Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted June 25, 2006 COLE Coming up next fans, is a match that you shouldn't expect to be a mat classic by any means. What's coming up will be nothing short of a war, and it's something that has been branded "Ultimate Punishment". COACH Even worse punishment than a Mario Logan/Jimmy Beard Iron Man Match? COLE ...well, OK, maybe not THAT bad. By now you surely know the history behind the rivalry between The Wildcards and The Hooligans, and the envelope continues to be pushed by Cortez, Bloodshed and Blank, especially after this past Thursday night. COACH Ya know Mikey Cole, 'boosey and I may have not been boys, but what they just crossed the line. COLE They are responsible for eliminating Zack Malibu and Caboose from the OAOAST now, not to mention they are the World Six Man Tag Team Champions. Tonight however, The Wildcards will have to put those belts on the line against their three main rivals in a match where every man will be brandishing a four foot length of leather strap. Anything goes, everything is legal, and the match continues until all three members of one team are eliminated. COACH This is gonna get out of hand in no time, Cole. COLE Let's just hope that it's in our favor when it does, Coach. "I walk a lonely road..." BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! "The only one that I have ever known..." OAOAST *CLAP-CLAP*CLAPCLAP!!* OAOAST *CLAP-CLAP*CLAPCLAP!!* "Don't know where it goes..." YOU SUCK!! YOU SUCK!! YOU SUCK!! YOU SUCK!! "But it's home to me and I walk alone." COLE The crowd does NOT appriciate the Wildcards at all! COACH GOOD! These guys don't deserve it, in fact they deserve a lot worse than just booing! COLE Now officially the OAOAST can't condone throwing stuff at the wrestlers, Coach. COACH Oh no, no "officially" it's bad. "I walk this empty street... On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams." The curtains part and out walk the three men who are no doubt the most despised men in the OAOAST right now, by fans and wrestlers alike. The big Blank appears first, holding his right hand up in the air twirling the 4 foot leather strap around like he was at a rodeo. He's flanked by Blooodshed and Todd Cortez, both in possession of their own straps which they seem to take great pleasure in brandishing at the fans who boo them... ...Who throw trash at them like it was going out of style! "Where the city sleeps... and I'm the only one and I walk alone." *POW!!* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! The Hooligans have decided not to wait another second and have rushed the Wildcards as they’re walking towards the ring! All three men start flailing away at their opponents knocking both Bloodshed and Cortez down before any of them even have a chance to react! COACH & COLE FUCK THEM UP!! COLE FOR CABOOSE! COACH FOR THE OAOAST!! Jax and Static grab each other’s straps and then uses the double strap to clothesline the big man down, catching Blank right under his chin to a huge pop from the crowd! Then all three Hooligans gather around Bruce as he is down on his stomach and they start to wail away with the leather straps! *POW!!* *POW!!* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! *POW!!*POW!!*POW!!*POW!!* FUCK HIM UP!! FUCK HIM UP!! *POW!!*POW!!* Bloodshed spears Jamie O’Hara to the ground and moments later Todd Cortez has regained his bearings enough to grab Johnny Jax by the leather strap and use it to pull his opponent in for a version of a short armed clothesline. O’Hara doesn’t seem deterred by the spear at all as the two men roll around on the floor exchanging lefts and rights like they were on sale and going cheap. COACH That’s the way to beat the Wildcards! They’ve been allowed to run roughshot over everyone but now it stops! COLE Good! With Cortez and Johnny Jax fighting up the aisle towards the ring and Bloodshed and O’Hara exchanging lefts and rights as they roll around on the floor, only Scotty Static is left attacking Bruce Blank, attacking him that is until the big man puts up a beefy hand and catches the strap mid air before it can make contact with his skin once more. The King of Pain pulls Static in and then knees him in the private parts before hoisting the much, much lighter Static up in the air with a Gorilla Press! COACH Just a minor set back, no biggie. COLE I’m sure GPX and O’Hara will take their lumps in this match, they’re bound to but these guys have shown that they can take a beating and come back for more! Bruce walks down the aisle with Static still pressed over his head, the last three steps or so running as he gets enough momentum to toss Static over the top rope and into the ring before entering it himself. Static tries to go to the outside of the ring needing a moment to regroup, but when he gets on the ring apron Blank reaches over, grabs Scotty's leather strap and pulls back on it sending Static flying backwards and upside down over the top rope. Not hard enough to keep him on the ground for long as he gets right back up, but he's met with a 4 foot long leather strap right to the face! *POW!!* COACH Oh man right in the eyes, that bastard! COLE We've got action all over the arena with these six guys, I'm having a hard time keeping up! The shot with the belt sends Static to his knees, he tries to get back up but Blank is alert and once again brings his strap down across Scott Static's face. Static goes down like he had been shot but that doesn't last long as Blank picks him up almost immediately and Irish Whips him. When the Hooligan comes bouncing off the ropes he's met with a strap assisted clothesline as Bruce grabs both ends of the belt and takes Scotty Static down! COLE We knew this would be brutal, we knew this would be a war going in and it's not let us down so far! COACH Nor have my boys, I mean Jax is really taking it to Cortez at ringside and it's just a matter of time before O'Hara gives that freak Bloodshed a bit of payback. Scotty is sent straight to his back and arches upwards in pain, trying to regain his breath after being stuck in the throat. He rolls over trying to make his way to the ropes, trying to get a bit of distance between himself and Bruce, but Blank will have none of it. He uses the strap to whip Scotty across the back... *POW!!* ...And then a second time, closely followed by a third time as leather makes contact with skin! *POW!!*POW!!* Pretty soon numerous red lines appear across Static's back from where Bruce has lashed him. Bruce is out to eliminate Scotty Static early, and hooks the strap around his opponent's neck, and begins to pull backwards for a camel clutch with the chain! COLE Oh god, he's choking the life out of Scotty Static! COACH Jax!! O'Hara!! Anyone Luckily for Static, Blank let's go of the choke, throws The Hooligan out of the ring and follows him to the floor. Bruce wraps his chair around Static's neck and uses it to hold him and drag him around the ringside area. Eventually he gets around to the corner and slams Static's head into the ring post with enough impact to bust the GPX'er wide open. Scotty is on the floor in a heap as Bruce takes a moment to turn and taunt the crowd, giving them the finger for their OAOAST allegiance and their Wildcard hatred. With Bruce distracted Scotty Static slowly gets up, legs spread with the strap hanging down between them. And since he's not facing Blank he leaves himself very vulnerable to Bruce's sadistic whims. The King of Pain quickly reaches down, grabs the strap and then pulls backwards with all his might. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH!! COACH Ohh! He just crotched Scotty with that strap! That Son of a bitch! YOU SICK FUCK! YOU SICK FUCK! Blank doesn't quite ignore the chants, it actually appears he enjoys them. Their assessment of his wrestling style doesn't seem to be new to him but he doesn't seem to object to it instead he revels in it. We quickly switch to a camera on the other side of the ring where Todd Cortez and Johnny Jax have been going at it with lefts and rights since before the bell rang. Jax grabs Cortez's arm, hooks under it and swiftly arm dragging Cortez into the time keepers table and chair. Jax quickly follows up as he picks up a chair, unfolds it and then wraps it around Cortez's head. COLE Jax's choking the life out of Cortez with that steel folding chair! COACH Good choice, I totally approve. Jax pulls the chair off of Cortez's head, then he gets a good grip on his leather strap ready to strike but this proves to be a mistake, as Cortez throws the discarded chair at Jax's face to stop the move. Cortez grabs a hold of Jax's leather strap as the Hooligan is staggered, then he pulls on the chain causing Jax to come flying forwards right into a huge elbow smash from Cortez! COACH Son of a bitch! Come on Johnny "Jam"!! With one hand still on Jax's leather strap Cortez quickly leaps over the guardrail and pulls on the strap as hard as he can pulling the Hooligan straight into the guard rail with enough force to send him over the barrier. Cortez puts Jax in an empty chair and yes a fan fan had to get out of the chair, OAOAST PPVs are usually sells after all! The Urban Legend rushes Jax looking to knocking a few rows further back with a lariat only to end up being back dropped as Jax ducks down and then throws Cortez up high in the air... *CRASH!!* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! ...Sending the fans scurrying out of the way as Cortez lands on the 2nd row chairs knocking quite a few of them over on impact. Cortez and Jax aren't the only two people fighting in the crowd as Bloodshed and O'Hara's fight has spilled over the guardrail half way down the aisle and has at no point even been near the ring. COACH COME ON JDAWG!! COLE Yes totally, Go. . . Jdog COACH Man, you're so white. Bloodshed turns around, to see a swarm of fans OAOAST fans up close. He makes a sweeping motion with his hands, and the Red Sea is reluctantly parted, to reveal the bleacher section behind them! COACH Some lucky fans will get a close up of the Hooligans kicking the Wildcard's ass!! Bloodshed isn't in a hurry to use the seats yet though, instead he asks a lucky fan to hold a chair for him. The fan, isn't fond of Bloodshed or the Wildcards . . . but who doesn't want to be a part of OAOAST history by holding Bloodshed's chair up in the air and get on TV? Bloodshed grabs O'Hara by the hair and then slams Jamie's face right into the chair. The fan kind of grimaced, but he had fun with it and got on TV! Bloodshed grabs O'Hara by the hair once more, and guides him all the way through the crowd, to another fan, wearing an old school ECW t-shirt, and gives this fan a chair as well! COACH Alright quit holding the damn chairs!! What are you some sort of SWF trash? COLE Now Coach it's the Wildcards that are trash, not all of the SWF or their fans. COACH SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE. When Bloodshed goes to throw O'Hara into the chair the fan quickly pulls the chair out of the way, then hands it to O'Hara who uses it to strike Bloodshed right across the face before he realizes what just happened! *WHACK!!* Bloodshed begins to smile, the sick fuck actually smiles after the chair shot. Then he kicks the chair into O'Hara's face before wrapping his strap around his opponent's throat, dragging him up the steps with a sadistic grin on his face. Bloodshed reaches the top stair that section and then raises his arms, as if in victory. COACH You haven't won anything yet! You won't win a damn thing unless every last Hooligan is 6 feet under, they're not about to give up! COLE Alright don't tell them that they have to put someone 6 feet under, we don't need to give them any ideas. Bloodshed laughs, as he turns to the crowd, looking at the people that are hating on him at this very minute and he's loving it. Bloodshed begins to open his mouth to say something derogatory probably, but . . *POW!* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! O'Hara whips Bloodshed across the back getting the former Apostle to release the grip he had on Jamie O'Hara, moments later O'Hara gives Bloodshed's strap a might tug and Bloodshed comes flipping and sliding way down the stairs going ass over elbow and elbow over ass until he comes somersaulting down at the end, hitting his head and back on the bleachers, eventually landing on the hard ground. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! COACH ATTA BOY!! We may just have seen the last of Bloodshed! COLE Is it ironic that a guy named Bloodshed has been cut open? COACH More like "appropriate" - "fitting" - "About time" - "Not nearly enough" COLE Alright, alright they get it at home. O'Hara comes down the steps and then leaps off with the strap raised high giving the lash a good 5-6 feet of extra momentum before bringing it down on Bloodshed's back *POW!!* The lash tears Bloodshed's shirt open and the lashes that follows opens the tear even wider making the welts on Bloodshed's back stand out clearly making it quite obvious that no one is holding back tonight. COACH KEEP WHIPPING O'HARA!! But O'Hara doesn't take Coach's advice - Probably because he can't hear him where he is. He discontinues whipping his opponent and picks up Bloodshed by the hair. O'Hara drags him over closer to the guard rail and then whips him into it so that Bloodshed flips over into the aisle. As O'Hara makes his way over to Bruce he finds a a trash can. Not a metal one like you normally see as a weapon, but one where a fan seconds before put his half full Pepsi. O'Hara grabs it and then uses it to demonstrate exactly what he thinks of the Wildcards as he dumps the trash on top of Bloodshed before hurling the trashcan at his opponent! O'HARA!! O'HARA!! O'HARA!! O'HARA!! With most of the focus on the Bloodshed / O'Hara exchange in the bleachers people are a little surprised to see that Johnny Jax has a battered and tattered Todd Cortez in trouble in the ring. Jax quickly pulls a thumb across the throat to signal "the end" and then picks up Todd Cortez in a fireman's carry... COACH JAM SESSION!! JAM SESSION COMING UP!! COLE If he hits this the Wildcards are sure to have their first elimination, come on Johnny! Cortez spoils the moment for everyone through as he digs a thumb into Jax's eye to break the hold, then he flips off Johnny Jax's back - or at least tries to as the Hooligan manages to snag his strap around Cortez's throat and have him hanging off his back. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! Cortez digs and claws at the strap around his throat trying desperately to draw a breath as the entire arena chant for Jax to finish the job. Jax bends forward almost in a backslide position with Cortez being held only by the strap around his throat, choking the Urban Legend, cutting off his oxygen, turning his face a weird shade of blue! COACH YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! COLE I couldn't have said it better myself Cortez's legs are flailing though the air as he tries to break free but doesn't seem to be able to do so, that is until Jax staggers a little too close to the ropes and Cortez manages to kick back against the top rope, flipping himself over the top of Johnny Jax... COACH No! No!! ...and then tucks Jax's head between his legs in one smooth motion, leaping right over his back with the RIOT ACT PLUS! *WHAM!!* COACH No! No!! No! No!! Cortez is quick to cover after driving Jax's head into the ground with the flipping pile driver, as the biggest man on the opposing team is now out cold! ONE!! COACH No! No!! No! No!! No! No!! No! No!! TWO!! COACH No! No!! No! No!! No! No!! No! No!! No! No!! THREE!!! COACH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! MICHAEL BUFFER Johnny Jax has been eliminated!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! COLE I. . . I can't believe it, it's now 2 on 3 and the Hooligans are at a serious disadvantage numbers wise already in the early goings of this war! They may be at a disadvantage right now but with Cortez flat on the canvas trying to regain his breath after being strangled with the strap it's not something that's come into play just yet. On the floor Static and Blank are duking it out with Bruce focusing especially on the cut on Static’s head turning the plucky youngster’s face into the proverbial crimson mask. Scotty gets an elbow, Blank nails a forearm, then another. Blank then goes crazy with jabs, jabbing like Ali if he was a near 300 pound redneck. Blank spins in a complete circle, and nails Static in the face with a Discus clothesline! COACH Static just won’t stay down! Static doesn’t seem too affected by the clothesline, and gets right back up, but he is met quickly by a running Bruce Blank clothesline once more. Scotty Static still won't stay down though, he’s too determined and running on pure adrenaline to just lay down so rises again, not as fast as the first time though. He's met with a flying clothesline that takes him opponent down hard and then a cover by Blank on the floor! ONE! COACH No! No! No! TWOO!! COACH No! No! No! No! THR-NOROLLSOVER! COLE OH HEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO CAUSE HE KICKED OUT!! Bruce gets up and notices the discarded metal chair that came in use earlier, he grabs it, unfolds it and positions it on the mat. Then he grabs Scotty around the head, gets a running start and ... *CRACK!!* BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! COLE A bulldog on the chair! My god look at the blood smeared on the chair! COACH Holy Shit! Bruce hooks a leg, and makes a cover! ONE! TWOOOO!!! THR-ALMOST~!~! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH SCOTTY!! SCOTTY!! SCOTTY!! SCOTTY!! Blank looks at the fallen Static standing over him with a sadistic grin on his face, then he... *P-TOI!!* HOCKS A LOOGIE ON HIM! COLE Oh that's gross! COACH Gross? That’s Bruce BEGGING to be attacked by the entire OAOAST roster. Blank grabs Static by the trunks and throws him into the ring and then follows right behind him. COLE Where the hell did Cortez go? Wasn’t he in the ring moments ago? COACH You see him heading up the aisle? I think he’s going to help Bloodshed Bruce picks Scotty up by the strap and whips him hard into the turnbuckle and then lifts him up so he sits at the top rope. Blank tries to climb up there with him, but Scotty throws forearms at Blank, preventing the big man from doing so. Bruce gets one more good shot in, but it lights a fire in Scotty’s eyes, as he starts to go crazy with forearms, and elbows, and punches of all sorts, hooks, jabs, uppercuts you name it and Scotty Static is throwing it! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! The sudden flurry of punches puts him in control, giving Scotty the chance to double underhook Bruce’s arms from the 2nd ropes. Then he leaps into a spin . . . and sits out . . . *WHAM!!* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! COLE Holy crap!! A tornado Pedigree, I don’t think I’ve ever seem that move before! COACH COVER HIM!! COME ON SCOTTY GET HIS REDNECK ASS OUT OF HERE Scotty Static crawls over and then climbs on top of Bruce as the entire arena counts along with the referee! ONE!! TWO!!! THR-NOTYET!! Bruce's left shoulder raises off the mat just before the referee’s hand hits the mat a third time. Scotty can't believe that Bruce kicked out and desperately tries to come up with a way to put Bruce down permanently. Inspiration strikes the Hooligan as Bruce slowly gets up on his hands and knees, Akira gets up and straddles Bruce's back and then swiftly wraps the strap around Bruce's head and then tightens his grip on it putting the squeeze on Bruce. COACH RIDE 'EM COWBOY!! The strap is wrapped around Bruce's head in such a manner that the leather rawhide digs into Bruce's eyes and the bridge of his nose as Scotty keeps twisting and pulling back on it, hoping to get Bruce to tap out from the immense pain. COLE How much more can Bruce take? He must feel like his head is trapped in a vice - it must be excruciating! COACH Good! I hope so COLE I think Bruce is forgetting the rules now, there are no rope breaks. Scotty can't be disqualified after all The referee can’t do anything but watch as Bruce holds onto the bottom rope desperately in need of a rope break. With victory in his clutches Scotty sits down on Bruce's lower back and starts to pull backwards on the strap around Bruce's head, tightening it so much that small droplets of blood appear from under the strap. With the pressure increased Bruce is really close to the edge, hand twitches several times as if he was contemplating tapping out, but so far he fights the urge. COACH I didn't think Scotty had THIS in him, I didn’t know he had this astonishing level of brutality in him. COLE What is it they say about desperate times and desperate measures? COACH They usually suck? After applying pressure to the chain for several minutes Scotty decides that he needs to explore other avenues of attack and releases the strap around Bruce's head. But the Trailerpark Messiah doesn't get much time to breath as Scotty kicks him in the gut with a sliding drop kick that knocks Bruce under the bottom rope to the floor. Scotty quickly slides under the bottom rope as well but making sure he ends up on the opposite side of the ringpost. COLE Did he miss his dive? COACH Of course not, Static is just where he wants to be The moment Bruce is up Scotty reaches through under the turnbuckles, grabs hold of the strap around Bruce’s and pulls with all his power dragging Bruce forward, bouncing his skull off the turnbuckle! *CLANG!!* Todd Cortez is still a bit winded from being choked out by Johnny Jax but is making his way over to where Bloodshed and Jamie O’Hara have been battling it out. O’Hara swings at Bloodshed to prevent him from getting back up onto his feet, but Bloodshed is aware of his surroundings and swiftly grabs a chair to hold it in the path of O’Hara’s fist *CLANG!!* Jamie clutches his fist in pain and agony as Bloodshed manages to get up on his knees and then finally back to his feet for the first time in several minutes. After closing the distance with a few staggering steps Bloodshed grabs O’Hara by the throat and the tights and tries to toss the Birmingham Bad Boy over the guard rail. The first attempt isn't successful as Bloodshed isn't able to get a good angle. The second attempt fails as well as O’Hara puts a hand on the guardrail to block it. Unfortunately for O’Hara the third attempt is aided by Todd Cortez and the two Wildcarders are able to pitch Jamie O’Hara into the third row sending the fans scurrying once again. COLE Two on one, I’m not sure those odds are unfair enough for the Wildcards! COACH He’s not called the Birmingham Bad Boy for nothing, he’ll manage. Bloodshed and Cortez both step over the guardrail once the fans in the first three rows have moved out of the way and proceeds to hit a double Yakuza kick to O’Hara’s face knocking him backwards through the next 2 rows of folding chairs. Once it becomes clear that all the fans in the floor section are in harms way security helps them move out of the way of the three men’s path, resulting in them clearing a path to the back of the arena where the entrance stage and camera scaffolding are set up. Bloodshed and Cortez both grab hold of O’Hara’s hair, totally in control of the match and looking for something to use as a weapon. Bloodshed notices a large structure with a scaffold around it his eyes light up with evil intentions as he points it out to Cortez. COACH WHERE ARE THEY GOING?? COLE I don’t like the look of this at all. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! FUCK YOU WILDCARDS!! FUCK YOU WILDCARDS!! After a swift kick to the gut Bloodshed and Cortez picks O’Hara up by the legs, then they take two steps backwards towards the scaffold and tosses the Birmingham Bad Boy hoping to drop him face first on the metal poles. COLE O'HARA LANDED ON HIS FEET!! With little regard for his own health O’Hara quickly flips backwards for a twisting body press off the scaffold towards both of his opponents. Unfortunately the body press is caught by both Cortez and Bloodshed who then runs Jamie back first into the scaffold. *CRASH!!* The smirk on Bloodshed’s face is partially obscured by the blood on his face but it's obvious that the Wildcarder is enjoying inflicting pain. Bloodshed inflicts even further pain on O'Hara as he body slams him onto the stone floor with a sick thud as Cortez just urges him on. Then Bloodshed looks up, not at the sky or the ceiling but to the top of the scaffold. With a sick grin Bloodshed quickly wraps the strap around O’Hara’s neck and drags the Birmingham Bad Boy to his feet. COACH He's not… COLE He’s INSANE!! With a good grip on O’Hara Bloodshed begins to climb up the side of the scaffold, yanking on the strap wrapped around Jamie’s neck to get his opponent to follow him up the side of the steel construct. The crowd intensity rises and this time not due to the hatred of the Wildcarders but mainly because no one knows for sure what Bloodshed has in mind. Rung by rung, pole by pole Bloodshed slowly climbs the scaffold with O’Hara in tow. COACH They've got to be over 15 feet up already COLE At least, maybe more like 20 though - it's not a place you want to fall off After being dragged up most of the scaffold O’Hara finally puts on the brakes as he wraps his legs around one of the bars and refuses to climb any further. Then he sweeps one of Bloodshed’s legs off causing the Wildcarder to land on a metal pole straddling it with a leg on each side OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!! O’Hara reaches for some of the rope that’s been used to secure the scaffold, wraps it around Bloodshed’s leg and then pushes his opponent off the scaffold so that he hangs upside down from one leg about 3-4 feet off the floor YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! COACH He’s neutralized Bloodshed! COLE And he’s still climbing? Get down you nutcase! But O’Hara is not listening as he climbs all the way up on the top of the scaffold, only to turn around and be met with a kick to the face by the Urban Legend who’s nimbly climbed up the other side of the scaffold the moment Bloodshed got in trouble. Cortez grabs O’Hara by the hair and then runs across the top of the scaffold, throwing O’Hara over the waist high guardrail . . . Fortunately for the Birmingham Bad Boy he's able to grab hold of the guardrail and land on the edge of the scaffold instead of dropping the 20 feet to the floor! Cortez has his back turned and is too busy showing off to the crowd to notice that O’Hara didn't fall down, but once the Urban Legend turns around he's in for a huge surprise - In the form of a super kick square on the jaw, a super kick that sends Cortez backwards against the protective rail on the scaffold, a super kick that has so much force behind it that it pops the protective rail out of it's socket and Cortez goes falling over the side with a piece of scaffolding in his hands! COLE OH MY GOD!! *CRASSSH!!* HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! Cortez fell from the scaffolding and went right through a piece of the stage on impact in what was a truly disturbing image, so disturbing that even Scotty Static and Bruce Blank stop fighting for a moment and turn their attention towards the stage! COACH I may get in trouble for this but. . . GOOD!! Jamie O’Hara quickly climbs down the scaffold and then makes a cover on Todd Cortez while he’s still in the hole in the stage! ONE!! COACH Oh Yes! TWO!! COACH Oh hell yes! THREE!! COACH OOOOOOOOOOOOOH HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLL YEAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! COLE WE’RE TWO ON TWO!! O’HARA EVENED THE SIDES!! Unfortunately for Coach, Cole, Static, O’Hara, the fans in the crowd, the audience at home and most of the geeks following this online there isn’t much time to celebrate as Bloodshed has managed to untangle himself from the rope and has found a piece of plastic used to wrap the cables in during transport – the heavy duty kind of plastic. COLE Watch out that mad man is right behind you!! But the warning comes just a moment too late as Bloodshed wraps the piece of plastic around O’Hara’s face as he was being helped out of the hole by the referee, then Bloodshed wraps it around once more to make sure that no air can get in or out. With O’Hara’s face wrapped in plastic Bloodshed ensures that his opponent can’t tear at the plastic by locking on a Full Nelson while the crowd looks on in horror COACH YOU CAN’T DO THAT!! COLE Oh my good, look at O’Hara trying to breathe, sucking in the plastic – it’s horrible! YOU SICK FUCK!! YOU SICK FUCK!! YOU SICK FUCK!! But the chant just validates Bloodshed’s actions (at least to him) and the sadistic smirk on his face widens as he feels O’Hara slowly fading away with each breath he’s prevented from taking. The referee is in there quickly to check on O’Hara, watching for any movement as the white plastic turns his face into a horrific mask of pain. The moment O’Hara’s hands drop down limp the referee quickly calls for the bell instead of waiting for the usual “3 drops of the hand”. Panicking, the official does not know what to do, but as soon as the scrawny Britton appears to lose consciousness, he calls for the bell, his mercy being perhaps the only way he'd save him from a worse fate by Bloodshed. * DING!*DING!*DING!*DING!*DING!* MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen the referee has decided that Jamie O’Hara is unable to continue, and he is now eliminated! COLE You know what? I’d rather see that than O’Hara suffering permanent damage...but now The Wildcards have a 2 on 1 advantage on Scotty Static! The referee demands a break from Bloodshed, a threat that he doesn’t really take seriously. Bloodshed laughs as he continues his attempted homicide, pulling back on O'Hara's head to stare him in the eyes...but seeing Jamie's eyes closed shut he tosses him down to the ground, standing over him as the referee tears the plastic bag from over his head and waves for help. Bloodshed laughs, looking at O'Hara's limp carcass, but then turns his attention to the ring, heading over their to do battle with the lone Hooligan left. COACH Scotty you got to do this! You got to for the Hooligans! COLE FOR THE OAOAST DAMN IT!! Bloodshed hops the railing and slides into the ring as Static has Blank down on all fours, and is whipping him repeatedly with the strap. As he cocks his arm back for another swing, Bloodshed grabs it and swings him around, spewing his own plasma into the already soaked face of Static, and blinding him with BLOODMIST! COLE That sick sonuvabitch! Spitting his own blood into Scotty's face! Static flails his arms, deflecting any oncoming attacks, but Bloodshed takes him by the head and drives a knee into his gut to stun him. Bloodshed looks around, pausing before acting...which proves to be a mistake, as Static drops to his knees and delivers a low blow that's enough to stun the sadistic Wildcard! The crowd roars as Scotty gets up and turns around...RIGHT INTO A BIG BOOT BY BRUCE BLANK! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! COLE C'mon Scotty...we're BEGGING YOU! COME ON! Static is down, and so Blank hits the ropes and drops a big elbow on Scotty, then leans his large form down on the Hooligan and pounds away at his forehead, causing blood to spatter all about. The Wildcards and The Hooligans have turned the arena into something akin to a crime scene, especially the ring, which is covered in the blood of the competitors. He pulls Static up to his feet, nodding to the crowd that he senses "the end"...but Static rocks him with a jawbreaker out of nowhere! Blank reels as the crowd picks up, rooting Scotty on as he struggles back to his feet. Covered in blood, Static hobbles to his feet, clutching the length of strap in his hand...and then cracks it across Blank's back! A second shot sends Blank reeling again, and then Static takes him by the head, luring him towards the turnbuckles and ramming his head into the top turnbuckle once, twice, many times that even the crowd lost count! Blank slumps down against the corner, and Static opens fire with more strap shots, causing audible wincing and groans from the supposed King of Hardcore! Static turns around, but there's Bloodshed, clutching a steel chair in his hands...but Static rolls under the chairshot! He gets to his feet and delivers a running kick, again catching Bloodshed between the legs, and then he snares the chair from him and LEVELS him, swinging for the fences and nearly taking his head off in the process! The crowd roars as Static stands tall, and looking to his right, he notices Blank starting to stand a running chairshot to the back takes care of the big man, knocking him through the ropes and to the floor! COLE Scotty Static is running wild with that chair, and he's isolated Bloodshed now! COACH Do it up, Scotty, c'mon man! With both Wildcards down, Static rolls to the canvas and out of the ring, and starts rooting around. The fans are buzzing, and then pop loudly when they see what's coming...that being a nice wooden implement of destruction that's known worldwide as...a TABLE! PUT HIM THROUGH IT! clap clap clapclapclap PUT HIM THROUGH IT! clap clap clapclapclap COACH Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! Static sets the table up at ringside, and climbs back up on the apron...right into the path of a strap shot from Bloodshed...NO! Static ducks it, and shoulderblocks Bloodshed through the ropes, then drags him out to the apron. Holding him by the head, Static looks to the crowd for a moment before dropping down, driving Bloodshed's head into the hard ring apron with a DDT! COLE There is NO GIVE on the frame of the ring, and Bloodshed's head was just driven into it with a DDT! Static rolls Bloodshed onto the table, and whips him several times across the ribs for good measure, keeping him at bay. Static then climbs the ropes, drawing a loud response from the crowd as they anticipate what's next. With his back to Bloodshed, Static stands tall, and then leaps once, spinning his position around before springing forward off the ropes... ...AND PUTTING BLOODSHED THROUGH THE TABLE WITH THE STATIC SHOCK AT RINGSIDE~! COACH YO~! COLE YES! ALL RIGHT SCOTTY! ALL RIGHT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Static, nearly as lifeless as his opponent, stays laying across him, as the referee slides out of the ring and makes the count on the floor. ONE! TWO! THREE! MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, BLOODSHED has been eliminated! COLE It's ONE ON ONE! COACH Keep those fingers crossed, Mikey Cole! Struggling, Static drags himself to his feet with the aid of the referee, and then rolls himself into the ring. He gets to his feet, and then WHAM! BLANK BRINGS A STEEL CHAIR ACROSS HIS HEAD! COLE NO! NO NOT LIKE THIS! Blank goes for the cover, hooking the leg as Static is beaten and broken. ONE! TWO! THREENO!NO!NO! COLE Did he... COACH HE KICKED OUT! HE KICKED OUT! The crowd goes NUTS as Static gets a shoulder up, even surprising Blank! Now pissed, Blank drags Static up, slapping him across the face, because how DARE he kick out when Bruce Blank think he's done for. Blank slaps Static around, drawing an unfavorable reaction from the fans...AND from Static, who spits in his face! Blank swings for the fences with a hard fist, but Static ducks it...and he jumps on Blank's back, wrapping the strap around his neck and choking him out! COLE That's it! Take him out, Scotty! Blank flails around, trying desperately to free himself, as Static pulls the strap tighter around his throat, blocking more air the tighter it gets! COACH C'mon Scotty! Blank continues to struggle, until he backs himself into the corner, ramming Scotty hard against the turnbuckles...but Static STILL won't break, as he uses the turnbuckles to climb right back up onto the big man's back! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! The crowd explodes, as Blank again is caught in the strangling by the outspoken superstar...but this time he reaches back and takes Static by the head, and snapmares him over to the canvas! Blank falls to one knee, catching himself, as Static rolls to his feet...but when Blank comes up, he brings the steel chair up with him, and WAYLAYS Static, knocking him cold...AND THE LIGHTS IN THE ARENA GO OUT!??!!?!? COLE What the hell? COACH He hit him so hard he blew the power out! COLE There's been a blackout in the we have generators? We have to have something...the PPV audience...the audience here is going to be in an uproar! COACH But what caused it? COLE I have no, just bear with us, as we're experiencing...wait...wait a minute...WAIT A MINUTE! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! The lights come back on, and the fans LEAP to their feet, cheering as loudly as possible! It's a standing ovation in the arena, as ZACK MALIBU IS IN THE RING! COLE ZACK MALIBU IS BACK! ZACK MALIBU IS BACK!!!! Blank hasn't noticed, as he's confused from the power outage, and staring to make sure Scotty Static doesn't move. ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! ZACK! COLE LISTEN TO THIS CROWD! BLANK DOESN'T SEEM HIM YET! Blank, even more confused by the chants of the fans, starts to back up, while Malibu, dressed simply in jeans and a black T-shirt, stands still, fuming. Blank does a slow turn, and now the leader of The Wildcards is face to face with Zack Malibu, the man that he and his cohorts thought they had put out of the wrestling business! COACH He looks like he's seen a ghost! The two lock eyes, as Blank mumbles "son of a bitch" under his breath and hoists the chair up...ONLY FOR MALIBU TO LEVEL HIM WITH A SCHOOL'S OUT, KICKING THE CHAIR IN HIS FACE~! COLE Blank is DOWN! The big man goes down in a heap, and Malibu grabs the chair, standing over him and bringing Blank up by the hair...and then CRACKS HIM ACROSS THE SKULL WITH A HARD CHAIRSHOT! Blank goes back down, and now Zack stands over him, brutalizing him with chairshot after chairshot across every inch of his body! COLE He's snapped! Zack Malibu has lost it, and rightfully so! Blank's body bounces off the canvas after every shot, until Malibu throws the chair away, tired of beating on Blank. He stares down at Blank before looking up into the hard camera, giving the home audience a closeup shot of the gleam of vengeance in his eyes. COACH I never thought I'd be so happy to see Zack Malibu in my life! Malibu looks around, as the whole arena is chanting his name, happy to see him after what many thought would have been the last time. COLE He did it for Caboose, he did it for the company, and he did it for himself! He's come back from the dead to get rid of those damn Wildcards! Scotty Static, barely recognizable under his crimson mask, staggers to his feet with the help of the ropes, and looks over at Malibu, who stares right back. Malibu then backs up and ducks out of the ring, circling ringside as Static takes the steel chair and drapes it over Blank's upper body. COLE Static is up, and Malibu is policing ringside! COACH I don't think either of The Wildcards are in the condition to come out's man to man now! Scotty slowly climbs the ropes, again with his back to his opponent. Blank is lifeless under the steel chair, as Static jumps once, jumps twice...AND HITS THE STATIC SHOCK ON THE STEEL CHAIR, SANDWICHING BLANK UNDER IT! COLE YES! PIN HIM! PIN HIM SCOTTY! Static rolls in agony, but desperately reaches over for Blank's unconscious body, and drags himself on top of it, as the referee dives to the canvas. ONE! TWO! THREE! DING! DING! DING! COLE YES! COACH THAT'S MY BOY! YES! The crowd ERUPTS as the referee calls for the bell, and Michael Buffer comes to his feet for the announcement. MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winners...and the NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW OAOAST WORLD SIX MAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...THE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLIGAAAAAAAAAAAANSSSSSS! "Make Her Say" explodes over the speakers, as Static is helped to his feet, his blood staining the zebra striped shirt of the referee. Static has his hand raised, but can barely stand. The referee tends to him and motions for help, while Zack Malibu, nodding in approval, steps into the crowd and backs up before disappearing into the sea of fans. COLE They did it, and what a night...what a blow to The Wildcards! Not only are they no longer the World Six Man Tag Team Champions, but just when they thought they've made their mark...just when they thought they ripped the heart out of this company...ZACK MALIBU is BACK, Coach! COACH It's like bizarro world, Mikey Cole, with you cheering for The Hooligans and me happy to see Zack, but anythings better than those Wildcards! EMT's help Static to the back, afraid of all the blood he's lost. Nobody on the OAOAST staff pays any attention to Blank, who is only now starting to stir. Pushing the chair off of him, Blank rolls onto his stomach, and pushes up onto all fours, the cameras closing in on his face...and he's...LAUGHING!? COLE What's he laughing about? COACH God only knows, Cole. God only knows. Blank chuckles some more before collapsing back to the canvas, almost like a movie scene villain getting the last laugh. Tonight, however, was not his last laugh. That belongs to Zack Malibu and The Hooligans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites