges Alf, who catches him with a drop toehold! Alf tries to switch to a side headlock, but PK gets up too quickly, and meets Alf with a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! Alf retaliates with a chop! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! PK fires back again! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! Another retaliation by Alf! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! COACH Listen to those chops! COLE Conseco Fieldhouse filling up with smacks and WHOO's! PK delivers a knee to the gut, but Alf reverses an Irish whip and PK goes into Brock, sending Brock through the ropes to the floor! COACH And now we've got a little rematch from AngleMania! It's gonna be a little different tonight, though! Alf drills PK with right hands, then goes for a back suplex, but PK flips behind him and takes him down with a side headlock. Alf goes to a headscissors, but PK scoots around and flips over onto Alf. 1... 2... Alf bridges up, then turns it around into a backslide! 1... 2... PK rolls over, then catches Alf in a small package! 1... 2... Kickout! PK goes for a big right hand, but Alf ducks and grabs a rear waistlock. PK drives an elbow into the head of Alf, then a second, but Alf ducks a third, then reaches up and applies a fisherman's suplex! 1... 2... Kickout! CABOOSE We're seeing some great wrestling right now! PK comes back and knocks Alf to the mat with a clothesline! Brock Ausstin, back in the ring, then nails PK with a clothesline! Brock stomps Alf, then stomps PK. Brock tosses PK through the ropes to the floor, then picks up Alf. Brock goes for a slam, but Alf goes behind the back and hits a dropkick, knocking Brock into the ropes! Brock reverses an Irish whip, and Alf crashes into PK, knocking him back to the floor! COLE PK back to the outside, as Brock and Alf continue to do battle in the ring! Alf gets the better of a slugfest, then whips Brock into a corner and follows him in with a clothesline! COLE And now Alf's starting to get cooking! Alf pulls Brock out to the ropes, and whips him in, but Brock runs right through him with a clothesline! COACH He was just simmered down right there! COLE And Brock's first attempt at a pin! 1... 2... Kickout! Brock walks over to the apron and drives a knee into PK, knocking him back to the floor. Brock drives PK's back into the apron, then brings him back out. PK blocks a right, and delivers one of his own, then the two trade blows...until Alf nails them both on the floor with a HANDS-FREE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~!!! as the crowd goes INSANE~! COLE Alf FLYING through the air! And all three men out of it on the floor! Listen to this crowd! Alf gets to his feet and picks up Brock, tossing him back into the ring. Alf delivers a back suplex, then covers... 1... 2... Kickout! Alf picks up Brock, but Brock reverses an Irish whip, then follows Alf into the corner with a splash! Alf staggers out, and Brock sets him up for the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111 COLE Uh-oh, here it comes! New champion coming up if PK doesn't get in there for the save! But PK does come back, sending a headbutt to the midsection of Brock! Brock stumbles backwards and falls to the mat, as PK picks up Alf and hammers him in the corner. PK whips Alf across, but Alf dodges, and PK goes shoulder-first into the post! COACH Oh no! COLE And Peter Knight's shoulder DRILLED into the ringpost! Alf delivers right hands to Brock, then delivers a snap suplex! Brock goes to a corner, and Alf follows him with a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! And a third! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! Alf whips Brock into the opposite corner, then goes to the ropes as Brock comes out, and hits him with a BULLDOG~! Alf then goes to the top rope! COLE Could this be it? CABOOSE Nope, Brock's getting to his feet! Brock catches up to Alf, and trips him up on the corner! Brock then lifts Alf off the corner and turns him around, hammering him on the back, before pulling him down into the tree of woe position. Brock then goes over to PK, and whips him into Alf in the corner! PK goes shoulder-first into Alf's midsection, then falls backwards onto the mat, where Brock covers... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE Wow, golden opportunity there for Brock as Alf was tied up, but PK able to kick out! Brock taunts the crowd, who returns boos in his direction. He then picks up PK and tries the move again, but this time PK reverses the whip, and Brock crashes into Alf! PK catches Brock with a belly-to-back suplex... 1... 2... Kickout! COACH OH! So close! PK waits on Brock, then puts a foot to the gut, and hits a BUTTERFLY BOMB~! 1... 2... Kickout! PK then taunts the crowd, getting the same reaction, but Alf comes from behind and tosses him over the top to the floor! COLE And once again, PK to the outside! COACH And you notice how these guys are afraid of Peter Knight! CABOOSE Oh, they are not! COACH Well, they keep putting him to the outside whenever they get a chance...LOOK OUT! Alf catches Brock with an overhead belly-to-belly! Alf waits on Brock, and follows with a gutwrench suplex! He then waits on him one more time, as his home crowd intensifies, and hits a T-BONE SUPLEX~! Alf then points to the top rope, and the crowd ERUPTS! COLE Alf says he's gonna finish it! Alf scales the ropes...but right when he gets positioned, PK jumps onto the apron and shoves him off! The crowd boos mightily. PK then waits on Brock to get up, and sets up the KNIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111 COACH And now PK going for the big finish! However, Brock slips behind the back, spins PK around, and delivers a belly-to-belly over head! All three men are out of it on the mat, as the crowd roars its appreciation! COLE And the crowd here in Indianapolis is loving this main event! Brock gets to his feet, picks up Alf, and delivers a SITOUT POWERBOMB~! 1... 2... NO! Alf gets a shoulder up! Brock gives the referee shit. COACH And Brock protesting the obvious homeside bias for Alf! Brock hammers Alf on the mat, then attempts the move again. However, Alf slips out in front this time, then grabs Brock's legs and attempts to hook the SHARPSHOOTER~! COLE Alf going for the Sharpshooter! Alf gets it turned, but just as he does, PK jumps in and nails him from behind! The crowd boos. PK clotheslines Brock to the floor, then picks Alf up, and grabs a rear waistlock. Alf quickly switches, then ducks an elbow from PK and hits an overhead belly-to-belly! COLE And now Alf with the suplexes on PK! Alf follows with a gutwrench suplex, then waits on him, and delivers a T-BONE SUPLEX~! Alf then goes to the top, as the crowd intensifies...and hits PK with the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111 COLE HE GOT IT! COACH MAKE THE SAVE, BROCK! 1... 2... And Brock JUST DOES make the save! COACH Oh God! COLE SO CLOSE, Alf almost retained right there! Alf gets to his feet and picks up PK. He whips him into the ropes, PK ducks a clothesline, then they collide in mid-ring, with Alf falling through the ropes and to the floor! CABOOSE Alf to the outside, and it's Brock and PK! Brock picks up PK and whips him into a corner, but PK gets his feet up on a charge! PK then comes out with a clothesline! COACH And look how quickly PK has recovered! Does he want it or what? PK follows with another clothesline, and then a third! PK then picks Brock up...and starts the KNIGHT ROLL~!!! Two rolling verticals! PK holds...and drops him with a FALCON ARROW~! COACH HERE IT IS! 1... 2... Alf breaks the count by putting Brock's foot on the bottom rope! COACH What? TWO??? COLE Brock's foot is on the rope! CABOOSE Smart move by Alf right there! Brock rolls out of the ring to get a breather, as Alf rolls back in and is hammered by PK. PK delivers a CHOP~! in the corner! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! And a third! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!! PK then tosses Alf down to the mat, and hops to the second rope. He poses while up there, drawing boos, then jumps off...but Alf catches him by the legs, and goes for the SHARPSHOOTER~! again! PK is able to avoid it, however, so Alf instead hooks his legs under his arms, and slingshots him right into the ringpost! COACH Oh NO! COLE Headfirst into the post! CABOOSE And I think Knight's cut, you guys! COLE We'll have to get a better shot...yes, Peter Knight busted wide open! COACH Oh no, COME ON, PETER! Alf hammers away at the wound as PK staggers around the ring. Suddenly, Knight takes a wild swing, but Alf hooks the arm, then quickly goes around and delivers a DRAGON SUPLEX~!!! COLE WOW! We haven't seen that from Alf in quite some time! 1... 2... Brock breaks it up! CABOOSE The old dog using all his old tricks in this one! Brock pulls Alf to the outside, but Alf reverses a whip and sends Brock into the steel steps! Alf follows Brock around the ring and tries to send him into another set of steps, but this time Brock reverses and Alf goes crashing back-first! Brock then walks over to the table and starts picking it apart! COLE Hey, wait a minute! Brock gets the table picked apart, and Alf attacks him from behind, knocking him onto it! Alf crawls up, as well, and the two hammer it out on top of the table! Meanwhile, the bloodied PK is picking apart the Spanish table to the left, then walks over and delivers a low blow to Alf! PK then joins the two on the table, and he and Brock pick up Alf in a double fireman's carry...and slam him THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE~! COLE OH MY GOD! COACH THAT'S what I want to see! Way to go, guys! PK rolls off the table, and Brock follows. COLE And now it's PK and Brock brawling on the outside, as the champ looks to have been taken out of the equation! PK takes Brock around the ring, and throws him face-first into the post! COLE And now it's Brock Ausstin who's been lacerated! PK rolls Brock back into the ring, picks him up...and hits the KNIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111 COACH OH YEAH! THE BELT'S COMIN' HOME! 1... 2... ...PK stops the count??? COLE ...WHAT??? CABOOSE What's he doing? COLE PK going to the outside... COACH Oh, I get it! He wants to pin the champion! What does he *really* prove by pinning Brock? He gets the title, but he wants it all! He wants the satisfaction of beating the champ! PK goes to pick Alf up, but when he does, Alf hits him with a low blow! Alf then walks over to the French announce table, and picks *it* apart! However, Brock has recovered, and knocks Alf to the floor with a clothesline! He then throws Alf up on the table, and sets up a powerbomb! However, Alf hammers Brock to escape, then, standing on the French table, delivers an overhead belly-to-belly OVER TO SOFA CENTRAL~!! COLE OH NO! COACH Well, there goes our table! CABOOSE You don't see this much...the French are the last ones standing! *rimshot* Alf picks up Brock, and tosses him into the ring, then hooks the SHARPSHOOTER~!!! However, he releases to deliver a SUPERKICK~! to Rick Heyross, who has jumped up on the apron! PK drills Alf with a clothesline, as Brock once again rolls to the outside. PK sets Alf up for the KNIGHTMARE~!!!!!11111, but Alf slips behind and hits a SUPERKICK~!, sending Knight to the floor, where Brock Ausstin scoops him up... CABOOSE Uh-oh, say goodbye to the French! ...and delivers an F-STUNNER-5 THROUGH THE FRENCH TABLE~!!! COLE All three tables gone, one for each man! As Alf goes to the apron, Brock grabs a chair and BLASTS him over the head with it! COLE And Alf's SKULL leaving an imprint in that chair! COACH And Alf's bleeding too, now! That makes all three in that department, as well! Brock rolls into the ring and watches as Alf crawls towards him, getting a smirk on his face. Brock holds his arms out to the crowd, drawing MASSIVE boos. He smacks Alf a couple times, then holds them out again...but Alf gathers one last burst of energy, grabs Brock's legs, and applies the SHARPSHOOTER~!!! to an ENORMOUS pop! COLE Sharpshooter once again, and no one in sight to save Brock Ausstin! Will the third time be the charm? CABOOSE Look at Alf cinch back, look at the look on his face! Brock crawls to the ropes, but Alf pulls him back out to the center! COLE And now they're right back in the middle of the ring! PK slowly starts to crawl back to the ring! COACH Hurry up, Peter! I don't think Brock can hold out much longer! PK reaches the apron, as Brock reaches for the same side, but Alf pulls him back once again! PK just now realizes what is going on, and struggles to pull himself back in, reaching out for Brock! Alf makes one last pull... ...and BROCK TAPS!!! The home crowd of Alf goes BALLISTIC~! *DING DING DING* COACH NO!!! COLE WE HAVE A WINNER! The camera pans directly to PK's bloody face, which has a shocked look on it. He then buries it in his hands on the mat, as Alf releases the hold and the referee raises his hand. BUFFER The winner of the match...and STILL OAOAST Heavyweight champion of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLD...ALFDOGG!!!!! CABOOSE Gee, Living Angleously just isn't Brock's pay-per-view, is it? Alf receives his belt from the referee and raises it for the fans as Knight rolls out to the floor, slamming his hands on the apron in frustration as he looks over at Alf and then Brock. COLE Axel thought that stacking the odds against the champion would bring the belt back to the Upstarts, but he underestimated the heart of the man that holds that belt. CABOOSE Back to the drawing board for our General Manager, it looks like. COLE We hope you have enjoyed Living Angleously. For Caboose and Coach, I'm Michael Cole saying goodnight from Indy! Fade to black Edited May 1, 2006 by alfdogg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2006 (edited) A OAOAST ENTERTAINMENT Production DIRECTED BY Tony149 WRITTEN BY Hoff PK Alfdogg Ed Wood Caulfield Phoenix Fury Legdrop Zack Malibu Bruce Blank KingCucharacha NYU Tony149 Patty O'Green GRAPHICS BY Papacita CREATIVE CONSULTANT Patty O'Green OAOAST CREATED BY CWM Anglesault Tony149 OAOAST PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Zack Malibu © 2006 OAOAST Entertainment All Rights Reserved. Edited May 4, 2006 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites