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Guest Dangerous A

Where the fuck in Angle-plex?

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I never got that 'aboot' joke. I have no one up here say that...but, meh, oh well.

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Yeah, and maybe the tops of our heads aren't attached to the bottoms.

[marine mode]What the Fuck are you talking about, no one told you to post![/marine mode]



Really, what does that mean?

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Guest treble charged
I never got that 'aboot' joke. I have no one up here say that...but, meh, oh well.

Actually, I had a math teacher one time who said "aboot", but he's the only one I've ever really run across.


And Mario, it's a South Park joke.

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I never got that 'aboot' joke. I have no one up here say that...but, meh, oh well.

Actually, I had a math teacher one time who said "aboot", but he's the only one I've ever really run across.


And Mario, it's a South Park joke.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh........  Thanks, TC!

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Guest Anglesault
I may have to defend prejudiced bastards who don't belong in America.  


Who might that be?

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I may have to defend prejudiced bastards who don't belong in America.  


I can't think of anyone that lives in America that is preduce. j/k

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I may have to defend prejudiced bastards who don't belong in America.  


Who might that be?

KKK, Neo-Nazis, ethnocentric people.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Need I remind everyone of who made the most progress on D-Day?

Why Gee whiz I think that was canada eh?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
I never got that 'aboot' joke. I have no one up here say that...but, meh, oh well.

Actually, I had a math teacher one time who said "aboot", but he's the only one I've ever really run across.


And Mario, it's a South Park joke.

I know lot's of people that talk like that. but they're all Newfies.

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Not to pick sides here, or get anyone pissed off, but I'm going  be Pro-US here.

Canada is like the annoying younger brother of the US. You know, the kind that bugs the older brother when he's with his friends and wants to follow the older brother everywhere?

Canada: "Hey! Hey! What're you doin down there eh?"

US: "We're going to war!"

Canda: "GASP!.....can we come too?"


Now, Canada does produce the best hockey players (but who watches hockey?) and the best wrestlers (who get destroyed and depushed) and the best damn beer in the world (...nevermind, I actually like their beer).


I guess what I'm trying to say is......OHHHH SAY CAN YOU SEE.....

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

pah. i'd have more respect for the american armed forces if they didn't kill so many of their allies.

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pah. i'd have more respect for the american armed forces if they didn't kill so many of their allies.


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Guest Anglesault
pah. i'd have more respect for the american armed forces if they didn't kill so many of their allies.


Yeah, we've really got to get a handle on that shit. And if it's not allies, it's like an orphanage. We have horrible luck.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

really. you must have heard about the 4 canadian soldiers killed by the Americans in Afghanastan? The canadians we're on Night Exercises and the americans dropped a bomb on them.


and there have always been alligations that American troops killed allies in 'friendly fire' incidents during WWII more than was normal.

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really. you must have heard about the 4 canadian soldiers killed by the Americans in Afghanastan? The canadians we're on Night Exercises and the americans dropped a bomb on them.


and there have always been alligations that American troops killed allies in 'friendly fire' incidents during WWII more than was normal.

Don't blame the Corps, blame the Army, they have all of the weapons.

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Guest Anglesault

I've got MONEY on us accidently bombing an old age home within the year. That's really the only sucky part of American armed forces.

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I've got MONEY on us accidently bombing an old age home within the year. That's really the only sucky part of American armed forces.

Like I'm saying, the Army sucks.  The Marines get everything right.

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Well if they're letting you in.....how right can they be?


Um...those Canadians would still be alive if they didn't walk in the path of the bomb. Yeah, that's it. They walked in the path of the bomb. Totally their fault.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

it's the reliance on technology. I can't count the number of times you here storys about American Smart bombs going awry and hitting a civilian building.


Canada has for the most part older military equipment. The older stuff is more durible, and it's plus's and minus's are well documented so in some ways we're lucky we don't have the latest stuff.

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::Lord Samhaine blasts CWM with a psychic energy blast, sending him to Vanilla Midgets land::

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Reliance on technology has its minuses, seeing as how our entire economy can be brought to its knees by a simple computer crash....but if you're in a war, who do you think is going to win: the guys who charge at you wth sticks or the guys who drop laser-guided bombs? It's all about who has the weapons of mass destruction. Advantage: USA. (Actually, Russia has more nuclear warheads than we do, but that's another story)


Canada, on the other hand, relies more on peace-keeping missions, where they seem to excell rather well. And to whomever said that the US waited until the last possible minute to enter WWII....the US had an isolationist attitude waaaay before the war started, and we were provoked into entering it. The German ambassador in Mexico was recieving messages from Gemany telling Mexico to declare war on the US. In exchange for this, Germany was going to give Mexico back it's old territories (California, Arizona, Texas, etc.). So the US didn't "wait" to enter the war, we wanted nothing to do with it until we were provoked by the god damned Germans.

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Reliance on technology has its minuses, seeing as how our entire economy can be brought to its knees by a simple computer crash....but if you're in a war, who do you think is going to win: the guys who charge at you wth sticks or the guys who drop laser-guided bombs? It's all about who has the weapons of mass destruction. Advantage: USA. (Actually, Russia has more nuclear warheads than we do, but that's another story)


Canada, on the other hand, relies more on peace-keeping missions, where they seem to excell rather well. And to whomever said that the US waited until the last possible minute to enter WWII....the US had an isolationist attitude waaaay before the war started, and we were provoked into entering it. The German ambassador in Mexico was recieving messages from Gemany telling Mexico to declare war on the US. In exchange for this, Germany was going to give Mexico back it's old territories (California, Arizona, Texas, etc.). So the US didn't "wait" to enter the war, we wanted nothing to do with it until we were provoked by the god damned Germans.

That was the excuse, businessmen were pushing Pres. Wilson to declare War.

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Really? Which ones? Ford spent half a million dollars sending a peace-keeping group over to Europe, it looks like that paid off well.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

they were pushing because war is good for the economy.

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I was under the impression that the US was giving money to Germany years before the war ever occured, so the rest of Europe would buy from them and use the profit to create more products so that other markets would purchase them, thus turning the global economy around, but I may be wrong. And the war cost the US billions of dollars, so how was that good for the economy? Other than making money off of "liberty bonds" how did the US end up making money in the war?

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