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Party Broken up...

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Last night, I traveled half an hour to go to a friend's birthday party. We're getting drunk and people are getting high and having a good time. About a hour after I get there the apartment complex's securitiy gaurd comes up and looks for the person who is having the party but she's in the bathroom, so I go out to talk to him. I only had a few shots so I was still pretty sober.


I go outside and we talk and I guess a neighbor had complained that the noise was to much and the gaurd was suppose to break up the party but decided to just give us a head-ups and to let us know that he wasn't going to break up it but we have to keep it down because if he gets called again he's going to get in trouble for not breaking up the party.


So after he leaves, we try our best to keep it down. There were little points where we got a bit loud but it quited right back down. After a few hours more, I'm sitting on a couch under a girl whose tits are getting played with by another girl and we hear another knock on the door. I get up to answer it, I open the door, and its the same gaurd again but this time he's with a cop. I talk to the both of them and the guard tells me this time we have to break it up and the cop tells me that if he has to come up here again, he'll write tickets for people. I go back in and tell everyone, "for those who are not staying the night, you have to leave now." People start packing up and are leaving. I go back outside and talk to the guard who is still outside. I ask him if he's gotten in trouble, he told me he had and I told him just tell your superviser, it was a bunch of kids who were drunk and just didn't leave. He told me he was going to tell him that.


As I was saying bye to the guard, I noticed a car pulled up and two people were getting out of it, I didn't think anything of it and went back inside. A few minutes later, the two people who came from the car, came inside the apartment and one of them started yelling at everyone! I realized it was the tweaker roommate. She came in and started yelling "Get the fuck out of me house!" and slammed her purse down on the counter. I tried quieting her down but her friend just told me I didn't want to do that....so I did it again. The roommate kept yelling at everyone and just wouldn't shut her mouth, so no one could tell her everything was being taken care of. She actually called my close friend who had just showed up a bitch and my friend was ready to fuck her up. I told my friend to come on and told the girl who had thrown the party, i'm sorry but I can't stay and listen to this and said bye.


Myself and my friend went outside and just hung out for a bit to listen to whats going on. I actually wanted to wait to see if the cop would return again and if he did, I was going to let him know what happen.....even through I was drunk. So after about 10 minutes of being outside (and cold), and after a neighbor came out and went up there and I found out that, that neighbor works for the complex and was going to write them some kind of notice, myself and my friend left. I also got lucky because I drove half an hour home, drunk, and didn't get pulled over or have anything bad happen. Through I will never try to drive home like that again.


I'm glad I left because the tweaker roommate would have just ended up pissing me off and she would have been yelling at and threatening me instead of yelling at her roommate. I always say the wrong thing towards people when they upset me. :D



Anyone else got any having to leave a party stories?

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Wait, you knew this roomate was a crackhead, or methhead, whatever she was, and you were suprised that she flipped out?

Nah, I wasn't surprised about her yelling and I didn't care that she did flip out, thats why I left. If I cared, I would have stayed and would have argued with her and I didn't really know she was a tweaker. Her roommate (birthday girl) told me last week that she was but thats while birthday girl was pist off by the roommate, plus I didn't even know that was her roommate until she came in and started yelling at everyone. I thought her roommate was already at the party and was someone else. Last night was my first night being there.

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My friends and I were visiting our friend who was in film school in LA at the time. Anyways he had gotten us in to a friend's Halloween party in the Mount Olympus section of the Hollywood Hills. Quite literally this had to have been one of the biggest parties I'd ever seen (approximately 2000 people or so I'm told). About 1 AM the music stopped and the DJ said that the LAPD has shown up to break up the party. From the information I got someone had tried to get into a car that looked like their's but belonged to a bouncer and the bouncer tried to steer him to his own car and the person got belligerent and "in the zone" and the bouncer fucked him up, thus the cops were called.

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I was at a party that got broke up by 5-0 last night, too. The girl whose birthday it was actually got arrested, so that was kind of a bummer.


This one guy I know brought his little brother who is like a 10th or 11th grader. He is probably going to be in the world history class that I teach next year, and here I am standing next to him drinking a 40 oz. beer.

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I was at a party that got broke up by 5-0 last night, too. The girl whose birthday it was actually got arrested, so that was kind of a bummer.


This one guy I know brought his little brother who is like a 10th or 11th grader. He is probably going to be in the world history class that I teach next year, and here I am standing next to him drinking a 40 oz. beer.


So teach... how was that 40?



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Guest DRH 502

"Yo this nigga think its the 80's or somethin...yo this the only nigga I know that still drink 40's"--Nas, Belly.

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I've had to flee a pair of parties, actually. Just two.



I just graduated, and my (then) friend Ryan was having a birthday party. I wasn't really that good of friends with him, always thought he was a fucking poseur (he loved Hatebreed and Otep and couldn't stand Toxic Narcotic and Obituary, so I rest my case), but I digress. So everybody's tossing back a couple but me because I didn't feel like it, that and we had to keep quiet because his parents were upstairs (we were in the basement/rec room), and I get loud when I'm drunk and having fun, so I decided against it.

So Ryan had this girlfriend Salina, who is actually the primary reason he hates me so much now (the two of them broke up but, I guess, were on the verge of getting back together, and then I slept with her and he actually broke two of his knuckles from punching a railing just because I walked by and waved to him a month after the fact), and she wasn't having that good of a day. She got in a fight with her mom, she was on the rag, her and her "best friend" were at odds, etc. Ryan also had this fake rubber hand, the kind you'd expect to see either in a low-budget horror movie or a throwback skit on Raw to Mae Young, and it's being passed around. My buddy Petone hands it to me, and I just look at it. I toss it to my (then) friend Jason, and - on a dare - pull a Sandman with a can of root beer all over Ryan's pool table, pissing him off a little bit. Understandable, and I cleaned most of it up, and offered to come by with some cleaning materials to get the rest out of it the next day.

So the hand comes back to me from Jason, and he's laughing hysterically about it. I ask what's so funny, and he goes "it was just down my pants and on my taint." I go "FUCK!" and toss it to my side. And, of course, Salina - already in a pissy mood - is sitting 10 feet away from me. To the side that I threw the hand. 1 + 1 = 2, and the hand hit her in the face. Pretty hard, too, it sounded like a smack from a real hand. She pouts, begins crying, and runs out of the house, all the while I'm apologizing to her. Ryan flips and chases after her, and I chill for a minute or two to make sure everybody there knew it was an accident, and then go outside to check up on her.

Ryan walks right up to me and goes "you better go fucking apologize now, or I'm kicking your ass." First off, Ryan is shorter than me by a good 5 inches. I probably outweigh him by 20 pounds. I also run faster than he does, and used to slam my head into lockers just for fun while walking the halls in-between classes. I go over and talk to her for a little bit, and she's still pouting and going "it's okay, it was an accident, I've just had a shitty day," and Ryan starts cracking his knuckles. I don't wanna get into a fight with a kid on his birthday at his house, especially since I wasn't friends with half of the people there, so I say goodbye and me and Petone head home.


And the Petone connection...

My buddy Petone's sister is a fucking cunt. A REAL fucking cunt. She's one of the ugliest people I've ever met in every sense of the word. Physically she's atrocious, but I'm very able to look past that if they're a good person. I'd say half of my friends fall under the category of "ugly, but good people." So Petone's folks go away for a week to Vegas, IIRC, and he strikes a deal with his sister. They both work at the same supermarket, and in exchange for not raising a fuss about him having a few people over on Tuesday night and not telling their parents, he'll cover her shift that Friday so she can sneak off to New Hampshire to see Interpol with her friends. They agree, word gets out, and not many people show up.

In total, there was actually 9 people - including Petone - at the house. Myself, Steph, Petone, our friends Crawford and Jackie, Salina, Steph's brother Jon, his friend Chris, and his girlfriend Dee. The only ones in the house were myself, Steph, Crawford, Petone, Jackie, and Salina. The other three remained in the garage at all times, smoking butts and playing guitar while having a couple beers. So his sister gets home, sees all of us out there (and since it was the middle of the summer and we were both a little beyond buzzed and a little before drunk, me and Petone were shirtless), and says "hi" and then goes inside. We don't hear a peep from her for 20 minutes, maybe more, until I try to go inside to use the bathroom.

The bitch locked the garage door on us. We figure okay, it's a force of habit to lock doors to the outside after you walk in, so we knock. And knock. And knock. And then we try the front door. Locked. We knock and knock and knock, and then try the doorbell for a few minutes. It starts raining. We look into the windows and see her on the computer talking to people on AIM. She's listening to her music pretty loud, so maybe she didn't hear us. The phone's right next to her hand, and it's the portable kind that light up when they ring, so we call the house from our cell phones. She looks at the phone, answers it, and once she finds out it's us...she hangs up.

The fucking cunt purposefully locked us out. I'm alright with it, until I realize that all of my shit - my shirt, my car keys, my wallet, etc. - are inside. So is Steph's purse. And Crawford's guitar and amp. And Salina's purse. And Jackie's backpack. So she locks all of our shit inside, and then tells us we have to leave or she's calling the cops. We tell her "fine, it's almost 10, we were all gonna leave at 10, just open the door and let us get our shit." Trying to reason with her. She's not listening. It starts raining - downpoor - so me and Crawford run around looking for windows to break into. He's had to do it before to get back into his own house after his sister or brothers locked him out, so we get one going halfway before we see the burglar alarm, and then put it back together. The last thing we needed was a bunch of cops showing up on suspected burglary to find a bunch of people under 21 (only Crawford was 21 at the time) drinking. So after pounding relentlessly on the garage door for what seemed like forever, I go out front to check the front door again, thinking maybe she unlocked it to check on us, or whatever, and to make sure we weren't trashing shit. I find it: a white trashbag, left half open, with my shit inside it. THE FUCKING CUNT LEFT ALL OF MY SHIT OUT IN THE RAIN.

So now I flip. I start pounding so hard on the door that I had a bruise on the underside of both of my hands for nearly a week. I go back around to the garage door and start trying to just kick it in, but Petone pulls me away and tells me about how much shit he'd get in if his folks came home to find the garage door broken in. We check out front again to see if the rest of our stuff is there, and sure enough: half-open trashbags with the rest of our shit, save for Crawford's guitar and amp. That's fucking it, we've had the last straw.

Steph's brother Jon knows the credit card trick, so I find an old gift card to JC Penney I got from my aunt years ago that I never used, and give it to him. He does the trick, and we hear it unlock, and he starts opening it...but the fucking bitch leans into it. It took Jon, Petone, Crawford, and myself to push against the door to get her to move. Once in, Petone just went inside to yell at her, and Crawford grabbed his guitar and amp. I get right into her face and start yelling, and then Steph goes to slap her before Petone grabs her hand, so she just yells "YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING BITCH!"

I start screaming into her face about how if she had a cock I'd knock her teeth down her throat for being such a cunt, and just glare at her from a few inches away. She tries to act as if she's all tough and gets back in my face going "what, am I supposed to be fucking intimidated?" And I yell back "no, but just remember that when you go to a party where you're drinking," and she cuts me off to tell me "I don't drink, I'm straight edge!" To which I reply "well, when you GROW THE FUCK UP, you'll find out that KARMA IS A FUCKING CUNT!"

And then less than a week later, she posts in her livejournal about how she was scared that we were going to go into the house and steal everything, and how there were 20 drunk kids in the garage doing drugs and dancing naked. There was 9 of us, two of us (two guys) were shirtless because we were skanking in the rain and it was hot as balls out, and the only "drugs" there were nicotine and alcohol.

And then, of course, a month later, she starts gloating to everybody about how drunk she got at a party a few nights ago. Fucking cunt.

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I went to a school with over 3000 students.


Whenever a party happend it wasn't nobody cool having the party, the house would get trashed and everything stolen from.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

We'd just run off in a cornfield or the woods when the cops showed up, trying not to spill the beer we were carrying. Those fucks aren't about to chase kids through mud, and they wouldn't have caught us if they'd tried.

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Christ you're insecure. At least it wasn't Corey's post up there.

Insecure about what excatly?

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My sister had a party where somebody got drunk and tried to drive home, but ended up falling asleep in his car with the door open, so of course the cops sighted this. They came inside and asked my sister if anybody else at the party also lived at the house, and told her everyone who didn't live there had five minutes to get out. Then, for no explainable reason, I started running. I think I was drunk at the time, because I just ran circles around the block until the cops were gone, and got five missed calls on my cell phone of people trying to call me to tell me I could come home.

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