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HD: Tag Title - Black T vs. Heavenly Rockers

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No post-match drama, only match.


CUE: "Quiet" by the Smashing Pumpkins

A thick cloud of black smoke fills the entranceway, marking the arrival of Black T who are met by a considerable amount of cheers. In the unfamiliar role of challenger, the duo dubbed the "Trans-Atlantic Wrecking" maintain that cool and confident march to the ring. They understand the importance of tonight's match, one they likely won't see again until July 30th at Syndicated. Speaking of which...

* SWOOP~! *


Hi, everyone. Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura from OAOAST Syndicated here to bring you the next match on HeldDOWN~!, and what a big match it is, Jesse Ventura. 

You got arguably the greatest tag team in OAOAST history, Black T, going up against the self-proclaimed greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all time, the Heavenly Rockers, for the tag team championship of the world. It's almost as big as the 10-man tag set for Syndicated, July 30th. 

After the horrible event that took place earlier tonight involving Bill Watts, more like a 5-on-4 handicap match come July 30th, Jesse. 

Hey, you know what? I have no interest in the outcome of the 10-man at Syndicated because my checks are signed by TSM, so no matter who controls the OAOAST after July 30th I still get paid, but Watts got what he had coming, Schiavone. He never should of tried to compete with the younger generation. The wrestlers of today are bigger, stronger, nastier and dirtier. You'd never see a guy from my generation try to compete with the wrestlers of today, [i]brother[/i]. 

CUE: "Heart-Shaped Box"


Oh, yeah! That ovation can only mean one thing...

The Body is here. 

No, the Heavenly Rrrrockers!

The Heavenly Rockers and Holly-Wood appear on the multi-colored lit stage. No lime speedos this week. Synth and Logan back to sporting their leather jackets and pants. In a light-hearted moment, an overly ambiguous male fan showers Logan and Holly with rice. Unlike Lolly, security isn't amused. The fan is restrained and escorted out of the premises. Synth and Logan soak in the madness from the crowd, posing on the turnbuckles while never letting their eyes off Black T. A singular white spotlight beams down on Michael Buffer as he takes center stage.


LLLLLLadies and gentlemen, your attention please. The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the ONE & ONLY ANGLESAULT THREAD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD! Your referee for the bout...multi-time European Referee of the Year, Sir Miles Manchester. Are you ready? Wrestling fans, ARE...YOU...RRRRREADY? 


Then for the thousands in attendence and the millions watching live on TSM...ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO RRRRRUUUUMBLLLLLLLE!


Introducing first, the challengers...considered by many the greatest tag team in OAOAST history, weighing in tonight at 502 pounds, the former three-time professional wrestling tag team champions of the woooooorld, the Trans-Atlantic Wrecking Crew..."THE ICE HEART" DAN BLACK and TONY BRANNIGAN...BLACK TEEEEEEEEEEEE! 


Dan and Tony stand back-to-back, slowly opening their robes as they rotate in a circular motion to display their bodies to the masses. They wipe the beads of sweat on their foreheads and flick them in the direction of the Heavenly Rockers and Holly-Wood for shits and giggles. (They're heeling it up tonight, folks. You can cheer them July 30th.) 

And their opponents, accompanied by their manager HOLLY-WOOD...from Sin City, total combine weight of 445 pounds, the greatest rock 'n' wrestling band of all time and the reigning TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOOOORLD...THE HEAVENLY RRRRRRROOOOOOOCKERRRRRRRSSSSSSS! 


Nobody does introductions like Michael Buffer. 

Absolutely. But I gotta say, I'm disappointed with the reaction for Black T. Here they are fighting for their company, and the only one's who really understood how big of a threat the OAOAST was under, and they're getting booed? That's like spiting in the face of a solider just back from Iraq or Afganistan. No matter your political view, you put it aside for the men and female putting their life on the line. 

Point well taken, although I'm not sure I'd put it like that. We are in the hometown of the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame, you know. 

Synth and Logan bounce from pillar-to-post, amping up the crowd. They unstrap the tag belts from around their waists and hand them over to referee Miles Manchester, only for Black T to pry 'em away. Despite being fan favorites in their grudge against Axel, Drek Stone and Hoff, Black T are heavily booed for their actions. The Trans-Atlantic Wrecking Crew pose with the belts in front of Synth and Logan, no respect for the champions whatsoever. 

Ha ha. You gotta love it, Schiavone. The mind games already being played. 

Black T learn Synth and Logan aren't here to play, throwing their jackets in the faces of Dan and Tony! All 4 men burn holes through each other as Miles intervenes, ordering both sides to their corners. 

Miles Manchester, one of the all time great referees in the sport, showing why he's still going strong all these years later, taking control of the situation. Looks like we're ready to go with Dan Black and Logan Mann starting for their teams. 


Dan and Logan lean in and lock up in the center of the ring. Dan Black leaving Mann spaghetti-legged following a brutal European uppercut. Into the corner goes Logan, meeting face to face with the top turnbuckle. Black viciously chops Logan in the corner until his chest turns into the color of ground beef. Irish whip to the far corner, Black charging in but hitting nothing but turnbuckle as Logan swings over the top and nails the Ice Heart with a top rope double-axehandle smash! Mann goes for the cover, but sudden takes a quick left and levels Tony Brannigan with a running elbow! Dan attacks from the blindside, bur Logan sees him and throws a WICKED LEFT HOOK~! Black ducks and wraps up Mann for one of his many suplex varations, a German Suplex. But Logan lands on his feet and tags Synth. DOUBLE SYNCHRONIZED DROPKICK! The Heveanly Rockers rocking and rolling. Tony Brannigan not faring any better than his partner, the recipent of a double hip-toss and synchronized dropkick. Black hurries in, and is launched into Brannigan, the two tumbling over the top rope to the floor! 

Black T need a time-out. 

Right on cue, Dan and Tony call for time. And like a well-oiled machine...

There aren't any time outs in wrestling, Jesse. 

Their IQ double that of Stephen Hawking, Black T create a makeshift time out by stalling. They revise their game plan and ready themselves for more intense action. Tony Brannigan replacing Dan Black as the legal man, flaunts both biceps, as if that's somehow supposed to impress or intimidate Synth. The Synthmeister returns the favor, popping the crowd by flexing his rather scrawny arms compared to Brannigan. As Synth quickly finds out -- you don't tug on Superman's cape, spit in the air, or mock another man's biceps. Tony stuns Synth with a kneelift to the midsection, then connects with forearm shots that rattles the rock star. Synth shot off to the ropes and decked by a back elbow from the former World Champion. Synth's sternum victimized by a number of power forearm drops, Brannigan scooping him up and firing the Synthmeister into the corner. He gets a big surprise as he charges in...a back elbow to the jaw! Synth leaps onto the middle turnbuckle and jumps off, delivering a SECOND ROPE ELBOW DROP!




Synth brings Tony up in an armbar and drags him over to the Heavenly Rockers corner, he and Logan utilizing a series of quick tags to weaken the arm of Brannigan with axehandle smashes. Full armdrag and twist into an armdrag takeover, Logan Mann using an armbar to ground his much larger opponent. The veteran that he is, Tony Brannigan doesn't panic -- he gets cagey. Brannigan returns to his feet, grimacing due to the annoyance from the armbar, and lures Logan into the Black T corner, but before he and Dan can engage in some ass-kicking Logan battles his way out. 

Right, left. Bionic elbow, right jab. Logan Mann a house afire! 

Tony reverses Mann's Irish whip attempt, nearly stumbling over in the process. Which just so happens to coincide with a blind tag from the Heavenly Rockers. Such subtly. Sunset flip fails to bring Tony down as Synth enters. Brannigan avoids contact with Synth, the Synthmeister leapfrogging over and sliding through Tony's legs on the rebound, doubling over the big man with a kick to the gut as he lifts Logan up in a choke, causing him to release Mann by his side. The fans rise in unison as the Heavenly Rockers prepare to play some PERCUSSION, but not if Dan Black has his way. The Ice Heart rushing to the aid of his partner, he and Tony butting heads after Synth and Logan shove Brannigan back into him! Dan rolls onto the apron to shake off the cobwebs. Synth looks to capitalized by sending Brannigan in for the ride, but Tony counters and it's Synth who takes the ride across town. The wrong side of town. Black putting the knee up as Synth hits the ropes, jabbing it into the lower back of the Synthmeister. If Synth ventured into the wrong side of town, he now finds himself in a dark alley. Tony buys himself a breather by tossing Synth outside, which also gives Dan Black a chance to physically dissect the Synth-a-nator. 

Oh, is Synth in a bad spot now. 

Tony Brannigan distracting the referee while Dan Black pumpels Synth on the arena floor! That isn't right. Miles Manchester having to restrain an understandably irate Logan Mann. 

Synth rammed shoulder-first into just about every piece of steel outside -- guardrail, ringpost, ring steps, etc. Dan nonchalantly rolls Synth back into the ring, dusting his hands as he climbs back onto the apron with a haunting smirk etched on his face. Tony Brannigan drives the knee into the side of the head prior to tagging out. Black doesn't hesitate with his next move, dragging Synth to the corner and WHACKING the right arm into the side of the RINGPOST!

Ah, shit! 

Synth flops like a fish out of water, once again finding that injury prone right arm in pain. Black relentless in his attack, thrusting Synth through the middle and top turnbuckles, driving the shoulder again into the ringpost! The focus remains on the arm, Dan delivering a picture-perfect shoulderbreaker before locking on a short-arm scissors. Logan and Holly rally the crowd. 


That gets the old adreanline flowing. Synth rolling onto his back, crotching over Dan to relive some of the pain. Kicks to the head leave Dan unfazed, Synth forced to try a new line of attack. And he does, grinding the bottom of the boot into the left eye until Black breaks the hold! Synth steps over Dan's body to near his corner, only to have his foot grabbed. Dan uses Synth's body to pull himself up, hammering the back of the neck with forearm smashes. Black scoopes Synth off the ground for a back suplex, but Synth floats over and locks on a DRAGON SLEEPER! Dan kicks his arms and legs in the air, desperately trying to escape the clutches of a move he knows all too well. On the verge of going down, Dan is saved by Tony Brannigan, whose clothesline shifts the momentum over to Dan who places Synth in the dragon sleeper! 

He's got locked on and locked on good, Schiavone. 

Last month we talked about how the Great Angle Bash hadn't been kind to the incumbent World Tag Team Champions. The same can be said for HeldDOWN~! in the summertime, as the tag team championship has changed hands on this very program the past few years. 

And it's looking more and more like that tradition will continue. Synth going out of it. 

Miles checks Synth, raising the arm up...and down. 


Arm goes up, arm goes down again. 


One more and it's over. New champions. 


The ROAR of the crowd says it all. Synth rising up to his feet, pumping his fists in a drumming motion. Knee strikes to the forehead doesn't break the hold, nor do closed fists to the side of the head. Dan allows Synth to roam around while trapped in the clutches of the dragon sleeper, letting him waste some of his energy. He cranks the pressure back on when Synth makes a play towards his corner. Trapped again in the center of the ring, Synth positions himself to where he can see the turnbuckle, cradles Dan's neck and blindly shuffles his feet forward, climbing up the turnbuckles and flipping over, planting Black into the canvas with an INVERTED DDT!

Whoa, unbelievable! 

My God! I've seen it and I still don't believe it. What a counter. But it also took a lot out of Synth. 

Synth musters up whatever strength he has left and drapes his arm over Dan. 


Synth's right arm gives away after making contact with Dan's chest, the pain shooting through his entire body. Under no threat from Synth Dan easily makes a tag, telling Brannigan to "finish him off." Tony gets in a few more kicks before picking Synth up and whipping him to the ropes. OUT OF BODY EX-- NO! Synth telegraphs the Out of Body Experience spinebuster, floating over the top and driving Tony into the ropes...but Brannigan bumps into the referee, sending senior citizen Miles Manchester out to the floor as Synth rolls Tony back. 

One, two, three, four, five. 

Yeah, but the referee don't see. 

And from the looks of it, he may be hurt. 

Miles is seen holding onto his hip, grimacing in pain. Holly checks on the old man, signaling for help from the back. Meanwhile, the action continues inside the ring. Tony kicks out of the roll-up with authority, shoving Synth into the ropes. The Synthmeister leapfrogs Brannigan on the rebound, stopping in his tracks and spinning Tony around...PERCUSSION DDT!!! 


There it is! But there's still no referee. 

That changes as Lolly help Miles up and roll him back inside. Miles builds up the suspense by slowly crawling over to Synth and Tony, selling the hip injury like a champ. 

What's this? There's gotta be some ethics violations here. I mean, this is close to bribery. Logan and Holly are trying to score points with the referee. 





Dan Black with the save out of nowhere! How about that? 

Black and Logan get into it, exchanging a couple of blows before Miles wraps Logan up from his knees, still doing his job despite a possible broken hip. With the ref's attention on Logan, Dan drags Tony all the way over to their corner and tags himself in. Black charges and is brought down by a drop toehold, Synth riding Dan like an amatuer wrestler would, placing Black in a front facelock as he brings him up to his feet...TWIRLING THE FINGER OF DEATH~! But Dan is determine not to go down easily, unleashing a round of knee strikes to the midsection, then goes for the Heart of Ice, but Synth fights it and rolls through. Both men up on their feet, Black takeing Synth over in a side headlock. Synth scissors the head, Dan countering by floating on top. 



THR-- Synth beautifully BRIDGES UP AND UNDER... NO! His right arm gives away and Dan immediately seizes the opportunity, bringing the Synthmeister down to the canvas in the "HEART OF ICE" CROSSFACE!

(screaming at the top of his lungs)
Heart of Ice! Heart of Ice! Heart..of...Ice! 

The fans are on their feet and cheering not so much because they love Black T, but rather the possibilty of witnessing a title change. Synth refusing to quit. His eyes increasing becoming heavy. 

This guy is a glutton for punishment, Schiavone. I've never seen anyone last this long in the Heart of Ice. 

The tag titles mean so much to that young man, Jesse. The Heavenly Rockers have endured a lot to get to where they are now. If they lose the belts, they'll die trying. 


Wha...Is that--Is that who I think it is?!

It is! 

AXEL, HOFF and DREK STONE force their way through the crowd and over the guardrail. Unware of what's coming up behind her Holly accidently bumps into Drek Stone, who gives her a wink and a love pat on the BUTT! Holly's like, "Oh, no, you didn't," jumping on Stone's back, clawing at his eyes. Enough of the foreplay says Drek, wrapping his arm around Holly's neck. He slings her over his shoulder... 


Oh, m...Oh, my God. 


It's gotten out of hand now, Tony. 

Logan wonders what the fuss is about, checking his surrounds when he spots Drek Stone walking away from Holly, lifeless across the steel steps. Mann loses it. In a fit of rage and with no regard for his well being, Logan wipes Drek out with a slingshot crossbody! Wielding a STEEL CHAIR Hoff wallops Mann, knocking him off Drek. The two former World Champions lay a beating on Logan until another former World Champion enters the picture. Tony Brannigan tackles Drek Stone to the ground and wails away. Hoff gets in on the action, pumpeling Tony from behind while Logan attends to Holly, sobbing like a little bitch as EMTs arrive on the scene. Up on the apron, OAOAST Presidential hopeful Axel ganers the attention of both the referee and Dan Black just as Synth seemingly passes out from the pain. Axel is caught by surprise when Dan breaks the crossface and slugs him! 

Who's your daddy, Axel? 

Axel lies on the floor, woozy. Logan Mann helping EMTs wheel Holly backstage on a stretcher. The timekeeper going berserk in the background. But why? In the ring, Dan signals the end is near with the slashing of the throat. He scales the turnbuckles, giving himself a few seconds to properly blance himself on the top rope knowing Synth is unconscious. In case you've forgotten, this is wrestling. Nothing is certain, as we learn why the timekeeper was going out of his mind moments ago. Drek Stone slides the RING BELL into the ring, the wooden edge smacking Synth upside the head, causing the Synthmeister to turn just an inch to his left as Dan soars off the top...

* DING *



Axel and his boys flee, dumping a battered Tony Brannigan over the guardrail. Dan and Synth laid out next to each other, neither in good condition. Synth leans his head on Dan's right shoulder, which is a good enough cover for the man who puts the "senior" in senior offical, Miles Manchester. 





The winners of the match and STILL the OAOAST World Tag Team Champions... THE HEAVENLY ROCKERS!

"Heart-Shaped Box" cues up to a mixed reaction. Fans pissed Axel, Drek Stone and Hoff played a huge role in the outcome of the match. Miles Manchester crawling on his belly to place the tag titles on Synth, raising the left arm in victory. The ring is again surrounded by EMTs and officials to help Miles and Synth, who have to avoid the debris being hurled in the ring. 

Axel, Hoff and Drek Stone have done it again, Jesse. First they eliminated Bill Watts from the big 10-man tag at Syndicated, then they inexplicably took out Holly, now they can add screwing Black T out of the World tag team titles. I can't believe I'm siding with Black T, but they had no business out here. None. To be quite blunt, this shit's gotta stop! 

You gotta feel sorry for Logan and Holly. Their relationship is more tragic than Love Story. 

Now is not the time to be cracking jokes, Jesse. 

I'm just calling it like it is. The only thing that got cracked here tonight was Holly's skull. One of the most devastating moves I have ever seen in my career as a wrestler or broadcaster, a Stonecutter on the steel ring steps. Wow. 

Fans, we gotta take a break or something. We hope to have an update on Holly-Wood later on the show. If not, be sure to check out OAOAST.com or the OAOAST Hot Newzline at 1-900-555-4OAO. We'll be back.

Edited by Tony149

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