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Zack Malibu

Hooligans/Triple Threat skit for HD.

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The cameras are now showing us the parking lot, and what is inaudible soon comes into distance, as a yellow Hummer, blasting music so loudly you'd think it was part of a competition to break the sound barrier, comes careening into the parking lot. The doors swing open, and out hop the NEW OAOAST World Six Man Tag Team Champions, THE HOOLIGANS~!


"Awwww yeah, it's about to go down TONIGHT, dawg!" mouths Jamie O'Hara, who is walking with a slight limp, as these three were all put through hell Sunday night during the first ever Ultimate Punishment matchup.


The trio starts to walk into the arena, when all of a sudden...




"Are there three people yelling at us?" asks Static, incredulously.


Sure enough, their are, as Nick, Rick, and Dick Garner, The Triple Threat, are in the parking lot, their first appearance since being vanquished by The Wildcards a while ago, losing the World Six Man Titles in the process.


"Well look what we have here, it's the cast of Multiplicity!" quips Static, drawing the ire of the triplets. "What can we do for you...and you...and you?"






"AND WE WANT THEM BACK" all three Garners shout.


The Hooligans just look at each other, and Jax and O'Hara are ready to go, but Static remains diplomatic.


"Guys...we've just been through hell. We've been cut, tossed, thrown, slammed, scraped, burned, broken, and we're sore. So...if you want these belts..."


Static takes his strap, holding it in both hands, and looking down at it.


"...you can HAVE THEM!"


Static lunges forward, blasting Rick Garner with a beltshot and knocking him to the concrete! The remaining members of both teams jump forward, leaping into action, as a donnybrook has broken out in the parking lot! Security rushes out of the arena, quickly forming a wall between the two teams, as Nick and Dick help their brother up, who is now bleeding from above the eye.




"WE'RE COMIN' BACK FOR YOU!" growls Dick.


"All right, Mary, Kate, and Ashley, we'll see you soon." says Static, causing Jax to laugh out loud.


"Frickin' A, the bloody clone clan grew their pairs now haven't they?" asks O'Hara.


"Yeah, well we'll see if they got 'em next week when we're all nice and refreshed."


"...that reminds me, Scotty."


"Sup, J-Dawg?"


"If they gave us the night off...what the hell we doin' at the bloody arena anyways?"


Static looks at Jax, who looks at O'Hara, who looks back to Static. Simultaneously, all three shrug, and start heading back for their truck, shouting as they go on their way...



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