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The OAO 8/18 Smackdown! Thread

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I like how well they built up the Chvo/Rey SummerSlam match tonight on SD! I really don't think that they could have done a better job of getting everyone ready and excited for the match.

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Not a bad show, but hardly any build up for Summer Slam. Granted, SD only has two matches, but still. Rey and Chavo weren't even there and Booker and Batista only had a 30 second scuffle. After tonight's proceedings how could they not add at least a US or Tag title match? Is something on Summer Slam going to a 60-minute draw?


I'm not sure how I feel about Terkay using the Muscle Buster. On one hand, I hate the blatant ripping off of Samoa Joe, but on the other hand it looks a hell of a lot better than his resthold submission.


Finlay/Lashley was good again, minus Lashley doing the one arm vertical with the injured arm. That chair throw made up for it, though. Eat your heart out Sabu.


Oh, and I loved how Rey's "Eddie tribute" package completely ignored his last kayfabe interaction with him. That would be the "Rey has weak sperm and Dominick is Eddie's bastard child" storyline if you forgot.

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I don't see why they couldn't have put UT/Khali on the PPV now. I thought that was a shockingly good match and likely is better than a couple of the matches on the PPV itself (DX/McMahons, Hogan/Orton).


As long as I don't take this Rey/Chavo thing seriously SD is a very good show. It's at least a breath of fresh air compared to the tired nostalgia show/variety show that Raw has become.

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-Lashley throwing the chair to Finlay was the coolest fucking thing I've seen in the WWE in a while. Lashley is just awesome.


-JBL is the best Commentator in Wrestling right now PERIOD!


-Batista spearing Slyvan from out of nowhere was just sweet


-Taker/Khali match was really entertaining.


-I can't wait till Hardcore Holly returns so he can have some kind of interaction with Finlay, either a tag team or a feud. I could see these two having great chemistry either way.


Overall, a solid SmackDown this week.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
After tonight's proceedings how could they not add at least a US or Tag title match? Is something on Summer Slam going to a 60-minute draw?

There's seven big matches on a 3 hour show, they don't have time for any midcard shit.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

Why does Lashley refuse to sell at all? The dude is just terrible.

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