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Zack Malibu

Malibu promo for HD

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We're back folks, and you know, Coach, the Beverly Hills Blondes aren't the only superstars of ours hanging out in the Land of the Rising Sun.



Mikey Cole, I know that look, and I think I know what you're gettin' at...



Fans, forget the hyperbole spewed by The Wildcards. Forget the word "fear", because it is not one that exists for this man. Forget...actually, forget talking about it, we're gonna go right to the footage sent to us personally by ZACK MALIBU!


*The screen flickers, and then goes staticy, filling with snow, before a black and white, slowed down piece of footage starts airing. It's footage of Zack Malibu watching on as Bloodshed ravages Scotty Static, back at The Wildcards' debut at Living Angleously this past year.*


"You broke your promise. You made your word mean nothing to me anymore."


Another flickering of the screen brings up more static, until it's replaced with quick shots in succession of OAOAST Superstars, notably James Blonde, Faqu, and The Hooligans, questioning Malibu's actions in bringing Bruce Blank, Bloodshed and Todd Cortez into the OAOAST.


"You destroyed my reputation, and ruined the bond I had with my own company."


The screen flickers again, replacing that footage with footage of The Wildcards trapping Zack Malibu inside a steel cage, and laying waist to him.


"You beat me. Bloodied me. Left me for dead."


Another snowy transition into old footage, as this time the pummelling of Caboose at the hands of Bruce Blank is shown.


"You attacked my mentor, and put him out of the business he loves."


More static, and this time it's not old, black and white footage. This time it's live and in living color, as Zack Malibu is starting deep into the camera.


"All those things...turning your back on me. Destroying my credibility, my reputation...tearing apart the company I helped build from the inside out...putting my best friend in the business out on a forced retirement, nearly maiming him in the process...and you think I'm AFRAID of you, Bruce Blank? Did you think I wouldn't come after you? Some say it was too soon. I say it wasn't soon enough. Some think I'm afraid because I haven't shown my face in a few weeks. Does that keep you on edge? Or does it make you feel victorious, thinking I've tucked tail and ran away? I'm not afraid of you, Bruce. Right now I'm in Japan, honoring my commitments to HI-YAH that were made long before you were a part of my life, because that's what I am. A man of honor...something that you've challenged by doing what you've done to me. Because I'm not here much longer...I'll be back stateside in just under two weeks, and when I am...I'm coming back for you, in any way I can. You think I'm hiding from you? You think I fear you? AFTER WHAT YOU DID, DO YOU THINK I WOULDN'T COME FOR YOU? It's YOUR turn, Bruce. It's YOUR turn to suffer. I might not be able to make you feel in that black heart of yours the pain I've felt in mine, but I can hurt you. Make you ache...make you bleed...make you SCREAM IN AGONY...because I brought this on myself, and it's my cross to bear. It's not about redemption, Bruce. Not retribution, either...no no, it's more than that. It's about loss. Losing something you hold dear to you. You've gone after my friends, my company...what do I have to lose? Nothing anymore. You, on the other hand? It's not about your career. It's not about the SWF. It's that when I get back, I'm going to make you hurt, worse than ever before. I'm going to make the King of Pain BEG FOR MERCY, and when I do...what'll you have left? The aura...the traits that make you what you are...the heartless monster that I opened my door to...it'll all be gone. No one will fear you anymore, Bruce Blank, because I'll humanize you. It's just like every horror movie ending, when the killing spree of the monster catches up to him, and he's got to own up to it. For The Hooligans, for Caboose, for Faqu and James Blonde...for everyone that has had their blood spilt, their heads split open, their bones cracked and broken for what I've done by bringing you into the OAOAST...most importantly, for myself...if for anything, just peace of mind...I'm not going to rest until you're finished. You can break my bones, make me bleed buckets, leave me for dead inside or outside any arena in the WORLD, Bruce...but I'm not going to stop. If I can't walk, I'll crawl to you. If I can't punch, I'll bite...I WILL DO WHATEVER I HAVE TO DO AS LONG AS THEIR IS A BREATH LEFT IN ME TO TAKE YOU OUT...and if you can't wait, Bruce...if you can't wait for me to come back to the US...you know where to find me."


Malibu, face red with rage, fumes as the camera closes in, the shot getting tighter until it's just of his eyes, and when he tilts his head downward, the screen closes, fading to black.

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