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Zack Malibu

Hooligans vs. The Triple Threat

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As we return to the live feed of wrestling action, we're greeted by Korn's blaring rendition of "Word Up", as the OAOAST's very own set of wrasslin' triplets, The Garners, have hit ringside ready for action.



Welcome back fans, you're just in time for World Six Man Tag Team Title action, as a challenge laid out two weeks ago gets answered tonight. After defeating The Wildcards at the Great Angle Bash, The Hooligans have found themselves chased by former World Six Man Tag Team Champions The Triple Threat, the trio of triplets Nick, Rick, and Dick Garner.



...and my boys ain't scurred o' nothin'!



It's evident that The Hooligans aren't intimidated by anyone, as their wars with The Wildcards have proven. Still, The Garners threw down the gauntlet. They want their titles back, and they're looking to reclaim them tonight!


Looking hyped for their chance at regaining the belts they feel they established, The Garners work themselves up further while all eyes are on the entrance ramp, the music of The Triple Threat having now faded away.


Moments later, "Make Her Say" hits, and after having been on the receiving end of the fans venom up until recently, it's all null and void tonight, as The Hooligans get a HYOOGE pop when they step out on the ramp!



Much like they proved their worth by not backing down from the sadistic Wildcards, they've also managed to get the crowd behind them!


Scotty Static and Johnny Jax step out first, brandishing 40 oz. beers in one hand, and their World Six Man Titles draped over their shoulders. They stand facing the crowd and start chugging as Jamie O'Hara walks out, his belt strapped firmly around his waist as he stands in the middle of the GPX with his arms folded in front of him. Static and Jax then reach back and hand their belts to O'Hara, who then cocks his head back and extends his arms, holding a belt in each hand, as the GPX pour the remainder of their beers down his throat!



Now THAT'S how you take a drink! None o' that sissy boy martini sipping!



Are you shooting?



Like a Duck Hunt player, playa!


Now that they're tipsy, The Hooligans walk to the ring (O'Hara still carrying all three belts) as the GPX charge down the aisle first, sliding into the ring right into an assault by the Triple Threat! Nick, Dick and Rick pounce on the former World Tag Team Champions until O'Hara puts the title belts aside and leaps to the apron, springboarding into the ring with a corkscrew crossbody that wipes out all three of the Garners!



That's a way to make an entrance!


Now that all six men are involved, they pair off with each other, as each Hooligan picks a Garner and stays on him. O'Hara beats on one of the triplets with forearms across the back, until he pulls him up and catches a thumb to the eye, which allows whatever Garner it is he's been brawling with to take advantage, and hurl him through the ropes! O'Hara splats on the floor, while Johnny Jax finds himself dumped over the top rope across the ring, leaving Scotty Static at the mercy of all three Garners.



We got no intro's for The Hooligans...and did we even get a bell?





We did now!


With the match "officially" underway, the former World Six Man Tag Team Champions pound on Static and then send him to the ropes, catching him with a double hiptoss but then catching his legs, flipping him back over to a vertical base as Nick Garner comes off the ropes with a front dropkick that floors Scotty! Dick and Rick then put the boots to Static as referee Nick Patrick makes a valiant attempt to restore order...only to be shoved to the canvas by Nick Garner!



Keep that up and they're not going to be getting their World Six Man Tag Team Championships back anytime soon!


Patrick gets up immediately and chastises Nick, while Dick and Rick turn away from Static to be met with a jump spinning roundhouse and a Yakuza kick respectively, as O'Hara and Jax burst back into the ring! Each of those Garners roll out under the bottom rope, while Nick comes swinging at Jax, only to be caught, and drilled with a hard full nelson slam! Static springs off the middle rope and hits a twisting somersault legdrop on the cocky clone, while O'Hara comes from the apron onto the top rope, springboarding in with a 450 splash! He covers...






...and has the count broken up by Dick, who reaches in and yanks the lanky Brit off of his brother!



These Garners got their game faces on tonight!


Seeing what's happened, Jax saves the day for O'Hara by blasting Dick with a baseball slide, then rolling back into the ring and launching himself onto him with a pescado! Rick hops up on the apron as well, but it's Static who catches him, and he runs and kicks off the middle rope, turning his body to hit a diving lariat that knocks him back down to the floor! Meanwhile, Nick is up, but O'Hara comes behind him with a sleeper, only to be snapmared onto his back and have the attempt broken up. Static charges, but Nick sees it coming and snares him in mid-charge, twisting around and drilling him hard with a spinebuster, then getting to his feet to gloat about it. He looks over and sees Jax on the apron, but smiles as brother Dick yanks Jax off by the ankles, and then tosses him backwards against the guardrail!



You can see that they're trying to break The Hooligans down, and isolate one of them, but that's tough to do especially with someone as quick as O'Hara on the team!


Nick motion for Dick to climb back into the ring, as he sends Static to the corner, where The Hooligans most vocal member crashes hard. Dick gets back up on the apron, but Jax pulls him off the apron and onto his shoulders, backing away from the ring with the triplet sitting on top of him...which O'Hara notices and comes over, slingshotting up onto the rope and hitting a springboard rana OFF OF JAX'S SHOULDERS AND TO THE FLOOR!



DAMN J, nice!






Nick, who has climbed up to the middle rope to superplex Static, is stunned as he watches his brother get snapped to the ringside floor, and that extra second is all Static needed to slip free. Trapping his arms, Static applies a butterfly lock and lifts as he shifts his feet off the turnbuckles...





That a double dose of insanity from The Hooligans tonight!


The lone Garner left, Rick, tries to slide in and break the ensuing count, but he's yanked outside by O'Hara, leaving him prone for one of Jax's patented Yakuza kicks, as Nick Patrick makes the count in the ring.









And just like that, it's over!



Oh they are over, baby!



Nice play on words Coach...and the same can be said for The Garners as well, albeit it in an entirely different way. They've been humbled quite a bit in recent weeks, and it may be a while before they decide to show their faces around here again!


As "Make Her Say" plays again, the frenzied crowd applauds the victory from the three streetwise superstars, watching on happily as they give each other their props.



Ladies and gentlemen, your winners, and STILL OAOAST World Six Man Tag Team Champions...THE HOOOOOOOOOOLIGAAAANSSSS!


The Hooligans exit the ring, each one going to reclaim his championship belt, and as they head up the ramp Jax and Static stop to pick up their 40 oz. bottles...although Static doesn't get a chance to see what's left, as O'Hara snags his bottle and darts backstage!



Haha! Looks like J can't wait to get his party on!



It'll be a victory party indeed tonight for The Hooligans, and we'll have more action for you right after this!

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